Shadee Elmasry – Blogging Theology on Different Sunni Groups

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses their past experiences with Islam and their current position as a member of the Sun par. They also mention their desire to be a Serozi and their history of anti-Speakism. The speaker also talks about their past experiences with Facebook and their desire to be a member of the social media network.
AI: Transcript ©
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You came into Islam. How have you navigated the different

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contentious? I should say groups within medicine I'm not going to

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say sects, the groups

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that hold one another erroneous within the Sunnah.

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Alison, how have you navigated that? You know, sometimes that's a

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problem for people. Yeah, it was for me I have I have journeyed

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from different positions. And I've now reached a position which I'm

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fairly comfortable with. I came into Islam through the door of

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Sufism. So through guidance work, a lot of British Muslims become

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Muslim through Salafism and I didn't, but through Sufism, and I

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was quite happy there for some time actually been quite anti

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Salafi, I picked up that virus, just because it seemed part of the

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And then because of an event several years ago, a very

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traumatic event, really, I'm not going to go into here, but

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a couple of Salafi friends of mine

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basically saved my faith.

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And I said, look at the issues because

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this is not the right program for this.

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And I gained an appreciate and again, something you yourself

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might perhaps approve of, or many others, but nevertheless, it's why

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I where I'm at, I gained a positive appreciation for many

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aspects of Salafi the Salafi outlook.

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And whether it be the Aqeedah whether it be the handling madhhab

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identify as a family

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and so on as a methodology of the salad.

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But particularly since the my work on BT, I found myself because I

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can't, I can't be although some people would like me to be I can't

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be confessional on the channel, I can't say, Well, you shouldn't be

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X mister Muslim, you should follow this school or that school I can't

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do it is simply wrong. That's not what I do.

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So I've grown to have a very, I find myself agreeing with many

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positions and having a positive appreciation of them. Many people

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will think these positions are irreconcilable. So actually, in

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some ways, I'm quite pro Sufi, I don't mean all Sufi practices, but

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the earlier ones I you know, the self purification the ones I can

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really guide and who was a Sufi instead appreciate him.

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I can also be very pro Salafi and appreciate what some, you know, a

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lot of Salafi works. So I find and when it comes to the, the rulers,

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I can be quite appreciate, like his book Toria, you know, which

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is, you know, very much in favor of a caliphate. And I'm a strong

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believer in the caliphate actually now, as it really key issue for us

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today. And also understand those who oppose this kind of so called,

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you know, the whole issues. So I find myself actually affirming an

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awful lot and denying very little. And I said to a friend of mine

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recently, you know, I'm just being consistent on time. And they said,

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no, no, this is fine. You can it's the other people who think you

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can't appreciate the positive aspects of these things that

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aren't there's not a good place to be. And so I, I affirm a lot of

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Sufism, affirm a lot of Salafi thought I agree with the Aqeedah,

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the Salafi, etc, etc. Even though formally these groups that self

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identify, yeah, maybe very hostile to each other. So Sufis may hate

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selfies, selfies may sit, make massively over generalized

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statements about Sufism, and SMIS. it all? I don't agree with that.

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So I'm actually quite affirming of that I do have do you have a line?

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By the way, I don't affirm modernism. I don't think of

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liberalism at all. So I guess I'm strictly orthodox in my Outlook.

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But within that I have quite a broad understanding of what I

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think is positive. I think in the long term, having a very

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nasty heart towards groups. In the long term. It just hurts you. It's

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one thing to have an opinion. But it's another thing that let that

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root so deeply in a person's heart that they have such a hatred.

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It's one thing to sort of dismiss opinions that you disagree with,

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but that's an opinion and it's not a person. Imam Massoud had dead

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he, he had opinions. He was a scholar. Everyone knows his

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opinions. But he also had a teaching that he wanted all of his

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misdeeds all of his disciples to have a clean heart towards all

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Muslims. And I think that in the long term is extremely important

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to keep someone's Iman you see a lot of people who came off who

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fell off is because they almost were their hearts were at war with

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other groups and eventually, that never leads to anything good.

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