Shadee Elmasry – 9 Bid’a Hasan & Tajribi Knowledge

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to gumpl, including the role of tragedy, food, and the concept of tags. They also touch on the concept of tags and how they relate to the concept of tags.
AI: Transcript ©
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My next question is also somewhat of an old school, but it relates

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to practices

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element to gdb.

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Is that accepted or not as a source? I know you even remember

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that even Taymiyah had a comment on this. He said, sometimes when

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you want your DUA to be Mooster job, you go to one of the old

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masajid that's no longer used, and you give life to it, you print it,

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have admitted gdb 10 gdb means experiential. From the experience

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is the ad dead of vicar. This is a something that comes up a lot, and

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I want to know the hand up somebody's approach to it. For

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example, husband alone emo kid, it's well known that it's spread

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around amongst the many machines that 450 is its number of Salah

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Allah Rasool L for Mara phillium 1000 in a day, is its number.

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Okay, and this is not no one saying that this is NetFlow or Ned

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mandu or anything, but it's to gdb knowledge just like someone says,

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you know 15 setups in the morning 15 At night, okay, it's just

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experience and things like this run five miles a day is becomes a

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weird for many people in the fitness world. Could you comment

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on the role of tragedy be knowledge? This has to do with

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food? Yes. Angry. Previous question also had to do with food.

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I hope when the listeners

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when they when they listen to these things.

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I hope that they do not rush into ringing this quote from this

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Hanbury Shea who rejected something in particular, we are

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talking about food, we also love them.

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Do they reject these ideas? Do they accept them? Can Can this be

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something that doesn't contradict with the humbling phone? This was?

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This somehow was the question

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I haven't handled. And this is mentioned in the books of faith. I

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used to believe that if you write Psalm eight of the Quran, in a

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of water, and give it to the pregnant woman or give it to the

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sick person, this would help. Where is this in the Sunnah. If

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you bring me a hadith, if you bring me that this was done by

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some of

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the companions,

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you will I will give you other examples, from Muhammad himself

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from other from other people, at the time of admission from our

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high Nebula, who

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showed us that you sort of dumb as * can never be contradictory

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with such things, if you tried something, and it resulted in

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another thing.

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And your Aki that is that Allah subhanaw taala is the real DOER of

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I should I shouldn't fear for you, I should feel for the one who

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believes that things have the power almost kind of delegated the

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power in them to act accordingly.

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And they might believe in such things this this is this is the

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interesting, but for for me and for anyone who believes that the

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last panel data is the doer of things. And you know that this is

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the Sunnah of Allah Allah that the unbelievers have doesn't reject

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such things.

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In the end, you might find that Hamdani or to rejecting something

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in particular

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but this doesn't mean that they reject the Constitution. Now and I

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have many examples in my mind, but

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will take a lot of time, but at least this example is enough.

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Which means in that case that there is something known as an if

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we can, we can rename this to gdb

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practice is it a type of Buddha has an event is there such a

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thing? Because it sounds very much similar we're gonna get the same

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results what Imam Muhammad did for example, recite the ads or write

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them in water right the dissolve the ink and water or something

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like this. What else is that besides what we would call better

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it's just that this is an issue of terminology can Yes, it's been a

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hassle. Now I agree. Do the Anabela have something called be

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that Hassan do the HANA Villa that Hannah Bella and we are talking

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about a term in the embodiments term according to those people who

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call themselves an avid now this this is a teacup or fie Stila

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No, we do not have something like that linguistically. Yes, it's a

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bit of a hassle. It's better and it has Yes. Then how many of us

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have Elpida is either disliked or haram prohibited?

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term is a term

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which means that there has been a husband. Yes, linguistically. Yes,

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we agree and

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then what would they call such an action such as whatever the Tamia

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said about going to the or the massages that are out of use or

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Imam Ahmed's use of the verses for pregnancy? What would we what

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would they call that?

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By it, they will give it a ruling they will say this is permissible

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or this is Sunnah, sunnah, they will call it sunnah. They are not,

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they are not restricted. In that case, they do not call it sunnah,

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if it has been done by the prophets, I send them only you

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know, they call it sooner, even if it hasn't been done by the

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prophets on the laurels. Now, and they have they have setup and they

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this was the strongest example Ahmed himself writing the aid. And

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it's and you know, you know, what, what makes it really strong that

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they mentioned this example, in particular, in the books of faith.

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And you open a book of fiction, you see this

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other things

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from Damien,

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and this is not material, but this is not even whatever that the

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origin of added everything, but look at this knowledge. The dad

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knows his

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He knows them. He knows how they are, he knows about them.

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This is not only the law, the composition embodiment of this is

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what you read

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from a Potamia. And even if you write my dad, they said the same

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things and he said more, just enough to remember everything that

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they said. He said even more than this.

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This is not even

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in in direct way. This is weaker than that. And yet they do not

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mind saying such things. As they say you should. And I have many,

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many more examples, but the strongest was one of the amygdala

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who did not

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