The Treaty Of Hudaybiyah

Sajid Ahmed Umar


Channel: Sajid Ahmed Umar

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The transcript is a jumbled mix of words and phrases that appears to be a series of disconnected sentences and phrases. The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and phrases. There is no clear conversation or exchange of information between speakers.

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When you read about Al Hudaybiyyah, you see

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many leadership qualities being manifested again from the

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In terms of his actions,

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how he went about things, in terms of

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his strategy,

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you could see throughout he had the bigger

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in mind. Many of us read Al Hudaybih

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and we think of Umrah.

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But subhanAllah, if you think, if you try

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sit behind the camera

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that is recording the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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time and time again you see that at

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the top of his agenda was dua.

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It was Islam and spreading Islam.

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Yes, Umrah

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the reason for the trip, but everything around

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it, and the way he the way he

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the way he strategized,

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was everything you could see, he could see.

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Dawah wins. Wins for Islam through this journey,

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taking place. We see it in his negotiation,

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how he negotiated the treaty, in his ability,

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in his to be patient, subhanAllah.

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How he read people's personalities.

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During Al Hudaybiyyah, the Quraysh sent different people

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to negotiate.

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And every time a person came, the prophet

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on the personality of the person, that here

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comes to you a person who understands, and

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here comes to you a person who is

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easy. When Suhail came, he said things have

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been made easy for you.

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And we will see this insha'Allah if I

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get to summarize those portions,

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for you.

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We see the mercy of the messenger

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because in some reports,

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the prophet

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shifted the entire army,

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the entire path of the army. 1,400

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1,400 men. Why?

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of a dog, may Allah honor you, that

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was giving birth.

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For the sake of a dog that was

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giving birth, He shifted the whole army.

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Talk about animal rights today, you see this,

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on as a side point. Remember I said,

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you read Hudaybiyyah, but there's so many points,

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that matter to us today that are within.

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Many of us know the prayer during times

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of war and fear.

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Ibn Hajar

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he says the first salatul Khawf happened during

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Al Hudaybiyyah,

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The manifestation of it was seen during Al

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Hudaybiyyah for the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam prayed

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this du'a when he got to the point

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in which he was informed that Khalid ibn

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Walid was

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was was had had come out with an

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army to prevent the Muslims from

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entering Mecca. So we see this. Salatrukhof,

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part of, the Hudaybiyyah,

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as well. We see also the true allegiance

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of the Sahaba to the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam. Yes, all had happened, but the

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allegiance with him was true. Because when he

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was informed about Khaled and his army, the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam decided to renew

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the pledge of allegiance with the people who

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were with him, to make sure that everyone's

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on board.

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And they gave their allegiance of support to

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the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, that we

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are with you

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under the tree, and the Prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam mentions this,

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pledge of,

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that Allah subhan

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The pledge that manifest Allah's pleasure

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over the sahaba,

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and how pleased they were with Allah

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This pledge of allegiance, it happened during this

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as well. It's about Al Hudaybia, SubhanAllah.

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We also learned the human nature of the

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sahabah. Many people say, we're not sahabah, they

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were sahabah. You know, they were human beings.

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They were human beings with iman.

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How do we know they were human beings?

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when the treaty happened, and they saw what

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happened, and they couldn't do umrah, they were

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upset. They were human beings. The prophet

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said come out of ihram. 3 times they

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didn't come out.

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They were shocked.

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They were in a state of shock.

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This is who they were.

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Umar at that moment also had any a

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discussion with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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that are we not upon truth and they

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upon falsehood? The prophet said, bala, yes. He

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said, so why have we settled for a

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for for meaning, as if to say we've

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they've won and we've lost. Umrah says, thereafter,

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I used to pray, and I used to

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give sadaqa, and I used to fast

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to make up for that conversation I had

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with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that

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day. I wasn't questioning him because of a

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human moment.

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This also shows you the leadership of the

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prophet and how he was with these people,

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that he treated them as human beings.

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So we see this from Al Hudaybiyyah,

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as well. We also learned the rules of

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Hajj and Umrah for someone who

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enters the state of ihram and is prevented.

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And this happened during covid,

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where people were prevented from going ahead and

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completing their umrah, because the Haram was shut,

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or the borders were shut. The rules of

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how to come out of a Haram when

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you've already made the intention, and you're in

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the state of a Haram. That you slaughter,

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and you shave, and so on and so

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forth. We learned this from this incident

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as well, and the books of fiqh reference

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the incidents of Hudaybiyyah.

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Also, we learned the importance of the Umma

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maintaining its

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its honor, because we see this in how

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the prophet

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managed his negotiations.

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We also learn

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how some times you must lose the battle

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to win the war. I'm sure we've heard

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the statement before.

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As long as you see the bigger picture,

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and there's certain things that you know, they're

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really not a loss because of the wind

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that will become thereafter.

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And we see this in the negotiation of

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the treaty.

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The backdrop very quickly is that in the

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6th year after Hejara,

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obviously Handak, the Quraysh were very weak. Uhud

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didn't go their way. Handak was a big

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disaster for

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them. The Muslims were very strong now. People

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knew it. It was felt. The Arabs knew

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it. The region knew it. The Quresh also

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felt that the Muslims are a force, and

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we are weakened, and we're losing people step

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by step, and the Arabs are also losing

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the the shock and awe that they had

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for us, all this is gone. So it

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was a unique moment. And no doubt, the

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sahaba from the from the Muhajirun,

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they're from Makkah, their memories are Makkah, their

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homes were Makkah, their parents were Makkah,

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their childhood was Makkah,

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their their sand, their soil was Meccan, they

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missed Mecca. No one left Mecca with excitement.

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They wanted to go back. They missed the

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Ka'bah, they missed Umrah. It's 6 years nothing

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has been done. When they lived in Makkah

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it was a given, to do tawaf was

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a given. It was easy, it was just

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You didn't need a visa, you didn't need

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you didn't need an application, you didn't need

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to fill a waiver form, you just got

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out of your home and did your tawaf.

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This hasn't happened.

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So they had this desire to go. And

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam sees this

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dream, that he's doing the tawaf, and he's

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they're shaving, and the umrah is happening, and

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he mentions this to the sahaba, and the

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sahaba are excited.

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During the lqaddah,

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the Prophet

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strategically decides, Let's go for the journey.

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Strategy. Is

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from the holy months, the sacred months. There's

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no fighting that happens during these months.

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And when no fighting happens,

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nobody can misconstrue our intentions

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because, again, remember the propaganda machine, we're going

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for Umrah, what will they say? They're coming

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to Makkah to fight. And this will shift

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the favor to the Quraysh and make people

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hate the Muslims. Because how can you come

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during the sacred months and to Makkah to

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fight the Quraysh?

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So the prophet is make wanted it to

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be clear. There's no fighting.

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And to make it even more clear, he

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announced that we're going for Umrah. And he

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announced even to the non Muslim Arabs who

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are settled there, who wanted to go for

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Umrah to join in some narrations,

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so that people can see this is not

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a Muslim versus Quraysh issue, this is an

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Umrah issue. We're just coming for Umrah. There's

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none Muslims also traveling.

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No issues here. So this was a strategic

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move from the Prophet

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Also he went into ihram from the Madinah

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mikat, and he's got his talbiyah going, so

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nobody can feel anything. But he was not

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naive, Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he did go with

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his weapons because that was the nature

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of the circumstances at the time.

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The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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he leaves with 1400 men,

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as Imam An Nawawi and ibn Hajjar mentioned,

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And he leaves with 70 camels designated to

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be sacrificed in the Haram boundary, and he

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leaves with 40 horsemen,

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and he took whatever he could carry from

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his weapons.

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The intention of Umrah is very clear.

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The Quraysh, they're

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naturally going to hear about this. It's very

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when an when a when a caravan of

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this size or a group of this size

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move along the desert, they get wind of

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it, and obviously,

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they didn't want to have this. For them,

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it was a great dilemma.

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Right? How can we let them in

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after their disunity with us?

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But at the same time, how can we

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block them? We don't want the Arabs to

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say that we've taken over the Kaaba, we

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we are custodians of the Kaaba, the Kaaba

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doesn't belong to us. So they were in

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a dilemma, what do we do?

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At the same time, they knew if we

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fight, the Muslims may win.

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if we let them in, the other Arabs

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will say, look, the Muslims forced their sounds

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into Mecca,

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and the Quraysh are totally weakened. That's the

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end of the Quraysh. So they were in

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a big dilemma, meaning the circumstances were not

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playing out well for them.

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They decide to send Khalid ibn Waleed

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an army to block the Muslims

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at the usual entry route into Makkah. The

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, being who he was,

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the master technician and leader, he sends Busar

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ibn Sufyan, someone from his army, from his

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group rather,

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to go and fact find.

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He comes back and says, Khaled has been

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dispatched with an army to block you. Now

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the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam wants to make

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clear that we're not here for war.

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So what should we do? Abu Bakr subhanallah

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speaks up and says, we didn't come to

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fight. We came for Umrah. But if they

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want to fight, we will fight.

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Because we coming for Umrah, this has nothing

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to do with us.

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Despite this, the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam

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wants to change his the route.

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There's no easy route, but let's see if

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we can find another route. He does Shura

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again, a companion says, there's another route via

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valleys and mountains, it will get you to

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Makkah via

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Hudaybiyyah. Why is the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam doing this? This is far harder.

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To travel through valleys and mountains is taxing

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on the body, taxing on the animals, taxing

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on the resources,

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taxing on your water supplies. Generally, you travel

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to the desert where you knew there were

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desert wells.

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But he did this to prove his point

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further, Islam is a religion of peace. And

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this is the lesson for everyone at large,

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that whenever the Prophet

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had a choice, he chose peace.

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He could have said let's go and face

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Khali then fight because they've come out with

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the army. He said let's just avoid them,

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let's go the other route. It was hard

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on the sahabah. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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guided them to be patient.

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Khalid picks up through the desert sand and

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the movements of the the desert dust, that

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SubhanAllah, we've missed them, they've changed position, he

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sends word back to the Quraysh, and obviously

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things have to change, we need to find

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them from whichever other route they're coming into

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Makkah from. They get to Al Hudaybiyyah and

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Al Kaswa stops,

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the camel of the prophet

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And Kaswa stops

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the Sahaba tried to push it. They would

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say, hal hal. This was a common Arab

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term to get the camels to move. It

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didn't move. And some of them said that

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Kaswa has disobeyed.

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And the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam being

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a mercy to mankind, and not just mankind,

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to Alamin.

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Even the plants and the trees and the

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animals, he defended Kaswa. No. No. No. Don't

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spoil Kaswa's reputation. He said, Kaswa has not

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disobeyed, but rather the one who stopped the

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elephants from moving

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has stopped Kaswa from moving.

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And as such, they were sanctioned there. Now

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we only have 3 minutes till Maghrib.

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I don't know if we have anyone from

00:11:46--> 00:11:48

the admin who can guide us. If we

00:11:48--> 00:11:49

wait for Adan, do we have some time?

00:11:51--> 00:11:53

Because if not, I will go straight into,

00:11:54--> 00:11:54

the lessons.

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Let's wait for someone to come out inshallah.

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as the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam camped

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here, some things happened. Firstly, he sent delegates

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to the Quraysh to negotiate. Delegates came to

00:12:06--> 00:12:09

him to negotiate. Eventually he sent Uthman, as

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I told you previously. Uthman was respected by

00:12:12--> 00:12:13

the Quraysh. When he got into Makkah, the

00:12:13--> 00:12:16

Quraysh welcomed him, and the Quraysh allowed him

00:12:16--> 00:12:18

to do tawaf. They said, you, you can

00:12:18--> 00:12:19

do tawaf. They liked Usman.

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But Usman said, I will not do any

00:12:22--> 00:12:24

tawaf until you allow the prophet sallallahu alaihi

00:12:24--> 00:12:27

wasallam to do tawaf. Wow. What a

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Eventually, Usman was kept, and a rumor went

00:12:31--> 00:12:33

out to say that Usman has been killed

00:12:33--> 00:12:33

by the Quraysh.

00:12:34--> 00:12:36

And this is where this Baya happened, the

00:12:36--> 00:12:38

Baya Turiduan. The Prophet

00:12:39--> 00:12:41

took the oath of allegiance. Anyway, the Quraysh

00:12:41--> 00:12:43

found out that matters are escalating,

00:12:43--> 00:12:46

and they sent Suhail ibn Amr.

00:12:47--> 00:12:47


00:12:47--> 00:12:50

his name has the words sin, and lamb.

00:12:52--> 00:12:54

In the Arabic language means easy.

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When the Prophet saw Suhail coming, he said

00:12:56--> 00:12:57

to the companions,

00:13:00--> 00:13:03

your your your issue has become meaning our

00:13:03--> 00:13:04

situation has become easy.

00:13:05--> 00:13:07

It's not gonna be a fight. And as

00:13:07--> 00:13:09

such, the treaty of Hudaybiyyah took place, this

00:13:09--> 00:13:10

negotiation took place.

00:13:14--> 00:13:15


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this is where now these negotiations took place,

00:13:18--> 00:13:19

the famous negotiations

00:13:20--> 00:13:21

of the Treaty of Al Hudaybiyyah.

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These negotiations

00:13:25--> 00:13:26


00:13:27--> 00:13:29

a few major elements. From them, number 1,

00:13:29--> 00:13:31

that the Muslims don't do this year, they

00:13:31--> 00:13:32

go back. Why?

00:13:33--> 00:13:34


00:13:34--> 00:13:35

What's the point?

00:13:42--> 00:13:44

No, because think about it. We said this

00:13:44--> 00:13:46

earlier. The Quraysh were in the dilemma. If

00:13:46--> 00:13:48

they let the Muslims come in now, everyone

00:13:48--> 00:13:49

will say the Muslims forced the hand of

00:13:49--> 00:13:51

the Quraysh and got into Makkah. This makes

00:13:51--> 00:13:53

the Quraysh look weak. For them, it was

00:13:53--> 00:13:55

a middle way for them, send them this

00:13:55--> 00:13:57

year, go back and come back next year.

00:13:57--> 00:13:59

So we tell people we didn't block them,

00:13:59--> 00:14:00

they're coming by next year.

00:14:02--> 00:14:03

And the Prophet

00:14:04--> 00:14:06

agreed. From them,

00:14:07--> 00:14:07


00:14:08--> 00:14:09

comes to you from us,

00:14:09--> 00:14:11

send them back, if the guardian didn't give

00:14:11--> 00:14:13

them permission. And whoever comes to us from

00:14:13--> 00:14:15

you, we can keep them, we don't send

00:14:15--> 00:14:16

them back.

00:14:16--> 00:14:17


00:14:18--> 00:14:18

said, okay.

00:14:19--> 00:14:20

No problem.

00:14:22--> 00:14:23

Done. It's a deal.

00:14:23--> 00:14:24

What's the third one?

00:14:25--> 00:14:27

They said, we are allowed to enter into

00:14:27--> 00:14:30

treaties with other people who we wish, and

00:14:30--> 00:14:32

you are allowed to enter into treaties with

00:14:32--> 00:14:32

other people

00:14:33--> 00:14:34

as you wish.

00:14:35--> 00:14:37

Now many of us don't know this,

00:14:38--> 00:14:38


00:14:39--> 00:14:40

that condition,

00:14:40--> 00:14:43

that part of the treaty was the first

00:14:43--> 00:14:45

time you can say the Quraysh recognized the

00:14:45--> 00:14:45


00:14:46--> 00:14:48

as an entity, and Madinah as a Muslim

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00:14:50--> 00:14:51

and a Muslim country,

00:14:52--> 00:14:52

and Islam

00:14:53--> 00:14:55

as a force in the region.

00:14:55--> 00:14:56

Because they're telling them, you can enter into

00:14:56--> 00:14:57

treaties with other people.

00:14:58--> 00:15:00

These were wins, the sahaba didn't pick up

00:15:00--> 00:15:01

these wins at the beginning, they just saw

00:15:01--> 00:15:04

Umrah, the Prophet saw Dawah, saw Islam. What

00:15:04--> 00:15:06

does this mean for Islam and Dawah?

00:15:07--> 00:15:09

I'll stop here, after the adhan, I have

00:15:09--> 00:15:10

5 minutes, we'll go into it inshallah.

00:15:11--> 00:15:13

I've got 5 minutes, so we'll continue very

00:15:13--> 00:15:14


00:15:14--> 00:15:15

1 of the,

00:15:17--> 00:15:18

one of the portions of the treaty or

00:15:18--> 00:15:20

one of the conditions of the treaty was

00:15:20--> 00:15:22

that a ceasefire will take place for 10

00:15:22--> 00:15:22


00:15:23--> 00:15:24

Again, this is a great win for the

00:15:24--> 00:15:27

Muslims, because think about it. A ceasefire meant

00:15:27--> 00:15:27

that now the prophet

00:15:28--> 00:15:30

could focus on other matters.

00:15:31--> 00:15:32

He didn't have to worry about the Quraysh.

00:15:33--> 00:15:35

And it's not coincidental that after this treaty,

00:15:35--> 00:15:37

the battle of Khaybar happened, and that was

00:15:37--> 00:15:39

against the Jews of Khaybar. So the prophet

00:15:39--> 00:15:41

sallallahu alaihi wa sallam now could focus on

00:15:41--> 00:15:43

other threats to the Umba, and also focus

00:15:43--> 00:15:45

on Dawah going beyond the Arabian Peninsula.

00:15:46--> 00:15:47

So these were some of,

00:15:48--> 00:15:50

the points of the treaty. Now the writing

00:15:50--> 00:15:51


00:15:51--> 00:15:54

and Ali radiallahu an, he was lettered, he

00:15:54--> 00:15:56

began writing for the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

00:15:57--> 00:15:59

So the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, right?

00:16:01--> 00:16:02

So he'll said, no,

00:16:02--> 00:16:04

No, no, no, no, no. We know

00:16:04--> 00:16:06

we know Allah, we don't know Rahman. Who

00:16:06--> 00:16:08

is Rahman? We don't know Rahman. Right?

00:16:08--> 00:16:10

In the name of Allah. Prophet sallallahu alaihi

00:16:10--> 00:16:12

wa sallam said to Ali, Right? Then,

00:16:15--> 00:16:16

he said

00:16:17--> 00:16:19

right there that this is between the Quraysh

00:16:19--> 00:16:21

and the Messenger of Allah, Rasulullah. They said,

00:16:21--> 00:16:23

no, no. Suhail said, no, no, no, no,

00:16:23--> 00:16:24

no, no, no.

00:16:24--> 00:16:27

And he we know you through your lineage.

00:16:27--> 00:16:28

If we believe that you are the messenger

00:16:28--> 00:16:30

of Allah, we wouldn't have this, we wouldn't

00:16:30--> 00:16:32

need this treaty, we wouldn't have this problem.

00:16:32--> 00:16:33

Right? Muhammad ibn Abdullah.

00:16:34--> 00:16:37

Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told the Ali to

00:16:37--> 00:16:39

do so. Ali refused, he said, wallahi, I

00:16:39--> 00:16:40

won't do it,

00:16:40--> 00:16:41

you are Rasulullah.

00:16:42--> 00:16:45

The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, wallahi, I

00:16:45--> 00:16:46

am the Messenger of Allah,

00:16:47--> 00:16:49

I am the messenger of Allah. And the

00:16:49--> 00:16:51

Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam told the Ali,

00:16:51--> 00:16:53

show me where this portion is. Ali pointed

00:16:53--> 00:16:55

it and the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

00:16:55--> 00:16:57

rubbed Rasulullah with his own hands. Remember,

00:16:58--> 00:17:00

lose the battle, win the win the war,

00:17:00--> 00:17:03

no problem. Let this let it go through.

00:17:06--> 00:17:08

Once this was done, the prophet sallallahu alaihi

00:17:08--> 00:17:10

wa sallam told the companions to come out

00:17:10--> 00:17:12

of e Haram. I'ra. He said slaughter your

00:17:12--> 00:17:14

animals and shave your hair.

00:17:15--> 00:17:18

But they didn't. He said it again, they

00:17:18--> 00:17:20

didn't. He said it again, they didn't.

00:17:21--> 00:17:22

And the Prophet

00:17:23--> 00:17:24

walked into his tent

00:17:25--> 00:17:26


00:17:27--> 00:17:29

And he traveled to Al Hudaybia with his

00:17:29--> 00:17:30


00:17:30--> 00:17:31

the mother of the believers,

00:17:34--> 00:17:36

And he said to her, what's this is

00:17:36--> 00:17:39

what they're doing. So said to him, You

00:17:39--> 00:17:40

Rasulullah, they

00:17:40--> 00:17:42

to the effect that they're in a state

00:17:42--> 00:17:43

of shock. They can't

00:17:43--> 00:17:45

comprehend what's just happened. They missed Makkah for

00:17:45--> 00:17:48

so long. You saw a dream. They're in

00:17:48--> 00:17:50

ihram. They have their animals. They've done the

00:17:50--> 00:17:52

talbiyah, they've been doing labbayk, they've come all

00:17:52--> 00:17:54

the way here. A treaty has happened and

00:17:54--> 00:17:56

that treaty is saying you can't do the

00:17:56--> 00:17:56


00:17:56--> 00:17:59

So So you Rasoolallah, you go out, don't

00:17:59--> 00:18:02

say anything to them, you slaughter your animal

00:18:02--> 00:18:04

and shave your hair. The prophet salallahu alaihi

00:18:04--> 00:18:05

wa sallam, listen to her. Look how Islam

00:18:05--> 00:18:06

honors a female.

00:18:07--> 00:18:08

Listen to her, he went

00:18:08--> 00:18:10

out, he slaughtered his animal, and he called

00:18:10--> 00:18:13

for his barber to come shave him.

00:18:13--> 00:18:15

And when the sahaba saw him doing this,

00:18:15--> 00:18:17

they started doing it. Immediately.

00:18:18--> 00:18:19

Because the action took them out of that

00:18:19--> 00:18:21

shock. Maybe they thought a verse will come

00:18:21--> 00:18:24

from Allah, the matter will be changed, let's

00:18:24--> 00:18:25

wait. They saw him doing it, they knew

00:18:25--> 00:18:26

it's done.

00:18:27--> 00:18:28

And this is what happened.

00:18:31--> 00:18:33

Eventually as I said some discussions happened

00:18:33--> 00:18:36

between them and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

00:18:36--> 00:18:38

From them, some said that the Muslims

00:18:39--> 00:18:41

suffered a blow in these negotiations.

00:18:42--> 00:18:44

Meaning to the effect, that you know, they

00:18:44--> 00:18:45

settled for the worst. We were worse off

00:18:45--> 00:18:47

after this. And when this news reached the

00:18:47--> 00:18:50

prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he said this is

00:18:50--> 00:18:52

this is this this speech is

00:18:52--> 00:18:53

This speech is not,

00:18:55--> 00:18:55


00:18:56--> 00:18:59

And he highlighted all the different wins that

00:18:59--> 00:19:01

they have, that they had. And they said,

00:19:01--> 00:19:02

oh some of them said, but you saw

00:19:02--> 00:19:03

in the dream that we will be doing

00:19:03--> 00:19:05

the Umrah. He said, yes.

00:19:05--> 00:19:06

Like we will do the Umrah.

00:19:08--> 00:19:09

But when we'll do the Umrah? That's another

00:19:09--> 00:19:11

matter. The Umrah will happen.

00:19:12--> 00:19:13

And also you have to remember,

00:19:14--> 00:19:16

this Umrah was an Umrah. Because they were

00:19:16--> 00:19:18

prevented, they went back to Madinah with the

00:19:18--> 00:19:19

rewards of Umrah.

00:19:20--> 00:19:21

And that's why this Umrah is counted from

00:19:21--> 00:19:23

amongst the 4 Umrah's that the prophet sallallahu

00:19:23--> 00:19:25

alaihi wa sallam did. They say he did

00:19:25--> 00:19:27

4 Umrah's after he became a messenger. From

00:19:27--> 00:19:28

them is this one,

00:19:29--> 00:19:31

the umraaf al Hudaybiyyah. Even though it didn't

00:19:31--> 00:19:33

happen, he was reordered because he was prevented.

00:19:33--> 00:19:35

So in terms of the akhirah and the

00:19:35--> 00:19:38

jannah building, it was done. The sahaba were

00:19:38--> 00:19:39

going back as winners, even though they didn't

00:19:39--> 00:19:41

do the tawaf and the sahih.

00:19:41--> 00:19:43

But obviously this was difficult for some of

00:19:43--> 00:19:45

the companions to comprehend.

00:19:45--> 00:19:47

From the benefits very quickly, my dear brothers

00:19:47--> 00:19:49

and sisters in Islam, number one, the Quraysh

00:19:49--> 00:19:52

finally acknowledging the Muslims as an independent state,

00:19:52--> 00:19:54

and we spoke about this because the treaty

00:19:54--> 00:19:56

allowed them to sign treaties with other people.

00:19:56--> 00:19:57


00:19:57--> 00:19:58


00:19:58--> 00:20:00

are acknowledging that if the Muslim sign a

00:20:00--> 00:20:02

treaty with another entity,

00:20:02--> 00:20:03

and the Quraysh

00:20:04--> 00:20:05

harm that entity,

00:20:05--> 00:20:07

and the treaty is one of security,

00:20:07--> 00:20:09

then the Quraysh can expect the Muslims to

00:20:09--> 00:20:12

come and defend who they attacked by attacking

00:20:12--> 00:20:14

the Quraysh, and this will be perfectly fine.

00:20:14--> 00:20:15

This won't be seen as an act of

00:20:15--> 00:20:17

treason or an act of unfair war. So

00:20:17--> 00:20:19

this was a major win for the Muslims.

00:20:19--> 00:20:21

It wasn't a loss, it was a win.

00:20:21--> 00:20:22

Number 2,

00:20:22--> 00:20:24

further respect and aura being developed in the

00:20:24--> 00:20:26

hearts of the idol worshipers, the Jews and

00:20:26--> 00:20:28

the hypocrites regarding Islam and the Muslims.

00:20:29--> 00:20:31

Because now everyone is witnessing that the Qurayshah

00:20:31--> 00:20:33

signing treaties with the Muslims,

00:20:33--> 00:20:36

and they're a respected entity, they're a respected

00:20:36--> 00:20:38

group. So this grows people's recognition

00:20:39--> 00:20:41

amongst the wider inhabitants of the region.

00:20:42--> 00:20:44

Number 3, a ceasefire of 10 years. As

00:20:44--> 00:20:46

we said, it gave the prophet salallahu alaihi

00:20:46--> 00:20:48

wa sallam the opportunity to focus on other

00:20:48--> 00:20:51

enemies. It gave the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam

00:20:51--> 00:20:53

the opportunity to do more dawah, to do

00:20:53--> 00:20:54

dawah to those who are sitting on the

00:20:54--> 00:20:56

fence, to do dawah to those who are

00:20:56--> 00:20:58

further away. And we see his strategy in

00:20:58--> 00:21:01

terms of dawah and Islam spreading. And earlier

00:21:01--> 00:21:03

we said Hudaybiyah had a bigger picture, everyone

00:21:03--> 00:21:04

saw it as Umrah, the Prophet

00:21:05--> 00:21:07

saw it as dawah and Islam and Umrah.

00:21:08--> 00:21:10

He was always thinking of Dawah, thinking of

00:21:10--> 00:21:10


00:21:13--> 00:21:14

The next benefit also

00:21:15--> 00:21:18

is that this allowed for the Arabs to

00:21:18--> 00:21:19

see the Muslims for who they were, that

00:21:19--> 00:21:21

they were not a warring nation.

00:21:21--> 00:21:23

There were many Arabs in the region who

00:21:23--> 00:21:25

were sitting on the fence because of propaganda

00:21:25--> 00:21:26

machine of the Quraysh.

00:21:26--> 00:21:27

Because of this treaty,

00:21:28--> 00:21:30

it gave them the ability to consider the

00:21:30--> 00:21:33

message of Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasallam. This is

00:21:33--> 00:21:33

another win.

00:21:34--> 00:21:36

And also this treaty was a fath in

00:21:36--> 00:21:38

and of itself, and Allah

00:21:38--> 00:21:41

revealed after Hudaybia, Inna fathahna laka fathham Mubina,

00:21:41--> 00:21:43

we've opened for you, O Muhammad, a great

00:21:43--> 00:21:44


00:21:45--> 00:21:47

This treaty led to the opening of Makkah.

00:21:47--> 00:21:48


00:21:48--> 00:21:51

Because in the treaty it said whoever comes

00:21:51--> 00:21:53

to Muhammad, from the Quraysh Muhammad has to

00:21:53--> 00:21:55

send them back. When the prophet sallallahu alaihi

00:21:55--> 00:21:57

wasallam was sending them back, they didn't want

00:21:57--> 00:21:59

to go back, they settled in a place

00:21:59--> 00:21:59

in between.

00:22:00--> 00:22:02

Suddenly there was a community in between and

00:22:02--> 00:22:04

this community became a nuisance to the caravan

00:22:04--> 00:22:05

of the Quraysh and the trade of the

00:22:05--> 00:22:07

Quraysh. It weakened the Quraysh

00:22:08--> 00:22:09

because of this treaty.

00:22:10--> 00:22:11

This was a side effect of it, number

00:22:11--> 00:22:13

1. Number 2,

00:22:13--> 00:22:14

the Quraysh

00:22:14--> 00:22:17

broke or the Quraysh attacked a group of

00:22:17--> 00:22:20

people that had signed a treaty of security

00:22:20--> 00:22:22

with Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam and the

00:22:22--> 00:22:22


00:22:23--> 00:22:24

And that is what led to the prophet

00:22:24--> 00:22:27

salallahu alaihi wasallam leaving Mecca with an army

00:22:27--> 00:22:29

to to open Mecca.

00:22:29--> 00:22:31

That is what led squarely

00:22:31--> 00:22:34

to the opening of Mecca, with little bloodshed.

00:22:35--> 00:22:37

And also in effect, it guaranteed the umrah

00:22:37--> 00:22:39

for the Muslims because the treaty stated that

00:22:39--> 00:22:41

the Muslims will come the following year, and

00:22:41--> 00:22:42

do umrah, and spend 3 days in Makkah.

00:22:42--> 00:22:44

The Quraysh would leave them, the Muslims would

00:22:44--> 00:22:46

come in, they would do their umrah, and

00:22:46--> 00:22:46

go back.

00:22:47--> 00:22:49

of the treaty of Al Hudaybiyah.

00:22:47--> 00:22:49

of the treaty of Al Hudaybiyah.