Sajid Ahmed Umar – Dhul-Hijjah Diaries 2 -The First 10 Of Dhul Hijjah or the Last 10 Of Ramadan

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The host of a series ofowned hedger's recitation emphasizes the importance of worshiping the holy holy message in the Quran and keeping it up-to-date. They also discuss the importance of remembering to worship after worship, especially during times of crisis. The speakers stress the connection between worship and achieving success in other acts of worship, and encourage individuals to apply themselves during the day to avoid waking up during the night.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was so happy or Manuela, or praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and praise and salutations be upon our Master and Tisha Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and welcome to our second installment of our series of hijab, diaries yesterday we spoke about, you know, the importance of this month and the virtues of the first 10 and why we need to bring it and do as many acts of worship as we can. And one of the things that we must do is increase in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala we spoke about the recitation of the

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Quran, and yes, that is the greatest Vicar but also Vicar outside of the recitation of the Quran. For in the in the in the teaching of Abdullah bin oma, radi Allahu anhu ma may Allah be pleased with him and his father. I mean,

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he says that they are no days greater in the sight of Allah, and in which righteous deeds are more beloved to him than these 10 days. So during this time, recite a great deal of La ilaha illa Allah and Allahu Akbar and Alhamdulillah and you can research other narrations related to the virtues of reciting La Ilaha, Illallah and Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar, just so that you, you know, gain even greater motivation to remember to recite these remembrances of Allah subhanho wa Taala, especially during these days now, no doubt the greatest remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the is the recitation of the Quran. And we should join between that recitation of the Quran and

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other acts of worship, beloved, beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala, such as the vicar, you know, brothers and sisters in Islam, if there's one thing that Allah commands us to after commanding us towards something, and I mean by this if there's one act of worship, that Allah commands us to do after worship, so it's a command to worship after a command to worship is the is the and I'll just give you and this is in the Quran, and I've spoken about this in other episodes, or in other series together and during those episodes in those series, but just to highlight one, which is appropriate to the hedger is, you know, a lesson from the ayat of hedge for Allah subhanho wa Taala commands the

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project after worshiping him throughout the day on the day of alpha and then going to moose Delica and worshiping Allah it was Delica Allah says VEDA today two men essica come, first Kuru la categorical. Allah says, When you finish worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala, on the plains of Africa and on the plains of Miss deliever. Allah says,

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further Kula, remember Allah subhanho wa Taala could equally ever equal

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in a great way, in a great way, right? remember Allah subhanho wa Taala great. After we worshiped online, we were remembering a lot out of I remember it online was Delica What does Allah tell us to do? Allah says remember me samo remember Musa mo is remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala happens in the form of you know, staying upon the the do's and staying away from the don'ts. This is the type of remembrance of Allah because you're always asking yourself what does Allah want me to do here? Right? Does he want me to do it or he doesn't want me to do it? What will pleasing here what won't pleasing here, right, so all this is part of the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But

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included in this is the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala with our tongues keeping our tongues moist, and they will Abraham Allah. He says that whenever a slave keeps his or her tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala the angels are busy building his or her agenda. And the moment they stop the angels take a break. So Pamela, why would you want to give the angels a break, they don't need a break. remember Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as you can, right there, his brothers and sisters in Islam. Now.

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One of the lessons we want we, you know, that was intended to be shared during these diaries, and we spoke about this yesterday is,

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you know, which set of days are the better days? Do we, you know, are the last 10 of Ramadan, better than the first 10 of the ledger? Or the first 10 of Dhul hijjah better than the last 10 of Ramadan? This is a question that has been asked.

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You know, it's a question that was centuries ago, and the scholars looked into this because we know how great

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you know, the last 10 of Ravana. And then we also know how great the first 10 of the ledger and

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the scholars discussed this at large and a middle

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A ground, and an explanation that seems to be closest to that which all the evidence is pointing to, is that the last 10 nights of Ramadan are better than the first 10 nights of worship. But the first 10 days of the ledger are better than the last 10 days of Ramadan. Right? So there's a differentiation made between the days and the nights. The last 10 nights of Ramadan are the greatest nights of the entire year, even greater than the first 10 minutes of the ledger. Why? Because they house the greatest night of the year which later to

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write the night of virtue and decree

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and power, right the night which is better than 1000 months. And with regard to the first 10 of the ledger than the first 10 days of the ledger, are greater than the last 10 days of Ramadan. Why? Because the first 10 days of hedger house, the greatest day of the year, and we'll discuss

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this matter in sha Allah, is it the ninth of the ledger? Or is it the 10th of the ledger? The scholars have a discussion about this point as well. So this is the answer to this question that has been asked centuries ago and to this day, continues to be asked Now, does this mean that we should only apply ourselves during the day and not during the night and absolutely not? Because there's a connection between the day and the night in terms of our excellence, right if you want to have a great day, you need to have a great night. And just like we said in Ramadan, if you want to have a great night, you have to have a great day. Right? If you want to be blessed by Allah subhanho wa

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Taala to catch the little feather at night. You have to apply yourself during the day. In terms of the acts of worship that you do and how close you draw yourself to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The same thing applies with regards to the first 10 of the ledger. If you want to have a great day, then ensure you have a great night don't live in 19 sin, wake up for the guided prayer, meet Allah subhanho wa Taala during the last third and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless you in your efforts during the day and inshallah you will see you will be inspired to do things that you didn't think of. Right? Maybe you are thinking of charity will be inspired to do a charity. Maybe you are

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thinking of doing charity, but you didn't know we know where to put your money you'll be inspired with an avenue insha Allah and the same applies to all other acts of worship. Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all, and except our days, I mean you're up but I mean, until next time, salaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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