Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S4 E18 – Lessons from the Messenger PBUH Inviting Rulers and Leaders to Islam

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of balancing Islam with reality is emphasized, particularly in light of hesitation of leaders to comply with messages. Personal experiences and names of people are not discussed in the transcript. The series of random characters and symbols describes a variety of experiences, but no context or purpose is given.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa ala staring on a Sunday on a Sunday Mahatma bien Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira lamb Dean and my bad. Rubbish rally Saturday westerly Emery while Dr. Tammy lissoni Yakubu Kohli will begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. as we always do, we praise Him.

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We seek his assistance and we seek His guidance and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. We testify the rooms of Allah subhanho wa Taala guides, Lincoln misguide and whomsoever He misguides the men can guide and we request praises and blessings upon the final messenger, our master, our teacher, our leader, Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah muscle salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad, I bear witness that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is His messenger to my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam. I welcome

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you to episode number 18 of season four of our fifth off sera series blast from the past Sierra in the 21st century. And to everyone joining in from YouTube, from Facebook from Twitter, and those in clubhouse I greet you with the greetings of Islam and peace Salaam, Allah alikum warahmatu who were Bearcat May the peace and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala be upon you all blessings and sisters in Islam yesterday. We went through several lessons, I think just over 15 lessons as part of our pitstop after the expedition of Elko de BIA.

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And we said that those lessons were just the tip of the iceberg and that books have been written about the expedition of alhuda. And then and the lessons that can be extracted from the expedition, lessons related to morals, manners and etiquette, and also lessons related to judicial process meaning juicery jurisprudence, process jurisprudence process, many of the rules pertaining to treaties go back to this particular expedition, and the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam handled the Treaty of alhuda. Now at the end, there was a question that came to mind and that was brought forth. And that was related to a memorable hot tub rhodiola. And because if you remember,

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and not in yesterday's session, but the session before we spoke about Omar confronting the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam, for he felt what he felt after the signing was done. And it was a case of not just him, but other seniors from the Sahaba as well, from the ansara as well, feeling that, you know, at the end of the day, it seems like we did all the sacrifice, we left Medina, we came, we went out of our way, we marked our animals, we were the harem, we scouted we did everything when we also changed our route to avoid conflict. And then we entertained these, you know, these representatives of the Quraysh never ending representatives that just kept coming, asking us the

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same question. And we kept giving the same answer. And we just really went out of our way. And then when finally, thing you know, it boils down to the negotiation taking place, and they decided to play ball and negotiate as well. After the pledge of a red one. It seems like Subhanallah everything went in their favor. And

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Omar then spoke to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the question was related to did Omar sort of overstep the boundaries? Right? Did armory blah blah, blah? And

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was he acting rebelliously? Was he rebellious? And brothers and sisters in Islam? The plain and simple and only answer to the question is no. Honorable hapa bragi. Allahu Allah was not being rebellious in any form or in any way. He was merely questioning, but questioning based on the style of Omar based on the attitude of Omar based on the demeanor of Omar Omar.

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That needs another series of your loved one, right? It needs another season, just an series dedicated to him. For those who have even followed David

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Have armor in our own ship of Sierra series across four seasons would know that he has a particular style. He operates in a particular way. And if you don't know him, you might think that he's being brash, and he's being rash. And he's being disrespectful, but he's not. He's just passionate. He's a passionate character. Clearly he comes across as an extrovert. So his thoughts are heard by those around him as opposed to introverts. So this is his situation. And if we want to liken it,

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to a story that we have,

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in the Quran, from the stories of the past that we could probably

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liken it. I'm not saying it's exact, but likely to the story of Musa alayhis salam. Because Hey, there are Tov Musa, you will not be able to be patient with me and everything, okay, that did something loose.

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You know, his opinion was head, loose, his opinion was head, he says, You've done, you've done the wrong thing. But later on, he said, You've done a grave thing. Right? And then later on, even after he says, If I, if I question you again, when there's no, you know, you don't have to take me as a companion moving forward. And they will say that he did his thing when he erected the wall. Moosa said oh, you know, I must, I didn't say you did a great thing or you did the wrong thing of opinion. Moosa just asked, you know, he, he gave a suggestion,

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because this is his character, he says, you know, it would have been, it would have been great if you told them to pay you for the work that you did on the world. So, the point is, some people have this character, this is the demeanor, this is the way they operate, Musa was not trying to be disrespectful to Heather Moosa didn't see himself as going against the instruction that was laid down between him and Heather when it was a bit Moosa understood as things went on that okay, he is interpreting it as me going against what we agreed, and because he kept saying in the context of the sobre, you will not be able to be patient with me. So this is this is a similar This is a comparison

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that we can bring together in terms of Omar speaking to the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And Moosa speaking to Heather when we spoke to her, okay, so brothers and sisters in Islam, armor was not being rebellious, he was being armor. And we learned just from this event, in recapping what we've what we took yesterday, again, the amazing phenomenal leadership of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, that he was a leader of a fade off of a mission, which was dedicated with spreading Islam. It wasn't a mission, a dedicated to himself, or his ego, or building his brand, or supporting his himself. And he was accommodating of Omar and whoever was, and this is from the merciful

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qualities of a leader. And this shows us that leaders have to have an element of mercy in them, yes, they have to be stand as well. Now leader in all capacities, whether you're a father in the home, or a husband of a marriage, or, you know, you're the leader at work, or you lead a project, and so on, and so forth. Leadership comes in different flavors in different shapes in different sizes, but it has to have

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the ingredient of mercy. Right now, mercy doesn't mean that you can't be stand, there's a time when you have to be stand. Now, the people around you might say, No, you're not being merciful. But being merciful, has a place and has a space, if you're a leader, and you're offering mercy at the wrong time. And as a result, people are becoming lazy, people are not doing what they should do, the process is being derailed, and so on and so forth. And they look up to you to lead them and to guide them, then your mercy fullness is being is being placed out of the correct space. And that goes against wisdom. Because remember, wisdom is doing the right thing at the right time in the right

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way. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was merciful with wisdom, meaning he was merciful, when it was time to be merciful. He was patient, when it was time to be patient, he will stand when it was time to be stirred. We know that he had stand statements also with the Sahaba or the Allahu anhu remain. So everything has its place and has its time. And in terms of those under the leader, they should understand that it's from the sooner to also give the benefit of the doubt to your leader. Right. That may be your leader did something with you, because you are the problem. Maybe you have done something in a pinch. You know, maybe you are the maybe he or he will stand with you

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at this moment because the situation mandated that he be stand, right because he has a weight on his shoulders that you don't have, okay, I want to take this into this discussion too much right now, because we have discussed it in other seasons of plus from the past, but, you know, just to bring into this discussion, matters associated with it. So in terms of being a leader, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was merciful at the right time in the right way. And he he was accommodating of Ummah, if Omar

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did something wrong than the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will not refrain from telling him that he did something wrong. And in in terms of credit to armor as we said, armor when he saw that Subhanallah he misread the situation and that the treaty was a great means for for Mohammed sallallahu wasallam and the Sahaba and Omar Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he increased his worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the volunteer worship and he said it himself because I feared being punishment for the discussion I had with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam after after her debut, okay, so I hope that answers the question. Now, another highlight, which we must mention before we move on, is the highlight of abou

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gender. abou Gen Dell brothers and sisters in Islam, you must read about him in the books of Syrah or the detailed

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narrative related to this Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was the son of a Swahili been amoc, this chief negotiator that came to negotiate the TT of her debut with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He was persecuted in Makkah. He was prevented from leaving with the Muslims. So he was stuck and it was him. There were other Muslims. I remember we said earthman was meeting them use this time instead of being tough to go and meet the Muslims who remained upon Eman despite being beaten. Despite being sanctioned. Despite being cut off. Despite being chained, despite being jailed. They remained upon Islam, Subhan Allah, even though the Muslims were far away now and for so many years, right, it's several years have passed since the hizballah. And they after they they going through this torment and through this predicament, but Subhana Allah, they remained upon Islam in Makkah.

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Now, Abu gendell obviously, he as the other Muslims who weren't weak, some translations say they were the weaker Muslims. They weren't the weaker Muslims. They were not the weaker Muslims. They were the Muslims who remained persecuted because of La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, I dislike the translation, weaker Muslims. Obviously, those translations don't mean that they were weak in faith, but they mean the situation was weaker than the rest because they were highly controlled. Okay, so that's giving the benefit of the doubt to some of the translations. But just to highlight this fact, brothers and sisters in Islam, that they will not weak for these Muslims to

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remain Muslims, despite the sanctions and the oppression and the beating and the jailing and being cut off financially and with love and care and all sorts for them to remain as Muslims, despite his you know, three, four or five years now have passed since the Muslims have

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gone to Medina, despite all this, for them to remain Muslims, they were strong.

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They were strong. These new Muslims were strong, to panela and they were people of Amen. So Abu jandal now he is as others do that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is closer than ever, he said and who they be.

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And Subhan Allah, he decides to make an escape to get to the Muslims, that perhaps also Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will see me the Sahaba will see me and they will save me from this predicament that I've been in and they will take me with them back to Medina. So you can imagine his situation, he is dusted, he is almost done. He is emotionally drained. He is physically

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feeling weak, but faithfully he is strong. And with that faith, he pulls himself out of his place of capture was chained, Subhanallah was beaten, and the the science of him being beaten and persecuted afresh on him. he drags himself through the desert Subhanallah through the different terrains Subhan Allah, making his way through Subhana Allah not giving up hope, Subhana Allah, and he goes on and on and on until he learns Subhan Allah at the place where you can see the believers and the believers can see him. And you can imagine the emotion of the Sahaba. The treaty has been signed. And as we said earlier, Omar and some of the seniors feel what they feel the Sahaba emotional, they were in

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Iran, they wanted to Irma, they wanted to go off, they wanted the pilgrimage, and now they're being sent back empty handed. And right now we don't have the eye and vision of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we feel like the college got the better end of the deal. And now we see abou gender in suffering, being beaten, being persecuted. And then Abu gendell is calling out to the Muslims. He is calling out to the believers. He wants to be saved, he wants to be helped.

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And this is just after the decree of Allah that it was just after the signatures took place on the treaty.

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After the treaty was signed, and sealed, and quote unquote, delivered to Han Allah. What happens brothers and sisters in Islam

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what happens the father

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of Abu genda. So here, the man who negotiated the deal, he turns around and says, The deal is signed. The deal is in effect, I'm paraphrasing. I'm just bringing the context here. And the first person who will experience the reality of this treaty is Abu genda.

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Because remember, the treaty said, Whoever comes from us to you, without the permission of his guardian, you will send him back. Remember that? Remember that brothers and sisters in Islam Subhan Allah Subhana Allah, and this is what happened. His father immediately implemented this rule, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seeing what he saw, knowing what's going on with the Sahaba. And knowing the deal that was just negotiated with the parish that was done by Sohail on behalf of the parish, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he spoke to Abu jandal and told Abu gendell that life is that you know that he's going through a test and that life is a test and that he needs

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to be patient, and Allah will open for him away.

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That's what he said to Abuja. And

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he said, basically, what your father is saying is true. We cannot take you back. Please go back to what you escaped from, and be patient with the torment that is befalling you, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will open for you away, and indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala did open for Abu Janda and the Muslims of Makkah away later on.

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It was tough brothers and sisters in Islam. But I share with you the story and the highlights from it. No doubt is related to the fact that practicing Islam, nobody said it's going to be a walk in the park. You got to be ready

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to forego your comfort. You got to be ready to take those punches. We Allah save us all. We don't ask Allah subhanho wa Taala. To test us, we ask Allah to protect us. We ask Allah not to test us in our faith. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to shout upon us ease and make us worship Him through being thankful. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to reduce the circumstances where we have to worship Him through being patient. But the bottom line brothers and sisters in Islam is that there will be times when we have to be patient. And those times might be

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related to, you know, our faith being tested, like the Sahaba, who were left behind in Makkah, had their faith being tested, but they remain strong. So here we seen Abu jandal inspiration for the new Muslim inspiration for the persecuted Muslim inspiration for the oppressed Muslim you have him and how true he was to his faith, and how he never lost hope in the mercy of Allah. And then you have the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to him to be patient, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala will open our eyes soon. We have to hold on to these statements brothers and sisters in Islam from back in the day today in the 21st century. That's the blast from the past that sometimes we

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require and that is why our series has been named blast from the past 10 you know, brothers and sisters in Islam as as we said in yesterday's session conformance to the rules, or in the in the session a day before yesterday rather, conformance to the rules becomes or comes before submission to emotion, right. conformance to the rules comes before submission to emotion. The abou gentle predicament was emotional. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was a human being but he submitted or conformed to the rules of Islam. Oh for below code, you will larina Ave Ofu below code Allah revealed oh you will believe honor your contracts. Honor your promises. Fulfill your promises. Do

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that which you agree to offer below code this is beloved to Allah. This is beloved to Allah.

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Right? And no doubt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could see that by sending a boo gentle back. It's not going to have any adverse consequences to his email, because he's lasted this long, right? He's lasted this long. And Allah international Allah Karim, the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala is near. He has enough astral with him. He has enough reserves with him to manage going back and being patient. So it wasn't a case whereby Abuja was going to lose his faith had he been left and in the same breath. If that was the case, then he would have been advised by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to maintain his faith, because as we said, achieving and attaining

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divine values is or has to be the highest prerogative, and from the divine values is honoring our contracts and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did so and we spoke about yesterday, this whole concept of competing massada competing benefits, you have benefits that compete with each other and you can't achieve all except at

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the expense of some others. And here we said that you have to pursue achieving the

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benefits, even if it means you forfeiting the achievement of the lesser benefits. And that is an Islamic principle. And Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah knows best. So this was another highlight brothers and sisters in Islam. Also, we have some hidden gems from the teat of Allah davia, which I will share quickly, which the scholars have shared with us, firstly, through this treaty being signed, the fear of going against the wish of the courage was removed amongst all the Arabs.

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And before even the Arabs who might have wanted to just sign the deal with the Muslims because they weren't invested in the emotional issues of the Quraysh.

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They might have they they respected the the the economic prospects of Medina, and they respected the security that being in a in a deal with the Muslims could bring over to them, right. They wanted it, but they couldn't do it because they feared, you know, upsetting the Quraysh all this was gone now brothers and sisters in Islam, because part of the treaty was, you know, the agreement that the Muslims could sign treaties with anyone from the Arabs that they wish to. And the clearest example of this is the Hosea who entered into a deal with the Muslim. So this was a hidden gem, that those alliances that could have happened but never happened because of the crash. Now we're happening.

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So this was a benefit for the Muslims. Also brothers and sisters in Islam. The treaty itself became proof to everyone that the Quraysh now recognize Islam.

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They recognize Islam.

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They recognize Medina as the Muslim state.

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Right, because

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you don't sign a treaty with with with people who you deem legitimate. You only signed the treaty with those who you deem legitimate. So by signing the deal, it means that the Quraysh Finally, after all this time, recognize the Muslims as legitimate, yes, they didn't want to have a rough man in the treaty, the name of a man Yes, they didn't want to have Rasulullah the messenger of a line the treaty. But putting all that aside, signing the treaty itself meant that they recognized Islam as

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something that exists that has the right to exist, and the Muslims

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having a way that they have a right to and Medina as the first Muslim country. So this was from the hidden gems. These are, these are realities that came to be and again we should use this to understand what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was understanding when he pursued this treaty being signed, despite what everyone around him felt or what the general sentiments of the Sahaba

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were like. The third one brothers and sisters, Islam is on which we shed that the opening of Makkah took place before the opening of Mk.

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We know the opening of Mecca to be when the Muslims went and took over Makkah and they surrounded Mecca, and they said everyone who's going to be in the home of Abu sufian will be safe and everyone who will remain in their homes will be safe and anyone who will be in the masjid will be safe. Yes, that is the actual opening. But what happened at the tip of her baby and led to that, or those events actually happening. So this was the opening before the opening, right? And this formulates the pixels of constitutes the pixels which the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had, when he pursued this treaty being completed, which the Sahaba of the Allahu Allah Germain and from the murmur no doubt

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didn't have.

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And on the way back brothers and sisters in Islam, from alhuda abiah, Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed in fatahna, lack of mubin

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to Han Allah, that indeed we have opened for you a great opening.

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This treaty is a great opening.

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What you've signed despite what people feel is a great opening, because it's going to lead to the opening of Mecca. And before that, it's going to lead to a lot of other openings and inshallah we will discuss this in our lessons moving forward until the end of Ramadan. be delighted. Okay, now, that brings us to the end of

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today via the next one brothers and sisters in Islam, or the next portion that we want to tap into is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now expanding his

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logistical approach with regards to inviting to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And now sending the message of Islam

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foreign white to other regions, and not just other regions, but to Kings, not just to Kings and other leaders. Right, so he was going to send this out now to other people of influence, outside of the scope that he was operating within since he began his journey preaching Islam openly. So this brothers and sisters in Islam

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generally is discussed after the Treaty of her debut in the books of Sierra but sometimes you see being discussed a bit after, right so some of the events are brought before this event. Why? Because brothers and sisters in Islam as we've said time and time again, there was no calendar

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That was being used. So everything is based on approximations. Okay, unless there's clear events that happened.

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And also, you could say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent these letters at different times. So some, some letters could have been sent immediately after her davia. Some could have been sent after her debut, but when the scholars discuss it, they discuss it as one aspect of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was now inviting kings and rulers to Islam. So I highlight this in case you do open a book of Syrah. And I hope you are, and you see that the next event doesn't relate to what we are sharing. Right now. There's no issue in it. What matters is that it did happen. And no one who wrote on the Sierra will none of the scholars differ in in terms of this, that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he did send these letters out whether it was after a holiday, or was it after the Battle of however, that's a different matter. But did he send them out? Yes, he did. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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After this treaty was signed, as we said, he expanded his logistical approach. And when he wanted to do this, he was advised that if you are going to engage leaders than these leaders do not read letters that are not official. You have to officiate the letter by stamping it. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam took on this advice. So he got a ring made from silver, and engraved on the ring was Muhammad Rasulullah, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, and he would stamp these letters, that was his signature. That was the seal that was his stamp. Now, who are these letters sent? If we look into the COI, different durations, and we'll bring the different durations

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together, we see that letters were sent to the following number one to two hearable, who was the Roman Emperor, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent the companion by the name of the here LLB to hirakata. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he articulated the message, which was then written by his scribes, it started with Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. And it started by also mentioning that the letter is from Mohammed, Abdullah Abdullah, and that he is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he invited her to accept Islam. And he said to him, that if you do, you will have two rewards. Now, the scholars mentioned two explanations of what two

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rewards mean. Some say he meant two rewards, meaning you will get the reward for doing it, and the rewards for those who follow you, because of you doing it. And some said that he what what is meant by two rewards is you will get the reward for following Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the reward for following your Isa, because Isa actually taught that the coming of Muhammad will happen. And if you meet, if you if you live at a time, when Muhammad does come, then you should follow him. So the reward for following irisa and the reward for following Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam placed in the message, but he plays

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anything else. Yes, he did. And always the speech of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was balanced, he said to him, and if you do not, you will bear the sense of the resene resene linguistically, refers to farmers, but in the context of this letter that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Shared he meant by the citizens of your country, and you will be sinful and everyone else will be sinful, and you will carry their sin, because you are the leader and you didn't step up. Now, when this letter went to her Apple, he took it seriously. And he studied it. And when the Arabs went for trade to the Roman Empire to his region, he, when he found out that Abu

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sufian was present, he summoned Abu sufian. And he asked Abu sufian questions about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked him several questions you can read about this insha Allah, in the books of Sierra, he said, you know, to him, what's what you know, he asked him about his lineage. He asked him if there was a leadership.

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You know, in his lineage before him, he asked him about whether his followers are increasing or decreasing. He asked him who follows him the best of people or the weakest of people. He asked him about his character, and abou Sophia was truthful.

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And he was bound to be truthful, because errata demanded the truth.

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And abuse of yarn was answering, truthfully, he is from the best of lineage, his followers are from the weak ones, they increase, he is not claiming he is not, you know, he doesn't come across as just wanting leadership, he say, he claims to be the Messenger of Allah, and so on and so forth. And when he had this, here, Carl said, or he acknowledged that I was taught about this from my scriptures. I knew of the coming of the final messenger, but I didn't know that he will be from you. And he said, Heracles said, had I known that he would have been from you I would have undertaken the hardships of desert travel, because remember, they went to civilization. Right and traveling through the desert

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was something else. I would have undergone the desert travel

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To go and meet him, and when I met him, I would have washed his feet to honor him.

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span Allah Subhana Allah what what a statement by the Roman leader. Alright, so this was one letter, the next another letter was sent to kisara

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by Abdullah bin, who Therefore, I said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent him to the Persian civilization to invite the Persian ruler to Islam.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam some sources say sent him in seven, ah, meaning seven years after his law. And he was told to give the letter to the leader of Bahrain, who would pass it to kisara. Now when we say Buhari, we're talking about today's Buhari, right, the little island, just off the coast of Saudi Arabia, which is a country in and of itself. What do we mean by Bahrain we need a larger version, Bahrain, in the center of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam refers to a larger region, which includes Kuwait

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and the eastern side of modern day Saudi Arabia. Okay, so he sent it to the leader of Bahrain and said you pass the letter on to kiss off, and the contents were similar to the contents of the letter sent to her hotel, except that it did not mention the double reward.

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didn't mention the double reward and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best maybe this is proof that what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam meant by double reward is that Heroku will get the reward for following an ISA and then following Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, because the people of Persia have kisara, they will not

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from the followers of the People of the Book, we might have had settlers there, but their religion was something else. So this letter didn't have this concept. If you accept Islam, then you will get a double reward. Now, it is said that when kisara got this letter, he tore it up. He didn't honor it like a miracle on it. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told what happened, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made that lay his empire be completely torn apart.

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And that's what happened later on after the passing of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam during the caliphate of ameriglo, hubbub, robiola, and if my memory serves me, right, then another letter was sent to Nigeria, she and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to me even Romania, now there's a difference of opinion did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam invite in the joshy? During the Macan phase when the Muslims went and the joshy when they did the first Hydra, we discussed this in season one of blast from the past to season two.

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Perhaps it Season Two

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when the Muslims were sent to

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to Abyssinia was it after that?

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Because Natasha was just and he was kind to the Muslims did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam invite him then? Or did he invite him after a long day BIA? There's a difference of opinion about this. Also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam invited the leader of Egypt el moko case al moko case is the title of the leader of Egypt and he said that his name was Jura Heba, Lena and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, How have you been a

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backpack to?

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to Egypt, and we'll discuss more about how when we discuss the lessons related to the opening of Mk. Now

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sending How did tu tu tu

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tu delete of Egypt 12 makoko this is something that is disputed strongly because of the nature of the evidences that highlight this. However, however, in terms of historical accounts, we don't have to be too pedantic with the authenticity of the information. And there's enough there are scholars have found that there's enough evidence for us to

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to believe that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did send this invitation towards Islam to the leader of Egypt and there's nothing there to oppose it. And we already know that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was inviting the other leaders. Now I look okay, he was not rude.

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He wasn't rude like the leader of kisser.

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And I sorry, like,

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like I saw like this what the patient ruler

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here was not rude. But did he accept Islam? No, he didn't accept Islam. But what did he do? He said presence to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in from them was the slave girl Marry have been a year.

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So he didn't accept Islam and he sent these gifts and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not in need of these gifts. And this could mean Allah who I love that deep down he knew the truth. He knew the truth, but he didn't want to lose his kingdom, money and financial standing.

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Material well being was more beloved to him.

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Also, a letter was sent to the ruler of Sham, right then the font. And also it he said that a letter was sent to the ruler of Bahrain moved to the lab, and he accepted Islam. And remember earlier, we said that the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, sent a letter to him, and then he was instructed to hand over the letter to to kiss her. And when he accepted Islam, just to touch on this shade, be sure you have curry honey, as we say, in the Arabic language, that which is associated should be mentioned, because of association. When he accepted Islam, many of his people did too. And that's what this teaches us brothers and sisters that it's not that, you know, people do practice this

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Follow the Leader, the leader does it, we do it. And we see today in the 21st century, the of COVID, when the leader started taking the vaccine, many people who are, you know, the COVID vaccine, who

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you know, who were unsure, should we should we start a good idea just because they saw the leaders doing it, they started doing it. Right. And we've also seen this in history when a leader takes any particular genre of citizens to account we see the people turn against the citizens, right? When a leader,

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you know, announces that the citizens of his country will live together in harmony, they won't differentiate between the black person and a white person, you find the black people respecting the whites, you find the white peoples do disrespecting the blacks. But if if the leader takes

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it takes issue with one type of race, you find that you find the opposite type of race, following the leader, right? We've seen this. In the West, we've seen this in Africa, also with Islamophobia, with Islamophobia. We've seen this as well, right? I certain president comes to power and start speaking brazenly about Muslims. And all of a sudden you find attacks in different countries against Muslims, you find Islamophobia increasing, so people do follow the leader. So people accepted Islam. When moved to the lab, they accepted Islam. And living in this region of Bahrain, they were Jews and fire worship is as well.

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The Jews didn't follow the fire worshippers didn't follow, but most of his people followed. So it was seemed to be a Muslim place now. And these were non Muslims living in a Muslim land. So they sought the rules about how to

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what what is Allah subhanho wa Taala his rule with regards to the situation and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shared with them the legislation of the jizya behead tax, if we can translate it that way into the English language, where you can live here, you live under our security, you live as citizens, but you pay a jizya you pay an amount

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to be able to live here. And so, in terms of rules pertaining to the jizya and the whole concept of non Muslims living in a Muslim country, these rules got you know, they they have a place in this event in this year. And last but not least brothers and sisters in Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam invited the two kings of Oman to accept Islam. And he sent admirably Laos, or the Allah who.

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And they accepted Islam after the great work and diligence and Darwin persistence and patience of amaryllis rhodiola. And so as you can see here, brothers and sisters in Islam, it was new Muslims really working on other people to become new Muslims as well, because the Sahaba were new Muslims, right? They were new Muslims, but they were a mercy for Islam because they were inviting other people to enter Islam as well. So this is a brief summary of the events related to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in fighting other leaders and kings to Islam, and we learn from this brothers and sisters in Islam, many lessons will take them very quickly. And then we'll end today's

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session in sha Allah, we learned the unit of the universal message of Islam, that Islam is messages global. Allah says mama Ursula K laka fattened Lee message me and Allah subhanho wa Taala says we haven't sent you except as a messenger to all of mankind.

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Right? Allah subhanho wa Taala says, a lot of material enemy we haven't sent you except as a mercy to the worlds

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right Allah subhanho wa Taala says kuliah Uranus in the Rasulullah healer you come to me and say to them, oh mankind I am a messenger of Allah to you all together to all of you. I've come to you collectively.

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So the message of Islam is global. Yes, the prophet was Arab. salallahu alayhi wasallam Yes, the Quran was revealed in the Arabic language, but its message is global. It's not a religion for the Arabs.

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Right, so this is the first lesson. Next we'll learn brothers and sisters in Islam. The charity begins at home. You start with the closest to you, and then you expand. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam never began by inviting these leaders further away to Islam and their people to Islam.

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He worked with the people who are closer to him and closest to him. Allah says one day actually, erotica, aka Robin Wright, start with those closest to you. So he started working on the people closest to him. And then he went on from there and then from there and on from there and that's how Islam spread. So the people closest to you, they have a they have the greatest right to your virtues, and your virtuous knowledge, your virtuous message, they have the greatest right to it. So we learned this as well, from the strategy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in terms of how he spread Islam. Also brothers and sisters in Islam, we learned that we are allowed to take the

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means as long as it is halal and permissible. We spoke about this, in some capacity, in the most recent of lessons allow you to do Ll Ll hilarion per acre Haram, the ends don't justify the means. But if the means are halal, then take them so that you can get to the ends that you envision. So we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taking this ring from meta to us as a stamp, because there was nothing in it which opposed Islam. And through it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam high objective would be achieved in that these letters would reach the destination. Another lesson also brothers and sisters in Islam is

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respect people and give people that view, even if they're from other religions. If someone is a PhD holder, call him a doctor. He's a medical doctor call him a doctor, someone's a lead, they use the appropriate title. Because in the writing of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam the appropriate titles were used, right? He would say, Avi maroun and so on and so forth, meaning, you know, the, the leader of Rome, he didn't address them void of the titles which

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which which highlighted the eminence, right? So give people the ad.

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If you speak to someone else, but then you speak to them in a way that is befitting call to them in a way that is befitting right this is from the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Yes, the idea is with from, you know, from letters to the kings, but the idea is, is,

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you know, it it outlasts us, and it encompasses everyone. I'll ask you for Sherry artillerymen, as the principal in jurisprudence methodology states that from the outset, the laws of Islam are all encompassing, they apply to everyone. So give people their rights. Right, let the person know, actually at home, don't steal from people's rights when you trade with them. But also don't steal from the rights when you engage them. Okay? And remember, by doing so, you're not going to lose anything you do you rather you're going to gain, you're going to open the heart of the person towards you. And they got to listen to what you have to say. Also, brothers and sisters in Islam, we

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should be balanced in our messaging. be balanced in the messaging. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if you do accept Islam, you will get double rewards. But if you don't, we'll carry the sin of your people. Now, yes, not you know, today, we we preach, we want to preach Islam, as if Islam is on sale. We only want to talk about It's not wrong, because Islam is about love, and it's about peace, and it's about mercy. It's about coexistence and peaceful existence. But Islam, the way it's presented, has to be balanced. For for true peace to be achieved for true coexistence to be achieved, there has to be an instruction that shows the benefits if you do and also the

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That's the reality.

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Right? You can't keep telling people about Jana without telling them about gender. Because if you preach people Islam in a way whereby they think that by them not acting, they will get to gender then you haven't preached Islam. Marbella Teresa letter, you have not conveyed the message of Allah.

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And unfortunately, this is becoming a thing today, where people are attached to certain

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do ads, because they only preach the message of hope. So it helps them feel guided and successful in their misguidance.

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And that's dangerous brothers and sisters.

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Because no doubt when you when you believe in Allah and you have a man when you make a mistake, you feel guilty.

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But what happens if you have someone who can remove that guilt from you? Well, you can do the wrong and not feel guilty.

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What happens? So we have to be anyone who preaches about align is Russell, as we said in earlier lessons, if you speak on behalf of Islam speak properly.

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Make sure that balance is there. Make sure there's no room for interpretation. Make sure you feel the weight of every word you say. And every letter you write. Why sir took said Dr. Boucher had a tumor alone as Allah subhanho wa Taala says, everything you say and write and do will be written and you will be asked about it. The more you speak, the longer your questioning will be. So if you're speaking on behalf of Islam,

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speak on behalf of Islam. And if you speak on behalf of yourself, then like our show, and that is for you to I mean that that's your consequences, that's fine.

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Because people will not associate what you say with Islam then associated with you. But if they associate what you say with Islam, make sure the association is correct. You have to feel that weight, we have to feel that weight. And for any students of knowledge who are watching it.

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Take this as a lesson not to rush

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to do that. Study and study well. Don't rush to do that. Why? one semester two semesters, then already, you want to start opening a blog in your to start writing and you want to start giving in fact one answering questions. No, no, no, no, no. Stick to the books and stick to your teachers build yourself well. And when you become established, then get involved. Why? Because everything you say and do you will be questioned about right and especially when people know that you're a student of knowledge. They're not going to misinterpret every anything you say whatever you say they're gonna associate it with Islam. And if you think otherwise, you being naive.

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So we should have that balance in the message. Allah is not very bad, the only Angela foodora him in for my slaves, that I'm the most forgiving, the Most Merciful, or unhappy, who Allah has happened and him and informed them that my punishment is severe.

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inform them that Allah Himself is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful, and also informed them that the punishment of Allah is severe.

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Someone might say, but we do have verses in the Quran in isolation, that talk only about Allah mess. Yes, we do. But they're not in isolation, they exist within a surah. And in that surah, you will also find Allah subhanho wa Taala highlighting that those who don't comply, they will be punished. So the surah is balanced, which means the message is balanced. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. The next lesson brothers and sisters in Islam is keep things short and sweet to the point the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his messages and instructions were sweet and short. And to the point, people are busy, especially if you're speaking to leaders, they have so much going on. Right.

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And today's day and age, everyone is busy nonetheless. Right? So keep things short and to the point, so at least they can get on with other priorities. And they can worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. Don't keep meetings going on and on and on. And then we need more meetings to discuss past meetings. And we spoke about this earlier, right? Especially when we spoke about risk averse people who are too risk averse, right? So Life is too short, to make it shorter through wasting time by going on and on and speaking more than you should and using more words than you need to and having more programs that are required. This is another thing that you know, I was in a meeting just a couple of

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weeks ago with some scholars from from the west. And they were discussing this, that Subhanallah Do we have to talk about the virtues of Ramadan? Every Ramadan? The lecture from five years ago is recorded is there. Why can people watch that? If it's if we feel it's a good lecture? Do we have to record it? Do we have to and then who is recording it? Every single chef is doing it? Why? Because his channel has to have something because the those who watch his channel, they not gonna watch the other channel. And the show is not going to tell them to watch that chef. You don't see chefs telling each other that no, why don't you benefit from that chef and go watch that chef. And here's

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a lecture, which is very good. The chef did it, do it, listen to it and benefit from it. So I don't have to teach the same thing again. Because we do live in an age where Mashallah things are recorded. What I'm teaching you now is recorded as well.

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Right? So there's a lot of this reinventing the wheel taking place, which we need to revise and think about, do we need a project for the sake of having a project towards the end of the project doing the work and we can support them and better their project rather than having two projects when you only need one, rather than having two conferences when you only need one? Rather than having two programs when you only need one? Does that make sense brothers and sisters in Islam. So I'm trying to take from the Sierra and highlight things that are relative to our time. Obviously, my experiences are different to yours, I operate within a particular space giving my remit in life, you

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have a different remit. But take the lesson, keep things short and sweet and to the point and do not reinvent the wheel and do not use resources into creating the same things because the oma needs so much more. And those resources can be better used. Also brothers and sisters in Islam. Last but not least, let's not say last as a second last. I know we've gone over time. But today it is a blessed day Friday Alhamdulillah

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I just want to highlight this about the Christians and how the Quran tells us that the Christians are closer to the Muslims. Because if you look at an age gap, and how he was with the Muslims, it's different to how we find the Jews of Medina for example, with the Muslims. If we look at the ad helical who was a Christian orientated leader, and how he received the message of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You see totally different to how kisara the patient leader received the letter from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? So Allah highlights in the Quran that you find from the

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Christians, those who are closest to the believers and you can see when the character they have a character that is closer to the believers than other people. Is this across the board? Obviously not. But this is highlighted as a general rule. No doubt when you look at the matter based on specific cases, you find things here or there. But as a general rule, this what Allah subhanho wa Taala has established in the Quran, and we find this in the Sierra, as well. Last but not least, this is the last thing I want to say brothers and sisters in Islam, because it does apply to us today, in terms of our organizations, in terms of our businesses, in terms of our projects, choose

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the right people for the right seat for the right occasion. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chose people carefully, that's why I shared with you the names. So you can go read up on these people, you will find that he chose some people because of their manners. And while Generally, if you look at the people, he chose, the manners, their demeanor, their eloquence, their knowledge, their dress code, their appearance, their bravery

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was shared. You have to be brave, right? Because you're going to territory to toe people to to a message that we seen the closest to us take issue with, right they became enemies to us. So what if we go to these lands and they prey imprison us or they execute us so you have to be brave. Right? But also look what you're dealing with Luca according to Islam, right, you called the kisser. The Persian need that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent his companion to the Buhari He then said the Bahraini to you pass it on to them. So it's, it's a situation of a leader that the kisser was more comfortable with passing on a letter to kiss her. But despite this kiss, retold the letter,

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but you get the point brothers and sisters in Islam, whenever you need to run a project or you need to do something, make sure you get the right people and you put the right people in the right seat.

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That's when you have optimal

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production. But if you put the right person in the wrong seat you're gonna face you're gonna have the right people and in the right seat, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam chose the right people for the right task sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And also and this is a question that is asked a lot when I recruit Should I go for people who are willing or people who are able?

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This is a good question. And the answer to the question brothers and sisters in Islam, I would say that ideally you want to go and you want to go and find people who are

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you want to find people who are willing and able, you want to find people who are willing, and able, ideally. But if you don't have the ability to find people who are willing and able, then you want to at least find people who are willing, in my experience, who are willing, because someone who's willing, you can enable them through training them.

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But if you get someone who is able but unwilling,

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then that's a problem. Because they're not willing to do the work anyway. They're not willing to assist in any capacity anyway, so it doesn't matter that table. So ideally, you want to get someone who is willing and able, but if you can't find that person, then find people who are willing, and then train them so that you are able to enable them. Okay?

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Because at the end of that process, you will have people who are willing and able as we're all brothers and sisters in Islam, this brings us to the end of today's session Alhamdulillah and we managed to close also another segment from the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam join me again tomorrow for a brand new segment and to everyone who joined in via

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our social media pages and from clubhouse May Allah subhanho wa Taala reward you all a brother Aaron, Allah subhana wa Taala Bless you. It's so nice to see you. With us today. And to Brother shuraim Waiariki salam, wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh and everyone. Everything could access from Allah alone and he's perfect in any mistakes. I found myself and Shere Khan and I seek Allah's forgiveness until tomorrow ask Allah to preserve us in his obedience, I mean and to accept our deeds. I mean, Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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