Sajid Ahmed Umar – Ramadan 2019- Episode 04 – Don’t Forget!

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of forgiveness, emphasizing the importance of patient behavior and avoiding regret. They stress the need for forgiveness and avoiding regret to improve one's character and build community. The conversation also touches on managing relationships and allowing others to interfere with one's actions, with a call to action for action ending with a suggestion to take action.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My dears brothers and sisters in Islam Welcome to Ramadan reminders Episode Four I pray you all doing phenomenally well your fasting is going well and you are reviving the Knights appropriately. Remember, a strong start is crucial towards gaining important momentum to help you manage your way through the middle part of the month and then put you on the path towards completing the month in a stronger way. Because as I've told you before, our actions are judged by their endings. In yesterday's episode pixel versus picture I mentioned to you all to is from the Quran one of them in Surah two Nisa and in the Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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In sort of the Messiah, he mentioned this, this ayah related to the husband and the wife and this concept of being patient through a situation that you might not prefer, you might not feel appropriate, it's a situation that brings you stress. Why because you never know Allah subhanho wa Taala may bring to you great goodness from it. Continuing on that path, I want to share with you another idea related to related to a husband and a wife in Surah Al Baqarah as well and that is an ayah number 237 in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, while a tensor will fog the bane accom Do not forget the virtuous act completed between the husband and the wife. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala. He

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tells us this in the context of divorce, separation, and the concept of forgiveness between spouses being closer towards Dakota. And then

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if we look at this concept of forgiveness between spouses being

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closest to taqwa and we in the month of taqwa and then yesterday's lesson about you know, being patient through adversity, the marriage adversity, no doubt, a husband will ask and a wife will ask, they'll say, but how, you know what, what can we do to help us be patient through the adversity? What can we do to help us forgive each other and ensure that, you know, we were doing that which is closest to a taco here in this particular area, Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us what we can do it number 237, he says, subhanho wa Taala. Do not forget the virtuous acts completed between each other, this will help you forgive each other, this will help you, you know, push through the

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turbulence. Why? Because no doubt whenever there's conflict, whenever there's turbulence in the in, in the marriage, then in normal circumstances, I'm not talking about abnormal circumstances, in normal circumstances. This is not the status quo. This is this is

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an abnormality, this is an exception to the general relationship. Generally, there's a lot of,

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you know, a virtuous acts that are coming from the wife towards the husband and from the husband towards the wife. And yes, mankind does forget, we are prone

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to forgetting Allah tells us this in in Surah. Yusuf Allah tells us this in order to calf as well, and mankind is created weak, we do forget, but Allah reminds us here, push yourself to remember, don't let the the difficult the difficult situation cause you to lose balance to lose calibration. Don't let the difficult situation cause you to forget your good character, don't let the situation cause you to become unjust, whereby you deal with the situation void of looking at the picture as a whole where you become a micro human being and forget about the macro side of your thought process. There's a macro side to things and there's a micro site to things if you're going through

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difficulty, and you're only focusing on the nitty gritty issues that are happening. Now you forget the whole picture you're looking yesterday, we called our episode pixel versus picture, you're looking at a pixel and you are getting the whole picture around the pixel, it's going to cause you to become unjust, it's going to swerve you off the path of justice. And you only going to, you know, gather for yourself the negative emotions as a result of your tunnel vision, looking at only the problem, and disregarding everything around the problem. And then what's going to happen, you're going to create for yourself an outcome that you will not be proud of and brothers and sisters in

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Islam as someone who's been working in the service of building communities for over a decade now I can tell you of circumstances where you know, husbands and great regret for divorcing the wives and wives in great regret for the actions towards their husbands but at the time, both of them felt that it was the best thing when they were advised don't do it. They felt I will do it when they were told you that you will fall into regret. They said I don't care. I don't think so I know what I'm doing, you know, stay out of my way. And they were all gung ho and then what happens when the dust settles and the plane starts to fly through. You know,

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a smooth atmosphere now reflection takes place.

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Regret settles in, and then everyone wants to shift to try and and and you know, discard those products and divorces and you know, somehow pull out a miracle to ensure that this marriage can can be as it was before the tablets on the homestand. So brothers and sisters in Islam, look how perfect this course is. Indeed Allah tells us in the Quran that Allah has released in the Quran every lesson. So Allah indeed he has even here he teaches us how to manage ourselves as human beings. Now this ayah we know that the message the instructions of the Quran are timeless, and even spaceless. I've said this to you previously, we don't look at the idea in isolation. We say this idea is

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related to this, but the meaning and lesson of the idea applies throughout all circumstances, all situations, it could be with your neighbor, it could be with a workmate, it could be with a classmate, it could be with a fellow member of the honor of Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam it could be with a fellow relative and so on and so forth. Whenever calamity strikes whenever the relationship falls into turbulence. Deal with it by remembering the virtuous acts that you received from the person that you are experiencing difficulty with. And this will help you be just and you know, look at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after better after the adversity of better they

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went out, not looking for a war and were faced with adversity, there was an army well equipped in front of them and they were pushed into the situation where they had to fight at the end of law, bless them, and they won and they had captives and here Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam remembers Matangi Bernardi, who, after you know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spent a month in life trying to invite them to Islam and they stoned him and did what they did to him. And now he tries to get back to Makkah. Obviously, MCI didn't want him they were only a few supporters that he had in Mecca. What happens? Right, what them who wasn't a believer, he instructs his sons

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and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is protected and brought into MK and no one can do anything about it. So had Allah

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Subhana Allah, can you imagine? This is an isolator helping the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what happens after better now by that time of him died as a polytheist but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remembers his virtuous act. And he says, If Martin spoke to me about these captives, I would have released them without any ransom, remembering his good act towards me a long time ago now.

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This is from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, whose character was the Quran, so push yourself brothers and sisters in Islam, right we just spoke about this month being the month of taco and perhaps we will attain taqwa Allah says or antiflu Acropolis taqwa to forgive one another is closer to taqwa. And taqwa is not about you know, for you know, just forgiving the person because I'm also wrong in it. It's also about forgiving the other person if even if you are 100%, right in it, forgiving them for the oppression towards you. Let's face it, brothers and sisters in Islam, we don't want to be we don't want anyone to be our distress on the diaphragm in front of our love

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because we did something to them and they refuse to forgive us.

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So don't be the means of somebody else's distress from the DFP. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't be the means of someone else's distress. Work on your heart. This is the month of greatness. This is the month that you can fix your heart you think it's impossible. Prove yourself wrong, surprise yourself. You don't belittle yourself, you are greater than you think. This message has has has reached its peak we have to end and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our deeds and place Baraka and blessings in the time of Ramadan that remains. And we ask Allah to inspire us in the time that remains I mean, you're an admin I love you all for the sake of Allah My dear brothers and

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sisters in Islam, remember me and my family and until next time in sha Allah Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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