Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with the Qur’an #10

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © In this episode of the reassurance series, the host discusses the concept of wealth and how it can be earned in a way that is prohibited from the well-being of others. The host emphasizes the importance of avoiding the consequence of the use of one's wealth in a certain way and the importance of not the use of one's wealth in a certain way.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone welcome to Episode 10 moments with the Quran today we take an ayah from Surah Nisa, Allah subhanho wa Taala says yeah you

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kulu Amala

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Bill bellafill illa una de Joe Ratan Tata the mean come one at APU fusa come in Allah hi can be como Rahim Allah Subhana Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses the believers in an ayah that's filled with so many lessons, especially from my perspective, the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence Allah This is the believers and in this address, he warns them against taking ownership of the wealth of other Muslim brothers and sisters without their consent and without their happiness in any way or form. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Do not kill yourselves, protect your life. Don't put your lives on the line, right in grave danger in harm's way, in the lower canopy cumbre Hema Indeed

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Allah subhanho wa Taala to you all, he is perpetually perfectly merciful. So hideaway to Allah and we see day in and Dr. Hall mercyful Sherry is the laws of Islam. And how these laws no doubt come from Allah subhanho wa Taala, the Especially Merciful and the Entirely Merciful brothers and sisters in Islam. Yesterday, we took an ayah from Surah to Bukhara in relation to wealth, and eating halal Pure Food and earning in a halal pure way. And the concept and we discussed this whole concept of where the wealth is obtained or ordained, and where the wealth is a blessing or a curse. And today we continue this discussion in Surah Nisa, in relation to wealth. But here Allah subhanho wa Taala

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teaches us of a way through which we can earn in a haram way and does consume her own food, which is totally forbidden. Allah tells us that you will earn in a haram way, if you in any way, shape or form, you serve the wealth of others without right without the consent and happiness. For example, for example, lying about the cost price. If the other party knew the true cost price, they wouldn't have been happy, for example, to give over their money, for example, selling a product and lying about the capabilities of the product just to ensure that the deal goes through, right making promises that you can't fulfill. Maybe it's a promise to in relation to the warranty of the of the

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product that you're selling, and you cannot fulfill that promise. All this is how long brothers and sisters in Islam, and all this constitutes you. And in the case of the sale going through, it constitutes you consuming the wealth of your fellow Muslim brother or sister without right without their consent, because had they known they would have refused, they wouldn't have handed over their money, they will happily and he has a report that goes back to him in a better audio level in which I've done my best about the level I do my explains the reason why Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed this particular ayah. And he mentioned that at the time, people used to have a type of deal whereby

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they would sell something, for example a soap. And they would say if you like the soap, take it. And if you don't like it, you can return it. But you must also return a portion of your money along with your return. So that I'll give you back your money what you paid, but I'm going to keep some right.

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For whatever reason you returning the soap, the condition is you return it and you pay something with it. Right? Either you pay or I'll take it from the amount that you pay for the soap initially now brothers and sisters in Islam on, you know, on what grounds can a person do this, right? Because if I buy and soap and I'm not happy with the job, of course I have a right to return it because I gave my money, right and I'm not happy now with the money that I spent on the concept of of this purchase. I want my money back because I'm not happy with the thought but only be happy with what I gave if I'm happy with what I bought. So how can now the seller Tell me return the job and also pay

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for the return. So I'd love to kind of reveal this ayah making sure that this practice seizes and all practice that people can think of there are similarities as well. And also can who Allah is amazingly clear and eloquent and the Quran is amazingly clear and eloquent our brothers and sisters in Islam. The last part of diet. In the last part of diet Allah subhanho wa Taala says do not kill yourself so Han Allah but pay attention to this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men matter do a man he for who is Shaheed whoever dies defending his or her wealth, Allah will give them the status of your head to Hana Allah, Allah doesn't want you to put your life in grave danger. But

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if someone is stealing your money, and you you defending your money means you defending it with yourself. And in the process you pass away to kind of Allah, Allah gives you the status of shad. And the scholars of Islam have deduced from this heavy that if someone is stealing your wealth and you defend your wealth and in the process, they are severely harmed or they even pass away, then you are absolved of any blame or any harm

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Of course, that you can prove that you are defending your wealth in the process of this person having died. Understand brothers and sisters in Islam from this how sacred wealth is in Islam Subhan Allah, how sacred wealth is in Islam. And if we fundraising this Ramadan, be clear also brothers and sisters in Islam in terms of the message you put up there, don't fundraise in a way doing gymnastics with us where people think that we're giving our money over because so and so is going to do this with the money or that with the money and you have other intentions or you haven't been absolutely honest and true in terms of your messaging that convince people to give you their money. Some people

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say, you know, they give the impression that it's 100% donor policy, but it's not 100% donor policy. And this is important to the person who's handing over their money that it must be 100% donor policy and obviously this is not a sale based transaction, but it applies as well because Allah says do not you take other people's wealth do not take the believers wealth, without their consent and without their happiness. had they known that you were doing gymnastics with your words, no doubt, they wouldn't have given you the money they would have looked for another organization to hand over their donation to so brothers and sisters in Islam take special care, right? Take special care. We all

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know some kind of way to Allah bless you all until another moment. ceramah here alikum warahmatu over again.

In today’s episode we discuss the following:
1. The sanctified nature of the wealth of a believer.
2. The sanctified nature of life.
3. The ruling with regards to defending your wealth with your life.
4. Seeking donations through open ended words and sentences which do not give the donor one’s clear intentions.
5. The ruling of sales based on incorrect versions of the cost price or product ability.

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