Sajid Ahmed Umar – In The Company Of Allah 08B – What was that Card that tipped the Scales?

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a culture where slave leaders are recording actions and deeds, including turnping to Allah for forgiveness. The culture also includes a discussion of the Holy Spirit and its power to bring light to hearts. The segment touches on Islam's "The Greatest Showman" program, the importance of forgiveness, and graduation from the University of New Mexico's "hamma" program for achieving success in society. forgiveness is emphasized as a crucial factor for society to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim from the LAO Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah He was happy woman while AsSalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh idea brothers and sisters Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the 100 and 10th as of the fourth surah. Will Miyamoto su n o yovel Enough Soho from Mr. Fairey let her EGD let her or her fool or Rahima that whoever does evil or wrongs himself, but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, He will find Allah subhanho wa Taala oft forgiving a for remember this name, Allah uses it in this area and says he will find Allah oft forgiving and Rahima the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful. Brothers and sisters when we read an ayah

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like this, we can't help but remember, a famous Hadith in the Sunnah known as Hadith al Bheatha and Hadith lb taka refers to the Hadith of the card, like a small business card, and amazing name given to an amazing Hadith. And this hadith states that a slave will meet Allah subhanho wa Taala and on the day of pm for his his app, and his Kitab right he will meet Allah so He can be audited. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask the angels to produce the sins of the slave. And upon this instruction 99 files mighty files, each file as long as the eye can see like

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vivid description, each file as long as the eye can see 99 of them of sins will be brought in front of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And the instruction for these files to be placed on these measuring scales will happen and the sins will be weighed.

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And the slave will be despondent.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask his slave, that will you oppressed did my angels or press you have the record that what you never used to do? And he will deny being oppressed. He will deny being oppressed. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask for his good deeds to be brought forward. And one book of good deeds will be brought forward Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

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And we know

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one file in front of 99 files really does not have a chance. And Allah subhanahu wa taala will ask the angels to place the file on the scales. And as they do so, a small card will fall out of the book.

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And the book will be weighed, not having any effect on the 99 scales or the 99 books on the scales on the opposite side.

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The servant of Allah will be despondent

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask for the card that fell out to be placed on the scales as well. And the slave knows that what is one small card in light of one mighty book and what is one mighty book in light of 99 mighty files of sin. How is this card going to help me but lo and behold, when this card touches the scales of good deeds,

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the scales tip in the servants favor. Allahu Akbar. Now I'm sure each and every one of us listening right to this particular Hadith have a burning question in them. And that is what was on the card. What was on this card?

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Brothers and sisters on this card was La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah on this card was a chateau a La Ilaha illa Allah wa shadow under Muhammad Abdul Rasul Allah, this is what was on this card, the article of faith, the foundation upon which everything in creation exists Beto heed of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the acceptance of the prophecy of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which this Tawheed instructs us to for this is the instruction from Allah subhanahu wata, and this is what was on the card, and it allowed these skills to outweigh the opposing scales. Now Illa Illa on the day of PM, when Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Gambia will say Allahi wa Salatu Salam is so

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angry. He was never angry like this before, and he will never be angry like this after on this day. Allah will allow a card to work in favor a card of to heat to work in favor of his life. Again, brothers and sisters will

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La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah How can we lose hope in Allah subhanahu wata?

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In the Sunnah as well.

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that a slave makes a mistake and he turns to Allah and He says, Yeah, I'll be oh my lord, remember that name Rob. As Dilip to them well for clarity, I have committed a sin forgive me. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells His angels to bear witness that he has forgiven his life. And then the slave makes a mistake again, and he turns to Allah again. And he says, Yeah, haram be as an up to them and for fiddly. Oh my Lord, remember this name Rob. He calls Unto Allah using this name and says, I have made a mistake forgive me. And Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives him. And then he makes the mistake again, and he turns to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he

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says your A B Oh, my Lord as an app to them but I have sent fiddly Forgive me, he turns to Allah and he turns to Allah and he turns to Allah and he never feels shy when it comes to turning back to Allah. For he knows that when I asked Allah the more I asked the happier Allah becomes why as human beings, the more we asked, the sadder they become. This is Allah and His mercy, His mercy encompasses all encompasses the even if I did this, a million times, Allah's Mercy income, encompasses it. I turned back to him and I asked him to forgive me. And what do you think Allah subhanho wa Taala does at this juncture.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala turns to his angels and he doesn't say bear witness that I forgiven him. Rather Allah subhanho wa Taala says, as taught to us by the one who never lied Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Allah tells his angels bear witness,

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that this slave of mine, he understands that he has a Lord

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who is called the rally who is capable over him, is capable over him. And he has a Lord who is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful. bear witness that whatever he does, from today he is forgiven Subhan Allah, by Allah understand or servant of Allah, you and I, we will not enter gender because of our deeds. We cannot enter gender because of our deeds. It's impossible. We enter gender because of this encompassing Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala celebrated I never lose hope in it. Look after these names of Allah subhanho wa Taala that fall under this theme of mercy and compassion. Our deeds are not enough for us to get a glass of water on the day of Fiamma understand this for we will

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always be in debt to Allah subhanho wa Taala always, we will always be indebted to him. Because when we worship Him, He rewards us. So we still in debt. And when we thank him, he rewards us. So we still in debt. And when we praise Him, He rewards us so we still in debt. So how can we ever have an acid base standing with Allah subhanho wa Taala we do not have enough understand this, to even have a glass of water on the day of the AMA. Let's celebrate this mercy of Allah and never lose hope in it and make it a part and parcel of your day. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will love you in sha Allah for that. This is the message of compassion. This is the message of mercy and not just any message,

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but rather the message of Allah's compassion. And Allah has mercy. So not just any message of compassion and mercy but rather the message of Allah's compassion and mercy. Brothers and sisters, we agreed when we started our series together, that we don't want to learn in a semantic fashion. Where we just know a name, we know what it means, in a semantic way, we know how many times it it has been mentioned in the Quran, for example.

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Rather, we've agreed to learn in a way that we learn these names and it betters our character. We use these names and our sessions together to improve our Hallock our character, and to prove improve ourself, we become better beings as a result of these names. And by Allah I coined

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a question and point right now and say, and ask, if these names are the Beautiful Names of Allah? And Allah loves these qualities, that shouldn't we have these qualities in our life? Shouldn't we become people that are fourth bearing people who exercise compassion, people who love to forgive? Shouldn't we adopt these qualities? Isn't it enough for us to understand how important it is for these qualities to exist in our lives? Isn't the fact that these are from the names of Allah, and Allah loves these attributes? Isn't this enough?

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For us to understand how these attributes should be part and parcel of our character, that we are merciful to the slaves of Allah. We are merciful to the bed and servants of Allah. We are merciful to our spouses, we are merciful to our children. We are merciful to our employees. We are merciful to our parents, to our community, La ilaha illa Allah. Indeed this is enough. And to substantiate this point Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us manleigh Your Humla your ham, that the one who is not merciful to others, Allah will not be merciful to him. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, our Rahi moon, your hammer * man, that the merciful ones Allah will

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be merciful upon them, it will handle men feel out, show mercy to those on the face of this earth, to the trees to the animals to the human race. your hammock Memphis summer, Allahu Akbar, your home command for summer, the one in the heavens will be merciful upon you and this hadith is beautiful. Abraham all men feel are the men this is general. This hadith is not saying be merciful just to the Muslims now. Be merciful to the Muslims, the non Muslims, be merciful to the trees, be merciful to the buildings, be merciful to the animals, to the birds to everything that Allah subhanahu Allah has created your ham command for summer and Allah will be merciful to you. As an action point brothers

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and sisters before we entered a session to truly benefit from this discussion of Allah's compassion and mercy and His names, I want you all to pick up the phone and call that family member that you are having a problem with.

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And forgive them whether you're right, or whether they're right. Forgive them. Place your ego down and celebrate these attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala and bring them into your life for the sake of Allah and forgive them for the sake of Allah and create that unity at home for Charity begins at home. And if you ever asked that, how many times should I forgive my family members? How many times should I forgive others? How many times should I show mercy? Then I end today's episode by saying do so as many times as you would love Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive you as many times as you would love for Allah subhanho wa Taala to be merciful upon you. I love you all for the sake of Allah Salam

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Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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