Sajid Ahmed Umar – Hajj & The Family #02 – Common Foundation

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of the fit minor in shaping Islam is discussed, along with struggles of family members and the mother instincts of the hedge. The mother instincts can cause a "willingness" to be recession or weakness, and can lead to behavior like rebirth. The segment concludes with a promise to explore common foundations between the hedge and the family.
AI: Transcript ©
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Love, love,

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love, love, love. Love.

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Rahman Al Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah alayhi wa sahbihi Omen wala, we begin In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. seeking His blessings we praise him subhanho wa Taala and we request praises blessings and salutations upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam Salaam, Allah Allah Kumamoto, Baraka, tumulus Peace, blessings and safety be upon you all. I welcome you all to Episode Two of our series together, dedicated to the Hajj and the family and brought to you courtesy of the Islamic Council of Europe. Remember, our series is discussing common foundations between the hedge the days of hedge

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the family of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and the family unit as taught to us in the teachings and our of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Episode One was dedicated to the importance of the fitrah this natural disposition that Allah subhanho wa Taala created us upon, it's one of tawheed and belief in one of Allah, and not just belief in him being one, but in him being one in his worship as well and in His names and attributes as well. And in reality that is entirely what the Hajj represents. And we discussed this from the perspective of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam as a young person and shared some examples, as he grew older, promising that we will zoom into other examples from his life and also

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zoom into particular aspects in relation to members of his household, through our throughout our series together in sha Allah, that will further prove Subhanallah how massive The fitrah is, and being true to it is in ensuring that we have amazing family, amazing families, amazing Muslim households, and the more Muslim households we have that are transformed and amazing, then no doubt this will lead to amazing transformed societies as well. Now, naturally when we discuss the importance of the fitrah, and each member of the household being true to the fitrah. This brings us to the discussion of Episode Two, which is the next discussion after we discussed the fifth era. And

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that is the importance of roles. Brothers and sisters in Islam. When we look at the family of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and remember, as we said in Episode One, this family really was the means of the Hajj that we have today, because many of the practices in the Hajj stemmed from actual real life circumstances that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and his family found himself in, and then being true to the Torah being true to the mandate of the hate Allah subhanho wa Taala loved how they manage themselves in those circumstances and situations, that he became part and parcel of the pilgrimage acts that will be done till the Day of gamma Subhan. Allah, when we look at the family household of Ibrahim

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alayhis salam, we see Subhana Allah, how every unit of this family remained true to the role that Allah subhanho wa Taala placed upon them. And when I say true to the role, I mean, they remained in that role, and they excelled in that role. So we see the father not trying to be the mother, the mother, not trying to be the father, the son not trying to be the father, the parent, not trying to be the child and vice versa, and so on and so forth. everyone understood their role, they understood their place. And that is why despite the turbulence, really the trials and tribulations that Allah subhanho wa Taala calls to descend upon this family, we find Subhanallah they came through every

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circumstance with flying colors. So part of that they passed the test of Allah subhanho wa Taala in such an amazing way. Let's look at for example, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and him being tested after wanting for so long to have a child and just to,

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you know, to refresh our memories. Ibrahim Alayhi Salam after his travels after leaving Babylon and the city of his father, he began developing a realization that Subhanallah You know what, we don't have people who worship when Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he literally began feeling as if he and his wife, Sarah, and hajer, and obviously Luke, who was young, and also from Babylon, and Luke was the one who left with Ibrahim alayhis salam Ebrahim left his people and loot went on to become a prophet. But focusing on Ibrahim and his family, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam begins to feel that Subhan Allah there's no one on earth who worships one Allah subhanho wa Taala besides him, and then he

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starts a yearning to have a child because he feels as a strategy, then, you know, progeny would be the next step progeny who he would teach the heat to, and they will teach their heat to and this would start a movement of those who worship one Allah subhanho wa Taala and then

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He would have enough people to spread across the lands and teach others the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But Allah subhanho wa Taala tested him for a long, long time. Allah didn't grant him this child until Ibrahim was 90 years of age. According to some of the scholars of Tafseer Allah blesses him with his meriel Allah, his Salah. So this was Subhana Allah you can imagine the joy in the heart of Ibrahim alayhis salam and we must never ever forget he was a human being saara was a human being hajer was a human being is married was a human being. They were human beings, they, they were they felt emotions like you and i, you and i feel emotions, they felt hunger, they felt thirst,

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they felt pain, they they went through life

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with the human nature that you and I also go through life with so you can imagine the joy in the heart of Ibrahim alayhis salam for his son. But then as some of the historian state when is my rich just around the age of two just when it becomes fun, right you start having fun with your your newborn with your firstborn so Hannah love because the wind of meeting or the on the way out of needing their mother's milk, they're not sleeping so much they more active and interactive. And, and now they can spend more time with the Father. At this point. Allah subhanho wa Taala instructed Brahim alayhis salam to take his marriage and his mother her job and leave them literally in the

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middle of nowhere, literally brothers and sisters in Islam, where Ibrahim left her during his marriage. There was nothing there besides to hilltops known as Safa and Marwa what Abraham Allah, he said, I'm do

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he remained true to his fitrah and executed his role within that household perfectly as a result, he was a father, he was a husband, he was responsible in that home, and he took charge for the sake of Allah, and he placed his wife and his son on a mount. And whatever provisions he had with him for them, he placed it with them. And immediately he starts walking to the middle of nowhere, there was no GPS those days. So nobody knew nobody could peek. You know, when you're trying to surprise the family sometimes and you you're going on a road trip, they can actually look at at your phone or on the GPS device and figure out where they're going. There was nothing of the sorts back then he was

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guided by Allah subhanho wa, taala and SubhanAllah. He played his role well, but along with him, has played her role. Well, we don't see her questioning him. We don't see her throwing a tantrum, we don't see her demanding that she knows he we don't see her playing the rights card. She knows that I am a wife in this household. I'm a mother to my child, I am a home maker. And I am important in my own capacity. And right now what my husband is doing that is his capacity. Let him focus on managing his affairs. And I will focus on managing my affairs in terms of being a a dutiful mother to my son taking care of my son in terms of this journey that I'm finding myself on. I did an OB for it. I

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wasn't asked about it, but I'm on it based on my husband's instruction. And no doubt, he knows what is good for me, I trust him. And also I'm going to be a pleasant wife to my husband, I'm not going to make the difficult journey even more difficult by being rebellious or being selfish. And making an issue just because I didn't get it my way. So Hannah law, right. So

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we need to zoom into this because it's phenomenal, right? If you compare that act to a similar act today, where her husband places his wife in the vehicle with total silence, no communication, bags are packed, and he starts driving off in a direction that is foreign to to his wife. What do you think will happen? Right? So we see this from Hajj or alayhis salam, and then when he finally gets there, after this distance spanning such a long time, and he leaves them in the middle of nowhere, and there's no conversation taking place. There's many

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reasons why no conversation took place. I mean, one reason I can think about is the fact that this was already difficult for him, right? If he was to speak to his wife, and it would cause him to look at his son even more, what is more difficult will become even more difficult. What is so difficult will become even more difficult, right? So he's managing the circumstance, he's managing the situation. He is also protecting his wife from engaging in a conversation that might make her disobedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala. He can can't guarantee how that conversation will go, how she will respond to it, how she will react to the shock of the situation that has just fallen upon

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her. So Pamela, so he makes his way across away and she calls out demon says are you leaving us here? And Subhanallah This is the only time we have a voice of hedger throughout this journey, appearing in the sources of our history. It's phenomena that no way throughout the journey do we see her voice except here, and she had a right to ask as a wife, she had the right to ask as a mother, because if we being left What about this child? What about the provisions? How long are you going to leave us for but she didn't get into the details.

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She said are you leaving us here and he Brahim finds it difficult to respond. She asked for a second time, the same

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response he gets from her husband, which is one of no response. And the third time she says, Did Allah command you to leave us here and he gestures and he Salam again, you can only imagine he doesn't want to turn back and see her is going to miss her and see his child who logged out, he asked Allah for decades to have Subhana Allah and now he has to leave him he gestures and she understands from this, that this is the instruction of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if Allah brings us to it, Allah will take us through it, it is Allah who protects us, not my husband. And if Allah is instructed him, then he's only doing what he's supposed to do as the man of the house. As the man

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of the house, I expect him to submit to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So I'm not going to kick up a fuss, I'm not going to claim that I don't love my husband, he's doing what he's supposed to do, he's doing what I expect him to do. If anything, if he didn't do this, after Allah instructed him, then I would kick up a fast as panela This is when you to to your fitrah and now we can see the connection between your role in the family unit and your faith. And we all we've spoken about this fitrah and its connectivity to the Hajj. And we've spoken about the connectivity of the household of Ibraheem alehissalaam to the hedge. And that's our series of brothers and sisters in Islam, the

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hedge and the family, the common foundations between the two Subhan Allah now.

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Ibrahim Alayhi Salam goes and hide your Alayhi Salam remains, and we don't see ever her complaining again, her voice goes into silence. After the departure of Ibrahim, we see we see nothing in the books of history of her voice in terms of complaints in terms of despair, in terms of losing hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala. She knows that she has to be a mother in the circumstance and also to an extent the father because she's alone with her son, and her provisions are becoming finished. So what does she do? Her husband isn't available in the absence of the husband than I am responsible. What does she do? She takes the means remaining true to her, which is allowing her to excel in her

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role as a mother and her role as a wife. What she did was nothing less of what Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam was expecting of her Subhan Allah Allah has set up Subhan Allah right he you could you could also backtrack this and say Ibrahim Alayhi Salam felt solace in his heart that he was leaving his son with a woman that he trusted to do the right thing to be true to her role, which is connected to Phaedra. And to that we should be pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the rest is history brothers and sisters in Islam, because we know that when the provisions ended, she went to suffer and she climbed that mountain even though for days, she didn't see anybody. He didn't hear of any

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caravans coming through. She didn't even experience signs of, of civilization passing through this vicinity. And she climbs up to look and she sees nothing. Does she give up? No, she comes down and starts walking towards mattawa. But when she's getting tomorrow, she goes into this, this valley as small Valley and this prevents her from seeing her son who she is left at this place near where you and I only near the vicinity of the Kaaba today. Right. So she's she's going through this valley and the mother instincts takes over, that she knows my son is safe. She knows no one can come take my son, we've been here for a while nothing passes this place. No animal, no human being no bird, no

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nothing. But so Pamela, the mother instinct causes her to run for the sake of Allah so she can get to the other side, and cool her heart and appease our heart that she can see her son again, as she makes her way to miroir. And she does this for the second time and a third time and a fourth time and the fifth time and a sixth time and then on the seventh time Subhan Allah as she gets tomorrow,

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we learn that she hears a sound near her son, which draws her attention in completion makes her forget, you can imagine what she's trying to do to look for civilization and maybe get some help in getting some food and getting some water. Why because Han Allah, a mother, when she's truly a mother, she's so connected to her child. That bond is one that cannot be interrupted. And she turns around to see an angel either digging his heels or his wing into the ground, the narrator of the narration

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that reveals to us the setting of the prophets Allah Allah Allah He was sending what the Sahaba in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the Sahaba the story of the family of Ibrahim, he says that he's doubtful. He can't remember whether the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he'll or wing and then this water starts gushing out and she runs and Subhan Allah, she builds a barrier around it so that it doesn't flow. It remains in its place, as well as we have it today. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, may Allah subhanho wa Taala have mercy upon hijaab Subhana life he didn't do what she did. Then there's some some would be a flowing pure river to

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panela. So brothers and sisters in Islam, I mean, look how how important the well of Zamzam is to you and me

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Look how great the wall of Samsung is to you and me and Subhanallah look where it started and look when look when Allah chose for it to come about also brothers and sisters in Islam. Look how great the act of Sati is. It's part of Amara, it's part of Hajj. And where does that come about from? It comes from the act of hijab which Allah subhanho wa Taala love that she didn't complain, but she acted and she walked and she ran only to take the means of true to her fitrah playing her role with excellence as a mother and a wife. Allah love this and made this an act till the Day of of gamma. This brings us to the end of this episode, I promise you there's so much to say. But we do have to

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end I love you all for the sake of Allah. Join me again for further episodes as we explore these ideas, these common foundations between the hedge and the family unit until then, salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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Love, love

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