Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Quality over Quantity) Night 18

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the history of Islam, including the Battle of the Oba, the Battle of the Oba, and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the Battle of the Oba and the
AI: Transcript ©
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What is up and they will carry Aza one

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all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Lian atom ki M salva Hikmah mineral Quran Al Karim knights of

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empowerment, parables and wisdom from the Glorious Quran.

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Today is the 17th of Ramadan, and 14 140 years ago today, the

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monumental battle of brother to place the first major battle and a

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turning point in the history of Islam. And of course, one of the

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few battles explicitly discussed in the Holy Quran.

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The Battle of other accursed only distinguishing the A

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distinguishing day in the annals of Islam and in the annals of

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history indeed, a day mentioned by name in the Quran is yo ml for on

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your multicol Gemma on the day of the criterion with truth and

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falsehood was made clear. A day on which the two armies met Yeoman

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Furqan yo multicol Jamal.

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This battle of visit provides complex insights to many social,

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political, spiritual, military and humanitarian issues.

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Let us reflect only on two aspects. Briefly of this

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magnificent battle of better

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remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his family and

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most of his companions had hardly migrated from Mecca to Medina. And

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a few months perhaps nine months after that the Qureshi Mexican

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army of approximately 1000 well armed season fighters came to

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annihilate them.

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For the first time, permission was given, there were six I arts prior

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to this, revealed in Makkah, regarding jihad. None of them were

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pertaining to Qatar, Jihad coming, striving, struggling internally

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externally, for the first time, permission to take up arms,

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physical jihad, guitar itself, permission was given to the nearly

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Lavina ukata Luna be unknown Lulu, we're in Allah Allah, Allah Kadir

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ullery, the only human The reason behind the hacking, Guru Robin

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Allah, permission now to fight is given to you because they have

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been wronged, expelled from your homes without justification, just

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because of your faith in Allah. And of course, the verse goes on

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to say, well Hola, hola Enos about the home be Bogdan LA who Demuth

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Swami Awami our br Was Salawat while massage Kuru fears mood like

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Iran, if some people will not to stand up, and Allah caused him to

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repel other people, churches, mosques, synagogues, and

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monasteries, were Allah's name is mentioned would have been

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So Muslims were peaceful, did not take up arms, but after 13 years

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in Mecca, and the Qureshi, persecution, ostracization,

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victimization, exclusion, oppression, property confiscation,

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there was even an attempted assassination on the Rasul and now

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a declaration of war. The Muslims therefore, peaceful as they were,

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had to now take up arms and defend the faith, hence, the Battle of

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Secondly, the Muslims were few in number compared to the attackers,

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in Allah documents in surah. Allah Imran will occur the nasaga Kamala

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who be by a villa, Allah helped you at better when you are in

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significant in number you are few in number. Yet, years later at

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another battle when the Muslims for the first time out number the

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opposition at the Battle of inane

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for Yo Ma Nene Castro to come for them Tony, Uncle Misha at the day

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of her name, you're elated by your numbers, you're impressed you will

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be dazzled by your numbers. But your numbers did not help you. In

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fact, the Muslims initially on the retreat until they recovered. So

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what we see from this struggle was for truth, for goodness and for

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justice. But it's always about the quality of the people and the

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goodness that they stood for, rather than the amount of

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believers who fought always about quality rather than quantity.

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Let us reflect on this for a moment.

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wise ones have said

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not everything that can be counted, counts and not everything

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that counts can be counted.

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How much is not always equal to how good how much. He's not always

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equal to how good he is.

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See, we are living in a world inundated with more. Everything is

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supersize. Everything is more.

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We now have bigger houses, far bigger houses, but fewer happier

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homes. We are communicating much more than ever before. But I'm

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much less connected with each other. We have far more knowledge

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at our disposal. But less wisdom it seems, we have more medication,

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yet far less well being. We have more religions all over the show,

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yet less values.

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We have many more human beings get far less humanity.

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So rather, from all of this, we realize, measure people and things

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by value, not by numbers in by cost.

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The Battle of butter offers as many phenomenal lessons for

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reflection, lessons for introspection, and for

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appreciation. And among the lessons we learn, firstly,

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the need for us to appreciate the historic role played by the early

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Muslims in standing up against tremendous odds to defend the true

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second point, as a principle, people of faith do not hesitate to

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fight for justice and for goodness, against oppression and

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injustice. Though in essence, ours is a religion of peace, not a

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culture of violence. Ours is a philosophy of love, not as

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attitude of aid.

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Thirdly, as people of faith, realize that it is not what

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quantitative numerical position you occupy. Rather, it is what

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qualitative contribution that you make. Always quality rather than

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quantity. May Allah grant the values of other the highest in

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Paradise is famous. Consider the read that was Selena be Bismillah

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we're Bill Hardy rasool Allah work on the muda he didn't be a little

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buddy on

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Isla he suddenly mil uma Meenal for 31 new common warming hum mean

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be a link buddy along Salah to last

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too long

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I see Habibie love

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Before you go, just one we may do awful half in the beat.

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Have you been in sha Allah? Today, I just want to remind and mustn't

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forget this. And it's something that we really need to realize.

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today. It was 320 years ago, the Czech use of Mikasa passed away.

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And we gave again to a culture we have to worry about everything

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being Buddha, we forget. So we never remember him. He was the man

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who brought Islam here. Today is 320 days 20 years ago to the

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executive today, when he said that he passed away the man who came in

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change a person's mind you a fucky and Alim la parents. He came here

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and he died. Yeah.

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He's forgotten that many of us and we get into a culture of debate

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about Buddha and Buddha. And eventually you forget even from

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where we came, you can't know where you are, unless you know

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where you've come from. And you can't know where you're going to

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unless you know where you are. Let's read Fatiha on the row of

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Sheikh Yusuf May Allah grant him the highest agenda, but a lot of

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money right hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Rahmani Raheem amalickiah

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Medina, he cannot do a yakking sorry, if you didn't have cell

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phones in Scirocco Medina and M Tala him, raising them although we

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are they in Willow balling Chychrun Salam Alaikum

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