Riyadul Haqq – Makkah & the Family of the Prophet Ibrahim AS Part 5

Riyadul Haqq
AI: Summary © The Hadith is a spiritual practice that encourages women to recount stories, but the rise in prices of drugs is due to the rise in price of drugs. The importance of praying for good deeds and submitting to loss is emphasized, along with the culture of the Here After where parents pray for guidance and advice, and children are seen as being cool and good. The speakers also discuss the meaning behind "Ok," and provide information on the meaning behind the phrase "Ok," related to the dams in North Africa. A man being shot in the eye and being recognized as a Muslim was filmed in the dams.
AI: Transcript ©
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hornist the fiddle horn he wanted to look at it when we learn to shut all the amps in our minister yeah the Atma dinner he didn't

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want to shadow one you know I think a lot of the who will actually want to shadow under Mohammed bin Abdullah who are a pseudo Salalah Allah and he wanna the heels or Baraka was the limits theorem.

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And my barber will be lurking in a sheet on here for Gene Hackman of Rahim Allah a woman who used to be a Latina

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Salalah he was

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a lot

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later Anna Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim in the comedian Majeed a lot about a cada una de Wanda Ali Mohammed klawock Donna Ibrahim

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Ibrahim A in

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respect to listeners we regime the study and study of the commentary of the lethal Ibrahim alayhis salaam and his family from Hagar Bahati

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the youth number 3364.

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This is the fifth

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fifth session of this study and inshallah we will be completing it today.

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Since there's very little left and

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we will be completing it. In order to recap allow me to quickly read through the Hadith again, I won't read the Arabic but I'll just provide a quick translation that will bring us up to the

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end of the Hadith. So we'll be listening more closely men need to hear la disini Abdullah

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Abdullah Rosa,

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Ubisoft, Danny and Kathy ribnica Theatre middle

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is either

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either been a debating part of my bus and it'll be a lot Langhammer. I relate with an uninterrupted chain from me to the Manoir de la Cruces, Abdullah, Mohammed related to me that I'm

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related to as that meme of informed as from a Ubisoft biani and Kathy ribnica feed

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each of them, adding more than the other from Sydney, the Buddha Bailey, Abdullah bus of the Allahumma said, this is the Synod of the eighth chain of transmission. And now we have the main text of the idea. So I'll just quickly translate, and then bring us up to date with the final part. And delighted numbers will be a lot like Mercedes that the

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first that women ever adopted.

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The sash was from the mother of a smile he

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she took her sash so that she may conceal her traces from some of the alarm.

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Then Ibrahim alayhis salam brought her and his son is married at a Muslim while she was still breastfeeding

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until he placed both of them near the house by a large tree above Zamzam in the upper part of the mystery.

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And there was no one

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in those days in

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America was there any water there? So he placed both of them there and he plays by them a skin wherein there was water sorry, skin.

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Wearing there was dates and skin wearing there was a there was water. Then Ibrahim alayhis salaam,

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leaving walking away.

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Or he turned around walking away. And we Smokey the mother of a smart lady who said unfollowed him and she said, Oh Ibrahim, where are you going and leading us in this valley, wherein there is no human

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or anything.

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So she said this to him a few times.

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And he was not even turning to her.

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When she said to him, has law commanded you to do this? He said, Yes, she replied, then he shall never allow us to perish. She then returned.

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So Ibrahim alayhis salaam

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Or he left he proceeded, until he was by the

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near the entrance of the valley

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by the mountain pass,

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they could not see him. So he turned facing the house I the house of Allah. Then he prayed with these words, and he raised his hands and said,

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Robin are in the condom in the way of Hebrew word in the ladies that are in debate. Muharram This is the verse of the Quran. But Oh our Lord, verily, I have settled my have members of my family, in a valley,

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void of vegetation,

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close to your sacred house, have been on your team's favorite admin and Nast, that we elected him What is optimum in a thermal art in your school, or law so that meaning I've done this so that they may establish solar.

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So therefore cause the hearts of the people to flutter to them in love

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and provide to them of fruits

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in the hope that they may be grateful,

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and the mother will be smart enough. And even ceram began breastfeeding is smart. And drinking of that water, which Ibrahim alayhis salaam left, until when that water until when the water expired from

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the skin. She became thirsty and her son became thirsty.

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And she began looking at him.

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She began she said she began looking at him turning and twisting, or the narrator said, falling on the earth. So she walked away,

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out of dislike of having to see this.

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Then she found suffer the hillock of suffer the closest hill or mountain on the land to her. So she ascended it and stood on it. And she faced the valley glancing

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creatures, she see anyone but she never saw anyone. She descended from suffer until she reached the valley in between. Then she until when she reached the valley, she raised the edge of her cloth. And then she ran like the running of a desperate or exerting HeMan until she crossed the valley. Then she arrived that the hillock of muddler and she ascended it and stood on it, and she looked around could she see anyone but she saw not one. So she did this seven times, if not above, so the Allahu Allah says the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, so this is the running of the people between the hills of suffer and Mandala.

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She then climbed on Mandala.

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Then when she climbed on the hillock of model where she heard a sound, so she said,

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referring to herself, then she listened carefully. So she heard the sound again.

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She said, addressing the sound you have caused me to hear.

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So if you have any aid, then come forth and assist me. So lo and behold, there was an angel by the location of Zamzam. So he rubbed the ground with his heel or the narrator said with his win until the water appeared.

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So she the mother of a small Isla de la Salaam, began gathering encircling the water and doing this with her hands, and she began scooping up the water into the water skin, whilst it continued to gush forth after her scooping up the water. Ignore a burst of the alarm, grandma says a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, may Allah have mercy on the mother of his Mary, If only she had left them.

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As it was, all the prophets of the love it was seldom said If only she had not scooped up the water from zum zum.

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Then Zamzam would have been a flowing spring

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Even our burst of the alarm continues to say she then drank and she gave her son to drink. Then the angel said to her, do not fear perishing, For verily here is the house of Allah, which shall be built by this young lad and his father. And indeed, law does not cause his people to perish, and the house was raised from the ground, lack of mound, the floodwaters would come to it, and take the right or the left

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of this man.

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So she remained like this until a group of the tribe of Judah pass by her, or a clan of gentlemen

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coming from the path of gather the name of a place so they

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settled or camped in the lower part of MCC. And they saw

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a bird circling.

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So they said, Indeed, this bird circles on water.

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And our memory of this valley is such that there is no water there in so they sent one or two scats and they discovered the water. So they returned and informed them of the water. So they all came. I'm delighted numbers of the 11 romance scenes.

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They came whilst the mother of his smart he and he was Saddam was by the water. So they said to her, do you grant us permission to settle by water descend and come by? She said yes, but you shall have no rights over the water. They said yes. Even our bass will be a loved one who says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this whole episode met the mother of his smile eagerly his Salaam at such a time that she was desiring or she was desirous of company.

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So they settled, and they sent word to their families and brought them so they also settled with them. Until when there were until when there were a few clams of them in the valley of Makkah, and the young lad

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reached maturity and youthfulness. And he learned Arabic from one foster home and he endeared himself to them. And he pleased them when he grew up. So when he reached of age, they married him to a woman from amongst them and the mother of his Marine, and he was passed away.

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Then Ibrahim alayhis salam came after ismar Elijah Hassan had married. So Ibrahim alayhis salam came seeking his legacy or inquiring of his legacy. So he did not find the smile, he alayhis salam, so he asked his wife about him. So she said he has gone out hunting for us. So he asked her, about their livelihood, about their condition. So she said we are in great distress.

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We are in difficulty.

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We are in severity.

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And that she complained to him.

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Then when so he said, he

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said, when your husband comes, convey my greetings to him, and say to him, that he should change the threshold, the doorstep of his office door. So when it's my email is Sam arrived. It was as though he sent something. So he said, Did anyone come see? She said, Yes, an old man such and such counters. And he asked me about you. So I informed him. And he asked me how was how was our life? So I told him we were in great severity and difficulty. So he said Did she did he instructs you to do anything? She said, Yes, he commanded me to convey

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his greetings to you and say to you that you should change the threshold of your door.

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So it's not at least that am said that is my fault.

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And he verily he has instructed me to separate from you. So join your family. And then he divorced her and married another woman from amongst them.

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Then Ibrahim alayhis salam stayed away from them for as long as the law wished.

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And he came to them afterwards and again, he did not find dismay at least.

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So he visited his

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wife and he asked her about him

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She said he has gone out hunting for us. He said, How are you?

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And he asked her about their life and about their condition. So she said, We are in great good and great comforts. And she prays that Allah

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He then asked, What's your food? She replied me.

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He themselves and what's your drink? She said water. He said, Oh Allah bless them in the meat and in the water. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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and at that time, they had no grain.

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Had they

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had grain,

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then he would have surely prayed

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for them in grain to

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He then said,

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no one subsists exclusively on these two meaning meats and water.

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Apart from

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except that they do not agree with him.

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Even though he really is and then said to her, when your husband comes, convey my great greetings to him, and instruct him

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to keep the threshold of his door. So when they came to when it's my alarm came,

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he said, has anyone come to you? She said, Yes, an old man.

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Very good appearance and state came to us and she praised him. He then asked me about you. So I informed him. He then asked me how was our livelihood? So I told him that we are in great, we are in great blessing. Great good. He said, Did he command you to do anything? She replied.

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He conveys his greetings to you. And he instructs you that you should keep the threshold of your door. It's my at least that answered that as my father and you are the threshold and he has commanded me to retain you.

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This is where we ended last week. And let me continue from here and explain further. Some a little bit during who Masha Allah, then Ibrahim alayhis salaam, remained away from them.

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For as long as a law wished

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somebody major American Ehrlich was smart enough to buddy and nibblin the whole data though.

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Then Ibrahim alayhis salam, let's then he came after this. Once his smart he laid his alarm was sharpening a shaft

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beneath a large tree, but even

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close to Zamzam.

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What this means is, again, Ibrahim alayhis salam

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stayed away from them for some time for a considerable time. And then

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he came again to visit system and when he arrived in Makkah,

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he went looking for a smile at least for them and he found him were near a large tree. This was the same tree the same though where he had left his smile even in his cinemas a baby with the mother. And now on this journey when he returns, he finds his child again at the same spot, but now sitting there sharpening a shaft meaning the shaft of an arrow

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the like I said, the Arabs have names for

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most things that's all it's different stages and even an arrow from the moment it's

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cuts from wood and then shaped and sharpened and the feathers are added the spear head or the arrow head is added then at each stage the Arabs have different names for the the arrow so the shaft of the arrow without the feathers and without the arrow heads is known as Nebula so we're sharpening a shaft

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beneath the tree the same large tree could even come close to the well have something

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for a matter our

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army lien

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so when it's Marina nice and um saw him his father,

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he rose to respectfully for something good is not one word, a double word. So they both did what a father does with his son. I embracing him hugging him, showing him love and affection even in his adulthood.

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What was

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devinwatson as the son does with the Father,

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Again what this shows is, is even though these were two prophets of Allah, and Amos

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and each had their dignity, and their position with the last panel who would add

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but when meeting one another, they still display that love that affection

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the relationship between a father and son demands.

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Theme Alia is smart. He

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then he brought him and he said and said to him, I was married. In the law Imani bit,

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Verily, Allah has

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instructed me to do something

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on my histogram set first now I'm a maraca rock.

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So do what your Lord has commanded you to do.

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This was the spirit and the mentality and the understanding, obviously.

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He didn't know what Allah had told his father to do.

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And yet without hesitation, without even inquiring of his father, as to what the commandment was. He said to him,

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do what your Lord commanded

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submission to Alaska.

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And this is exactly what Ibrahim alayhis salaam said to him

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when he saw the dream, so allow me to take a break here and just take us back.

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In this long these

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a number of journeys, I mentioned that Ibrahim alayhis salaam came to drop off his son and wife, he then left He then returned,

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at the time of after his wife had died, and after his son had married, then he returned, returned again, for the second well for another time to speak to his

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son about his wife and then return. So these trips are mentioned.

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One interest in credit. Well, one interesting question here is, did he only come least three times? No, he came more obviously, how many times we do not know for sure, at least four times

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455 times. These three mentioned so far, the first three, the fourth one, when he came on this last occasion, and when he also came to slaughter his son, smartly that

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sounds a bit harsh, but when he came sacrifices, some smiling it is to them. That was another occasion. Did he we know that from authentic narrations, but did he come apart from this?

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There are some reports that aren't very authentic, but they are historical reports that Ibrahim alayhis salaam would travel miraculously from the land of Palestine to Makkah.

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But these aren't very authentic reports. So let's suffice with what we know to be true, which is that he came on these few occasions. But the one occasion which has not been mentioned in this predictable heart

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when he came when his son was still young, but had grown up was still in his early years, and he was fit and able enough to do his own thing.

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Ibrahim alayhis salam came to Makkah Metis and obviously they would have greeted one another with great love and affection. And then

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as a last panel with Anna sites and Nakata.

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philam Bella Mara who sang

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that when it's Mari

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when this child is first born,

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when he reached the age of running and striving with the Father,

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Alia munia in the army in the US back from her mother, Tara Alia to start the journey inshallah.

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Welcome in this lobby for Elon Musk dilemma

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when he came and met his son who was still young,

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but I said to him

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Oh my son

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verily I see in a vision in the dream

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that I am

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* a mother.

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So tell me what do you think?

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The words of the Quran I'm translating literally from mother Tara. So tell me what do you think

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are the motto?

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He said, Oh my father do as you are command,

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set the jejuni insha Allah minister Aventine, you will find me if Allah wills from the patience and perseverance

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for the man lemma, then when they both submitted to the command of a law, father and son. Now obviously this is something which is extremely difficult for us to envisage visualize, to even imagine, to even comprehend.

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But this is how law describes it.

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So there's a parallel here. Now the story, the parallel is here to when he approached his son met him, they both greeted one another with great love and affection. Then, Ibrahim alayhis salaam, said to him,

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oh, my son, Allah has commanded me to do something.

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So what was a sentence reply?

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Some say to the Father or father do what Allah has commanded us.

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No hesitation, immediate submission to the will in the command of a law.

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This is

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this is why Ibrahim alayhis salam was chosen that last panel with that, and this whole story is very relevant because we are in the period of hatch. And the story of Ibrahim and his smile in his salon and the sacrificing of his son and their submission to Allah Subhana. Allah to Allah is again, very apt and relevant for this period. For in a few weeks time, we will all be celebrating

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And this is what evil is all about.

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The 10th of the picture is known as young now, the day of slaughter the day of sacrifice. They have slaughtering the animals. But all of these

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all of these other all of these auto Barney's

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and some people have suggested that Balboni is a non it's an Asian word. It's only to be found in Asian languages. What avani truth is that's actually taken from the

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rubber band and the abdominal

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core band in Corona. So the word Oban comes from the Holy Quran. And so all of these are band aids, all of these other hate all of these sacrifices.

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All of these are taking place on your now the day of slaughter

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as a reenactment and in commemoration of the sacrificing of the ram

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that gibreel salaam brought from the heavens as compensation for Israel.

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But before that, why was this such a significant event? Why was a ceramic brought from the heavens?

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is that? Is there this worldwide universal

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numbering millions throughout Islamic history taught to them to continue forever?

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Why is there this huge commemoration

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of one act of willingness to sacrifice?

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The lesson for us is

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that the story of the willingness of the father to sacrifice his son and Watson's Pamela he married

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he continued to pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala to give him

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Give him a child.

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He waited he waited and lots of humans

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for many, many years and not just a few years, but decades, scores of years, and then finally in the eight to six year of his life, according to one narration, when Allah blessed him with a smile at his Salaam,

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he has no opportunity

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to spend time with a son.

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modern man enjoys paternity.

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Ibrahim alayhis salam waited scores of years decades for his child. And finally Allah blessed him with a child. His test was his tests never ended.

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It was test after test. Waiting for a child is a test undoubtedly.

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We as humans, we are never happy, as I was saying last week, those who have children.

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Sometimes in their anger and their frustration, they curse the day the children were born.

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They don't curse the day they were conceived because the day they were born.

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Because the day they were born less than their anger and frustration. And those who don't have children.

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In their desperation, they run from pillar to post, praying supplicating seeking a cure, seeking all kinds of treatments.

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They weep.

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They have no children, those who have children,

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Those who don't have children weep.

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Those who are married want to flee and be free.

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Those who aren't married, pray for the punishment of marriage.

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So we are never happy.

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So waiting for a child is a severe test asked that we may not appreciate it, ask those who don't have children.

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I remember once in a gathering,

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there was a young man, one of my students.

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And I was casually speaking about children.

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In the gathering Well, it was a gathering of learning. But as part of the topic, it wasn't the main topic, but in passing, I made a few comments about children.

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Now this young man pray for him. He suffers from certain illnesses and a disability.

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And the doctor, I never knew this, but he suddenly stood up he was sitting in a chair. And he suddenly stood up on his crutches. And loudly sobbing he left the hall.

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And it shocked everybody. I then, after the gathering had ended, I went to see him.

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And he wasn't he was inconsolable and he wasn't he never came back. So I went outside and he was sitting in the corridor outside on a chair still shopping. And a few people trying to console him but he was inconsolable. So then I took him to one side. And I said to him, I calmed him down. And I said to him, what happened? Was it something I said?

00:33:50 --> 00:34:01

And he said to me that it was when you started talking about children. He was a young man, he wasn't told it was a married. You said it was when you started talking about children.

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And he said because I suffer from these illnesses and this disability.

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Doctors have already told me that even if I get married, I have zero chance of having children because of my

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disability more than one actually and my severe illnesses suffers from one or two very rare conditions.

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So you said

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it's not just now but whenever anyone mentions children or sometimes even when I see young children,

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the pain is excruciating.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:51

I cannot bear to watch I cannot bear to stay, I cannot bear to hear.

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And he said even though I'm a spank he was begging forgiveness because he said he was disrespectful of me was rude but

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could not contain myself. And as I said he despite his disability, he suddenly stood up and struggled out of the room on his crutches and weeping very, very loudly. sobbing inconsolably. So I just thought this is an example ask those who don't have children or who Allah.

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Help them have already been told that they will never be able to have children.

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Waiting for children is a true test.

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Those of us who don't appreciate it as those who don't have children. So Ibrahim alayhis, Salam was a prophet of Allah. And he longed for a child

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and the prophets of Allah, Allah he was.

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Their reason for longing for children, was never a worldly one.

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Theirs was a religious one.

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Even in their marriages, even in their families, they

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prayed for and longed for and wanted those things that would help them in fulfilling their mission of profit. So when they prayed for chil children,

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just like Korea, alayhis salaam pray to Allah.

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When he prayed Allah

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in the beginning of sort of Mulligan

00:36:31 --> 00:36:34

when he prayed to love children, why did he pray?

00:36:36 --> 00:36:38

Yet a funny way you're wrestling earlier

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so that he could inherit my legacy he could succeed me and he could succeed the family of Yahoo.

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00:36:52 --> 00:36:55

what was the legacy of the prophets?

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What was the treasure of the prophets?

00:37:01 --> 00:37:12

If it was sort of laughs Allahu alayhi wa sallam says in that famous Hadith related by mama mom, ramblings Muslim Imam Abu Dhabi, ma'am tell me the lesson and even imagine

00:37:13 --> 00:37:15

from da de la

00:37:16 --> 00:37:18

that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that indeed that roller man are the ones that will MBR they are the successors to the profits.

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When the MBR lm you will read through the nanomolar mR Wyndham our fill in from an after that he will feel that the scholars are the successors to the profits. And the prophets do not bequeath the narrow their gold sovereigns, gold coins or silver coins. They do not bequeath or leave behind the legacy of golden silver, were in the water of the land, they only leave and bequeath knowledge

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from an upper level of the behalf of the worker. So whoever takes the share of that legacy of the profits in terms of knowledge, and he has gained a great share indeed, so if this legacy of the profits even to the oma, even to the scholars,

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who are the spiritual sons of the prophets of Allah, and even was that

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if that is not worldly and only religious and purely religious, then what can be said of the flesh and blood of the prophets of Allah, and equals the Legacy The treasure that they inherit, and that they succeed their forefathers in is the legacy of prophethood is a legacy of the messenger ship. It's the legacy of knowledge, it's the legacy of the mission of a Lost Planet. So even in their prayers to Allah, whether it was the creality salaam, or whether it was either a brand new it his salon, their reason to praying for law, whether it was our normal profits of the law, it was something he longed for a child, and he grieved his passing children, just as he grieved for season

00:39:09 --> 00:39:24

for Ibrahim or the loved one for malaria. 50 out of the allowing her and he prayed for children, and the British would taunt him, they would say he is without legacy. He is tasteless.

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And this is the meaning of sort of Lakota in Napa inocle Coco, for suddenly Rob Baker one hour in the Shani alcohol.

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They were told him that Mohammed is without children because male children meant everything.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had no male children surviving male children. So they constantly taunted him. They would post and say we have 10 sons. What do you do?

00:39:55 --> 00:39:58

Father how to lead and others

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They would boast of their strength, their numbers, their children, their clans, and they were torn Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam them and say he is without children.

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And he only has daughters.

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even our even in our own culture and tradition, it's sad. But it's like preference is given to boys over girls and in clinics, fertility clinics throughout the world,

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approximately 75% of their clients, of couples who go to these fertility clinics to

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genetically improve their chances, and to separate the

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possible to separate the sperm etc. and to try and induce a male pregnancy. 75% of the clients are Asian. And when I say Asian, I don't mean Far Eastern Asian, Asian as with the term we use in the UK, ie, people from the Indian subcontinent, we suffer from this

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And it's believed in our culture, that boys are preferable to girls. This was the concept of Jay Z.

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This is what the Arabs believed, and this is what they practiced.

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And there are many things, there are many, many reasons why last panel hautala chooses to bless couple with children, no children, male or female.

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Allah says it's a very powerful set of verses

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the law of similarity when you look when I assure

00:41:58 --> 00:42:01

Yeah, what do you mean your shirt well enough? Where do you mean your shell the

00:42:03 --> 00:42:05

last panel down as he

00:42:06 --> 00:42:09

says, tort law belongs a kingdom of the heavens and the earth.

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He creates what he wishes

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he gives to whom He wills, girls, he gives to whom He wills boys, Oh, you're so vigilant chronoa enough. All he gives them couples of boys anger sets of boys and girls.

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And whomever wishes, whomever love wishes, allow leaves and barren

00:42:42 --> 00:42:44

without doing a show.

00:42:46 --> 00:43:12

So this is the will and the other of the last panel with Allah. And of late, a lot of scientific research in statistics, they put the points to one thing, which is that they and you can look up at this on this. They say fathers who are strong, strong of character, strong willed leaders.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:30

They generally tend to have girls and daughters. And they mentioned soldiers, basically macho men, have daughters, leaders have daughters. So this idea that

00:43:33 --> 00:43:51

a man who has daughters were the bangles in the house. It's false. It's the other way around. And these petty ideas shouldn't really concern as I mentioned that humorously otherwise, what better example is there than the prophets of

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the Prophet Ruth Ellis?

00:43:56 --> 00:43:59

Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, it was.

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So this was a jibe on a tones that was thrown out of a sort of loss and alarm, it was on them, that he is tailors means tailors, he has no tail, no one to succeed and no one to come after him. And this hurt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he grieved, not for worldly reasons for that trust wasn't a last panel with that. But

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for religious reasons, he wanted children who would continue with his legacy. But then Allah subhanho wa Taala told him

00:44:35 --> 00:44:36

mecanim about

00:44:38 --> 00:44:41

what I can call Allahu Hartmann the beam.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:46

Allah It was one of them is not the father

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of any of the men amongst you.

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Rather, he is a messenger, the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets.

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So indeed, last panel with Allah did not give him some

00:45:00 --> 00:45:10

Five male children. What does the law say in our penal code? We've given you go through urban good in abundance, for solid Arabic a one.

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So in gratitude, and as part of your duties or law, you continue to pray, you continue to sacrifice, don't worry, in the shanika who and your detractors is the tail.

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Those who oppose you they are tasteless. And even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never had surviving male children, from that day till today until young will be Amma he will have billions and billions, trillions of children.

00:45:41 --> 00:45:42

The whole rumor

00:45:43 --> 00:45:46

is around some sort of sort of loss of the law.

00:45:49 --> 00:46:09

So the very not having a child is a true test. last panel with Anna tested Ibrahim alayhi salam, and he waited, he waited he waited. Finally, when he was given a child he didn't have time to. He didn't spend time with him. Allah told him take him and his mother to the valley of Makkah, he delivered, he returned.

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And then when Allah sends him back, he sends him not to play with him, but to sacrifice. It's something which is beyond our comprehension.

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And what was this is why this whole is so relevant, because we will be slaughtering animals. We will be feasting on Yeoman now. Before what purpose will be sacrificing animals all of this is a commemoration of the sacrifice Ali Ibrahim alayhis salam, most importantly, as I've always said, these are the mere symbols. These are the mere appearances of religion. All of them have an inner dimension. So what's the inner dimension of sacrifice? Allah Subhana Allah tells us, Li Nan Allahu Allahu, how will our demand How will Aki narrow taqwa income, but the flesh and the blood of these animals will not reach Allah? What will reach Allah His wife?

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This is symbolic. The idea of slaughtering an animal is symbolic. What does it symbolize? It symbolizes the our willingness to sacrifice and to submit to a loss.

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Just as a human is smart enough to them submitted and what submission they taught us a lesson in submission. Ibrahim Alayhi Salam said to his son, I see in a dream that I'm slaughtering you. senseis oldfather do as a la commanche. You will find me patience perseverance. Here, Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam meets his son after so long, he says to him.

00:47:42 --> 00:47:49

last panel with Allah has commanded me to do something. And the last time he said this to his son, what was it?

00:47:51 --> 00:48:01

He said last time he sacrificed you. Now he tells him again. That law has told me to do something without pause without hesitation you say to him, Father, do what law tells you.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:16

So first name, America, do what your father commanded. Do what your Lord commanded you on. Ibrahim alayhis salaam then said to him motorin will you assist me? Allah will reign and he said yes I will assist you

00:48:20 --> 00:48:31

in the law I'm attorney and up near well now how can I beat you said Indeed Allah has commanded me that I should build a house what Shara in a commit in fact in Alabama

00:48:32 --> 00:48:41

and then he pointed to a mound of earth which was elevated from the rest of the ground either for in the the

00:48:42 --> 00:49:06

profits and the love it was them some of them then said so then for in the panic at that time. I refer to them in a debate they both raise the foundations of the house for Jana is smart Edo yet the village so it's my release that arm began bringing the stones what Ibrahim we Ebony and Ibrahim alayhis salam was building

00:49:08 --> 00:49:14

so he was the assistant The Apprentice had Vienna until when

00:49:15 --> 00:49:23

the building rows behind and he's not even a sedan brought this

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00:49:28 --> 00:49:59

for what they're looking for camaraderie. So he placed it for him. But it's my goodness and place the stone for Ibrahim alayhis salaam, farmer Alain so even on him and his son, Amsterdam It was a Yemeni, and he continued to build at a higher level. With Simone Ito you're now with Jarrah and it's my Isla de Salaam was handing him the bricks, the stumps What am I all learn what and they were doing this father and son were building

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Father was constructing Ibrahim alayhis salam was

00:50:06 --> 00:50:10

the carrier of the BRICS and he was assisting him

00:50:11 --> 00:50:14

and whilst they were both doing this they were both prey.

00:50:15 --> 00:50:22

And then this is a verse of the Quran but as often happens in the only parts of the vs mentioned have been at the minute in

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our load except from this very Lee, you are all hearing all knowing

00:50:31 --> 00:50:38

for Jana, and for Jada so he said they both began. Yep, neon continue continuing to build

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debate until they circled around the house while my opponent and as they continue to build, they were praying to the last panel with Anna Robinette up and midnight in the garden to severely ID our Lord except from us. Verily you're all hearing or knowing.

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Something to think about here just on that verse, that both of them

00:51:06 --> 00:51:09

are carrying out the most noble task,

00:51:10 --> 00:51:12

building the house of Allah

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and they are father and son.

00:51:17 --> 00:51:32

And this is why when one of the famous narrators of Hadeeth what he knew what he was a contemporary of a man of war. hanifa Rahim Allah, one of the very early scholars were died in 153 after hitter

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It was a contemporary of a man any follow him on the lines one of the famous narrators of the Muslim ban de la hearing what he has mentioned in the narrations and so he Muslim as well as in a Buddha would determine the inner sea, mammals, Muslim etc. So, well Haberman, what? A famous scholar of Hadith and

00:51:56 --> 00:51:58

not just a Peggy's. But

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remember the scholars of Islam.

00:52:03 --> 00:52:10

We shouldn't think of them that they were specialists in one area and ignorant and the rest.

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You could not be a scholar of Hadith without being a scholar.

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And to think about the foot Bahar, the jurists people like him, admirable hanifa, Imam, Mohammed, mushy Bernie man, we'll use that they were just for a heart, they were just jurists. I used to suggest that therefore they were ignorant of the Quran or the Hadith, as as I've often said about them. That's such a statement of ignorance in itself. They could not have been for a heart and Joost's without being masters of the Holy Quran. And

00:52:50 --> 00:53:00

so anyway, well, he didn't know what this famous scholar he would say, of this verse. When reciting it. He would say as though he's addressing Ibrahim alayhis. Salaam, he would say,

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may Allah have mercy on you in admiration? He would say, may Allah have mercy on you, old best friend of Allah, oh, man,

00:53:11 --> 00:53:14

you are building the house of Allah.

00:53:15 --> 00:53:19

And yet you are still fearful that alone will not accept your deeds.

00:53:23 --> 00:53:32

That father and son are building the house of Allah, and they are fearful that Allah won't accept their sacrifice, alone won't accept their deeds.

00:53:33 --> 00:53:35

Just as a last season sort of them

00:53:36 --> 00:53:39

will have any tournament moto. mucha,

00:53:41 --> 00:53:45

Mirage, those who give what they do give,

00:53:46 --> 00:53:54

whilst their hearts are fearful, trembling in fear, what do you like? trembling in fear. So moving in shadow, the alarm rang.

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She asked the prophets of the law it was about this verse. She said, Yeah, I saw the law does this verse mean that those who give what they give meaning of their deeds, so even meaning out of the law, she did not fully understand the verse, its Pamela.

00:54:18 --> 00:54:26

She was the daughter of Abu Bakr of the Allah and she was extremely eloquent. She was someone well versed in poetry.

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In fact, she she was so educated, that she was well versed in medicine,

00:54:34 --> 00:54:59

in poetry in the Arabic language. in Hades, we have over 2000 Hadees related from meaning and shuttled the alarm on her, and she was extremely eloquent. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say her, and I've heard eloquence, while after all, she is the daughter of a while back, and it will work out on the alarm was a scholar of the unsub lineages and genealogy

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00:55:08 --> 00:55:33

being the daughter of Baccarat, viola horn, she was a paratus. She was extremely eloquent. And yet, even she could not understand the whole new Koran or certain verses, without recourse to the sort of loss in the law it was. So she said to him or messenger of Allah, does this verse mean, those who commit sins,

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but they are still fearful of the last panel more than that they commit sins, but they are still fearful of Allah. So there's some good in them that they, in their weakness, they commit sins, but at the same time, they are fearful of the last panel what she thought that's what this means. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, no old daughter of double buck, this isn't the meaning. The meaning is those who pray, and who give in charity, and who do good deeds, but their hearts are trembling in fear that Allah will not accept that.

00:56:12 --> 00:56:14

That's the meaning of the verse.

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So these are the true believers. These are the sincere ones who pray for giving charity, who do good deeds, and whilst doing their good deeds, their hearts tremble in fear, they remain apprehensive, that will in their humility that will allow except these de traumas Pamela, where are we from that we sin without fearing

00:56:42 --> 00:57:04

and the true believers of Allah perform good deeds whilst fearing that Allah will not accept their deeds? Ibrahim Alayhi Salam as well, he didn't know what it said. May Allah have mercy on you, oh, man, Oh friend, dear friend of Allah, that you are building the house of Allah. And yet you are fearful that alone will not accept your building of the caliber

00:57:05 --> 00:57:12

that both father and son are laying brick upon brick and continuously praying Robin at about midnight in the

00:57:13 --> 00:57:17

name of our Lord except from his verily you are all hearing all knowing.

00:57:19 --> 00:57:27

So they continue to pray these verses. This is what's building the Gambia This is where the youth ends. Now, before

00:57:28 --> 00:57:31

we finish, I just like to say that

00:57:33 --> 00:57:36

I have not gone into the history.

00:57:37 --> 00:57:44

Apart from what's very clear in the head either have not gone into the history of the building of the gamba.

00:57:45 --> 00:57:54

And many questions undoubtedly remain unanswered. When was a gabber first build? Was it Ibrahim alayhis salam or was it from the time of Adam it is?

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Or was it the angels? And what's the meaning of the verse and elevating? Well, the island nurse Illa de Baca, thermobaric como de la de mean, that Verily, the first has to be established on Earth, for the guidance of mankind,

00:58:12 --> 00:58:18

as a blessed house, and as a guidance for mankind, is the one surely in Berger, meaning the value?

00:58:20 --> 00:58:21

A variation of the word.

00:58:22 --> 00:58:26

So what's the meaning of that verse? Was it the first structure on earth?

00:58:27 --> 00:59:06

Or not? So when was a gamma built? And when was it rebuilt? And what was the shape of the garba? The structure is it as we see it now? etc? What were the phases that you went through? So, I haven't answered any of these questions because it requires some detail and I thought that I would devote a session entirely to the virtues and history of the garba and another session entirely to the virtues in the history of the war trumpism and it's in the well, so because even that disappeared and then was dug up again and discovered by

00:59:08 --> 00:59:12

the family of a sort of loss and the law while he was selling them. So

00:59:14 --> 00:59:28

I will devote two separate sessions to each of these topics inshallah next week, and the week after that we end with the Hadeeth here allow me to just explain these final verses that are mentioned when Ibrahim alayhis

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salaam were raising the Kava this was only part of their their their full do our ones as a last season sort of Baccarat What is your final Ebrahim on kawaii them in albedo is marine urban at Urban Mina in the campus me or Eileen Urbana which remain in the retina Metamucil better luck? Well, I didn't nominate a second our to Ballina.

00:59:52 --> 00:59:54

Urban our theme

00:59:56 --> 00:59:59

we are Lim homolka is a key him in the car.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

Razzies working.

01:00:02 --> 01:00:08

Last season, remember when Ibrahim was raising the foundations of the house?

01:00:10 --> 01:00:27

Both of them saying are abana Our Lord, except from his verily you're all hearing all knowing, and all our Lord, make us wants to submit to make as Muslims, meaning the two of us farther and we're saying or lawmakers both Muslim.

01:00:28 --> 01:00:39

And what's the meaning of Muslim? Here in other verses of the Quran? In the verses which I've just mentioned, for the Muslims, when they both submitted, Islam means submission.

01:00:41 --> 01:00:43

So makers, those who submit

01:00:45 --> 01:00:52

and not just as women really Athena, meta Muslim at the luck and from our children, from our progeny,

01:00:54 --> 01:01:00

from our future generations, create and raise a nation that submits.

01:01:01 --> 01:01:08

What I didn't have in our second hour to Ballina in the context of a human show was our rites and rituals of pilgrimage

01:01:10 --> 01:01:11

and relents.

01:01:12 --> 01:01:24

So as turned to as an accepting mercy and an accepting, verily You are the one who relents and is off turning to his servants, All Merciful, then a prayer for a messenger

01:01:26 --> 01:01:30

our Lord arrays from our future children

01:01:32 --> 01:01:35

Rasulullah min a messenger from themselves,

01:01:36 --> 01:01:42

who will recite to them your verses, and teach them the book and wisdom

01:01:44 --> 01:01:45

and nurture.

01:01:47 --> 01:02:08

Verily, you are the one who is all mighty, all wise. That was a prayer for their future children and for their, for a messenger from the children. There's a lesson a great lesson in that to see what they pray for. See what the do out of the MBR and he was Salam was was always

01:02:10 --> 01:02:30

they would not pray for the dunya for themselves, they would pray for the hereafter for their children, they would pray for the hereafter. And this is the condition of the true believers. The Koran teaches us the prayers of the prophets, teachers, what should be our concern, not only for ourselves, but even for our children.

01:02:32 --> 01:02:55

What do the believers say? Who are the believers that Allah praises in the Quran in surah Furqan His servants gibberish man, the servants of the Most Compassionate part of their prayer is robina hublin amin as Virgina was oviya Tina burrata REM, which unknotting Tina Mama, our Lord grantors of our spouses

01:02:56 --> 01:03:00

and our children, the coolness of the eyes

01:03:02 --> 01:03:05

jalna subpoena mama and makers.

01:03:06 --> 01:03:07

An example.

01:03:10 --> 01:03:11

For those who have

01:03:12 --> 01:03:27

a leader for those who have meaning what does this What does this verse teaches parents the true believers are those who pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala for their own guidance, that they can be a good one and imagine a good example for their children

01:03:28 --> 01:03:31

and that their children become

01:03:33 --> 01:03:33


01:03:34 --> 01:03:40

so good that they are the coolness of their eyes, and the coolness of the eyes does not mean

01:03:42 --> 01:03:48

wealth dunya it means the coolness of the eyes.

01:03:49 --> 01:03:59

As far as the Hereafter is concerned, a true believer is pleased, just as the prophets were pleased when their children followed in their footsteps.

01:04:02 --> 01:04:16

Otherwise, if we are only concerned about the dunya then we may give our children dunya. But will they grow up to be the coolness of our eyes, all they grow up to be a curse.

01:04:17 --> 01:04:28

If we instill these values in our children, then they will grow up to be the coolness of our eyes. If we do not lead them along the path of Allah is that a source of alarm it will send them

01:04:29 --> 01:04:32

then we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

01:04:33 --> 01:04:34

In this culture,

01:04:36 --> 01:04:42

respect is fast disappearing, and this is not a minor thing. We are young now. Many of us.

01:04:43 --> 01:04:47

Many of us are younger, some of us are old. But

01:04:49 --> 01:04:59

now the culture is such that there's no respect for parents, even in their middle age. What will happen in their old age will they be

01:05:00 --> 01:05:00


01:05:01 --> 01:05:02


01:05:03 --> 01:05:05

old people's homes.

01:05:09 --> 01:05:12

I read a story many years ago

01:05:17 --> 01:05:18


01:05:19 --> 01:05:22

this was in many, many years ago,

01:05:23 --> 01:05:34

in the US, there was a horrendous crime that took place. And the crime was that an elderly couple

01:05:36 --> 01:05:51

were battered to death in their wheelchairs. So not in bed, they were both in their wheelchairs. And they were both severely beaten to death. Both both elderly,

01:05:53 --> 01:05:57

extremely old, vulnerable, weak and disabled,

01:05:58 --> 01:06:03

has been on my partner's they were both beaten to death in their wheelchairs.

01:06:05 --> 01:06:09

Obviously, the details of the whole crime was shocking. And

01:06:10 --> 01:06:12

do you know what was he well,

01:06:14 --> 01:06:15

even more shocking.

01:06:18 --> 01:06:21

Eventually, the perpetrators of the crime will call.

01:06:24 --> 01:06:26

And they happen to be

01:06:27 --> 01:06:44

the elderly couple's own son and daughter, with their friends, who had gangs who had all become part of the plot to kill their parents in order to claim their life insurance.

01:06:46 --> 01:06:54

And then for me, what was extremely shocking and would be for all of us, is that the elderly couple and their children almost.

01:07:00 --> 01:07:02

This is what dunia just

01:07:05 --> 01:07:07

as I mentioned last week, and before

01:07:10 --> 01:07:18

the Quraysh in their jar highly respected their parents more than some of us respect our parents in Islam.

01:07:24 --> 01:07:38

Now we have a duty to instill these values in our children. We will witness the curse of the children not in the art era, but even before the Adhan, in the dunya in our old age, not just in our old age, even in our middle age.

01:07:39 --> 01:07:45

Now, it's become it's become very humorous, you will see this label or this

01:07:46 --> 01:07:53

quippy quotes saying that Be kind to your children because they will be the ones who will choose your retirement home.

01:07:57 --> 01:08:24

So the parent of the prophets of Allah, just like the true believers of Allah, Allah mentions in the Quran, they prayed for themselves that they would be a good example. And for their children, just as in that verse of suitable for karma, I've read that this is what the believers pray for. This is what you put on him and he has said and prayed for Allah make us Muslim, meaning Ibrahim made me Muslim is smart, he made me Muslim alayhis salaam, and make our children muslims for you too.

01:08:25 --> 01:08:31

And then not only that, but from our future children raise a messenger from them.

01:08:33 --> 01:09:01

The long afterwards the US still worrying about the future generations of their progeny and children that let there be let them be guided, raise a messenger from them. And who was that messenger what's a prophet, the prophet Mohammed Salah Laurie. This is why Imam handle relates to the youth and as Muslims, and so delivers from a number of companions of the alarm, including a wall mama Herbert Holly, and Elliot about the idea that the alarm

01:09:02 --> 01:09:05

that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said

01:09:07 --> 01:09:07


01:09:09 --> 01:09:10

this is a genuine meaning of

01:09:11 --> 01:09:19

the from all of these companions that I am or the beginning of my affair was that were to be Ibrahim

01:09:20 --> 01:09:44

babouche Raisa. The I Am the prayer of my father Ibrahim, and the glad tidings of my brother, the glad tidings of the prophets Isa, and a dream that my mother saw when she conceived me that from her stomach alight, Shawn that engulf the palaces of Shah.

01:09:47 --> 01:09:49

So I am the prayer of my father Hebrew

01:09:51 --> 01:09:57

and the glad tidings of Isa. And what was that glad tiding as Allah mentions in sort of stuff

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

with binary 700

01:10:00 --> 01:10:10

You may have any saw either in middle school law equal what's up the condom Albania de Amina Tora Omar Bashir, Amira Surya team embarrassed to admit that

01:10:11 --> 01:10:17

and remember when he speaks of nobody he saw the son of money himself or children of Israel

01:10:18 --> 01:10:21

very I'm alive allows messenger to you

01:10:24 --> 01:10:28

the Prophet Isa Li his Salaam was not sent to the whole of mankind

01:10:29 --> 01:10:40

he was sent specifically to his people. This is why he said and remember as the last Asian remember when he saw the son of Miriam said, open source he little children of Israel

01:10:42 --> 01:10:43

in the civil law in a

01:10:44 --> 01:11:20

large messenger too, and as is quoted in the Bible, God not the way of the Gentiles but rather than to the lost sheep of Israel, the words of Isa AS and as quoted in the Bible as we have it today, go not the way of the Gentiles, but rather into the lost sheep of Israel, meaning he was a messenger sent to binaries that are eland only to begin with sorry, he was never sent as a universal messenger to all the peoples of the world. So last age, remember when he saw the son of William said, Oh, when we saw he Verily, Allah as messenger T,

01:11:22 --> 01:11:34

I come to affirm that the law that came before me, and I come to give you as a bearer of glad tidings of a messenger who shall come after me his name is

01:11:36 --> 01:12:08

and this is the one place in the Quran where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is only mentioned by name five times, four times as Mohammed. And here once is Ahmed. And, as I've explained in detail before the meaning is Muhammad, the one who is the most praised and Ahmed Mohammed, the one who is the most praised in the whole of creation. And the one who have the whole of creation is the most praising of the Create.

01:12:10 --> 01:12:19

And that's our salsa love them full of praise. It is Muhammadan added, praise the most by everyone, including Bartlett's pandahall.

01:12:20 --> 01:12:41

And he is the one who praises a lot the most. What can a few cartoons are a few disparaging poems due to the honor and the dignity of the sort of love, the love and even with some of them, when lots of what Allah has blessed him in such a manner and the whole oma is is for that is as ransom.

01:12:42 --> 01:12:54

So what's the messenger that Ibrahim alayhis salaam prayed for that? I am, he said, the prayer of my father, Ibrahim, and I am the glad tidings of Isa

01:12:55 --> 01:13:06

and country to Isa Li Salaam, the prophets and the love it was some of them. Some may assume that Ibrahim alayhis salam said raise from amongst them, a messenger to them.

01:13:08 --> 01:13:27

Or a messenger raised amongst them a messenger from them that did he only come for the Arabs some people have suggested that the prophets only came for the Arabs. Now in the Koran Allah subhanho wa Taala savings. But yeah, your NASS in Nero saw the light in equal gymea Allah de la

01:13:28 --> 01:13:28


01:13:31 --> 01:13:34

la la la jolla he will you meet for amin will

01:13:36 --> 01:13:40

be mean that you're going to be Lahore Kalamata Allah Allah.

01:13:41 --> 01:14:00

Allah says commanding the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that all mankind Oh, people are very I'm Allah as messenger to all of you. And the verse continues, and it tells us, follow him believe in Him, follow him in the hope that you may find guidance. So he was glad tiding of his

01:14:01 --> 01:14:08

brother Isa his Salaam and he was the result of a dream seen by his mother when she conceived

01:14:09 --> 01:14:15

that alight Shawn from her, which engulfed even the palaces of Shanghai.

01:14:16 --> 01:14:31

Of course, people did not understand. Just as the moon after boom, Hippocrates did not understand when in the trench, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was called us How about all the love and when we're trying to dig a bolt

01:14:32 --> 01:14:59

and they couldn't break it so the call the profits of the law it was a long story. He struck the boulder once a light emitted, shining blinding light. And then how about are the alarm explained a lot better. And then a second one, a second piece broke off law again, light shining lava, and then finally the whole boulder crumbled, then the profits and profits of the law it was imagine the scene is covered in depth.

01:15:02 --> 01:15:04

He has a pickaxe in his hand.

01:15:05 --> 01:15:29

The boulder lies crushed before him. Some of us have are with him in the trench. And there's a whole Horde and multitude of people on both sides of the trench above, and they're all staring down. And amongst them are the hypocrites, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while standing there says that when I struck the boulder alight shamon in it, I saw the palaces of Russia,

01:15:30 --> 01:15:39

and other like shaman in it, I saw the palaces of Persia. And then he mentioned the third referring to Yemen and Africa.

01:15:40 --> 01:16:13

So the, what is the sort of sorry, the hypocrites. They smiled, and walked away in disgust, and began muttering that we are so fit, it's so cold, it's we are so fearful. We are under siege. And we are living in such fear and under such a siege, that one of us can't go out even to answer the call of nature for the fear of being killed, and here stands Mohammed promising as the palaces of Roman parish. So they never announced

01:16:14 --> 01:16:40

and a lot did not want that for his resorcinol Allahu alayhi wa sallam. That's why before any wealth flowed into the coffers of Medina, before the palaces were conquered, before the royal courts were received before the treasures were received. Before the dunya was brought to Medina, Allah took his messenger away. But it was not befitting him Allah. It was not befitting.

01:16:43 --> 01:16:52

So he didn't understand word spread when his mother saw the stream, but the police didn't understand. Neither did the hypocrites and stem. But we understand.

01:16:54 --> 01:17:20

So this was he was the dream that his mother saw. So what's the messenger did Allah raise as an answer to the door out of see the neighbor and he made a solemn there is a great lesson for all of us and lutins that section by saying amiata Hubbell and miletti Brahimi Lamin Sufi, and that's what I call this the fee now for dunya. We're in North Africa that the aim is part of the hora palace.

01:17:22 --> 01:17:34

This is the message from the whole story of Brahim alayhis salaam beautiful verse to end with. Allah says after the death of the Brahim in the set of verses in the Koran and who will turn away

01:17:35 --> 01:18:25

from the traditional Ibrahim from the religion of Ibrahim, except one who makes a fool of himself. And verily we selected him in the dunya. And in the Hereafter, he is one of the pious when his Lord said to him, a slim Submit. And he said, I slumped a little bit further mean, I have submitted to the Lord of the worlds. That is the legacy of the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salaam, submission, and he is the one who named as Muslims. This is the meaning of being Muslim. This is the meaning of Islam and those who are true Muslims, those are truly submit to Allah just as liberal humanist aliens landed on allow will honor them in the dunya and in the earth era, and they shall be in the company

01:18:25 --> 01:18:40

of the prophets may lawmakers amongst them I end with this was the law who was in America and he was sued in the Vietnam hammered while he was savage mean Stronach a lot more me the conditional alert, you know, in land as the federal corner to be like.

01:18:42 --> 01:19:20

This lecture was delivered by share of a use of Ravel hug and has been brought to you by alkota Productions. For additional lectures and products, please visit www.ak store.com we can also be contacted by phone on double zero double 4121 double 713 triple seven or by email via sales at ak store.com. produced under licensed by alkota Productions. All rights reserved for alkota Productions and the author. any unauthorized distribution, broadcasting or public performance of this recording will constitute a violation of copyright.

The gravity of Sayyiduna Ir coming to Makkah to sacrifice his son Sayyiduna Ismail AS is explained in this lesson. The test of waiting for children is contrasted with those who abandon their children or give preference to girls
over boys.

The qualities of Sayyiduna Ibrahim AS and Sayyiduna Ismail AS are further expounded upon especially their submission to the Will of Allah.

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