Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Talk Only 2022 04 08

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the history and meaning of the name Islam, including its origins and various origins, including the title of the book the Night of Power. It also discusses the success of shuna R reminded and its importance in rewarding actions. The segment emphasizes the danger of riding in a group missions and the importance of following the Sunare. The transcript describes a group of speakers discussing their actions during a nighttime meeting, including their plans to make a statement and practice their religion. They also mention the importance of fasting and not being afraid of doing things.
AI: Transcript ©
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All of that science

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pertains to what is being studied in that science.

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So, for example,

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our shuffler aloo Aqeedah.

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The most noble of sciences, is theology in Islam to study

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the perfect names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So, Shadow full, elfin or Allah Allah

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be shuffled

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and so the shut off of the month of Ramadan

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pertains to that which Allah subhanaw taala made Ramadan famous

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and that is it Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Holy Quran do

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510 We're either

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we're not talking about the first five verses in a lot of Iran in

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the cave of Hara

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ACARA Bismillah bicolored, the Halacha Khaliqul insert them in

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Allah, Allah, Allah Al Insana Mala Mia Allah

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that is chronological order piecemeal.

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We talking about different Anwar hija. In one goal, the Quran came

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down when, in the movie, literally

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the Night of Power, the Night of Decree

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which we don't know with Yaqeen with certainty when exactly it is,

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but we in the hara, we search for it in the last 10 Nights.

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More specifically, in the last odd nights

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of the last 10 nights of Ramadan, and then even said, when you're

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Tahara really to agree, fully taharah Laila to Serbia anywhere

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actually. And if you're searching for search for it on the 27th

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night, he didn't say no, it's 27 For sure, he says, but it's one

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night you mustn't leave out because it could very well be that

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night. So on that night

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of little cutter,

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Allah subhanaw taala sent the Quran down.

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Mina lo Halima foods from the preserve tablet

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Illa sama dunya to the heaven of this earth, and then piecemeal

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over 23 years, via Gibreel Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He revealed it

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to our beloved Prophet Muhammad Hyrule Anam Salah to Robbie was

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salam O Allah.

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So this is the month of the Quran.

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It is the month of cm

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and it is the month of pm but the pm of course, just like with

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salatu tahajjud which is a form of PM.

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Salah tahajjud is a form of pm Allah

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every salatu tahajjud is a clear Malay but not every Kiambu lile is

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a Salah to tahajjud

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why? Because the word to Hijjah means to wake up, whereas

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Harjinder means to go to sleep.

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And that's one autolysis Fattah Hijjah Debbie nephila Turlock and

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stand up with the Quran.

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So when we say pm

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we are speaking about

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the establishment of the recitation of the Quran in Salah

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at night.

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So lots of Tara

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or if you go to sleep and wake up again so lots of tahajjud

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and so when we say Qian it has a direct connection with Puritan

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for the Hajj, Jeddah be stand up with the Quran and recite

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and this P M. TM Allah

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and I said to a brother yesterday I said to him

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Yes, during the time of said Muhammad octoberat The Allah

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Tabata Quwata Allah and

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He made it 20 recart

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And I'm speaking English so I'm saying raka if I was speaking

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Arabic I say raka Sharona Oh eventually,

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if it is a number above 10 from 11 onwards, and we use the singular

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If it is three to 10 then we use the plural. So a Shuna Rakatan 20

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rakaat speaking English now again

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during his Khilafah

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and there were several reasons for that that's not the topic of

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discussion for now you can go look it up at home be delighted.

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But it suffices to say that our beloved Prophet sasm said I laid

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can be Sunette It was soon that you qualify Rashid, DINELLI Medina

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me, buddy.

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been urging. You said follow my sunnah and the Sunnah of my

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rightly guided successes after me

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and who are the rightly guided successes, Abu Bakr and Omar and

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Rothman and Id

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are the yellow Tabata Quwata Allah and Himeji marine and According to

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some scholars and Hassan and According to some scholars

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amadablam classes came a few generations later but had the same

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o'clock and same methodology as the guy key guided successes.

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So he said follow my sunnah and the Sunnah of my rightly guided

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have been the words you just hold onto it with your molars

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and then when you don't make you guys hungry now,

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maybe when you finish the Juma Inshallah, you're going to find

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the wife and say, you know, go buy a nice steak for me. You know, the

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man was speaking about steak today. So I want to have steak

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tonight. Just be careful eating steak before taraweeh

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but heavy on the tummy. But when you eat a steak, do you eat it

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with your front teeth? Do you bite into it with your front teeth? Or

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do you bite into it with you know edge

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with your molars? Why? Because you get a better grip. You can tear a

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piece off.

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So likewise, our beloved prophet Sultan says hold on to my sunnah

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and the Sunnah of my rightly guided successes.

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Hold onto it with your molars in other words hold on to it for dear

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life don't let go.

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So Alhamdulillah we at this Masjid like many massage it we are making

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the 20 raka

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but you will see after eight

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some of the brothers will live

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do we frown at it? No Allah Beloved Prophet made eight

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Salvaterra but he made eight at home and he read a very lengthy

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taraweeh sometimes he would read it home, sometimes he would come

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to the masjid and it was recommended Of course, that it's

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not a fault.

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It is not something that is compulsory

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but it is something that if we leave it out we're going to be

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losing big time.

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So if you can't make 20 at the masjid make it

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and if you can't make it

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in the masjid then make it home but do not sacrifice keum in the

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month of Ramadan

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you know

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a dino Yusuf

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have repeated this hadith

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I've repeated this hadith so many times in the masjid

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and I will keep repeating it

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because the very important Hadith call an abuse Allah Allahu alayhi

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wa sallam a deal to use the religion is easy

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when you shared the deen love

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No buddy becomes extreme

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and one

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of the types of extremism that we get is to make something Sundar

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in one's mind of course

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but he knows it so no but it's like if I don't do this I'm gonna

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get punished which is totally wrong. Because fault you third

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what other fairly well your outcome Allah turkey

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this is the definition when we study the outcome of Sharia the

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legal rulings in Islam, the definition of for worship broken a

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wedge is difference when it comes to hedge but formed wedge IP and

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broken in the other EBA that according to the jamawar the

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majority of the scholars

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out there are synonyms of one another for wedges and

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and what is the definition they have? You serve who?

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When you are Kabbalah, Turkey, if you do it you will be rewarded if

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you leave it

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ought to be punished

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we as something that is sunnah

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Mr. Hub. Man Dube is also Ouattara deferred. These are synonyms of

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one another sunnah. Man, Dube,

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Mr. Hub

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is a synonyms of one another, of course, you get sued,

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which is a bit stronger. But nevertheless, they all fall under

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this definition of you. Third, who are other fairly well now you

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you will be rewarded if you do it. But you won't be punished if you

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leave it out.

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But again,

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leaving out something so beneficial. In such a robotic

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mouth, we are going to be the losers at the end of the day. In

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other words, we are not going to gain what we could have gained. I

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mean, fasting alone.

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Allahu Akbar,

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just for the person too fast.

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And that's why it's so important, John from assuming and I started

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Aim for the summit.

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And when they climb Mount Everest, you first go to get to base camp.

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And then you got acclimatized, for how many weeks and then from base

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camp, you get to get to camp two, and then Chem three.

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And then you got to get to camp four. And then from Camp four,

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they they go for the summit.

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And when we climb a mountain, yes, we should aim for the summit of

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Mount Everest. Now, by the way, I don't advise anybody to climb

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Everest. It's extremely dangerous.

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But the point being is that yes, Inshallah, in this month of

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Ramadan, we are going to aim for the summit. We don't just want to

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go to Basecamp or two, three or four weeks to get to the summit.

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We want to do as much as we possibly can.

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But having said that, don't sacrifice

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quantity with quality

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in order to attain quantity, don't sacrifice quality

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for just for the person to force

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in the daytime, I

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mean Fajr sodic in a group missions, from true dawn to the

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setting of the sun, this is Allahu Akbar. The prophet says what are

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they can be so the inner lamb is fast because there is nothing like

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and that's why it's so important that we get the near right. And I

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love talking about the way we you know the near with kabocha want me

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know way to so.

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And I'm not talking about that.

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My handle near

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the place of the NIA is not the time.

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In fact, the only of the four Imams it is only an imam Shafi

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Rahim Allah Tala that says it is recommended or praiseworthy to say

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the intention in order to help direct it into the heart.

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Some of the scholars are even of the opinion that it's an

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innovation to to make the law firm to utter the intention.

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But whether you are making Tella food, whether you're uttering the

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intention, or whether you're not uttering the intention, the

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intention Mohandro near the place of the intention is the heart.

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There are seven ingredients of the near Haqiqa tuna Hockman Mahal,

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Don Wasserman, Kay Phil,

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sharp tone, we're Maqsood on Hassan, there is the reality of

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the near which is because do che doctoring and with the intention

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of doing something connected with doing it

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and whether you're taking the opinion of Imam Shafi which is to

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make the near every night or Abu Hanifa to make one intention for

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the whole month. So good, wala is all good. Hamdulillah.

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Bottom line is that the intention of doing it is associated and

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directly connected to doing it

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has gotten Hawkman what is the haka whether you want to call it

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worship, or want to call it a shard, boils down to the same

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thing, six of the one half a dozen of the other in the Malama up yet

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actions are with intentions and everybody will get what they've

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intended. So the hokum the ruling, it is compulsory, you must make a

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have Mahalo and what's the place of the near the heart? That is the

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place of the NIA.

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Hockman Milan was the time of the year difference of opinion. We do

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it normally at night before we go to sleep

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Hey phiaton How do we make the knee? In other words, what's the

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beer made up of? What is the sealer?

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What are the words that we use in the intention? Okay, fear, tone,

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sharp tone and not the condition the precondition of making an

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intention is not to couple it with an intention of doing something

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else at the same time. He can intend to do two things at once.

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And then at the end says, Max who do not have son Haqiqa tune

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Hockman Mahan Wasserman cavia tune shorten we're Maqsood, Don Hudson.

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And for a good cause.

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And what's the only cause that we do things for warmer omy rule in

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early Abdullah meclizine Allahu deen and it has not been ordered,

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except that they submit and surrender to Allah sincerely for

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his sake and for his sake along.

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So just fasting on its own which is compulsive,

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must keep renewing make Tige deed of the new year.

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I think we did the Hadith last week

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in LA song for in the Hooghly an urgency Evie,

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what is the Prophet says Allah Salim Allah Subhan Allah Allah

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said Hadees Bootsy all of the actions of mankind they have a

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portion then except for fasting, it's only for me

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and I reward the fasting person you can show off when you're

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Only Allah knows if you fasting or not. So it has renewed that

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intention for our fast then we get to tonight which is not

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compulsory, it is optional.

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It is a sunnah

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to make Salah Tarawa. And then to go home and to start go to sleep

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and stand up and perform salatu Dogit. But

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if we do it, Allahu Akbar and again the intention

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The intention

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call and EBU SallAllahu Sallam and if you're Asha

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one hour a year in LA lady

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for color but who I know who

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were cut up Ilona, whosoever

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if a person goes to the bed at night, in other words, you want to

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go sleep

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and they make intention to stand up for tahajjud

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but their eyes overcome them.

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Meaning the oversleep

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then Allah will write to sleep as a sadaqa for them as a charity

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and Allah will reward them for that which they intended which was

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sustained for tagit Allahu Akbar,

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a dean who uses religion is easy when you share the dinner huddle

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and nobody becomes extreme in the way that they practice their

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religion except that it will overcome them. They won't be able

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to to sustain that. For 70 do so do what's right. What does that

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mean? Stay away from haram. We do the compulsory acts. We'll call it

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one try your best. Try your best in the extra and optional things

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that we can do.

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Misses apply this hadith to Ramadan. Try your best and to

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Allah you leave the rest said did you work Haribo ups you?

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Do what's right

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if we apply that to show how Ramadan

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we have to

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during the daytime abstain from food and drink and intimacy with

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one spouse.

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But it shouldn't stop there we should also abstain

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and practice self restraint

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without eyes,

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with our ears with our tongues

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thermoneutral Marula Disaronno I think there is a person mostly

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into the fire of a times

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with that self restraint

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we do what we have to do.

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What did we say say do what caribou in the Hadith the Prophet

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sallallahu sallam, they asked the MAL Hegira to your Rasulullah what

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is migration?

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Because not everybody was a migrator and then my greatest them

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were hygiene. They were given a high status. They are given a high

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status in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet

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Muhammad hadeland I'm Salvaterra

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but now the prophets Allah Salam,

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he is making it possible for everybody to be a Mahajan. Not

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just those that made the migration from Makita Makara to Madina,

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Munawwara for the Tsar and for the tabby arena, Tabby tayberry

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Even us and right up all the generations that have to come in a

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Yama Dean.

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So, he said to them,

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when they asked him what is migration he said under General

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for WA Shama Vihara min and to chemo Salah to tears occur for

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unter Mahajan mohajirs will look different harbor.

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He said to them to be a migrator you must migrate away from all

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four eyes from all haram, from all corruption, evil, promiscuity,

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obscenity, vulgarity. migrate away from that.

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And then he said and to establish pray and to pray this occur and

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the words do the far right.

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So stay away from haram.

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Do what is compulsory, the neuro migrator

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even if you die at home, even if you've never ever migrated from

00:20:55 --> 00:21:00

your home, from your place of birth, anywhere in your life, you

00:21:00 --> 00:21:03

will be a migrator in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala. So that's

00:21:03 --> 00:21:06

just staying away from haram and doing what is compulsory

00:21:08 --> 00:21:11

will not occur by Ilya Abdi bisha In a hub the alignment of Torah to

00:21:11 --> 00:21:15

Allah, my servant has never ever drawn closer to me with something

00:21:15 --> 00:21:18

more beloved to me than that which I've made compulsory on them

00:21:19 --> 00:21:25

when Missoula Abdi caribou heart and my servant continues to draw

00:21:25 --> 00:21:28

closer to me with the extra optional things.

00:21:29 --> 00:21:32

Okay, so we're gonna try our best in Ramadan to do the extra

00:21:32 --> 00:21:37

optional things, not sacrificing on the quality doing it to the

00:21:37 --> 00:21:41

best of our ability and renewing our intention all the time. And my

00:21:41 --> 00:21:46

servant continues to draw closer to me with the extra optional

00:21:46 --> 00:21:51

actions Hatter or Hepburn until I love them for either up to could

00:21:51 --> 00:21:56

do some more lady yes my OB Avasarala de UCOP Well, you told

00:21:56 --> 00:22:00

it yesterday should be her. What did you let em shippi hub? Well

00:22:00 --> 00:22:05

incidentally, loyalty, with any style any law are you them now?

00:22:05 --> 00:22:09

You said and my seven continues to grow closer to me with the extra

00:22:09 --> 00:22:13

optional actions until I love them. And if I love them, I become

00:22:13 --> 00:22:13


00:22:14 --> 00:22:17

the hearing with which they hear and their sight with which they

00:22:17 --> 00:22:20

see and they hands with which they work and they fit with which they

00:22:20 --> 00:22:23

will and if they asked me I will grant them whatever they ask and

00:22:23 --> 00:22:26

if they seek refuge in Me, I will grant him that refuge and

00:22:26 --> 00:22:27

protection for them.

00:22:28 --> 00:22:29


00:22:30 --> 00:22:32

I started myself tomato Muslimeen

00:22:33 --> 00:22:35

let us do our CM

00:22:37 --> 00:22:38

which is compulsory

00:22:39 --> 00:22:41

and to the best of our ability it has to that

00:22:43 --> 00:22:46

it has to stand and recite the Holy Quran. And it can be clear

00:22:46 --> 00:22:50

Malay for inaudible Salah Hanuman comedy come from a crabber to be a

00:22:50 --> 00:22:53

lot of become more McFadden and you say your woman hurt, you know,

00:22:53 --> 00:22:56

and it isn't what matters to me day in and day just stand up for

00:22:56 --> 00:22:59

the night prayer said the Prophet saw some for indeed it is the

00:22:59 --> 00:23:02

habit of the righteous who came before you. And it is that thing

00:23:02 --> 00:23:05

to get you closer to your Lord, your Creator and Sustainer Allah

00:23:05 --> 00:23:08

subhanaw taala and it is that thing to cause your sins to be

00:23:08 --> 00:23:12

wiped out. And it is that thing that will shield you from falling

00:23:12 --> 00:23:13

into sin.

00:23:14 --> 00:23:18

See where the taco comes from. From CM was so much you know

00:23:18 --> 00:23:19

fasting is a shield and

00:23:20 --> 00:23:26

it will shield us reciting that Quran Lomita Quran, Quran and the

00:23:28 --> 00:23:32

Quran, a perfect Arabic Quran without any crookedness in order

00:23:32 --> 00:23:34

that they might develop Taqwa.

00:23:35 --> 00:23:36

Siyam and pm

00:23:37 --> 00:23:41

so let's do it. Let's stay away from what we must stay away from

00:23:42 --> 00:23:46

it just do what we have to do. And let us try our best in all the

00:23:46 --> 00:23:48

extra optional things that we can do and to Allah we leave the rest

00:23:50 --> 00:23:51

may Allah subhanaw taala

00:23:52 --> 00:23:54

bless us in this month of Ramadan

00:23:55 --> 00:23:57

I almost wanted to Allah make it the best Ramadan ever.

00:23:59 --> 00:24:01

That was one of the either forgive us our shortcomings.

00:24:02 --> 00:24:06

Now last one metallic sip from us all our actions, and Malasana Tala

00:24:06 --> 00:24:09

make a steadfast on the Shiratama stack team Illa Jeanette in after

00:24:09 --> 00:24:12

the deadline and hamdulillah Bellarine was Salam Alaikum

00:24:12 --> 00:24:14

Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

00:24:28 --> 00:24:29

Allah, Allah

00:24:32 --> 00:24:33

Oh boy,

00:24:35 --> 00:24:37

all my phone

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