Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 17 August 20191440

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The physical connection between Islam and the spiritual world is a natural one that connects people to God and their creator. The speaker discusses the importance of the story of the Prophet Alayhi Sunran, which connects people and culture, and the history of free laborers and Muslims from India and Indonesia, as well as the first Imams who came out of slavery and settled in a warehouse. The speaker notes that Islam and Muslim teachings are a close bond and that the first Imams who came out of slavery were taught in the same way.
AI: Transcript ©
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Fully aware of our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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allows us

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and grants us entry when we are resurrected into janitorial dose

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or manual but I mean

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GMO Muslimeen

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one of the HECM or the wisdoms

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of the Hajj

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is that it connects people

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in a physical way

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the lands, which is pleasant and Mobarak.

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It links us to

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the to heed of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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in a way,

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that only a journey and a travel can, a physical journey and a

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travel can

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that when the judge when they reach Makkah,

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they share the plains of Africa

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with 10s of 1000s Millions

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of Muslims from across the globe.

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They all revere sanctify

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the Shah,

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those things which Allah subhanaw taala, which he required them to

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sanctify of going around the Kaaba of making the sign of Safa and

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Marwa of being present on the Day of Arafah

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and pelting the Jamela on the days of the shriek.

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And this is a physical connection that Muslims who have the capacity

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to do so they are afforded this opportunity to physically connect

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with the rest of the Ummah

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and practically to try and establish

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even greater connection with Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And this is what it is about.

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When we speak about submitting yourself to Allah subhanho wa

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it is about spending a lifetime in Cordova

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in approaching Allah subhanho wa Taala in a way that we become

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fully aware of him, fully conscious of him.

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To the extent that we

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want to obey Allah subhanahu wa to Isla and that we are fearful of

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disobeying Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And this is a life well spent.

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And in order for Allah subhanaw taala to assist men in this regard

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in building this connection with him. Allah Subhana Allah to Allah

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has revealed the Quran,

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the Quran is that robbed?

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It is that connection, that Allah subhanaw taala extended to

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humanity in order for them to have an opportunity to understand whom

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is and to reach the highest stages in terms

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of humanity that they can and in worship to Allah subhanho Medina,

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the Quran is that a rope

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of which the Quran speaks about when it says what does the movie

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humbler hold firm to the rope of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala utilizes the prophets that Gambia

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and part of our iman is that we believe in Allah, we believe in

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the books the revelation that he had sent, and we believe in the

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message or in the messengers, the prophets that came with those

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So we know you sent Ibrahim Alayhi Salatu was Salam. These were the

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days that we were remembering Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salatu was

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Salam abundantly and his life.

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His son is married.

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The Quran speaks about them. Kulu and Binhai Omar own Xena, Elena,

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woman, Xena, Ibrahim, our smart healer. What is hard, is hard. The

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other son of Ibrahim Waiuku, the son of his hug while us about the

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tribes, the children of Yaqoob was also known as Israel eel. That's

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why we get Bani Israel yield the children of Yaqoob the children of

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Israel eel and from amongst them, was used of Allah Salatu was

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Salam. And eventually fall amongst them was Musa either you Salatu

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was Salam. And from that legacy they came isa salatu salam, and

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from the legacy of Isma eel was settled in Makkah to mocha Rama

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que Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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And through these individuals, prophets of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala generation through generation, people are linked

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constantly to the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. And despite the

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fact that there was about 700 years or so between Nabil Issa and

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the coming of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there

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was still remnants of the worshipping of Allah. And by the

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time the Prophet came, he obliterated the pig, the

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worshipping of the pagan I O, the pagan worship in Makkah to macabre

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Rama, and he re established that connection that man is supposed to

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have with his creator. It's all about that connection. It's all

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about not getting lost, not forgetting, not losing our way as

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human beings.

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And in the city God Allah subhanho wa Taala connects us to that

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legacy. We're in the Quran, he tells us the most beautiful

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stories, because he wants us to remember what happened to these

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Zambia. In fact, in the beginning of Surah, use of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala says, na na Cousteau Allah, Allah cosas Bhima ohioana Ilica

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the Quran, we rehearse to you the best of stories, that which has

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been we have inspired in the school and we're in condemning

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cubberly Here, let me Navarre feeling even though before you

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were unmindful of these happenings and these incidents. So Allah

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subhanho wa taala, tells of the story of the prophets, the Stories

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of the Prophets, in a bid to connect us with the obedience in a

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bid to connect us with the machine,

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in an attempt to connect us to the worshipping of one Allah.

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And Alhamdulillah we hear these stories, and we hear about the

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spread of Islam.

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The uncle of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam having embraced

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Islam after the conquest of Makkah Abbas Well, the Allahu Allah and

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then him then the Abbas that Khalifa.

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And then after that, another dynasty, and then another dynasty,

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and then the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman dynasty, and we hear about

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these things, and this is our legacy.

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And we are here in Cape Town.

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And we found ourselves here for the past few 100 years.

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And we ask ourselves, what is our connection with this legacy?

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Where do we fit into this legacy of Islam, this beautiful story of

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how Allah subhanaw taala connects human beings to his Deen how he

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connects human beings to his Deen via the Quran and via the

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teachings that the prophets came came to deliver to us.

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And when we look into that legacy, and in that history, we find that

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we are not a lost nation,

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we find that we are not a lost people.

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In fact, we find that there is a beautiful legacy. And there's a

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beautiful story that connects us to the bigger picture and the

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larger story.

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And that story starts in 1652.

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That story starts in 1652. between that time and 1700,

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approximately 1200 or 1297 slaves were brought here

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to the Cape.

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Over 50% of them was from India.

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The rest was from

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there was from a large quantity from Madagascar.

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And then there was from India from Indonesia, a large quantity lesson

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number from Malaysia.

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Other records talks about Bengal.

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It talks about other islands in the regions also of Southeast

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But they came here

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or rather, they were brought here.

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They were brought here, under in chains.

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They wouldn't grow to as free people. Not to say that they were

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not free once upon a time. They were free people.

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It was the politics of the time that they were brought here in

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And they came here because of where they held. They came here

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with the deen

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they came here with an identity.

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They came here with the knowledge that they are Muslim

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and that they worship Allah subhanahu wa taala but they were

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brought here under very, very trying circumstances. Because

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basically you were a commodity

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you you were the commodity and you were part

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of the trade that was happening, you were part of the economy, not

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as a participant, but as merchandise.

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So it was extremely trying.

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We find that after 1700, again, between 17 107 and, and the mid

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1700s, we find that another group came

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a group of free Muslims, what we would call free Muslims from

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Indonesia. They needed skilled laborers to build a water break in

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town, so that they could extend the harbor. They brought these

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laborers from Indonesia, once again, Muslims,

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they knew what they were believing in, they understood their own

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identity. When the job was done, many of these artisans and

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laborers they went back, but many of them stayed as well.

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They became known as the free black Muslims, the free of

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the free black Muslims of the cape,

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and we find that

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they knew where they were in terms of their identity.

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tell us that they were practicing the Islam.

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And then comes the political prisoners. We are about to ng

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who was incarcerated in Robben Island for 11 years. And after he

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left Robben Island, he went to settle in Cape Town. He was a

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person who understood this Deen, he was a person who had the

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ability to teach. And he took the opportunity to start teaching

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Muslims anyone who wanted to learn

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or, as are used to the states that he we can be considered the first

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official imam in Cape Town.

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Don't say it.

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They say that he went into the slave Lodge. And at the slave

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Lodge, he gave Dawa, to the to the slaves there. And they say many of

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the slaves in the slaves lodge embrace Islam record show that he

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actually became a policeman eventually. And it was in this way

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that he had access to the slave Lodge.

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And this was the beginnings of a movement of an organized movement

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of Muslims, where there's a consciousness that is someone who

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has the ability to teach, and that there is something to learn, and

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that there is something other than what the current status quo of

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Dutch and English rule is offering.

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And that is Islam.

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And then there were others. Time is not going to allow us but we

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to hang guru, Imam Abdullah bin kadhi Abdus Salam.

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He was brought here, a political prisoner. He was incarcerated.

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He was a man of Deen, a man of a man of knowledge.

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And a man who, despite the circumstances, was not going to

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allow his circumstances to get the better of him. Because he

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understood his purpose as a Muslim, because he was motivated

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by other than the political conditions of the time, he was

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motivated with a higher purpose. And that higher purpose was he

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wanted to be connected to Allah subhanho wa taala. And he wanted

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to put the people that he came into contact with, he wanted to

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connect them to Allah subhanho wa taala. He was the house within

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Quran. We know famously the story of him writing copies from memory

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of the Quran Subhana Allah.

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When he was finally released, he went to Cape Town. He settled in

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Cape Town, he befriended a man known as Muhammad fund Ben

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garland, they became very close friends. Muhammad when Ben Garland

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was married to a lady known as Seung Ki funda cup

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sarchi Find the cup was the daughter of the Caribbean of salon

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and three in Fond the cup.

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This collagen of Solon was the first free black Muslim to own

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land in Cape Town.

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He owned land in Dover Street. He owned a house in dwarf Street and

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attached out there was a warehouse.

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Muhammad found Ben garland being married to his daughter, and being

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a close friend of Tang, Yusuf, or rather Tuan guru, being a close

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friend of him. They approached him and they told him allow us to use

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each of this warehouse as a place of learning as the madrasa he

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agreed, and the first madrasa in South Africa was started the first

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madrasa free people and slaves came they are like because to

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The Muslims who came there, they didn't see one another as either

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being a free person or a slave. All they saw was Islam and Muslim.

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Some of the first orlimar just recently come out of slavery. They

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were taught in that madrasa. They endorsed St. Imam Abdullah Vasil

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was some of the first Imam Abdul Bari Imam.

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Imam * Imam Ahmed fund being garland

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of the first Imams that came out of that school. At that school

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they also taught that for

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