Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 10 May 20191440

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the benefits of fasting, including protecting against evil behavior and building a spiritual foundation. The importance of fasting as a means of incentive and the potential for rebuilding the spiritual barrier. The speakers emphasize the need to balance the body and soul, avoid harm from smoking, and stay healthy. The segment also touches on the health benefits of fasting, including reducing insulin and preventing complications of diabetes, and emphasizes the importance of pursuing Islam and staying healthy for long periods of time to achieve longevity.
AI: Transcript ©
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Europe biller al Amin.

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What will suddenly what will suddenly Musala 10 What to Sleeman

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earlier Connie Bhima CAMI me real Gambia you are emammal mousseline.

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I shall do a Illa Illa Allah Who will you solve the pain?

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I shall do Anessa udana when a beginner all the manner or have

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you been

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Muhammadan rasul Allah

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terminal and the evil Morsani

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Solly Lahoma wa Sallim wa Barik Allah has an OB GYN I mean while

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li he also has Bertie he lover really may I mean my bad

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you might have a similar cinema alikoum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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on Ramadan Mubarak Kula I'm one Tomba behave.

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Allah Allah Tabata Quwata Isla de Quito Behala Aziz, by there was a

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bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim

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Chahal, Ramadan Elodie on Zilla fi Hill Quran,

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orderliness Eva Yuna Timothy Minella Houda well for Khan,

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Furman Shahid Amin como Shahara, Taliesin

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Sadat, Allahu La vie,

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Moto Muslimeen, leading up to this

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gracious month of Ramadan, this under the noble guest, that Allah

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subhanaw taala has sent to each and every single one of our homes,

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that we might be in the company of this gracious guest for 29 or 30

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days to truly benefit in so many different ways.

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There is ways I didn't think about it.

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So indeed, we have been speaking up to the indeed fasting has been

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prescribed for you, just like it was prescribed and those who came

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before you, in order that you might shield yourselves.

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So we looked at it mostly from a spiritual perspective, that

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fasting helps us to shield ourselves from others displeasure

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to shield ourselves from all that behavior and all those words and

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all those thoughts and all those actions that would anger and

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displeased ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada

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Alhamdulillah we are now in that month. We are now in that month

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where Allah subhanaw taala has made fasting not optional but

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Anything outside of Ramadan is optional.

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And may Allah subhanaw taala give us the Tofik the divine guidance

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in this month that inshallah post Ramadan will keep alive the Sunnah

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of fasting. I like Combi so for in Allahu La Metella for inner lamb

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if the Allahu Okama kala sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. What

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did the Prophet said his son Allah sent me said fast for indeed there

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is nothing like it. There is nothing like fasting when it comes

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to developing Taqwa Allah consciousness for Allah subhanho

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wa Taala there is nothing like fasting because it cannot be done

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for anybody but Allah and because of its duration. It is an act of

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rabada that takes a number of hours to complete and in that

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entire duration. We are conscious and mindful of ALLAH SubhanA wa

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So alhamdulillah the month of Ramadan is here. How does that as

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well Natalia introduced the month of Ramadan in the Holy Quran,

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shahada Ramadan Levy, on Zilla V Hill Quran. The month of Ramadan

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is the month in which Allah subhanaw taala has revealed the

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Holy Quran

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who the only nurse guidance for mankind

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or the only nurse you obey Hina terminal Houda

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is a guidance for mankind

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and the obey unit of that guidance. Otherwise Allah subhanaw

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taala he explains how we must implement how we must use this Map

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to navigate our ways to navigate our lives on this earth are

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beginner timid alHuda one four con and there's a criterion in that

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guidance, which has been made extremely clear has been explained

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in complete detail or forgotten or Phil Kitabi mentioned I just want

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to dialysis we haven't left a single thing out of the book.

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That Allah subhanaw taala has also given us in this guidance a four

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a four hour is for con for con is the criterion by which we can

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differentiate between good and bad right and wrong. True

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and false lawful and prohibited. FURMAN shade them in commercia

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Hara failure sumo so ever is witness to the month otherwise

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you're alive and the month of Ramadan dawns upon you then fast

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it will ammo you fit into a job

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and we learned a car either a rule in a solid fit in the principles

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of jurisprudence that if something is commanded generally then it

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makes that thing which is being commanded compulsory obligatory

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now I'm not going to be speaking about the Quran today. Inshallah.

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Next week, may Allah subhanaw taala preserve us and grant us to

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see another Juma. We will be speaking about how to implement

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this Hooda will be in our team terminal Houda will fork on into

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our lives with me later. Today I want to continue

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with the benefits of fasting. We've spoken about the spiritual

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benefits, I want to look at two other very important benefits of

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Why because we are in the early days now. So I want to speak about

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the benefits of fasting as a means of an incentive for you and I

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besides the fact that we know mon Sama, Ramadan Iman and rocky

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Serban who fear Allah Houma, Taka Demimonde MB.

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Besides the fact that we know our sins are going to be forgiven ever

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faster Ramadan, with true faith in Allah seeking any word from Allah,

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then the previous sins will be forgiven.

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We know that it is rebuilding the shield of Taqwa that we use

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against our enemies, he believes you will never see what dunya

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Well, however, you're in the kernel Colossi Khedira we spoken

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about that, how we can with the shield of fasting with the shield

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of Allah consciousness that we develop through fasting, how we

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can keep the evil temptations and invitations of our enemies at bay.

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But there are other benefits Subhanallah and here we can look

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the convergence of the sciences when it comes to Islam.

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Islam doesn't just deal with the spiritual

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why because almost want to dialysis will turn salasi becoming

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a dunya don't forget your portion of this world we have to live in

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this world.

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Yes, this world

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is temporal and higher to Kalam * bothof.

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So temporal that it is described as the blink of an island. We as

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the here after Holly Dena fie. A Buddha is forever and ever and

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But we still have to live here.

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Every single human being

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every single soul that has been created has to pass through five

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I will maralell humps mentioned in the Holy Quran, K for tech from

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the biller he will consume and Wharton for here come some of you

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meet to come some of you Rico, So may Allah He told Jerome

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How can you disbelieve in Allah when you didn't exist? And he

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brought you to life,

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then he causes you to die. Then he raises you to life again, He

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resurrects you. And then to him is your final return.

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So those five stages,

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the short to stage of those five stages is higher to dunya is the

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life of this world.

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But yet, the life of this world, how we live there in will

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determine where we are going to be for eternity. So that's why it's

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so important.

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And Islam is the equilibrium. It's the just balance.

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We have a soul yes, that we need to make sure that we keep pure.

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Why because it was created pure, but the Alpha Harmon Zakka

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did they are successful, those who keep the souls pure Wakanda

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herberman de ser and indeed, they are in loss, they are most

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disappointed those who corrupt their souls. And we spoke about

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the fact that a human being is comprised of two components body

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and soul, the soul being a pure creation, from Allah subhanaw

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taala where is the body coming from the earth is tainted with

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carnal desire.

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So we have a body and we have a soul. We have to keep that soul

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pure. But at the same time we have to look after the body.

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In the famous hadith of Salman and Pharisee, said Salman Rushdie

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allowed to Baraka what Allah and

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when he was with Abu darda

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Buddha was a he was a czar hid.

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In other words, he was an abstainer of the pleasures of this

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dunya he wasn't interested in the dunya

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and Abu darda visited,

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said in the Salmaan in fact, Cynthia Salmaan visitor, Buddha

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sorry, Sedna, Salamandre de la and he visited a Buddha. And he found

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the wife of Abu darda in old and tattered clothing.

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And Sydney Salman Astor. And she said that your brother Abu darda

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is not interested in the dunya.

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And then,

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a Buddha, offering some food,

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offered Sedna, Salman some food and sitting Salmaan partook of the

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food and he asked a Buddha to share with him so a Buddha said I

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am fasting. So Sydney Salman said he said that I will not eat until

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you eat.

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And then they went to sleep at nights and muscleman stayed over.

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a Buddha he wanted to spend the whole night in Salah.

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So he first stood and said that Salman said Come and sleep.

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And then he went to sleep and he stood up again sent the same

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message come sleep. And then in the third portion of the night,

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Senator Salmaan stood up and said Come now let's pray.

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And then he made those famous words when he said to Abu darda in

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the lira bucolic were in the in Africa, Alec Mohawk for articoli,

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the Houghton haka, who were in the Alec Alec the hub for articoli,

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the hurricane haka.

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He said to him, indeed, your Lord has a right over you. Your family

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has a right over you. Your buddy has a right over you, and I'm

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wondering why you're in just a gigantic hub. And then he said, so

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give every possessor of a right, it's right, give every possessor

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of a right. It's right, then a Buddha Darwin to the Prophet

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Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and he told him what Rasulullah

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sallallahu sallam, he told Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam what

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Sidney Salman had said, and so the Prophet sallallahu sallam said

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sadaqa Salman Salman has spoken the truth, for articoli, the

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hearken haco who want to underline that part of the Hadith. So give

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every possessor of a right it's right.

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So yes, of Hamdulillah we have covered the soul the most

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we have covered the heart, keeping it pure, which is the door to the

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soul of the human body. And the only thing that will count on the

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day of your Matsuyama it states its condition, your medallion for

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Oman, when Abu Luna elimin Attalla because when Salim the day when

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wealth and children will be of no benefit except for the one that

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comes to Allah subhanaw taala with a pure sound and clean heart.

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So we have covered that hamdulillah but today's Yamato

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Muslimeen I want us to speak about this body of ours, that Allah

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subhanaw taala has blessed us with.

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This is a Yama from Allah, this body

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and it is an Amana. It is a trust that Allah subhanaw taala has

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placed in our hands. That's why it's not permissible to take our

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lives with a taco to amphastar Calm

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do not kill yourselves.

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And in fact, we should not do anything that harms us or

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reciprocate harm or harms others law dollar Dirar

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and I don't want to get into the whole debate about smoking. But

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that's just one example. You know as I see, you know when it comes

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to Iftar harshly Allah Allah subhanaw taala forbid that a

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person should break the fast with the NG

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but I see a lot of brothers you know, when once they've broken the

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fast and maybe a little bit of super and even before they some of

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them go and make salah, a moto Scaife, any brand stick.

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And what is he doing? He's harming himself. And if he's in the

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company of others, he's harming others as well. Well, just, you

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know, I don't want to get into that. Maybe another topic for

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another time being the law to Allah, but anything that causes

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harm to yourself. And I mean, even on the product itself, it says

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that smoking harms you. Smoking gives you lung cancer, smoking

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gives you heart disease, smoking, harms unborn babies, etc, etc,

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etc. I mean, would you buy a ton of fish

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that is tainted, you know, the old days is that if the tuna fish was

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dented, then it's quite possible that the contents

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would have been spoiled would have been toxic and harmful for you.

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Can you imagine that you buy a tuna fish that was dented in the

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old days and written on the tin? If the tin is dented, it will harm

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you, but you still open the 10 meter fish, knowing that you're

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gonna get sick, does it make sense? So, this buddy of ours,

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Jamal Muslimeen, Allah subhanaw, taala, has prohibited us from

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harming this body.

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Don't or don't cause harm to yourselves, and don't cause harm

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to others.

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And so this fasting Subhanallah

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Allah subhanho wa taala, has made not only fasting as a spiritual

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shield, but even a physical shield.

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It has been recently discovered that

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cycles of fasting

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of cycles of prolonged fasting as we are doing, I mean, this is a 12

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hour fast, it's considered to be a prolonged fast.

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It protects

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against immune system damage,

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and induces immune system regeneration. They concluded that

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fasting shifts stem cells from a dormant state to one of self

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renewal. So basically what happens when a person fasts, then the old

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cells of the immune system, they basically are done away with. And

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then stem cells and nerve cells are recreated in the brain, which

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replenish that immune system, and what is the immune system to the

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human body, but a shield. Let's go back to the words of our beloved

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prophets, Allah Salam was so Majan fasting is a shield.

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Not just a spiritual shield, but it's even a physical shield. I

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wrote down a hole. And I know there's some doctors here, I can

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see some of them in the audience. So please correct me if I'm wrong,

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but I wrote down some of the medical physical health benefits

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of fasting.

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Number one, and this one is very important

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to be to be understood

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correctly, in terms of how long a person with sugar diabetes can or

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cannot fast, and please consult your doctor, please consult your

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doctor. But it does promote blood sugar control by reducing insulin

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resistance, if it is done short.

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time spans intermittently. In other words, in fact, they

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mentioned in this particular article, that long term fasting is

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dangerous for people with diabetes, long term fasting,

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because it causes spikes and crashes in the blood sugar level.

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So please, if you are diabetic, please consult your doctor before

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you foster that actually, although it does for somebody that doesn't

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have diabetes, it is good to prevent diabetes, but somebody who

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has diabetes, they must first consult a doctor before they fast.

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And this is also something very important, you know, first victory

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in quantum law tournament ask those who know if you don't know.

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And we don't go to the doctor to ask him how to fix our cars, nor

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do we go to the mechanic to ask him how we should look after our

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health. Ask the people of the Irelia first hello, hello Vickery

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asked those who know if you don't know. So if you're a person that

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suffers from a chronic illness, please consult your doctor because

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otherwise you'll be contravening that first card that we just spoke

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about. The first rule law Daramola do not don't harm yourselves and

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don't reciprocate arm.

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So even with 80 Smoking which is a direct harm, or it is fasting for

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a person that is not allowed to fast, it can also be haram. So

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please consult your doctor.

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But here's some other general health benefits of fasting

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it helps decrease levels of inflammation

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it promotes good heart health

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blood pressure lowering of triglycerides and cholesterol

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levels prolonged fasting basically I don't know if I'm using the

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correct terminology but it like it dissolves the fat in the in the

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arteries. It dissolves that cholesterol and does away with the

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beat Nila dollar

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brain function

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brain structure and it helps in preventing neuro degenerative

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disorders. I

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when it comes to, to fasting, and especially those of us

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To love our coffee, you will feel towards the afternoon you will

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start developing maybe a headache. This is the body detoxing.

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Subhanallah Subhanallah we're under Sumo crayolacom A

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few weeks ago we studied that verse, and to fast is better for

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you, if you only knew in quantum Kalamoon

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if we truly understand the benefits spiritual,

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physical, and social, which I'm going to speak about in a few

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minutes Subhanallah we would never leave fasting. Can we come fast

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all the time. But we have Mondays and Thursdays and three days of

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every month.

00:20:41 --> 00:20:43

We must make this a part of our lives with Nilo Tana.

00:20:44 --> 00:20:48

It increases growth hormone secretion, which is vital for

00:20:48 --> 00:20:49

growth metabolism.

00:20:50 --> 00:20:52

And then by default weight loss.

00:20:54 --> 00:20:57

There's a book called The caveman diet, I know there's been a lot of

00:20:58 --> 00:20:59

a lot of

00:21:01 --> 00:21:07

dispute and differences of opinion over the whole paleo diet of

00:21:07 --> 00:21:10

reducing carbs and increasing natural fats.

00:21:11 --> 00:21:16

But I'm not an expert on that. So I will only tell you what I read

00:21:17 --> 00:21:18

that the author of this

00:21:19 --> 00:21:24

from not mistaken Jacob Palmer, the author of the caveman diet, he

00:21:24 --> 00:21:28

says that in order to obtain optimal health, in order to obtain

00:21:29 --> 00:21:34

optimal health for human being, Miss Jacob Palmer, not a Muslim,

00:21:35 --> 00:21:40

as a human being should fast at least one month out of the year.

00:21:41 --> 00:21:46

And at least two days out of the week, one month out of the year,

00:21:47 --> 00:21:49

and two days out of the week.

00:21:50 --> 00:21:52

And the first study that I mentioned the study which speaks

00:21:52 --> 00:21:57

about the the immune system, they sit in order to obtain an optimal

00:21:57 --> 00:22:03

immune system, it should also be intermittent fasting. Or and they

00:22:03 --> 00:22:09

in fact, they they come up with a time between 11am and 7pm. to

00:22:09 --> 00:22:14

about A what is that? Seven, eight hour fast.

00:22:16 --> 00:22:22

They come up with this time 11am to 7pm. And they say it should be

00:22:22 --> 00:22:27

done twice a week. Pamela, we have this in our legacy in the Sunnah

00:22:27 --> 00:22:30

of chirohealth Killer of the best of all creation Mohammed Abdullah

00:22:30 --> 00:22:33

Abdullah, Salah to rob your Salam Ali,

00:22:34 --> 00:22:39

a man who was isolated, couldn't read or write didn't attend

00:22:39 --> 00:22:44

school, primary, secondary, or tertiary sitting didn't have a

00:22:44 --> 00:22:50

party in his backyard, in Mecca, or Medina, in Arabia in the desert

00:22:50 --> 00:22:54

in the seventh century of the Common Era sallallahu alayhi

00:22:54 --> 00:23:00

wasallam but why why are these his words have such meaning resonate

00:23:00 --> 00:23:02

with us 1400 years later

00:23:04 --> 00:23:09

because Wilma anticlinal Hawa in Hawaii.

00:23:10 --> 00:23:14

You have because he Salah Salem does not speak from vain desire,

00:23:14 --> 00:23:20

it is only revelation inspired by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So whether

00:23:20 --> 00:23:22

we find it in the Quran, from Allah

00:23:24 --> 00:23:27

via Gibreel Ali salaam to our beloved Prophet Muhammad salah,

00:23:27 --> 00:23:30

Salah, which is the uncreated speech of Allah the Holy Quran, or

00:23:30 --> 00:23:33

whether it be inspired by Allah subhanaw taala to our beloved

00:23:33 --> 00:23:36

prophet Sallallahu Sallam in the form of the Hadith SubhanAllah.

00:23:36 --> 00:23:38

Here we have all this wisdom,

00:23:39 --> 00:23:44

you we have all the solutions to all our problems, and yet we are

00:23:44 --> 00:23:45

looking elsewhere.

00:23:46 --> 00:23:48

And here we have the Western world,

00:23:49 --> 00:23:54

or the largely non Muslim world, coming now and telling us

00:23:55 --> 00:24:00

maybe not in so many words, but telling us that we have, if we

00:24:00 --> 00:24:03

must really look at what they are saying that we have the solutions.

00:24:04 --> 00:24:05

We have the answers.

00:24:06 --> 00:24:10

Unless you tell us what Allah says in the Quran for Aina baboon,

00:24:10 --> 00:24:15

where are you going? Where you going? In who are in the Quran,

00:24:15 --> 00:24:18

Allah, Allah Amin, Lehmann, Shah, Amin, come, are you stalking?

00:24:19 --> 00:24:22

Where are you going? They're going to the east, you're going to the

00:24:22 --> 00:24:24

west, you're going to the north, you're going to the south. You're

00:24:24 --> 00:24:28

looking at this Islam and that ideology and this way of life and

00:24:28 --> 00:24:30

this culture. Where are you going?

00:24:32 --> 00:24:35

In who are illogical Alameen this Quran revealed in this month of

00:24:35 --> 00:24:40

Ramadan. This is a reminder to all the world for all peoples for all

00:24:40 --> 00:24:45

times. So who Lehmann Shamin come as takim for the one that wants to

00:24:45 --> 00:24:49

be steadfast. Once it's the karma in their lives,

00:24:50 --> 00:24:54

wants to find the equilibrium that just balance image income, or

00:24:54 --> 00:24:59

yesterday, that was one $1 make of those who are steadfast on

00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

Straight Path of Allah subhana wa Tada.

00:25:04 --> 00:25:08

And then they also said that it extends longevity. Well no, that's

00:25:08 --> 00:25:14

all up to Allah subhanho wa Taala These are only a superb fasting is

00:25:14 --> 00:25:18

one of the ASVAB that we take in order to have a healthy body.

00:25:19 --> 00:25:23

Is it Hadees Bootsy Subhanallah listen to this hadith Bootsy kala

00:25:23 --> 00:25:29

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call Allah Tala Yamuna Adam

00:25:29 --> 00:25:34

line the Kama yak fig. Want to talk to the Buddha you Creek love

00:25:34 --> 00:25:38

the Kalyan Tekna while I'm in Cathedral Teshuvah either confirm

00:25:38 --> 00:25:44

or offend fi Brittonic Amin and fi syllabic I am the CO Tuomi locket

00:25:44 --> 00:25:47

Hazet laka duniya Beholder Syria

00:25:48 --> 00:25:51

Oh mankind you have that which is enough for you.

00:25:53 --> 00:25:55

But you want that which is going to send you a stream

00:25:57 --> 00:26:01

you're not satisfied with a little bit No are you happy with a lot

00:26:01 --> 00:26:03

because you always want more?

00:26:04 --> 00:26:08

Then he lays out the three necessities of life is the content

00:26:08 --> 00:26:10

more Asante Budnik

00:26:12 --> 00:26:15

if you have your health and the two of our beloved Prophet

00:26:15 --> 00:26:19

Muhammad Rasul Allah Houma Arseny see Bethany Yes, the prophet is to

00:26:19 --> 00:26:25

always ask Allah, Allah Houma, cine fee Bethany every day, every

00:26:25 --> 00:26:30

day used to say, oh, Allah dragged me good health in my body. What if

00:26:30 --> 00:26:35

any fee summary Wi Fi Wi Fi fi Borsari give me good hearing and

00:26:35 --> 00:26:39

good be good site is to ask Allah every day. So if you have your

00:26:39 --> 00:26:41

health, if you have good health

00:26:43 --> 00:26:44

is the content of Asante Bethany

00:26:47 --> 00:26:51

is the content of alpha and fi Budnik. Buying the cocoa to Yomi.

00:26:53 --> 00:26:58

If you if you have your health, if you have your security, otherwise,

00:26:58 --> 00:27:03

your safekey and you have your daily I mean empty syllabic is a

00:27:03 --> 00:27:08

container often fever Denecke me Nancy syllabic rind code to your

00:27:08 --> 00:27:14

MC. If you have your health domains, article, say you wanted a

00:27:14 --> 00:27:17

generic table and look at current date.

00:27:18 --> 00:27:22

If you have your health, if you have your safety and that's why we

00:27:22 --> 00:27:26

are in abnormal society. I will say it, I will say it I'll start

00:27:26 --> 00:27:28

with myself. Well this directly.

00:27:29 --> 00:27:33

We are not right in our heads. We are abnormal as South Africans, we

00:27:33 --> 00:27:37

are happy to live without that. That second necessity of life,

00:27:38 --> 00:27:44

safety and security. We live in an extremely violent society.

00:27:45 --> 00:27:49

Dangerous society. People are scared to even walk to the shop

00:27:49 --> 00:27:54

nowadays, without getting mugged or harassed or whatever the case

00:27:54 --> 00:27:57

might be the last one to Allah protect and guide us all and

00:27:57 --> 00:27:58

goddess or long life in disobedience.

00:28:00 --> 00:28:04

And then you have your daily provision, health, safety and

00:28:04 --> 00:28:08

security daily provision. Look at Hazet look at dunya behind the

00:28:08 --> 00:28:11

philia thing you've attained the dunya and everything in it.

00:28:13 --> 00:28:16

Then you've attained the dunya and everything in it. Well, because

00:28:17 --> 00:28:20

what use is all the money in the world when you don't have your

00:28:20 --> 00:28:25

health. In actual fact what a lot of people are doing nowadays. They

00:28:25 --> 00:28:30

are using their health their entire lives to chase after the

00:28:30 --> 00:28:35

wealth and once they've accumulated all their wealth, they

00:28:35 --> 00:28:38

now try and spend it to get back the health

00:28:39 --> 00:28:40

it's not possible

00:28:41 --> 00:28:45

it's 10am Hamsun Kabila comes in make use of five before five

00:28:47 --> 00:28:49

Musa football, football

00:28:55 --> 00:28:56

we will be

00:28:57 --> 00:29:01

make use of time if time comes and Camila Hamsun make use of five

00:29:01 --> 00:29:03

things before five things is our beloved prophet Sallallahu

00:29:05 --> 00:29:07

if tell him cumson kabbalah cumson

00:29:09 --> 00:29:14

Say hi taka Oh Shabbat acapella hieromonk your youth before you

00:29:14 --> 00:29:15

get old

00:29:16 --> 00:29:20

I can see how many people only your latest Shabbat we are auto

00:29:20 --> 00:29:25

garden for the South Bureau will be my final mushy boo the poet

00:29:25 --> 00:29:29

says If only my youth could return tomorrow and then I will tell it

00:29:29 --> 00:29:31

what old ages then too it

00:29:32 --> 00:29:38

was too late. So make use of five before five Shabaab aka Kabbalah

00:29:38 --> 00:29:42

heroic make use of your youth before you get old spend your

00:29:42 --> 00:29:45

youth in the path of Allah you will have the shade of Allah on

00:29:45 --> 00:29:46

the day of Yama, Korea

00:29:47 --> 00:29:51

will say Hatha Kabbalah Marathi make use of your health before you

00:29:51 --> 00:29:52

get sick.

00:29:53 --> 00:29:58

Now we get sick of me Allah if only I'd you know made mo Salah

00:29:58 --> 00:30:00

when I was healthy you know some

00:30:00 --> 00:30:04

People today cannot even go down in St. Jude. Why because they have

00:30:04 --> 00:30:07

a back problem or a knee problem, whatever the case might be, and

00:30:07 --> 00:30:13

when we young will be So, longing to put our foot on the ground as

00:30:13 --> 00:30:16

we now not able to meet Allah subhanaw taala causes to make use

00:30:16 --> 00:30:22

of that health before we get sick. Well Farah Kabbalah Schulich make

00:30:22 --> 00:30:25

use of your free time before you get busy.

00:30:27 --> 00:30:30

Where rynok a common trick make use of your money before you get

00:30:30 --> 00:30:35

poor. And how many times you know we have money and we wasted we

00:30:35 --> 00:30:39

could have spent it on something beneficial on a soccer team geria

00:30:40 --> 00:30:43

on a charity that is perpetual even once we have left as well to

00:30:43 --> 00:30:47

also continue to benefit from it. But yet we wasted it on

00:30:47 --> 00:30:51

extravagance and then the last one, or hieratic a cappella motif

00:30:51 --> 00:30:54

and make use of your life before you die.

00:30:55 --> 00:30:59

That short lifespan that Allah has given us in this world, it has

00:30:59 --> 00:31:04

used it for the purpose that Allah subhanaw taala has granted it or

00:31:04 --> 00:31:06

mark halacha tool gene novel ins

00:31:09 --> 00:31:13

are not created the gene or mankind except for the purpose of

00:31:13 --> 00:31:17

Worship Me know my risk and reader you tell me I don't want

00:31:17 --> 00:31:20

sustenance from them. Nor do I want him to sustain what does that

00:31:20 --> 00:31:23

mean? Allah doesn't want sustenance from us to ourselves,

00:31:24 --> 00:31:26

nor does He want us to sustain ourselves sounds like a repetition

00:31:26 --> 00:31:31

but it's not. He doesn't want sustenance from us to ourselves on

00:31:31 --> 00:31:35

a particular day, nor does He want us to sustain ourselves on any

00:31:35 --> 00:31:38

particular day because that's not our duty. We don't provide for

00:31:38 --> 00:31:42

ourselves. We don't sustain ourselves in Allah who are

00:31:42 --> 00:31:46

reserved because on COVID Timothy indeed Allah He is seen with Great

00:31:46 --> 00:31:49

Mountain Power In other words, that is our Mahima that is our

00:31:49 --> 00:31:53

highest concern, worshiping Allah subhanaw taala

00:31:54 --> 00:31:58

no matter how poor your soul is, if you don't have a good sound,

00:31:58 --> 00:32:00

healthy, strong body or you're gonna worship Allah

00:32:02 --> 00:32:06

that's our beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam says, a mineral

00:32:06 --> 00:32:10

kawaii, halal, a Hubble in alignment and movement that dive

00:32:10 --> 00:32:13

was equaling higher, the good, strong, healthy believer, the one

00:32:13 --> 00:32:17

who is able to be strong, the one who is able to be healthy, the one

00:32:17 --> 00:32:19

who is able to eat the right foods Kulu men

00:32:21 --> 00:32:26

Eat of the good things that we have sustained you with.

00:32:28 --> 00:32:32

Junk you know, I'm saying that and I'm thinking about that some words

00:32:32 --> 00:32:33

with my soup tonight.

00:32:36 --> 00:32:41

Anyway, it's all about the balance owed to her, the best of

00:32:41 --> 00:32:43

conditions are those that are in the middle says of 11 prophets of

00:32:43 --> 00:32:48

Allah Allah. So inshallah Let us meet on mija that we are going to

00:32:48 --> 00:32:51

fast this month look at all the benefits that we have cited that

00:32:51 --> 00:32:54

we have looked at that we have studied, we are going to fast this

00:32:54 --> 00:32:57

month of Ramadan Inshallah, firstly, and most importantly, to

00:32:57 --> 00:33:01

shield ourselves from all behavior that will bring upon us the

00:33:01 --> 00:33:04

displeasure of Allah but at the same time in order to have a good

00:33:04 --> 00:33:08

strong healthy body in order to worship Allah subhanaw taala in

00:33:08 --> 00:33:11

the best way that last one Allah granted to each and every single

00:33:11 --> 00:33:14

one of us for those who have chronic illness as well as on a

00:33:14 --> 00:33:18

dynamic easy for them. And if you can't fast make your near make

00:33:18 --> 00:33:22

your Nia inshallah Allah except from you and reward you and also

00:33:22 --> 00:33:26

enter you in sha Allah into barbarian the door with which

00:33:26 --> 00:33:29

through which all the songs mean will enter on the day of your

00:33:29 --> 00:33:34

Makia feed Jana to name Darwin and hamdulillah Bill Alameen wa salam

00:33:34 --> 00:33:36

Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

00:34:07 --> 00:34:08

just come forward a little bit

00:34:21 --> 00:34:23

Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:56


00:35:00 --> 00:35:02


00:35:06 --> 00:35:06


00:35:18 --> 00:35:18


00:35:30 --> 00:35:31

Hi Sean

00:35:42 --> 00:35:43


00:35:53 --> 00:35:54

Hi Jana

00:36:03 --> 00:36:04

Hi Jana?

00:36:30 --> 00:36:32

Al Hamdulillah hero Billa Alameen

00:36:36 --> 00:36:39

europea Sutter Hill Are you still are you gonna europea of

00:36:41 --> 00:36:44

the nobuna You're a BM of original Kuru before rich Kuru bunna

00:36:45 --> 00:36:49

europea Allah ma who you will be Akina Sharma Hamana welcome Mina

00:36:49 --> 00:36:53

aurizona Hogback will help them and your handbook will help Amelie

00:36:53 --> 00:36:57

new curry buena ILAHA Baek er ally member helped pick your career on

00:36:57 --> 00:37:01

the cultic allottee from the Celtic will have been Bhima Jarrah

00:37:01 --> 00:37:06

to be Hill makadi in Kerala coalition Kadir well I shall do

00:37:06 --> 00:37:07

Allah Illa

00:37:08 --> 00:37:16

all human be dunya who struggle was a row tool ml l mo to T above

00:37:16 --> 00:37:20

Turton will cover us and duchal Amel shall do unnecessary you

00:37:20 --> 00:37:23

don't know when a beginner was even our hobby bin Mohammed and

00:37:23 --> 00:37:27

Rasulullah Bulaga returned our Adele Amana we're not so hello

00:37:27 --> 00:37:32

Maya Kosha for Luma Raja fillo haka jihadi had to utter holy

00:37:32 --> 00:37:38

arcane Bella Allah Allah become li cassava deja vu Gemma Lee Algoma

00:37:38 --> 00:37:42

Jimmy officinale he solo Allah He were early Salah Alec Allah Huya

00:37:42 --> 00:37:48

Harlem alHuda Mohabbat in the same woman na ll ATL Hannah in a bar to

00:37:48 --> 00:37:53

fire Homerton Islami were harassing Aqeedah Illa as Sarah

00:37:53 --> 00:37:58

till Curam is Moromi Isla Paula who Molana Tamara Kosmo vikita de

00:37:58 --> 00:38:02

la Aziz, by the rules will be la Jimenez shaytaan shaytani R Rajim

00:38:02 --> 00:38:07

Shahara Madonna lady wounds Zilla feel Quran woodenly nursing Oba

00:38:07 --> 00:38:12

Yuna terminal Houda will forgone feminine Shahid Amin commercia

00:38:12 --> 00:38:18

Hara failure some So doc hola hola Azim for Caja or Ramadan obey full

00:38:18 --> 00:38:19


00:38:20 --> 00:38:25

Well, John Hello cmo Forbidden Island Muslimeen for your hotel

00:38:25 --> 00:38:30

affordable Elena, and that does occur and the CRM

00:38:31 --> 00:38:36

the CRM mean hoopha You do cathedra

00:38:37 --> 00:38:43

I lay Elena BIA for inner song karma dakara Rasulullah sallallahu

00:38:43 --> 00:38:48

alayhi wa sallam was so Medina for either Cana Jambo Sowmya Heidi

00:38:48 --> 00:38:52

Kampala your fourth one is hub. We're in Serbia who had an O

00:38:52 --> 00:38:57

Katana who fell Jaco in Nimra on saw immune

00:38:58 --> 00:39:01

for so much Juna tune. li ha the roar

00:39:02 --> 00:39:09

Wahoo a Gallic junortoun Lee had just said or Rasul Salah to rub

00:39:09 --> 00:39:10

your Salah more

00:39:11 --> 00:39:17

sadaqa Salman has to call in the lira because I like to help what

00:39:17 --> 00:39:21

nearly alcoholic I have put in nearly Jesse colic to hack for RT

00:39:21 --> 00:39:28

Cooley the hurricane howto for me for cooking Jason and assume and

00:39:28 --> 00:39:34

assume Ramadan were divinely Lightoller Tala well cuz Alika in

00:39:34 --> 00:39:39

his stutter Anna and Asuma Ali's name well homies Harju Ramadan,

00:39:39 --> 00:39:42

lower jedna for WA Lika

00:39:43 --> 00:39:48

and would you be coming who Naka mean madrasa TCM Illa Hana Wilma

00:39:48 --> 00:39:51

Akuma Hoonah Hana madrasa to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

00:39:51 --> 00:39:56

sallam yaku Luffy al Habib Al Mustafa Al be Rula blur with them

00:39:56 --> 00:39:59

Bula Yun sir with Diane hula mod

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

Hey, I'm about to come out to dinner to Dan, while your Kool Aid

00:40:03 --> 00:40:08

or COO Lubin Jada Mahato on Oahu Hata in October boom.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:24

Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa shedule La Ilaha illa Allah Who

00:40:24 --> 00:40:27

will you Salehi? Well, I shudder Anessa. You didn't know when to

00:40:27 --> 00:40:32

begin our Azeem and our Habiba Muhammad Rasool Allah ha Turmel MB

00:40:32 --> 00:40:36

even more saline. And my bad for yo yo Muslim on. We'll see common

00:40:36 --> 00:40:40

FCL mas inhibitor Olympia Takala into high level authority for

00:40:40 --> 00:40:44

kadakkal a low tide if he Kitabi Hilah Aziz by the rules will be

00:40:44 --> 00:40:48

learned him in a show Yutani regime. Yeah, you have Latina

00:40:48 --> 00:40:53

Amruta Kula haka Ducati, Willa to move to 11 to mostly mode, because

00:40:53 --> 00:40:57

the color Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it tequila Hi

00:40:57 --> 00:41:03

Suma con Seattle hasenhuttl Tamra wahala Canossa Holyoake in

00:41:03 --> 00:41:07

Hassanein. What theory about Allah meno Salatu was Salam Johanna CD

00:41:07 --> 00:41:10

were Habibi renewed Toby Muhammadan COVID

00:41:11 --> 00:41:16

wa fitel Evidently what she felt were normal above sorry will be in

00:41:16 --> 00:41:21

hola hola Malika to Soluna Allah Nabil here are you hola Xena Ave

00:41:21 --> 00:41:24

Sunday Allah He was selling with aseema Allah Masha Allah Allah

00:41:24 --> 00:41:27

Muhammad Ali Mohammed comma Salah to Allah Ibrahim Ali Ali Ibrahim

00:41:28 --> 00:41:30

barbaric Allah Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed Kumar Baraka Allah

00:41:30 --> 00:41:35

Ibrahim. While early Ibrahima Philomena indica Hamid Majeed, one

00:41:35 --> 00:41:39

of the Allahumma annual qualifier Rashid in Abu Bakr, Omar, Usman

00:41:39 --> 00:41:43

Ali, Hassan Al Hussein, but they will remain well answered early

00:41:43 --> 00:41:46

he'll tell you been auto hitting while answering the Sahaba T

00:41:46 --> 00:41:50

Jemaine we are off matricaria or hamara Hamid Allah Maricel Islam

00:41:50 --> 00:41:53

are well Muslimeen early before they could tell him to tell hockey

00:41:53 --> 00:41:56

with Dean Alamosa Declan and a few Philistine officials have certain

00:41:56 --> 00:42:00

your blood Amin along with one another Mr. Dafina Phil Yemen will

00:42:00 --> 00:42:04

share more frequently makan Allah monsoon was a bit cardamom era

00:42:04 --> 00:42:09

blood Amin Iberdrola in Allaha Monroeville Adly well your son or

00:42:09 --> 00:42:13

Eater is in Cordoba wion her annual fascia he will move very

00:42:13 --> 00:42:17

well buddy. Here is a Kamala Hello Come to the karoun como la sala to

00:42:17 --> 00:42:21

come your hammer Kamala wa Caymans Salah

00:42:42 --> 00:42:43


00:43:00 --> 00:43:02

como la dama dama sama what you will not

00:43:06 --> 00:43:09

know Allah illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

00:43:09 --> 00:43:14

sallam still attend the loo tarrazu pseudocolor so so fufa

00:43:14 --> 00:43:18

* are in that the sweetness of him into my masala heels in line

00:43:18 --> 00:43:21

shoulder touching shoulder close all the gaps. Please make sure

00:43:21 --> 00:43:23

that all cell phones on silent are switched off

00:43:29 --> 00:43:33

a lot all uncouple

00:43:38 --> 00:43:39

in Nosler

00:43:42 --> 00:43:42

luxury cars

00:43:45 --> 00:43:45

are eligible

00:43:49 --> 00:43:55

Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen Me

00:43:55 --> 00:44:03

All right Rahmanir Rahim Allah Kiyomi de Yong cannot avoid doing

00:44:03 --> 00:44:06

your kind of staring.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:13

Do you not see it autonomous stalking? Car Auto levena and

00:44:13 --> 00:44:23

untimely him voyeurism of Dolby it him one of those on me?

00:44:34 --> 00:44:40

Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Serbia has Murat Bickle Allah Allah the

00:44:40 --> 00:44:43

Hala coffer so well let the Condor off

00:44:45 --> 00:44:49

while letting go of Raja Mora for Jana, huzzah.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:59

So new curry Oka Verna Jones in Masha Allah in who yeah Allah

00:44:59 --> 00:44:59


00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

Jarawa you know, when we acetylcholine usara further care

00:45:05 --> 00:45:13

in NEFA it the Quran says karuma Yaksha waiata Jana boo ha sha

00:45:14 --> 00:45:22

Allah the Arsalan Ron co Bara from yummo tofi Ha yeah. Got the F la

00:45:22 --> 00:45:28

Harmon Tezak weather Karasuma Robbie he falls on belly to see

00:45:28 --> 00:45:37

ronelle Higher dunya Well, hero to her hero call in LA feels so

00:45:37 --> 00:45:44

hopeful Oh Allah, so hoping Ibrahim Musa Allah

00:45:52 --> 00:45:54

semi Allahu Nieman have you done

00:45:57 --> 00:45:59

along Akbar

00:46:05 --> 00:46:05


00:46:09 --> 00:46:10

Allah Akbar

00:46:17 --> 00:46:20


00:46:21 --> 00:46:26

the Smiths W Rossmann, your Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen

00:46:26 --> 00:46:33

or Rukmani Rashi MaryLu Kiyomi de Yong cannot Boudewijn. You're kind

00:46:33 --> 00:46:39

of staring Do you not see an autonomous stalking Serato levena

00:46:39 --> 00:46:49

an RNA him while you remove Dolby I named him one of those on me

00:46:55 --> 00:47:02

Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim while Doha was Dany either soja Maya

00:47:02 --> 00:47:08

dhankar on buco Amma kala when he wrote to hire like I mean, oh,

00:47:09 --> 00:47:14

well so far you clean your car up boo Kapha todo la mujer que a team

00:47:15 --> 00:47:21

for our What was that Girl doll for her? What were Jeddah

00:47:23 --> 00:47:30

for alguna for I'm Malia tema, Fela taco how well I'm Messiah in

00:47:30 --> 00:47:31

turn how

00:47:33 --> 00:47:36

Binya Murthy? Rob big for Hadith.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:38


00:47:47 --> 00:47:49

Sunil ba Honeyman. Hamidah

00:47:51 --> 00:47:52


00:47:58 --> 00:47:59

Allahu Akbar

00:48:02 --> 00:48:03

hola hola

00:48:10 --> 00:48:12

hola hola como

00:48:19 --> 00:48:19

en la la

00:48:33 --> 00:48:37

As Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah Sudan. Where are they kumara

00:48:37 --> 00:48:39


00:48:40 --> 00:48:43

I still had a lot of the Minister of urine modeling Mr. field a lot

00:48:43 --> 00:48:48

of them into Oberheim Allah de la isla europeo mana tube really?

00:48:48 --> 00:48:52

When I sell over Toba Tomoko Sirata you know who who are behind

00:48:53 --> 00:48:56

a lot of money Rahim Allah wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad while

00:48:56 --> 00:48:59

early so you didn't know Mohammed was happy he will vertical salam

00:48:59 --> 00:49:02

ala Hama and to Silla women consider tomorrow to the generally

00:49:02 --> 00:49:06

with the Quran, semi auto animal Franciacorta bene were illegal

00:49:06 --> 00:49:09

mercy when a Hollywood are caught a building

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