Get To Know – 09 Surah Al-Fath

Quran Weekly
AI: Summary © The history and meaning of the Surah of the Bible is discussed, including the importance of understanding the meaning of the Surah and the use of trenching during military engagements and spies to target Muslims. The Prophet's visit to Macau is a painful journey, but he has been traveling for years and has been the source of calm for Muslims. forgiveness is a goal, and forgiveness is defined in the Quran. The interviewer asks about the Prophet's actions and the speaker explains that it is a way of victory, which is defined in the Quran and is a way of achieving forgiveness. The speaker also mentions a video about the Prophet's mission and encourages viewers to donate to cover expenses.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ah, bang from Allah that, once again, everybody said I'm Ali Kumar, I have a tall task ahead of me, I'm hoping that you get to know soon at alphabet today surah number 48 of the Quran. Not a long surah but an extremely profound and very different surah of the Quran that has many, many implications. I actually spent almost three quarters of the year trying to understand salt and fat because it's just that heavy as far as I'm concerned. And not only understanding its profound wisdom and its meaning, but also how it relates to our view of the world as it stands today. Islam is being talked about in so many different ways by so many different people. And our relationship with our

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ourselves as an oma and our relationship with the outside world is constantly being contested and challenged. This is one of those students that answers some of the most fundamental questions about what Islam is, what the struggle of Islam means, what the goal of the oma is, in the most comprehensive way, if we allow it to, you know, if we allow that kind of comprehensive reflection on it, itself is called fut, which means opening or victory in the Arabic language. And it's inspired by the first idea of the surah enough a dynamic of a Tamil Vina, we no doubt have granted you an open, unequivocal manifest victory, and a victory that clarifies everything and the word mobian is

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beautiful, because it's not just something clear. It's something that clarifies in the victory that is being talked about in the sutra, it will clarify things it will clarify what victory actually means. It will clarify what what kind of victory should Muslims be aspiring towards, what should they be working towards? There are several very long narrations that are associated with this right? If I went into those, this would be a detailed lecture of several hours. So I'm going to summarize all of it for you. Now, the Muslims This is later on maybe six, between sixth and seventh year of the prophets life in Medina, the Muslims have gone through several military engagements with the

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mccanns now with the whorish. And the worst of them has just happened, which was the Battle of Alaska, where the police were able to merge several factions of Arabia and convince all of them that the real problem in Arabia is the Muslims in Medina, let's get together and you know, basically surround the city of Medina and attack the city of Medina and kill every man Muslim woman and child. You know, every every civilian we don't care, annihilate them and take over the spoils and we'll distribute among ourselves, not only will we get rich off of this will have solved the biggest problem in the region, Islam itself will have fixed it and the police were able to use their

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political capital to convince multiple factions to do this, an army of 10 to 12,000 was gathered. And they started marching towards the city of Medina to end the problem of Islam. The last minute suggestion of one of the companions of the Prophet SAW Salem, and out of the box thinker, someone who came from Persia. So the manual fallacy gives us a suggestion that the only thing holding us holding that army off we were not going to be able to stand up against them is a trench that we should dig that blocks their path into the city. So a trench is dug everybody, all the civilian population of Medina gets involved in digging a trench so that they can't enter from the side. And

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this remarkable battle is actually not the subject of this right. That's the subject of SoTL Azov surah number 33, literally called the factions where all these factions got together to try to annihilate the Muslims. But this just happened right and they just these bloodthirsty coloration all these other tribes camped outside Medina tried to kill all the Muslims their their attempts failed. And a few weeks later, they all decided that it's too expensive adventure to stay camped out but their militaries you know on the road like this, they decide to leave in the city of Medina is safe once again. As soon as that happens in this is not even a little over a year according to some maybe

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not even a year goes by the prophet Caesar dream sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he is performing the pilgrimage, Hajj and Hajj means that you go to Mecca, and you go unarmed. Basically, you own the only weapon you carry, which is what the Arabs don't even consider a weapon the knife to slaughter an animal. That's not a sword. It's not a shield nothing. So he's basically going to go perform the pilgrimage in Mecca mind you Mkhize contested territory. We went to war with these people several times and the last time around. They were so motivated for the blood of Muslims that they left

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their homes and came all the way into the city of Medina was trying to kill us. And now not even a year later, the Prophet says, let's go. Or, you know, armless disarmed to do the pilgrimage at Mecca Who's with me? Nonsense. It's the prophets dream and the Prophet his dream is considered revelation. We all follow suit 1800 according to some up to 1800 people get together and they start marching towards Mecca, not as an army, but as pilgrims for worship. Now, the mannequins, the because they're a multi religious society, people used to come for a pilgrimage all the time, even pagans used to do pilgrim pilgrimage at the Kaaba because it was surrounded by idols over time, even though originally

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is the house built by Ibrahim, it was polluted by other, you know, idolatrous and ignorant practices. So they're familiar with the idea of pilgrimage. And they know that when somebody comes from pilgrimage, it's not an act of war, and we can't attack them. But they in realizing this, they decided to send their armies to try to cut the Muslims off in their path and kill them in the in the way. And the profit slice of them had his intelligence had his scouts ahead of time, tell him that they're coming your way. So they diverted routes, and they went to they went down a road that you don't normally go by human beings wouldn't be able to traverse it under normal circumstances. But it

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was suggested that they go through this uncharted territory, which had burned rock and thorns and jagged rock and things like that. And so these pilgrims who don't have high strap boots, and things like that, walk barefoot, or walk with the slippers, the kinds of slippers that started melting off because of the burnt rock at the bottom, and started scraping themselves. Some narrators described that as they travel this caravan of 1800. Not a single pilgrim was there that doesn't have blood marks on his clothes because of the scrapings as they're walking and they reach this barren field called idibia. They get there and there is a dried up well there and the prophets lie Selim prays,

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and he splits into the well and he throws an arrow into the world, and the world starts producing water so much so that the entire caravan and the animals fed the Quraysh now realize that they've reached all the way to the BIA. Somehow they get word, they try to assassinate the Prophet and the Muslims by sending ad assassins to come and quickly do a quick attack. But they get disarmed. Fast forward in the story. They get disarmed. The Muslims are enraged. But no, the Prophet says we're not going to retaliate. We came here for pilgrimage, they released the captives, they disarmed them and release them back. And now the police are forced to negotiate because now they're in sacred

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territory. If the Qureshi attacked the Muslims, now, it's going to become exposed to all of the region that these people don't, don't abide by the sanctuary of Makkah. So if they can attack people inside Macau, what's to say they're not going to attack our tribe Next, the Quraysh will lose their universal respect in Arabia, so they can't attack anymore. Anyway, negotiations begin. And when these negotiations happen, they go back and forth. Multiple insults are hurled towards the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and towards the Muslims. And finally, when things are wrapping up, the negotiations are wrapping up. The conclusion is very demeaning. The conclusion is that you're not

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going to get to make the pilgrimage this year, you're going to go back with your sacrificed animals are the animals that you're supposed to sacrifice, just go back, don't do the pilgrimage. And they're told that if any Muslim, and he's anybody who's Muslim in Makkah, runs away from us and makes it to Medina, you're going to return him back to us. He's our captive. You can't have any escapees, you know, but not the other way around. And they put multiple clauses in this treaty, all of them to a disadvantage of the Prophet and one of the most biggest insults was the beginning of the treaty was this is between the Arabs, the Quraysh. And Mohammad Rasool Allah, Muhammad, the

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Messenger of Allah, they said, We don't accept you, as the messenger cross that out Muhammad, the son of Abdullah, so literally, the name had to be crossed, and the Muslims were enraged when this treaty was signed, and now they're super frustrated, because they saw the Prophet told them I saw dream, that we're going to make Hajj and so on the Allahu anhu lost his cool this is, by the way, an incident where you have, I mean, I'm not losing as cool people here that is understandable. But when you hear Abu Bakar lost his cool because he did. And he actually even at one point in the negotiations hurled out, you know, some some explicative language that wasn't expected of him, but

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it did happen, you know, so their level of frustration is very, very high. The people that are supposed to be the source of calm for the Muslims, even they're just they're not, they're very tense at this time. So now all of this is going on, and the Muslims are heading back and our liberal just gets up and says, didn't you see a dream that we're gonna do Hajj this year, and the prophets of Salaam turns to him and says, I never said this year.

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And at that point, Omar, his frustration has not been settled. Because if you never said this year, what are we doing here? He could have said that, but he doesn't. He goes double bucket when he goes to work and says, Denise, say this year, didn't he say that where he saw a dream? And a worker said watch it. It's just told him to watch it. You're gonna lose all your good deeds, show your loyalty to the Prophet. Now the prophets. I said

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You know, tells the companions to basically take their home their sacred garments off and shave their heads. Nobody listens. This is the first time in the history of the prophets career. So a lot more than that he speaks to the entire congregation of Muslims, the nation that is known as me and our Atlanta that we hear and we obey this is there classic phraseology in the Quran, these are the people of listening and obeying. They hear the Prophet explicitly say, Get up and change and they don't, they don't get up. And they don't shave their heads. And the prophets is on repeats himself, and they don't do it. They're just sitting there. And yet in the process and goes back inside the

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tent, and he tells her mother, you know, he tells us, they're not listening. She said, Just you do it yourself. they'll follow suit. So he does, he takes off his ROM and he starts shaving his head, and they all start following suit. And this is one of the most disappointing painful experiences in the Prophet's life. They're traveling back. Now they're going back this painful journey. It's not like a flight that's two hours long. There's gonna be weeks in the making, and they're traveling back and forth, feels bad. And he put runs his horse and his camel actually up to the prophet and says, Can I speak with you? And the Prophet doesn't respond. And he pulls back again, and he pulls

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up again, can I speak with him and he doesn't respond. The Prophet is upset. So I saw them, he pulls up again, can I speak with you? doesn't respond. So he ran his horse way forward ahead of the caravan and said almost as good as that. The prophets lie Selim is upset with me. And he was just really depressed, and not too long went by, and a writer caught up with him and said, the prophets calling you and he said Kashi to another lafiya Khurana and I was so scared some Quran was revealed, reprimanding me a man I can, it's bad enough the prophets mad at me now ullas words are gonna be coming down towards me. So he comes to see the prophets, I send them scared and nervous. And he says

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that I saw on his face, a brilliance that I've never seen before. And the Prophet was smiling, his face ended and just a big smile. And the Prophet sighs he comes close, he calls him close, he calls to close. And he recites all of this sort of all of that, from the beginning to the end. And the first words of this surah are we have given you a victory that clarifies, and a victory that can't be denied? Right? And that that's just the first verse and then the 29, out long guy out later on top, here's the whole thing, and he goes, a fatawa.

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Is that really victory?

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You know, like, almost like he's saying, how's that victory? And the profitsystem said, Yes, it is. And he said, if it is, then it is, and he was happy, he was just absolutely overjoyed, a little bit hotter. What has changed, I think about this, what has changed in all of this incident, they're still heading back, they still have to send the capitals back there were still humiliated, they still didn't get to make hudge. Nothing has changed. The only thing that's changed is a lead decided to reveal you need to look at this differently. And that's enough. You just need to look at this differently. Every political scientist, expert, every soldier on the field, everybody would have

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looked at it one way, Allah says, No, I want you to submit not just what your actions are, want you to submit your emotions and your attitudes, your attitude towards this incident needs to be that it's victory. So he switches it.

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And thus, Allah defines victory in the Quranic sense that we could not have defined in our human sense. It's a different definition of victory. That's what this tool is about, to look at victory from the lens with which the Quran wants you to see it, as opposed to looking at it, looking at it from a worldly sense. It's such a powerful lesson in the Quran, I cannot begin to emphasize how remarkable and how incredible it is, you know, in this introduction, I could talk to you about the several subject matter that occur in the suit, I'll run you through some of them, you know, the first Allah describes the victory, and then he gives the purpose of the victory. And the purpose of

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the victory is forgiveness. And you know, instead of me giving you a very textual explanation as an overview of the surah I'll just share one thing with you. What is the purpose of victory? Usually, victory itself has a purpose. You know, why do you want to, you know, fight the election so I can win? Why do you want to win? No, winning is the goal. In this surah winning is not the goal. Enough additional aka tamina is a means we've given you victory is a means means to what Lee also feels like Allah, so Allah may forgive you.

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I think about this, we're gonna solve that riddle. What does victory have to do with forgiveness? There's some some connections being drawn here that we don't normally see. And then on top of that, this is the first I have the surah where Allah says the purpose of victory is forgiveness. The last part of the sort of the very last words of this sort of, what are the Lucha Latina Armando amilo Swati hottie we no longer feel rotten. Well as Lima. Allah has promised those who believe and those who did good deeds, was he promised them victory. No, he says, I'll promise them forgiveness, and great compensation, the purpose of victories forgiveness in the beginning, the great goal by the end

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is also forgiveness. And the very middle of this sutra, the 15th I have the sutra, right down the middle. Allah azza wa jal says, well, Allah Himachal sumati will have Yellowfin Oliva Are you

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The Misha Wakanda la hora, Hema, the beginning, middle and end of the surah is forgiveness. Now what in the world does that mean? The purpose of the prophets mission was not to gain territory. The purpose of the prophets mission was to liberate the house of Allah built by Ibrahim Ali Salaam, and Ibrahim Ali Salaam built that house so people can worship only Allah and earn their forgiveness. The reason Muslims went to the Hajj is so they can earn their forgiveness. But Allah has given them that forgiveness anyway, because now that declaration entered that treaty, the coalition will fall like dominoes and there's not going to be a war necessary. And when that happens, the Kaaba will be

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liberated. And when the Kappa is liberated, liberated people's door to earning a less forgiveness will be wide open, and there are going to be billions and billions of people all over the world for generations to come. They're going to try and earn their forgiveness with Allah by coming and visiting the house of Allah so that Allah can forgive so that I can forgive the goal of Islam was to open the doors for forgiveness for humanity. That is the goal of Islam. That's the goal of the victory of Islam that is so beautifully articulated in this remarkable and absolutely fascinating surah. I have done an exhaustive lecture series on the surah because it's just that important,

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because I do feel that our attitudes towards victory and our attitude towards what is what is the prophets mission? And what is the goal of that of that mission? The struggle of the Prophet section is convoluted in our times today with different kinds of ideas, and I'm hoping that through it inshallah, we can go back to the original spirit of the Quran. This is one of those students that I would highly recommend that you study exhaustively as exhaustively as you possibly can, Monica Hola Hola, como salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Episode 9 – Surah Al-Fath – Nouman Ali Khan

June 13, 2016

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