Omer El-Hamdoon – Naming of Quranic Chapters #04 The Chapter of Women and 065 Divorce

Omer El-Hamdoon
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the title " Surah An Nisa" and its significance in the context of Islam. He explains that Surah's title refers to the idea that women are considered
the same as men, and that women have their own rights and responsibilities. He also mentions the significance of "Abala" in Islam, which refers to divorce, and the significance of "Abala" in the context of men.
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Hello man Rahim al hamdu lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He also had an even wider in the shorter reminder is going to go over some of the reasons why Allah subhanho wa Taala has named the swarm in the way that he has. And today we're going to be talking about Surah An Nisa, which is chapter number four, and also surah number 65, which is sort of by luck. Now, chapter number four, Allah Subhana, Allah has named it the chapter of the women, or an mysap. And the reason why this is the prominent reason, if you look at this sweater, which is actually a sort of, which is quite, it's quite extensive, it's quite long. It talks about women and the relations relating to

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women, it talks about inheritance that are versus or inheritance, or clearly mentioned in this surah. It also talks about some of the aspects in terms of equating, or let's say about the roles and responsibilities of when men and women and it goes into some other details as well. So it's not strange that this sort of carries such a name, because it goes into some of the Act cam and the rules related to women. And similarly, surah number 65, which is also known as sort of Palau or divorce is also known by some of the scholars as sort of tennis as a surah, the smaller chapter of a new set of the women because again, it deals with some issues related to women now going back to a

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more important reason why a lot pantalla has named the solar solar attend miss out. And that is to bring the attention of

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humanity to the importance of realizing the status of women in society, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and the times before and even the times later, in many places throughout the world, women were treated not only as second class, sometimes even worse than this, you know, in some aspects in, in the world, they were even debating whether, I mean like for example, in the, in the Christian world at that time, they were debating whether a woman has a soul or not. And, you know, this whole aspect of the women's related to the original sin and so on. So there's a lot of issues going going on there. You know, in, in some cultures, the woman had to, if her husband died,

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you'd have to throw herself on the, the cremating funeral of her husband, because that's it without him she is nothing. And those there are a lot of these kinds of concepts of Islam came to say, look, the women not only are they have a status, but the last pattern dedicated a whole chapter to their rights and to their, to what they are entitled to, and even going, you know, steps further than this, because until then, women were inherited. Like if a father dies, and he's married to some wives, the children may inherit those wives. Women are not given anything and then heritage women were treated and so on and so forth. I don't even have time to short to go into detail about these

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things. But Islam came to say, Okay, well, actually, a whole chapter dedicated to the mention of women dedicated to their rights dedicated to what they're entitled to. And smaller 65 which is named abala. divorce. And the smaller women, smaller chapter, the smaller women this chapter, talks about, obviously the rules and relations related to divorce not it's not the only surah I mean, there are many verses in sawtell Baqarah, which talk about divorce, but this sort of being a very small one, and concentrates A lot of it and the message from salata Pollack as well, which is all about how to be fair, fairness towards women fairness towards their, what their rights are fairness towards what

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they deserve, and even when marriage might not be going smoothly. And even at times of divorce, there must be the right attitude there must be the right principles of treating each other correctly and treating each other well. So both of these who are mentioning of a woman stating the importance and bringing ourselves our attention to the rights of women. And lastly, Allah Subhana Allah mentions a verse insert NSL, which I think is very important. And he says, one at a time and Noma football Allahu de la Bochum Allah above the original Siebel mechanism when you miss out you know see one mechanism, do not hope or do not seek or do not wish for that which Allah has given virtue

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for some of you over others.

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Because men shall have a share of what they have earned, and women shall have a share of what they earn. And it's like your last pantalla saying very,

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very clearly, that each man, man and woman, woman, they have their share in their life, they have their duties, they have their responsibilities. And in many ways women might actually come out better than men. So do not wish for the place of another. Men shouldn't be wishing to be women, women shouldn't be wishing to men, and you know, don't don't sort of hope for status is that that are not given to you because end of the day, Allah has given you what he has given you. And he wants you to be happy and content with that. And he will ask you about what he has given you. He'll not ask you about how would you have behaved if you are a woman or if you are a man or the like. So

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those are a few thoughts with regards to the naming of chapter number four and chapter number 65. I hope that was beneficial.

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