Omer El-Hamdoon – 05 Garden of the Aware Course

Omer El-Hamdoon
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of extending one's stance in order to avoid harm and practicing it. They also mention a recitation of the Bible and a story about a person who is underrated in the West. The speakers emphasize the need for action and dedication, and stress the importance of practicing it. They also discuss the concept of intentions and how it is crucial for actions to be based on value. The speakers also touch on the topic of shyness and arrogance, as it can affect one's knowledge and emotions. Finally, they mention a time where a woman recits the Quran and pronounces the meaning of "has been," which is a time for learning and development.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah salam ala alihi wa sahbihi wa ala My dear respective brothers and sisters Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. And I hope you're all well and in good health. And I ask Allah subhanaw taala to keep you well, and to benefit me and you with the words and lessons that we are learning today. So previously, in the previous lesson, we have spoke a little bit about the reality of Sufism, we spoke about the honor of the scholar and other good words that were narrated to us by Imam and normally in the book garden of the aware, and we continue today we're going to start with this quotation, but then Inshallah, we

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are going to take a focus on an aspect of the book, which, as I said, Before, the Imam tries to focus on a certain perspective.

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And sometimes he divides a lot of the words here and there any obviously doesn't give too much explanation, but we're going to focus on one aspect which inshallah is going to be about knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge. So he gives us some, some gems if you like, or as we prefer to say there are flowers in this garden. So he starts with a quotation of armar igneous or Viola and the famous so how the one of the earliest Sahabas who, as we know his father and mother were martyred in early on in Islam because mother being the first Shahida martyr Islam killed by abort Joel, and he went on to live

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you know, beyond that, and go to Medina and even after the Prophet SAW, Selim passed away, he stayed alive during the time of the Khalifa until he joined earlier of the Allahu and so he says, basically a summary if you like, and these are beautiful gems when you get them from the sahaba. In addition to obviously, that hadith being much greater gems, but these also have almost like summarizing their, what they have learned the lessons, this is like the, if you like, sometimes you have the teacher, teachers, many material master material and teaches lots of lessons. And then the student gives them in writing the notes and then gives you the summary, the revision notes. So these are

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like revision notes from the sahaba. So he's saying basically three matters, that if you combine them then you have attained Eman.

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Firstly, equity of yourself. Secondly, extending Salam to the world and thirdly, spending during times of skin penis. Now, equity of yourself means here that you are being just and fair to yourself and obviously here it has a number of perspectives of meaning. One aspect of that is that you are fair to yourself in the way how you deal with yourself. And obviously that includes doing the right things doing the right deeds keeping away from bad nurse. So that's all about being fair to yourself, because end the day and Muslim and not just the Muslim any person really irrational intellectual person should always be thinking about how do I prevent any harm to myself. And that is

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by doing good, keeping away from biases like about, you know, really looking after yourself in that perspective.

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And the wider perspective as what that as well is that you are also dealing with people in a good way,

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as well, because part of being fair and just yourself is to treat others fairly and justly. Secondly, extending Salam to the world. Again, part of the good nature of the kindness of a human is that they are caring towards others they're kind and when you extend salam to everyone whether you know them or you don't know them, it shows that kindness it shows that fairness it shows that good quality, that good nature, today's world people very much are reserved in their Salaam. I mean even when you look at certain cultures, you will go to certain culture, certain towns, even in the UK, halide sometimes would be walking in certain places people don't even look at you, you know that

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everyone's just get on with their life. Sometimes even the neighbors don't want to say hello to you. And then you go to certain areas, maybe certain parks or to walk certain towns, certain areas, people are smiling, they're greeting you and you know even by just saying good morning or hello or whatever, it shows that time

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of kindness, that generosity within the self. And that's why part of being good Muslim is to extending that salaam to whom you know and to whoever you don't know. And third, the spending during times of skimping and so that means that even when you're in a difficult state, you don't have much then to spend and to give and to, you know, giving charity that really is, shows if you like, it shows

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the good nature that you have, because here you are generous. Because when is a person not likely to give when they are afraid, you know, they're afraid of, you know, I don't have much money, how am I going to look after myself? How am I going to spend how I'm going to do this? How are they so they don't want to give but when you are in a difficult situation.

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And you don't have much money and then you spend that shows true Eman because it shows that you are really relying on Allah subhanahu wa taala. And you are happy to give despite the fact that you know,

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or you're not sure, let's say of whether you have enough money or not. And that's why in the Hadith the Prophet SAW Selim said, One Durham, one Durham would have overtaken 100 Or he said, Yeah, 100,000 dinars, one Durham, one silver coin, if you like one pound would have taken over 100,000 pounds. And they said, Oh my God, how would they overtake? He said, Because if you imagine somebody who has only two Durham's, the only thing that he owns is to silver coins, as all he has to so then he takes one of them and gives them a charity means is not really leaving much for himself. Whereas if somebody owns you know, hundreds and 1000s and millions and he gives

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even gives a million pound he owes a billion what what is that? You know, it's nothing to him. So that's why the It's not how much you give, what is the circumstances that gives you gives you all of these things being just showing your kindness, your generosity, really his display of Eman? And one other point to know here is that look, he didn't talk about how much you pray. And he didn't talk about how much follow Psalm and TM and Grace cron and Vickery do. This is all about how you deal with others. And that is the true meaning of

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now we're going to move on to the aspect which I said to you before, which is to talk about the whole concept of knowledge. And no doubt knowledge is a very important

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avenue a very important path to walk upon. And so therefore there is an aspect related to intention, there's an aspect related to pursuit and that's what we're going to talk about in sha Allah for the remaining of this lesson, I'm going to incorporate some of the things that are being said here in the book in if you like in the order that has been rated by others or not. One thing that Imam Nerys, which is from

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our blog about the live in Appa

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Rao Roseberry, who said that whoever leaves

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his home, going to knowledge, wanting to act upon it. And this is the important point here. So here, if you're looking to interface between knowledge and intention ever leaves his home, going towards knowledge with the intention that he wants to act on that knowledge, whatever I learned, I'm going to put it into practice, then he said, then a little amount of knowledge will benefit him even a small amount, there's going to be a benefit. Why? Because the nature of knowledge is that it has to be intricate to action. And this is part of

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the teachings. And I think I mentioned this last week, last time that in part of our teachings in Islam, and part of the things that Allah Subhana Allah teaches us is that you need to have the beneficial knowledge knowledge that is going to have an impact on your life on your practice. If you don't have if you're just learning

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information, you know, you're just picking up information, if it doesn't have any benefit to you.

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Then obviously there is there is amount of reward related to just having information and seeking because that in itself is reasonable. But the vast majority of the benefit of knowledge is the action. And so if your intention is I'm going to learn so that I can act much like you're sitting now and listening to me if you have the intention that I'm going to listen to whatever Omar Al Hamdulillah says and I, I want to insha Allah transform that knowledge into action, then even if you just learn a little bit it will be of benefit to you because

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Allah Subhana Allah blessing you Baraka. So the concept of intention and purification is very much part of this whole concept of intention. And indeed the same person who I just quoted for you to Abu Abdullah even apart he said, that knowledge is suspended, pending acting upon it. Actions are suspended due to a loss and the loss for Allah inherits understanding from Allah and gains you the understanding. You want knowledge has to you have to think about how am I going to implement that knowledge and then doing the actions there's a class remember we spoke about class intention, so having knowledge you have to want to do actions, actions need a loss, if loss if you have a class,

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then Allah subhanaw taala is going to give you understanding because it's not just about the knowledge what is knowledge and that the knowledge is not just, you know, facts and figures and numbers and things like that they you memorize, but it's about understanding that the in the comprehension of the deen and that's why the prophets Allah said, maybe the law will be higher on you will, they will fit in wherever Allah was good for him, you give him the understanding and the deen. So having the understanding is much more important. That's why there is a focus that you know, in the time of the Sahaba and later on, it wasn't just about whether you memorize the Quran or not,

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but rather it was how you understood the Quran and how you implemented the Quran.

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And we have a beautiful thing as well of Imam Shafi, where he said Lacell al mu Maha fields in the millennium Luminesce. The alien knowledge again is not that which is memorize but rather it is that which is beneficial.

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So I think these are all important perspectives to understand when we are talking about knowledge, understanding that knowledge is really about how you implement and you know, putting your effort to learn as much as you can, with the intention that you're going to act upon it in sha Allah time. Now we move on to solve the concepts of how to attain knowledge. So here we have Abdullah ibn Abi kefir, who was one of the famous reciters of the Quran, one of the narrators of the fire was hybrid. The sockliner was narrated through chains people, even until today we have an unbroken chain of numerous narrations and citation they call ijazah. A license to narrate if you like recite license and people

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still learn that you just memorize the Quran with an E Jazza. With a license if you like which goes continuously right up to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and obviously the Prophet took it from Gibreel and Gibreel. From Allah subhanaw taala so if you have that he Jazza it's like having an unbroken chain up to Allah subhanaw taala the words are new have the words direct from Allah. Well, Jani through that chain to Allah subhana wa Tada. And so what does Allah say is that knowledge is not attainable while resting. I

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mean, if you want to rest and you want to go and learn at leisure, you come one day you stop another you're not going to attain the knowledge because knowledge needs dedication, it needs time it needs energy in his efforts, and we can see there's so many stories about this on the people of past the reality is if you want and we will have a saying in Arabic man Bala Bala ruler, Sahara Layali, whoever seeks the highest, the highest levels, then he will stay awake at night, not going to go to sleep because that dedication means that you cannot, you know, just expect expecting to rest and, and just just take it slowly, you have to put in the effort you have to put in the time and that

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sacrifice, your time and your effort to give as much as you can. And that's the difference, I think between the people of today

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and the people of the past, the people of the past, they understood the value then the porters of knowledge. So they had to go, you know, they literally literally crossed deserts and they were thirsty and hungry. And you know, they did acts which are, you know, difficult to describe even for you know,

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they did so much just so that they can learn

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the knowledge, you know, some people also, you know, what was what had, you know, sacrifice, loss and hardship just to attain that knowledge. I give you one one story, which is a favorite and this

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is one of the people who is underrated in the garden of the West as a name, but the story is mentioned this person called Sherpa. Ibn Al Hajaj. Also one of the Western considers Amuro mean one of the leaders of Hadith. He was based in El Kufa and Kufa and Bosphorus these were like if you like they were considered the, the foundations of, of knowledge because that's where the Sahaba resided. Initially we have you know, Sahaba were in Makkah there were people in Medina obviously. But then as there is an expansion of Islam, there people reciting masala and Kufa, Baghdad was not fully formed yet that came later during the time of diversity than Abu Jafar Elementor. So,

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this guy shorba was in Kufa, he heard that somebody

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has a certain Hanif, you know, he heard about Hadith where he wanted to hear it direct from the person who narrated it, and he wanted it because he wanted it with that chain. And this is something that you you know, you obviously see in the book was done out of him. The chains are there. The narrations are there because that's part of the dean. So he went to Basra. Okay, Basra, he heard that this guy was in Basra, he went to Al Basra to search for him.

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When he went to Basra, he found

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this guy had gone they said to me, this guy is no longer here. He's gone to do Hutch this year. So shut up. I said I went from Basra. So you can go back home you went directly now not packed, his bags don't got ready or anything, when all the ways that I went to Hajj. And I My intention was not hygienic even then.

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Meaning that when he left towards Hajj, she wasn't intending the hygiene itself. Obviously, he revised his intention to go Hajj. But his purpose for going was to skip to that person to listen to that hadith. Now Barsaat to Makkah is a long distance, and this guy was walking, and it was deserts, and etc. So he went all the way to hatch.

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He obviously went there he did the hedges and looking for this guy, same time couldn't find him, when he did manage to sort of learn about this at all, this guy has finished his house, he's gone back. So then he went all the way

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again, and he managed to catch up with this guy. And he asked him about this hadith that he had heard him narrating and the guy said to me, you know, this hadith, it's not something that's going to interest you because the chain is not a good chain. And it's not an authentic chain. So sure, I was really upset because obviously he's looking for an authentic genuine. And he said, subhanAllah if that chain was a sound, authentic chain, then it would have been more beloved to me than the whole of the dunya. And that's just an example of how people, you know, were really going out of their way to learn and to sacrifice for for knowledge.

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The next generation we have which is from a guy called Robbie arrabiata, right, he was the shape of Imam Malik

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Brown as the famous imam of Medina, Imam dharuhera. Now, he said, It is not befitting for anyone who has knowledge to place himself down, or to misplace or displace himself. And obviously this this needs a little bit of an explanation I think you have in the Boston you have the explanation of Imam and knowing how he explains this summary, if you like because he basically says it's, it can have one of two meanings. One is that

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whoever has intelligence, and whoever has the ability to learn and has acquired some knowledge and he has the signs of eminence have been shown on him, then it is not befitting for him to abandon meaning if you are clever, if you are somebody who was shown to you know, pick up things you have good understanding, maybe you have a good memory, do not place yourself down do not displace yourself by abandoning knowledge and not learning you should continue the journey is not befitting for you. You have the ability the Omar need you in his people are clever, nice people are intellectual. So carry on the second meaning he said. So here it's about somebody who has the

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ability to learn he should not stop learning. The second meaning he said is that if you have gained knowledge, then you should seek to spread the knowledge and spread it and give it to others because again, it's not befitting for you just to learn knowledge, and not to spread it because part of knowledge, we said is to act upon it but also is to

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Credit. That is if you like this is a cat of knowledge, when you have to have knowledge, you have to give zakat what is the cat to spread, to teach others to give it to others so that Imam Shafi sorry, Mama No, he said that these are the two meanings are which we can say about what he is referring to here. So how do I know that, certainly in Iraq, and I think probably, if we asked the different people in different countries, that it probably be the similar culture that people have, even today, you know,

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the brothers and sisters from the subcontinent, they, they even, you know, they know this recognize that, you know, as the children would say that their parents always are wanting them to go into medicine and become doctors and things like that, because people have, if you like, a consideration that if you have high degrees, and if you are clever in that regards, then you should become a doctor. And if not a doctor, then a dentist, you have no identities, then you go down the line of engineering, architecture, things like that. So it's almost like they've set out already a system, that

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people have intellectual intelligence, they should be learning, you know, going down a certain, certain, whereas, if you had, if you didn't get good grades, at this level, the baccalaureate level, then you can go and study things like Islamic studies. So it's like if you're a very poor achiever, you know, your route would be to go down Islamic Studies. And this is quite astonishing here because Imam nawawi is mentioning this as as a meaning. But the reality is,

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when you look at

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his scenario, he actually went, I'm sure most of you have read his biography, which is there in the book, he actually started off by wanting to study medicine. And he said, I bought the book, the Canon have gone on, which is written by Edmund Sina. He said, I bought that book and wanting to learn medicine, and but then he said, I felt a darkness in my heart. And so

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and so I abandoned, I left, you know, medicine and then turned away to Islamic studies. So how long that is obviously been to our benefit, because he has managed to give us that knowledge.

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So staying with a theme of knowledge, we have a narration, which is either the saying of Yamaha Bob, or his son or both, that he whose face has softened, his knowledge will be softened. Now, you might say, Okay, what soften then what does really make sense? What does that mean? Well hear what it means, because we've already said that,

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you know, the knowledge needs someone to be striving to kind of get knowledge by resting yourself. And if you are shy, meaning that you do not want to seek knowledge, then your knowledge will be thin, which is another word for soft, and soft, thin, little. So basically, if your face has softened, meaning that your face is shy, you are very petite, you don't want to come out and ask questions. You don't want to learn you don't want them your knowledge will be a reflection of this soft case we need, you're not, you're not someone who is there and out there and learning and putting yourself forward, your knowledge is also

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going to take

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and that's why in the Hadith the Prophet SAW Selim said which is not narrated to Norwich, but it has a wider meaning he said, while I Azhagu acquire Manyata Haruna for your funeral.

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People will continue to delay or step back and Allah will continue to pull them back. So really, it's about you know, there there is an attitude here it's almost like a metaphysical relationship between how you practice your attitude and how that will reflect on you and indeed, if you turn away Allah subhanaw taala will turn away from you and if you are a you know, if you have a fine here fine texture if you like it means in terms of the amount of knowledge if you're fine if your face is fine, meaning gentle, you know, you don't have the willingness. You don't have the strength enthusiasm or you're shy and embarrassed in learning, your knowledge will also be fine you will be

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literally be soft and that is basically what you will is saying here, the other saying which is similar by Mujahideen mudgeeraba Rahim Allah, the famous student of Abdullah

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In abacus, he said he will not learn knowledge. I worded it in this way because, you know,

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I know the Arabic is worded like that. And I know the English doesn't sound as eloquent but definitely an Arabic. He will not learn knowledge, who will not learn knowledge, two categories of people, someone who is shy,

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or someone who's arrogant, if you shy meaning you don't ask questions, you don't come forward, you're always reluctant. You're not gonna learn.

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You know, that's why some people in the past they said La Jolla, for Dean, they said there is no higher and the dean and obviously, it's wrong to say no higher and the dean, what they really should have said is there's no higher or no bashfulness in learning the dean, because higher is part of the you know, you have to be bashed, we have to be shot as part of the dean. But when you come to learn the dean, you have to you have to put your shyness aside, and you have to be ready to, to learn. And similarly, if you're arrogant, you're also not going to learn why. Because if you're arrogant, you're going to be embarrassed to ask a question, not because of the shyness, but because you are

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afraid what will people think? How will people view me? If I asked this question, how will it be, you know, something must say this guy must be really silly or stupid or doesn't understand he's asking such a trivial question. If you have pride from learning from as long as you have pride from sitting down in front of others, again, you're not alone. And aspect of bashfulness, which he mentioned here, he further sort of re emphasize with the saying of eyeshadow of the line, the wife of the Prophet, fasten them who, who praised the women of the answer. He said, what's great, she said, What grade women were the women of shyness did not prevent them from comprehending as a dean,

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meaning that these were people who, you know, these women were ready to learn the deen. And even though some of the questions that they were asking, or they wanted to ask, or they needed to ask, were a little bit

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you know, a little bit

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embarrassing in some cases, because you know, and here remember, I showed that I was talking about the women of the alpha.

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So they're gonna come and ask the prophesy cell and they are women, he is a man. It's embarrassing for for them but he she saying that, even though they had no issues in asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because they wanted to learn and today they have to do something which is which is correct.

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And we have a few examples of this one is that Muslim,

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Muslim, may Allah be pleased with her, not the way for the process. And she came, and she said,

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she said, O Messenger, Allah.

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She said,

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Okay, she said,

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omashola a lot as much shy away from the truth. So she even introduced me with that way, does a woman have to do a warzone? If she has a *?

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very personal question very, you know, very deep.

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And so, he said, yes, if she sees the fluid, so if she sees a fluid, which entails that she has had a *, then she has to do awesome, because also, as we know, is usually, you know, other than the woman's bleeding, women's bleeding, the hostile can happen either if a person is has

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* of sexual fluid, or it is from the intimacy,

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the intimacy, the * that a man has with a wife. So either one of those is gonna cause the necessitate the awesome. Now, here, the one Muslim was asking about whether a woman has a dream, and sometimes this might be a strange, in fact, almost selama, who is the wife of the process? And so she was there. And she laughed, and she said, and does a woman have a *, and he's over something she hasn't experienced?

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So she was surprised that such a question was being asked. So the prophesy Selim said to Michelle Obama, he said, then how would her child resemble her?

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And what is like the process and I'm also giving us a science

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Think knowledge here is that the woman's

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the child's inheritance, if you like features that resemble his mother or her mother is also related to the sexual fluids. So, we're going to go into detail on this, not only because it's an unboxing topic, but also because it is quite intricate medically and biologically. But the point being is that the prophets I send them was saying to her that, yes, she has a dream. And also, there is a scientific relation here, which is that the child will resemble her, his mother because of this.

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But the point being anyway, is that and there is another example of a time of show I'm not going to go into there are other examples of how the women of the unsought they will not shy from coming forward and learning the Dean because they didn't want that to cause them.

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interaction we had a question, I think saying

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who is majority the majority so my job job what I said was the he's a tabby, he's one of the followers senior falls and he was the student of Abdullah ibn Abass. So Majapahit bingeable He was a student of the lambers and very learned one as well because he said I studied with Abdullah and Robusta Quran three times three times we studied the Quran and

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stopping at every verse asking him the meaning asking the implication the reasons of why it was revealed so very intricate detail and he took very important knowledge from Abdullah bus was obviously one of the learned Sahaba and the Quran as for Abdullah event, we can hear he is one of the reciters of the Quran is generator again, he was in the era of I believe it was after the tabby so it wasn't quite a terribIe later, but he was one of the transmitters. Some of you might have heard of, sometimes we say the Quran as narrated by have been harassing. And sometimes you might say some people recite the Quran according to the citation of Natha or wash. These are all different

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reciters variation of how to recite and pronounce the Quran, Abdullah ibn katheer was one of those

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moving on amagno Ha Bob said, comprehend before you prevail, comprehend, before you prevail, comprehend here, I mean, he said the FACA which is obviously about companies are learning but the point that he's trying to say here is that learn that the inland effect go on your learning journey before you prevail and by prevail here, he means before you become a Sayed and the word say it can mean a number of meanings. One it can mean that you become a leader. One it can mean that you become a master one, it can mean that you become a manager, you become an employer, you become a head, you become a governor, you become a prime minister, you become the head of your family, you become the

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head of the tribe, the head of a family, you have children, whatever.

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If you need to go on the you need to go on the path of learning before you start to become in charge, when you start to have responsibilities. Because once you become to have responsibilities, that's gonna be a barrier between you

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and your learning. Alright, if you become old,

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you become a head. Those followed, you will be denied the opportunity of comprehension and learning, you're going to be occupied. How are you going to learn? That's how I remember when I first started my study back in back in the olden days

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1993 in the University of Sheffield, where I remember going there, one of one of the first advice that I received was from your own brother, he said to me, Look, I want this time that you are a student is one of the freest times that you will have. Because it is when you will have the most available time. And I at that time, to be honest with you, I wasn't quite, you know, didn't quite quite believe him I didn't quite understand I said Well, that makes sense. Because you know, you're a student you have to study you have to learn you have you know, you go to the library or doing research or all this thing. But the reality is that when you compare student life

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student life I mean today some of the some of

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some of the courses that are taught out there, you know, you only attend two days a week.

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Let's be let's be honest about it.

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And then some courses you have a free period here. Sometimes your lecture doesn't come sometimes the lesson finishes early. Sometimes you know you have breaks you have long holidays, you know some the university issues, they know this, you know you have four or five weeks in Christmas, another four or five weeks in Easter. And then after that is the three months summer holiday, so you have so much longer holidays. Compare that when you have a nine to five job or an eight to six job when you are working five days a week or sometimes six days a week, you do not have time because you have to be there at nine o'clock and you have to stay there till five. And I know some of you are doctors

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listening here. Not only are you have to stay till five or six, but you're also expected to stay beyond that time. You know, if you have you have notes to write up or you have a patient you have to admit or you have you cannot just leave for six hours I'm leaving. No, you have to. So you will not have the time. So this is the core point if you like our model the alliance is saying and this is similar to what Imam Shafi said which is understand before you preside for when you're precise, there will be no way to comprehend comprehending Imam

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Al Habib Al Baghdadi is also famous for giving that same analogy if you like and he Well, same idea by giving a different analogy. He says, basically, when you get married,

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you're, you're basically getting on a boat. Now he's trying to compare that you're not when you're on the shore.

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You know, when you're unsure how to last, you know, you're basically a home on your own land, your house is the driver.

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And the shore is your safe place. You know, it's the place where you're in control.

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We said when you get married is like now you are have gotten a boat and started to sail.

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Because you're no longer you're no longer on, you know, you're no longer on steady land. Why? What does that mean? It means now there are so much so much things that are going to come your way so much unpredictable things, you know how things are going to happen?

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Expenses, finances, etc. And that's why, you know, some of our alumni said that, you know, that if a person is not in need of marriage, doesn't feel any, if you like desire to marry. And certainly if you don't have money, that's another thing. But let's say somebody doesn't have a desire to get married, he doesn't have a sexual desire. Let me just be blunt with you.

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They said, and he has, he has, he has the ability to learn or he wants to learn knowledge, he wants to engage in acts of goodness, maybe he wants to travel the world doing charitable act, or whatever. They said, Therefore, it's not recommended for him to marry. Even then they said I must say was how I thought marriage is marriage is recommended. Now marriage is really it's quite fluid, depending on on your needs, and your your behavior.

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Why did they say it's not recommended for him to marry? Is they said because it is adding an extra burden on him. And if he's not in need of it, it's an unnecessary burden. How look at the understanding here. What does that mean? unnecessary burden? Well, now you have a wife, you have a responsibility. You have an extra person whom you have to look after.

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Even even, you know, not just financially but even emotionally, you know, now you are married to somebody who's asking about you, somebody have to come in, you're no longer you're no longer free.

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And that's why they joke. They joke by saying that the definition of a husband and this might put off some of you bachelor's out there. The definition of a husband is a person who has lost their freedom in search of happiness.

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Sorry, that's just a joke. Don't take it personally. So yeah, I mean, so this whole perspective is so imagine hopefully what about that saying you get married, you're now in a boat and you're sailing. So you're far away from the shore and he said, When you have a child

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It's like somebody has, has,

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has has

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broken a hole or has

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has put a hole has has placed a hole just like your set your boat is now sinking

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and maybe

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is not going to sink but it means that now you're occupying only the boat and not only are you far away from the shore, but now you're occupied with getting the water out. You know, it's panic stations. Now not only the responsibility of a wife but the whole family and imagine you trying to now engage in learning when you have all this responsibility and so this is the whole concept of what's being said here by these scholars.

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Okay, so, let us

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stop the

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recording here.

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