Omar Suleiman – The Powerful Prayer of a Mother

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of honoring family members' emotions and words, as well as the struggles of mothers of police brutality victims. They emphasize the need to be careful with anger and not let it become a part of one's behavior. The speakers also discuss the importance of honoring connections between spiritual world and the culture of the United States, and emphasize the need to be aware of the way the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam sends messages and shows their face. They also mention a young man who accepted Islam and was punished for his mother, but did not know the implications of his actions. The speakers emphasize the importance of showing one's face and the use of it for religious purposes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Dear brothers and sisters, the last few days in Dallas have been very interesting few days in this last week has been an interesting week within Dallas, with many discussions that involve some serious theological components as well as political components. So idea of forgiveness versus justice, this idea of accountability. And the beautiful gesture of the brother of both them john, who was murdered when he showed forgiveness for the murder of his brother, and what that means in terms of justice and accountability, and humanizing, I think more so the family of a person who was wrongfully gunned down while he was sitting in his own home, sitting on his couch, eating ice cream,

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when an officer walked in and shot him dead twice, or shot him twice to his death, and sparking the first conviction of a Dallas police officer since the 1970s, where an officer played Russian Roulette in the mouth of a 12 year old boy and blew his head off and got five years for that. And this was the first time that we had a conviction, even though it was only for 10 years, have any sort of recourse for that, not taking into consideration the hundreds of people that have been shot dead in the last five decades, between those two cases. And so Pamela, there was the mother of both of them, john, and a mother that captures the sentiments of what you would expect in terms of pain

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from a mom who not only raised her child, to be safe, but to be successful, and prosperous. And if you've gotten a glimpse into the dynamics of that family, you will know that that is a family that was extremely protective of their children. And somehow I just spent my last moments with her. I just came from that where she's the family is going back to St. Lucia. And she told me something I didn't know because we talked about the police shootings that happened in July 2016. She said that her son had actually moved here, just two weeks before July 7 2016. And she remembered him standing on the balcony of his condo taking videos of all the police driving around downtown, and sending

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those those videos and those pictures back home and how scared she was for him from those moments that she was afraid. And she thought at that moment, I should pull him back. Because it's not a safe place for him to be and some kind of law. What ended up happening to him two years later, was that he would be murdered for no crime of his own. And you see a mother that that Raleigh, that will express in a very raw fashion, her pain at the injustice that she suffered. And not only that, but throughout this entire year was putting forth mothers of police brutality victims that had not had the chance to speak in front of a camera like she did and saying you should talk to this mother. And

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you should talk to this mother. And you should talk to this mother, a mother who found out about her son being murdered. While she was sitting in the lobby of the DPD of the Dallas Police Department. They did not even have the decency to notify her that her son was killed. She found out through her phone watching a press conference with the police chief that her son was killed. And she ushered forth mother after mother after mother and said, listen to them, because you haven't listened to them for all of these years, and you should listen to them. And these statements that she throw. last statement I heard from her today, if any of you saw the press conference where signs were held,

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remember so and so the victims of police brutality, and she said let me hold the sign for my son, because I want to hold my son, when she said just a few days ago on his 20 what would have been his 28th birthday, that to lose a child is to feel the pain of labor in your womb, again. she expresses it very in a very raw manner and very articulately, and in a way that a lot of mothers that had lost their children could relate. And you watch that person and you watch the pain and you watch the inability to move on and you think about what type of mercy that Allah has put in the heart of a mother for her child.

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What type of mercy and love and perspective that Allah has put in the heart of a mother for her child.

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So much so that she connects that experience to the moment she gave birth to him. And the power of a woman calling out and yes, I know someone might say well, she's not Amina Eliza, the Prophet slicin um said that was a Muslim, that the the daughter of an oppressed person they have been How have been a light hijab there is no veil between that supplication and between Allah even if the person that is making the drought is not a believer, as long when they call upon Allah and they call upon the law and they and they say Oh Allah calling out in pain and oppression. There is no hijab, no veil, whether that person is Muslim or not.

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And then there's another

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elements of this, someone might be seeing that insane shift. We've already dealt with Kashmir and there's too much going on right now for me to really care about the situation seriously, enough moms that look more like my mom or look more like my wife or that sound more like something that reasonably could happen to me. And I should be focused on that because I don't have the capacity for that. And I remind you that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the midst of us were in the midst of a battle on an expedition

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saw a red bird that was flying over the Sahaba

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looked up at that red bird in distress. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said men feather I heard the Hebrew Allah

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who has distressed this one with her child?

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Allah, He didn't say the bird is mad. Men federa meaning if you took the sentence of the prophets lie Selim, it would you could think he was talking about a human being and the Sahaba might have thought maybe he's talking about a human being when he says it in that fashion month. He'd be one of the one who distressed this one with her child. He was talking about a bird in the midst of a major tragedy and the tragedy in the midst of a major expedition. But the prophets lie some notices a bird complaining about her child.

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And one of the Sahaba took the egg or took the child from the nest. And the Prophet slice of them said, Look, do ha ha wanted to give her back her child, give her back her child, even the profits of the lice. And I'm seeing that an animal a bird in the midst of that was caught because there's something about a mother with her child, even when it's not even human.

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That connection of Rama that one part of Allah's mercy, that covers the entire existence, as it is here that we experienced now, the 99 that we hope with the light out of the rest of which we will experience in the ophira a llama mean that Allah would cover us in that exclusive mercy that is far more encompassing, that's encompass that small portion here that's encompassed how much of it is encompass

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my mother, to her child, a parent to their child, and particularly specifically, a mother to her child, Muslim or non Muslim, human or not human. There's that connection that Allah subhanaw taala puts there that's extremely special. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us to honor that connection, Allah teaches us to honor that connection in so many different ways in the program, and then you see down to them of the room and the the the the cry of the oppressed, the do out of the oppressed. And you see those images broadcast constantly that numb us. But you'll see the death of a woman, a mother in Philistine or the drama of a mother in Kashmir, the drama of a mother from the

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lawyers oppressed and mom talking about her child. And you think how near is that supplication to Allah subhanaw taala. And you don't want to be on the other side of that.

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You do not want to be on the other side of that drought. You know, you hear the drought with a prophet, the saying of the Prophet slicin I'm tucking you down to the mudroom fear that you're out of the transgress fear that you're out of the oppressed. And you might think that the Prophet sly son was talking to Abu Jamal, the prophet sly son was talking to more either bingeable or the Allahu anhu, as he was sending him off to Yemen,

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a great companion, a great a one of the fuqaha, one of the jurists of the companions of the greatest of the companions and saying, Be careful, don't transgress because a lot of times we think of volume, and we think grands, your mind immediately goes to, you know, to to Egypt or Syria or wherever,

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not the potential that I might provoke the death of someone against me. And that person is connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala unknowingly made me transgress on somebody else's rights backbite somebody which is a transgression, which is a form of volume, and they call out to Allah subhana wa tada against me.

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Allah protect us from ever provoking that type of a deal against this ever provoking that type of a cry against us. But I want to stick to the do out of the parents,

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prophets. lysozyme says in the Hadith and a Timothy mentioned three types of drugs that are accepted, he mentions that within Muslim, the call of the oppressed, he mentions el musafir. He mentions the one who is traveling and then the Prophet sallallahu wasallam mentions and while it Allah, Allah de Waal it Allah Allah de, which means the father on his son but it actually expands to the parents for their child. It encompasses both, both parents, like the prophets license and another narration which is also authentic. There are two wildly Dane Allah whether the Hema the drama of two parents on their

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Child. And though it says either one or the he, the prayer of a parent against the child.

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It also encompasses the prayer of a parent for the child, as the scholars of Hadith has might have mentioned, oftentimes you read the opposites not of the meaning, but the implied from ahaadeeth. And so if the Prophet slicin mentions and accepted prayer against, then that means the opposite of which is for and so just as you should fear the Doom of the oppressed against you, it could be that the doer of the oppressed for you, you're saving is you're saving on your monthly ama, when you support someone who is Muslim, when you support someone who is oppressed, and they make their app for you. So the implied meaning can be drawn from it as well. And there is a potency of that prayer against a

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child as well the Prophet slicin I mentioned that said there were other unforeseen costs What are other logical mana unwelcoming, sudden authentic added, don't make your I don't pray against yourselves, or your children, or your wealth because it could be accepted, you might say it in anger, and especially the more severe implication of this, which is to actually take an oath or a covenant to take the mean, an oath that you know, that implies cursing your own children, because it could be accepted and you might say it in anger. You might say it in a moment. But be careful, don't make that against your children. Don't let that become a form of your discipline because Allah

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listens to the death of the parent when the parent makes in regards to the child, be careful.

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Don't let that become a part of your anger. Instead, make sure that Allah guides them in your anger. Don't make dua that Allah punishes them, even when you're upset, because it has potency. We have the story of jurij that the Prophet slicin mentioned to us that I'll summarize, or I'll paraphrase because of time, where there was a righteous man added a person who worship the law non stop.

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But he, he did not listen to his mother when his mother called out to him one day

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to take care of a very small task.

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And she prayed against him that Allah subhana wa tada would not let him die until he met a Zani until he met an adulterous.

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Later on, Some time passed, and a woman came claiming that door age was the father of her child.

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her age was put through a massive trial. The end of it was his innocence, because he was innocence. But Allah answered the door of the mother against him and clarified his innocence, not having two conflicting scenarios, in that, in that situation where you have a potent prayer and you have an innocent human being so there is something to the death of a parents against the child and May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from ever being on that side of where we anger are displeased. Our parents justly, or our parents are justified are justly angry with us, or we do something unnecessary to trigger their anger. And they and they do that may Allah subhanaw taala never allow us to be amongst

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those who have that made against us from our parents love them. I mean, so the opposite implied? What does it mean to actually get the dirt out of your mother

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when your mom or your parents will actually say, Oh Allah, and they'll have something that is favorable to you implied in that.

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In this video I'm going to use at some point I had the from Sahil Bahati,

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the entire collection of Sahih al Bukhari and that legacy and what it means to the oma would not be possible without the daughter of a mom.

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A very simple one. It's not simple in the nature of the request,

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but it was natural, and how it flowed from her heart to her tongue.

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Her child was blind. And she made due to a loss of high notes out of that Allah cured the blindness of her son and a loss of hundreds data center the good news that her son had been cured through Ibrahim RT Islam or a you know, seeing about a manisa in a dream giving her that bush or giving her that glad tidings.

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And she wakes up and she goes and she sees her son and her son could see and everything that we have from Emmanuel Bahati.

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Every single time a hadith is narrated from him every single time. One of his works that is not typically ascribed to him is of benefit to the oma, it goes back to that Do I have a mom? It goes back to that supplication of a mom for her child. She didn't know that she was making history. When she was making that she was just making her out for a lot of care her son, she wasn't implying she did not say oh luck cure him, so that he

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can compile the greatest book man written book in the history of mankind she didn't do that. She just said Oh Allah cure him she made out of love for her child that a lot cure him and a lot answered her.

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And we all have her to thank for that. And of course beyond that absolute gratitude going to Allah subhanaw taala but the vehicle of that cure was the death of the mother of a memorable hottie Rahim Allah.

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It's a way in which a person removes their greatest sense of bustle the Allah tala annual man came to him and confessed of a major sin and he responded somebody said omocha Hi, is your mother alive?

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And he said no. So he just said then go seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Why did you ask if his mother was alive? That's what the children that's what the students asked him. Why did you ask him if his mother was alive? He said because I don't know of a greater act of obedience to Allah subhanaw taala than

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the one a person honors their mother. I can't think of anything else that could possibly expiate a sin that heinous, a sin that major like goodland walidah like him honoring his mother. It is the greatest way to honor Allah subhanho wa Taala even if your mother is directly telling you to disobey Him

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in the situation of Sodom and who castle the Allahu taala,

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whose mother took an oath that she would not eat or drink and she would not wash her hair or go inside her home until he left Islam. Can you imagine that type of torture to say

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that his mom says to him that I will not eat drink, comb my hair, remove lice from my hair or get out of the Sun until you renounce Islam. And Allah sends down a verse ordering him despite her ordering him to curse her to curse Allah subhana wa tada to curse him, despite her ordering him to curse Allah Subhana Allah, Allah orders that he honor her

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and even mentions in the ayah uncertain

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or Selena insanity Valley day he Santa hamara to Omaha Cora roboticle Kota, Mohammed,

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Salah funa Chahal mentioning that look, she carried you we have ordered excellence to both of your parents and then specifying the mother, that she carried you in pain, she gave birth to you in pain. She fed you in pain, she nurtured you in pain. She went through all of that for you. She deserves that honor. Even in that situation, she deserves that honor. And so it is the way in which the scholar of this webinar bustle the law analysts on expiation for a major sin, and even Cofer is not enough

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for Allah subhanaw taala to remove the obligation from you to honor her.

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It's that significant that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when a young man comes to him to join the battle, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sends him back to his mother and mentions Jenna at her feet greater than even that moment. What is it about? That, Dora? What is it about that? Ekrem? What is it about that honoring and what what is the the limit to the potential of the bulk of the blessing that could come in one's life as a result of that honoring of a parent, and organically having a drop made for you know, if you notice, any of the stories that I've mentioned thus far that I will mention, no one actually goes to their parent says make do out for you puts

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their head down and says, Put your hand there, even though you can do that. It's good. But it comes in a natural response to hikma and tackling

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to the service of the parents and to the honoring of the parent that they make that for you. But they supplicate for you.

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And there's this incident that's very, that's very prominent, because it's the Prophet sallallahu he was sort of mentioning someone who he did not meet but that the companions would meet and the Prophet slicin I'm saying if you meet this man, then solicit do out from him and ask a loss of than asked him to make you out for you. And who was this man?

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It was a man by the name of voice Academy from Yemen. Allah subhanaw taala be pleased with him

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who never got to meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what held him back from coming to the Prophet sly salon was his mother.

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Why was he so special? Why would the prophets lie Selim, not only make your app for him and mentioned him or have that inspired to him?

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Even though he never came to the profit slice in them because what held him back from actually physically joining the profit slice lm was his honoring and service to his mother. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the companions if you meet this man, if you see him, then you will recognize him while also making mention of his virtues while they allow the anvil and ometer mahapatra the allowance

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And when the Hajaj would come from Yemen, goes to these people and ask them is always amongst you is always amongst you is a waste amongst you until finally they point to this meant always. And almost all the a lot of Thailand who goes to him says, Are you always Sivananda? He says yes. And he starts to inquire further about his tribe about where he's from. And he said, Did you have leprosy? And you recovered from it except for the spots? That's the size of a dental home, meaning Allah cured you from leprosy, but you have a spot, which is to remind you of that blessing of a cure. Yes. So every time he asks him, yes, yes. And he says I heard was sort of lost on the lahardee was, some of them

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say that they will come to you always Sivananda from the reinforcements of Yemen, he had leprosy from which he recovered, but a spot the size of a Delhomme, he has a mother and he honors her, and I swear by Allah, that if he were to swear upon Allah subhanaw taala, if he was to take an oath upon Allah, Allah would honor that oath.

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Just because of that, that one thing that he does,

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he was not cognizant of his place in history, just like the mother of edible hottie did not know the implications of what she was doing when she was praying for her son. He did not know the implications of what he was doing when he was serving his mother. He thought he was just the guy in Yemen that was serving his mom, and that was doing basically admah.

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And as a result of that, almost all the time, who asked him to pray for him, and almost all the alongside and Who said that? Where are you headed? He said Kufa, Iraq. He said, Can I make you a governor of Kufa and I appoint you to an office or something? All of this honor. Why? Because Allah honored him through that, who knows what his mother would say about him or to him when he would do so?

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There is another young man from Yemen, who the Allahu taala, who accepted Islam along with to fail in a dose may Allah be pleased with them, this young man who came back to the Prophet slice lm from a dose from the tribe of a dose and accepted Islam.

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And he as he brought his mother with him to Medina, can you imagine the pain of Abu hurayrah when he's coming to meet the prophets lie Selim, his mom is cursing the prophet SAW the lohani with

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his mom would dishonor the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and refuse to believe and I've heard I don't know the law and who came to the profit slice I'm in pain and he said, he held us to the law. She says these things about you and it's hurting me. I don't know what to do.

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prophets lie Selim did not say Well, here's a sword.

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Go take care of that. The prophets I said them did not say you know, this, honor her this obey her say something to her. prophets I send them saw the pain of Abba Hodeidah.

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In wanting that he died for his mom so bad and responded to the request to make do out for his mother.

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As the lots of guide his mother and avoided all the time on who goes home and he can hear the water running.

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She was taking a shower. And when she finished taking a shower, she was doing listen.

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She told about her a lot a lot of time I know a shadow La Ilaha Illa shadow ana Muhammadan rasul Allah

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accepted Islam right there,

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Navajo to the law and who is so full of joy. And this man who is from so far from the people of the Muslim May Allah Subhana Allah grant he Daya to all of our parents, those of us in this madness and beyond, who who wants so badly he died for their parents may have lost contact except that they're out from you.

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And he saw that moment he got to receive that so he got her a Boston he got her a place a garden, home, and everyday after Salah go to the message of the Prophet slice them and then he'd go visit his mother.

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And every single time he'd finished with his mother, you would say to her when he would greet her and say I said I'm on a key only piece beyond to my mother. She would say why because Salaam to my son and then he would say that a hammer came out of that nice Avira Oh Allah have mercy on her the way she raised me when I was a child and she would respond to him home Can I borrow any kaviraj and oh, my Lord, honor Him and have mercy on him the way that he has dignified me and obeyed me in my old age. And you imagine that was the dude out of Ohio that he would hear five times a day from his mother, that an O Allah, have mercy on him.

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Because of the way that he treats me in my old age, I guarantee you again, I will hold on all the time who not knowing his place in history at the time. Every one of our will be Allahu anhu does not equal in the sight of who what what it was like to hear that from his mom every day.

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Rob good hammelmann Robert hambo chama Barra, Annie Kabira oh my lord have mercy on him

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the way that he wanted

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me in my old age, your brothers and sisters, that single

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so precious. I want to end on a few concepts with this.

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There is no limit to that there is no limit to that supplication of appearance.

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There is a narration and it has no center that has no chain. So I'll put that out there but it has a beautiful lesson that Musa alayhis salaam, asked the last panel to Allah Salallahu salam, Mohammed Rafi people generally asked Allah Who is my companion in paradise. And so he was told about this particular man and he goes to see this man.

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And he's a note, you know, he doesn't he's not known. He's anonymous.

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At least as far as Musan was concerned to the public, and he goes, and he spent some time with this man, he asked his permission and all he would see is that every day this man would save the best food, the best water that he would collect, he would do what he could and then he would enter upon his mother and he would serve her every single day.

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And Musa Islam asked him what what that what was happening in that process and he said every single time I serve her, then she makes this day

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and he does not know that it's Musa Islam in front of them that she makes this to

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Allah Medina, what are the how the Oh Allah make this son of mine If Neha Rafi comosa, Phil Jenna, the companion of Musashi Salaam, the companion of Moses and Jenna, some how to love, the death of a mother could even get you the companionship of a prophets, that lesson is valid. The doer of a mother could get you the mention of a prophet and the Prophet civilize them as in the story of always and more than all of that it could bring Baraka in your life and acceptance in the Hereafter, in ways that nothing else can. So what does this mean for us, number one, that Baraka is induced, that blessing is induced through natural service you don't, that's not, you don't call your mom or

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dad now and say make you out for me.

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Take it as a lesson for you to do things that will naturally induce a good deal. That's the first thing.

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Number two, if your parents are not alive, then just as when they are alive, you are to honor them with that goodness than honor them with good deeds in their name, that Southern ajaya a continuous charity, those good words, those good two hours, those good mentions,

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and those deeds will reach them and on the Day of Judgment, they will be holding those good deeds that you did on their behalf and testifying in front of Allah subhanaw taala for you in the nighttime. So that door is not shuts. And the last thing I want to speak to because it frequently comes up in the community, the mother in law.

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None of these Holton bugs are excuses for oppression. All of them speak to a norm and a lot of times when the mother in law's mentioned, it's like oh, no, well, that's not my mom.

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If the daughter of a mother can bring that much better kind of person's life, you better want your spouse to get that out from their mother, husband and wife part of your making your spouse a more complete Muslim and getting that and getting that bollock in life that has effects for you. And potential with law. That potential pleasure in the Hereafter is when they get those two apps from their parents, don't see your mother in law as an opponent in that sense of edema because it may be the Sigma that your husband or wife gives to their mother that brings that Baraka in your married life and in your life in general and your acceptance in the hereafter don't see them as opponents.

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Help your spouse honor their parents. Allah subhanaw taala allow us to honor our parents and the loss of hundreds and allow us to be a force in honoring mothers in society and fathers in society. May Allah subhanaw taala allow that to be on our scale of good deeds and May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept the prayers of our parents for us. May Allah subhanaw taala accept our to ask for them a llama Amina kulu Korea that was tough love you welcome only certain Muslim infrastop

In the midst of a major battle, the prophet notices a bird distressed about her baby. The prophet instructed it’s child be returned to the mother. This is position that Islam gives a mother. Even when the mother bears no resemblance to us, it’s status remains the highest in Islam.

Imam Omar provides insight into this status in his khutbah and explains by providing examples of mothers of great Muslim leaders.

In a time when the word ‘mother’ is used to belittle women and circumstances, our beloved Imam illuminates her role in our lives in the dunya and the Aakhirah.

This khutbah is insightful in elucidating Muslims  failure to stand up and defend mothers across the globe who are bleeding tears and blood for the children of their wombs.

It is time to increase our knowledge of our responsibility towards womankind and to expedite our efforts to protect and support all mothers of the world.


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