Omar Suleiman – The One Who Created the Night and the Stars

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the "emphasis on the night sky," which is a moment of intense stress during the night. They explain that the focus is on the natural deeds of the time, which are often difficult to observe in the dark, and that the "opportunity," which is the time to restrain oneself and be shaky from the sight of the Lord, is the time to restrain oneself and be shaky from the sight of the Lord. They also discuss the negative impact of Subhanoss Ali Kh harm on Muslims, particularly those who want to be seen as shameless and disrespectful, and the importance of privacy legislation for personal and professional reasons.
AI: Transcript ©
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happens when you transition to this Surah Surah Yunus, which personally is one of my favorite sutras in the Quran, and particularly the first page and a half. It is Subhanallah, one of the most beautiful elucidations of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the creation of the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, and the way that that creation comes into being once again, and the way that the believers go from a place of being connected to Allah subhanaw taala and they have called them as little kin. They have their promised reward and their promised position with Allah subhanaw taala later on, and one of the things that you'll notice about solar units and you'll notice about the

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Quran, especially as it's speaking about creation, is this emphasis on the night sky, this emphasis on the sky. So who Allah the Giada Shamsul Leah and well Cammarano Raja cadavre humanas in return them or either the sun you know, the heats up Maha kala Houda. Allah will help. This is just one of the verses where last comments I mentioned, the orbits when Allah azza wa jal mentions the creation of the sun, the creation of the moon, the notion of how we benefit as humanity, from the way that all of these bodies function in perfect harmony, for our benefit. And so that we can come to know Allah subhanaw taala, which is the greatest benefit that we can have as mankind. And subhanAllah.

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This idea of the night sky, the stars, you'll notice, there's a lot of emphasis on looking up at night and the stars. And this is something Subhanallah that for us, maybe we have a hard time connecting to because of the light pollution around us. We don't look up and see stars, the way that people in the desert used to look up and see stars. And I want to connect this specifically to what we spoke about today in the hutzpah about this connection to the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. alone when a person is in the desert, and I want you to just put yourself there for a moment, no artificial light, and you're in the desert, and it's the darkness of the night. Imagine how much

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more intense your Pm Elena is going to be if you wake up in the middle of the night in a desert.

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And you go and you pray by yourself with no artificial light around you. Just think about how intense that Salah is naturally going to be the peace, the connection to Allah subhanaw taala. And you look up and you see that you feel that connection, where it's just you and him subhanho wa Taala on the other hand, also one of the things that was known to the Arabs and of course Subhanallah The night is the time of the devils and the time of those that wants to be like the angels. It's the time of those who sink to the level of the shayateen and the time of those who aspire to be like them. So time where sins take place, historically speaking, right. And so the shameful deeds that

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would not fly just because of the natural honor of the Arabs at the time. Right. They didn't have nightclubs and things of that sort. But certainly the shameful deeds were easier to take place under the night sky as well. Also the hypocrites with which we've just finished reading about in quite, you know, detail in sort of the Toba right to them federal Asia, we don't need to go there. No one sees you when it comes to federal OSHA. Imagine if you came to federal OSHA in pitchblack, every single day Subhan Allah and so the believers saw it as a moment of intense striving. The hypocrites saw it as a moment to where they could intensely avoid any type of worship sleeping, and then

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they'll show up at the hole and also so that they can be seen so they can still be counted amongst the Muslims. So the night is a very particular set of a very particular concealer that Allah subhanaw taala has created for us and there is a saying from the son of they used to have a poem amongst themselves either Hello Tiberi, but in feeble nuttin when Neff, Sudan iya tune Isla Lucia Annie foster him in Navarre in Isla he Wakulla in La Vie Holika wala Irani Sousa, a poem that have been Rajab Rahim Allah says that many of the self use to recite that if you find yourself alone, in the darkness of the night, and the knifes the self starts to agitate and says here's your

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opportunity. No one's watching you now. Then restrain yourself and be shy from the sight of the Lord and tell your enough's yeah enough's. Oh self oh soul in Allah the Halacha Wallah. Jelani, the One who created the darkness sees me, who do you think made the darkness? Who do you think created that darkness for you? Who do you think think created that sitive that concealer that cover for you to where you could choose to aspire in complete privacy and stillness or you could choose to do the shameless deeds because you look around and you see, no one else is looking. It's kind of hard to discern what check acid you know, I remember the CD

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You all know what a CD is right? I just want to make sure CD was this disc for the kids that you put inside a machine and it plays things before things were on us. Actually, it's probably even US visa and anonimo.

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Sheikh Muhammad Sharif Rahim Allah, one of the first lectures, in fact, I think might have been the first lecture I ever heard from him, was called in the middle of the night. Does anyone remember that lecture? It remembers it, you remember it. So in the middle of the night, was one of the first lectures that it is the first lecture I think I heard from Chuck mom yesterday, Rahimullah, it's over 20 years old, Subhan Allah. And when they were introducing an Maghrib Institute, they were passing around the CDs and different communities to get introduced to this idea. And I remember the story that he started off with And subhanAllah I happen to come across that story in the LA when I

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was preparing for my hotel today, where a man apprehends a woman in the middle of the night, and he takes her to the side. And as he has bad intentions, he says to this woman who fears Allah subhanho Tirana, my Irana, Ill Killa cap. Look, no one sees us except for the stars. No one sees us except for the stars. And she says to him with full conviction for 18 and will co Kealoha. Where's the one who made the stars? Whereas the one who made the stars, and the man was shocked, he was terrified, because that thought struck him for a moment who created your privacy? Who created your privacy? And what unique test has Allah given you with your privacy? You know, subhanAllah we live in a time

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where privacy is one of the greatest fitness that we have in our lives, privacy, private messaging, private browsing. Privacy has become entirely compounded in terms of fitna because of the digital era.

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And you have to ask yourself, Who made that cover? Who created that privacy for me? And if Allah subhanaw taala, concealed me, What is Allah subhanaw taala testing me with and the way that you overcome that, and this is a lot of what we spoke about in the hotspot today is that you actually start to use your privacy as intimate moments with Allah subhanaw taala rather than distant moments from the creation where you feel like you're safe to do the most shameless of deeds

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that you Yeah, Allah. No one is watching us right now watching me as I can worship you alone, not ya Allah or no one else sees me right now. So I can disobey Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, I can do whatever I want. And you think about the mindset and how shaitan tries to play with a person. You look around, and everything is about this idea of being secluded. And the believer uses that seclusion because he understands or she understands that Allah created that seclusion for a very specific purpose in your life. And so think about yourself as you're going through these verses in sha Allah and especially in Sudha, Yunus. And as we continue, especially in Mechi, Quran even in

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just the AMA, that emphasis of don't you look up and you see the stars? Who do you think made all of that? What do you think created that darkness, the One who created the light created the darkness, the One who created the sun created the moon, the one who gave you vision during the day, gave you the inability to see the world during the night so that you could focus on what is beyond this world during the night. Because that is the time as an imam am Rahim Allah spoke about the time that a person cuts their greatest distance to Allah subhanho to Allah, the travelers in the night, a savior, It's the time of travel, the time of travel, the time that the hearts traveled to Allah

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subhanho wa taala. So find ways if you can insha Allah to Allah and this is a challenge for all of us to actually ascend in privacy rather than descend, because the majority of people will descend in privacy, but the few will ascend in privacy. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be even better in our private lives than we are in our public lives. I mean, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah make us amongst those that are pleasing to Him when we are seen only by him, and when we are seen by him and other than Him as well along I mean, is that gonna fade or somebody's gonna


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