Omar Suleiman – The message of all the Prophets

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of not missing love to someone even though the Prophet gives them blessings, the history of Islam, and personal preferences. They also talk about the importance of not drinking and not leaving someone on earth. The speaker emphasizes the need to collectively fight against evil and avoid becoming a city of lights, and to focus on the "here after" and avoid focusing on the "right here after" to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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we covered this concept of not making your love of Allah subhanaw taala conditional upon the blessings that He gives to you even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us the recognition of the blessings that He gives to you, as a means of getting close to him and as a means of developing and growing your love of Him Subhanallah when you look at the story of Noah, honey his Salam, you have a very interesting surah and plea, an actual story that is recorded very uniquely, know how to his Salaam is the first messenger of Allah. We know that from the Prophets liasons Hadith when the messenger is laying some mentions, the people on the Day of Judgment, going to know

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how they have Salam asking him for intercession and they say you are the first Rasul the first messenger of Allah meaning no honey his Salam was the first one to come with a legislation and as an ambassador, the law Tada and Huma narrates no honey slums. People were the first people on earth to commit Schick. They were the first people to attribute God's besides Allah subhana hota Anna. So knowing how to use Salam is unique in the sense that he has to deal with the first manifestation of Schick and what was it that they took these righteous men? Yeah, who thought we are Ruka

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these people that were known that Allah's parents are names in the Quran, as righteous people and they turned them into Gods, they made idols out of them after their death, and they started to worship them. Besides ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So these were actual monotheists that were turned into symbols of polytheism after their death, which happens right and happens to scholars at times it happens to people that even were prophets, right? Reciting is that um, classic example in that regard. So Allah records the story of know how to use Saddam, and I'm going to connect it to the hotel in a minute, but just some backgrounds, know how to his Saddam gives Dawa to his people for

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950 years. 950 years, you imagine 950 years of data, how many converts only a little more than 80. That means if you took 950 years and divided them by 80 converts, you imagine entire decades would pass. Were no headaches, and I would not have a single person except his message. On top of that. He wasn't just rejected in regards to his message. He was humiliated. He was mocked by his people. They called him disgusting, they would dust their phones around him, you know, like get away from us, you smell that we're sick of you. We don't want to hear you. They mocked him and mocked him and mocked him. And Surah Noor has very interesting and that it's a plea it's a very emotional plea.

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Subhanallah it starts with no honey has Salam saying yeah, Allah I've tried everything with these people. And no honey Salaam is making his case to Allah as to why his journey is going to end the way that it's going to get

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ya Allah for 950 years, I've been calling on you to guide these people. I've been calling on you to forgive these people. I've been calling on you to spare these people. And the end of the surah is really, really, really

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alarming. New, the prophet prays against his people, he says, destroy each and every single one of them. Because if you leave them on this earth, then their offspring will be just as corrupt as none will be tainted by what they have introduced and innovated into this earth. Don't leave us don't spare a single one of these people. Right? Only spare the believers, but take away this batch of people that have introduced into the earth what was never introduced to it before. But before he gets there, what does he do? He builds his case says yeah, Allah, here's how this down was started. Here's how I started with them. I called upon them. I said to them, Listen, I'm coming to you for

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you. I'm here for your sake. I've been sent to you by Allah subhanaw taala. And I'm just telling you that if you believe your author, Lakhan Mindomo become He will forgive you while you are critical, Mira Jana Musa. So he first promises His people What goodness in the dunya are goodness in the Hereafter, goodness in this life or goodness in the hereafter and the next, the next this is what I want you to pay attention to. He starts off with what the call of a profit should be. The call of a profit is not that believe in me and the richness of this world will come to you. When the prophets lie some started on suffer. The prophets lie some did not stand on suffer and promise the people of

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Mecca listen if you believe in me, I'm going to turn Mecca into a world class city. For the rest of the history of this world. Mecca will be the center of the world people will come from all

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Over, pilgrims will come to it. They'll make the lock around this cabin. Your names will be immortalized in this world because people will say well the Allahu Anhu may God be pleased with you every time they mention your name. I'm going to promise you everything you imagine if Abuja Hal knew what Abubakar while the Allahu taala, and who would be spoken about like in 2021. And if if Abuja *, in five or 610 could see what the legacy of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu has become. In 2021. Abuja would say, sign me up, I'll take that. I'll be mentioned in you know, by billions of people for the rest of the existence of the world, I'll be honored and people will pray for me and people

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will write books about me I like that. The prophets lie, some didn't call it call with that. He started off with what belief in Allah, and I am promising you something of the hereafter. Why? Because again, that is the core of the message. The core of the message is that this is a message that orient you towards an era orient you towards the hereafter. Right? It's the opposite of the prosperity doctrine, when a preacher with his private jets stands up and says, Believe, and one day, you'll have what I have.

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Right? And of course, you'll have what I have by putting money into this into this bucket. And one day, right? And if and if you're not getting it, that means that God doesn't like you like he likes me. Right? That's the prosperity doctrine. Right? The opposite. The Prophet started off with believing God and when you meet him in the Hereafter, what he has prepared for you will be good. Now here's the interesting thing.

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You then watch how this drought pleat this drought plays out of know how to use it and know how do you Saddam says, All that earned me was ridiculed. All that earn me was mockery. And no honey has Salam says that when he in the course of pleading with his people, why did they reject Him? Because they wanted the power of this world. Right. Now, as for how long the profit side someone was speaking to the different tribes, there was one tribe very interesting tribe that said to the Prophet slice of them when he was trying to find someone to host him. They said, Okay, the chief of that tribe said, Look, I see in this man, some characteristics

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of a leader.

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Something great is gonna happen with him. He just has that the profit slice and I'm had an aura to him. That something greatness is going to come about, I don't necessarily believe in his message, but something is going to come about. So he said, listen, we'll believe in you as a tribe. We'll risk our alliances. But when God gives you victory, you have to sign off that entire victory to us. We inherit whatever kingdom comes to you. We inherit all of your military success, we inherit everything of this world that comes to you as a result of it, profit slice, and I'm set out to do the law up to having a shot without people telling what's happening and I can't make you that

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promise. It belongs to Allah. It gives it to whom he wills and victory belongs to the God conscious. When the unsought came from Medina. They said to the Prophet sighs I'm Wait, what are we going to get in return?

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We're going to be attacked from all sides battles. I mean, the most powerful empires in the world they're going to try to wipe us off the face of the earth because we've taken you in what do we get in return the prophets like some did not say, Medina is going to be something else. I promise you Medina will be this city of lights city of Baraka city a blessing. No, he said, Jana, you'll get Jana and they said Robbie had there. Okay. We'll take that. That's a good deal. We'll get Jana now know how to his Salam as he's pleading with his people and his people are rejecting him in the name of what we don't want to lose everything that we have in this world. He says felt good to stuff you

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rub the comb into who can have a Farah you're still Osama Alikum Metatron while you did the convenient one and money while you're janela calm Jana Tsin. Wire janela calm and Hara nulla Kamala Trump Jr. Allahu wa Cara, in the course of reasoning with his people, he says to them,

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If you believe and if you seek forgiveness of your Lord collectively,

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then the goodness of this world will come to you to the rain will fall from the skies. Your Gardens will be irrigated, your crops will grow, your lineage will be plentiful. Your wealth will grow collectively and individually as a people blessing is going to come to you and that is the answer. That is the default that when people believe and work righteousness, God blesses that nation with Baraka with blessing. Look at this on the Andromeda bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allah to Allah where they couldn't find anyone to take the car because of the justice and the belief and the righteousness that was established amongst that nation. So individually people will have their and their tests but

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collectively, as a nation, you will be uplifted by your righteousness.

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There's a period of test and then there's upliftment and Baraka, Makkah and Medina being two great case studies, right? Compare that to the mood and add them, you know, and the list goes on and on, despite all of their genius, okay, so new honey synapses I came to them with that. And I said to them, Look, he'll send you that to that comes as well.

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And they still did what they still turned away from him. And they mocked him and knew how to Islam comes back to Allah once again and know how to his salaam says

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rugby my Lord.

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They rejected me again. What tobacco mana message oh man who who will want to do inner Hazara and they followed those they follow these things that are just going to wreak earn them the destruction of this life and the next they're going down a path of destruction in this dunya and then the akhirah for this life and for the hereafter. And subhanAllah it ends with no honey Who said I'm basically giving up on them and saying 950 years is too much now. At this point. Yeah, Allah take them away.

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At this point, take them away And subhanAllah to show you his sincerity. And by the way, I mean let's be real here. We give up after a day or two right we give up after a few months when things get very tight we go crazy with time we are the generation of everything being hasty and instance. Right? I mean somehow I look at the subject of know how to use it I'm like we would have probably given up after a few months with that type of humiliation. I have the power to make you out to Allah and Allah will answer it. Yeah, Allah 200 days has passed. Get rid of him. No, honey, it's now 950 years had somebody with patience with them and no honey, some even then He's saying look, I'm not

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this isn't like a giraffe because I had a really bad day. No, honey, Strom was not throwing a tantrum. Like Like, like a normal human being would no honey Islamize saying yeah, Allah. At this point, there's no good that's gonna come out of these people. This group of people will produce no good whatsoever. So get rid of them. And there needs to be you know, and save those who will produce offspring that will continue what was continuous before this group of people came and introduced shirk and all of the ailments and injustices that come with that. So their brothers and sisters has this connect to the whole plan has this connect to this idea? If you focus on the ark era, what are

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the prophets lie? Some say, if your hem is dunya if your concern is this life is this world, this material world, you will lose the hereafter and you'll lose this world. If your hem if your concern is the hereafter you'll gain the hereafter and the world will also work itself out there will be blessing and what has been given to you and the world will also come to you. But that can't be your focus that can't be your priority. That's also the nature the priority the language, the the the equation that the prophets presented to their people that Allah establishes.

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Allah established his blessing amongst the people in this life by justice. Min Samia Rahim Allah says in the line up with Delta Tila dito encountered Kavita Allah established as a destination even if it's a disbelieving nation. Well yeah, the Modelica badimo encountered Muslim and Allah destroys a an oppressive nation even if it's a Muslim nation. So there are things that bring about goodness in this life but the believer focuses on the hereafter, and then shapes their life in accordance with what they want to see in the Hereafter. And in the process. Allah blesses the believers with the best of this life and the best of the hereafter. We ask Allah subhanaw taala Robina attina for

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dunya Hassan Warfield, karate has worked in our governor, robbing Tina for dunya Hassan Warfield. Yachty has worked in Urbana Robina Tina for dunya has an WURFL Yachty has worked in either Banagher Alana Amin was not allowed Muslim background of being a Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi engineering

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