Omar Suleiman – Social Justice – Episode 29 – The Rights of the Elderly on Society

Omar Suleiman

AI: Summary ©

The importance of honoring the elderly and balancing generation gap is emphasized in Islam. The need for respect and balancing generation gaps is emphasized, as it is a reflection of behavior. The importance of honoring individuals and setting boundaries for privacy is also emphasized. The need for attention to detail and privacy for the elderly is emphasized, as it relates to the shadow concessions used in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mr karate Kurosawa Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. For me, he asked me to sell him to * kathira. So tonight we move on to a topic that's connected to the last few 100 years, but it really expands beyond. I think what we typically think about as Muslims. And what I personally have appreciated in the research for this series, and kind of going through it is that we're not just learning about REITs and technicalities, we're also learning about Exxon, we're learning about how to show excellence, and an extra level of compassion and mercy to people. And usually, when you're talking about the relationships of people, in a filthy sense, in a jurisprudence sense, then you're

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talking about rights and obligations and responsibilities. But as we can see that it's not just the responsibilities in a marriage that are highlighted by the concept of sun, and Islam, this concept of compassion, and added excellence, but it really covers all of our relationships, our relationship with society as a whole. So we're at number 29. Now, I'll tell you guys a secret. You know, as I was going through the topics, I was like, Alright, we might have to push this to 4243. And it's okay, because I'm in no way, Rahim Allah, he did that with his armor into with his 40 headaches to became more than 40. So we have to go a few over than we do. Because a lot of times what i what i thought

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were going to be subtopics ended up becoming topics in and of themselves. So the topic tonight, really arises out of a recognition that when we talk about the rights of parents, so if you realized last week, we talked about the rights of uncles and aunts and the extended family, and who can give me the order that we take from the Hadith of the Prophet slice lm from last week. From your aunts and uncles, how do you prioritize?

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the harlot comes first the maternal aunts, then the,

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the paternal uncle dam, then

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the maternal uncle,

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paternal aunts, right, these are this is the breakdown that we find in the son of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. There is no mama and Chacha breakdown, in the Hadith of the Prophet, slice Allah, but there's aunts and uncles, okay. And then you sort of look at the extended family as it is. So one of the things that really I found very touching, is the emphasis in Islam on honoring the elderly, that are not from your family, and really the amount of literature that's found within it. And this actually could be one of the longest holocausts of the entire series, because it's not one or two or three ahaadeeth. But actually honoring the elderly, beyond just your parents and

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beyond just your uncles and your aunts and people that are known to you, in your community, in fact, beyond Muslims, and we'll talk about some of the narrations that come with that. So it starts off you know, the most powerful Hadith to start this off as the Hadith from Abu Musab Sharia law, the Allahu anhu and Sinan Abbe de would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in them in its early learning to Allah ikoma the shaver to Muslim the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that from the from the from a part of revering Allah showing reverence to Allah showing glory to God is honoring

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is honoring the elderly Muslims. So here the prophets lie some specified the Muslim and and the prophets lie some in some narrations, he, he expanded and he said Mohammed Al Quran and the one who, who was a memorizer of the Quran, who carries the Quran, but the Prophet slicin um says very little highly fee, but not to go in extravagance and honoring the one who memorize the Quran but still giving the one who memorize the Quran a certain position. And finally, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, is so fun and looks at the just ruler, a fair ruler that you honor the fair ruler amongst you, you know all of the ahaadeeth that warn about soltana and the oppressive ruler, the

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tyrants, the reverse of that is that when we have a good ruler, when we have a good just authority that we should honor that authority, that we should show that due reverence, because that's not an easy thing to do. So it starts off though with economic this shaver this idea of honoring the, the person who has gray hair, or who has especially attained those gray hairs within snap. And this starts off with one of the earlier frameworks that we find from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam health tourism owner was on Sedona Illa. with Laura Are you provided for or supported except by how you treat the most vulnerable amongst you, and many of the right amount when they categorize

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to the vulnerable amongst you are? Very frequently we go straight to the oppressed and the oppressed obviously, that's the the the major point and emphasis of the Hadith. But the arena as they list the categories will also list the elderly here, that the elder and the the idea of the Hadith is that you are taken care of, by Allah subhanho wa Taala upon whom You have no rights, just as you take care of those who cannot give back to society at times.

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But you take care of them because you seek that from Allah subhanaw taala because it's the right thing to do. So you are provided for, by the way that you provide. And so that's the framework that we find here. And obviously, you know, this refers to a different type of weakness and a different type of vulnerability. That comes sometimes with with older age, whether that's the effect of that is on a physical or on the memory or on pace or whatever that may be the ability to work and to earn all of these things are taken into consideration. And there's a very famous Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam from Abdullah Mohammed called the love of Thailand that the prophets lysozyme

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said Lisa min Mendham you work till Kabir, Ana, Wareham severen and the prophets lie Selim said he is not from amongst us who does not respect established you work I'll talk about that in a minute inshallah what what what God is here you work that is to establish in respect establish the position of the elderly amongst them, and to show mercy to the youth amongst them and the prophets of Allah and he was continued also authentic narration woman um, yeah, and if the early Mina hapa and whoever does not realize the right of our scholars upon us. So, there are three things the profit slice I mentioned, respect to the elders and establishing the elders in their position, showing mercy to the

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youth and then realizing the right of the scholars upon a people. Now, when you look at this particular part here, you walk into Kibana, if you think about what's often spoken about as the generation gap here, okay, respect is beyond symbolic gestures of respect. Your work is not simply after you work, it is to acknowledge a person's rights upon you, okay, to acknowledge a person's right upon you. And here this is spoken about in the collective to acknowledge the rights of those who are older, upon society as a whole, to establish them in their position. Okay, and then to show mercy to the youth. So how do you balance that generation gap? If you think about the problems that

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we find within this within the generation gap, obviously, the elderly wants to be respected. And the youth usually turn away from the community when they don't feel compassion when they feel judged when they feel disrespected, not disrespected, but when they feel cruelty and harshness. So the profit slice, I'm really diagnosed the generation gap perfectly, that, you know, when it comes to the elderly, there's this importance of recognition, this importance of recognition and establishing that respect. And when it comes to the youth, there's this importance of compassion, and understanding their position as well and where they're coming from, and guiding them gently along

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that journey. And then finding that balance, striking that balance in a society is very difficult. Because if the youth do not feel, you know, there's a saying, if the youth do not feel the warmth of the village, they will burn it down, in order to feel its warmth, if they're not inducted into the village. So you have to have that rationale when it comes to younger people, and you have to have that Waqar that certain level of respect and establishment when it comes to the elders of a community, there's a fine line and how you actually balance these two things. Because at the end of the day, even if you show respect to the elders, and if you show mercy to the youth,

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you know, each side, usually in those tensions is not going to feel like they're getting enough of those two things. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he recognized that, and how many of you have heard that had these before? Just a show of hands? I'm just curious how many of you actually heard that had these before? No one's heard that Hadith before that he has not amongst us, who shows respect to does not show respect to the elders? All right, some of you are suddenly hearing Howdy.

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Alright, some of you're like, well, I just heard it right now. How many of you have heard it before this class?

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Why didn't you want to raise your hands in the first place? What's the context of that Hadees. And it's very beautiful when you look at the story behind that Hadith. And that's usually the first place to go to, if you want to understand where this hadith is coming from what the prophet sallallahu wasallam is seeing, we often forget that the gathering of the prophets lie Selim, the companions of the Prophet slicin were for the most part very young people, very young people, the Society of the Prophet slicin them was typically youth. Okay. It was not common to find people beyond their 40s from the companions of the Prophet slicin when he initially established in Medina,

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in fact, most of the companions died in their 30s when you think I mean, those that died in battle, they were actually only under 30 sorry, they've been live on the left hand side and who when you if you read about him without mentioning his age, you think of this man that really, you know, was the senior wise person in society that lived for a long time and did great things. And he did do great things indeed. And the throne of Allah shook. Once that little the Allahu tada Han who passed away if you could actually turn this fan off, will it

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sorry you guys hot

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No, no

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Because it's distracting this one right here, just turn them all off. It's okay.

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All right. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is dealing with a lot of young people starting tomorrow, the amount of time and he was only in his 30s, When, when, when he, when he passed away in the Prophet slicin said, the throne of Allah shook. On Saturday, he passed away on Saturday, the lion who passed away. So what does that mean? If you walk into the message of the Prophet sly summoned, typically you've got people in their 20s and their 30s. And then you only have a few elders amongst them.

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What that means is that they can start to disrespect their elders, they could start to lose sight of their elders, because especially when you're preparing for battle, when you're preparing for building the masjid and you're talking about a lot of physical labor, then it's very easy to lose sight of the elderly amongst you. So the context of that Hadith that that's mentioned, is actually a hadith from nsmb. Medical, the law known was an older young,

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very young, and it was it was a kid on the profit side, Sam came to Medina.

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And so he describes this situation he says that we were sitting in the masjid one day, and an elderly man came to talk to the prophets lie Selim. And the people were hesitant to make room for him. Now what is hesitant to make room for him mean? The Prophet sly son was always surrounded by these young people that were taking advice from him asking him questions, sharing their dreams, whatever it may be talking about marriage, all right, because there's the Hadeeth of unnecessarily below the line are there too. They were doing what young men would do in their surrounding the profit slice alone. So an elderly man wanted to ask the profit slice on the question. And they

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weren't making room. They didn't want to give up their spot.

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So the prophet SAW Allah and he was seldom,

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he was displeased with that he didn't like that. So that's when the prophets lie, Selim said, Lisa Mina men, the Miata, hamster, riona, where you work there Kabira. Now that he is not amongst us, the narration sometimes switch the youth and the elderly, it's the same meaning he is not amongst us who doesn't show mercy to the young amongst us, or show that respect, and that status to the elderly amongst us. So this is, this is not something that's done out of malicious intent, usually, but it's something that's done out of forgetfulness, or out of just mere convenience here, right. So everyone is, you know, they're trying to trying to grab from the Prophet slicin, whatever they can, and

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they're just not paying attention. And that could happen even to the companions of the prophets. Why Selim the power of a young man like NSL, viola, and from being the narrator of that is to show that this goes far beyond far beyond, you know, just the mere ahaadeeth or words or technicalities, that we technically hero. So what are what are some of the specific lessons that we take from this number one, a lot tells us and helps us out as an illustration. Is there any reward for excellence except for excellence? Then Allah hands out also says the mechanics are people to Medina, casa, Su, okay. So those that worked evil, they're occupied, their response was also evil. How many of you have

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heard that you're, you're going to be treated by your children the way that you treated your parents? How many of you heard that growing up? Right? It's something that we all heard growing up that the way that you treat your parents you're going to be treated by your children, but that also is to be understood in a broader framework. Listen to this hadith by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it obviously starts with the parents. The prophets lie Selim says, men ohana the Shiva. Whoever humiliates or dishonor someone who the saber would would literally be someone that has gray hair, okay, but someone who's older than him whoever disrespects or dishonor someone who is

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older. The Prophet sighs some some lamb Yama, teta, yerba la hora de menu hain who shava who either sharp, he would not die until it lost them how not to add a sense upon him before he dies, someone that would humiliate him in his elderly age as well, in his old age as well. So obviously, it starts with the parents. And that's how it would happen. You know, it could happen with your children. But the way that you used to treat people when you were young that were older than you, you would find that when you become older, the children would treat you in like manner. There's a week narration about Ababa cattle, the length of time that I will buy cattle, the allowance I ran home,

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that the youth used to compete to serve double vechicle the allowance out on him when he started to show that gray hair. And, you know, it was it was almost a wonder to the people. So when they when they asked a while back, it'll be a long time. Why is it that the youth always rush to treat you in that way? And I will back it'll be a lot of time who recounted that when he was a young man, he used to do that with an elderly man as well. He's always rushed to the aid of an elderly man. So lots of parents either rewarded him for that behavior. So there's the the bad side of that and then there's the good side of that. There's all

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Another narration the Prophet slicin um says an economic Siobhan shaken the Sydney he

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I'm sorry Matt a comma Siobhan Schaefer and Lee Sydney Hilah Ayub Allahu Allahu menue. criminal who are in this in the profit slice. And I'm sad that no one treats an elderly person with honor in their elderly age, except that Allah subhanaw taala would send someone to them, when they are elderly, that would treat them with that same level and that honor and that respect. A lot of times, there is a mercy in some of these ahaadeeth in the broadening of it out. Sometimes it won't be the children of that elderly person that would honor them. But Allah subhanaw taala might send them someone else that would show them that love in that respect, whether that's in the form of someone

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that's from the extended family, or someone else in society that recognizes their father recognizes their virtue and their preference from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So those are those are some of the the general concepts in regards to treating the elderly and the idea that look the way that you do to others, it will also be done to you. So when you treat people that are older than you with respect Allah subhanaw taala will treat will send young people that will treat you with either the same level of respect or disrespect that you treated someone else. But how do we move beyond just the paradigm of respect? What is respect? What is honoring? Is it kissing someone's hands and kissing someone's forehead? Is it holding the door? Is it letting someone leave the salon? Is it making sure that the message boards are always, you know, the eldest

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of a community what is respect? Is that's a very subjective term. What is it kromm and some of these things are purposefully subjective and open? Because remember, the emphasis in the Quran have been modeled in accordance with custom. So there are some things that would be considered from respect and some customs. So long as they don't contradict the Sharia, they should be honored. So you should honor the elderly in your culture in accordance with what is considered honoring them so long as that does not mean contradicting the Sharia. So you sort of look at you look at all those customs as well. But how does this relate to social justice? First and foremost, is this something that's

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specific to the Muslims? This is one of my favorite narrations and it's mentioned

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by abdelkarim Rahim Allah the rulings on how to treat protected non Muslim minorities in a society by MLK and Rahim Allah Tada. He mentioned his narration that one time Amaro the Allahu taala and home, in his hereafter, he saw an old Jewish man who was begging

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and Ahmed will be allowed to handhold you know, who's this? Who's this man that used to carry around the bags that night and serve everyone in his society? And he used to care for even the animals, right? I mean, he's seeing this elderly man that's, that's going around begging. And yes, he's an elderly Jewish man. He's not a Muslim and a lot of the law on who was ashamed of himself.

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So he said to him,

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you know, Yoshi, Mohammed, aka

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shake means elderly person. All right, in the linguistic sense and technical census that what's causing you to do that? Why are you begging?

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What the man said in return heard a lot more. He said, Well, first of all, I'm elderly. I don't have anyone to take care of me. And he said, and the jizya is becoming difficult for me. The tax keep in mind the jizzy on the time of Omar was less than the sucker for the Muslims. Okay, technically speaking, the jizya which was mandatory on able bodied men, right, that were not Muslim, in exchange for protection and security and military, you know, all of the the benefits of having a military fight on your behalf the way that they fight on behalf of their own. It was actually less than the cap. But when this man said it was the jizya look at what a little the 900 I don't know the Allahu

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taala and who he took him by his hand and then he put his arm around his his around his neck. And he walked him home and Amato the A lot of times

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called for the the, the head of Betamax. So the custodian of the Treasury. And he said that I want you to assign a stipend for this man. I want you to make sure that he's getting paid and that he's being taken care of. And our model the left side and he started to cry, and he said, Well, it mounts off now. He said, We're lucky we did not show you justice. He said not Hello Minka. Shaban someone away. Erica, shaken, that natural Dominica Shaban we take from you when you're young, and then we lose you or we forget you when you're old. And he says, well, La Isla heracleum recommend Madam muslimeen I swear that I will give you from the money of the Muslims. I will treat you like like a

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dignified human being. I will honor you. I'll make sure that you have money even from the money of the Muslims. But think about that line. We took from you

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As a young man, but we forgot you when you were older. So we had no, we had no shame in extracting the benefit of your energy and your resources and what you contributed to society as a young man, but then when you became old, we forgot about you think about that, as a policy, what does that translate into into policy? What does that translate into into maintaining, you know, proper social security and retirement for you know, and making sure that the elderly are taken care of economically, from a policy perspective, this is something that's rooted in our tradition. Because if I model the allow, and who is saying that to an elderly Jewish man that lives in his care, he's

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not talking about the military, he's not talking about, you know, as far as the dean, this old man didn't used to come to the masses and do things for the Muslims. This old man was someone that used to work in society as a young man. And Omar is ashamed of himself. He says, we took from you when you were young, and we forgot you when you were old. So he was specifically referring to the economic piece of this and then you look back at a double bucket and Armani.

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Very famous narration, or model the LA hotel, and he said that every single time I tried to beat a bucket, I found that he preceded me, kind of sebata nikoli Hi, yo always preceded me to every good. And there's the famous story of this a cast the saga story. Well, you hear that every single fundraiser, right, I went back and gave, you know, Homer gave half of his wealth and thought he would win that Rebecca gave 100% of his wealth. But there's another story where I modeled the alarm and said, Alright, listen, I'm gonna I'm gonna surpass him, and things that

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that I know that he can do. So it was during the life of our backyard, that Amaro the alarm on who went to the outskirts of Medina. And he went to serve, particularly the elderly women that were on the outskirts of Medina. So he had a focus demographic that he would go and he would serve, what that service map cleaning up, making sure they were taking care of food, groceries, whatever it may be, they needed some help in the home, you know, to fix something in the house or model the law and he wanted to go do that. So I modeled the Allahu anhu said that when he went out to the outskirts of Medina, to this particular village, and he went to an elderly lady's house, she answered the door,

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and she told her mother that someone's already been here. And he's like, what, who, who comes all the way out here? So she said he doesn't want anyone to know. So I'm going to the Allahu anhu hid behind her house and he saw Beckett while the Levon home. The halifa of the Muslims was dealing with people that don't want to face the cat who's dealing with people that are claiming a new prophet and will say them and condemn who was dealing with all of the problems in the first two years after the Prophet slicin. Um, and he's making time to go out privately and to serve this elderly woman in our model de la Han who cried, and he said, Look,

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man, gentlemen, you have exhausted every one that has come after you. Like I can't win with you. Every time I think of doing something good. Rebecca has already done it. In this situation, follow her ignore obey the law, about the Allahu taala. And he said that Amaro the Allahu Akbar used to always be out during the night serving people. But I noticed that he suddenly started to give emphasis to his particular home.

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Upon How about the law of China and who said that in the morning, I went to that house, because he went to that house a few times, and I went to that house.

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And so panelo it, he says, that the woman that came out, was elderly, and she was blind. So Omar had been going there for many days. And he was surprised to find that she was elderly. And she was wind. So probably half of the a lot of time. So I asked her, you know, why does this man come to you? And she said that he's been visiting me regularly for a long time. He said, he brings me what I need, and he removes my waist. Pamela

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was going and removing the waste from our home regularly.

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A lot

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of thought handled the lavonne who said that I was ashamed of myself. And I said, you know, Mo to tell how are you? Are you searching for flaws of armor? Like, are you trying to find the flaw in this man? This man is the leaf and that's the care that the halifa is giving to this elderly blind woman he's going in helping her making sure she's taken care of and even removing the waste from her home. So this is this is something that's sacred in our tradition. That also means that it's you know, and that's, that's not a relative of Alma, like, that's actually part of the point. That's not an aunt. That's not a mother. That's not that's not a relative that's the right of the elderly on

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society. Collectively, they have that right upon us that they that they not find themselves in an undignified situation. As elders, their emotional rights as well. The prophets lie Selim mentioned authentic hadith, you suddenly masahito a little caveat that the young person should always initiate the Salaam to the older person. Don't ever let someone who's older than you perceive you and select

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And he mentioned

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a marijuana car and the one who's walking

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should should give Salaam to the one who's sitting down and he mentioned it is a lot of slap llll casier if there's a smaller group of people in a larger group of people, then it's the right of the larger group of people that the smaller group of people initiate alarm with them but he started off with a severe item could be paying attention to that to the younger person should make it a point, to go to the elderly person and to say Salaam to them. In fact, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came to Mecca, infotech Mecca

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Abubakar on the line whose father, a vocal hatha became Muslim and Fatah Mecca, conquest of Mecca. for 20 years he resisted Islam. He refused the father of doubleback could refuse to become Muslim. And abubaker was the same age was was two years younger than the Prophet sly send them right so his father was very old, was very old. halfa was a very old man. And finally, he accepted Islam. In fact, 20 years later, so when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam came to Mecca, Abubakar on the law and he carried his father, to the profit slice the lumps, I think of the scene, all gray old men to say Salaam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said lo accreditor, shape of EBT he attained,

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he would have left the old man in his home, disrespected old men in his house, I would have went to him. You didn't have to bring him out to me. I would have went to him like the prophets lie Selim didn't like that he that he had to struggle to come give his Shahada, even though this is an occasion right to come, say, to had to come except this time, after two decades of resisting the Prophet slicin when your son is a severe, right, the profits like some sort of he would have just left him in his home, I would have went to him and I will record all the data and he said the other sort of law, I thought that you have more rights that he comes out to you off, it's like some said

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no. should have left them in his home and I would have actually came to him, give him Salaam, how much is this emphasized as well.

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Some of you might remember when I taught the story of Djibouti, you had all of these narrations and it just shows you how often jabril it is. And I'm used to pay attention to the lack of the profits lies on the character of the prophets lie Selim. So the Prophet slicin um, says marani Djibouti gibreel, commanded me and him that I always put forth that I always put forth a cabinet that I always put forth the elders, the Djibouti it is, and I'm commanded me to do this. How specific was jabril with the Prophet slice on them? How specific was the breed with the profit slice of them, the dreams of the profit slice? Some were what were they revelation or not? They were always revelation,

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every dream of the Prophet slice and it was a form of way. So the prophets of Allah and he was I'm setting the Hadith hon hottie from inamoto, the Allahu anhu. He said, I dreamt that I was cleaning my teeth with a sea whack. And then two persons came to me to two men came to me. So the Prophet slicin said one of them was older than the other. They said, I gave my sea wax to the younger one. And Jabra Islam told the prophets lie Selim to take it back and give it to the older one first.

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So the profit slicer and this is what I said on the low end, he says, This is how, how much attention to detail, the profit slice empty, you know, how much used to pay attention to detail. He said that if the profit slicer would pass this seawork he would start with the elder and if he would pass his cup of water, he was starting with the one on his right. Like he actually that's the it's thought out, the lack of the profits lies on the character of the profits license to pay attention to those things. So he says why something that I always that I was commanded by Sabrina IE Salaam to always put forth the elderly. That means you know, if you're opening the door for somebody you

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prefer the elderly and that's actually by the way more there's more basis to that than telling the person on your right to go first you know, their custom culture is idea mean of two people are going inside the new say on the right first, there's more basis in the center to actually say the elder one goes before even the person that's on the right, in accordance with these activities, from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam putting them forth in regards to food in regards to a gathering whatever it may be always giving preference to the elderly. Of course one of the things that the Prophet slicin even mentioned in a Salah. He says that let the let the the oldest amongst them lead

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the salon. Okay, failure on the home oboro home sin the Prophet sighs I'm said let the person who's oldest amongst them lead them in Salah. Now that had if the context of it is that if they are equal in for an and in good deeds, meaning you know they're both they both have a similar level of religiosity and memorization of the poor and then the preference goes towards the person who is eldest letting

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The eldest letting the elder speak in gatherings before the young is the Hadith and double movement.

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And it's it's a it's a long Hadith because it refers to a very particular incident where author ignores adage and Sahel ignore Abby Hefner warfare and Sahel, they reported that Abdullah and his son are the longtime man who was, was murdered in the amongst the palm trees of haber. So I'm loving was that it was it was a companion of the Prophet sly summon, he was killed in an area where you had been operating in an area which which you had a very particular Jewish tribe. So his children were obviously outraged, and people assume that you could just say it was Betancourt either they could arbitrarily punish the tribe, even though they couldn't prove who exactly killed the love and so the

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prophets lie, some gathered the companions. And when the Prophet slicin gathered the companions of Muhammad Musa, and, and two of the young sons of Mr. Rude, not of love and misery, but Mr. Rude, came to the Prophet, slice them and they started to speak

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to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, Kabira kybella said, No, let the elders speak first. And the prophets lysozyme says Lee le al Kalam about which which actually means exalt the eldest amongst us, let them be the first to actually speak. That means when there's a gathering, there are people that are sitting together, to allow the elders to actually have their voice heard to allow them to speak, even if that means they're going to dominate the conversation, even if that means that it would take more time, but to show that respect and that love and to actually give that preference is something that's from the Sunnah of the Prophet slicin. He taught us being gentle on

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religious obligations. And this is something that a chef, Allah said that an elderly person never asked the Prophet slicin for a concession for rasa, except that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave that concession to them. So an elderly person never came to the Prophet slice, I'm asking the profit slice to relax, an obligation except that the profit slice did so and he tried to even make them feel better about not being able to perform an obligation as they used to before so whether a person becomes too it becomes too difficult for them too fast or too difficult for them to pray standing up. The agenda is the same for a person when they pray sitting down if they have no

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choice but to praise.

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Okay, important distinction, if they have no choice, but to pray sitting down, the edge of the reward is the same. All right, they have a choice other than the Salas invalid if they can stand up for some obligatory prayers, all right, but if they don't have a choice, if that's what they're capable of, the reward is the same the reward and Ramadan for a person who can no longer fast. But who gives the video is the same as a person who's fasting, there's absolutely no decrease in the reward, the reward of someone doing hedge on your behalf, because a person became unable to do so is no less and that's why the prophets lie Selim in the Hadith have been our bustle the lavorando.

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He said a man came to the Prophet sly seldom when the command of hedgerow is given, and his father was still alive. So by the way, this is a this is a ruling in Islam, okay. His father was still alive, but his father was so old that he couldn't, he couldn't sit, he couldn't even sit firmly on the saddle. Okay, meaning it was going to be extremely difficult for his father to perform hajj, it was to a point that it was really impossible, they have to torture his father, in order for him to perform the Hajj. And he said that, you know, if I tie my father to a saddle, I'm afraid that he'll die. Okay, that's how difficult this is going to be. So he asked the Prophet slicin, if he can

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perform Hajj on his behalf, the prophets license that don't you think that if your father owed a debt, this is so beautifully said, if your father owed a debt, and you paid it off, that it would be just as good to the person that you paid it off to?

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Like if your father owed a debt to somebody, and then his son paid off the debt?

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Does the person who's receiving his money back really care that it came from the sun and not the father? No. So the man said, Yes, it's the same thing. So the prophets my son said for her john a beak, so you do hedge on behalf of your father, while he was still alive, but again, he was too old to do hedge at that point. So not even having to wait for an a person to pass away. But the fact that the profits license them made it a point to say, look, it's just as good. It's just as acceptable in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. So in summary of prophetic guidance on caring for the elderly, collective social responsibility, I'm gonna just give a few things that we learned from

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all these things. Number one, collective social responsibility. So putting our hands and our resources together for their care. Number two, comprehensive care and

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terms of their physical and mental health and emotional health. So this all falls under honoring the elderly Ekrem. The shaybah number three recognition in public and private settings is to the right of the elderly is to be recognized properly in public and in private settings. Number four, giving them precedents and honorific spaces such as being the Imam, or voicing an opinion or being served food.

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And number five is not subjecting them to undue hardship, and religious guilt, unwarranted religious guilt so making available the shadow concessions that are has for for the elderly, so that you don't have undue guilt, or unwarranted religious guilt or undue hardship that is placed upon them. Course a shout out the Valley Ranch Islamic Center for the golden club and hamdulillah where our method actually

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looks good. So we got a round of applause. Our method actually has specific services and hamdulillah for our elders and our seniors in this community. And we we we honor and respect and love our elders in this community. And we asked the last panel aside to allow us to do a better job. I mean, questions

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Hadith #29 – The Rights of the Elderly on Society | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice

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