Omar Suleiman – Omar Ibn Al Khattab R. A – The Opening of Jerusalem – The Firsts

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the political and religious events of the time before the time of the Prophet sallama, including the famous Exodus of the Holy Land, the Greek-led Empire, and the loss of the city of Jerusalem. The conflict between the Christians and the Persians during the time of the conquest of Jerusalem, the return of the water and the animal, the holy city, and the return of Jesus, and the holy eye. The history of the Middle East during the first semester of the Islamist protests, the return of the holy eye, and the return of the holy spirit are emphasized. Prayer outside the church and the holy eye to symbolize the holy eye and the holy spirit is emphasized. The importance of finding the right cultural fit for oneself is emphasized, along with the significance of "has" in the context of personal growth and personal development.
AI: Transcript ©
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spinarak number 100 in Armenia salatu salam ala rasulillah Karim one Ernie he will be here Jemaine so inshallah Tyler. Before we get started, I know I'm competing with the game one of the finals. So if I see you looking at your phone too much I know what you're doing, sisters included.

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But with that being said, this is a topic that I think is the topic of the day. And I debated honestly whether to dedicate a whole session towards this for now, or to merge it within the overall conquest under omatoiminen club or the Allahu anhu. And honestly, it deserves its own topic it deserves its own lecture. So midnight, tonight we will focus on Jerusalem but we will talk briefly about the context before we get to Jerusalem under honorable capital the Allahu anhu just a few things within that kitana this Thursday night only online in Charlotte's Anna on your teens YouTube channel, we'll have a lecture on the virtues of the hedger and how to make the most of the first 10

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days of the hidden charlatans that's going to be Thursday at seven o'clock in the night on and also this weekend and shout out to Anna we will be starting our the Hedgehog series, which is actually building on the Ramadan series of meeting Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and it focuses on his Hajj sallallahu wasallam and the episodes are a little bit longer so we're going to test your attention span there they average 12 to 15 minutes unlike Ramadan where the meeting Mohammed slicin episodes were averaging seven to nine minutes so we'll test your attention span inshallah. But basically that series will go through the prophets lifetimes left for Mecca, his left for Medina and then

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eventually the Prophet slice Adam his own was before the hedge his hedge before the heads up, and the ultimate hydatid without the profit slice element a very up close and personal look at the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his head. So that's going to start this weekend and shot let's honor as we begin with the 90 to honor the first 10 days of the hedger. So please tune into that place. So with Amaro the longtime animal as we speak about Jerusalem, I want to first and foremost talk about the political situation that was in quotes at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and some of the ways in which the prophets linesman was speaking about acquits May

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Allah subhana wa Tada, liberated Allah Ameen in his time. Now we spoke a little bit about this, when we actually spoke about mobikin all the time. And the bet that he made over the surah that came down where Allah subhanaw taala promised the victory of the Romans over the Persians lilibet to Rome, Vietnam. Member developing him say honeymoon February sinning, Allah mentions that the Romans will defeat the Persians between three and nine years and that was looked at as an impossible feat, but Allah subhanho wa Taala prophesized it on the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it happens as it happens. Also, we spoke about this a little bit with java. lang, who, of course,

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will also come up in this lecture. But the biggest city, for those of you that are from Syria in particular, and of course, all of a sham includes Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, the biggest city in Syria. What is Monterey Surya at the time was What does anyone know? It wasn't Damascus.

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Damascus was second, we get some halaby partisanship here, it was actually hemps. So all those jokes about him. You know, you have to take them back. hemps of course a brilliant city man lost parents I liberate the people of Syria. hemps was the biggest city in a sham, and second to hemps was domestic was Damascus. Now the Persians overtook Damascus in the year 613. This is when the prophets lie some essentially began his public Dallas so the Persian and Roman Empire empires their battle is heating up. And in the year 614. That is when the Persians took acquits when they took Jerusalem from the Romans, ie the Christians and when the Persians took the city of Jerusalem, they have absolutely no

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regard for the city, meaning what they are not a people who see any value and inputs. They were Zoroastrians they were my juice. They didn't believe that there was anything holding about the Holy Land, they didn't have a place to connect themselves to. But what they did know was that this was the center of religious and cultural life for the Byzantines for the Christians at the time. And so they wanted to truly make an example out of that city and out of the people, and they carried out one of the largest massacres of that entire century, they killed 90,000

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People Now think about without, you know, weapons of mass destruction that we have today, what does it take to kill 90,000 people? In one occurrence, they killed 90,000 people 90,000 Christians in Alcatraz in Jerusalem. They desecrated all of the Christian holy sites. And they even stole from the Church of the Holy sub liquor. What is known as the True Cross, the True Cross is what Christians hold that essentially is not the Jesus peace be upon him, was crucified on. So imagine the destruction. Imagine the message that was sent. Imagine what this does to the Christians of the time and does to the Byzantine Empire, when the Persians sack your most prominent city, and they

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desecrate your entire holy life, they even steal the cross that you believe that a Saudi Salaam was crucified on, and they leave behind 90,000 corpses. I mean, how many people even existed in the world at that time for 90,000 people to be murdered? In that sense? That was a test for the Roman Empire to where if you're looking at that situation, you're thinking there is no way they're going to come out of this. They are mentally, emotionally physically broken down as an empire and as a people, and, and kislak, who we know is a very arrogant ruler in Persia. he rubs it in. He doesn't care about religion. He sends a letter to her miraculous at the time, who is the leader of the

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Byzantines, and he basically says, I'm clearly God, and whoever you worship couldn't defend Jerusalem, the arrogance. Right, so he actually claims I must be God, because of what I was able to do to Jerusalem is panela the sin novela tyrants, every tyrant eventually looks around and thinks I must be him. And then Allah subhanaw taala humbles the May Allah make an example out of the current occupiers and tyrants Allah, I mean, so he says, I must be God. And your God clearly could not defend Jerusalem. So this was a crippling moment, and that's when Allah reveals sudo

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Subhana Allah if you're a Muslim, yeah. Are we sure about this? Yes, we are sure because it's called Allah reveal pseudo rune at that time. Now,

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the Christians and the Persians were obviously at war, the Jewish population, the Jews of Jerusalem, Allied themselves with who in this battle, they have to pick a side, right? You're a smaller population, you have to pick a side who did they which side did they pick, they actually pick the Persian side, because of the animosity between the Christians and the Jews, and this will be important to understand when we come to the conquest of Jerusalem Under Armour all the time. So the Jews at that time allied with the Zoroastrians against the Christians in return for a promise that they would be able to establish their own religious life in Jerusalem because they were persecuted

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by Christians. Right? It's just persecution going all around so the Christians were persecuting them. So they choose they chose the Zoroastrians, because the Zoroastrians would give them at least some sort of guaranteed that they would be able to establish some sort of religious life. This entire time the Muslims are praying towards where they're praying towards Jerusalem. The tip of the Muslims this entire time is inputs. While this massacre takes place, the Muslims are praying in that direction. While all of the holy life in Jerusalem has been completely reduced to pieces, the Muslims are praying towards Jerusalem. And so it's important to understand them, when it is thought

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wouldn't matter large takes place who ruled Jerusalem at the time,

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the Persians so there was nothing of churches, nothing of any worship or anything that was taking place in the area of an axon, at the time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was taken to Jerusalem and he led the prophets in prayer. And that night, it was a neglected area because the Persians had no need for it. They had no desire for it. They already made their example out of the Christians at that point, they neglected it and let it be, and the prophets I send them when he comes back to Mecca, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as he has questioned about slotland Mirage he said look at Tony Phil hedges were courageous ellone and Miss Leia that you I'm seeing myself You

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saw me in the hedges in front of the Capitol and place was antagonizing me and asking me about my my journey. And they're asking me and Assia men baiting marketers. They're asking me about things and baits and marketers and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that it was shown to me Allah subhanho wa Taala Rafa Hola, hola, unburrow la he that Allah raised and puts in front of me, and I was looking at it. So imagine the Prophet slicin was standing in front of the camera, and anything they asked the prophet SAW Allah

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Harney, he was selling nyas aloni RMC illa ambatovy the prophets lie Selim says that everything they were asking you about I'm looking at the picture of Jerusalem and telling them about it, which was a proof from Allah subhanho wa Taala to the Messenger of Allah lies on that he was able to describe Jerusalem perfectly, to where when price set people to question about what the prophets lie some was questioned about everything the prophets lie some described about Jerusalem was perfect the roads to Jerusalem, the structures that existed and should have existed in Jerusalem, everything the prophets lights on them, was able to explain it as a miracle from Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, of course, in

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the year 620 for the same year as her Oculus fights back and the Romans defeat the Persians as Allah subhana wa tada promised and as we said, Allah subhana wa tada when he said that this is what the love, but this is the promise of Allah subhana wa Tada. Yeah, for me, Nina been austraila that that is the date that the believers will be pleased with the victory from Allah, it had a double meaning. It meant that the Christians who were closer to the Muslims would defeat the Persians and the Muslims would defeat for race who were allied with the Persians. Okay, so it was in the year 624. What did her Oculus do? The leader of the Romans, he destroyed the birthplace of Zorro Aster, which

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was the key Temple of the modulus of the Persian Empire at the time, he destroyed that temple as retaliation for what they did to the Church of the Holy sub liquor, and whatever remains of Christian life. And on top of that, the Christians did not have any idea of the sanctity of any of the area of Jerusalem outside of the churches that they had built. So what did the Christians do to the area where the Dome of the Rock exists now that Jewish people call temple mount that Muslims of course refer to as but the Sahara, and the area of the Dome of the Rock, you know what, you know what the Romans did to it, they turned it into the filthiest dumpster

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in Jerusalem.

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So the Christians had no need for the area of an axon, or the area of the dome with the Dome of the Rock currently is they turned it into the dumpster of Jerusalem, and miraculous instructed that when you throw your rotten corpses, throw them in that area, and there are other nastier details about what they would cast there that I don't care to mention, because there are children here. But let me just say that they cast everything nasty that they could think of in that area because they wanted to humiliate the Jews who allied with the Persians. So they went back to persecuting the Jews, and, of course, humiliating that area. Because to them, the Christians this also had no meaning. Church

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of the Holy appliquer has meaning to us, this whole area over here we don't care about so it's a dumpster to us. And that is the way that they treated it. Now the profit slice of them is in Medina. And when the profit slice alum would next see Jerusalem, as far as we know, is a very interesting place. Can anyone tell me a narration where the Prophet slicin would see clicks in Medina and particularly, anyone know?

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What is it?

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When did the prophets lie some see a vision of Jerusalem again in Medina

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when he was in the ditch,

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the the the when the zap had gathered against the Muslims in Medina, and they built the fund when they built the trench, and the Prophet sly Southern was hitting the stone. And Allah subhana wa tada showed the prophets lie some of the palaces of the world and in one narration, particularly the prophets lie some saw and let's say he saw Yemen, he saw Abyssinia, he saw Persia he saw the mesh he saw, he saw all of these palaces around the world. And then when after he's born, the hypocrites made fun of the Prophet slice of them, said, Look, these people can't even they can't even use the bathroom. This was the word that the hypocrites said amongst themselves. They said well, so last

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night someone and his followers can't even use the bathroom without fearing for their lives and he's promising them what he's promising them Jerusalem and Yemen and Abyssinian he's making all these lofty promises to them. Allah was the one making the promises right 10 minutes Kadima tour Ambika said fun one Adnan lamb with normal body ready Kalamata he right Allah's word will come true. Yana sola, your followers that are with you will all go to these places and indeed those that narrated the heavy This is one of the things that I had heard about him Allah mentions it's very special. All of those that narrated the Hadith about the Prophet slice, I'm seeing those places where amongst the

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Sahaba that went to one of those places. So

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anomaly a lot of time and of course, most famously, of course, would be the conqueror of the same place that he left seeking Allah's guidance. So the Prophet slicin saw Jerusalem from the ditch of in Medina, when they were about to be massacred. He saw its palaces as well. The next incident that we see in the build up to almost all the old town and homecoming, is one miraculous, sees a dream about the profit slice alum and miraculous, had just, you know, if you look in the in the biography of miraculous, his most famous accomplishment is that he brought back the cross. He rescued the cross. And that was in the year 628. He brought back the True Cross. So he was held by Christians as

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the savior of the True Cross, which is a pretty big deal, right? No sooner did he returned to Jerusalem, except that other soufiane was in front of him.

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Because for they be a happened right after that. And miraculous is like, Who are you people?

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And is there a prophet that came amongst you? Tell me about this prophet and the famous incident of miraculous quizzing. Abu Sufyan about the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, takes place literally right after he brought the True Cross vector Jerusalem. And that was a sign that this message that has spread in Mecca, is on its way to Jerusalem as well and miraculous knew it. He knew that in his lifetime, he was going to have to confront this message. spamela. So the True Cross was rescued literally the same year as for the BIA, or other stuff, pianos in front of her Oculus, and he sees the dream about the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And he questions about Sophia about the spread of

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Islam, and particularly about the ethics of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, where Abu Sufyan was forced to tell the truth about the ethics of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is sort of the build up to the historical part of this before the prophets license death when it comes to Jerusalem when it comes to Palestine. And of course, a sham as a whole. By the way, just as a side note, if you read about the history of miraculous, you'll actually see that he was someone who was considered to be at odds with the church at the time, because he held on to certain theological views that made him sort of an outcast, so he had a tension with the church. And that was when you

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when you look into the history of that dispute. It's very interesting, because the Christians were still trying to figure out now that the church had decided that Jesus and God were one. They had to work out all of these issues verses in the Bible that suggests separate entities. Okay, so if Jesus and God are one, then what do we do about the verses in the Bible where Jesus clearly refers to the father as other than himself? And this was a particular school of thoughts, that was outlawed. It's considered the last of the issues that the Roman Church shut down, right, which was the issue of whether or not Jesus had his own human will or if there were two wills the will of God and the will

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of Jesus. Okay, the will of human Jesus and the will of the Divine or is there just one will so miraculous was actually at odds with the church as well, at this time. Now, obviously, finally, the prophets lie Selim giving the Sahaba all of these narrations about going to an auction. And the reason I say this is very interesting, because the profit slice that I'm set to them out of the handle oenothera 30 massages,

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you take journeys to three messages. You should undertake a journey only to three messages, Mecca, Masjid haraam, the message of the Prophet sly Salaam, and the masjid Aqsa, so the Prophet slicin I'm pushing them and prompting them to go and pray in Al Aqsa, and of course, the narration, which has some disputants chain with the Prophet sly, some said in the narration and they must have been sad. If you can't go there, then at least send some oil to light up its lamps but keep yourself connected to aleksa and make your way to an axon. Now comes the time of Amara Pablo, the Allahu taala animal. And since we're talking about almost all the Allahu anhu I want you to appreciate for a moment how

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much of a snam spread at the time of Amara remember the dream we talked about last last week, the water spreading throughout the world. So I'm going to name some countries for you modern day countries, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Mahara, and even part of Pakistan. All of that came under Islam and the feed off of Ramadan, the alongside on

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how many of you are covered in those countries?

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that I just mentioned, your ancestors, all of that, in the time of honorable the Allah

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Subhana Allah, what a man what a what a blessing, what a prophecy of the dream of the Prophet slicin um, that the water would spread and the time of almost all the time. Throughout the earth, the Muslims defeat the Persians.

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First the most arrogant, brutal Empire in the world, the Muslims were able to defeat them in one year. One year, the Persians did not even take the Muslim seriously they thought it was a joke. Wonder if you have no amateur the bedwin came standing in front of gruesome these pompous rulers. They thought it was a joke like you Bedouins from the desert think that we should take you seriously tried to kill the profit slice I'm trying to make an example out of the Muslims, the entire Persian Empire collapsed at the hands of the Muslims under all model the Allahu anhu in one year.

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So this is after that the Battle of fazia, multiple territories, then the Byzantines, the Roman Empire. Okay. And particularly the most consequential battle with the Roman empire that changed things was the Battle of government. So if you read about the Battle of yarmulke, once the Muslims won the battle of Yarmouk, then it was a sign that the rest of the Empire was going to fall to the Muslims as well, that this battle was also going to end with the Muslims in charge of all of the contested territories between them and the Romans. So the Muslims have defeated the Persians under on little the lavonne. They are cutting in the heart of the Byzantines now where they've cut up the

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territories of the Roman Empire of the Byzantines at this point. And Jerusalem in particular acquits is now under siege from all directions. It's under siege from all directions, the Muslims have taken Damascus, they have taken Muslim, they have taken Egypt, they have taken the land of Jordan. And they are now surrounding Jerusalem, from all ends, but they don't want to spill blood in

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the Muslims. We're not looking for the spilling of blood in Jerusalem. And so as they are surrounding it from all of these different directions, when the Muslims enter into the modern area of rehab, Jericho, the patriarch of Jerusalem, who is a very important figure, his name is sophronius sophronius. So fronius is considered a saint in the Catholic Church. He's the patriarch of Jerusalem, who's mentioned all the famous narrations with almost all the Alonzo, knowing what the Persians did to Jerusalem. What do you think he did? smart man, he took the cross because that's their most sacred relic and he sent it secretly to Constantinople, Istanbul. Now, this is before

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Mohammed the Fattah. So he wanted to save the cross, in case they come in and do to us what the Persians did to us, because we've heard about their eyes. And we've heard about their justice. We've heard about the ways that they have dealt with these different places, but just in case, let's protect our relics. And they had fortify Jerusalem, so Well, after what happened with the Persians, because they were so worried about what would happen to them, should this type of situation arise? So So fronius is stalling the conquest of Jerusalem and in the meantime, trying to evacuate the relics of Christianity out of fear that maybe the Muslims will be treacherous and do to us with the

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persons that to us as well.

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And in the meantime,

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the communication starts, how long were the Muslims camped outside of Jerusalem, apparently, they were a patient army. They didn't go in and just massacre people or kill anyone, for months. For whole months, the Muslims were camped around outputs. And the negotiations took place with the patriarch of Jerusalem in particular, who's who is known as a noble man. And someone that wanted to secure more than anything else. His religious heritage, didn't care as much for the political dominance of the Byzantines, as much as he cared for the church, the cross, the ability for Christians to be able to practice their faith, that's what he was concerned about. They didn't like

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the you know, the the politics of the Byzantines anyway. So the communication begins between sophronius and the Muslims. And so fronius feels throughout this conversation that the Muslims really don't want to kill anybody. They're not trying to spill blood in a place that's holy to them. They're trying to make this a bloodless transfer as well.

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And this communication is a fascinating communication. The Muslims send this message that we're willing to let you practice your faith. We're willing to let you have your churches, we won't touch any any of your relics, you'll pay the jizya you'll have our protection, the jizya is lower than this account. So Panama think about that the justice of Islam as it's being communicated to him as well. The tax that you will pay that exempts you from serving in the Muslim army and defending a religion and an empire now that you don't necessarily believe in or hold to be sacred, the tax that you will pay for that protection is less than what the Muslims pay and Zika sounds like a great deal

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right. So So fronius is communicating with Aveda and Angela, something very interesting here. That happens.

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There's a companion whose name is shot, heavy shot heavy Johana for the Allahu taala. And who, by the way, is one of the first he's one of the earliest Muslim Cheb heavy, while the Allahu Allah and His Syrah up until like, after the death of the Prophet slicin is basically silent. He was a brilliant warrior, a brilliant commander, he says, Listen,

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you know, I'm, you know, we're getting a little tired of some of these demands. And then the last demand in particular was, we want the halifa. So franja said, I want the halifa of the Muslims to come and assume the keys of Jerusalem. Send me I'm gonna hop on the allow this man who we have heard so much about this man who he mentioned, this is very interesting. He said, The one who is spoken about in our scripture should come and assume what is rightfully attributed to him. And what that means is that cabinet bought all the Allahu taala and who became a Muslim, he was a Jewish rabbi that would become Muslim later. He said that in the Scriptures, it was said that the follower of the

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prophets accom would take the keys of Jerusalem with patch garments and high ethics, past garments and high ethics.

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So so fronius interpreted that to be on little the Allahu taala. and rightfully so he said, Send the one about whom we hear about His justice. And we'll give him the case, shall have he said, you know, what, why don't we send kind of didn't really follow the law.

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And tell them it's Alma.

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He's big. I mean, he's physically the size of someone that could be, you know, you can maybe interpret him to be homeless. And he can go and he can handle this affair for us. And, you know, he had a similar appearance, apparently to Ahmed all the time. And that didn't work at all, because by that point, they said, what kind of little the law I know became famous in the show. Why the Battle of the battles? I mean, he's this hero in all of these battles, you have a MOOC included, so no, like, it's this isn't gonna work, right? So. So fronius didn't fall for it. The Byzantines didn't fall for it. They said, Listen, we want hometel, the alone time to come some more context to this,

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that the scholar is mentioned. So fronius was aware of a pact that amarvilas made and was signed by Omar to the Christians of Egypt. The treaty with the people of Egypt, was that this is what I'm going to ask gives to the people of Egypt in terms of an M in terms of security, guarantees the protection of their lives, the protection of their religion, the protection of their wealth, the protection of their churches, the protection of their crosses, the protection of their land, the protection of their sea, and the one who signs this treaty is protected by Allah protected by the Messenger of Allah protected by a mere mean, the commander of the believers all model the law, and

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the believers as a whole and the movement as a whole. So panela Egypt under the Muslims became a place in which Christianity thrived.

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books about Christianity were written scholars of Christianity developed in Egypt under Muslim rule. So fronius wants this type of a pact. He wants this type of a guarantee for Jerusalem, from Allah, Allah, Allah tada and husaberg VEDA. He tries his last 10, he meets with sophronius, the patriarch, and he meets with the elders of a sham and he tries to assure them he says, Listen, at this point, now he's the Emir of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, all of these different places. Then we destroy any churches. Then we take any crosses. Did we betray our covenants? No. So he's able to assure him with all these things, but so fronius insists it's got to be almost all the law No. So anyway, Aveda

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writes the letter to honorable hospital, the Allahu taala. And to come to an inviting him to come to Jerusalem and saying the patriarch insists, we will have a bloodless transfer, but you need to come take the key you're written in their scripture, they know of your justice, they want your assurance. Here's a question that I have for you. How many times that are not all the a lot of time unbeliev Medina, in his entire khilafah

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iraq iran, the Persian Empire, right I'll never

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he only left for this occasion for Jerusalem. And then he was on his way. When the plague hit when I'm last hits. And when I'm was hit when the plague kid, he turned around all the time because of the famous conversation between him and aboard Aveda and Angela, alongside I know, there are other reasons for this in the political wisdom of our model, the lowdown on not only a lot of time and hope, said I want to keep the senior Sahaba with me in Medina, Medina needs to leave to remain as the core of my oma. So as Islam is spreading so rapidly. I need the senior Sahaba around me and he would only send the Sahaba as generals this

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Senior Sahaba as generals to conquer certain lands or to open certain lands or he would appoint them as governors and even then a lot of the law would summon them regularly to check upon them. So the law wanted to maintain the core of the seniority of the Sahaba in Medina around he wanted to keep that with him and that's a central command and that was part of his diplomacy. The other thing that the scholars mentioned Pamela, which is that almost all the law just really loved Medina.

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And if you think about Omar all the Allahu anhu his greatest desire was what was to die in Medina as a Shaheed wasn't that the vomit all the time, I know that I used to ask Allah subhana wa tada for a Shahada to feasibility valid and even better than

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that Allah gives me Shahada and the city of the prophets lie some people would say to almost all the law, come on, have some of the Alon Come on dead, right? How are you going to die? So Hayden Medina, the wars are taking place all over the place. Nothing's happening in Medina. And he knew that Allah subhanaw taala would fulfill his intention, if he was sincere enough. So Allah did not want to leave Medina because he wanted to die in Medina, he didn't want to go die in Persia or die in a sham, he wanted to die in Medina. And that was his wish. And Allah subhanho wa Taala would answer his drought. Of course, the last thing is that almost all the time, is 60 years old. Now. He's not a

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young man anymore, to where, you know, it's it's easy for him to go out in these different places and these different journeys. So that's one of the things that they're not mentioned, as well. So it's the political instability as well as the personal connection that he has to Medina. And he wants to keep it so what does he do? He consults? Or if not an early, may Allah be pleased with them, a sign of the Divine transfer to take place with one of our philosophy and he brings forth or if not an alley, and he consults them about what he should do. It's phenomenal the amount of time and he said, Yeah, I mean, money is not a good idea. Don't leave Medina because that will leave

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Medina vulnerable, the enemies will take advantage of it. And a plot will, you know, will ensue on the inside of Medina. And who knows what could happen from there. I'm not all the time who asked I need all the law, I know what he thought, and Subhanallah Allah or the Allahu taala and hosts number one advisor, contrary to propaganda, is number one advisor was ideal The last time the person he asked for more details for more consultation, the person he did shoot with most was an even be thought about the law of

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multiple incidents of this. He asked how do you know the law of town and how should I go to now one and fight against the Persians? I needed to be alone. I said, I don't think it's a good idea. So he actually was going to go to Persia, fight the Persians and I need all the law and was the one who held them back the history calendar, that on little the law of time established, he established that after asking ideal the law on what do you think when should we start the calendar from

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and it was at his opinion that Omar with may Allah be pleased with them in which you have the heads on the calendar that was established at that time. So he takes him very seriously. multiple things, and I need all the time. He said to him, Yamuna momineen This is a special opportunity. This is the place that our Prophet sallallahu wasallam had great ambitions for it's worth the risk and shot let's Allah we will take care of things here. Go out and receive the keys of Jerusalem, especially if there's something scriptural to this, right, like go out and receive the keys of Jerusalem.

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And guess who I need all the Allah Guess who I'm going to be alone on well appointed and charged with Medina, I need all the Aloha. So Ali actually stepped in at the command of Allah as the substitute Khalifa

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while he went out to Jerusalem to receive the keys. So I know the last time he was placed in charge of at Medina, by Amaro the law on the law, and he makes his way out to Jerusalem. Now here comes the most interesting part. Weren't they worried about political instability? So shouldn't he take like a really strong posse, or really big army with him to go out to Jerusalem all the time, and who decides to make this entire journey, the man who would sleep out in the open on his shoes, he makes this entire journey with one camel and one servant and no army with him.

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He goes out carrying his sword,

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and he has the sandals. And he has one camel, and one servant, and Bismillah let's make our way to Jerusalem. No one else Follow me. Spanish.

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He goes out to Jerusalem. And I want you to imagine the description of how he looked all not all the time and who did not wear a turban on the Aloha and who did not wear a helmet so his head was bare. And yes, by the way, on the lower end, who was bald?

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

Okay. So I'm under the law and he left his head exposed.

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Which, of course, you know, for a royal occasion at the time, I mean, some how long these were things that were significant, right. But this was the humility of our model, the Allahu taala. And what came naturally to him, the garment that he wore. Remember, we talked about that incident between him. And so the mount will be a lot of time on him about the garment that he had, where he merged them together. The garment that almost all the time who was wearing was a white garment and then had 17 patches on it. patches, meaning there's the replaces in the garment that ripped, it was a wool garment that ripped and he patched it together in those places. And the description of its

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panela the description of it is it was disproportionately on his left side, or on model the law did not even care about the color of the patching. You know, usually when you want to patch your garment, you patch it with the same color. Right? It wasn't in fashion, to just be random with your colors on model the law, passed it with whatever colors he could find. So his garment was beat up. He's not wearing a turban or a helmet. He has absolutely nothing to suggest royalty and he goes traveling in the desert alone, the most powerful man in the world takes a trip from Medina to Jerusalem by himself with a servant's with no army, hearing no one but Allah subhanho wa Taala and

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without any of the appearance of a dignitary of the time to go assume the keys of Jerusalem.

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Think about that.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:34

It gets better. Almost all the time I'm home. He tells the servant he says listen,

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you and I are going to take turns. We're going to split this trip 5050

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you ride the camel 50% of the time I ride the camel 50% of the time. So for half of this trip on model the law on who's going to pull in the desert.

00:36:51 --> 00:36:54

The reins of this camel while the servant sits on top.

00:36:55 --> 00:37:22

And they're going to take turns because that was the other that was the justice of honor mahabodhi Allahu taala and Hans panela one of the directors that he used to make while the Allahu taala and he's to say Allah. So Beaman unguided assuming luck, I said Oh Allah purify my thobe from being made of any of the money of the Muslims meaning that you know he talked about Amanda here like the trust here like let it be purified of any cheating in its any deception in it.

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And they make this journey

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as they are making this journey on model the Alon, huzzah Jerusalem, him in the servants

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they start to get closer to Philistine

00:37:37 --> 00:37:42

the servants it's his turn to get on the camel and on little the a lot of time. I'm gonna pull based on the way that it was divided

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on the line and says, you know on the camera,

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we're about to enter into Philistine it's the big moment, right? They wake up that morning and a little Delano says Your turn.

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And he says, Yeah, I mean, I mean,

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they're not waiting for me young. They're waiting for you. Not waiting for me. Like Come on. Like it's okay. I understand. I get it. It's already generous of you enough that you split this 5050 for this entire journey. On model the Allahu insists he says Get on the camel. I'm gonna pull the rain. It's 5050 We agreed half half. And he said and there is Leeman Amana

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said honor is to the one who fulfills their trusts. Again a man of Amana and you wonder where I'm gonna have another disease, while the Alon who would get it from Pamela his grandfather said no, his honor, is to the one who fulfills this trust. I don't care if people are waiting on me and they see me pulling a camel Who cares? It gets worse. They're walking into Philistine and armadyl. The low on who falls in a puddle of mud Allah decreed it that way.

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So this white garment that already had 17 patches on it is now covered in mud. Because I'm literally alone on who accidentally stepped into a puddle of mud. Okay, now this is getting embarrassing, right? Just so you don't blame the Sahaba with with the famous incident that we know is coming up you can imagine the scene by the time all the law and who gets there the people have lined the streets to watch the reception of the key given from the hand of the patriarch so fronius to role model the local town and how they have lined the street for miles. People are standing in their balconies they are looking on to see who is this great man that never leaves Medina that we've heard

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about now because Islam has spread to all of the areas around us. Who is this great man that we're going to see?

00:39:38 --> 00:39:59

So the Sahaba they go out to meet online all the time. And he arrives first and foremost in the area of a jabya does anyone know where a Java is? Today? It's actually the Golan Heights illegally occupied Subhana Allah May Allah liberated also stolen from the Muslims. He arrives in a Javea which is modern date.

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The Golan Heights. And this is right as he is about to make his entrance into Jerusalem, some of the Sahaba come to meet him, as he's about to come in about a beta Java or the Allahu anhu season. And he says, Yeah.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:30

Can you change? Can we get you some armor? Can we go buy you something? Can we put a helmet on you? He's starting to argue with him to say, you know, why don't you wear something that's more befitting?

00:40:31 --> 00:40:56

ameerul momineen, right, the halifa the Muslims that's going to come and receive the keys of Jerusalem. Now, by the way, does he have a point? Yes, he has a point. There's a good intention and he has a good point. But Subhana Allah, Allah has created different people for different times. All the time, and he responds with the most famous answer that we have ever heard. National common as an Allah, Islam.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:00

What entertainer is that really other than Allah?

00:41:02 --> 00:41:05

We are a people who Allah has honored through Islam.

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When we seek it through anything else, Allah will humiliate us.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:18

That statement, you wonder what almost all the olana would say to us today, if we presented our condition to him.

00:41:19 --> 00:41:38

He would seek his advice. The same man that told sir there'll be a lot of time when he assumed the governorship of Iraq half of Allah Salah the first order for you is maintain your prayers because if you lose that, then you lose everything else. What does he tell the Muslims? He says we're a people that Allah honor through Islam, you're worried about their perception, you're worried about the way they're gonna see us.

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If we seek honor through them, Allah will humiliate us. Now by the way, of our VEDA, the Allahu taala. And if you remember his Syrah, was one of the poorest of the Sahaba was the commander of the Muslims the mean of this ummah,

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and had absolutely no personal desire himself.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:23

In fact, Amaro the Alon who used to kiss his hands, and model the Allahu anhu told about Aveda, if you remember he said, let me visit your home. You know you're in a sham, you're the immune of a sham this entire area. Let me come visit your home, away the left and he said you want to come cry? You want to come see my house and cry. He said, Come on over. And what happened I'll be alone. I walked into the house of our VEDA and he started to weep.

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Because he said you know where's your food? Where's your Where are your pots? Where are your pans? Don't you have anything available the alarm who lived in a little tent and he had nothing with him? And he said I told you you were gonna cry. And I'm not all the alarm who said via Ratna Jr. Kulina later, kay Aveda Jr, changed all of us except for you all barbado. So this is not personal. This is a methodology issue. I'm not only allow animals making a point here to the Sahaba that we're not going to give into their pompous nature. We're going to be ourselves.

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And I'm coming into Jerusalem this way. So after they argued with almost all the allotted time, and there were other people, by the way, yes, even Abby, Sophia, entrepreneurs, others that try to get on board all the time to change his appearance. And he said, Nope, I'm going in like this.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:14

Come with me or stay back.

00:43:16 --> 00:43:21

And there comes a little the law on her walking into Jerusalem, still with the servant on his Campbell

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with a white garment, with 17 patches, covered in mud.

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And the people are just looking and saying what in the world is this?

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Who is this man?

00:43:35 --> 00:44:07

What is this religion? What are these ethics and Subhana Allah, whoever humbles himself for Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah elevates them. Immediately, all of the people started to praise the humility of our model the law, like this man is different. This is the most powerful man in the world. And this is the way that he carries himself. And so fronius the patriarch, he says, literally have to send them in quotes.

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To a man like this, Jerusalem is handed over. He's happy subpanel I mean, this is incredible. Look at this man. Look at his humility, look at his justice. And so fronius the patriarchy said to all model, the Allahu anhu. And he wasn't just praising him. He said, with the leader like you, your people will never be defeated. Panama sada told the truth said with a leader like you, your people will never be defeated in anything. And almost all the time it enters in and that was a momentous day of the entrance of our model the whole time the people are watching now, this entire ceremony that has to unfold. Now before anything is handed over. The first thing that is done is that almost

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all the time, and so fronius have to sign some paperwork.

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And that is the pact of almost all the Allahu taala and what's known as

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Rotella Maria, the pact of a model the alliance between the Muslims and the Christians. Now, by the way, the way that it's introduced the Panama bissman document, Rahim had an idea he Abdullah, In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. This is a promise a covenant that is given from the slave of Allah. Ahmed, I'm gonna turn on the commander of the Muslims immutable meaning, even some of the way he's writing the pact is not one of them of any type of pompous nature. And the pact has been brought together by numerous historical sources. But the gist of that pact is obviously one where there are concessions that are going to be made by the Christians in Jerusalem,

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in exchange for the protection of their lives and the protection of their churches and the protection of their crosses, and their security. Right. So you can have bits and pieces of this documents that are construed There's a wonderful paper on it that we haven't yet been and hamdulillah that was written by Dr. Tess Niemann pick which is religious minorities under Muslim rule where she dissects this this document a bit. But at the end of the day, it's a pact between our model the Allahu taala and, and the patriarch of Jerusalem at the time. And SubhanAllah. This should be mentioned, one of the conditions that the Christians put on the Muslims was that almost all the

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time who would not allow the Jews that they expelled to come back?

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Why because they personally, again, they were at war, the Christians and the Jews were at war with one another all the time and allowed them to have free access to visit their place of worship. And he returned according to most of the sources, about 70 Jewish families to Jerusalem at the time.

00:46:49 --> 00:46:55

The Justice of our model, the law of China, doesn't disappoint the appearance of our model the law and who doesn't disappoint.

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The relationship between him and sophronius is on display for everyone. So if you're in Jerusalem at the time, you're watching, the leader of the Muslims walk now with the patriarch of Jerusalem, and he's literally giving him a tour of inputs. He's showing him around Jerusalem, he takes him to where the holy sub liquor,

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the holiest site in Christianity. Now at ease of who this man, although the Allahu taala and who is sophronius gives on top of the Allahu taala and remember, this was the man that tried to get the cross out of Jerusalem because he just wondered maybe just maybe they'll treat us the way the Persians treated us.

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So fronius actually gives him the keys to the church

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almost all the time and gives it to the Muslims and a lot of the law angle gives him a promise of its Amana This is one of the most beautiful things Subhana Allah, that till today, one singular family, a Muslim family has held the keys to the holiest site in Christianity. They're actually known as ad no slaver who's no se but no cevennes Karen Amara, Allah, the Allah and her her son, Abdullah was one of those that entered into Jerusalem with the Muslims. And his family assumed the keys of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Until today, every morning, a man from that family goes and opens that church for the Christians.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:38

You can actually it's there, there have been documentaries about this demand today. His name is Eddie Judah, who literally a Muslim man goes every day and opens the Church of the Holy appliquer for the Palestinian Christians to go and to access that church. And by the way, one of the things that historians mentioned is that this solved a lot of interest, Christian dispute.

00:48:40 --> 00:49:20

Why because the denominations would fight over who gets to hold the keys to the church. So panela, the profit slice on in fact to knock out one of the first things the prophets lie some solved was that only one family is in charge of the keys of the Kaaba, no one else gets to take it. There's something symbolic about who holds the keys, right? That was the wisdom of the prophets, I seldom hear the wisdom. And the amount of the Muslim shines that the Muslims would never betray that amount of the keys of the Church of the Holy appliquer the holiest sites in Christianity, till now, as we said, The Judah and that family Admiral Sabre holds that key, then of course, the famous incident

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takes place where, where the other end of the hook comes in the time of the hook comes in the patriarch in an act of friendship, right? They are now bonding. This is a panel on momentous occasion there's and and you know, if you think about even from a political perspective, the more that almost all the Alonzo likes him, the easier life is going to be for his community, which is now assuming a secondary status, they're no longer going to be in charge here. So when the time of Salah comes, what is he saying? He says, Why don't you pray in our church?

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Great symbol, right? Go ahead and pray in our church. I mean, the leader of the Muslims praying in the holiest site of Christianity.

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They're almost all the time and I'll respond and say no, because this is a place of comfort and, you know, absolutely not forget you And no matter what the Lord said, Listen, hear me out. There are people in the home of the prophets lie some that were what Moe had spoken to people divinely inspired. SubhanAllah their vision is incredible. I modeled the law and said, If I pray here, the Muslims are going to turn this place into a message in one day.

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Years later, Muslims are gonna come and they're gonna say Amina Nene prayed here. Therefore, this is our place. This is a message this is not a church anymore. So I'm not the alarm who said let me step out and pray outside so that people can't claim your religious place later on. So my community doesn't steal your church later on.

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And on model the law on who knows how much we love him. Because what happened, he goes outside. And literally the place that he prayed is now Moses.

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A message was built 100 feet away from the Holy Sepulchre called message Alma and every day so panela you know, may Allah I know some of you have been able to see it. Allah Subhana Allah all of us to be able to experience it, but it's it's a fascinating sight. I mean, even the images, right, you know, you got the message of making them they're facing the holiest site in Christianity. And guess what? They're all Palestinians. That's probably something that you're not told much in the media today, right. So Pamela, the wisdom of our model, the allowance.

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But then comes the other.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:33

This is something so Pamela that

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I want us to actually think about for a moment, this meeting in Jerusalem was a reunion of Sahaba. A lot of these companions hadn't seen each other for a very long time, think about who is there rather than jumping aboard beta

00:51:49 --> 00:52:17

hydroxybutyrate with eat, I've been shot heavy, Bilal even Rama, Rama rhodiola han from edge marine are gathered in this place that they used to hear about in Mecca and Medina and he used to pray to words because all of them were from a soggy corner alone they were all from the first they all pray towards Jerusalem as early Muslims and now they're gathered in Jerusalem talk about a surreal moment. And Subhanallah this was a reunion of sorts for them. They have not been together like this

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since Medina, and now they're all together in Jerusalem.

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And our model the Allahu tada and when he saw it out or the Alo on home before we even talked about the advanced story, or model the Allahu anhu embraced him for a long time.

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And they both cried. Okay, so what's narrated is that they hugged think about the meaning of Allah and beloved without all the law and who disappeared after the death of the prophet SAW Selim, he went out in jihad, but he didn't want to be anywhere near Medina. Omar doesn't leave Medina he hasn't seen Buddha for all of these years.

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So he hugs without all the law and when they both cry, and Amaro the law and who says to be done, and I actually want to quote the words because the words are significant. Now somehow, even to me, every time you read these incidents, something else pops out to you. He said, Yeah, Buddha had the young woman, a young fella. This is one of the days of the days of Allah. When Allah says the kid home be a young lad like there are days in history that don't come back.

00:53:19 --> 00:53:33

When you look throughout history, there are a few days that stand out. Yeah, that we are in one of the most momentous days in the history of the world. How that young woman a young man at the Nanaia Villa, can you make them for us a little bit?

00:53:34 --> 00:53:48

That's his introduction. But that'll be Ella Han, who says, like, I have to add an FCI that I took a promise on myself, that I will never do a dance for anyone after the profit slice. I can't do it anymore.

00:53:49 --> 00:54:04

It was a promise that I made that if it's not a solo slice, I'm saying to me as the newbie that I can't do it anymore, I will never do it again. Until I meet the profit slice on them. I took a promise. I'm not on the other hand, who pushes him

00:54:06 --> 00:54:13

you know what he says to get out of the law amongst the things. He says in the hole you free her Rasul Allah, this would make the Prophet happy.

00:54:14 --> 00:54:41

So he talks to him with the love that he has of the Messenger of Allah, hi, Sam, you're holding back out of your love of the messenger. So I send them this would make the Prophet slice unhappy. And if he were here, he would have ordered you to do the same. He would have asked you everything to be done. You think of the Prophet slice of them who ordered you to make the event and Mecca and then in Medina and none of the other Sahaba had the honor of being ordered to do so first you think that the prophets lie Selim would have passed you up if he were here as the nun

00:54:42 --> 00:54:45

without please make them for us.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:50

And so without all the amount of time and who goes to make the

00:54:51 --> 00:54:58

photo Mecca, the first person to make a run in Medina and by the way, who had the dream of billable the law on homemaking.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

Under the law and when Medina he was one of the two that had the dream of the event being made. So this is a connection between online and below as well.

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And now Jerusalem, the first Muslim that's gonna go up there and say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, inadequates in Jerusalem,

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and one below the Allahu taala. And who got up to make the other, all of the Sahaba cried, including the novel, the ally, hearing his voice in this place, or the Sahaba together. And they said, Subhanallah, that our model, the law, on that day, wept so much that he fell to his knees while blood was giving the other and the Sahaba were consoling him.

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Why? Because suddenly, this wasn't Jerusalem anymore. This was Medina.

00:55:48 --> 00:56:22

It took them back. They were remembering their time with the prophets license. They had not had this moment, for decades now. Where the land is giving a damn. And Pamela took our model the law on her back on little the law and who fell to his knees when he realized the prophets lie some died, fell to his knees literally fell to his knees after all of this walking with the patriarchy and going through this one, but not all the law on who made the other or not, or the one who could not hold himself anymore. That's how a lot This marks the two most momentous Salas and this place,

00:56:23 --> 00:56:25

the gathering of the prophets.

00:56:26 --> 00:56:42

Imagine a gemera the gathering were also loss isonem is the Imam and praying behind the prophets I seldom is Ibrahim alayhis salaam, he Saudis musante his Salaam Yusuf Ali, his new and Islam Are you buddies that would

00:56:43 --> 00:57:14

imagine that jamara imagine walking into a masala and all of those people are praying behind one Imam and the Imam has also lost ISIS. That's the Salah that took place in that place that happened there. And now you have the second most noble Salah the gathering of the Sahaba of the Prophet slice on the moral model the law is the Imam and all of these people are praying behind on would have been hopped up about the Allahu taala and this was the place also that when the prophets lie some on the night of Islam and managed to believe it Salaam gave him to drink what milk

00:57:15 --> 00:57:36

and the dream of the Prophet slicin them when the milk was coming through his fingers was who was catching that milk. It was all not all the Allahu tada and and here's our model the law of town I'm now leading sulla in the same place, the Sahaba were the prophets lines on them let all of the prophets now model the Allahu taala and

00:57:37 --> 00:57:41

he wanted to know where exactly the prophets lie. Some love the Salah.

00:57:42 --> 00:58:04

So he asked the Looney Island mechanic, the Salafi Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam he's asking cabanon who knows the area a Jewish rabbi that became a Muslim scholar. He's asking him he's saying I want to know where the Prophet slicin him led his Salah I want to pray in that exact place that also loss is on prayed.

00:58:05 --> 00:58:39

Now at that time, that area was what? a dumpster it's Pamela it's a dumpster. And when all the law and who sees it that way or almost and the Muslims begin to clean up the dump themselves. So I'm going to get down with the Muslims with the Sahaba and they are cleaning up that area and capital the longtime being first Jewish and then Muslim he points to the area of the rock right? And a role model the amount of time who says no that's not it.

00:58:40 --> 00:58:52

And one narration he said it's your it's it's your ignorance are the days of ignorance that are taking a hold of you or it is your Jewish heritage. Maybe that's pointing you to that direction, but I'm looking for the place that the prophets lie some prayed.

00:58:54 --> 00:59:24

Take me to the place that the Prophet slicin prayed. And then Subhanallah in that place discovered that exact place where he would pray. And this is now a first the first time the Muslims can pray in Mecca publicly was because almost all the time I was walking in front of the Muslims in one line Hamza Well, the Allahu anhu. In the other, the first time Muslims could pray in Mecca publicly the first Muslim after the Prophet slicin to pray in Aqsa is almost the law.

00:59:26 --> 00:59:51

So think about that first. And this is the area of muscle, belly all of it is considered an oxide including the area of the Dome of the Rock. All of that is considered an officer role model the A lot of times I would pray in that place. Remember the moment where the Prophet slicin was praying in front of the cabinet towards and puts towards Jerusalem in the middle of the line who was trying to figure out who he was. Now he's standing in Jerusalem praying towards Mecca.

00:59:52 --> 00:59:59

First one to do this, because one of the prophets lie some did the night of the Southern mirage. Jerusalem was still the Qibla Amaro de la Anima

01:00:00 --> 01:00:07

stands in upwards facing towards Mecca, praying in that direction. What do you think he's going to read in that salon?

01:00:09 --> 01:00:11

It's pretty consequential, right?

01:00:12 --> 01:00:12

What does he read?

01:00:16 --> 01:00:18

I mean, one of them should be, give me

01:00:19 --> 01:00:20

What is it?

01:00:21 --> 01:00:24

surah tell israa. Obviously,

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the first or one of the suitors, the first thing that should come to mind this within Islam, but that's the surah he would read the second record, the surah where Allah talks about bringing his prophet slice alum here to this very place that I'm at all the time and was praying right now. In the first car he read surah SOT

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sudarsan has dimensions of that would only his Salaam and many of the happenings that took place in that area, but particularly there was one idea that armadyl the low tide and who read that shook him? Yeah, the woods in jamnagar. Halifax and Phil facon been a nurse he will help one at a time. Hello. Oh, that would we have made you a halifa in this earth.

01:01:07 --> 01:01:16

So rule between the people and justice and do not follow your desires all muddled the Allahu taala and was shocked when he read that verse and panela he's reading that in Aqsa.

01:01:17 --> 01:01:27

There's no structure yet, by the way. And he reads sorted. In the second one. I want to pause for a moment SubhanAllah. And as we wrap up,

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you know, there's the book 100 Most Influential People in history, written by Michael Hart. And the first person, of course, is Muhammad Sallallahu it goes on them. And that's something that was spoken about quite a bit. The only other Muslim that was mentioned there is I'm gonna look up all the time, or I'm sorry, the only of the Sahaba that's mentioned, there's a little the law of town and

01:01:48 --> 01:02:27

he's number 52 on that list. And of course, our lists are with Allah. He's number two in our list after the Prophet, slice alum, and apobec will be allowed to add on. But he writes about on little the length of time and he says almost achievements are impressive indeed. Because after Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, he was the principal figure in the spread of Islam. Without his rapid conquest, it is doubtful that Islam would be nearly as widespread today, as it actually is. Furthermore, most of the territory conquered his reign has remained as such ever since. And he says, obviously, Mohammed sly Salaam should receive the bulk of the credits for those developments, but it

01:02:27 --> 01:02:59

would be a grave mistake to ignore almost contributions, the conquests he made, were not an automatic sequence of the inspiration provided by Mohammed slice alum, but also under his brilliant leadership himself. It may surprise some that I'm a virtual unknown figure in the West has ranked higher on this list than people like Charlemagne and Julius Caesar. However, the conquests made Under Armour taking into account both their size and their duration are substantially more important than either of those two.

01:03:01 --> 01:03:08

We owe so much to our model the whole time, and it's powered on that particular moment, as well. Now, what does this mean for us?

01:03:10 --> 01:03:38

I don't know whether to read these verses with a sense of pride or the sense of shame. I honestly mean that Subhanallah when you read the verses and the stories, and then you go back to what's happening right now, in an axon, is it pride or is it shame is a pride in the moral system and the fact that when almost all the alarm enters and once a lot of Dena, UB a lot of a lot of time enters, we don't spill blood and do to others what has been done to us.

01:03:40 --> 01:04:13

We're not a people that defiled a sacred city. That's not who we are. The Justice, the ethics, the contracts, the oats, the way that people spoke about how they flourished and their civilizations under Muslim rule. Obviously, the next time that it would transfer out of the Muslim hands would be the crusades, by the way, and we know what the Crusaders did not just to Muslims, but to Jews and to other Christians as well. So there's the pride of it, but there is the absolute shame of it as well. And I want to mention pantalon conclusion, you know, it's been almost all the time and

01:04:15 --> 01:04:51

it's said about him that he used to travel from Medina to inputs just to pray to records and he was afraid of missing out on the reward to the extent that he would not even drink water when he was there. Because of the reward of that place the narration of the drop. So the man at his salon that our profit slice of themselves will allow you to have that musty that add on now you're either in la sala de la hora jam in the movie Keanu, what are the two omo that no one comes to this most it's seeking the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala except that they leave this place as pure as the day that their mother gave birth to them. The narration that I already mentioned about the oil in the

01:04:51 --> 01:05:00

lamps. There's another week narration Subhana Allah that whoever puts on the ROM from Jerusalem and makes his way to Hajj or Umrah will be forgiven.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

And for all of their sins and as I said, that's a weak narration. But Subhanallah we actually find people like what

01:05:07 --> 01:05:51

the teacher of any mama chef or you know Hema, hola Tada, who is authentically narrated to have made multiple cameras from that place wearing his ROM from an orchestra, seeking that reward of being in Jerusalem and then Mecca and then in Medina all at the same time, the prophets nice I'm saying that the Salah in oxide is akin to 500 prayers elsewhere. And the Sahaba and authentic narration from without all the time hotel covenant went to the law, he saw the law and he was lm A u of mn mestizo rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam MSG debated marketers we were mentioning in the presence of the Prophet slice Allah. Which of the two messages is better? the masjid of the Prophet slice

01:05:51 --> 01:06:33

Allah or Masjid Al Aqsa? And also Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Salatin famously had offered him an underbar Salatin fee that a Salah in this method of mine after him in Albury Salawat it's better than for prayers in mesilla oxa what an aromatic masala but what a beautiful and blessed place that it is to pray, whether you she can an akuna that allegedly, Mr. shaitaani fellow see he mean an utterly hateful yellow I mean, who beta luck does he hate en la mina dunya, Jimmy Iran, oh, call it his thought was somehow you don't mean ardunio mafia, there will come a day panela There will come a date the Prophet slicin himself, there will come a date that the most beloved thing in

01:06:33 --> 01:06:41

the world to a believer would be to have a piece of land where they could look out to an oxen

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and they would give up everything in the world for that opportunity. The whole dunya would be meaningless to them for the opportunity to have a piece of land where they could look out and they could see and Mazel oxide, and they could go out and they could pray and mustard lacasa panela what's at stake and share

01:07:03 --> 01:07:44

what's at stake in San Juan, what's at stake in these places that are being decimated every single day. And you think this is an issue of al Qaeda? I think this is an issue of Do you think this is just another political issue? This is an issue of creed for us. This is an issue of creed. For us. This is an issue of emaan. For us, this is an issue of faith for us, where the prophets lie some a saying that they will come somehow it's as if these speak to exactly what we witness that the most beloved thing in the world to a person would be to have that opportunity. And so do your brothers and sisters, we read about this and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to forgive us for our inability.

01:07:45 --> 01:08:25

And to make us amongst those that finer is is the way that Amaro the Allahu taala and who implemented the manifested found in Tyler is Anil Islam We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the piety of those people as they prayed in that blessing of gathering, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to liberate and master the lochsa We ask Allah Subhana Allah to liberate and mezakeh and what is around it. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to liberate it once again. And to allow for the Muslims to pray there in peace once again, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to restore the heirs of the Muslims through there is an Islam to honor us through Islam. We ask Allah subhanaw taala that what we have

01:08:25 --> 01:09:06

lost of territory, what we have lost of connection, what we have lost of Deen that Allah subhanaw taala restore it for us We ask Allah subhanaw taala to fill our hearts with faith, to fill our hearts with certainty to fill our hearts with that which is beloved to him. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to allow us to pray in our lifetimes in a liberated muscle. We ask Allah subhana wa tada that just as he gathered Omar and Buddha and other men are open hearted and Ahmed, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to gather us in that place. We ask Allah Subhana Allah that just as he gathered Mohammed sobre la hinein was suddenly Marie's and he has more certainly his salah and the prophets, we ask Allah

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subhanaw taala to gather us in that place, and to allow us to pray in that place to liberate it. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect our brothers and sisters who are losing their homes around the UK so we ask Allah subhana wa tada that through our das for their address for the calls upon him. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect those homes to protect those families who are clinging to the most beloved places on earth. In this moment, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to foil the plans of their oppressors we ask the last printouts of foil the plans of their occupiers We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect them, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant them the ability to

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persevere and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala not to make us amongst those the sinful and the passive, but instead to make us amongst those that are active in that work in the best of our ability and we ask Allah to forgive us for that which is out of our ability. When we ask Allah subhana wa Tada.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:22

To gather us, not just in an officer, the way that he gathered the profits, but together us with the profits. And we ask Allah subhana wa not just to gather us in the place where the Sahaba gathered us gathered, but to gather us with the Sahaba in the highest level of generative for the dose with the MBR with a sleight of hand with the Shahadat with the Sunday theme. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to grant us that place of full dose of Allah I mean, we'll set it down.

01:10:24 --> 01:10:27

Early, he was like me, ultramarine and Charlottetown

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