Omar Suleiman – If I was to die in one of these 3 moments – I would enter Paradise

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of being in a pleasing position for most of one's time is discussed, including the Prophet sall, the presence of a god within a person, and the importance of reciting the Quran in a daily or weekly manner. The speaker emphasizes the need to be prepared for the upcoming moon and to be prepared for the busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy. The importance of listening to the words of the Prophet's hand and connecting to them to determine one's heart is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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final messenger We ask Allah to send his peace and blessings upon him, the prophets and messengers that came before him, his family and companions that served alongside him, and those that follow in his blessed path until the day of judgment and we ask Allah to make us amongst them Allah Who mean their brothers and sisters, it is important for us as we are witnessing mortality, the way that we are witnessing it today, and witnessing the amount of Genesis that we are witnessing today, for us to remember something very important that while we ask Allah for personal hitam, for a good ending, that it would be unreasonable to ask Allah for a good death, if you're not living a good life.

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Essentially, what you want to do with yourself is put yourself in a position where the majority of your time is spent in a way that you would want the Angel of Death to meet you. And all of your time is spent in a way that you are taking into consideration that the angel of death may meet you at any time. And what that means is, for him, Allah to Allah divided them into do into two is that the majority of your time as much as possible is spent in actions that are pleasing to Allah subhanho wa taala. And none of your time is spent in actions that are displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala. Hence, make as much of your time as possible, in a way that you would be happy if the Angel of Death

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showed up to you right now. And you would say, Alhamdulillah I'm ready. I was in a state of listening to something good, reciting something good, doing something good, I was doing something that's pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala and that I want to meet my lord with and the believer is never heedless to a point that they engage themselves and that which they would be afraid to meet the angel of death with, and hence meet Allah subhanho To Allah with. And so you see these beautiful narrations of personality time of a good ending, from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and throughout our history, stories of scholars that died saying La ilaha illa

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Allah, why because they live saying La ilaha illa Allah stories of people that died in their sujood in their prostration why? Because they exerted themselves towards prostration all the time. That's not a person who is doing such that like the pecking of a rooster, that is a person who used to take their sujood seriously who used to go to their Sajida with a special longing for Allah and Allah gifted them with that ending riff might have been a farmer, the Allahu Taala and who, who died reciting the Quran reciting for say, a fika home Allah or who was semi or any in diverse inserter Batara was someone that was distinguished by reciting the Quran in its entirety on a regular basis

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on a daily basis. And so Allah allowed him to be met with depth at that moment, and there is a beautiful narration. I came across that I wanted to share today in that regard about the state of our hearts when death meets us, and it's a narration that's narrated in an Hakim by fall Thema binter, saying no ally. So this is the great granddaughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Fatima, the daughter of Ali, who is the son of Annie and Fatima May Allah subhanaw taala be pleased with them all, who narrates on behalf of our mother at Isha Radi Allahu Taala and her call it can who say didn't really mean a father in us that will say that laid the great companion of the

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prophets like Selim, one of the earliest unsolved of Medina who came to Mecca to embrace Islam early on, and they actually acaba that he was from the best of all people, and he used to say for Kenny a cool low enemy a corner camera Hakuna Mahana Harlem in Guadalajara if I was to be in any one of these three states, if I was to be in any one of these three states, lucquin to in a little Jana, what Marcia catuey Dalek, I know that I would be from the people of paradise, no doubt about it. If I was to die in one of these three states, I would know that I am from the people of Ghana and I would have no doubt about it. He said Hina Accra Al Quran, heinous metal, the moments that I'm

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reading the Quran are listening to the Quran. This is not reading the Quran and listening to the Quran while scrolling through your apps or having a bunch of background noise going on. Or, you know, just having it somewhere in the background No. Throughout the Quran, the tetherball what's difficult to sit down and to recite the Quran with contemplation and introspection. The brothers and sisters Ramadan is only three months away Allahumma Boliviana Ramadan, Allah Amin, and with the time that we have, we should push ourselves to do more than one hot

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them have Quran and Ramadan, a full recitation of Quran Ramadan, why not divide it from now and say I'm going to do 10 Jews for the next three months so that I have a hard time to work on Ramadan as well. Take time to read the Quran a daily portion of your time in Accra or Quran was marrow and tell me what the state of your heart is. When you're reading the Quran and there are no distractions. Tell me how your heart is like when you're listening to a beautiful recitation of the Quran. And there are so many beautiful Quran now that you can press play and be moved, your heart immediately moved and stunned by the recitation of the Quran. How much of that is your life? So that's his first

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State. He said the second one, were either Samara to hot butter, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam. When I listened to the hotbar, the sermons of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, obviously, we don't have the blessing of living amongst the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want you to think about the most righteous person you have ever been around. And of course only Allah knows the hearts. But you are around someone who you knew had a particular state with Allah subhanho wa Taala or right to scholar or a righteous worshiper, someone that's distinguished with their in their Ibadah their knowledge or their worship, and you spent some time with them. What was

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the state of your heart like? How was your Eman in those moments? How was your Eman in those moments their faith in those moments when you've had rights as companionship, as Imam Shafi Imola used to say Hambo Salah Hina Well, Estonian home Valley and Anala be him. Chef Farah said I love the righteous though I don't consider myself amongst them because maybe I'll gain their intercession they'll rub off on me. My Eman raises in the presence of certain people, and I might gain their intercession. Imagine what it was like to be around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the state of a person's Eman, sitting with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam listening to the

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horrors of the prophets Isola. So part of this is his presence it his salatu salam that is unmatched in any way whatsoever. The Sahaba would fear hypocrisy, because when they were with him, where were they hamdulillah hold the Allahu Anhu and then go back into saying NASA called me back because that will back him became a hypocrite handler became a hypocrite why? Because when we're with the prophets, why some Mr. Iman is here. And we can't sustain that. When we're away from him it his Salatu was set up. But that's not normal to sustain that anyway. Because if you were like that, you'd basically be an angel. You can't. But that's the presence of a righteous person amongst you,

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and whom are righteous and whose intercession is more sought than the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, but then listening to his words, I think his Salatu was set up the effect when you sit down and you listen to the all the sleight of hand, which we recite on normal on a normal basis on a nightly basis check so it just goes over. We also saw the Hain listening to the Hadith of the prophets of Allah who it was Sunday, as Imam had been every jamaa has in his matassa venerable hottie and a summary of the Sahaba demandable hottie and history of scholars that would read so he heard Buhari from cover to cover in hard times, as a means of lifting a hardship. May Allah bless

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Sheikh Amin and the brothers daughter possum, the scholars in Chicago when the pandemic started, they recited and Behati from start to finish because it's the words of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, the Hadith of the Prophet sly some of them and reading them brings about a peace of heart and a stillness around you. So connecting to the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is a precious sunnah. And the books like the other side of him were written so that people could take the virtues of it you don't have to wait for CSM to open it and read it for you read it yourself, have a portion of the other side of Hain which focuses on AlFalah and which

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focuses on the virtues and things that the average Muslim can benefit from read the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and read his Sierra and connect to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the first one is listening to the words of ALLAH and reciting the words of Allah. The second one is listening to the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and reciting the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, listen to the third one. He says the third one will either should hit to janazah

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when I am witnessing a janazah

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I had someone told me last week, I prayed more janazah in one month than I prayed in my entire life, and Allah I think viic We prayed more janazah and one month and we prayed for the existence of our entire community. It seems all of the janazah is we're witnessing. What is that doing to you? Where's your heart getting those janazah us

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As you're witnessing and praying those Janaza as he says, And he continues by the way, he says from Asha, head to Janaza 10 Caught to her death to Neff See, see well Now who am I've ruled on behalf wanna hear saw, you know tune in at every time I watch a janazah in front of me. I talked to myself this is now self talk, I talk to myself and I tell myself what the deceased is going through experiencing at the moment being carried from the hearse the car to in front of me, hearing the Imam above him saying Allahu Akbar whore times knowing that he's about to go to his grave and will hear the footsteps of the people walking away. I tell myself, I tell myself from the perspective of the

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person that is dead. What is happening to me right now. And I start imagining I am the one being pulled and what I'm about to experience, and what are my thoughts right now? What is it that I'm about to encounter? Those moments of witnessing the janazah and telling yourself that is me. And being able to put yourself in the position of the janazah

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rather than be robotic about it, rather than Okay, another Janaza Hola, hola, La Quwata illa biLlah rather than simply missing the person, if you knew the person who is in the Janaza Yeah, hola. That is me.

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That is me. And you start talking to yourself. I'm about to be put back in the car. I'm about to go to the grave. My my loved ones are about to bury me under the dirt. And I'm about to be visited by the two angels from Allah subhanho wa taala. You're telling yourself this is next. This is next. This is next. Dear brothers and sisters, that self talk does something to your heart. It puts your heart in the right place. And the more you're thinking about your own janazah, the better your janazah is going to be in sha Allah to Hana. The more you're telling yourself about the experience as you're watching someone else, go through it and preparing yourself for the mystery harder than I

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do. For this day. Prepare yourselves, the more ready you will be when you are actually the one being carried out of the car. And actually the one you've already rehearsed it. You know, when they show great athletes, by the way, a great NFL quarterback or a great basketball player, they show them on the court on the field on the practice field and they are rehearsing the game over and over and over and over again. How many times have you rehearsed your janazah

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as you watch the taking place in front of you. And may Allah subhanaw taala give us the best of endings. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah allow us to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him and make the best of our deeds, the last of them and make the best of our days the day that we meet Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanaw taala not make us amongst those who are unprepared? May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us amongst those who are always pleased and pleasing. Allah. Amin Apolo Coldharbour was Takala Iraq Melissa missing infrastructural, Navajo for rocking.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Karim Allah Allah He was actually here at Marin Allah Maha minion or not whether it was singing I will Muslim out of here even humble Anwar in Mecca Samia I'm sorry when would you without? Allah Muhammad Allah and Allah Hannah worked for an hour to live now with Donna alumna and fusina in Lancaster, Lana otter Hamner Lerner Conan the middle class rain the inner hella into Subhanak in Hakuna Managua the mean learn you know learn to Subhanak in there couldn't I mean avoid I mean either learn to Subhanak in there couldn't I mean a lot I mean Allahumma Bittner Angela melty Villa Ilaha illa Allah, Allah Azza Bittner and DynamoDB La

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Ilaha illa Allah La Mata Bittner Angela melty de la ilaha illa Allah Azza wa Idina Babraham Houma Kamara Bona see Laura Robin I have learned I mean as well as you know the reality now Kurata Aryan * Sakina Imam, Allah monsoon is one and most of our Athena three Masha Allah.

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Allah Marisa islam al Muslimeen Weathershield cover Cara been a woman eradicate wide Amina Vitamina original one and then him certainly mean about Allah and Allah hiya Sanwa eater the record about why an infection you will want to carry well, you're able to come in under come to the Coronavirus Corolla has gotta come wash crew who are the Nirma is it? What are the Corolla he Akbar? Allahu Ying Matheson, our own Latinas law

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