Omar Suleiman – The Faith Revival 10

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of catalysts in the actions of Allah during his time in office, including the use of words like "we" and "we are" to emphasize the need for change and reestablish connections with people. They also mention the importance of not allowing time to pass between the "we" and "we are" moments, as they are considered catalysts for change and reestablishing connections.
AI: Transcript ©
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So now I want to come on up until I have an account. So everyone welcome back to the faith revival. So I fly a lot, I'm always on planes. And one of the things that I noticed is that every time there is turbulence, you've got those first time fliers or people that aren't accustomed to flying and they start panicking. And it's always interesting because you can see people kind of laid back watching their movies, reading their magazines, working on their laptops, whatever it is having conversations. But then as soon as the plane starts to shake, everyone starts to make a do app basically, in their own way. They all start to pray, people start freaking out except for those that

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are used to being in turbulence. And as soon as the seatbelt sign goes back off, on the plane stabilizes. Then the movies go back on, people kind of relax again. And everyone feels safe and secure once again, and had a lot that reminded me of what Allah says in the call and what either Russia homodyne Kelowna the Dalai Lama, who Sinhala who didn't even the worst disbelievers, those who have no faith in God, when they are drowning in the ocean, if they if they find themselves in that darkness, they will call upon a law sincerely, law says and sort of be ama, Canada either Bellavita, Rocky, Rocky lemon rock, when a person's dying, and they start to scream for help. God

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helped me write anyone in that state of desperation can call a loss of the worst human being to ever walk the face of the earth, through their own called upon Allah when he was drowning. So anyone can repent and call upon Allah when Allah sends them those moments. Now here's the thing, those moments or catalysts, think about all the times that you almost got in a car accident, or maybe you did think about all those close calls. And sometimes those times where you could have very well died, or something very bad could have happened to you. But Allah saved you. Right? And it was just a moment of a second. All of those are catalysts. Think about that time that you came to a realization about

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your sins in your state before a loss of Hannah Montana. And you felt like you really needed to make a change in your life. Are you listening to a holy book? Or you were hearing you know, some sort of lecture online and you felt like now is the time all of those are catalysts? Here's what the law says about them. And I'm yet neither Latina Armando and Tasha kuruva. Whom lyrically law one another, Amina Huck, isn't it time for those who believe to soften their hearts to the remembrance of Allah and the truth which he has revealed? And Allah says when I akun, okay, Latina or to the Kitab Allah Allah and he will Emmett for Casa kulu maka Hiromi nonclassical. Don't be like the

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people over the book who came before you. Were a time passed between that catalyst that moment that Allah sent them. A Time passed a prolonged period went by and their hearts went back to once again being heart us at Coloma home with Kathy Roman home faster own and they resorted to or they returned to their disobedience. What happens many times is that a major shake up a major moment comes in our lives, where Allah subhana wa tada invites us to wake up. And when we don't heed those calls, or when we only heed them temporarily until we once again, feel like we're back in the normal flow of things. We are not capitalizing on those opportunities. Imagine if

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the Allahu taala at home when he went to his sister's house, and he found that she was reciting the Quran. Imagine if Amaro the a lot of time, after reading the Quran and being touched by sort of Baja said, let me go home and think about this for a few days, then I'll see what I'm going to do the shape on what I got the best of him, but instead he went straight to the house of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and committed himself to him. There was a time before when he saw the profit slice, I'm in front of the camera. And he heard the profit slice on resigning or and he was touched by it, but he didn't act right away. So instead, he allowed the shape on to capture his thoughts.

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And in his situation, you know, instead of going and believing in the profit slice them he decided to go kill the profit slice them. The difference between the first time and the second time is the way almost utilize the catalyst the way he utilized the moment and immediately committed himself to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Meaning what when those moments come, where a lot invites you to shake up your email, to actually you know, reestablish that connection with him to step into that next round to kick it into the next year when Allah invites you to that. If you don't act with immediacy, Allah, Allah, human amad time will pass. You'll go back into your muffler, you'll go back

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into your heedlessness and your heart will once again become harder, and not only will become harder, but it will become more difficult for the next moment to pass.

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Because every single time you're missing out on those opportunities, the next opportunity has to be that much more dramatic. So think about the Wake Up Calls Allah sends you. Don't wait for the next one capitalize on the one that has currently been sent to you or that you've recently been been given by Allah subhanaw taala and change your life and reestablish that connection with Allah. Do not let time pass from that original moment to where your heart once again can harden and a man finds itself outside of the heart. May Allah protect us and we have lost pounds to keep our hearts soft and not allow us to miss out on his wake up calls and allow us to draw close to him at all

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times and to always have that connection with him alumna I mean, does that mean that if I don't see you next time inshallah sounds like a lie because

Episode 10: Move Beyond the Catalyst
Allah sends you reminders night and day, and sometimes those reminders are major wake up calls. What happens if you don’t make use of that wake up call right away?

Ramadan 2017

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