Omar Suleiman – The Faith Revival 08

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the inconsistency of the heart and how it can lead to negative emotions and negative actions. They also mention the importance of settling the heart and increasing it for better deeds. The speaker also mentions a drought and a woman who had a similar experience.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Welcome back to the faith revival. So last time we were talking about this fear from hypocrisy, this vigilance as being part of a man that a person is vigilant with their faith. Why is that, because the very vessel that holds a man is inherently inconsistent, the heart is always inconsistent. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that that's why it's called an cold, it's called the cold, which means it's always turning, because it's, it's always in the state of Texas, it's always turning in different directions, the heart is always in movement, it cannot be still all the time. And so a person has to try to settle it. And he

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said, Salalah heart, he was tell him that the heart of the son of Adam, is more inconsistent than boiling water. So you can imagine the movement of the heart, the more amount a person has in the heart, the more they're able to settle it, but the heart is always moving. And if you stop settling it, if you stop filling it with the amount to keep it still, then it's inevitable that it's going to turn and you will not be able to control the degree to which it turns and how far it will go or where it turns to. So settling the heart is extremely important. Now, somehow, there are many lessons we take from this, the scholars mentioned that if you read about the companions, they took

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time to internalize the faith, okay, they understood the inconsistency of the heart. So they took time to stabilize the faith. So I've been missing a lot of the law and who, for example, says we used to read 10 verses of the Quran and understand them, memorize them, apply them, and then we move on to the next 10. Think about them, the Hadith, the extremists, that the Prophet slicin I mentioned, that recite plenty of boron, but it does not go beyond their throats. You know, there's a saying that extremists are blinded by the light, they're not guided by the light, what happens if water keeps on boiling, it'll evaporate, so there will be no emotion whatsoever. So a person should

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slowly slowly slowly stabilize the heart, rather than trying to take in too much because the man a man does not come in that fashion. He man grows gradually, you don't suddenly jump in and take it all in, it grows gradually and a person has to make their heart consistence. So there are two supplications from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that we'll learn today inshallah, that are very similar. And a person might think that they mean the exact same thing, but there's a subtle lesson that we can take in the difference. The first one is the most frequent supplication of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. That he would always say yum or kalibo kulu Sabbath colombiana denecke Yama,

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polywell, Kuru Sabbath kalbi, Allah denecke Oh Turner of hearts, make my heart firm on your path. If the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made that more frequently than any other than what then for us? Does the prophets lie? Some fear? hypocrisy does he does he feared that his heart will be turned in any other direction. So how long What about us then, if that was the most frequent death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it should also be our most frequent supplication. And we should increase it well beyond what the prophets lysozyme used to say, for our hearts are not like his heart, Anakin salatu salam. Now there is another drought that's very similar and I want to talk a

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little bit about the difference because they're both authentically narrated another the Prophet sighs I'm used to make was yamo suddenly fell galoob started with Colby robotic. Also Oh Turner of hearts, but the word is more subjective as opposed to mocha lip macula is to turn Masada is to direct okay and seal off is to direct. So Oh, Director of hearts direct my heart to your good deeds. So yummy Caliban Kuru sabich kalbi Allah Deena keyamo storyful kurobe sutliff COVID la atik Yama colleyville Kuru, the first one which is the most frequent there is really to maintain your heart upon the path of Allah longing for Allah and away from sins, so away from turning to that which is

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displeasing to him. The second supplication is that a lot directs your heart to good deeds. So one is that Allah keeps your heart away from turning towards that which is displeasing to him. The other is that Allah subhanaw taala turns your heart towards that which is pleasing to Him. So to do is the more important one yamo kalibo, Kuru Sabbath kalyana denecke and then the second one Yama sadly fell kulu sutliff Colombian Allah article Lama Ameen May Allah subhanaw taala keep our hearts firm and consistent and upon that which is pleasing to Him. And may Allah subhanaw taala fill our hearts with longing for him so that we meet him in that state alone. I mean, see you next time in sha Allah

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Santa Monica Mountains alive

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The council

Episoded. 8: Two Supplications of the Prophet (s) for the Heart
There is nothing more inconsistent than the heart, yet no vessel more important. Therefore the Prophet (s) taught us two supplications to keep it firm.

Ramadan 2017

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