Omar Suleiman – A Conversation Between Allah and Shaytan about Istighfar

Omar Suleiman

AI: Summary ©

The police have been calling people and the police have been calling people. The importance of forgiveness is real, especially in a culture of fear where mental health concerns and fear of failure are common. Forgiveness is a relapse or a first-time event, and staying up during the night is crucial to prevent mental health concerns and a relapse. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a cinematic event.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sisters last week, last week of Ramadan my loss of habitat allow us to finish it strong May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be amongst those who observed later that repetitive loss can't accept our Milan our Siyam, our PM, our tilava to the Quran, everything that we put forth and may Allah forgive us for any shortcomings Allah him. I mean, I know that some of us might feel sometimes I didn't do enough. And every night, as Fajr starts to come in, you start to remember and you start to say, I wish I would have done more.

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I wish I would have read more. I wish I would have done this, I wish I would have done that. And then that hopelessness might start to kick in as you're getting close to the end of Ramadan. Like, was I even amongst those that caught later on whether or not was a amongst those that caught the last 10 nights or not? So I wanted to remind actually with a powerful Hadith and before I even mentioned the Hadith from the prophets of Allah and he was settled on desert love her half of the flock read the verse or whoever the aquello Toba turn everybody. Allah is the One who accepts the repentance of His servants. While yah for Annecy, and Allah pardons all of their sins. Well, yeah,

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no, I'm not I've had one and Allah knows that what you do. And subhanAllah if you're reading the verse that says if Allah subhanaw taala is answering the secondary whispers that you might have. Yep, but a Toba turn anybody Allah accepts the repentance of His servants. Okay, but But what about those sins? Well, yeah, four, honestly. All of them are gone. But Allah knows I'm not like those people that do so much and that worship so much. Allahu

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Allah knows what you do. Allah knows who you are. Allah knows how he created you. And remember the Hadith yesterday, about the conversation between Allah and the angels about us, about us. Right? Who remembers what Allah subhanaw taala tells the angels about forgiving the servant that continues to commit the same sin, but tries over and over again to quit it and ask Allah for forgiveness. Who remembers what Allah tells the angels?

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Anyone other than chatting so she has to please don't answer exactly.

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What is it?

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Yes, Allah says to the angels, bear witness any kind of authority hula hoop, that I have forgiven this person why? Halima? Anila who Robin young through them. Because he knew that he had a lord that forgive since his knowledge of Allah as the Lord that is forgiving caused me to forgive him. That's why he keeps on calling on to me. That's why he doesn't despair like I'm too shy to call upon Allah at this point, because I haven't done enough. That's between Allah and the angels. Now the Hadith I'm gonna share with you tonight it's an amazing Hadith. It's short and simple, but it is a powerful Hadith scenario by oh sorry that for three are the Allahu Taala and who we spoke about a few nights

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ago, who narrated to us the incident of Leila to cuddle with the Prophet SAW Selim. This hadith is an authentic hadith and Muslim Imam Ahmed. He said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, by the Shavon Shavon said to Allah

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were Exotica. Yeah. Rob, by your mind, oh, Lord, la abre. Who are we rebar DACA. Mme at Ottawa home fee outside the hem.

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I will not give up on leading your slaves astray. As long as their souls are still in their bodies. Subhanallah look at that challenge. And this is a conversation He's telling Allah subhanaw taala and Shavon consumes himself in his anger, in his jealousy, in his hatred, in his despair, he's constantly literally burning up on the inside. So he says to Allah, Ya Allah, Oh Allah, know that I will not give up leading them astray. As long as their souls are still in their bodies, meaning to the last moment when the soul leaves the body. I'm going to lead them astray. I'm never going to give up on them. I'm never going to give up on them. Right? What does this mean? You know, we've

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heard so many stories about my mother Rahim Allah to at the time of his death and shape on appearing to him in a dream and saying to him,

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You escaped. I could never get you.

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And Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah said Don't even think about it. Not yet. They said that not yet. Not until I leave from this world will I put my guard down from you? But he's telling Allah I will never give up on the meaning what I don't care how religious he is. Shaitan has seen some pretty religious people fall. He's been able to whisper into the hearts of scholars into the hearts of people that were on their way to being martyrs and to generous people. He has been able to whisper into the hearts and cause the destruction

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Have some pretty great people. And he of course came from a very high position to have the lowest of low but I will never give up on them I don't care how religious they are, I will never give up on them. What was the answer of allah does anyone know?

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I want someone to what do you think Allah responded to shape on with?

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Allah responded to shape on where is the t what Jelani la Azhar no fear Allah home must affirm.

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bear witness, Oh devil, by my mind, by my majesty, I will never stop forgiving them, as long as they keep asking me for my forgiveness.

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What kind of what are you dealing with? What kind? I mean Subhanallah if you could you know the people made idols because they wanted to make their gods and own them. The Quran tells us you could not fashion a lord better than Allah for you. What kind of up? Are you calling upon? What kind of a merciful Lord are you calling upon? Now here's the thing about this hadith, you could walk away from and say, mercy and hamdulillah Allah could have responded to shake on. And Allah could have said to the Shavon, I will keep on calling them to good until they die. Right? Meaning it still goes back to them, how they're going to end up at the end of the day. But Allah subhanaw taala put it back on him

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so long as they are seeking forgiveness. Whether it's major or minor, whether it is a relapse, or it's the first time so long as they are in a state of is too far so long as they are in a state of seeking forgiveness. I will forgive them. The brothers and sisters forgiveness, the seeking of forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala comes at the end of everything that we do. The end of Salah stuff for Allah are stuck Rola as the hero Allah. Allah subhanaw taala says about the believers are bill as hearty home Yes, Quran Allah

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know, at the end of the night at the Sahara time homea stuff Iran. They're seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala How does Allah find them? It's the FAR is the far as the far and as the Fianna 30 Rahim Allah said at the end of the night Subhanallah the believers those that spent a good portion of the night praying and those that spent the majority of its sleeping, just demyan he asked her to lay they meet at the end of the night. Right right before budget. And the people that prayed a lot. Yes stuff he Runa the consortium. They're seeking forgiveness because they feel like they didn't do enough for the deficiencies in their good deeds. And the people that slept a lot and that

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didn't do much yes stuff we're gonna do the movie him. They're seeking forgiveness for their sins. They're seeking forgiveness, because they slept too much of the night and they wanted to do more Subhan Allah, but the point is at the time of suit right before budget home, yes, delphy rune, they are seeking forgiveness. What's the practical benefit of this in Milan, no matter did during the night.

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Those last moments before budget, you know, hamdullah we're staying up most of the night these nights anyway. Instead of trying to gulp down all your water, make sure you leave some time. For instance, fun at the end of every single night. That is the practical benefit, the most immediate benefit we can take in Ramadan every night at the time of solitude right before budget, a stuffed federal law as the federal law, the federal law, put it back to Allah Subhan Allah to Allah. That's the practical benefit in Ramadan, outside of Ramadan. When we talk about the continuation of habits there is nothing like it's the fun it's the far in the morning and in the evening. You know, you

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might not be able to do all of God or Slovak when Messiah you might forget some of the morning remembrances and some of the evening remembrances. But don't forget, say that it's difficult, if you you know Allahumma Antara de la ilaha and Haluk 21 Abduch until the end of it the very famous chief of seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala the best Jana to see forgiveness with if you don't get to read all of them, at least say that one in the morning and in the evening between Austin and mothership as Madonna was about to come in. If you forget the Athar during the day, remember that the prophets lie some said I seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala at least 100 times every

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single day, then let us that is the Far be at the top of your list. And remember, is the FAR is the preventer the great preventer of harm coming to us in this life and the next Allah subhanho To Allah tells us in the Quran, that he will not punish us what Enta fie him while the prophets lie some is amongst us, or will homea stuff you're on while they're in a place of seeking forgiveness from Allah. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been taken away from us. He passed away and his thought was sit on. His sunnah is with us but he passed

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Stay away but we still have a stuffed up to prevent harm from coming to us in this life according to stuff we wrote up back home into who kind of afara you're a citizen or an economic rara. We're gonna did can be unguided in one way or the other come Jana Toyota aliquam and Hara no hurry his sedan mentioning to his people seek forgiveness from Allah and good things will happen to you in this life. And on the Day of Judgment, nothing purchase the sense from the records like it's the fall. We are for Annecy.

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And Allah overlooks them and pardons them Allahumma in a careful went to Hibbeler footpath for Anna Allahumma indica, to hit with alpha fat for Anna Allahumma in the calf. will laugh with that for Anna. seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa every day and every night and remember before you before you pray budget, the last part of the night, a stuck federal law stuck for Allah a stuck but Allah and how can you lose hope and a lord that has not lost hope? And you may we never be amongst those that despair, nor those who are deluded by their complacency or may Allah subhanaw taala always find us in a place of seeking His forgiveness and striving to be better. Allahumma Amin does

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Akron, Ohio cinematic moments on a couch

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