Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #76 – V111A – In Their Story

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of phrases in Arabic language, including "has been" and "has been," to describe situations or actions. They also touch on the use of "monster" in Islam, and the importance of storytelling in shaping one's life and bringing back lessons from past experiences. The segment also touches on the negative impact of superstitions on people, including the belief that someone will die and people will live in a superstitious world. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book and a photo of a woman walking in a footsteps.
AI: Transcript ©
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published recently Emily Miller Sania Coco Li hamdulillahi, Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam ala l mursaleen. While only he was happy

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with him.

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also been happy with Southern Armenia. But I mean, I'm about once again, everyone said I'm already too late Allah Ricardo, and today is begins the monumental task of covering lessons from the last I have solid use of this is iron number 111. It's pretty loaded stuff. And my hope today is to at least cover the first phrase and desire to introduce you to this, I'll say that there are one and then my candidate and you start is phrase number two, we're not going to stick on the DBA, he would be three what the Scylla cliche would be for well, who doesn't want to be five and then the kind of an economy we know and so but six unique concepts are being presented inside of this idea. And it's

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one of those places in the Quran that describes the Quran in multiple different ways at the same time, so it's a pretty comprehensive, and very beautiful farewell to the story of use of holidays. And I'm, it's one of those principal places in the Quran, that teaches us something about the approach to studying the sutras in the Quran, especially the ones that have stories in them also. So we'll touch on that a little bit. But I want to get started on the kind of the heavy lifting we have today for the first free. So let me just introduce that to you. Let's do a rough translation of only that phrase so far, not bad, you can also see him a baritone Li, l Bob.

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Certainly, there has been in their story,

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a bra a lesson, a profound lesson. And something to draw heat from, for those that possess pure minds for the possessors of pure minds. Okay, so that's a rough translation of the ayah, or that first phrase in the ayah. So let's start with some of the most, you know, interesting observations about this. Notice I translated their story, or their narration, right, so the word there is the first curiosity, who is it referring to? So one obvious meaning could be in the story of use of his father and his brothers in their story, there's a there's a profound lesson, right? So that there could refer to the characters in the story that we were introduced to throughout the surah. Another

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is if you look at the eyes right before this ayah, for example, even the IR right immediately before it not just the entire passage, but even immediately before it had either status of Hulu and the home, until even the messengers almost lost all hope. So it could be that the in their story is in the story of all the messengers, right? So one possibility is when Alice has in their story, he refers to use of and his brothers and his father and all of that, and you know, the, the Minister and his wife, and the king, and all of that, right. And the other is, it's the messengers, all the messengers that Allah has sent. And in all of their stories, there's profound lesson, fine. If you

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go a little further back in the same passage, or even in the same aisle right before this one,

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while you will not do back sooner, and in Colville Missouri mean our our war, and our artillery will not be turned away from the criminal people. So it could be that the day is referring to the criminal people, these criminal people and their story throughout history, you should learn lessons from all those nations that were destroyed. And Allah has mentioned that in other places to Haven't they learned from those people that came before them, right, and those that got destroyed. So that they, it's kind of this open scope, you know, number of possibilities. And that's actually deliberately done by Allah. So it's not Oh, it could be this and it could be this and it could be

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this actually, that's exactly what we were supposed to think to realize. Allah wants us to bunch all of that together right now. Allah wants us to budge together, what's happening in the you know, in the in the account of all of the messengers, all of the previous nations and of course the story at hand. And in doing so, he's sort of fused all of them together, and he didn't call it this is now I get to the second part. He didn't call it stories, plural because the singular

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In Arabic is Isa with a casilla Sutton and the plural of it is is us with a cassava on the calf thesis. But here we read look at canopy Casa see him? We don't read this as we read classes and I was careful to translate even though it sounded awkward in English I translated is it translated as in their story in their story Now you would think in their stories, right? Unless it's only referring to the story of, you know, use of Friday settlements, that's one story. But if you're, you know, in an umbrella sense in an overarching sense including all of the messengers all of the previous peoples and then Yusuf Ali Sam and his family, that it's a bunch of stories not one story,

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right? But Allah use the singular form the muster form. And that's that's worthy of observation and then we'll make some conclusions from that. But the first thing is the word cost us the muster. Those of you that are studying some Arabic with me now, the Muslim is the idea or an English technically in English grammar, they call it the infinitive form of the verb, the timeless The, the action noun, right is another simple way to call it. So, but the muster occurs in the meaning of the throne, often in Arabic. So Kitab comes in the meaning of Mcdo Kitab, meaning, writing comes in the meaning of that which is written, right, so plus us, which is to tell a story can come in the

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meaning of that which is told as a story, the story that is told MK Seuss. So in that sense, it could mean in their narration in the story that has been told about them in the story that has been told about them is the phrase. In that sense. What's amazing about that is, it's as if Allah took all of them, all the messengers, all the nations, all the events in the life of use of everything that's happened, and called it one single story.

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He didn't even call it stories. This has he called it one single Naxos. It's a pretty interesting, you know, as an infinitive, you can imply it for the plural. But the easier way to say that, and some scholars even said, I mean, he must have meant cases here meaning us be more formal cases. Right? So he said there were cases, but what he's really implying is, yes, he isn't playing Christmas. But why did he say causes? He said it to create a unified view of all the stories Allah has told him the Quran, as if they are all drops from the same river flowing in the same direction. Like all of them lead to the same conclusions. All of them are complementing one another as if they

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are one river, one story, one narration, one account, you don't have to interpret one story or the other, to try to come up with a conclusion that or to try to justify that his conclusions are contradicting other stories. All of the stories are consistent, all of the leading back to one God, one Judgment Day, the same standards of Judgment Day, the same standards of morality, the same right and wrong, the same expectations from God of the people. It's not different things, learn from different prophets, and different stories, all of them eventually come back to the same exact conclusion. It's like, all these rivers come into the same ocean, right? They flow into the same

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ocean. And in doing so Ally's telling us something profound about the way we Muslims, think about the stories of all previous prophets, we don't think of them as different stories, we actually think of them as one story, one giant continuous story from Adam and he Salaam to Muhammad Ali Salaam. It's just different episodes of the same story. Isn't that cool? It's there's different episodes of the same story. And we got a hint of that in the sutra already. Because even as Yusuf was identifying himself to soulmates in the prison, he was fusing himself with the story of Ibrahim and fusing himself with the story of his father. You know, and this is the favor Allah has done on on us

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when he said us that you come in from the law here, Elena, who was the US, it was Ibrahim, it was his heart. It was your smile. It was Jaco. It was his ancestors. And he called that one story.

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And now what did I do for those who lost I said, I'm at the end of all this, he started talking about the Quraysh. Right? The last passage has been about to cry. So now we're not in the story of use of now we're in the story of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, and then he turns back and says, and messenger, so many other messengers who almost lost hope now that's not limited to use of his father. It's talking about so many messengers who struggled, and then he comes at the end and says, and all of that really including you is all just one giant story. It's amazing. You know, this, this is a stark contrast from the struggles in Christian creed, or even in Jewish Creek

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because in Judaism, for example, there's a big struggle

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Because they're obviously firm and ardent believers in Mosaic Law law given to who Moses right? Well, if the law which means the right guidance was given to Moses, then what was Abraham following? And they're like, Abraham was following Moses law to, he was observing, but wait Moosa is way later how is he following ever he was on and they have to come up with gymnastic interpretations, to kind of infuse that Ibrahim was also following the law of moosari. Some to create a consistency between Ibrahim and Masada, Islam.

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Similarly, the, you know, followers of Jesus across denominations, the Christian people, they had to come up with this, like this problem to solve this problem. Because if Jesus is the Savior, and you can't go to heaven, except through Him, then what about all these people that are considered good by God that came before him prophets guided people? How are they on in good terms? If Jesus is coming after they didn't go through Jesus, right. So now they have to come up with creative interpretations in the ology to say, No, no, they actually did go through Jesus, they didn't say his name. Or they're waiting in purgatory. It's like a refrigerator lobby, in between heaven and *, they're

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waiting and judgment that Jesus will come and say, Okay, now you can come through, right. So they had to come up with creative additions to their stories, to make it all work with their scheme, with their, with their framework for what is the right religion. On comes along, it doesn't try to reframe the stories of previous prophets to justify that somehow you have to go through the view of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and because those people were not followers of Mohammed, therefore they were all wrong. Therefore, they're not good enough as profits are there not the saved ones, the followers of Muhammad Salam are the safe ones. In fact, Russell's Islamists told Mark want to be a

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mineral Sudhi tell them I am not a new invention from among the messengers.

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I'm not something new. This is for Incas Abukar zebra, Solomon publica, if they're calling you a liar, then they've been the messengers before you have been called a liar to what is the lucky of doing in the Quran, he keeps making the Prophet story, consistent with the stories of those who came before validating them and validating this whole slice of them as if it's one story. In fact, often when you're reading the stories of previous prophets in the Quran, it's a commentary on what's happening with the Prophet. So I'll give you a really cool example of that. One of my favorite examples sootel ankle boot. That's sort of number 29.

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In total ankle boot, this was revealed when torture started in Makkah. So at first in my career, there was ridicule, right, or there's dismissal poor man's lost his mind. So they're dismissing him ignore maybe if we ignore him enough, he'll go away. That's not working. And some of the poor are starting to accept some of the slaves are starting to accept some of the some, one or two prominent people in Macau are starting to accept Islam. This is turning into a bigger problem, maybe we should negotiate with him. That's not working either. This is not a negotiated thing. It's the truth. Truth doesn't negotiate. Right? So he's not compromising he's not making a deal. He's not saying you can

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have your Islam on the weekends and we'll have the weekdays or the nuts No, that's working out. Then they think maybe he has an alternative agenda. Maybe, you know, he just wants to be the governor or he just wants money out of this. I mean, he's got to have some other motive you know, let's find out how we can buy him out that didn't work then maybe we could scare him and then they would try to scare him if he gets in the way and says he basically tries to tell him listen they're gonna I can only hold them back so much right because they're now getting a little antsy the you're trying to threaten their way you're trying to you're starting to criticize the the status quo of Makkah. Then

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things began the the what you can call character assassination began he's a liar. He's a poet. You know, he's insane of character assassination. Right. When that didn't work, then the fear mongering he will he's he's a he's a magician who will cast sorcery on your followers, and he'll turn your son against you. They'll turn your brother against you. He's creating a cult where he casts a spell and people don't listen to him. Not a smart Rudy huddle for Allah, Allah hovi. Don't listen to the Quran. And if you do hear make a lot of noise when it's being heard. So you don't that I look, you know, so the algorithm doesn't leave until you can win. So you can stay on top because it will

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overcome you. You don't understand this is powerful, heavy magic. Right? When all of that failed, then torture started right first by first torturing the easiest targets his followers that don't have a good defense like the slaves, like the belaz of the world, right like the asset and his family, now modern and those people, right or hubbub, and eventually when he was burnt on coal, and then of course then attempts to even beat up and even kill the Messenger of Allah Himself. So I sent him right. So things are getting escalated to the point where now things are becoming violent when things were becoming violent alight revealed

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Solid boot

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and a lot older believers, did you think you're just gonna walk into heaven without being tested? Has he been nuts and yusaku? afternoon? So the first passage of uncouth, right is about a lot of wreck acknowledging for the Muslims in Makkah, things have heated up. And this is what I need from you. And by the way, if this is a struggle for you, you're not doing me a favor. You're only doing it for yourself. If you're getting tortured right now, you're not doing it for me. You're a woman. tjahaja in nama, Uj doolin fc and Allah Allah, Allah Allah me, man, the words sort of Anca mood will chant sends shivers down your spine, he says, Whoever struggling is only doing so far their own

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selves. Allah has free of need from all people in all nations, I don't need you. If you think this is too hard for you, and you can't do it, you can you're free. There's the door

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whether the nominal

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salary and by the way, those who do believe and are doing good deeds, he will enter them into righteous company. And it's interesting that here's a hint, you will think he will enter them in heaven with righteous company, but there's also righteous company coming in Medina, right. And a righteous surrounding is coming in with the NA. So there's a subtle hint there. But what happens after that, right after that first passage, Allah starts talking about new holiday Salaam and the escape from the flood. He talks about Ibrahima, disallowing the escape from the fire, he talks about, you know, you know, a hood on Instagram. And in the Mahajan lobby, I am who literally says I

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am making a migration to my master. Right? So he's talking about the stories of the prophets and all of them, they are escaping

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while escaping by Allah's plan, right? And what's around the corner when torture started for the mccanns they were going to escape from Makkah to where Medina so the Quran was speaking in code. It what was the code the stories of the prophets, to the believers? Listen, new handle flood, build the ark and go, right, even the migration.

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You know, hood, literally saying I'm migrating to my master. And what's even more cool in that sort of, it's so epic. And the last passage Allah says, Don't debate with the people of the book, unless it's in a better way to God to kitabi legibility. Awesome. Why would he say that? There's no people in the book in Makkah, where are they going to be? in Medina? So he's already look, it's what he does coming. Right? But what did a lot to do through their story? He was telling them their story, you understand? So he made those all those stories one, they became fused as one and that's so succinctly and so powerfully captured just inside the lesson laqad karna Fie Casa see him now some

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translations in English have said in their stories, right. And they're using the implication passes would be Matsui and Maxwell's can represent the kind of like the SM Jen so it can be implied a stories that's by implication that's not a translation. That's an implication. But the literal statement is actually story. Literally one

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which is incredible. Then what what you know, really rattles my brain is that Allah says, Look at Ghana, Picasa, see him a baritone and a baritone with a double Buta can refer to something called a Masai Mara it can, it can have that effect. What that means is some a lesson a single lesson. It can mean a single it can also generally mean a lesson, Diamond butech can also feel formal Viola and mustard, which means a powerful lesson. I'll dig into the etymology and the origin of the word lesson in a second. But for now, man, that's all. I mean, even as soon as you said there was a bajillion lessons weren't there?

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There was a lot of lessons in every ayah, right. It wasn't one lesson. And he says in all of their story, and their story all together, there is a profound lesson less than a singular,

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Yama, any bar, any bar would be the plural. There are tons of lessons, stop at every idea and learn tons and tons and tons of lessons. Why is he saying that that entire narrative, the entire telling of the history of prophets and believers and disbelievers and hypocrites across human history, that entire saga that Allah is told in the Quran, he's reduced it in this ayah to a single lesson. emulator. Again, you can say, well, the master represents all of it. And therefore you can understand this as a bar. You can a lot could have said that too. But he chose to say Ableton. So what could that mean?

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You know how I told you their stories are unified.

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is an interesting statement in Salt Lake man.

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where Allah says that laquan was given wisdom to be grateful.

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Right. So what did he do? He took all of wisdom and reduced it to what being grateful to Allah. Right. And then he took all of injustice, all wrongdoing and reduced it to what? In the shitcan, Illuminati schicke is a great injustice, as if to say all evils at the end of the day, the if you if you trace back the source of an evil at the, at the very core of it, you're just going to find what schilke

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and at the core of all good, when you trace it back far enough, what is its original genetic origin, it's a man in Allah, it's gratitude to Allah, it's something good Allah put in you,

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you so the or the source of all good is Allah. And the source of all evil essentially becomes one or one or another form of shift. That's what it becomes.

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Now, as if enable auto and by the way, it doesn't just mean less than it means to crossover abara the verb actually means to crossover. Perhaps the implication here being that in all of their stories, the one profound lesson is your direct connection with Allah. And it is every other less it's that that's the seed, in all of their stories is one seed one seed, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah the master you the slave, a lot of master you the slave, a lot of master you the slave and every other beautiful, you know, treasure of wisdom. Every other flower of wisdom that is growing from it is this that tree block that seed blossoming into a tree and giving off different

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flowers, but it really goes back to that one seed. It's actually one lesson. It's actually that one thing so amazing. You know, it's like when some scholar will talk about Alhamdulillah in the Fatiha al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Alhamdulillah encapsulates the entire Quran is just my deep tie to Allah rooted in hummed, and everything else is connected to it. Everything else is tied to it. So this statement is pretty loaded. What what how Allah has started this concluding phrase laqad karna Fie. casa, see him Ableton. Now,

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a little bit more of a high bar.

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And actually, before I before I do that, kind of, because there's one more thing I want to add here. And that is,

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if I see there are, let me give you an example. I'm in the machine right now. Right, right. So if I say there are there's there's money, or there's there's a gold coins inside the machines inside this room? If I say that,

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does that necessarily mean anybody can see them? Or could it be that they're hidden? Right? And if they're hidden? Well, for anybody who's really looking, there's gold coins here.

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Okay. So if somebody is really looking for gold coins, they're gonna go on, they're gonna go on a quest.

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And if they don't find this handle, and I look, there's no gold coins here. Or you could just sit there. No, they're not.

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or somebody's not interested in finding, you know what? They don't value gold coins.

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But you're not pursuing doesn't mean it's not already there. You understand? Why am I bringing the silly example of Allah says these stories have profound lessons, just because you're not seeing them. You didn't spend the time to contemplate that. Just because you didn't go through those stories and try to find profound lessons. And therefore you developed a dismissive attitude. They're just stories. It's only these people are so stuck up on people that died 1000s of years ago, man living living today, why are you so stuck in the past, you have this attitude, as if they have none of those things. Now laqad karna, from

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biological point of view, from from a rhetorical point of view, they say and communicate, it's kind of Bella has actually in many ways, it's kind of like communication psychology. And one of the things you'll learn about that is when you emphasize a statement, right? Then there are degrees of emphasizing it. So if you emphasize the statement with one degree of emphasis,

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then you're talking to somebody who's doubtful about or confused about what you're saying, are they really story? Are they really lessons in there? Oh, yes, there are. And you there certainly are. So when I say there certainly are I put one degree of emphasis that actually tells me not just something about the speaker, but about the audience, the audience was not so sure. And I gave them certainty by adding the word certainly. But if I go above and beyond one device to emphasize I add multiple devices to emphasize, so I say for sure, there certainly are lessons. I am telling you. No, no, you need to understand there truly are less

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To be learned here, then you're talking to somebody who's dismissing this notion who disagrees with you who says No they're not.

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No they're not. Or you're almost as if you're the audience and there are people around you who don't think this is worth anything and it's as if Allah is not just giving is he's empowering you to under even if you don't argue with them allies arguing on your behalf and allies reinforcing in you, no matter how much they dismiss these stories and in what allies teaching through them, you should know that they're all wrong. Because there are multiple devices the alarm in the beginning actually means I swear, it's called lemon blossom. The llama Tokido is also called lemon cousin I swear to God cannot mean already but can also mean certainly I swear to it there certainly in Canada can be

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adopted Toki also because you can say you know enough because I see him rebuttal or de casa see him Groton is a complete sentence. And their lesson there's in their, in their narrative, there's a lesson. So the cannon isn't just for past, it's actually for another degree of emphasis. And so the three emphasizes here in the code Karna Fie casa, see him in Ableton is actually a pretty powerful

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way of telling us that there are people that will not see it. And he doesn't want you to become those kinds of people that overlook that he doesn't want me to become the kind of person that overlooks that there is a profound lesson to be learned in the story. Now, another thing that I completely overlooked and that's so heavy.

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I said that a sauce is a mustard, mustard is an idea. And the idea represents a verb, the verb being a star, which means to tell a story. Okay, as a means to tell the story. So the word casas can actually mean in the storytelling of them, meaning in the way that Allah told their story. There's a profound lesson. What that means is, if you tell the story, your way, you'll miss out on a bunch of lessons.

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If you tell the same story, you say, Oh, you Sally's love was, you know, he was thrown in a well, and then his brothers left him there. And then a caravan picked him up, and then he was turned into us. And you, you can summarize it. You could do that. But that's the way you're telling it. Right? That's so you told the story. But the way you told us your way, then Allah has his own way. And the way the story is told, is also captured inside the word cosas. And a lesson in the way that these stories are being told now in the Quran. There's a lesson there they are unified, as if to say, a lot of these stories have been told before.

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A lot of these stories have been told before, but from the original way that a lot told them, people modified them and told them their own ways. And when they made it their own way of telling the story. A lot of the most important lessons were one last because then they started emphasizing things like genealogy. They started emphasizing things like history, or locations or dates or names. They started emphasizing their own biases into the story. The primary agenda was not for you to get close to Allah that one thing, you one thing that what's the point the point is to cross over to get get to Ally's origin.

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That point became started getting lost in the way these stories were being told.

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And a lot comes along and says, I'm going to tell it to you in a way that will bring back the original lessons not at canopy kasasa so it's not just the story it's also the way it's being told like famously the people of the cave, the sleepers, the story was known it was very popular. Allah says no, no, I know masala Casa song

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on you can have a humble Huck, we will tell you the story. And the news of what happened with them with purpose will tell to determine as if it's being told otherwise, but without purpose.

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Or the purposes the original purpose is lost. We'll tell it to you the way it's supposed to be told that's inside the word classes also. Now let's talk a little bit about

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Allah. Allah tala syllabi have been modified Masha Allah Melissa peevish ahead of Allah Allah Teterboro Bihar

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revera in Arabic is actually from the verb I bought a two crossover cut from it also you get get the word Abra, which is the drop of a tear. Like when you when the tear crosses over from your eye like it was being held in, you're holding your emotion and you couldn't hold it anymore and the tear came out. It's also kind of a crossing over. When somebody crosses over a river that's also called Alberta. So there's an interesting parallel made in Arabic between the crossing over of the tear and the crossing over of a bridge or a river or something like that. Right. Kind of like a you made it

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A new landmark you made a breakthrough or something like that, right? So from it, what some have drawn is I brought is a kind of lesson that moves you to tears.

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It brings you closer to a lie in a way that moves you to tears. Now, when does somebody shed a tear? Because there's in the etymology there is this idea of shedding a tear, it's there. When somebody shed a tear. Tears are shed in two main contexts, extreme sadness, right? extreme sadness, and extreme joy,

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extreme sadness, and extreme joy. And you can show that here before the same person, the one you love, if you disappointed them,

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and you now they're confronting you, or you have to face them. A child lied to their mom.

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They lied, and they are caught. And the mom said, How could you do this to me?

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What did I do wrong? And what does the child sit there and do?

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Because there's deep sadness, right? I disappointed the one I love the cry.

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Or a child is longing for them. And they've been missing. My mom went on a trip.

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Man comes up for the trip, the child hugs the mom and what does the child do out of joy? Cry, crying can happen for deep sadness, deep regret, and crying can happen for joy. Those are the two very powerful emotions that we experienced with the one we love. It's as if our connection to Allah, the way that the connection to Allah is drawn in the Quran, through these ayat is one that brings about both of those deep emotions, joy, of connecting to our love, or finding gratitude without Rob, and the sadness that we've been ignoring him. The sadness that I haven't done right by him. Sometimes you listen to an eye of the Koran or you hear it being recited, and you can't help but just start

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crying. There's a sadness inside Yeah, you're, my robot haven't done right by you.

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You give me so much and I give you nothing back. You, it overwhelms you. Or then other times, Allah will remind you of his favors on you. And you're just so overwhelmed by the love of life shows you in me that you're moved to tears.

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Allies seeing in the way their stories are being told it will move you to tears.

00:32:14 --> 00:32:18

Well, when use of is hugging his father, I can understand he's crying.

00:32:19 --> 00:32:21

I can understand Yahoo is crying. Why am I crying?

00:32:23 --> 00:32:48

Right now you guys we're used to. We're used to watching a movie and cry. Right? We're used to watching Poe hug his Was it a goose or a duck? I can't tell was a goose I think he's hugging his goose. And he says you're my dad. And you're crying over an animated CGI character. You're having a moment. Right? Because you're connected to it. It spoke to you at some deep level.

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What alette is telling us is he tells the story in a way that not only do you connect to these people, and what really happened, not a fictional character, what really happened. But actually, you see your story in their story, you see a glimpse of what happened with you, and it moves you to tears. And you see how they found their strength and their their protection. And they found their comfort in Allah. And now you have that. And they gave that to you. So you feel this connection to the people whose story is being told, and you feel this newly found connection to a lie. It's the same God that I'm reciting these artists, the same Allah that was helping you serve is not a

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different is the same one that helped him miraculously, it's the same a lot of Yahoo was crying to in despair for many years is the same a lot that I'm crying to when I'm in despair. And it moves me to tears when I when I say I can, I'm shedding tears along with someone who's also shedding tears, you know, when you're at a place when you're next to somebody who's crying and mourning, then you feel a connection and you start crying with them. Right? These people lived 1000s of years before us and we can cry with them.

00:33:56 --> 00:34:05

We can connect with them and cry with them and get closer to a lion in the process. That's inside the word Deborah. Deborah also is actually

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it's you know the crossing over thing imamura have used it to say Ava is the process by which the mind uses what you can observe to conclude what you cannot observe.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:59

Now, let me give you a simple example of that the mind can see smoke and without seeing the fire the mind knows that there is a fire. Yeah. So the the idea that we can deduce things we can see things beyond what is immediately in front of us. This capability that human beings have of looking at the scene and then making conclusions about the unseen, right? Allah says these stories, this this narrate this style of narration in the Quran, it will develop in you the ability to see what's in front of you, and from it understand and see what you cannot see. That's ahead of you. It gives you the long term view. It doesn't make you

00:35:00 --> 00:35:10

Whole seven, only think about the immediate euro unit for the long game. So like use of an exam, interestingly enough, right, or jacobellis, out of sadness goes blind.

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But never does he lose sight that Allah will bring the family together.

00:35:17 --> 00:35:36

Because he sees it because he saw he heard the sun to help tell a dreams. So it's always there. What he's experienced is there, what he sees in front of him is not distracting him. He seen enough evidence that he knows what's coming. Sadness will be there difficulty will be there, but he doesn't lose sight of the eventual goal.

00:35:37 --> 00:36:13

So it's, it's across the bridge, but he knows it's there. It's a long bridge. And he's patient. You know, sometimes when you're going up on a bridge, you can't see what's ahead. Once you get to a certain point, then you can see what's ahead. Right. So when you're when you're on the uphill incline, then somebody might say, oh, there's nothing on the other side. There's not even a the rest of the bridge. Why am I even going on this? But actually, the believer knows there's something on the other side. He says the word Herbalife is developing that kind of thinking about not losing sight of what is in what is ahead. Not getting caught up in the now. And that's inside the word

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00:36:14 --> 00:36:21

So like I said, this opening statement is pretty loaded stuff. It's pretty loaded stuff. And I even think

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I was discussing this with Jeff. So hey, like crossing over the the notion of crossing over? All of us are on the journey constantly. Right? And sometimes we're on a physical journey. Sometimes we're on a, you know, in a situational journey. Sometimes we're in an emotional journey. Right? We're going through stuff. And going through it means we want to get to the other side, when will this this trial be over? How will I get through this situation, getting through something? Allah says in the way there are stories being told there is an ability to crossover.

00:36:54 --> 00:37:36

The crossover could imply to be be applicable to all of our situations, it's going to help me deal with things and get through them to the other side. Get me to through the user to the user through the difficulty to the ease, to relief to hope to comfort. It'll get me there. I'm reminded of how Salam was in a state of despair once and a lot told him, Monza la la calle Khurana, Natasha, we didn't send the Quran down to you so you could be miserable. And then immediately A few hours later, he said, voila, takahito Moosa hasn't the news of Musa come to you, as if to make his his sadness go away? Let me cheer you up here. Let me tell you something about musar. Again, he's helping him cross

00:37:36 --> 00:37:42

over that emotional state, isn't he? It's a kind of regular to, he's helping him cross over. So

00:37:44 --> 00:38:10

it's interesting also, I mean, I kind of made reference to this, we one of the exercises I engaged in, I don't mean to condescend, you know, the Christian and Jewish tradition in any way. But I did want to do a comparative analysis of how this remarkable story which is so pivotal in the Quran, and has been pivotal in the Jewish and Christian tradition. That's not a small tradition, that's a massive civilization. And they they have reverence for the story. Right?

00:38:11 --> 00:38:47

How are they viewing it? How do they see the story? How is it told to them what is in their record, and we did a comparative analysis, and I wanted to get not somebody who was just gonna put down the story, but actually has been studying it and gives their scholarship benefit of the doubt and tries to, that's why, you know, I'm really grateful for the contribution socket made to this series. Because, you know, soccom, studying biblical Hebrew, and he understands the literary devices and appreciates the, you know, the profound depth sometimes in the biblical account and the scholarship. And I wanted to kind of see, compare the two from not and not hear that, from a critics point of

00:38:47 --> 00:39:05

view, but actually from a, someone who's trying to appreciate the text point of view, even though they're Muslim, they're trying to appreciate the text, give it the most benefit of the doubt they can. And the conclusion I came out with after just hearing it out, and even reading scholarly commentary on the Genesis account

00:39:07 --> 00:39:11

is that it's, it's not about Ebola.

00:39:12 --> 00:39:50

It's actually not about an emperor. It's not, there may be some lessons that can be drawn here and there. But overarching Lee, it's actually about making some other points that are more important. The, the way in which the story is being told the things that have been emphasized, are going in a completely different direction. And other stories in the biblical account will go in another different direction. And yet other ones are gonna go in a different direction. They're not all crossing over to the same point, you understand. And this is again, bringing me back to Lockhart kind of ecosim era. The last comment about Ebola, then we'll do a little Bob and we're done. Okay,

00:39:52 --> 00:39:59

maybe tomorrow. I'll just leave it at today's enough that you want. But this is the last thing about this, this work.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00


00:40:02 --> 00:40:04

occurs one other time in this little.

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And it occurs in a seemingly unrelated place that occurs as a verb.

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And it occurs in the story of the king, the episode of the king when he saw a dream, and he couldn't figure out what it meant anyone to his priests and his ministers, the people in close Council, actually recently watching a documentary is pretty cool, I encourage those of you that

00:40:29 --> 00:40:35

would like to watch, it's I think, it's called assassin with a saccade of tomb. So there, you know, there's

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archaeologists that are still doing a lot of digs in Egypt, trying to discover more and more about the ancient Egyptians and how they lived. And you know, the time of the pharaohs, and, you know, what their, what their religious life was, like, what their worldview was, like, etc. One thing that's very clear, with all the stuff that I've read all the documentaries, I've seen, all the readings that I've tried to do on Ancient Egypt, one thing is very clear. And that is their priests were a big deal.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:35

priests were the high class, right, they would be on the governmental cabinet, if you will, right. So there'll be the secretary of state or the major advisors. And that even becomes clear from the Quran telling of the story, doesn't it because when the king has an issue, he goes to the people who are interpreting dreams, which are basically the priest, kind of, you know, priests or custodians of the temple and people like that the spiritual same types, right. So these are the people that he has around him, because they were a people that believed in a lot of mythology, a lot of the unseen, they mollified themselves, because they're preparing themselves for the next life, they would bury

00:41:35 --> 00:42:12

themselves with the most expensive goods, and they would decorate their graves, because their body will rot. But the it's preparing them for the journey into that next life, where they're going to be, you know, in luxury facelift, they leave luxury around them, that'll actually be symbolic of the luxury they're going to enjoy in the next slide. So they had these really strong views about the unseen, corrupted as they were those views, but they have strong views about that. And in a sense, what we call them for Muslim, the Muslim Hunter, but they're very superstitious. They're very superstitious. So the king sees a dream, he knows, he thinks it means something. And he goes to

00:42:12 --> 00:42:40

these people that basically their entire way of explaining things is based on what superstition. And he says, tell me what this means. And the way he said, This is what in good tomorrow, yada Barun if in fact, you're the people, especially when it comes to dreams, you're the ones who tell me what it means how to interpret. So the word that wound was used for interpreting it. And literally the meaning would be crossing over the balloon for visions to help me cross over from the confusion of it to the what it means.

00:42:42 --> 00:42:51

In other words, it was used in the context of people trying to find superstitious answers from mysterious sources. Right.

00:42:52 --> 00:42:56

And now, I'll use the same word for the stories of profits.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:03

It's an interesting and subtle kind of contrast that's being drawn that I want to get your attention to, and we'll conclude for today.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:17

It's not just the ancient Egyptians, but religions around the world, whether it's Islam, whether it's Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, whether it's Taoism, whatever religion

00:43:18 --> 00:43:26

at some point or another, its original teachings are remain in the conscience of a few.

00:43:27 --> 00:43:50

And you have variations of that religion that spread. So people have very diverse applications of what they consider Christianity. And people have very diverse applications of Islam. So for example, just think of a contemporary example. There are people who are devout Christians, who actually believe that the re election of Donald Trump was foretold by scripture.

00:43:51 --> 00:44:25

This is reality. They believe this to be true, which is why they can never accept the election outcome on religious grounds. Because it was already foretold there's prophecy about this they come up with is the world of superstition becomes fact for them. Right? And they're very strong on leaning on superstitions, to judge reality around the reality is not the truth. The Omen, that's the real truth. And I will make sure I bend reality to fit the Omen

00:44:26 --> 00:44:42

to fit what somebody said my dream means you understand what somebody wants told me? Oh, I, you have for example, in Pakistan, where I come from, you have people that unfortunately, read palms, which is absolutely shattered, and super heroin. It's not just heroin, it's like super heroin.

00:44:43 --> 00:44:50

Okay, so but they do it. And they say, Yeah, you're gonna have a difficult life. Really?

00:44:52 --> 00:44:59

Who's not having a difficult life that that what you figured out? Oh, and you're gonna have, you know, you're gonna go through loss of a child.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

Are you gonna go through and come up with stuff? Right? Or someone you love will die?

00:45:05 --> 00:45:07

genius, someone you love will die.

00:45:11 --> 00:45:34

And then you know what? When they have these kinds of somebody told me this Oh no, I know this is gonna happen to me. I just know somebody said it and I know they're always right that lady you should look into look, take a look at the spooky look on her face. He's never wrong, that creepy lady and they live by that superstition. And you know what not only do they live by that superstition, now they look for superstition and all things

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they become completely superstitious. I dream I saw a sign I saw double rainbow it kind of means something.

00:45:44 --> 00:45:51

They have to have some mystical answer for their problems. Some mysterious source has to solve their problem. You know,

00:45:52 --> 00:46:34

what is a lot to do with their entire and look at? Look at the contrast. The Egyptians were the most sophisticated, advanced, architecturally agriculturally trade wise, militarily society in the world. They were a dominant world superpower, weren't they? They had scientific technology to build the kind of architecture that they built that was way ahead of the rest of the world, wasn't it? And yet, they had this crazy superstition stuff, both at the same time. So you're highly scientific, highly intellectual and highly superstitious. At the same time. Those two things, which you think are contradictions from one another, coexist inside people,

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because people want to have some something to keep them drunk. If it's not alcohol or drugs, then it can be some kind of superstitious worldview that will keep them in like, like, you know, religion being the opiate of the masses, there's some truth to that. Religion can serve as an opiate, it can keep you in an alternative reality.

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Which is why you find, you know, I don't know if it's the case anymore, but at least when I was in college, it was there in some of the most expensive real estate in New York City in Midtown. You know, where the you have you have financial institutions, banks, other you know, even downtown Wall Street, you have palm readers. They're renting out space in downtown in Midtown. How's a palm reader affording rent in Manhattan in New York City, hard enough to rent a closet in Queens or the Bronx? In the Why? Because these executives that are going to make multimillion dollar deals, or put stocks and equities into different kinds of funds. before they go, they'll go ask should I wear the pink

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tie? Or the yellow tie? What's a good sign for me? Right? So precision is a real thing. And it's a very powerful thing. And it doesn't take away from other aspects of your life in which you can be intellectual. What is the law come and do? He crushes superstition? And how will you get to the higher truth? And how will you know what to do? What choices to make? Allah says I have a better solution for you than going to people that will give you mystical answers, or light some candles and talk to the spirits and then come back to you. You don't have to do none of that. You don't have to wait for a dream of a green parrot to come and eat your Viviani and then you know what to do? You

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don't need none of that. What do you need? Not good enough. You also see him a peloton

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in their story. And the way there are stories being told, there's all the interpretation you need.

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All the things you need to cross over any situation.

00:48:27 --> 00:49:00

So there's a parallel drawn with what the king was doing in his position. And what Allah wants humanity to do in controller IATA and Allah guided him he was a superstitious man, but Allah guided him to use to find a salam, right? And Yusuf Alayhi. Salaam didn't give his answer based on superstition. He gave it based on revelation. And he gave credit immediately that he gave from Revelation. He gave this answer from Revelation. And he didn't just give an answer of what the dream means he gave an action plan of what you must do what you must do. So all of that is captured inside the word ebara

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worldview of how we see the stories of the Quran, how they are a living document, how they are a blueprint for ourselves and how for us to deal with circumstances, how there is a continuity and consistency between them. I said this will be the last thing so I'll make that this look. But you know what? One more thing and I'll promise I'm done and have an amazing conclusion for you today.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:25

You gotta love it. I don't care if you love it or not, you're still getting

00:49:28 --> 00:49:50

the word that means to cross over. The word Assa locker canopy Casa de casa verbally actually not doesn't just mean to tell a story. It means to take a step to take precise steps and to follow footsteps. This was the word used for mooses sister when her mom told her to follow Him every step will see he

00:49:52 --> 00:49:59

as if to say that the stories of the prophets are following in each other's footsteps like one person walks in the sand.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:37

These footsteps behind and the other stepping exactly in those footsteps, which is what you said about his father's and which is what a lie is telling his messengers, I tell them, you're walking in the footsteps of previous messengers, right? So in their footsteps so the word has the imagery of footsteps and following that the Emperor has the imagery of what crossing over, which is kind of completing the picture. You're, you're following footsteps so you can watch crossover, right and then there's a third piece of that image, which is Insightly lil Alba, which has beautiful literary, you know, observation will deal with Alibaba inshallah tada tomorrow, and that will conclude our

00:50:37 --> 00:50:45

first phrase of the last idea. barakallahu li welcome Philco and Hakeem whenever anyone er can be it will take him. Wait for it.

00:50:48 --> 00:50:50

Oh my god, I'm so excited right now. So excited right now.

00:50:52 --> 00:50:53


00:51:01 --> 00:51:04

Okay. Come on. This is the most

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