Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan With The Quran – Day 18

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses recent revelation that the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa) is the only person with the plan for the upcoming year, citing the fall and rise of the sun as the fall and rise of the sun events. They also discuss the misunderstandings of the terminology "ma" and "monster" in Arabic, which relates to "ma" and "monster" in WhatsApp. The importance of avoiding "imager evolve" and "ar passion" in various context is emphasized, along with the theory that the end is better for one. The conversation also touches on the theory that things that are coming are better and that things that are not coming are worse.
AI: Transcript ©
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The point is revelation stopped coming. I want you to understand what that what that meant for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he doesn't know what the plan is, he doesn't know Allah is going to be giving him 23 years of Revelation. We know that now, hindsight is 2020. He doesn't know that at the moment. And these are some of the earliest revelations given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam. So this is very, very much in the beginning, only a handful of suitors have been revealed. And now, days are gone by some say even weeks have gone by no Quran is coming. There's a gap, there's a complete gap. And if you keep that background in mind, then perhaps you'll

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understand these two in a different light. The first two is the morning, and the night that is still in lifeless, the morning and the soothing light felt like when the revolution used to come, the comfort that it used to bring the brilliance that you used to enjoy of it, and now all of a sudden it's like a night that just won't end and it's still in its lifeless, where's the day? Where's the brightness? Where did it go? And Ally's referencing both of those experiences for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in these first two IOD the coming of the revolution, and then the gap in Revelation and him being left in the dark. Now, what does that mean for the Prophet alayhi salaatu

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wa Salaam when people are saying to him that you know he like of course he doesn't believe a chip on but even if he takes it to heart, maybe he's upset with me. Maybe I have done something wrong. Maybe I was worthy of the Quran that Allah was giving me. But now I'm not anymore and that's why Ally's not giving it to me. And so he's all these thoughts are coming to him. Because now the gift of revelation has been discontinued. Maybe it'll never continue again. He doesn't know that. He has no idea. And so when the solar came, Allah azza wa jal gave him this beautiful beautiful, you know, constellation, he said ma what the acara buka. Ma is used they say in Arabic for Arad, which means

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to correct somebody, you know, when you say no to something, but let me translate this first. So you appreciate what I'm saying. Your your master did not say goodbye to you easy English. Your master didn't say goodbye to you. But the word didn't say goodbye. That's a negative, right? There are lots of ways to do negatives in the Arabic language, lung, love your current book, you could say that way too. You could say my current book, you know, laser bukoba word there in many ways to say, but this way of saying it using Marta say it is actually a way of saying No, you're wrong. Allah hasn't said farewell to you. This is to correct somebody, that's when you use Ma. Like, you know, we say la

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ilaha illAllah. When we say La la la la, we're making a statement. As a matter of fact, la rhetorically means you're answering the question. Is there anyone besides a lot? No, La ilaha illa Allah, but if somebody says the wrong thing, somebody says there are Gods besides Allah, then you have to correct them, then the answer is not La ilaha illAllah then it's Mammon. ilaha illAllah. That's actually the other phrase in the Quran nomini law in the law to correct the wrong notion. So here the wrong notion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that may be brewing in his mind, in his heart, the sadness that maybe Ally's unhappy revelation isn't coming, is corrected and

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alleviated first by the word map. Then he says, my watercolor book and what the wonder in Arabic is used for the inside of the pit of a date is called whether a grave site is called what the, or if they will build walls around somebody's grave and never go inside it, you know, like a tomb tomb area, and they build a wall around it, and they just never gonna go to it again, this is actually called a our D are also similarly the word weather was used for, you know, as an expression of saying goodbye, meaning something you never come back to, like, there's going to be it's walled off, you're never going to come back to it this inside of the pit have a date, nobody's ever gonna know

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what's in there, it's just gonna be left alone. A lie did not abandon you, Allah did not leave you alone. That's the idea of malwa dakara buka. Don't get that wrong. Now, let's talk this is about the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But understand that even for ourselves, there are times where we feel the intensity of human, there are times where it's easy for the tears to roll down your eyes for you to feel like you You have repented before Allah and you feel a closeness to him in such that you don't want to get your head up from the sizer. There are times when you're standing in prayer. And you have an experience that only you know nobody else except Allah knows. There are those

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experiences. There are times in which you are crying before Allah, confessing before Allah admitting your faults before Allah. And those are some of the most beautiful moments of your life. And when those moments go away, and maybe sometimes you wander off, and you've you go so far from that closeness to Allah, and you're dead in a place. Thank you so much I met. And so when you're so far from that place now, you're like, Man, I wish I can never feel that again. I used to be a good person. I used to be close to a life. I can barely remember what that felt like, but I'm in the dark now. I there's no way that that's ever going to come back. I've made too many mistakes. See what the

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He's assuming that he might have made a mistake. He doesn't know what it is. And he of course he didn't make a mistake. But in our case, we know what

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mistakes we've made. We know the mishaps we've done. We know what we've done to harden our hearts and get away from a lot of soldiers. But even to us, Allah azza wa jal is giving hope that just like the messenger, this is why the messenger a lot of a lot of them had to experience this gap. One of its benefits was this Omar and his followers are going to experience the gap, they're going to experience times where they're close to Allah, and their hearts are touched by the Quran, and then they're going to feel like they're just in this night that just won't end, they're going to feel that way. And you have to be able to relate to that experience, because you're going to give them

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hope, that even though you're so far away, you'll be able to bring them back and say, Look, I know what that feels like. I know what that's like, I've been there to wonder maybe if a lead doesn't like me anymore, or lead doesn't love me anymore or less angry with me. And the correction comes to every one of us and at first and foremost comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam the most worthy of it. And that is our kind of buka and then he adds one more color, which some have translated, neither is he upset, neither is upset, or neither is Allah disappointed. But let's dig into the word color. Another interesting Arabic word and color or shape when you determine how

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little hum used to be here, basically, they used to call it a kind of acid I can describe it as detergent, detergent, old back in the day was used to you know Rob and scrub the the cloth but you don't when you're done with it, what do you do with the detergent, you want to wash it off and be ready to get rid of it and let it disappear. It's not something of value once you're done using it. Right? That's the error the original image associated with the word color, something you use, and then when its usefulness is done, you get rid of it and it's worthless to you. And it has no meaning to you anymore is Allah terrassa Phil ethna they say that to remove something that's kept within the

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folds like the your clothes, you know, you're folding your clothes are folded up like back in the day you have people like at the edge of a little lake or a river or something washing their clothes and the soap or whatever is inside the cloth and they're squeezing it out like this and beating it out. Right so something that was deeply penetrated inside but now you just want to get rid of it. The idea that you had someone very close and now you want to get rid of them or throw them out this is also used by the way when you fry something on budget who Phil Mikela what color when you fry something like nowadays if your DC fry population will say whatever you fry for iftaar you know

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because are so nice to eat unhealthy. So and then you know the leftover organic matter you just kind of toss that's also McCullough is the stuff you toss away, right? So he Allah says Allah did not dismiss you, as if you're you've outlived your usefulness, that you're no longer any good to him. That is not the case. This is another two sides of it. Allah is upset. And the Allah said Allah said farewell and the other Allah sees you worthless and therefore he's disappointed in you you're not worthy of him anymore. These are the feelings that a believer can get towards towards a lot a lot thinks that I'm worthless. Allah thinks that I have I have no good left in me. You know, again, I

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tell you people around you can make you feel that way. And you start taking the opinions of people and start projecting that that might be the opinion of alone you also that's a very common mistake that we make. And that's something that's that's highlighted in the sutra. Now what the Buddha or macula was to really feel it. Lil moussaka. Baddeley decided to be handy finacle musafir fintiba, Silla, Haiku Shabbat, Shabbat in Quito acidity. Kalam, Peter is in a coma. It's actually the imagery of farewell. And leaving off and never seeing again, is the imagery of a traveler that's gone and is not going to come back. It's like this revelation came and visited you, and now it's gone, and it's

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never going to come back. That is certainly not the case. Some have argued that color, neither is he upset, neither did he dismiss or disregard you that word Allah did not say you Kanaka right. So some derived from that perhaps that word is so harsh that a lot out of love did not mention the Prophet next to it. So he said, Your Lord your master did not did not say goodbye to you, nor is he upset instead of saying nor is he upset with you. So he didn't add the with you, as if the words with you would have been too harsh for the prophet to hear next to the word upset. So he just said nor is he upset, nor is he angry about anything, nor is he disappointed nor is he dismissive, like out of

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honor for the messenger only subtle, some others say no, this is a common style of the Koran, like what that Kadena locka. Thielen was accurate. Those who remember a lot a lot and the males who remember a lot a lot and the females It doesn't say and the females who remember a lot a lot. A lot was not mentioned the second time but it's understood it's obvious. And so the same way here it may be obvious in any case, now we move along with a halo two Halo lacquer

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and I swear to you I will add I swear to you because the alarm is there is called nominal person. Now alarm allow me to feed to Java Welcome to fiddle kasanka delicate slam used for the

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OAuth and used to respond to an oath here you can argue that it's an all new statement. And I swear to you, what is at the very end, Alaska is better for you, and is better for your sake than what is at the very beginning mean alula what is at the very end is better for you, I swear to it, then what is at the very beginning, this is the essential meaning of what an Al Qaeda to hydrolock Amina Lula, from this, some have described that perhaps things are going to get better or on will start coming and it's not going to discontinue anymore. I personally don't find that a very convincing argument because in Qatar and why he happened again, like the gaps in Revelation took place even later on,

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like, for example, in what is associated with silica, for instance, people came and asked a question, the prophet SAW seven said, I'll get you an answer. But it didn't come for a few days that happened. Similarly, in the case of the revelation of pseudo *, over a month went by no Koran came down. And that's maybe even parallel with the amount of time that was spent here. Have no revelation. So that may not be the strongest way of viewing this. ayah. Others have said this is talking about the agenda itself.

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What is waiting for you at the very end agenda, and whatever you're going through right now can't compare. That's one way of looking at this I of course, in on the Day of Judgment, Allah azza wa jal will give, Laval hummed to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the flag of hummed a level Allah's Messenger will praise a lot with a kind of praise that we've never heard before. And he doesn't even have it yet he told us and He will praise Allah with that praise on that day. When Allah says lie attack Allah Muna 11 Athena Allah hora man, nobody will be talking except the one man gives permission to and that one will be Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that's

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when he'll make the case for this oma. That's when he's going to stand and make a plea for shefa. For every single believer, this is the this is what's better for you that's coming for you. Then everything that's happening right now Mina Lula, similarly he's given alcocer in natalina qualcosa. That's far better than anything you have now. And then your own by is going to be by you by alcocer. May Allah grant us that gift that we get to drink from our co authored by the whole health agenda by our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So these are the things that are promised to him. And so he says, the afterlife what is coming in the end is better for you. That's also maybe somewhat

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reinforced by the previous surah in Elena Hirata, will oola. Same phrasing. and here also what an Al Qaeda to hydrolock, Amina una. But there is another way of looking at these ayat, and I find that argument even more compelling. And an argument is that things that are coming, that what how this is going to play out. By the end of your career, right now you think this revelation isn't coming and this is the end, this isn't the end, there's a lot more to go. And by the time you reach the end of this mission, you'll see things are going to be so much better than what happened just now in the beginning. Things are going to change. You're going to have followers, you're going to be leaving

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behind and this is going to be you know what I feel is one of the strongest ways of looking at this ayah is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not leave behind buildings. He didn't leave behind roadways and structures he didn't leave behind massive amounts of wealth. You know, like when great kings die when the pharaoh died? Come takumin Jonathan water Yun was ruined well not common. I mean, we're not Martin County. We have Hakeem. They left behind pyramids and statues and monuments that are still there. But also de la Sol Allahu alayhi wa sallam was born in a desert, died in the desert and left the place that desert. He didn't turn it into towers and massive structures and

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monuments and libraries and universities. He didn't. What did he leave behind? He left behind human beings whose hearts were filled with the word of Allah. That's what he left behind. And that is better than anything else you can leave behind is a greater gift than anything else and those hearts changed the entire map of the planet. The world as we know it, now is the way it is because of what rasulillah left behind sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was Ronnie Aziza he will go far Kufa the profit comparison to a farmer who when the crop grows tall is so happy with how much it grew. Let's the maturity of the Sahaba he's happy with these are the people that will carry you some so one day

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you and I can say la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

Surah Ad-Duhaa

Explaining the context of Surah Ad-Duhaa, Ustadh Nouman says that according to several narrations, the surah came down at a moment of sadness in Prophet Muhammad’s life when no Quran was revealed to him for a few days. When the Prophet starts doubting himself and getting anxious, Allah gave him a beautiful consolation, telling him that he was wrong, that He has not abandoned him and promising him that he will reach the end of his mission and witness its results. These ayat, says Ustadh, are also a message of hope to us. They teach us that sometimes we will experience gaps in our connection with Allah, but that we can always come back.

2017-06-13 – Ramadan 2017

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