Nouman Ali Khan – 103 Asr A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of living in a rewarding and successful way, including including all conditions and fulfilling all commitments. They also stress the importance of understanding the meaning of "IT" and staying in the darkness, while also emphasizing the need for consistency and resilience in life. The speakers stress the importance of understanding the meaning of "IT" and the importance of staying in the darkness, waking oneself to avoid failure, and consistency in survival.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allahumma Jimena livina, Eminem, Mohammed Ali had also been up whatever so the sub al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah says in India, he will mousseline early, he was happy he ministered Nebuchadnezzar he Loma de la Medina Minh home Amina Latina Amano Amina Saudi heart whatever Saugatuck, whatever so the sub amenable Allah means Masada Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Shangri La, we have reached the steady of the 100 and third surah. So to Lhasa and I want to begin by saying that even though this is the shortest surah up till now that we're studying, and the shorter one is coming later on Sultan katha, I find giving Duff's on this surah the most

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difficult and it's probably the case that it will take me more than one session to at least cover with you this the notes that I've taken and the the things that I want to share with you. And I pray that Allah azza wa jal gives me clarity of speech, that I may be able to communicate its lessons to you in the law to Allah, if not Allah with some degree of clarity and

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without avoiding too much confusion. The first thing I want to share with you about this sutra is that in today's session, probably most likely, we're going to talk about an overview and kind of look at the solar as a whole, instead of going into word by word by word analysis, perhaps that will be our next session in shallow data. But first and foremost a bit about the coherence and the placement of this surah in the Quran. This is 100 and third solo so the sooner before that we study last week, so to take effort, it comes right after it, and there are lots of parallels. For example, Chef father, Salah has Sameera, he says having his solo work at Vayner for serene, this surah is set

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up to great losses. The previous surah said I'll have como takaful makabe, you were diluted by your want of having more and more and more, which was a loss. And the next surah is going to be weighed on liquidity houmas lumada. And there you'll find

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the person is being thrown into the Hellfire now a lot more clutter. So there's lost before and there's loss after and then in the middle is the soul that says in the insana left equals this is the sort of loss it's situated between those two. The other thing to note about this Sora is that in the last surah we found that

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Allah azza wa jal taught the last thing he told us was through mulatos, Allah naomie, the 99 on that day, you are definitely certainly going to be asked in regards to the favor and the blessings that you enjoyed. And this slide begins with the greatest blessing that we enjoy. So Allah says you'll be asked about all the blessings but what's the biggest blessing it's time itself, the fact that we have time, everyone has time, the rich person, the poor person, the healthy, the sick, the old, the young, everyone has time. So and this is the number one thing we'll be asked about how we spent our times Allah so Allah says, you'll be interrogated about the great blessings and the very next surah

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begins with the blessing that we appreciate the least which is Alaska itself it's time then the previous 11 solar talked about the great distraction at the castle we talked about the castle being something that district you know, I will happen with the castle a distracted you. We were too busy wanting more competing and getting more showing off what we have to others. This is what we're busy with. But the pseudo previous what I didn't tell us what are you distracted from? You know, it's one thing to be distracted then you have to say what are you distracted from? For example, you could say video games are distracting you from studying for the exam. So yes, the video games are the

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distraction but what are they distracting you from from the exam from studying, right? But the previous what I didn't mention, I'm new. We've talked about this last week, usually unless his lateral wailuku mala,

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the gorilla Don't let your money and kids distract you. But he doesn't stop there. He says distract you from the remembrance of Allah. There's a frog. But there was no from in the previous saw, what are we being distracted from? That's the that's the question that's left open. And in this little we find what is it that most human beings are distracted from and they don't do inland Athena Eminem, or Amina Swanee hat what Allah subhanho wa Taala saw the sovereign

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Go into the detail and the these lessons of this last I have so teleSUR will find this is what most human beings are not concerned with. They're preoccupied with other things, they're distracted from this task. And this is the only task that can save them from loss. So proud of them. Then an interesting contrast. And this is part of the style of the Quran, the Quran, a lot of times, it presents ideas contrasting terms with each other, the central term in the previous sutra, the central term was the capital. And the central term of this sutra is actually a colossal loss. And roughly translate equals that as loss, while the Catholic means to get more and more and more

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articles around the castle means to gain and want more and more and more hosts that literally means to lose your most essential assets. You know, it's one thing you invest your money in a business, and you were hoping to make 20% but you only made 10% that's a loss, but you still made something you didn't lose your initial investment. But when you put money in a business and you lose the money you put in and don't make anything on top of that either. You lose your capital investment basically what's called an Arabic that's when you lose that to then that is called clusters. In other words, the previous what I was talking about people trying to get more and more and more and then a less

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has no The reality is you are in loss No matter how much you think you've gained. The reality is that you are situated in a position of loss.

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We find that this sorta is a concluding address of the previous Four Swords. This began in salsas exam, it has nothing to do Zana then we studied the surah after that one idea to Baba, then we went after that, you know, and then again after that attack after, and in all of them, there was the plight of the human being, here's the reality of the last day, which wasn't so puzzling total Korea, that's the reality of the last day. And here you are who's not concerned at all, and that that lack of concern was sort of an idea. And, again, sort of

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the final conclusion of all of that is the human being in the end because he's distracted. What's the status state of affairs, he is in Los he is immersed in a state of love. So it's almost a conclusion to that entire discussion that's being presented in this song.

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We find this Sora is also very similar in one in many respects, actually, this was the theme. So the theme recovered a few sessions ago. And in that surah Allah azza wa jal says, inland levena Amano amigo solly Hart follow Him and john Romano famous sooner right.

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Here what does he say something similar, he says in the Medina Avenue, but says a little differently, this time, he says will also be what are so the sun, so a little bit different. Here also there is mention of the human being and incense in that in Santa Fe, in that surah Allah also mentioned the human being he said, Nakata, Latina and in Santa Fe. So there is mentioned that human beings in both there's a mention of those who believed that did and righteous deeds in both of them. But they're you could compare them together as far as there's theme and their structure. As far as negative. You could look at it overview as negative reinforcement compared to positive

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reinforcement. In other words, total asset is very, it's the overwhelming theme of it is warning. Okay, it's negative reinforcement. But soutine Allah azza wa jal mentioned it even ended even in a positive note, there's no mention of loss rather phenomenal. noon, familia can be recovered at the beginning. Mm hmm. Kimmy is actually positive and even in the beginning that human beings created in the best possible form. So there's a lot of positive lessons and so to team but there's a lot of warning, and sort of acid. But when you combine the two lessons together, you learn some very remarkable things. There, Allah said, The human being is created in the best possible form. Here, he

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said, roughly translated, every human being is in a state of loss.

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If he isn't created in the best possible form, then why would he be in a state of loss? Right? You know, if you're created to meet success, then it's a tragedy that you're even qualified to be successful and yet still, you ended up being a loser, you still ended up losing. So Allah azza wa jal did not tell us that the human being is in loss. First, he told us the human being is qualified to be successful first. And it's his own failure that leads him to become of those who have lost in an incentive, because this comes later on, but that declaration is earlier.

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I want to share with you in regards to the surah the very, very profound, very beautiful things that get overlooked.

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In this surah Allah zildjian mentions four things at the end. You all know this in a Latina Amanullah Amina Sani heart what Allah subhanho wa Taala. So these are the four things, but three of those are two of the last two things that are the lossy over and over what also will help What are sub sub they're both actions. roughly translated, they are communicated as enjoying the to enjoying the truth to enjoy

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Join perseverance that's how an average translation addresses the subject matter of what I was hoping what I was, but their actions. what's the what's the part of the ayah. Before that? Well, I mean, a slightly heart, they do good things they accurate the act out righteous deeds is not also actions. So as I mentioned, Eamon, which is in thing inside of you, it's not outside, it's on the inside. Then he mentioned that he had, but he usually only says those two things, he doesn't go further. But here was he say what I mean to say the heart and then adds two different specific kinds of actions, what also will have what it could have been,

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could have been any other action too. But he highlighted two actions. The lesson from that is these are the actions that people will overlook. And as we continue our study of the sooner we will find, why is it critical to mention these actions, other actions, you will understand why I'm so sorry. Hi, by the way, when you tell someone that he does good things, he's a good Muslim, he does good things, what things come to your mind, he prays, he goes to hygiene fast in Ramadan, he stays away from out on things, this is what comes to your mind. This is the first thing that popped into my mind, this is a good person, he does good things, what things don't come to your mind, the last he

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will have to see the summit, it's critical that these things be mentioned because they cannot be overlooked. And why can't they be overlooked and necessity of not overlooking them? Especially in this surah inshallah, tada when the time comes, we'll discuss it in more detail.

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Then there's the issue of just the word what between all of the conditions that have not put your human beings are in last word, again, roughly over glazing the translation right now, and the next session, inshallah word by word analysis. But in this last exception, human beings are in loss except to and again, roughly translating those who believed acted righteously or did righteous, good, did good righteous works, and then enjoying each other to truth and enjoying each other to persevere. But it in between those four things, there's an end, except those who did this, and they did this, and they did this, and they did this. You know, what? Why does as opposed to Oh, right,

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what what it is, it's something you have to meet. If the exception is the only exception to these people are people who do a and b, and c, and d, which means how many of those things do they have to do? All of them, if you put an order in between them what happens? You could do some you could do some others, right? But if you put end in between them, then the only people who will meet the exception are people who fulfill all the conditions, not some of them, they can't afford to only have some of the conditions met, they need all those conditions. So this declaration in the surah is very powerful. And the exception is only one exception, but anyone who wants to be the exception

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will have to meet four conditions. Usually in the Quran, Allah mentions two conditions which two conditions and arena Amanullah

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those dimensions two conditions, but in this surah he mentions how many he mentioned four conditions. This is the most comprehensive place most elaborate place talking about the exception to those who are in a state of loss, and we'll see inshallah tada as we proceed. why that is, I want to share with you a famous quote, in regards to the sutra, I think it sums up what I'm trying to communicate. This is by Fussel Dino huazi. He said things in SFC that sometimes are considered controversial Ramallah, but we still don't take away from the fact that he's one of the greatest grammarians we ever have in our history. And one of the greatest Mufasa in art history, some of his

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commentary has solved many, many problems. So we leave the band and we take the good if there's something that's controversial, it's not acceptable, or it's, you know, it's an even if you want to go as far as calling it a mistake, the issue is, who are we to judge a person based on their mistakes, all of us are full of mistakes, anybody after a sort of lesson learning and send them is open to criticism. So there is never going to be such a thing as a perfect scholar or a scholar, that's not going to be question. There is not a single scholar in Islamic history. That's not subject to criticism, right? So it's no shock that somebody comes up and criticizes a scholar and

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says, Why do you Why do you read his work? He said, this, this and this, yes, he did say this, this and this, and I have the right to disagree. But he's had a lot of good things to say. And it's, you know, in the end, the criterion of good and bad is the truth is the evidence when somebody says things based on evidence, we take it, when somebody says things that are not based on evidence, we don't take it. The bottom line isn't the person. It's the truth itself. So we don't reject people based on the mistake that they make. I mean, think about that. If you have you said something wrong before in your life. And somebody says don't listen to that guy, you know that one time he said

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something that I didn't like, or that was wrong, he was wrong, but that doesn't discredit the person's work. You know, a good example of that even even though I'm not a fan of translations is the use of it translation.

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Use of Allah was one of the first translators of the Quran in English, impeccable English translation. He had a very unique take on River. He had a you know, he didn't think that interest as it is today is rubber, as described in the Quran and Sunnah he had a weird take on it or whatever most scholars didn't accept his take. It doesn't take away from the fact that the guy spent 20 years traveling the oma looking at historical sites and writing

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In extensive translation, may Allah reward him for it he made a mistake he made a mistake you call it a mistake but you don't pass judgment on the person. Anyhow, the beautiful quote from facility Nevada Institute cabbie, this is what I want to share with you had he is he How was he doing? Surely the first thing in this ayah there is an intense a severe warning, a threat and a warning that's filled with a promise. The anila tala hakama bill Hassan, because in this ayah Allah azza wa jal declared last utter loss, Allah Jimmy Venus against all humanity. Allah has mandated loss for all humanity altogether. Jimmy Venus in love and Canada, at the end be having more in Omaha, except for

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the one who comes to Allah who approaches with these four exceptions. That's what he's saying. But then he goes further, and he says, within the Delica, and then a law can be much more it has more. And the language illustrates that salvation being saved on the Day of Judgment hangs in the balance of these four things. You meet these four conditions and you're saved and you don't you're in trouble. And the because of the language, it's illustrate that that illustrated this problem. And this is why I felt it urgent to even make the announcement after tomorrow to invite you know, as many of you as possible to come and listen to the message of this surah because in many ways, this

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is the summary of the entire Quran. And in many ways, this surah is a summary of all of the deen it's a summary of the entire message a little a little less on the lohani and send them which is why not give this one a lot a lot of important is three out is very short, every kid memorizes it because it's easy. It's very easy. But the amount of scholarship that has been done on it is daunting, it is absolutely daunting, how much work has been done on it. Now in this series in this series of discourse what I want to share with you is in the previous surah Allah has made comments about the human being For example, He said a few sessions ago he studied Yeah, Are you insane? Now

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how we can carry human being what what deluded you What kept you away from your gracious Master? What was so what was such a big distraction that deceived you? In other words, that you were unhappy with the castle. Allah is actually directly complaining to the human being and that sort of thing what deluded you What was it that took you away from the grace your gracious Master? Then Allah said yeah, you and in some in nakaka different

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community. You You forget for human being you are chugging away towards your Lord, like it or not, you are headed towards your Lord effort after effort after effort and you're eventually going to meet him. There's no avoiding it. You can be distracted all you want, you're still headed in that direction. Then he told the human being selected insanity covered. We created the human being in enormous toil we need the life of the human being is full of labor. Whether you want to live like a believer or live like a calf, it doesn't matter you're still gonna have to work you're still gonna have problems you're still gonna deal with stuff in life. So your your life is created in struggle,

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why not make it a struggle that will benefit you here and the next life? Instead of just struggling? So it benefits you here and has no benefit for you in the next life? And why should you have concern for the next life? Allah zildjian said nothing other than in Santa Fe. Actually, when you went further A few years later, we created the human being in the best possible form. He was designed to achieve high things, but unfortunately he wasn't able to achieve those things because what do we find in this sorta in in Santa Luffy. Despite that high noble status he was given he was not most human beings were not able to live up to that, that high that nobility, Allah azza wa jal makes a

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lot of comments about the human being with the kind of declaration that is found in the phrase in Santa. This is not the only place in the Koran where we find the words in son this commentary about the human being occurs many times what is in the Sunnah mean? The human being is no doubt something something a lesbian to say something make some commentary about the human being. We found several variations in the Koran of insanity lack of forum will be no doubt the human being is openly and clearly extremely ungrateful, and extremely in extreme denial in regards to his master. We found in the insana fully Allah, is Allah subhanho

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wa ala Sunday, the human being is created weak, pathetic, frivolous, you know, frail, something's happened to him. He gets overwhelmed, overjoyed something bad happens to him, he loses all hope. Allah says can the inner insana know that it is the human being that is that truly rebels? It is the human being that rebels and the language suggests don't blame it on anyone else. Don't say society made me rebel. cheban made me rebel. Nobody else human being himself he rebels. Then he says in that insanity, Allah de la nuit nudata human being in regards to his master especially he's very disloyal, all these commentaries about the human being he's ungrateful, he's created week he rebels

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he's, he's disloyal to his master. This is all commentary, but what's the conclusion? The conclusion is here in Al insana left he hosts it's not an it's not an

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adjective of the human being, it's not a description of his behavior, it's now the consequence, what is the net result of all of these, you know, misbehaviors The net result is he is immersed in a state of loss.

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important considerations before we get into the slide itself, one more is the general principle versus the exception. When whenever you use the word in law, except, except you are talking about what we call an English and exception, what is it majority? What is more a number, the rule or the exception,

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the rule is more number and the exception is very few. You say everybody came except that one.

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When you use except you're talking about a one or two or a few that didn't come, everybody else is here. Now, in this surah, what is the rule? What is the majority situation? well as for the Indian in Santa Fe, that's the rule, human beings are immersed in loss in doom. What's the exception Illa, Allah,

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Allah hot water was over.

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By by presenting the exception as those who believe and do good deeds, etc, that we can study by presenting them in the form of an exception. What we're learning here is this is not going to be a lot of people, this is going to be few, the vast majority of human beings will be in loss. That's the, that's the rule. And the exceptions will be a few 1000 meters from the exceptions.

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So now, we talked about Saltine, having more of a style of tip sheet and this one having more of a style of endeavor, meaning good news versus warning. The other thing that I that's very important to highlight as soutine mentioned agile, in

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This word isn't mentioned any agile, agile means reward,

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or reward that will never be discontinued or reward that will never be forgotten from them uses those words. But in this law, there is no mention of reward. The only mention is human beings are in laws except these people, but it doesn't say and these people will get jedna and these people will get everlasting life, all of it nothing, nothing, no mention of what they will get. The only thing that's mentioned is these people are failures. And these people escaped. These people escaped. You know what this is, we call this in Simple English, we call this passing grades. Somebody gets an 85, somebody gets a 95. Somebody gets 100, somebody gets an A A B or a C. But you know, the guy who

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barely survived and didn't get the F. You know, there's the efforts. Let's see, I don't know what New York is 65? Is that the failing grade here in Texas? I don't know. But 65 is your passing grade, basically, you got a 64, you failed, you got a 64, you failed. Now what do you get a 34 or 30, a zero a 25. All of them get what grade? f. That's all. The only thing that will survive is 65 or above you understand like passing grade or above. This slide is not talking about higher levels of success. Others will just talk about success. They deal with what Jenna what gardens what treasures, that's the subject matter of other students. This surah the subject of it is who is not a failure.

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Now I put it in that in those terms, because I want you to understand this pseudo describes the bare minimum, the bottom line, who is above the failing grade, because anybody who didn't meet this minimum requirement is obviously what a failure affiliate. So this surah is not about earning gender. This is more about escaping hellfire. This was not about success. It's more about survival. Which leads me to this very, very critical discussion that we need to have today. What is the difference between talking about success and talking about survival? my contention is this. Laura is not talking about success. What's he talking about? survival? What's the difference between the two?

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You see, survival is something when you when your survival is being questioned. You forget everything else.

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When you're drowning, when you're in a building with fire in it, right? When there's a danger headed your way, when your survival is in question, you forget everything.

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And when your survival is in question, there is no time for you to talk about your

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success. There's no there's no need to talk about success. I mean, if you're working in an office, and you want to you're talking to your boss about getting a promotion, what are you talking about success, but the building went on fire. And you say Melinda finished a promotion first. I haven't just finished negotiating with does that make any sense? No. Because you can't talk about success unless you've already secured your own survival, you understand? So before we talk about higher levels of Paradise, and higher success, what do we have to ensure we're okay with at least we're surviving. We're not in the failing grade. That's the urgency of this sort of the bare bare bare

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minimum to survive, to survive. And you know, it doesn't make any sense for someone to talk about or be concerned with anything else other than survival if they are not meeting the conditions of that sort of thing.

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Imagine you have to get out of that building. And there are four doors and all of those doors are locked until you unlock all four. You shouldn't be worried about anything else. These are the four locks. And

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these are the locks your survival, you have to unlock all of these things so you and I can survive. That's the that's the scenario that's being drawn for us in this profound Sora. Also, this sort of proves something very, very important. I keep saying there are four conditions for conditions for a condition. One of the benefits of knowing that there are four conditions is that this sort of proves that being good on your own is not enough.

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Being good for yourself is not enough. Our Deen is not just a concern with ourselves it's also a concern with other people and you're not doing it for other people for them. You're actually doing it for yourself and this sorta is the proof. Why? Because Allah said you are in loss unless you do yes eemaan and amigo sunny. Hi, that's for who? That's what I do. But the Aussie will fuck getting the truth to other people telling each other to be persevered and remain committed. Is that about you or other people now? That's others, and you're not the thought will in Arabic from which dalasi comes it has still rocketed people working together, so it proves it necessitates the concern for

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others in this quest for our own salvation.

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I shall Canada mahalo commented in includes adara in a dean when he has a dean will American model for Nana Mancha. This philosophy will help tell us a bit softer, what does it include? You're calling people to the dean, you are giving people counsel and advice. That's part of philosophy, but you're enjoying and you're commanding to the good you're forbidding and standing up against evil. This is all part of surviving yourself. You can't just be a Muslim in your own little circle and not be concerned with the evils and the problems outside you have that you have to take them on and at least speak out against them.

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A few other things inshallah when we get to the nitty gritty of the surah. But one last comment about the overview and we get into some

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some other features of the wording in this. One is the comment of a shuffling we find two things he said one of them is loaded up on NASS heavy Sora. Now,

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if people only reflected on the surah that would encompass them, it would be enough for them. And then another place he says no, no, no, for Anisha fattiness had been had there. Nothing been revealed under for unaccepted would have been enough for people. He sees something a shattered at MoMA, incredible minds in our history. He sees something in the solar that makes him say this is enough for people. If they only pondered on the lessons of the solar, what is it the suit on it's so heavy, that he would say something like that? That's a very heavy thing to say. But I want to mention just some overview things. So within that, I want to say one of the comments is the

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difference between hustle, which is used here. And two other words that occur in Docker and that are similar. There's the word Hassan. Okay, like and so

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what about rubella music? Malibu, Malibu Illa, Hassan Atilla Hassan, Hassan. So there's one word that's a variation of

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another word that occurs in the for artists to salon. salon. So you got three words now you got

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you got Hassan, and you got four salon? What's the difference between them? And what's the benefit of using cucet in this world?

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First of all, let's talk about the word Hassan. Hassan means a loss above a pre existing loss. There's already loss and you're adding to that loss that is called Hassan. By using if Allah had used that word, then we would have already been in trouble and we're adding to that trouble but a lie actually by using listen unless and we're learning this we're not in trouble. We're not in trouble but we put ourselves in trouble. It's not like we were in trouble to begin with. So let's see how fissara this word but which means basically loss above a pre existing loss, how it's used in the Quran. When listen for any mother where she fell on what many what is evil body Mina Illa fossa.

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When is evil body mean in darkness Allah we do not increase wrongdoers in nothing more about loss wrongdoers, are they already in loss? Yes, and the light increases them you see the way it's being used? Then we find when I as you can caffeine akufo home in la casa, the disbelief of this disbelief that of disbelievers it will not increase them in anything but more loss loss above the loss they already have. What's the first loss they have is

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then what is the the loss above that is the crimes they do against the believers that's lost above loss. Their coffin was enough to send them to hellfire. Now when they put the believers to trial, then they digging their hole even deeper. So they were casada is appropriate. Similarly, we find as I mentioned in sort of North, whatever and they follow the Muslim yazeed who Malou fissara the one who would wouldn't increase him or all his wealth or children in anything more than loss. In other words, they ended up following people that are losers to begin with and following them would make them even more of a loser. Now, this is the

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First benefit of not using kasar in this surah as opposed to using hosam. But then there's the word kasan. Very powerful word. So sign is what's called skeleton MOBA, hyperbolized noun in English and empowered. Now, this is also used in the Quran. Hassan means incredible laws, excessive loss, unimaginable loss, you have to empower the meaning of that word because it's got on at the end, when you put on at the end of a word in Arabic, it empowers it. Like you know how you say, Man, it's not just merciful. It's incredibly merciful. When you say hold the bond, it's not just angry, it's furious. It's enraged. So when you say for salon, it's empowered, you know, loss, it's amazing

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amount of loss. Let's see how that's using the Quran. Allah says casilla dunya when there was no movie, he was dunya and after that his ultimate loss isn't that the ultimate loss? What's so bad about that it's not something like he didn't just lose one thing he lost both things.

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So, this is loss upon loss this this is the ultimate loss of course, Ron will be similarly defined the word being used a loss as well in Alsace, Nina Levy, necesito and fusa home what led him Yeoman piano, the tree leaders are those who lost themselves and their families on the day of standing that is the ultimate loss. So the real loss is not in this dunya real losses in the aka the ultimate one but nonetheless there is loss taking place here also, but it's not it's nothing compared to the loss that is coming. So because it's still last but not the ultimate loss the word that is balanced and appropriate and this is insanity.

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If it was in the in the Hellfire, then what would the word be? The whole salon, the physical salon, because that's the ultimate loss. You couldn't get any worse loss than that. So it's a perfect choice of words between the two kinds of words that are

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available to us now we're gonna read something that I'm basing my comments on something really really beautiful. In regards to this little he says Caroline was really mean as having a baby is a Taka, Taka, Taka Houma?

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When asked in an interview question, he says the Sahaba or their loved one was mine, whenever they would meet two of them, they would never leave each other's company, unless they would say to each other when us in Santa Ana de la la Vina me know what I'm going to study hard, whatever. So we'll have what are some, in other words, they will recite this a lot to each other, they would recite it to each other before they would depart from each other, why they felt this is something extremely important to remind the other of constantly, this is not something you can learn once about and move on. And this is really what I want to spend the rest of our session today on is the difference

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between studying the Quran academically, and learning the grammar of the words the meanings of the words, the different better art, what the professor would have said, you know, all this knowledge, all this information, when you get too tied down with the information and the technicalities, sometimes you lose the power of the message itself.

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In the end the lies talking to you and me, we should have all that knowledge we should have, we should seek to acquire that knowledge we should seek to have deeper understanding of the Quran that is part of understanding the Quran. But we should never lose sight of the fact that in the end, Allah is talking to me like you know, you somebody's concerned about you talks to you. And somebody concerned about you gives you advice, Allah is giving you advice. And let's not talking about anybody else he's talking about you and me. fee the crew come in it is your mentioned alleged talking about you is not talking about anyone else. When you keep this in mind, we learned something

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about this or talking about it is very easy. Talking about this surah and its demands, it's very easy. internalizing them is very difficult, extremely difficult. And that's the essence of the solar that I want to capture today in shallow Canada. And we will have a detailed study of each piece of the soul like it just deserves that much attention. It deserves that much attention. So we'll capture the the essence of it or try to capture the essence of it today in shallow time. First and foremost, we talked about the difference between two things, success and survival. Let's talk we talked a little bit about survival. We didn't talk about the other thing, which is what success

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every single human being in their head, they have an understanding of what it means to be successful.

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Every single he doesn't have to be Wilson. Every human being doesn't have to speak your own language, every culture, every society, every man, woman and child aspires to something that they consider success. For your kid it may be getting a good grade success. For you. It may be a promotion or getting a job or making a lot more money than you do now. Or getting a certain car or marrying a certain person or buying a house, whatever it may be. There's something in your head that you consider success. And there are some people you look at and you don't even know

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Think about it, as soon as you see them that the thought that crosses your mind is that guy is pretty successful. That one's pretty successful. How do they become so successful? In other words, you don't have to cut, say it. It's in your head. And let me show you a personal experiment you can conduct.

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You're driving down a neighborhood, a fancy neighborhood, and you see a really beautiful house.

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Does your eyes stay on it for a couple of seconds?

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At least couple of seconds, you may get distracted from reviewing the pullover. Whoa, that's nice.

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Because in your head, you're thinking that person reached one milestone of success. It's in our head. That is something to aspire for. That's a kind of success. You come in, you're walking to the machine from the parking lot. And you see a really nice car. Really nice car. Does your eyes stay on it for a couple of seconds? Just a thought you look at the interior just a little more. Even navigation. Wow, that's nice. The eye goes. It's something in your head that says this has to do with success. Now religious leader can say no agenda is success. dunia is not success. We know that. I'm not talking about what you say. I'm talking about what goes on in your head. When you when you

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look at stuff, you think about stuff. And kids are a lot more honest than we are, you know, so I did this experiment with kids. And this is true of all of us, really. But I did this experiment with kids. I said, Okay, guys, if we're walking down the street,

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and we see a guy who's homeless, he's living in a cardboard box. Right? And next to him is a gate and in the gate, there's a guy who lives in a mansion. really wealthy guy, who do you think is successful? One of the kids say honest answer.

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They said the guy in dementia is successful. The guy who's in the cardboard box is a failure.

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Who the one who graduated high school is a success, the one who dropped out as one failure. The one who won the election is a success, the one who lost his affiliate, we measure success and failure in these terms. The one who got the job is the successful one who lost the job as a failure, the one whose big business thrived is a success, the one whose business tanked as a failure. This is how we measure success and failure. It's normal, it's totally normal to think like that. But we are learning something very, very radical in this era. We are learning that all of these are not the measures of success or failure.

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Having a lot of wealth. Having things that you want to aspire for and having them is no sign that you're successful. And not having them is no sign that you're a failure.

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They have nothing to do with success and nothing to do with failure.

00:37:38 --> 00:37:59

Now look, let's take some some ancient examples. You know how there's I don't know if they still have the show. I saw it at a friend's house one time. They called it celebrity cribs. And if you ever seen it, but they go to famous people's homes and show you their homes, they're like the custom multimillion dollar homes and stuff. Well think about this who had the celebrity crib in ancient Egypt at the time of Mozart Islam.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:07

You could see his house from miles away. I mean, that's some pretty good architecture. It's still around.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:15

Right? It's pretty solid foundation. It's a world monument. One of the wonders of I mean, this is his crib.

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And yet Is he a success?

00:38:19 --> 00:38:57

One of the biggest examples of failure, when somebody has been able to save a lot of money, we say this guy's doing okay, you know, he's not in debt. He's pretty successful. He's got a good retirement plan. Look at qarun in the Quran, does he have a nice big enough vault that people have to carry the keys to write his vault is so big, forget the vote, he has to be carried by multiple guards to go open the vault. So Panama, but horrible failure. Then on the other hand, you have, you know, if somebody gets deported from a country, somebody gets deported, you would consider that a failure. It's pretty embarrassing and humiliating, isn't it? Was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam expelled literally deported from Makkah.

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He was if somebody doesn't have a home to live in, and they have to live out in the woods, you know how in between your developments here, there's some patch of woods and some guys living in those woods, you would call that a failure. That's pretty, pretty pathetic. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had to live in a cave. For a stretch period, no food, no plate, eating off of shrubs. So ohanian said, the greatest example of success. And yet he's living in if you saw somebody living like that today, you would not think success. That's not what would cross your mind. If somebody gets kicked out of their home, they become homeless. It's a failure. Ibrahim alayhis salam.

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Does he get expelled from his home? He does. And yet that's one of the greatest examples of success in human history. What are we learning from these examples? We're learning that the way we think about success and failure is not the way a law wants us to think about success and failure. That's it's completely different. And then when we when we start rearranging our things

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We learn something very critical about the society in which we live. And all of this is the message of the sort of IoT.

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in this society and in the world today, there are certain things that are defined as success. And you are told that that is success over and over and over and over again. In other words, the wrong definition of success is bombarded at you constantly.

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You cannot so much just turn your computer on. And a banner ad will show you to what kind of car you should get. And based on your searches, these are the stores that want to give you, you know, a discount, and what the billboard will show you what kind of house you should buy, advertising in every way, shape, or form being pumped towards you, even among our parents and our elders among our youth, what college you should go to what kind of job you should get which neighborhood you should move to constantly we are being told what is success, what is success, what is success, over and over and over again. And you know, even if something is wrong, but it's said to you over and over

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and over again, what starts happening.

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You start believing it's true. You start getting affected getting affected by it.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:17

If constantly people around you are telling you and convincing you that such a thing is success, than the other thing that happens is if everybody thinks that success, how can I must be crazy to think no.

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You know, if somebody says brother, no man, this is an interesting concept. But nobody thinks like this. Do you have the right to say nobody thinks like this seriously, get real. That's exactly right. Just because nobody thinks like this, we have assumed that it's invalid. If this was so true, everybody would think like this. But the thing is, what we're learning is truth is not sweet. Truth is bitter. Here, and it's not about any action yet. We're not telling you about any actions. We're just talking about a change of attitude, and attitude towards this worldly life. That's all we're talking about a change of attitude. This world has nothing to do with success. This is not to say,

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by the way to avoid confusion, this is not to say that this world is evil.

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After all the lessons of the journey, and he created for you, whatever is on this earth altogether, it was for you. It was made for you.

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But then how do we reconcile these two things, what we learn is having well, is not a bad thing. Having a nice car is not a bad thing, having nice clothes is not a bad thing. But if you think that is success, then you have failed.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:41

What you the what you aspire towards is not dunya having dunya is not a problem. Loving dunya is the problem. Allah doesn't talk against the one who has dunya he talks about the one who is influenced by dunya, what are the dunya

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he was, you know, the worldly life, He gives preference to it. If this becomes your preference, you know, you can be very wealthy and still not be in loss. It's you could do that. And you could be very poor and still have dunya in your heart and you're still a loser, you're still in loss. This is before we talk about anything material or on the outside. The first concern here is what is on the inside. So that's the the issue of success versus survival. And we talked a little bit now about that rearranging our idea, our concept of what is success. Now that we've come to this point, the lesson to learn in this sutra is all human beings are in a desperate need to survive, when the US in

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the linssen and Effie, human beings are drowned in loss. Human beings are lost. They're in love immersed in it. What does that tell you? That tells you that there are no exceptions. There are no exceptions. Allah doesn't say in Indian cafe or nothing, because some of us even commented, you know, an inside a cafe will talk about that. Like the human being, it's referring to the cafe. It's referring to the cafe, if he is in hostel at the end. But you know, we find narrations of the Sahaba, who were concerned about the first part of sorts of awesome. Also class it was revealed, well, actually in an entire life, it wasn't those who only heard that much said, what are we going

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to do until the exception came and give them relief in Medina. And when

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this exception becomes critical, because this becomes a matter of our survival. This becomes a matter of our survival. And if we don't address this, then there's no point talking about success. There is no success, then we have to rearrange our thinking in regards to the demands that are being placed on us and in terms of disorder. The last thing I want to share with you in today's session in Shandong, China is imagery. And we'll build on this imagery in channel Thailand, our next session and go and finish the word by word study and and our analysis of the soul. And the imagery that I want to share with you is one that will help you understand the larger concept of soulless. Imagine

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with me that you are drowning, that you're drowning and you are unconscious to things. You're drowning and you're unconscious.

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You have a lot of time.

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If you're drowning and you're unconscious, do you have a lot of time? No, you don't have a lot of time. Which means that your time is running out. And you know in Arabic what word is used for when time is running out the time the word for that is awesome.

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And awesome literally means time that is running out. It's the last part of the day when the day is running out is time of Austin prayer. Okay, awesome, literally comes from a seed juice that is squeezed out time that's being squeezed out of your hand. You know, I saw a silver even it's used that you know, you take a coal a cloth that is drenched in water. And when you squish it like this, all the water comes out Asana as a verb is used like that. Right to squeeze it out. So a lot talks about this time, your time you're drowning your your unconscious, your Time's running out, what's the first thing you need to do to be able to survive? If you're in that position? What if you hope

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to survive? What's the first thing you're going to need?

00:45:55 --> 00:45:55

What do you think?

00:45:57 --> 00:46:34

Wake up. That's the first thing you're going to need. If you keep your unconscious, then you're finished. The very first condition has to be you have to wake up. And even if you were in the most wonderful dream, and in your dream, you were enjoying the greatest success, you're driving, you're driving a Ferrari down, you know, this, you know, to have this car commercials with the hills and the highways on the side of the water on the other side, right? You're one of those cars that drops the tops when dropped off, and you're just cruising along the highway enjoying life. That's your dream. But when you wake up when you realize you're drowning, you're underwater. That's the first

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condition you have to wake up. Once you do wake up, you say, oh, man, this is a nasty reality. And I was enjoying such a good dream. I should go back to sleep.

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If you do that, what kind of person would you be? insane? You'd be insane. Or someone at least who has no courage to accept reality? Because they found reality to be very difficult. They decided they're going to put themselves back to sleep even though they woke up. Does this person if he drowned? Can you blame anybody else? The one who woke up and went back to sleep?

00:47:06 --> 00:47:43

You think someone who never woke up? Maybe right? But the one who woke up said, This is not good. And they went back to sleep? They have no one to blame. But who? themselves they have no one to blame but themselves. Now let's imagine that they did wake up. What do you have to do next? Oh, it's pretty bad. I'm drowning. Even if you don't know how to swim, will you not use every muscle in your body to make certain kinds of motions to go towards the surface? Wouldn't you do that. And you will make certain kinds of motions that make you go further down. And certain kinds of motions that will make you go up. And once you discover which ones help you go up, you will only do those right? You

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will do those. In other words, the first thing was you have to wake up the second was you have to swim. You have to do something to try to get to the surface. When you got to the surface you gasp for air and you got pulled back down.

00:47:56 --> 00:48:06

You got pulled back down and you what you who you got pulled back down, you won't believe this. There's a chain around your foot. And your relative your cousin is sleeping and he drags you down.

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And now you're drowning because you're sleeping cousin. What do you have to do now?

00:48:12 --> 00:48:37

You got to wake him up. And you're not even making enough pick him up because you want to save him? Who are you waking him up for? Your maybe you want to save it? Maybe Maybe you don't even like your cousin? I don't know. Right? But what's the point? The point is you're trying to waking up because if you don't wake him up who's also gonna drown yourself. So you wake him up. And he says, Man, I was driving a Ferrari you woke me up for no reason. I'm going back to sleep. forget you.

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Can you just say okay, well, I didn't like you anyway, switch yourself.

00:48:42 --> 00:49:00

Can't do that. If he goes to sleep again. What are you gonna do? No, man, wake up. Let's go. Let's go. We gotta go. We can't give up. You cannot accept reality. And you have to keep trying to wake him up until he finally says, Okay, fine. What do we do? He says, let's you say to him, let's swim together. Both of you come up together. The third time you both get pulled down by your grandmother,

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by your aunt, by your neighbor, by your son, by her daughter. Does the process continue?

00:49:08 --> 00:49:40

Your process continue. There's a four part process to this people surviving. The first was they had to wake up themselves, then they had to try to swim. Then they had to tell other people that they're tied to this is the truth. Let's go. And even if they got tired, and some of them one of them said, Man, I can't do this anymore. We've been doing this style over and over again. I don't know if I could do it anymore. And the other one says no, we are all going to survive together. You have to do this Come on. Let's go Let's go Let's go keep going keep going. You ever seen those kinds of movies where they're trying to escape from some army and one of them gets tired and says I can't run

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anymore? What are the others do? Come on Come on. Let's go Let's go and we can do this we can do and they get them to run anyway even though he thinks he can't run anymore. They they work with each other because their their survival depends on each other. They work together desperately. What does Allah say at the end of the solar first is in an internal one. So first of all times

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running out. Then he says indolence Allah outranks human beings are drowned in loss. You see the parallel, human beings are drowned in loss. What's the exception in the novena? And those who believed believed what? Allah didn't say Amanullah he

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remain Allah, Allah was nothing. He didn't mention anything, even though all of those things are included, according to the cry of the soul or the context of the surah. What is the first thing these people have to believe

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that they're in loss, that they're drowning?

00:50:35 --> 00:50:44

And if they do come to believe that and they correct their event, what's necessarily going to happen? They're going to swim and move upwards. How does it lead describe this action? Why do

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they do good things? They do things that help reconcile the situation. By the way, Sonic is an adjective here.

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Which is literally means that which correct something, something was wrong in a correction. So they do actions that correct the situation literally, like the guy trying to swim.

00:51:04 --> 00:51:39

But because they were tied to other people, what else did they have to do? What the last hole? And how they had to tell the other the truth? I just thought even they told them about the truth. No, no, no, you have to wake him up. And let's go, let's go, we have to go. No matter. And over and over again. The loss even has the cloud in it. It has repetition over and over again. They said this is the truth. This is the truth. This is the truth. You know why? Because the people you're trying to save, even if you wake them up temporarily for 20 minutes, 30 minutes during the whole month, guess what happens on the football is done. They go back to sleep, they start running again. So what do

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you have to do, you have to go and wake them up again, then they get sleepy again, then you got to wake them up again. This is the loss you will have and you might get tired of doing it. You might become impatient. So a lot also adds what also the SOP, you gotta keep doing it. So that means consistency, constancy, perseverance, patience, you got to remain on point you got to keep doing this. Because your survival depends on it. In the end, if you do all of these things, but you have no patience, and you give up you will you drown. So even if you had a man and you had good deeds, and you told people about the truth, but you didn't have Southern, you still drowned. So how many

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conditions do you have to fulfill to survive? All four, all four conditions are required. They're critical, and they're necessary, which is why there's a wire in between them. You see the logical progression from Eman tamela, Sally had

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beautifully articulated in the sutra, that this is a summarized message of sutras. What Allah is originally talking about is our own survival, our own literally our own escape from the Hellfire our own escape from impending loss in this world, and then in the next. But no, this, this sutra is about dystonia.

00:52:50 --> 00:53:17

This is first and foremost, this is about dystonia. How do we know this a lot. So when you use the word one last time that is running out, what is in which world is time running out, this world or the next world? In this world Time is running out in the next world, there's no time hunting out, either your agenda in our field are in abundance. Are you either in a garden timeless, or in the fire timeless a lot of my knowledge and I'm in this hobby now, and will not make us from the people of fire.

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last comment, inshallah Tada. And I will conclude the evening, in regards to the Sora I want to give it this much time and importance. Because again, I feel its message is so powerful.

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And so critical that all of us in our families need to understand it. And this is a sort of a lie. It's a tragedy that we have art we know the surah and the irony is if you're late for like, you know the movie, and the slides coming in the way or you got to go play basketball and it's a lot of time do you have to quickly get rid of the salon? What do you do?

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You recite the time is running out and urine loss? The irony of the whole thing, right? Well, that's what it means. Because it's quick, short, you know, short and sweet hidden runs a lie. And you go, right? We have in our homes, we have big like portraits that say well as for England in Santa Fe, right next to like the the big screen TV or like the video game console, and we're playing for hours and hours. And it says right there in our face, human beings are in loss and what's their rate of loss time that the time is being drained away from all of us. This is the surah to understand and it's basically at the heart of the entire plan the entire Koran. The last comment I wanted to make

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before you which is a comprehensive overview common. The way this surah is understood as a summary of the entire Quran is incredible. First of all, it takes an oath.

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Are there places in the Quran robotics, no. Sure, this is the last of them. This is the last of them in the series of ultimate. This is the final one. The second thing when we find in this surah Allah says in Santa Fe, he talks about the loss of the human being human beings are in trouble. Is this not one of the key messages of the prophets of Allah Hafiz

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Human beings are in trouble. When he came up on the mountain, he addressed the people did he not warn them about the day of judgment? They did not warn them about a danger that is coming that they're in loss, they're in trouble. This is one of the central messages of this book of this message of Islam altogether. Then there are four exceptions. What's the first one he man

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he man the Quran in much of the Quran is talking about what he meant. Then it says good deeds. All our Deen it's there's a man and then there's one good deeds, and then there is the life and the struggle of the prophets and the love of them, which is the loss he will talk and there are civil service of the entire manage the entire methodology of this little loss of time is captured in these four words. Anywhere you study in the Koran, anywhere you study in the Sierra, anywhere you study in the Sunnah, you will find one or four things, either you will find a man or you'll find an armada, or you find the Laci will help or you'll find the Aussie this summer you'll find one of these four

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things all over the all over the sun. It's a summary of the entire thing captured in very, very few words. It's miraculously beautiful. Mila xeljanz give us a comprehensive complete understanding of socialism and of the entire Quran. May Allah azza wa jal enable us to embed its powerful message into our hearts and to be able to communicate that to others, especially family and friends that allowed me to enter it into their hearts as well. A loving manner with alumina

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barakallahu li walakum. And Hakeem when a family when he when he was a kid Hakeem or Santa Monica

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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