Navaid Aziz – Understanding Qadr

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the concept of evil in the context ofductions made byductions. They also discuss the three principles of evil, including avoiding trials and awards, and the importance of gratitude and the god for blessings. The speakers emphasize the need for forgiveness and finding a perfect couple for a healthy relationship, as well as language in bringing out the best of relationships. They also mention a civil law session and a presentation on mental health in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam about a cut in the meantime Mohammed didn't wanna and he wants to remain a God, but your brothers and sisters saramonic Mashallah he cuts off.

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Understanding cada taking you looking at it from a Quranic paradigm. One of the most beautiful examples of understanding Qatar is in the story of Yusuf Ali Salaam. If you look at the story of Yusuf Ali Salaam, his story begins with him being betrayed by his brothers, his brothers initially planned to kill him. But then one amongst them said, You know what, let's not kill him, we're going to throw him into a well, instead, he gets picked up from this well gets sold into slavery, as he sold into slavery.

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The wife of the person that technically owns him at that time, tries to seduce him. Upon failure, she accuses him of something terrible, for which he gets sent to prison. When he gets sent to prison, he gets put with two individuals that seem like genuinely nice people. But when they got out, they completely forgot about him completely just forgot about him. And then the king at that time, he needs someone to interpret a dream. And that's when usefully saddam finally gets remembered. From that time of interpreting the dream, he eventually becomes an advisor and becomes a finance minister. And then the story concludes with him being reunited with him being powerful with

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him actually being grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala him asking Allah subhana wa tada that Oh Allah, you know, let me die from amongst the Muslims. That's the only thing that you know, I have left to ask from you. So when you when you look at the story of Yusuf Ali said, and one of the things that sticks out is that in each step of the story, one may ponder and wonder where is Allah? subhanho? wa Taala then why is Allah subhanho wa Taala putting him through this difficulty and through this trial, and when is it going to end? Yet when you look at the story, the conclusion is what is the most important part that use of either is, is grateful to Allah Spanos Allah for

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everything that happened, and everything that happened, happened for a reason it led up to something. So that is the first thing to understand that when we understand clodagh or try to understand other it has to be understood from the realm of our faith in the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala how so. Our faith in the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala necessitates that Allah subhana wa tada is the most just that Allah subhana wa tada is the most loving, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most merciful, right the prophets of Allah why they would send them in a beautiful Hadith. He tells us about a woman that loses her child and is running

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from one side of the marketplace to the other looking for her child. Till every time she comes across the child, she picks up that child embraces that child, and tears are coming down their eyes, and she lets that child go till eventually she finds the child that she lost her own child, and she embraces that child. And those tears of sorrow, those tears of pain, those tears of anguish, actually turn into tears of joy. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam asked his companions at that time, do you think that this woman would ever throw her child into the fire? They said Kela jasola, never a messenger of Allah. And at that time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam defined

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for us what our relationship of Allah subhanho wa Taala is meant to look like he says Allah who will be a baddie, he mean heavy, heavy one idea that Allah subhanho wa Taala is more compassionate, more loving, more caring towards the slave than this woman is towards her child. So that is the first point that we need to understand that everything that happens in our lives is a manifestation of Allah's love, a manifestation of Allah's mercy, and a manifestation of Allah is justice, whether we choose to recognize it or not, you're able to recognize it, and that is a blessing from Allah subhanho. What's the other? Number two? Is that when you approach this subject logically, how do you

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understand the concept of evil? Even Tejada himolla, he says that there are five logical possibilities when it comes to evil, that either the incident is absolute evil, and there is no good in it whatsoever. Or the incident is absolute good. And there's no evil in it whatsoever, or the good and the evil or equal or the good is great.

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than the evil or the evil is greater than the good. These are the only five logical possibilities in any given scenario. He goes on to comment further that while these are the logical possibilities, theologically speaking, only two of them are possible, meaning according to our arcada, only two of them are possible, which two are the ones that are possible. Otherwise, theologically speaking,

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and you get chocolate for this, go ahead.

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greater than the evil, I want you to just answer one, but I'm only going to give you one chocolate and there you go. So, theologically speaking, it is only possible that it is absolute good, or the good is greater than the evil. Then he goes on to answer one of the most common asked questions that when you look at the existence of shaytaan, right, the most evil creation that Allah Subhana, Allah has created, Allah has not created anything as evil as shaitaan whether it be the jail, whether it be anything else. Now, how do we reconcile this with the fact that everything is either absolute good, or the good is greater than the evil? And this will get another chocolate? Think about this?

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In the presence of shade on what possible good could come out of it?

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I'll give us an opportunity to answer this tough Go ahead.

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That you remember Allah? Can you expand on that? How so? When you are testing whisperings?

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internally from people, excellent, I will accept that answer. How are you catching skills? there? Okay. Actually, I'm in a very awkward situation. But I will try. There are this way the smilla. Very good catch. Okay. And the answer to that is that when you look at shaytaan

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There's our relationship with shaytaan, which is proactive mean that even before shavon does anything to us, we say our Oh Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. Before reciting the Koran,

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you know, entering into Salah, there are different times of the day that you will make us the other with Allah subhanaw taala from a shaytaan had shaytaan not been created, this couldn't have taken place. Number two is that with the presence of shaytaan, calm the whisperings of shaitaan, meaning that when you're trying to be good when you're trying to be righteous, when you're trying to be a better person, she does want to come and whisper at you, and you're going to make a conscious decision at that time. Should I give into the temptations of shape on? Or should I work this off or inside? Should I fight it off? And those that choose to fight it off? Then they are doing something

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great. This is from the you know one of the greatest things that the soul can do is to fight off the whisperings of shade on and this is how even in the presence and existence of shade on there is a greater good that mankind realizes not. Number three, is that from a Western paradigm when they try to understand the concept of evil. The main shortcoming that the western paradigm in understanding Evil has is the fact that they don't believe in an afterlife, the fact that they do not believe in an afterlife. And this is why when you look at EMA Shafi Allah He says the scariest verse for any oppressor is a verse in Surah. Miriam who knows the verse?

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I believe in sort of money and I may be mistaken. I'm pretty sure it's the sort of Medea

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what is the verse? And the only reason I know a lot of you know it is because I've seen it on Instagram like 1000 times. And you know, like all of your Instagram and Facebook, so you've seen it somewhere.

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Let's go

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Can I give you a hint? I give you the pseudo man.

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Okay, I'll give you a hint. Actually. Do we have fun here? Do we have a fun? Well, one half is

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okay, then it's not gonna be fair, man. I don't know whatever hints to give you

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know if this is the scariest diverse for every oppressor, so the worst does not mention the word oppression or pressure. But every oppressor This is like his worst nightmare.

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But is it? Is it like a presser like two people and everything else? It doesn't make a difference, regardless of the type of oppression. This is like the scariest if we're the oppressor.

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Feels like a keyword. A key word

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One Arabic word of the I

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know it's not gonna work man, this is gonna become too easy. And the easy stuff is supposed to come after the verse is in Santa Maria, one that cannot book and I see that Allah subhanho wa Taala is not forgetful Allah subhanho wa Taala is not heedless. Now why is this the scariest verse for every oppressor and wrong door, because the oppressor and wrongdoer, they will forget about their own sins, they will forget about their own transgressions, they will become heedless to their sins and transgressions. And what that leads them to is thinking that nothing can harm them, nothing will ever catch up with them. But at the end of the day, on the day of judgment, people fail to realize

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that the Day of Judgment is a very, very scary reality. But there is a silver lining to it as well. And that silver lining is that anyone that has a wrong done to them will be rectified on that day, it will be rectified on that day. So anyone that did wrong to you in this life, and perhaps they got away with it, right. And the simplest answer I can give you is a hidden one, you have your car, you're parked somewhere, someone hits your car, and they run off, you don't know who it was, you don't know what happened, but you're left paying the bills for the damage of the car, on the day of judgment, that individual will not get away with it, they will stand in front of you. And it will

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the the progression will either be that you are taking their good deeds, if they have no good days left, you're giving them their sins till they're destroyed. That is the reality of it. So when you have when you talk about the concept of evil, it's imperative that you include the life of this world and the life of the Hereafter, because you can't talk about the existence of evil and the outcome of good unless you believe in the hereafter. And that is why it is imperative to believe in the life of the hereafter in order for that evil to be rectified. Now, these are just three general principles on the topic of evil. What I want to bring our discussion now is at a much more micro

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level. How do we deal with trials and tribulations that happen in our own lives? How do we deal with trials and tribulations that happen in our own lives, and they want to share with you and other three principles and other three principles. Principle number one is that if you learn to expect trials, you will be prepared for those trials. Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Koran, he tells us a hashima Nasser, Nutella konnyaku Amina hula afternoon, there's mankind think they will be left to say we believe and not be tested. Meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us expect the test right be prepared for the test. This is like at the beginning of the semester, your teacher tells

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you that look, your final exam is on this curriculum is on this book. You can show up on the day of the exam and say, I didn't know we had an exam or I didn't know what the curriculum was. Allah subhanho wa Taala told you in advance, you will be tested. Now this is what I like to do. And a small exercise a small activity. And this has to do with a personal story of mine. So growing up until this day, Al Hamdulillah, Allah subhanaw taala blessed me with a sister that is four years older than me. And we grew up like the worst of enemies. And the fact that she was older than me, she always had the upper hand and the fact that she was a girl, my parents always used to side with

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her. So growing up anytime one of her friends would come over, she would kick me out of the house, it wasn't enough that I stayed in my room, it was enough, I went to the basement, she would literally tell me to get out of the house. So there's only so much basketball you can play. There's only so much you know, video games, you can play with your friends at their house, you only have homework to do. So I used to go to my aunt and uncle's house, they lived about 10 minutes away. And my aunt and uncle also have a daughter she is six months younger than me. And by the virtue of spending so much time in their house, due to me getting kicked out all the time, we actually

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developed like a sibling rivalry. So if I got a bicycle, she had to get a better bicycle, I bought a laptop, she had to get a better laptop. And this is the way things continued. And then every semester, we're actually we used to have like four terms in a year. There was like a dagger that was literally stabbed into my heart. And that was the day we would get a report cards. Because I would come home I'm really happy. I thought I did amazing my grades. So I'd come home I'd beat my mom and dad would be like, how did you do? And I'd be like, I got an A and this being this and you know, I'm really happy. But then they'd always asked that one question and I'm sure some of you may be able to

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relate. But how did your cousin do? And then I'd be like coming up with excuses. You know what she's this and that she studies all the time.

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A geek she's a nerd offices, her grades are going to be better. Right? But as is the son of Allah subhanho wa Taala every individual will have their personal Battle of Budda. What was that day, the day we went for our driving exam.

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So, she goes for her driving exam, and I don't admit it, but I was literally at home and I'm the gala, please let her feel.

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So she comes home, and she's walking in, and I can see the tears in her eyes. And I'm like, are these tears of happiness or the tears of sorrow? And she's like, Mama Baba, I'm so sorry. But I failed. And at the back of the house, I'm like tech beer.

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So now, what does this do? This puts an immense amount of pressure on me to pass my driving exam. So I want you guys to live through my driving exam with me. And the instructor says, Mr. Aziz, welcome to your final driving exam. I would like you to reverse out of the parking lot. I was like, no problem. I got this. So Bismillah put my seatbelt on, you know, fix the mirrors on each side. Milk around me, everything's good. Put the car on, put it in reverse. I'm going back and going back and going back.

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You hit something? What is the first word that comes out of your mouth? Don't say it out loud. We're in the masjid. Respect the property of Allah subhanaw taala. What I like to do with this activity, though, is it teaches you What is your natural reaction to calamity? Is it to remember Allah subhanaw taala? Or is it something other than that, and that's what we're going to call it other than that, right? The reality is lack of dolla hadn't been something so severe, that you know, you're on the verge of dying at that time, you can think of man's panela those could have been my last words, those could have been my last words. And that is why you want to train yourself to be in

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the situation, where your natural reaction to calamity is the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala alladhina asaba Tomas ceiba calling in Allah he were in the in De La Jolla, that the believers when they're struck by calamity, their natural response is indeed to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. So this reminds us do not get so comfortable in our lives that we forget we are being tested by Allah subhana wa tada at all times, be prepared to be tested. Number two, is the spirituality behind the trials. What is the spirituality behind the trials, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us that the children of Adam are not pricked by a thorn, except that their sins are

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being forgiven. The children of Adam are not pricked by a thorn, except that their sins are being forgiven. Meaning the greater the trial, the greater the forgiveness from Allah subhana wa Tada. So look at this fact, that every time something difficult has happened in your life, the greater the calamity, the greater the trial. Allah subhanho wa Taala is using this as an opportunity to forgive you for your sins. We are also told by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the ranks of people will be raised in Paradise, according to the patients that they showed. And the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala that they made in those moments of calamity. So the more

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patient people were, the more they remembered Allah subhanho wa Taala, the more they turned to Allah subhanaw taala in that calamity, the more Allah subhanho wa Taala raises their ranks in Paradise. And that is why perspective is so important, that don't get so drowned down in the calamity and in the difficulty, that you forget about the spirituality behind it, that Allah is Forgiving my sins and raising my ranks as long as I'm being patient and remembering Allah subhanaw taala as long as I'm being patient, and remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And then the third aspect I want to share with you is developing an attitude of gratitude in moments of calamity. There is a narration it is tributed to Mr. macabre, the Allahu anhu. But Allah subhanaw taala knows best, it is rather probably one of the tie between and this was that the Sahaba the Allahu on home, used to be grateful they used to thank Allah subhanaw taala for the trials and tribulations. Why would they thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for these trials and tribulations, we mentioned three things. Number one, is that the trial was not as great as it could have been. The trial was not as great as it could have been. You will failed an exam thank Allah that you're still

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alive, you lost $10 thank Allah that you didn't lose. $1,000 things can always be worse. So it used to be grateful

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For that, number two, was the fact that this trial was not in their faith, meaning lose whatever you want from the dunya as long as it doesn't affect my certainty as long as there's an effect, my faith itself, I don't care about this dunya and used to be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala for that, that their faith was in tried, because when your faith is tried, then that is a major calamity that is a very, very difficult calamity to get out of, and used to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for that. And then the third and last thing we used to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for is the fact that Allah subhana wa tada allowed them to keep their composure allows them to just, you know, be serene and

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content and patient. Why is that so important? If you look at people, when calamity strikes, what happens to them? Some people become very abusive, some people become very vulgar and obscene. Some people start breaking things, some people turn towards intoxication, and promiscuity, and all sorts of things. The fact that Allah subhanaw taala allows you to keep your composure and to be patient is from the biggest blessings of Allah subhana wa tada is from the biggest blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So those are three things I want to share on a personal level in terms of how to deal with calamities and trials that happen in our lives. I want to conclude with a short exercise. And this

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exercise is something that I do in my counseling sessions when people come and they're like, I have this problem, you know, how do I feel better? Allah, I don't want to Allah in the Quran, he tells us about Jenna lahoma, Sha una fi her whether Dana was it, that they will have each and every single thing that they desire, and we will still have more to give them. I want you to understand that concept, you will have every single thing that you desire, yet Allah will still have more to give you. What does that mean? How do we understand that? How do we comprehend that? And then a bigger question behind this as well is why does Allah subhanho wa Taala give us this hint that you will

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have each and every single thing that you desire? And we will still have more to give you? Another question I would ask us is that if you look at the nature of description, in the Koran, you will find that the punishment of the Hellfire is extremely explicit and extremely descriptive. Whereas the blessings of Jenna, while there is some description, they are not very, very explicit, what is the wisdom behind that? That as human beings, we very easily ponder about God, we very easily ponder about goodness coming our way. Whereas when it comes to evil and to punishment, we don't like to think about it, our mind literally would rather shut off than contemplate that. And that is why

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is so explicit when it comes to the punishments of the Hellfire because Allah created us in such a way that we don't want to contemplate that punishment. Whereas when it comes to gender, you just drop the seed of Jannah. And people will naturally ponder about it and think about it. It's as if someone tells you that you know what, after the lecture, I have a gift to give you. And then you're like, Okay, what is this gift and you start thinking, Okay, maybe it's a book, maybe it's a new car, maybe they're gonna pay off my university tuition, you know, you start thinking from one note to the next. And at the end, they're like, yeah, here's a bottle of water

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enjoyed inshallah, right? That's a disappointment of this dunya. The point being, human beings will naturally, you know, ponder what, what is what is greater and what is out there. Now, how do we use this as a tool? How do we use this as a tool? So what we're going to do right now is just a 10. Second activity doesn't actually take long. Everyone close their eyes. So everyone who wants to participate in this activity, close your eyes? And I want you to think about if you're in Jenna, what are you doing? So starting in three seconds, 123.

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Okay, you can open your eyes to stock market. And now why I like to do this activity. I like to do this activity for three reasons. Reason number one, is I learned for the rebellious students are because there will always be like a student that's literally just staring at me like this. And they're like, no matter what you tell me to do, I ain't doing it. Right. And that's fine. You get to know who your students are. Reason number two is you also get to learn who understands English well, and who doesn't. because there'll be some people like, okay, what's this person doing? What's this person doing? I will copy them now. Right? And then Reason number three, and that's the actual point

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of the activity itself, is how defunct our understanding of gender is. Because not only did we hear no one jumping for

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Not only did we not hear anyone laughing or giggling, if I could have taken a picture I would have showed to you. Some people are actually frowning. Some people are not smiling. And I was like, What is the point of view getting to Agenda if you're actually miserable? That what is the comparison between the dunya and Jenna, if you're still miserable, and this shows us that there's a deficiency in contemplating upon gender. So one of the activities I would recommend and meal sometimes it's good to do this as a group. Other times, it's good just to do it by yourself, that if you have like, a blank canvas, I want you to draw out in your mind, what Jana would look like. And I'll share an

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example with you. So it's not hidden from people. And it seems that word even hit the street in Davis. But I have an obsession with chocolate. And that is why I have chocolate in front of me. And I absolutely love chocolate is like a weakness for me. And I I think it all stems from the fact that when I was like four years old, the very first movie I was shown in daycare was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And that one moment where they entered that room of chocolate and like everyone's like just having a good time and the trees made of candy and they have this river of chocolate. In my mind, I've wondered that river of chocolate since I was four years old. And I keep thinking to

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myself and Allah Allah, Allah tells us in general, there's rivers of milk rivers of honey, rivers of nonintoxicating, alcohol, rivers of water, and everything is blood flowing beneath beneath our territories. in general. If I want a river of chocolate in general, could I have that Allah tells us that you will have everything you desire. And we still have more to give you. So I think about Okay, that's something that I want the number to when I'm stressed out. And one of the beautiful things about the area that I live in in Calgary is that we have this area called Lake Louise, Lake Louise, it has like these amazing mountains that have these ice snow caps, then you have crystal clear blue

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water in the middle. And then on the left hand side, you have like these extremely tall pine trees, just like literally it's a scene out of Janna. Not too far from that area, you can go fishing, and you can see this view. And the sad reality is I must have gone fishing like at least six or seven times now. I have not caught a single fish yet. absolute disaster. So a lot, but it's still in a very calming and relaxing activity. So think about you know, what is john says about relaxation, then maybe that's something that I'll do in genda. And the beautiful thing about john is that there's no evil present one of the disasters, things that will catching fish in this life is that

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you have to catch the fish, then you have to de scale it, then you have to get it and then you have to cook it and it's just a mess. It's not a very pleasant experience till you start eating it. And even when you start eating it, sometimes you get those thorns for the scale skeleton inside the fish. So I think to myself, okay, Jana, chocolate, why not chocolate fish, right? So you have chocolate fish, chocolate river, and then you're done eating, and you want to go for a swim, you're swimming in this chocolate River. And Jenna would be bored if your friends and your family aren't there, right? Who wants to be in gender by themselves. No one wants to be in gender by themselves.

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So I keep thinking that you know what my friends are. They're my family are there, but there's no way they're mixing together, I'm going to keep them separate. So on the left hand side, like all the guys, they're all playing like beach volleyball or something like that, having a good time, there's a barbecue going on my family either. On the other hand, you know what, there's like parks and swings for the kids. My parents are there playing with my grandkids with my with my children, and everyone's just having a good time. And as I'm laying there, reclining in this river of chocolate, you can tell but thank Allah, I know it's either, right? The single hamdulillah that we made it, at

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the end of the day, we made it. And that's what we thank Allah subhanaw taala for. And this is something that I repeat to myself and go over to myself, whenever I go through like a severe calamity, a severe catastrophe, that Who cares what happens in this life, whether we live or we die, whether we are rich or poor, whether we pass or we fail, whether we get into the university, or we don't, whatever happens, as long as we've tried our best leave the results in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala he's planning everything for us. And the only thing that will matter at the end of the day is did we get the agenda? malice panels are the makers from them? lahoma me. So now, let us

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recap. I want to give out this chocolate and Sharla Who can tell me one of the macro principles one of the bigger principles that we learned

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about evil and its relationship to father.

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Yep, go ahead. We can understand that and people believe in the abdomen excellent. That is yours.

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Okay, we have two more principles.

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Quite a few reasons are only good for the good is

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excellent. So that there's five logical outcomes. But there's only two.

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What's the word, the theological outcomes? And that's what we need to focus on, that everything is either absolutely good, or the good is greater than the evil. Is that okay? That was a terrible throw. That is why I don't play cricket or baseball.

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And then we're missing the third one.

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Your hand went up very quickly and went down just as quickly, man. What was that?

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What was the third principle?

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The third macro principle?

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a clue? It was the very first one.

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The story of use of

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what did we learn from the the story of yourself?

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To be grateful for everything?

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Your point is correct. But that wasn't the principal. Go ahead behind you.

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Excellent. That's what we're looking for. I don't want to hit you with this. So if I just pass it to him in Shell, does that go? Okay, thank you very much. Okay, so those are the three macro principles. Now let's talk about the three micro principles, the principles that apply to ourselves about those, what do we learn?

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Go ahead.

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Excellent. There we go.

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What else? micro principles, things that we apply for ourselves. Yep. We should stay patient and timezone.

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Know according to your face now.

00:32:06 --> 00:32:23

I always like to give my students the benefit of the doubt. I'm like, is there a way I can twist your words for the answer to be right? So your answer is right, but I'm just looking for a different word. And that different word is that we should expect calamities and trials, right. This is for you just pass it to a police Thank you very much.

00:32:24 --> 00:32:41

And then what is the third 192 did we just discuss so we did that learn to expect trials and tribulations? And we talked about how you should learn to be grateful and your trials and tribulations and then the second one is the one that's missing. What was the second one? Yeah.

00:32:46 --> 00:32:49

And the forgiveness excellent, very good. This real is Dr. McKenna.

00:32:51 --> 00:33:07

So now I still have four more left before actually, you know what, let's Yeah, let's do this. I'll do trivia with you guys to get rid of this. And then we'll, we'll do open q&a about anything that you guys want inshallah. So trivia for you guys.

00:33:08 --> 00:33:13

Let's start off with something easy. What is something easy?

00:33:20 --> 00:33:24

What was the last verse revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

00:33:26 --> 00:33:26


00:33:29 --> 00:33:32

That is incorrect. That was not the last I revealed

00:33:33 --> 00:33:43

that was the I that was revealed just explain when no more I can no more rulings came down after that. So that was the last if pertaining to the rulings that Allah subhanaw taala set

00:33:48 --> 00:34:03

that was the last complete sorta revealed and that was going to be my second question. What was the last complete see what are revealed? The last complete pseudo revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Elijah sola, he will fit. The question is what was the last Ayah revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:34:06 --> 00:34:17

The fifth I have something that's what the brother was. Seems to tell me that you're welcome to look on. Dino calm. That wasn't the last. I'll give you a hint. The eye is in shortall bacara and the last sorry.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:39

Okay, what's the accent? What tokuyama georgianna Fie Lola filma. To offer couldn't have seen my cassava to home live with pneumonia, that have taco of the day or be conscious of the day that she's your turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and then no soul shall have any wrong done to it.

00:34:41 --> 00:35:00

And no soul shall be oppressed on that day. That was the last I revealed to the Prophet sallallahu I knew. And that's such a big reminder to think about the very last verse that Allah subhanaw taala chose to reveal to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is prepared for the Day of Judgment fear the daily conscious of the day.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:09

That you will turn back to Allah subhanaw taala something worthy of pondering upon. So the second question got to take it away. Question number three

00:35:10 --> 00:35:31

what is the only act of eba The only act of worship that in the whole entire world It can only be done one at a time. The whole entire world It can only be done one at a time. Go ahead hij no multiple people do hydrea

00:35:35 --> 00:35:37

only one person can do it at a time.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:54

Asante very good people don't get it that quickly. Can you please pass it to our sister? The answer is kissing the black stone. It is the only act of worship in the whole entire world that can be done one at a time you cannot fit two heads in at the same time to kiss the black stone.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:06

The next question is what is the only sin that has been mentioned in the Quran? that mankind or anyone did not commit?

00:36:08 --> 00:36:09

What are we going to answer?

00:36:14 --> 00:36:17

Oh, man, that's too easy. You guys are beyond that. But

00:36:19 --> 00:36:34

inshallah we'll get to it. We'll get once I run out of chocolate then I'll ask that question. You have to earn the chocolate you can come free man. So the question was, what is the only sin that is mentioned in the Quran? That no none of mankind none of the Djinn have committed.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:39

This is a tough one. It's not that easy. I will admit that

00:36:41 --> 00:36:42

shows up

00:36:48 --> 00:36:48

pretty long.

00:36:54 --> 00:36:57

No one has done it and no one ever will do it.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:04

That's your second hint. So first thing was here's the second page that's not even possible to do.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:11


00:37:15 --> 00:37:18

What does that mean? I didn't understand that the sin can only be committed by men.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:23

Physically, mankind engine has not committed the sin.

00:37:25 --> 00:37:26


00:37:32 --> 00:37:33

your head physically,

00:37:35 --> 00:37:37

physically harm Allah subhanho wa Taala

00:37:40 --> 00:37:41

Where did you get that concert to?

00:37:51 --> 00:37:55

Okay, let me give you the last one as well. So you guys can think about this.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:25

This is a tough one as well. from Surah Al Fatiha. How did the scholars of tafsir derive that Abu Bakar the Allahu anhu was worthy to be the first Khalifa after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Sora to the Fatiha. How did the scholars of tafsir derive that Abubakar or the loved one who was worthy to be the first halifa after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

00:38:27 --> 00:38:29

Those are your your two chocolates right over here.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:31


00:38:33 --> 00:38:41

can I which verses will fit here? That's what I'm asking you for the s what I want you only have seven possibilities

00:38:44 --> 00:38:46

had no cell autonomous docking.

00:38:49 --> 00:39:05

Why don't we just recite Surah Fatiha so the point is if you tell me the verse, you have to give me what they call the word shortlisted learn that how are you using this idea as a proof? So like I said, there's only seven possibilities. I want you to tell me how you're using it as a proof Go ahead.

00:39:12 --> 00:39:18

That is a great answer. But the question was from Surah Fatiha. How do you use that from Surah Fatiha

00:39:21 --> 00:39:23

always. I mean

00:39:28 --> 00:39:30

was the first monitor versus

00:39:35 --> 00:39:45

okay and what does that have to do? Oh is that what you're trying to end the time the end of Surah Fatiha that because the fact that Allah doesn't that Allah gets angered those people and abubaker never got angry.

00:39:47 --> 00:39:48

He took the path first.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:56

Man that is a very far fetched, like extraction. I'm sorry. I can't accept that. Yeah.

00:40:02 --> 00:40:11

That's what the our sister said. So that the answer had we not mentioned Surah Fatiha that would have been correct. But the point is we need to derive it from Surah Fatiha

00:40:12 --> 00:40:12

Go ahead.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:58

You're cheating man. Mashallah Kamala cola. You are cheating. That is fantastic. So our sister gets a second one, and I'll explain the answer as well. Sorry about that. So in sort of fatty how Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us if dental salata Mr Hakim salata, Dena Anam Giada him that Allah guide us through the straight path, the path of those whom you have favored. So this concept of whom Allah subhanaw taala has favored Allah subhanho wa Taala also refers to it in Sultan Nisa, manual de la hora, asuna hufa Allah Eco, Deena and I'm Allahu la him, meaning bien was the detail was Shahada, he was Saudi hain where has to not without you gotta figure, Allah subhana wa tada in Surah Nisa, he

00:40:58 --> 00:41:39

says that whoever obeys Allah, and the messenger, shall be in the company of the following four categories of people, the prophets and the been acidic in the truth will once the scholars or shuhada, the murders are solid in the righteous. So in this verse in short, Tony says Allah subhanho wa Taala gave an order that those that will get leadership they always start off with the prophets, and then the said the *, and there was no other Siddiq during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam other than Abubakar Allahu anhu. And that is how they use that portion of Surah Fatiha to establish the khilafah of Abubakar della Han. And I'm just going to give this away who

00:41:39 --> 00:41:40

wants chocolate?

00:41:41 --> 00:41:47

Actually, she had her hand up first, so I'm going to give it to her. Here you go this past the store please. Thank you very much.

00:41:49 --> 00:42:17

The question was what was the only sin that was not committed, and that was marrying the wives of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam after his death, Allah subhanaw taala forbade this act. And that was an act of hamdulillah that as treacherous as human beings and mankind is no one tried or attempted to do that. With that having being said, we'll open up the floor for q&a, whatever you like, any topic, any subject, we can discuss,

00:42:18 --> 00:42:20

inshallah, go ahead.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:39

Have a belief that like normally, in a situation, it's only all good or that the good is more than evil. So, if there was something bad happening to someone, how would you know if it was like, like a bad thing? For example, let's say if I got in a car accident.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:43

I mean, how would you How would you know that was like,

00:42:44 --> 00:43:19

or a punishment from Allah? subhanaw taala? Excellent, great question. So the question was, how do you know if something is a test from Allah subhanaw taala or a punishment? The answer to this question only lies with the person themselves. So when Allah subhana wa tada sorry, when an individual is righteous, Allah subhanho wa Taala sends them tests right? That is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that when Allah subhanaw taala loves someone, he tests them, and the greater the level of righteousness and piety, the more they are tested and that is the most tested of Allah's creation, where the profits from unfulfilled answered and those that follow their

00:43:19 --> 00:43:59

footsteps and those that follow their footsteps. So when the person is righteous, then that calamity that comes is a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala. However, if a person commits a sin, then that is when it is a punishment from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Even Samia Rahim Allah with the comments on this. He says that people actually get bogged down in this question that is this a punishment? Is it a test? He says that the answer to that question is irrelevant. What is relevant is what is my reaction to this? And the reaction should be to seek forgiveness from us pilots and to make is that and to make perhaps almost regardless, right, those are the two things that should be done

00:43:59 --> 00:44:05

regardless of it's a punishment or test to seek forgiveness from a smile to other intimate to have to overspend.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:13

So don't focus on that question, but focus on the response to whatever happens in our life's a lot of times.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:19

Any other questions? I'll take two more questions and then we call it enlightened Sharma

00:44:22 --> 00:44:22

what Yep.

00:44:31 --> 00:44:39

That's firstly one of my favorite stories, but I was wondering if you could maybe give like a very brief explanation of it and maybe some relevant lessons that we can derive from it.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:45

You know, it's

00:44:46 --> 00:44:59

when you look at one of the beautiful stories to be behind, you said either Janice Rola with fat turret. When you look at one of the stories that's mentioned behind this, you know, Amara, the Allahu anhu was once with the elders of budder and Abdullah bin I blasted the Allahu anhu

00:45:00 --> 00:45:36

I was there with them. And he asked the elders of Baghdad, you know, what do you understand from the Sula indiginous Rola he won't forget. And he said that this is, you know, glad tidings from Allah subhanho wa Taala, that Makkah will be open and we will return to Makkah. And he asked, after he asked, all the elders have been the last of the webinar. So the last one of mine, what do you understand from the suta? And he said, this was an indication that the death of the Prophet sallallahu anusandhan was imminent, meaning that shortly after the surah was revealed, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was going to pass away. Now scholars looked at this answer, and

00:45:36 --> 00:46:20

they said, How did Abdullah nobis Allah Allah derive this from the surah the fact that Allah subhanaw taala calls this and Nasir will fetch it, it is a victory from Allah subhanaw taala and the manifest opening. The victory over here is the fact that the completion of revelation had taken place that was a great victory from Allah subhana wa tada that everything that mankind needed to be guided Enter to know what is right from wrong, Allah subhanaw taala had sent to them, and this is a great victory from Allah subhanho wa Taala. The first word from Allah subhana wa tada was, in fact, to the opening of Makkah, those that had been persecuted and exiled, are now able to return. So that

00:46:20 --> 00:46:32

was part one of his answer. Part Two of his answer is the fact that Allah subhanaw taala commanded the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to make this B. And it's that far. Right?

00:46:34 --> 00:46:37

Where else do we see this? BNC? Four come together?

00:46:38 --> 00:46:47

In Salah Yes, but there's a particular duar that I'm thinking of. Where do we see the Spanish deford come together? I wish I had more chocolate. To give you

00:46:49 --> 00:46:54

that let's think about this. Which da do we see this behind stuffer come together?

00:47:04 --> 00:47:07

I know for a fact that you've heard it at least once.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:12

Because I said it the other night when I was here. Yep, go ahead.

00:47:18 --> 00:47:57

Shut down dial and stop Furukawa to be like that this is the do have conclusion that when you conclude, you conclude by saying Subhana Allah homopolymeric shadow Allah in Thailand, stock Furukawa tubo like the Spanish default come together. So this is the indication that the conclusion to the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had come and that's why he's commanded to make the spear and seek forgiveness. Now in this combination, how could this be? And this differ? Make a perfect couple right? How are these such a perfect couple that when you understand the concept of making this we have Allah subhana wa Tada. It is to free Allah subhana wa Tada. from

00:47:57 --> 00:48:33

every evil and negative attribute it is to make 10 00 am Allah Spanos Allah, that Allah is free from all evil. And when you're making a stick far, you're recognizing the presence of shortcomings and evil in yourself. And that leads you to seek forgiveness. So you embrace the perfection of Allah subhanaw taala and you embrace the imperfection of yourself. And that is why it is such a beautiful pairing together. So those are like some of the, you know, the interesting lessons that we can derive from that surah Allahu taala. One last question before we call it enlightened Sharma.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:39

any topic anything, whatever's been on your mind.

00:48:44 --> 00:48:46

I know mental health is kind of interesting.

00:48:48 --> 00:48:56

Because it can alert you to not being screwed to me. Like not not be able to just get over it.

00:48:58 --> 00:49:43

How would you help patients or just people that who are Muslim who are going through depression and these tendencies? Excellent. So there's two things to look at. There's depression as a result of an event. And there's depression as a result of a chemical imbalance in the mind. Islam teaches us to cope with depression that is a result of an event. So for example, someone dies, you fail an exam, you get divorced, you know, whatever. Something whenever something bad like that happens in our lives, people will feel sad. And this is why when Ibrahim the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us that indeed, the the heart

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

shall grieve and feel sorrow, and the eyes shall say, she shall shed tears, right? This is a reality of human experience. So there's nothing wrong with that. It's so in fact, it's very healthy, that if a calamity happens, you have a loss. It's very normal to feel sad and depressed. And that is

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

Why, you know,

00:50:02 --> 00:50:42

when your your your spouse passes away, you're allowed to grieve for four months and 10 days, right? But at that, beyond that there's a limit that you shouldn't be doing that. So even in our grieving at loss, there's limits to that, right. So minor losses up to three days, you're allowed to grieve major losses, up to four months and 10 days a person is allowed to grieve, but that is where you stop it. But then what happens when a person lacks energy lacks enthusiasm lacks motivation, and is just completely in the trenches, even though nothing bad is happening in their lives, right there. And then, and this is what we call clinical depression. And this is when a person needs to speak to

00:50:42 --> 00:51:18

a psychologist, and further get referred to a psychiatrist where they will need to use medication where they will need to use medication. And this is what I always tell people that, you know, Hamdulillah, we've come a long way in discussing, you know, mental health in the Muslim community. But it still needs to continue that just like when someone breaks their arm, and they go to the hospital and they get a cast, we don't look down upon the person that Why did you go to the hospital and get a cast, right, as a believer, you shouldn't have gotten a cast where your arm, you know, your image should have cured your arm. If that argument doesn't make sense, right? It's one thing to

00:51:18 --> 00:51:56

have a mind is another thing that the body needs to heal. Similarly, the mind is an organ it will need to heal, it will need external help, just like you got the cast. So just like we got rid of that stigma for physical illnesses, than even with mental illnesses, we need to eradicate that stigma. So if you find out that someone's going to a therapist, someone's going to psychologist or someone is on medication, we shouldn't look down upon them. And one of the things that we need to really work on is the language that we use, right, calling them crazy call and calling them all sorts of other words that are very, very insensitive. We shouldn't be using that type of language.

00:51:56 --> 00:52:01

So I hope in summary that answers the question. As a follow up to that there's actually

00:52:04 --> 00:52:41

like a one and a half hour workshop that I did with a doctor on YouTube. So if you go to the mustards, YouTube channel, ISC multimedia, there's a session with myself and Dr. Nasir Han, on mental health in Islam and mental health in Islam is a one and a half hour presentation that we did together. So inshallah I will be back here for Gemma tomorrow. I will leave it at that Xochimilco and for your attention. And let's find out what's the other forgive us for our sins and shortcomings and make us of those that hear something and implemented the best of it and make us of those that are gathered together in a better in a better gathering in the hereafter. Allahumma Ameen with civil

00:52:41 --> 00:52:50

law who is selling my bicycle in the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam Subhana Allah who will become the Casa de Fuca with to be like, and I believe it is time for the other end for Asia

00:52:55 --> 00:52:56


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