Navaid Aziz – The Migration To Abyssinia Seerah Halaqa Part 5

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet sallua Alaihi waessam, including its use to negotiate warships and obtain wealth and power, the persecution of Muslims during the time of the Prophet, and the importance of praying with people who have left. The speaker also discusses the return of the Prophet sallua Alaihi waessam and its impact on individuals and society. The interviewer provides information on the history of Islam, including its impact on individuals and society, and provides information on a book called'teenth of a series that is available on Amazon and YouTube.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa Salam o vertical in the BNN Mohammed while early he was so happy he married my blood. Allah Medina Medina Elana alum, tena alumna million foreigner one foreigner beamer Olympian. I was in Maya Kareem, my dear brothers and sisters As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Welcome to the last sera session for this semester, as Pamela. My wife was making fun of me. She's like, how are you ending the first semester and you guys are only at the Hilton Abyssinia. And I told her, you know, that's just the way it played out. I was overly ambitious, thinking that we could do

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the whole Sealine six sessions. And that plan drastically backfired. Because here we are at session number five. And by the end of session number five, we would have covered about 140 250 pages of the book.

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Now just to give you context, as to how fast we're actually going in the CLR. I checked out shake up the NASA Jiang does sila online. So he did it as a podcast for qaddoum. The agent of Abyssinia begins on episode 42.

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We're doing it in session number five, just to give you context, so out of was saying that this is CLR for busy people, people that don't have, you know, two or three years to dedicate to the CLR you attend the CLR class and inshallah you'll get a good overview by so before we get into the Hijra of Abyssinia

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let's take a recap of what's happening in in Makkah during this time. So the Moroccans are trying different tactics to stop the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And those tactics consist of three main things. Tactic number one is speaking to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this can be broken down to sending elders like Obatala the way they spoke to people by them, you have AutoWeb, another br comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and tries to negotiate with him.

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And then you also have the offerings that the Quraysh are giving him saying that if you want wealth, we'll give you wealth, if you want power, we'll give you power. If you want women, we'll give you women, whatever it is that you desire, we'll give it to you. So there's this negotiation tactic. And that doesn't seem to be working very, very well. Because the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is not accepting any of their negotiations. Tactic number two is that they're persecuting the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, verbally, and then his companions physically up until this point, that's what's actually happening. And then we're going to see a third tactic which is going to be coming up shortly just after the the hijra, is the embargo that takes place on bunu Hashem, and the Muslims, specifically, where no one is to trade with them, no one is to marry them, no one has to deal with them. And these are the different tactics that are being used. So now during this time,

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the persecution against the Muslims has drastically increased. So by the fifth year of the of worry, you have about 120 to 150 Muslims, persecution has drastically increased, they're tying them up, they're lashing them, holding them hostage doing a variety of different things. And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam as the leader, he decides, you know, what, enough is enough. And I can't put everyone at risk, we have to find a way out for these people. And it was at that time that Allah

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subhanaw taala had revealed in Surah to Zoomer that the earth of Allah subhanaw taala is vast, you know, why don't you go and explore the lens and you know, spread out throughout the lands, for surely the the earth of Allah subhanaw taala is vast.

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Now, this first Hijra takes place and a major incident happens just around that time, which is the revelation of Surah Taneja, which is the revelation of Surah, Thun najem. And in sort of the najem, as you study the tsunami, there's a surge of the tilava A surge that a recitation in this surah so one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he comes into the courtyard of the Kaaba, the sanctuary of the Kaaba, and he starts reciting Surah, najem, and Surah najem, as it gets to this

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verse of prostration, has completely mesmerized everyone that is there. And when the verse of tilava comes, they all fall down in to such that they all fall down in to Sajida. And the leaders of cotesia perplexed that even some of our own people have fallen down into such that, you know, it's as if he's done some sort of magic to completely empower us and entrap us into his belief system. And it was

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At that time, that the persecution even further heightened the persecution even further heightened, but from the side of the Quraysh, this was a clear sign that they knew that the Quran was not magic. They knew it was not poetry, they knew it had to be from a divine source, because nothing could compel them to bow down like that, other than the truth other than the truth. And as the leader saw this, they increased in their persecution. So now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam makes the

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decision that you know what? We've heard of this righteous king that lives in Abyssinia, the eastern part of Africa, why don't we send the Muslims there. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam gives permission that whoever wants to go can go at this point, and they go into waves, they go into waves, wave number one has about 16 people in it. wave number two, we'll have about four to five times that amount, almost 60 to 70 people that are going to Abyssinia. Now we'll discuss who the

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leaders were in Abyssinia and what actually happened there in but there are two separate migrations that happened.

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So now, why did the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam send the migrants to Abyssinia? The simplistic answer always seems you know what, they're being persecuted. We need to get them out. But if that was the case, why didn't everyone just pack up and go to Abyssinia? Now, when you study this, what you see is that there are different fractions of the Quraysh that are accepting Islam. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to show the Quraysh that you know what? It's not just

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Bernal Hashem, that is accepting Islam. But from all of the fractions of the Quraysh. They're now packing up and leaving, these are your own people that you are persecuting. These are the own your own people that you're denying rights to, and you have to see what is happening and right in front of your very eyes. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also wanted to send a clear message for the Quran to reflect on that these are not just from Banu Hashim, or from a particular tribe, of

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course, but these are some of our own people that are accepting the truth, and we are persecuting. So you have to open your eyes to this message. And then number two, is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also able to create a greater sense of unity with those that are left behind in Mecca. So those that are going, they're fleeing from persecution, inshallah they will be safe. But those that are staying behind, now have to strategize even better, that we're staying behind, we're

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not going to be saved from physical persecution, how can we defend ourselves, let us strategize even better, that is strategize even better. So now, in the middle of the night, you have 16 people 15 or 16 people that have left towards a port, you can imagine close to the Jeddah area, it is said that the port,

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I want to say was the Saudi burning port, don't quote me on that. That's where they left from in the middle of the night. And it's very fascinating because they have animals with them. They have all these people. So how big must this boat have been? And how did they actually do this? So they found someone to that they would actually pay that will take them across this whole journey. And this is where you see Subhanallah the good hearted nature of the people where they told this individual that

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we are being persecuted, were fleeing, we don't have much money, you know, we will give you whatever we have. But please take us to Amazonia please take us to Amazonia and the man agreed to do so. Now as they are leaving. A man was entering into Makkah, a man was entering into Makkah, so they've arrived into Abyssinia and a man is heading towards Mecca at this time. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he keeps an ear out to hear if anyone's coming from Abyssinia because there's no

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way to keep in touch with them. Right? So the only way is if someone is carrying that news. So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam hears of a man entering into Makkah, and he asks them, you know, did you meet a people that were coming to you from NACA? And the man says, Yes, I heard about these people that were coming, and horses and ask them how was their state? He said they were weak, and they were feeble, but they were in good spirits. And they were safe. They were weak and feeble, but

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they were in good spirits. And they were safe. And the pastor said them asks, was there a leader amongst them? So now this is where you start to see who was actually amongst them. So from the people that were there, were Earthman if not, I found all the Allahu Anhu and his own daughter. Roca. Yeah. And his own daughter. Roca. Yeah. And he said, Yeah,

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If there was a leader amongst them husband and wife, that they were serving everyone else in taking care of everyone else. And the man was holding the camel and the wife was riding the mule, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made dua for them, may Allah subhanaw taala be in their company be in their company. Now, why is this? An interesting point over here? Because, much later on, we jumped to the Khilafah wolfman or the Allahu Anhu. You see that mantra the Allahu Anhu will die at

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the hands of the cottage, and they will accuse a man or the Allahu Anhu of being a coward. They will say when the persecution was happening in Makkah, you were the first one to pack your bags and leave to Abyssinia. Had there been any criticism with the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam make dua for them with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praise them and speak good of them. No, he wouldn't. deposed the seller made dua for them showing that he approved of this and he was pleased with this.

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So those that left there was no blame on them at all. And in fact, they were implementing the verse of Allah subhanaw taala and shorter Zoomer. That was the earth of Allah subhanaw taala not versed enough. So that's an interesting point that takes place. Now even though if Manna the Allahu Anhu is sort of like the physical emir of the group. He's not really the spokesperson of the group. And we'll get to that in a second. So now, as these people have left in the middle of the night, the

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Quraysh notice that all of these different people from the different tribes, they go on and packed in the middle of the night. So they send someone to go and chase them and follow them. Eventually the edge of the port, and they've already taken off in the boat and they can't catch them. The messenger comes back and says, You know what? People have already left I wasn't able to catch them, the coloration sign, I'm robbing us to go and follow them to Abyssinia to go and follow them to

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Abyssinia. Now I'm gonna be the last he makes his way to Abyssinia comes with, you know, the best of clothing that they have the best of gifts that they have, and whatever they can bring with them to basically suck up to under Joshi to tell him that you know what, these people aren't good, send them back to their land, send them back to their land. Now, why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam choose Abyssinia at that time, and another Hadith we hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam praying using an Joshi saying that he was a king that does not allow oppression in his land, he was a king that does not allow oppression in his land. And anyone that comes to his land is treated fairly is treated fairly. So now the Muslims arrived 15 or 16 of them, you have approximately 11 or 12 men. And then you have four women, you have four women who are the the wives of some of these companions. And the difference of opinion lies on did Abdullah bin Masada or the

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Allahu Anhu go with the first group or go with the second group and Allah knows best, but it seems that he went with the second group. So now the Muslims arrive into the court of under Joshi and he receives them and he welcomes them and he asks them what is their plight and now the Muslims have appointed a spokesperson who remembers who the spokesperson is, who is the spokesperson. Jaffa even avatar them the brother of Ali ibn Abi Tada and let's look at the conversation that they have. So

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Jah Jaffa Allahu Anhu. He pleads in front of the Joshi, oh king, we were an ignorant people. We worshipped idols and ate the meat of dead carcasses. We were accustomed to lewd behavior to severing ties of kinship, neglecting our neighbors, and the strong amongst us would consume the weak. This is how we were. But then Allah sent a messenger to us. We were aware of his lineage, his truthfulness that he was trustworthy and chaste. He began inviting us to Allah, that we singled him out and that

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we worship Him alone. So we left the religion of our forefathers that we had been previously following. We left the worship of stones and idols and all others besides Allah. He also commanded us to be truthful in our speech, fulfill trusts, nurture the ties of kinship, be kind to our neighbor, and to refrain from spilling blood unlawfully. He forbade us from lewd behavior from bad speech from consuming the orphans wealth, and from slandering chaste women. He commanded that we

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worship Allah alone without associating anything with him. He commanded us to perform the prayer and give charity and fast amazing now the Jaffa the Allahu Anhu tell any lies over here. He hasn't told any lies. Now. The Jaffa the Allahu Anhu selectively choose his words over here. Yes, excellent. Who can point out two things that Jaffa the Allahu Allah

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Who selectively chose to speak about, in general terms?

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Go ahead.

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The after the Prophet came, he's like, he's like pointing out that he's their new leader.

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He guided them to the right paths.

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Amazing. Okay, and what did the right path look like?

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That you have to be kind to people. And like, Don't neglect your neighbor. Amazing. Good. So he starts focusing on some of the o'clock that a Muslim is meant to have, right? And you know that Christianity is very big on embracing the rights of the neighbor, and so on and so on. And he repeats a neighbor, you know, several times to show the similarities with Christianity. What is the second similarity that he highlights with Christianity?

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Go ahead, that they worship one God right there. We're not idol worshipers, right? We're not like those people. You and I have something in common. We worship God alone. And we care about our neighbors. And we care about all the morality and all these good things, unlike and he didn't call them barbaric savages. But if you look the way that he describes them, he's like, we were we use the dead carcasses. We were accustomed to lewd behavior we used to severed ties of kinship. And then

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Allah subhanaw taala guided us. So those are his establishing, you know, commonality with them very strategic, you know, PR move right over there. And the third thing that he does, which is okay, why did you decide to follow Muhammad Sallallahu? It was something like that would be a common question. And then he answers that question before he could even be asked that he was known amongst us. He was honest, he was trustworthy. He came from good lineage. He always, you know, protected his chastity.

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Like all these positive attributes were there, he had no reason to lie all of a sudden, and to make all of this up and to make all of this up. So now, what is an agenda he do next? He's like, Okay, this man, Mohammed receives revelation.

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Recite some of his revelation to me, Allahu Akbar. And this is where you see the genius of Jaffa Radi Allahu Anhu. And also the ill ham you know, Allah subhanaw taala inspires you with the right words at the right time. Subhanallah What does Jaffa the Allahu Anhu start reciting?

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And Najam? No, sir, yes, sir Maria, right to your site, Sudha. Maria, and particularly the section of Medea of the mother of Asa, to establish even further commonalities establish even further commonality. So by this time, it is just around this time that I'm reading the last, you know, has already arrived, and he's present in the in the court now with all of the gifts that he has to offer, and the Joshi

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and he recites the verses from Surah Medea, where basically it basically says, that is Allah He Salam says in the Abdullah, that I am the servant of Allah subhanaw taala attorney al Kitab, Bucha Allah Nina BIA that Allah subhanaw taala gave me the book and made me a Prophet, basically countering mainstream Christian theology at that time, right. I think it was in the first halacha that we spoke about the Nicene Creed in 325. So this is about 300 years later now, right? That,

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basically it's become a formal creed of the Trinity that essentially salaam they claim had divinity and Allah subhanaw taala is free from that. So now he recites these verses to show the commonality. But now you may think, here clearly, he's not being addressed as a god or as a son of God. Isn't this going to backfire? And this is where, you know, I'm robbing us. And obviously keep in mind this is before he accepted Islam way before accepted Islam. He doubles down

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after he faced the passage, what does he tell him? The Joshi ask them about the status of Isa li Salam in Islam, asked about the status of Isa in Islam. And the Jaffa Rajala who I know he could mince his words. Yeah, you know, it's complicated. You know, is that really important to talk about right now, he could have said all those things. But he said, ESA is the servant of Allah, and he is a Prophet from all of the other prophets, amongst them all of the other prophets, but he has an

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elevated status amongst them he has an elevated status amongst them. And this is phenomenal. Subhanallah like if you're looking for example, that the truth will set you free Jafra the Allahu Anhu couldn't mince his words could have played around with it, but he spoke a clear and open truth and it worked in his favor. It worked in his favor. And then the Joshi he was moved by the eloquence he was moved by the eloquence of the Quran and everything Jaffa Allahu Anhu was saying, and he

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rejected the claim of I'm gonna be lost and said, You know what, keep your gifts to you. These people are safe in my land and they

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can stay as long as they choose to stay, they can stay as long as they choose to stay. So now let's look at who actually came on to this first group of migration. So even this first group of migration of 1516 people, their return was divided into two groups. So one group that returned after 13 years, and one group that returned at after approximately five years after approximately five years. So now let's go through the names. You have Jaffa Ibn Abu Talib, and a smile bent Omis husband and wife.

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And then you have Obaidullah Bucha hash and ohm Habiba bent Sophia on Habiba bent Sofia. So these two couples, they returned after 13 years they returned after 13 years, they stayed for a prolonged period of time. Eventually Jaffa web toilet is going to pass away and as smart is going to end up marrying Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu sama is going to marry Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu obey to live no Josh, who can tell me what's something unique about Obaidullah? No Josh, who remember something

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unique about obey the law? If no Josh

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know, ringing a bell out of does it ring a bell at all? No.

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Obey the law. You know, Josh, he actually accepted Christianity. While he was in Abyssinia. He was in Abyssinia. And he accepted Christianity. And that's where he passed away on Habiba. She became a widow, and she eventually ended up marrying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, why is the apostasy of obaidul Live? No, just so significant, because this whole claim against Islam are being violent and barbaric. And, you know, if someone apostates from Islam, you have to hunt them down by

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any means necessary, and go and kill them. And we see that this couldn't be further from the truth, that the fact that this man apostate ID, and the pastor seldom didn't send anyone, nor did he command any of the believers that were there to kill them, nor did any of the believers take it upon themselves to kill them. Right. So now if you go back to the Hadith and Imam no is 40 Hadith that speaks about, you know, what is the process of a person's life to be taken, particularly with

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regards to apostasy? What is that hadith specifically mentioned? Tarik only Dini he one more foul recall, Lil Gemma that they leave the religion and they abandon the GEMA they basically betray the gym actually committed an act of treason. So if a person is living within a Muslim land, they're gay afforded a time to repent to Allah subhanaw taala, they are encouraged to come back to the deen of Allah subhanaw taala, if they choose to do so if they don't choose to do so, then they are free to

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leave, they are free to leave. But they're not allowed to stay and preach to whatever their new way of life is. other than Islam, they're not allowed to do that. And it is only at that time that they would go through due process, they would stand in front of a body, the body would hear them out of the evidences would be presented, and therefore a ruling would be put forth. And now let's come to our day and age, even laws of treason in our day and age in several countries are still punishable

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by death. Right? So you can imagine that when you have that sort of system, this is how treason is treated. This is how treason is treated. So I think it's very important to understand some of those subtleties that are happening. So then those are the two couples that came back after 13 years or what remained of the couples. And then we have those that came back approximately after five years, when the embargo on the Muslims was being lifted. So you have a smile on our phone, and Lokoja bent

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Mohammed, you have Abu selama and I'm Salam. And I'm Salma Raja Allahu anha. She, her husband eventually died and she ended up marrying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that's another amazing story on its own. And the vast majority of narrations that we find about the HLR to Abyssinia or by ohm selama or the Allahu anha but um, selama Radi Allahu Allah, then you have a boo sobre Abu

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Musab Nomade, Zubaydah bahawa. And these are some of the other notable individuals that are a part of this group.

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So there is an assumption that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam only sent the weekend the oppressed. That isn't the case over here. As you can see, you have quite a few notables here. From the Muslims, you have quite a few notables from the Muslims that have gone as well and it's not just the weak and the oppressed that are going. So now in the book, what he decides to do is

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Talk about what is happening amongst all of the other clients from amongst the coalition, and the infighting that is beginning the infighting that is actually getting heightened at this time. Because by now Hashem is refusing to take action against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They're refusing to take action against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we're going to skip the inner fighting amongst the tribes. Because even though this book has phenomenal graphs, and

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charts, it's still very confusing. If I was to try to explain this without the graphs and charts, I can only imagine how much more confusing it would be. So we're going to skip that section. So in the year, the fifth year of the HLR, the main incident that is happening is the revelation of sort of najem and the prostration of the Quraysh and the migration of the believers. Now, as the sixth year comes along, the persecution has heightened and operations are becoming even more bold and

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emboldened against the believers. And one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in the sanctuary of the Kaaba, and he's not doing anything. He's just being a dwarf, around the Kaaba. And at that time, Abuja he starts smoking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam making fun of him, and you know, basically pushing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam around and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was extremely hurt by this because you can imagine, as a human

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being, your tolerance and your patience is going to wither down. And even with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this happened. So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is emotionally very distraught at this time. And he's basically hoping and praying to Allah subhanaw taala that someone will accept Islam and who accepts Islam first. It is none other than Hamza. It is none other than Hamza are the Allahu anhu, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he hears about

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how poorly Abuja Allah has treated the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he's very, very upset at this. So Hamza do Allahu Anhu. He basically goes to Abuja and as an act of rebellion, trying to defend the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, he tells them that forget you and your way, I'm accepting the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I have now become a Muslim. I have now become a Muslim. And Abuja basically slams the door on his face and tells him to get lost. So now Hamza Radi

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Allahu Anhu has accepted Islam. And Hamza was a person of power, a power of authority amongst the Quraysh and Hamdulillah. This was something very, very positive for the Muslim community. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually, you know, hopes for something more specific. He says, May Allah guide honor or Abuja * to Islam, right, this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is hoping for and this is where the story of Ramadan Macatawa Allah who I know

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comes into play. So according to the book, and again, I'll preface this by saying this story doesn't meet the criteria of Hadith in terms of scrutiny. But all the major books of Sierra mentioned the story as to how Amara Allahu Anhu accepted Islam. So we'll break this down into two simple parts. Amara Allahu Anhu was an adamant enemy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was openly thinking that you know what, there is nothing special about the Quran. And it is just poetry, and

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just words of a soothsayer of a soothsayer, like a fortune teller. And one day as Amara Allahu Anhu is thinking these thoughts. He hears the recitation of Surah haka, he hears the recitation of Surah haka, and that is when he hears that it is not the words of a poet, literal faith do you have Nor are these the words of a soothsayer, very few are people that reflect, and oh my god, Allahu Anhu is taken aback because these are the very thoughts that he's having. And the Quran is addressing those

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very thoughts. So he's like, You know what, today is the day that I'm going to go and kill Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So as he goes on his way to kill, or try to kill Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he ends up meeting No. And then Abdullah, he ends up meeting. No, I mean, bin Abdullah. And he says, Look before you go and kill Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, don't you think you should get your own house in order? And Ahmad Allahu Anhu says, What are you talking

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about? He says, your own sister has accepted Islam, your own sister has accepted Islam. So I'm gonna do Allahu Anhu. He goes to the house of his sister, Fatima, and he starts listening because he starts hearing the recitation of the Quran. And this is where he supposedly hears surah Taha being recited, breaks into the house breaks the door down. He goes

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owes, and he basically strikes Fatima and strikes her husband and Omar Abdullah, who I know he regrets this immediately in this act of rage. And in this act of rage, he looks at the parchment that they had of surah Taha, and he's taken aback by the eloquence of the Quran, he's taken aback by the eloquence of the Quran. And this was the turning point for Amara de la who I know, according to the vast majority books of Sera, he heads over to Donald Arkham. And this is where the Muslims and

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the early believers used to have their gatherings. He heads over there and Hamza are the Allahu Anhu is there and Hamza stands up to defend the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam thinking that Omar has come to attack the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but Omar Abdullah who I know comes and he

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accepts Islam and pleads allegiance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And again, Amara, the Allahu Anhu now becomes this great figure, and honor and pride of Islam at that time. So now just to bring in another side story, from the outskirts of Makkah, someone that had accepted Islam a few years back, but had hidden their Islam for quite a period of time was Abdullah bin Miss o de la the Allahu Anhu. But as soon as Omar Abdullah Cadabra, the Allahu Anhu accepted Islam, Abdullah bin

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Masuda the Allahu Anhu now finds the courage to go and recite the Quran publicly amongst everyone amongst everyone. And this happened after the acceptance of Islam of Ahmed Abdullah Cadabra do Allahu Anhu. Now, Abdullah bin Masood, mashallah he ends up becoming this great scholar of Islam, one of the great Morpheus your own, but he was always a skinny, you know, frail,

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not a man of big composure. So when amadablam Cadabra de la han accepts Islam, you can see that he becomes emboldened in his faith, which shows you the impact that personalities can have in their embracing of Islam, and in their accepting of Islam, subhanAllah that who the individual is when they accept Islam makes a huge difference? Going back to our earlier discussion? Should we be giving Dawa to the majority and masses of people should be focusing our data on the elites and the history

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of society? You know, what are we meant to be doing? What should the priority be? And time and time again, we see the impact of the elites in the aristocrats and the strong in society, on on the mainstream individuals on the mainstream individuals. So this happens in the sixth year of the hijra, now in the sixth year after revelation. So now, about Ben Arabia, he says, You know what, we have to give this one last effort to reconcile with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we have to

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give it one last effort, like, you know, maybe we're not trying our best, maybe we're falling short. I'm going to go myself and try to negotiate with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this is where, you know, he offers him wealth and riches and women and all of these different things. But he also says, you know, what? Why don't we come to an agreement amongst ourselves? And

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is this the next section?

00:33:33 --> 00:33:51

Yes, this is the next section. So ultimate in the Libya, him he makes this effort to reconcile with him, and he offers him whatever he possibly can. And at that time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recites Surah facilite, to OT webinars

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and open an Obeah. He's completely overwhelmed by the Quran. He doesn't accept end up accepting Islam, but he ends up recognizing the truth of it. And he tells all the Kurdish people, you know what, maybe we should leave Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his group alone. And just let them be and let us see how this plays out. He says, I've never heard words, similar to those who recited they definitely relate to neither to poetry nor to witchcraft, nor do they derive from

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soothsaying old people of Quraysh, I request you to take note of my advice, and grant the man full freedom to pursue his goals that allowing Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam to live his life will be, you know, in our own benefit. So now, the Quraysh are astonished that one of our own leaders is saying this now. So they start fabricating a story that AutoWeb neuroglia has been *, he has done his magic dawn on him. And that's the only reason that he's spoken like this. And they basically

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forced him into isolation for a few days and say, You know what, come back when you're normal and you've been taken care of and the magic has been you

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No taken off of you. So he comes back a few days later after, you know, no one from the coalition speaking to him, and they're basically planning against him. And he says, You know what? I recant my previous statement. Anything that I've said, was completely falsified, and it was said, under the impact of the magic and is not true at all. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is extremely disheartened by this, that how can people know the truth and recognize the truth? Yet this still

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happens time and time again. So imagine incident, and now with atma Eben Arabia. So now, a second attempt is being made. But clearly the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not compromising based upon worldly pursuits, wealth, power, fame, none of that is having an impact. So they come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they offer the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this deal with,

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with edenal Madeira, he comes to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and again with either mohila, leader of the Zoom tribe, most powerful tribe from amongst operation, he tells him, Look, why don't we come to an agreement, we will worship your God for half of the year, you worship our God for half of the year. If your God is the truth, and worshiping him for half of the year, we will achieve some sort of benefit. And you can come and worship our God for half of the year. And if our gods are the

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truth, then you will receive some sort of benefit. What Surah does Allah subhanaw taala reveal at that time? scholia Evil capital, Allah subhanaw taala reveals sortal Catherine, that there's no compromising on your faith, that yes, you will be living through persecution, yes, there will be hardship and calamity. But you can't mix falsehood and truth together, they can never coexist. At the same time. They have to remain separate and distinct. And subhanAllah. You can imagine the

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allure of this, that not only will we give you riches will give you authority and power will give you whatever you want. But the believers will actually be safe now. You will no longer face persecution, we will lead to that go this compromise with us. And you can see that this compromise is it coming from a place of strength or a place of weakness. It's coming from a place of weakness, because they're willing to recognize that you know what we couldn't

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get him through the dunya. Now let's get him to compromise on his Acura, get him to compromise on his Acura. See, we can see that they're getting lower and lower in their tactics and Allah subhanaw taala revealed Surah told Catherine at that time, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rejected they became very, very vulgar in some of the things that he said about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And Allah subhanaw taala specifically addresses a lowly Dibner Mahira in

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shortall, Madatha Verni woman Haluk to Wahida that me like leave me to take care of this individual. And Allah subhanaw taala mentions all the punishments that will lead him on mohila will get. So now, the Quraysh are coming up with a different tactic. Clearly we can't ignore him. Clearly we can't get him to compromise on his faith. So now let's try to prove his falsehood. And it's the first time they're doing this. So they're trying to discuss amongst themselves, how can we prove that this man

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is not actually a true prophet? How can we prove that this man does not have access to God him self and he does not receive revelation? So they decide, You know what, let us go and speak to the people of the book. So they decide to get a group of them to go to Medina and speak to some of the Jewish tribes that are there. And he asked the Jewish tribes, how do we know if this man is actually a prophet from God? And then they tell him as they tell them, ask him three questions. Ask him three

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questions. Ask him about the rule. Write the soul. Ask him about the story of the young boys and the cave and ask him about the oil coordinate. If he is a Truthful Prophet, he will know the answer to this. He is not a Truthful Prophet, then he will not know the answer to this. So now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had no way of knowing the answer to these questions through other than revelation.

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So now the Quraysh come back from Yathrib and they go and ask the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, these three questions, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would not speak without revelation. So he tells them, come back tomorrow, and I will answer your questions for you. What did the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam forget to say? He would like to say in sha Allah, and that is, you know, one of the main

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In lessons that we see in circle calf, whether to hula Nisha in the fire in Delhi casada in India, sha Allah and do not say that I will do anything tomorrow, except if Allah subhanaw taala permits and allows it. So Allah subhana wa Taala withheld revelation for a period of time and didn't answer those questions. And acorus thought, you know, I was gonna say Allahu Akbar, but no, they didn't say Allahu Akbar. They're like, we've got one over here, right? We've got one over him. He doesn't have

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access to Revelation, he's not receiving anything, you know? He's just making things up. But over here, let us look at the relationship that Allah subhanaw taala has with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right Allah subhanaw taala is teaching and training the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because this is such an A, like from our lens, such a pivotal moment for the prophets are seldom, that if he's able to respond with Revelation, clearly it will establish the truth and the

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prophethood of the prophets I seldom. So why wouldn't Allah subhanho wa Taala just send down revelation right away to prove the truth, right. But as we've seen time and time again, the Quraysh saw the miracles from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he didn't accept Islam. They saw physical miracles, they saw linguistic miracles, they saw revelation come down and answer their questions, yet it wasn't enough. So Allah subhanaw taala knew that if revelation came down now, or

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came down later, it wasn't going to make a difference. And Allah subhanaw taala taught the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a very valuable lesson, that if you're going to do something in the future, always say with the permission of Allah, increase your dependence on Allah increase your reliance upon Allah, increase your hope, and Allah subhanaw taala. And this is such a beautiful relationship that Allah subhanaw taala had with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, where from our

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lens, we may think, you know, is this the right time to teach a lesson. But Allah subhana wa Taala knows better than we do. And he still taught him that lesson. So that opportunity to teach, whenever it arises, should always be seized, that opportunity to teach, whenever it arises, should always be seized. So Allah subhanaw taala answered two of the questions and sort of gaff, the Volkl name and the story of the young man and the cave. And the answer the question about the roof in Surah Al

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Assad in Surah, tune in surah. So again, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is vindicated, and their questions are answered. And it happened in such a short period of time, that it was not possible that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam could have gone to yesterday, or consulted anyone else, because the poster seven was in Makkah the whole time. And no one came in and out from yesterday, or from any of those locations where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could have

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had access to this revelation. And that brings us to the conclusion of the sixth year of Revelation. And in the seventh year of Revelation, that is when the embargo officially starts and the boycott officially starts against the Muslims. And by no Hashem because Bono, Hashem are refusing to take any action against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and denounce him and Outcast him and any of those things. And if Allah subhanaw taala gives us life ability and opportunity, then inshallah

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we will continue the Sierra from this section over here, the evening Allah He Tala Bismillah he to Allah

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Allahu Taala allah sallallahu Sallam about a calendar B in the Muhammad while earlier he also had he was setting up questions, comments, and then I'll give you some resources at the end inshallah.

00:43:48 --> 00:43:49

questions comments

00:43:50 --> 00:43:51

Bismillah Go ahead.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:19

But during this incident, it was only a number of days. So I think about three days revelation didn't come down. But on the third day, Allah subhanaw taala sent revelation. So unlike at the beginning, around Surah to Doha, you know, six months to two years, some of the scholars mentioned that revelation didn't come down closer to six months, according to the correct opinion, Allahu Adam, but this was only for a period of three days. Mahana Go ahead.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:24

to Darfur as a speaker to present

00:44:27 --> 00:44:55

excellent, you know, why was Jaffa the Allahu Anhu chosen as the spokesperson, I think, as they say the proof is in the pudding. Jaffa Allahu Anhu was very eloquent. And he was very intelligent, she was able to find commonalities and articulate those commonalities very, very well. And he also saw them had full trust that Jaffa della Juana would be able to do this. They like the language they use. Was he speaking Arabic and somebody will translate exactly there was an interpreter between

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

them. There was an interpreter between them. Yeah. Good point. A lot of people don't think about that. You

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as to how they communicated. But yes, there was an interpreter between them. So they always like to pick somebody that knows what language whenever they travel.

00:45:09 --> 00:45:26

Well as to how it actually happened, I don't know. But I'm assuming one of the Abyssinians spoke Arabic, Allahu taala. And they are the translators because the king, I'm assuming because he meets with so many delegations, he will have groups of translators available for himself.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:46

What about the Jewish people that lived in Medina? What they earned the Jewish accent? They were Arab Jews that were living in Medina at that time. Yes. Yeah. And, you know, a lot of people don't know this. But there's still quite a few Arab Jews in our times, like in Morocco in Yemen. They're Jews, but they they speak Arabic. Yes, Pamela.

00:45:48 --> 00:45:57

Go ahead. Does this set of precedents like that if somebody comes to us, and we know they come from certain backgrounds, and they asked us about it,

00:45:58 --> 00:46:24

and we chose to tell them, the specific things that would resonate with them and the other things we need for discussion later, they have more questions. But did he actually do that though? I mean, he focused on things that would Yeah, so he focused on certain things, but he explained everything right. So you have to convey the complete message you can pick and choose what you convey. When people accept Islam, they should accept Islam based upon full knowledge. So convey everything but if

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you choose to emphasize certain things more than others, that's not our problem at all inshallah. Allahu taala. No questions from the sisters? Anything?

00:46:34 --> 00:46:39

No, oh, it was gonna go ahead. When they were in I missing here were they able to spread Islam?

00:46:42 --> 00:47:09

So interestingly enough, and the Joshi eventually ended up accepting Islam, right. So when the Joshi himself actually accepted Islam, and he that was the first time the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam praised a lateral vibe upon anyone, right. And it's a very beautiful story. Because the bill came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says, solo either Akiko, for in the Luoma mythology and Saudi that prey upon your brother for today, a righteous man has passed away. Right? So Jibreel

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referred to in the gesture as a righteous man and referred to him as your brother. Right? So it's a very, you know, beautiful stories. panela, a man that never met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet he's still referred to as a righteous man because Allah gave him power or authority. But he didn't oppress anyone, nor did he allow oppression to take place. So and that Joshi himself eventually ended up accepting Islam spammable Yeah.

00:47:35 --> 00:47:37

Just hold on. I just recently watched

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a documentary that was about the Swahili language. They were in an island off the coast of Kenya. Can they visit the ruins of a mosquito? Was there a place a place of prayer that is thought to have been directed towards? This

00:47:55 --> 00:48:20

is an indication that very early Muslims, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar 100% 100%. Because if you will focus on the words of Japhet MW Boyd, like we don't know, when the first Salah was actually commanded and revealed right there going on five Salawat that would happen in a syllable Mirage, but the Muslims already praying, you know, in the morning and the evening at that time, but we don't know when that actually started. And Jaffa Allahu anhu, alludes to that fact. So you can imagine

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that, you know, that group that migrated to Abyssinia, they did establish a masjid of some sort. And they were praying towards a better muchness, that at times, Allah.

00:48:33 --> 00:48:41

Morning, morning and evening. Yeah, so I don't know if it's Fudger and Maghrib, specifically, but we know that one was in the morning and one was in the evening.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:43

Right now.

00:48:47 --> 00:49:17

You know, it's very fascinating. I was watching this Jewish matrimonial show in terms of how do marriages take place in conservative Jewish communities. And they actually mentioned that they have their own Gemma's that pray three times a day again, I don't know what those times of the day look like, but they have like this concept of praying in a gym where the men are supposed to pray three times a day and you know, one of the ladies who refused, she's like, if my husband if my future

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husband doesn't pray in JAMA three times a day, I'm not going to marry him. Subhanallah so Yeah,

00:49:22 --> 00:49:24

hello Talana go ahead

00:49:29 --> 00:49:29


00:49:33 --> 00:49:41

aid included everyone. Conveniently acceptable love, except that will help. Right? Yeah.

00:49:44 --> 00:49:49

I will. John was from bundle magazine. Abuja was run by no microphone. Yeah. Yeah.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:52

type. So now let's conclude with resources.

00:49:53 --> 00:49:59

If you're able to get your hands on this book, it's a very good book. I've thoroughly enjoyed all the graphs and the charts and him

00:50:00 --> 00:50:03

bringing different sources of modern and classical Syrah together.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:08

But it is expensive. As I mentioned, you know, on the back it says $80 us.

00:50:09 --> 00:50:36

But now if you're not able to get this, what should you do? Try to get your hands on GPS or call this new book. It's on Amazon, Bilal who's not here today. But last week, he was telling me that he found on Amazon for 35 Canadian dollars. So that's a great deal. If that deal is still going on. Number two, Sookie acid for these lectures on Sierra. It's 104 episodes very, very long, long commitment. Also, as I was telling you, I checked out she had the NASA Junga Sierra as a podcast so

00:50:36 --> 00:51:03

she created certify this is available on YouTube. And she helped NASA This is available as a podcast if you're commuting, you can listen to that as well. Bismillah heeta Allah those will be some great resources to keep up with and inshallah let's see, hopefully sometime in the future with Allah He Tada we can continue from the embargo. And we'll finish the sealer for busy people in sha Allah. May Allah grant dystrophic but does not come look around and to all of you that have been attending the

00:51:03 --> 00:51:22

last panel with Allah make it heavy on your skill of good deeds. Now as Panatela increase our love of Allah subhanaw taala and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Allah subhanho wa Taala increase our understanding of this Diem. Allahu Amin was Salallahu Salam, a vertical and the BNN Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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