Navaid Aziz – Tafseer Quran Juz E Amma Introducion

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The Hanukkah schedule is covered every week until the 20th of December, with the main event being the Hanukkah every Wednesday until the 20th of December. The shift from fear to love is reflected in the worship of the Messenger of Allah sallday, where people are worshipping the concept of love. The importance of establishing relationships with people through the Quran and teaching them the lessons is emphasized, as well as the importance of learning to act upon the language and finding the right time to stop checking one's phone. The schedule is also discussed, including missing Wednesday nights and a conference in Spain, the importance of preparing for the Hanukkah and reading the Koran in advance, and the need to show passion and motivation in learning the language.
AI: Transcript ©
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Down in Seattle,

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Washington ilaha illAllah

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sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Amanda, my dear brothers and sisters Solomonic working to logical castle.

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So we've taken a you know quite an elongated break since our last day of Hanukkah. I think it's been almost two months if not more than that.

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But believe it or not, is going to be consistent all the way until the Christmas holidays for the Knights either. So we will be having a Hanukkah every Wednesday until around the 20th of December. So every week to the 20th of December, we will be covering that epsiode usamah. In terms of the timings generally speaking, it will say until seven o'clock, except when Margaret starts coming earlier and earlier. So I think once Margaret hits like 715, we'll probably have the Hanukkah after salata model.

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So that's just for the sake of consistency. I want to mention some other roles, but I'll wait till the ending of the Hanukkah dimension that now at the beginning of every Hanukkah, you always want to know why are we studying the subject matter? And they want to go back and discuss some of the things that we learned in our previous halaqaat. And the most important of them is the virtue of the Koran and the virtues of Tafseer. Like why are we spending time studying the Quran? Allah subhanaw taala he says in the 13th chapter of the Quran, and the 30th chapter of the Quran in the 29th verse, that indeed this is a blessing book that we have sent down Leah de bottle it, so that is versus maybe

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reflected. Now, if you look at the conjugation that Allah subhanaw taala use of this verse, why does Allah subhanho wa Taala say the adept bottle it First of all, what does that let us understand what this word tend to be or actually comes from? The word pennsville actually comes from the word Baba, and the word robot in the Arabic language is the behind of something. So when you are reclining your reclining on your back, no one actually reclines on their front this is considered foolish. So here unless I know what Allah uses the word which is the equivalent of reclining because you're building a foundation so you reclining upon something. And when you reflect upon the verses of Allah subhana

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wa Tada, you're building foundations in terms of your relationship with the book of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. Now, the interesting thing about this verse over here, Allah subhanho wa Taala, he uses a shredder, meaning that the bar has a shadow over it, so it is repeated, and the benefit of the shutdown in New York, the bureau over here means that is done repeatedly over and over again. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us that Allah subhanaw taala center this book down so that his verses may be contemplated time and time again, meaning it's not just a one time thing, but it is something that you do repeatedly over and over again. And this is something to remind ourselves with

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that know when it comes to the Quran. There's no such thing as too much of the Quran. You can never listen to too much of the Quran. You can never recite too much of the Quran you can never reflect too much upon the qualifier. So when it comes to the Quran, we have to give it its due right. Now what is the deal right on and these are no nine points that I want to refer to because either in terms of the rights of the court, over us the rights of the Quran over us. So inside a Muslim, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says is reported by one of the components that we will mean if your house and daddy the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a dino

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naziha. He said that this religion is sincere and true advice. So they said, Dr. asuma, who is this sincere advice for Yana Sula. And then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam went on to explain, that is sincere advice is for the following things and people. So he said

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honestly how to love him when he was only when he kitabi he so he goes on to mention that this sincere advice or this sincerity is for Allah, His Messenger his book, when he met a Muslim in where I met him, that it is for the leaders of the Muslims as well as the layman as well as the label. So he mentioned these five things over here. So it is sincerity, and he comes around from cattle and his sincerity to Allah sincerely to the messenger sincerity to the book sincerity to the leaders of the Muslims and sincerity to the layman as well sincerity to the layman as well. Now how does one give sincerity or sincere advice to Allah subhanho wa Taala, the messenger sallallahu Sallam and to

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the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala because you'll notice that this category is completely separate from the last two, because the last two are the layman. These are individuals admitted Muslims, the leaders or the Muslims. These are individuals and human beings. You speak to these individuals

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But when it comes to Nazi hands giving this sincere advice to Allah to His Messenger and to the book of Allah, how does that work? And how does that play out? One of the great scholars of Islam by the name of him knowledgeable and very intelligent, and humbling, he mentions that giving sincere advice to Allah subhanho wa Taala His Messenger in his book, it consists of three things, it consists of three things, number one, having an intense love for it. So having an intense love for Allah and intense love for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and intense love for the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now when it comes to loving Allah subhanho wa Taala It is about longing

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to meet almost, and worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is a very important point over here. You'll notice that a lot of people when it comes to worshiping Allah Subhana Medina, they get burnt out in the worship, meaning that the worship Allah subhanho wa Taala for a little while, but then other forms of worship become very difficult. So someone may struggle with, you know, the recitation of the Quran. So when they struggle with their daily prayers, whatever it is, there is a form of struggle. Now, where does the paradigm shift take place, in order for that struggle to become easy? How does that struggle and worshipping Allah I know it's either become easy. If

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Nakajima Himalayan mentions a very beautiful point. He mentioned that when it comes to worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala. The vast majority of the creation, they worship Allah subhanho wa Taala based upon fear, they worship Allah subhanho wa Taala based upon fear. And the thing with fear is that fear eventually runs out. Fear does not last fear is a very intense emotion that had this for a short amount of time. So that is why if someone as you're walking into this hallway, if someone is standing there and they're like boo, you get scared the very first time but if some second time someone does that, it's not going to affect you, because it's already happened once so that reaction

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disappears. So now when people are worshipping Allah subhanaw taala, based upon fear, once they realize that almost annual Allah is not sending his punishment down right away, and they're not feeling pain from Allah Spanos Allah, that is when they start to become laksa diesel, and the concept of a vida becomes very difficult to them. Now, the paradigm shift takes place, meaning that a grinder becomes something pleasurable and enjoyable and suddenly more consistent. When people start worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala rather than on fear, the worship of Allah subhanaw taala based upon love, you base your panel into Allah based upon love. And this is what this hadith is

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talking about. Then when he's talking about the CI to Allah subhanho wa Taala it's talking about intense love, but one longs to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala were the highlight of their day is in worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada. And this was the level that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reached that when he would have troublesome days, he would refer to his salon. And that night, if you look at this particular night, that I showed the other one that she's with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she says, you have a superbug. Why don't you come back to bed, we need to spend some time with your family that you've been out to the whole day,

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come and spend time with your family and the president of a loss of a law abiding citizen. He tells I shall have the love and time Leave me Leave me. Let me spend some time with a love first made that he wanted to praise Korean lady first before he wants to bet. And then you look at other Hadees where the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's praying so long, that his feet are swelling, they're getting cracked, they're bleeding. And what was his response as to why he did this, he said Should I not to be a grateful slave. So that is where the paradigm shifts took place, that the worship of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not based upon fear, but

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rather it was based upon love. And within the hits Allah Love is something that is developed, you know, infatuation. It takes an instance to develop an instinct to lose, whereas love it takes a very long time to develop. And that is why when it comes to the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala, this takes a long time to develop, when it comes to the love of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is again, you know, something very current and relevant in our times, with, you know, the movie that came out and with new cartoons that are being drawn in France and in other places. You know, it's a very important topic, the love of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam, I want you to think about this concept. Think about photography, Allah.

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Allah, by his very personality very, very by his very nature. He was known as someone who was harsh. He was someone who was, you know, very staunch, very rigid, you know, someone who would maybe sell them smile. That is the type of persona that is portrayed on the law. Now, this type of individual, do you ever expect him to express his love? No, it's very difficult, you know, this type of person. They don't express their love. Now on top of that, not express their love towards one of their wives or towards their children, but express their love to another man, that other man being the Messenger of Allah

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Now you can imagine how difficult and daunting of a task This is for someone like oma, someone who's very strict, straight to the point, you know, seldom talks about love, but he comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam one day, and he says the out of Sula law, I love you more than everything, except for my own self. Now I'm Laura Giovannoni, he thinks he's achieved something great over here. He's manifested and expressed his love to the Messenger of Allah sarzana. The Messenger of Allah must be pleased. What does the messenger less than the love it was sent him say? He says, Allah, he might have not completely entered into your heart, that crushed armor, you know,

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physical battles could not crush on, but the words of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at this point, they crushed him, because he thought he did something great. He said he loved him more than everything else, except for his own self. So much love. I know he goes back he contemplates and he reflects. Now what was it that I said wrong? Why was it that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said that email had truly not entered my heart. He contemplated he thought, and it finally clicked, he goes back to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and he says the art of Sumo Allah, I love you more than anything, including my own self. And that is when the

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prophets of Allah Why do is send them said, an omen that now Omar has in mind truly entered into your heart. Now I want you to imagine this concept, that how do you love the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to that degree that he is beloved more than your own self. Now what we don't realize my dear brothers and sisters, this is actually a command from Allah subhanho wa Taala ensure that Allah subhana wa Taala tells us and we all have been meaning that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is more deserving of being loved than our own selves, is more deserving of being defended of our own selves is more deserving of being venerated and honored than our own

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selves. This is a commandment from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in fact, the message also sounds repeated this, and another Hadith, that none of you will truly believe, until the Messenger of Allah is more beloved to you, than your parents, your children, and all of mankind that your email will not be complete until this is achieved. So now when it comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, one of the most important things to look at is that in your relationships, in your day to day relationships, if someone was to attack your mother, someone was to attack your wife, if someone was to attack your child, imagine the emotion that builds up at that time. It was kind of I

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remember, in height, there was a brother, he had a young daughter, and we were there on the bus. And the bus driver closed the hand, on the hand, close the door on the hand of the daughter of this brother, and spinal, this brother who you know, is generally very quiet and very laid back and always, you know, in a good mood, he lost it completely lost it, you know, he started attacking the bus driver, I'm sure we all have 100 stories, but for me, it is just bracing next because final law, you saw someone transform into something that was, you know, very human, and just something that was very scary. But that shows you the amount of love that He has for his daughter. Now, similarly, with

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love with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam send them a question needs to arise. They want to be heard about this movie, when you hear about this cartoons? What are the feelings that resonate inside? You know, do we have that emotional charge that we want to do something we want to make a difference? Or is just like, Hey, who cares? You know, what's the big deal anyways, it's for the sake of freedom of speech. You know, it's a sad reality. But Muslims have this sort of apathy where they don't care. And this is not permissible. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam deserves our love and deserves our veneration. And he has the right to be defended bikes. Now in terms of

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what to do. I mean, the horse was here for the past two weeks, I've been dedicated to that myself. And I said, that is what we dedicate our foot, but to even listen to that in terms of what we can do. But one of the biggest things to realize, and this is something you know, that really clicked on Facebook, that there's a, like a picture on Facebook, that you have a picture of all of the protests going on around the world, completely jam packed. But then you have a picture of the machete that's a lot to digest. And there's like six people there. Now, this is the whole concept. Again, you know, love is a long term thing. So love of the Messenger of Allah says that if you truly want to venerate

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the messenger bots, so now start coming to the message.

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You're starting to get a message whenever you can start doing consistent deeds, start changing yourself with a better realistically how much is a protest going to make a difference? How many protests are we going to have? And then people are going to start doing these things. And reality is not going to happen. You always have enemies of Islam, the people who hate the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam, from the beginning of time, till the end of time. It's just the reality of the situation. But if you truly want to meet the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you want to tell him you will not I loved you and he defended you. It's about personal transformation,

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changing yourself for the better so that the oma can become stronger and more united upon goodness.

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Then the third thing the Messenger of Allah, Allah mentions is

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sincerity to the book of Allah sincerity to the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most interesting one, because unlike the Messenger of Allah Solomon unlike Allah Subhana, WA tada we do not see Allah we do not see the Messenger of Allah, so send them, but with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah subhanaw taala has sent us this book, and it stays with us. So it becomes one of the most practical aspects out of the first three, meaning that the Quran is always there with you. And this is why the Messenger of Allah says Adam, as you mentioned, in a different Hadees, which will come to the Quran is a proof for you or against you

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mean that on the Day of Judgment, people don't realize this, but it will be like a courtroom, it will literally be like a courtroom, you will have a judge you will have a jury, you will have witnesses. And one of the things that will come and testify for you or against you is the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala the amount of time you spent reading it, the amount of time you spent learning it, the amount of time you spent reflecting upon it. Now with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is you know, the criterion of every Muslim. If you want to see a Muslim that has a high level of Eman, you'll notice that he has a strong relationship with the book of Allah subhanaw

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taala. And you'll notice that when a person's mind starts to go down, it's reflected in his relationship with the Koran that will starts to abandon the Koran, and they're a man that starts to go down. So this is our final thought he said the Koran down as a criterion. Now in terms of sincerity and love of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is purely based upon how much time you spend with it. You know, they give these examples that how much time does an individual spend with his phone per day? Do you know what how often the average person checks their phone, on average, every eight minutes a person's checking their phone. So meaning that as well as going by, you would have had the

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urge of at least four times or five times to check your phones. And I'm sure some of you have testified to the people sitting in the back room probably you know, you know, facing status, or something. But that's the reality of the situation. I would love for them to be greater than the love of our phones. You know, the last thing before you go to bed, it is usually you're checking your phone any messages and emails they need to know before. But in reality, the last thing you do should be the remembrance of Allah, it should be some sort of recitation of the Quran. And those are the things you want to die upon. And this is a point of reflection is not no mocking the lifestyle

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that we have. We're all part of the system, no matter how much we hate it and how much we denied. We're a part of it. But the thing is, what are we going to do to change it? So this is Hanukkah Knight's honor, this week, is about reigniting our love for the core. And it's about reestablishing that relationship with the court on understanding the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is what this Chanukah is dedicated to. So point number one is that it is a commandment, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam established sincerity towards the book of Allah. And that is by establishing a relationship with it. Point number two, that the Quran is improved for us or against us on the Day

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of Judgment. Now, what does it mean that the court will be improved for us or against us on the Day of Judgment, the court will be proof for us or against us when it comes to three matters when it comes to three matters. Number one, how often you read and you recite it to the court on so if you recited it often, then it will be a test application for you that Oh Allah, this person spent his days and spent his nights reciting the Quran, forgive him for the sins and enter into paragraphs. So that is the first thing it will testify for. Number two, is acting upon the Quran. So now that you've read the Quran, how much of the Quran Are you actually acting upon? So that is the second

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thing it will come to testify and witness that this person he read the Koran, did he act upon it, enact not act upon it, a person who did not read the Quran obviously cannot act upon the time and therefore he gets in trouble a second time over here for not acting upon the Quran. Now, what do you think the third moment the Quran testifies against us? What is the third thing first recitation second is acting upon it? What do you think the third thing is? Go ahead.

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Excellent reflecting and contemplation upon the point, that is the third thing that the Quran will come and testify against, almost I know, time and time again, he reminds us in the Quran that the Quran was set down to be reflected upon. Now when it comes to the reflection upon the Koran, you'll see that people's reflections will be completely different. At the end of the Holocaust, I actually have advice in terms of you know how to get the most out of this halaqa and it is, you know, listening and reading a couple of things. But you'll notice that every time you listen to the car or you read tafsir everyone has a different approach. Some people will take a linguistic approach and

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other group of people they will take, you know, a traditional approach in terms of explaining the Koran with the compiler by the Hadith, or by the statements of the Sahaba and then you have the third type of religious period.

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Based upon experience, purely based upon experience, and I'll share one of those experiences with you. There was a close friend of mine that we studied together in Medina, and SubhanAllah. You know, I remember this brother is one of those brothers that always said, You know, I never want to get married, you know, for some reason he hated marriage. So while all the brothers while we're in Medina, were like, we had these great dreams of getting married, and you know, moving on with life, this guy was like, No, I want to work, I want to get a job, I want to, you know, start up my own company do this and do that. And that's what he wanted to do. Now, I went to this kind of law. About

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a year ago, this brother got married. And it's amazing that literally right off the bat martial arts about a color, his wife gets pregnant. Now as panela. You know, it's amazing how quickly this brother's life changed. But it is amazing how it was tested him and his family. Then when his child was finally born, for the first four minutes, when the child came out, the child didn't breathe, for four whole minutes, the child came out of the body, but it did not breathe. And that's something that's very dangerous, you know, most of the times the child ends up dying. But what happened in this case, the child, you know, it had a brain hemorrhaging. And, you know, it was, there was a

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severe brain trauma at that time. And they didn't know if this child was going to survive, he stayed in the hospital for three weeks. And it just so happened that during one of my trips to England, I went to go visit this brother. And while we were there, you know, he just broke down. And now he's like, I don't know what to say. So I told him, Look, let me reset some colon in this what the pastor self taught us to do it when someone is sick, that is reset upon the beat. Now, this is truly amazing. This was like a moment where my mind shot through the Skype. And all this, I know, it's Allah, He tells us in the Columbine, and that'd be the magnitude of that, indeed, in the remembrance

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of Allah subhanaw taala, just the harsh point dressed. So I want you to imagine that we're here in the hospital, the baby's here, is monitoring the heart rate to her baby's heart rate at this time, is something like 151 60, extremely high, it's not going down. And this is because the child is actually sick. And there's a lot going on in the child's body. Now, the second I started reciting the Quran, you know, I was just you're saying it, of course, is sort of fighting in the last three quotes, reciting on this baby, I saw the heartbeat go down, it went down to like 135 to 131 25 120. And it settles this.

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Now, you would think, you know, this is a fluke, right? Sounds like okay, you know, this is weird, but let's try this out. So I stopped presenting Coraline, and the heartbeat starts going up.

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I'm like, Okay, let's try this again. I started standing again, the heart rate goes down. And I was like, wow, you know, and unless I know that it says, indeed, in remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala does the heart find rest? Generally, people take this, you know, metaphorically, as something symbolical, as like the tranquility of the artist being at ease, we don't think about the heart rate actually going down. But he also showed this to me. So this will be an example of Tafseer of the code on through personal experience. Now it is this level of experience, or sorry, this type of relationship that all of us want to have with the Koran, that you know the verses of the Koran, so

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that when things happen in your life, you can relate verses of the Koran to your life. And this is the third type of justification that when the time comes on the Day of Judgment, did this person reflect on my verses and contemplate my verses? Yes or no. And it all goes back to the first thing that if you didn't read the verses about what kind of went to Allah, how are you going to reflect upon them? If you didn't read the verse of Allah subhanho wa Taala? How will you reflect upon them? The third thing, the third point is that the Quran will intercede for us on the Day of Judgment, the annual intercede for us on the Day of Judgment, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he tells us read the Koran, for indeed, it will come as an intercessor for you on the Day of Judgment, read the Koran For indeed it will come as an intercessor for you on the Day of Judgment. Now intercession on the Day of Judgment, and your sessions will be on three main types. intercession will be of three main types. The first type of intercession is that it will be an individual who is already going to paradise. And then the Quran will intercede on our racist status even higher in parents, so he's already going to paradise with the Koran will intercede and say Oh Allah, please raise this person's status even higher through the court. And then the second type of intercession

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is that it is an individual that is deserving to go to the Hellfire for an elongated period of time. But the Quran will intercede and will say Oh Allah, reduce his punishment in the hellfire. That all reduces punishment in the hellfire. And then the third type of intercession that the Quran will make is that it will tell us to Allah, Allah, this person is deserving to go to the Hellfire, but don't send him to the Hellfire sent him to paradise. So unless I know what to Allah through the Quran will protect you from going to the acquire through the recitation of the Quran. So these are the types of intercession that the Koran will have for the individual. Now you can imagine that this is it

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You know, coming out from the words of the Messenger of Allah have a lot of items that are the most trustworthy and the most truthful. You Why would we not establish a relationship with this book, because we're definitely falling into one of these three categories that either you're going to paradise already, and the Quran will elevate your status even higher, or you're destined to have some punishment in the hellfire. And the Koran will say, oh, a lot, reduce this person's punishment, and the hellfire. Or then the third thing, that we're destined to go to the Hellfire, but through the test suffocation caught on and through the intercession of the Quran, the Quran will say, Oh

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Allah send this person to paradise. So that is another virtue of establishing a relationship with the court on number four.

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Number four, is that our spinal which raises the status of people through the Quran, Allah salaries, the status of the people through the Koran, and it is narrated by a Muslim, that Omar Abdullah, he went to a town and he saw a slave man leaving the salon, you know, generally speaking, it was the free people that would leave the salon, but he saw a slave man leaving the salon. So he asked the people why is the slave man leading the salon, and then they told him that he was the most knowledgeable person when it came to the court. I mean it he had memorized the most of the Koran. And then

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he says, How true is the statement of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Indeed Allah will raise some people by the book, and will humiliate some people by the book, meaning that the status of the court with an individual will elevates the person's status in the sight of the people and a person who abandons the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala will reduce their status in the eyes of the people. And that is why even if you were to look at Muslim personalities, you know how many Muslim personalities are there? We don't know too many famous Muslim businessmen. We don't have too many famous Muslim doctors. We don't know too many, you know, famous Muslim engineers. But when

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it comes to reciters of the Koran, these are the celebrities amongst the Muslim Ummah, you know, there's suddenly a person who doesn't know who she is or shaker short anymore, Michel Michel Rashid Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala raised the status of these people through the Quran. And this is the physical implementation of this hadith. Now, the exact opposite is true as well, that the most insignificant people on this planet are the ones who abandoned the Quran, meaning that Allah did not raise their status at all. And thus they are unknown that are unheard of Why? Because he did not establish a relationship with the corporation. And that's just in this dunya that Allah elevates the

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status of people through the Koran. So the one who knows the most genuinely he will leave the salon nor the most and will score and he will usually give what was the one who knows the most score and will usually have a greater amount of knowledge than the average person, though knows the Quran, he will know intrinsic things about the Quran that other people won't know. So again, Allah subhana wa tada raised the status of the people through the Koran. Number five, it is a way of becoming the best of people of my knowledge Allah.

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McQuarrie, he tells us hydrocarbon to Andaman for an animal and that the best of people are those that teach the Koran and learn it. The best people are those that teach the course and learn it. Meaning that if you want to be from the best of people, I was messengers, so a lot of it was psyllium husk told you how to establish a relationship with the Koran, learning it for yourself, and most importantly, teaching it to others as well. You know, teaching of the Koran, you'll see something that no one wants to do. No one wants to teach the Quran. And it's usually because you know, we don't want to deal with young kids. If you're teaching an older person, it's embarrassing

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teaching an older person who doesn't know how to respect to the club on what you will notice my dear brothers and sisters, that teaching the Quran is one of the greatest deeds you can do. I want you to think about teaching a young three, four or five year old child how to recite certain facts, how to recite.

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This is a strategy to teach them to study properly. Every time they stand up in salon, you know, 17 times a day in every regard, they're going to be reading this syrup, and that reward is going to you you know in this dunya we're looking for investments in where you can have like compound interest in the ultimate, you know interest how Allah has given you that way through the teaching of the Quran, that you teach someone how to recite Surah Fatiha very simple surah you literally, you know racked up a mountain reward within the internet, especially with this young child. Because for the rest of his life, as long as he's reciting Surah Fatiha, you're getting a reward for it. So this is why you

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become the best of people that not only are you doing a virtuous thing in this world, by educating someone about how to receive the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But on the Day of Judgment, you become the best of people because you have the greatest amount of reward as well. What time is the

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Not 737 41. So mobile apps kicked in right now. Okay, so we'll go for five more minutes.

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via direct comment and to get a journal. So number six, there are 10 rewards for each letter of the Quran that you recite. There are 10 rewards for each letter of the Quran that you recite. And I gave this example in our previous Salah because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, When you see the statement, Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu capsule, you get 30 rewards for this statement. Look at this long sentence. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu you get 30 rewards. But when it comes to the Quran, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that the one who just says, and if not, I mean, he's gotten 30 rewards right there.

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And this is from the blessings of the court on that small words will have great amount of blessings in them. So the one who says and if not mean, he gets the same amount of reward as the one who said a Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. This is through the virtue of the Quran. So the words of the blood, the letters of the Quran are blessings. Namaste. Number seven. There are sectors of the poor and will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. I shall read your novel Anna she narrates from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that barely the ones who recite the Quran beautifully smoothly and precisely will be in the company of the noble and obedient

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angels. And as we're the ones who are setting the difficulty, stammering and stumbling through its verses, then he will have twice that reward. Meaning that whoever the Quran comes easily to he's with the calming the company of the angels in this world and in the hereafter. In this world, the angels come and listen to the Quran. in the hereafter. It is the resurgence of the Quran that will have this elite status of being with the angels in the Hereafter, and the one who struggles to recite the Quran and read the Quran. Now we go back to that adult that doesn't know how to say to the Koran, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says he will have twice that reward. So

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never think that's the kind of law you're not too old. To learn how to recite to the poor, I am too old to learn if you're not too old to read, to correct my suit of fatsia there's no such thing as being too old. At the end of the day, it is a matter of raising your status in the afternoon and being with the angels. If Allah told you from now that you can rectify your status in the afternoon just by rectifying your recitation of the Quran, what would be a great criticism for you being embarrassed and learn the Quran with some kids or knowing that in the Hereafter, Allah subhana wa Taala is going to place you with the highest of ancients. It is something that's worth the

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sacrifice. So let your shyness go out the door, let your modesty go out to the window. Put it all aside when it comes to learning the Koran, even if it means you're sitting with five or six year old kids put that aside with the lights on them, you may have the opportunity to teach some of these children as well and you it becomes a source of goodness for him. Number eight, the art leads a person to paradise the art leads a person to paradise. The Messenger of Salaam says that whoever puts puts the Koran in front of them, it will lead him to paradise. And whoever puts the Quran behind them, it will lead him astray to the hellfire. So whoever puts the Quran in front of them, it

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leads him to paradise and whoever puts it behind them, it will lead him to the hellfire. What does this mean? This means that whoever makes his objective learning the court is acting upon the Quran and reflecting upon the Koran, it will be a means of attaining paradise with the lights on. But when it becomes neglectful of this concept, then it becomes a form of punishment and a form of persecution mean that in this world they will have a difficult life and in the Hereafter there will be to the form the people of the Hellfire as well due to the negligence of the corner. And this is something very scary. Think about Allah subhanaw taala he tells us in sort of aha moment Allah and

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victory for in the bunker. We're not sure who your mother pyramids Yama, Corolla, Bielema. amaku, basura.

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Sita will condemn, you can do math and science, Panama. Unless I know what it says over here, that those people that turn away from mine, remember, it's and remember, it's over here. Some of them have a zero referred to the Quran, that those people who turn away from life or if they should have a life of extreme difficulty, and we shall raise them in the hereafter as people who are blind, they will say, Oh my Lord, why did you raise this as someone who was blind when we were able to see in the dunya and Allah subhanho wa Taala will say to them, that those are verses came to you, you neglected them, you forgot about them, you abandoned them, and today you shall be forgotten,

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abandoned and neglected as was handled. This is due to the Koran, that Allah subhanaw taala you know, leads people to progress through the Quran, and he leads them astray through the abandonment of the Quran. And the last point I mentioned about this beaten it to Allah

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is that your position in Paradise is determined based upon how much you have memorized. Your position in Paradise is based upon how much you have memorized. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu it

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So the reports as reported by us that recite that are that in the year after we will be taught to recite and read, just like you used to recite and read in this dunya. So person, we continue to be raised in paradise based upon the amount of time he had memorized. So the more on the memorized, the higher they would be raised in the hereafter. And the less amount of time you had memorized, the less the lower your level and paradise will be. So your level in Paradise is related to the amount of time that you have memorized. Now, I want to conclude with a couple of points have been in the heat's on. And I'm glad seems everyone's here now. So we can talk about this Hanukkah in brief. So

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firstly, this Hanukkah will continue with on a weekly basis with the nights I do not plan on missing any Wednesday night halaqaat up until Christmas holidays on Christmas holidays, I go on vacation as well.

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Actually, there's a big conference coming up that's out of the country. So I'll be gone for a week and that's why we're missing that. But as soon as you know that's over, we're starting up again with the Knights either. So no more elongated breaks. This time we had a two month break big night honors don't happen again, inshallah, we will not miss the Hanukkah till the end of December. So it's going to be every Wednesday night with an exotic in terms of the timings, we're going to stick to seven o'clock, up and until Margaret comes to 715. Once Margaret comes to 715, then midnight, the halaqa will start after some other method. So once smuggler hits 715, the Hanako will start after salata,

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loving it, we like to honor. The third thing I want to mention is in terms of benefiting the most from this Hanukkah, if you truly want to benefit from this Hanukkah, there's three points you have to keep in mind. Point number one is that you have to come prepared to be educated, you know, you can't come to the Salat at the gate. I'm coming here to pass some time, I'm coming here to meet some of the brothers, those intentions are perfectly fine. But if you truly want to benefit from this adapter, you have to come with the intention to come educated. So you come with a different frame of mind. You know, for those of you who have trouble staying awake, drink some coffee before you come.

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For those of you that want to smoke, make sure you take notes in this halaqa whether it is by paper and pen, whether it is on your phone, whether it is on your computer, whether it's on a tablet, whatever it is, you come to get educated. The second thing you have to change when it comes to benefiting from this halaqaat is making sure what we're doing what we're discussing, you read it in advance. So next week with the Knights Allah, we're going to start off with sort of fadak and sort of the nuts. So whatever language you speak, read those sutras and that language before you come, so you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about. So read those sources in advance. And the third The

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last thing is if you truly have time, and you truly want to make the most of this Chanukah, spend some time reading or listening to the Tafseer of those sources. So if you want to listen to something, if you go to buy you, www V and We'll start not by that if it has a deficit of just listen to the tafsir uncertainness and certain font. And in fact, one of the things I like about his steps here is that he takes a completely different approach from what I take. He focuses on linguistics, he boasts focused on personal experience might take months here is completely different. So you have a complete understanding of the year when you do this. And you

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can't listen, try to read whether you read Arabic, you can read

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the zero sadita, zero check of notes. I mean, whatever you like, read it up CEOs will sue us, if you want the English, in this very bookstore behind us, we have the Tafseer even here in English, you can buy a copy for yourself, or at the very least come and read it inside of the machine. So you know what's going to be discussed. So those are three points. And the last point I will not emphasize enough is the importance of showing up on time my generals and sisters, it should not be the case that I'm the one that shows up on time and people are not here. School is always the opposite the students always in class before the teacher. Now this is not it has nothing to do with

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me. But this is the respect that we should give to the Koran that we're here to learn the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala we should make sure we're there on time. I'm not asking you to come half an hour early, just come five minutes before the class. So class is starting at seven. Try to be here at 635 in the night, Allah so you're ready to go as soon as we come. And I will try my best to make sure that we have the highest quality level in teaching and education when it comes to the Quran.

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I made my mindset from the one on the conference that it will be our initiative and our project at the ISC that we will finish the first English Tafseer the Koran on video with the data beginning to end but I need your help with that. I need you guys to show one time and I need you guys to be dedicated and show that motivation and passion with Nikita. I pray that Allah subhanaw taala facilitates this for us and accepts from us all and makes us one of the people that are elevated in this world and that you're after. I mean, I flew down right and I made a lot more cinematic Mohammed when he was off he was set up in Sharla. Please remember

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Next week, certain products and certain ness will start at seven o'clock in the.if. You can please give me a shot

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