Navaid Aziz – 38 Tafsir Juz E Amma Surah Al Abasa

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The history and meaning of the messaging of Jesus Christ is discussed, including the use of "has been unseess" and the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sin. The relationship between the Bible and the culture of the world is also emphasized, highlighting similarities between the Bible and the culture of the world. The importance of being aware of one's situation to make one's life smarter is emphasized, along with avoiding harm to one's life and creating a writes-on- fronts during the holiday season.
AI: Transcript ©
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him in Alhamdulillah hinomoto who wants to know who won the stock photo? When I was a villa human surely unforeseen a woman say it I'm Anna Maria de la palma de la la, la la la, la la la la la la sharika know Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira I'm about my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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You know, this morning, I Juma I was contemplating should we cancel the halaqa tonight or not, because I was like, Who's gonna come out in minus 30 weather. So the fact that you know, a lot of you are here tonight, I really, really appreciate that. And I pray that Allah subhanaw taala makes it heavy on your scale of good deeds, being the lucky Tada. Without having been said, as you know, this is the final chapter in our discussion of rosamma Alhamdulillah It's been a long journey of a year with a lot of struggles with a lots of ups and downs. But I'm really glad that Allah subhanaw taala granted us the tofik to reach the stage and inshallah it's a beginning stage for many more

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great things to come within that he Tada. Tonight's surah is pseudo Abba. And I want to give a small introduction into the sutra as to what it's actually about and what actually happened. So the first thing I would like to discuss is the content of the sutra itself, starting off with wireless pineal with data revealed to the surah so the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as all of you know, when he was in Mecca, inshallah said it was meant to be, by back to what I was saying, so

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the reason why the sooner was revealed. So as all we know, when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in Mecca, particularly in the early stages, the Messenger of Allah so Southern was tried greatly, you know, the companions were being persecuted. There was a boycott against the Muslims, people were not doing transactions with them. There was a shortage of food, a shortage of money, and just a shortage of Muslims in general. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he started to focus his Dawa on the leaders of the Kurdish, he thought that if we can convert the leaders of the coalition, get them on our side, then things will become easier for us.

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And this is what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam decided to do. So one day he gathered leaders of the coalition in open gathering, and he started preaching to them and he started giving them Dawa. And at that time, a Muslim who had already accepted Islam, Abdullah bin, Al Maktoum. He comes and he says, eliminate mimma and amakhala that teach me from that which Allah subhanaw taala has taught you. Now Abdullah bin Omar tomb, he was a companion that was blind he couldn't see. So he didn't know who the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was speaking to, he couldn't see that the Messenger of Allah wa sallam was busy. And with him being blind, he

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would naturally raise his voice just to make sure that people would hear him and try to get his point across. So the first time when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ignored him, he raised his voice even further. And this bothered the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to the degree that you could see it on the face of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he turned away from him completely like ignoring him. And that is when Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the surah and this was narrated by I shared was narrated by abunimah, and was married by many, many other companions,

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that this is the reason why this sutra was revealed. Now this leads us into an important discussion pertaining to two things. Number one, the rights of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in terms of how we address him. And number two, the discussion of was it possible for the prophets of Allah subhana wa tada to make mistakes and commit sins. So let's start off with the first topic of discussion. That the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turning away from Abdullah bin Maktoum? Was this. Something that was defined to the ego gets the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Or, you know, what was the situation over here? And how do we address this,

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pertaining to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam in terms of our relationship with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, it is a relationship that needs to have the utmost amount of love, and utmost amount of respect. And you'll notice that in our community, again, we're going to find two extremes. That one extreme that when you mentioned the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or you mentioned the Hadith, they will say, you know what, it's only a Hadith, it's no big deal, or it's only Sunnah. It's not found in the Quran. And this is something that is completely incorrect. islamically anything that came from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, we need to

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revere just like we revere the Koran. And then you have the exact opposite in our community, which is

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Giving a station to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam almost to the degree that he is a lord with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So as describing him with knowledge of the unseen, giving him characteristics that are only befitting of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he is present everywhere, and he is alive at all times the concept particularly from the subcontinent of being hazed, and Nazir, you know, these sort of things are shipped with Allah subhanho wa Taala and are not befitting. So, the middle course is always the right course. And that is what we see over here, that when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says something, we need to accept it.

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And you will notice particularly in Suunto gerat, Allah subhanho wa Taala, he gives special criterion of how to address the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that our swatter can focus on things that don't raise your voices above the voice of the Messenger of Allah. This was while he was alive, and even above mentioned that after he was dead, we should not try to raise our own personal opinions, over the opinion of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Likewise, Allah subhanaw taala he tells us a lot

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about and don't address him in the same manner that you address one another in. So we're meant to have the utmost amount of respect when dealing with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is why it is very sensitive and very important that particularly in the surah, we understand what we are saying and doing, which now leads us into a second discussion, that is it possible for the prophets and messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to make mistakes and fall into sin. So let's talk about the principle of each man of what all of the scholars are agreed upon, and all the scholars are agreed upon. Then when it came to delivering the message of Islam, it was not

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possible for any of the prophets to make a mistake. In this we conveyed the message with utmost perfection and with utmost amount of precision. And there's a scholarly agreement on this that no one has different from listening well Gemma that did they ever falter in delivering the message of Allah subhana wa Tada. The disagreement among the scholars comes into play, did the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala make mistakes and fall into sin? And unless I know what Allah knows best, but from what I have studied, the conclusion that I've seen Chico the same even taymiyah and scholars greater than him come to is the fact that yes, it was possible for the prophets of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala to fall into minor sins and minor mistakes, but it was not possible for major sins and major mistakes. And this is why if you look in the Koran, you'll find that Allah subhanaw taala clearly addresses this, that we have forgiven for you, your past sins and your future sins. Why would Allah subhanaw taala mention this, if they will not be able or falling into sin. So yes, they can fall into minor sins, but they could not fall into major sins, Allah subhanaw taala protected them from this. And now when we address them, we need to understand that they are the best of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala chose them, they are the

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purest of hearts, the best of characters, the best of conduct and they are the most befitting people to be the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why they were chosen. So now let us move into the actual sutra itself. Allah subhanho wa Taala. He starts off this sort of by saying Abba, Abba, it means to frown on one's face, and it is to show that one is upset. And this is a middle or a beginning phase of being upset. This is not being angry. But this is just to show that one is beginning to get annoyed. That is what ABA means, what that means to turn away. Now if you look at the way this verse is structured, it shows some very important lessons. Allah subhanaw taala he

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could have addressed the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said that you are the one that frowned and you are the one that turned away as if he was putting the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam down, but he didn't do this. He showed us the etiquettes of correcting the mistakes of people. And here the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is addressed in the third person. He's not addressed directly. He says he turned away he frowned. And he turned away. This is to show that when you correct someone's mistakes, you should do so in a manner that is befitting that is gentle, that is loving and that is caring. And this is how Allah subhana wa tada

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addresses this for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he found, and he turned away, not addressing him directly. And we are mentioned to have even more respect and honor for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Number two. We notice from this verse that Allah subhanaw taala took it upon himself to guide the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In our day and age, someone points out one of our mistakes, and we get furious, we get extremely annoyed, you know, who do you think you are? To correct one of my mistakes, right? This is the attitude that we develop. But you'll notice our predecessors we had the exact opposite attitude.

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They would be grateful if someone guided them in our

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macabre della Franco, he says, may Allah have mercy upon the man that guides me in one of my mistakes. So this is the attitude that we should have maybe we are meant to have, that if we have a flaw inside of ourselves, we shouldn't be arrogant, we shouldn't be boastful, but if someone advises us, we should accept it. And likewise from the person that is advising, it should be in the gentlest, softest and wisest of ways within the heater Allah. Now, point number three is this is what made the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the best of human beings. The fact that his advisor was not the creation like the rest of us, or that the companions, but rather his

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advisor was none other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And anytime the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam needed advice, or was in need of correction, it was Allah subhanho wa Taala that we do so himself. And this is what gave the great status to the Messenger of Allah, that Allah preferred him with this over the rest of us, that for us, if we need to have our mistakes corrected, we need to look inside ourselves or one of our companions and friends will point it out to us. But for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was constantly under the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say, Angela have an AMA that he found and turned away when the blind demand came to him. And here Allah subhanho wa Taala, again, is very gentle with the situation very sensitive. And let's find out what Allah could have specified that this was Abdullah bin omec to him, but as to not embarrass him as to not make him feel ashamed as to not, you know, make you feel as if he is the center of attention. Allah subhanho wa Taala just mentioned him in the third degree and in the third person, again, that the blind person came and that is when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned away.

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Now, this leads us to the discussion as is coming in the following verses. What is the person mentioned to do? Did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam do something wrong? Or what should the Messenger of Allah so seldom have done? Well, now you know who you are? And what makes you know that this person might become pure from their sense. So now here, who's the last panel on addressing? When are you ready? Can I know who he is deca? is Allah subhanaw taala addressing the leaders of the Quraysh? Or is Allah subhanho wa Taala addressing of the libido Maktoum? And then something that the scholars of Tafseer differed over that when Allah subhanaw taala is talking about purification? Who

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is he referring to? And unless final Donna knows best. But this verse seems more appropriate to the leaders, of course, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he had this desire to guide the leaders of the Quraysh so that things could become easier for the Muslims. Whereas a Bolivian oma tomb, he was already Muslim, he didn't need to be purified from shift, perhaps, you know, his character might need to have been purified. But in terms of being purified for the shit, he was already purified from Shrek, he accepted Islam very early on.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala. He goes on to say, Oh, yeah, that girl photographer was decra. Or he might receive admonition, and the admonition might profit him. Now this verse, this is what led some of the scholars to say that Allah subhanaw taala is addressing oblivion or Maktoum over here, because the benefit, the reminder is for someone who already knows. Now this is one of the beauties of the Quran, as we'll come to see is that the Quran is sent as a reminder, and when something is a reminder, this necessitates that this is something that you already know, for if it was something new, it wouldn't be called a reminder, this would be called a new form of knowledge. So here listen,

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I know what that is saying that this is a reminder that might benefit then this is an indication that yes, it was referring to the limit or maximum and not to the leaders of Cornish. Now,

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as for the next verse, Allah subhanaw taala says a man is still gonna, and as for him, who thinks himself self sufficient, then this is a clear indication that now Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about the leaders of the college. So now let's put this into perspective. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is giving Dawa to the leaders have the courage to make things easy for the Muslims. And Abdullah we know Maktoum is coming anything on messenger of Allah Teach me from that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has taught you, the Messenger of Allah has a choice to make now, should he continue to advise the leaders of the corporation who are in need of this guidance and

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through their guidance, things can become easier, but there's a chance they may not accept this guidance and this advice, or should the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam address Abdullah bin Al Maktoum, who is a Muslim already who is looking for guidance and will guaranteed with the light Allah be affected by this advice? What should the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do? So here at this time, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chose to continue his discussion with the leaders of the Cornish because at that time, he understood that the best thing to do for the sake of the Muslims was to try to get them on board and he ignored the

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ability to but here I must find out

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Correct Simon says that no, rather you should have turned to a little bit omec June 1, because it was guaranteed that he would accept the advice and accept the admonition, whereas the leaders of the coalition was not guaranteed. And at the end of the day, it is Allah subhanho wa Taala that guides whom He pleases. So that having been said, You learned a very important lesson over here, that as a Muslim, you should lean towards that which is certain over that which is doubtful. So it was certain that Abdullah bin Omar would accept that advice and accept that guidance, whereas the leaders of the Quran, it wasn't certain, it was something that was, you know, almost a chance that Allah subhanaw

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taala, at the end of the day, chose not to have them guided. So that is a principle that is established over here. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala. He continues, and this is very important over here in terms of how he describes the leaders of the Cornish amendment is that as you are the one that thinks himself self sufficient, and this is a very bad characteristic to have. As a Muslim, we're not meant to think of ourselves of self sufficient in an absolute sense. So when it comes to our needs, we're always meant to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So you notice from the eyes of the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that he will make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala whether

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to kill Nila nuptse Tada, tiny Wanda condemning dannic that Oh Allah Do not leave me to myself or to my own affairs, for even the blink of an eye or even shorter than that. So meaning our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is one of constant need. So we should be extremely dependent upon Allah subhanaw taala turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala for all of our needs. And this is one of the beautiful things that you saw in the Messenger of Allah, that depending on the person's Eman, this is the type of advice and guidance that he would give them. So Abu Bakar or the Allahu anhu, he had higher standards for him. And this is why the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught

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him that even if one of your legs breaks, then only ask Allah subhana wa tada for it. Then for your whip falls off your horse, then pick it up yourself before you ask someone else for it. And this is so that a person is not dependent upon the creation, but he's only dependent upon the creator subhanho wa Taala. Now looking at the courage, the courage taught themselves completely independent. They thought that they had all the money they needed, they had all the power and authority that they needed, and that they were deserving of the honor that Allah subhanaw taala had placed with them in terms of taking care of the Kava and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam coming from

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their tribe. They thought this was all self done, and that there was no role of Allah subhana wa tada in this. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala describes them as self sufficient, when in reality, it is not praiseworthy for a person to consider himself completely self sufficient, he should be self sufficient from the creation, but he should never ever think that he was self sufficient from the creator Subhana who was the other?

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One who found that casada that you may attend to him meaning addressing that you should have attended the

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blind individual upper limit on October, why am I late?

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And what does it matter to you if he will not become pure? So now here let's find out what that is saying that this concept of the courage being guided, no matter how hard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have tried, it is eventually only in the hands of Allah subhana wa Tada. This is why it was finally what he tells us in other parts of the Quran in the culatta demon. When I came to La Jolla, de Masha, that you indeed do not guide whom you love, but rather it is Allah subhanho wa Taala that guides whom He pleases. So here the point of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is just to give guidance to the people, and it is up to the people to

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accept that guidance. What am Angelica, yes, that is the one that came running to you. Well who are yaksha and he is afraid of Allah subhana wa tada for Anton who Tada, then you will completely ignored him. And Allah subhanaw taala. The term that he uses over here is the law. And this is a very interesting point in the Arabic language, the differences between laahu and libe. That lay in the Quran, when it is used, it is used for something that is completely futile and useless. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the life of this world, he describes it with two terms law who and life live is something which is completely useless. There's no benefit in it whatsoever. Lahu on the

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other hand, is a term that is used when a person is between two monitors. So a person is between doing something both things that are permissible, but one is clearly not as beneficial as the other. So let us think of an example of this. An example of this could be an individual that can recite Koran, or an individual can go, you know, let's just say spend time with his family. Now, obviously, this should be on a case by case basis that if you haven't spent time with your family for a long time, go and do that. And at the same time if you haven't spent time reading the code

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I'm going to do that. But let's just say you've done both of them. They're in proportionate matters. Now which one should you decide to do? which one should you decide to do obviously should decide to read the Quran you should decide to read the Quran. Now, had you gone to and spend time with your family over here and you fulfilled the rights already? This would be considered a form of law who know how does this come into play when you're doing something that is beneficial, but it's not as beneficial as Your other option. So it's something that is beneficial, but not as beneficial as Your other option. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term the law, that the dollar to the

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courage was not absolutely futile. Yes, they did need this dour. But what was more important was turning towards Abdullah Al Maktoum as he was willing to accept this guidance, and that is what the correct position would have been. Canada in particular, that Navy Squadron is what an odd an admonition a reminder. Now this is what comes into play what we were talking about earlier. Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala talk about the Quran as being a reminder, because the Quran, it came naturally to be

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conducive to what Allah subhanaw taala has instilled inside us already. So you look at the messages of the Quran, in terms of believing in one God in terms of having good conduct and character, all of these matters. This is something that the fifth Allah will naturally agree with. So it's not new content. And this is why the fifth law, it just needs to be rekindled. Human beings just need to be reminded of the oneness of Allah subhana wa Tada. And having this good conduct, it's not something new that they actually needed to know. And that is why the Quran is referred to as a reminder, because the basic principles of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala already instilled inside of us.

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So here unless I know what Allah is saying that this Quran was sent as a reminder for the one that wants to receive admonition. So this is an important principle over here, that you'll notice that why is it that with some people, you will cite one verse, and that God could possibly come Muslim. And then for another individual who is perhaps already Muslim, you could recite a whole page of Quran. And it doesn't even make the smallest difference. The difference between the two situations, my dear brothers and sisters, is the fact that one has the desire to learn, one has the desire to be benefited, whereas the other individual doesn't, they couldn't care less about it. And this is why

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it is important that at all times a person have this desire that you know, I want to be in a position of being benefited, I want to be in a position of being benefited. And you'll notice that this will make your life so much more wiser than if you become an individual that from every situation from every scenario is trying to derive a benefit, you will make much less mistakes in your life. And you will make much smarter decisions at the same time as well. Because constantly you're trying to derive benefit from wherever you are. And that is why sometimes you may already know something that shouldn't prevent you from learning that again, because perhaps you will be

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reminded of something that you already knew, but you forgot about it. Or perhaps you will be actually taught something new that you thought you knew, but you didn't actually know. So even when it comes to knowledge, a person should always be enthusiastic that yes, let me go and attend this gathering of knowledge, even if it is something I think I already know. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to develop this characteristic of wanting to be reminded for was that cared for in the cloth and found many that remind For indeed the reminder will benefit the believers because the believers will have this characteristic of always wanting to be reminded.

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Now Allah subhanaw taala talks about how the Quran is preserved feasable filmographies saltimbocca Rama that Allah subhanaw taala has it recorded in the greatest of honors and this is referring to the local food. So if you refer back to our serum echo of how Allah subhanaw taala had the Quran revealed, the Quran was revealed to the local metaphors first and then from the lava fourth, it was revealed unto the creation. So these are the pure pages that Allah subhana wa tada is referring to the Sahaba makara Rama are the pages of the Lacan my fourth mark for it Mata Hara, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has exalted it and kept it pure. Be at Sephora, in the hands of the angels. So the

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angels that are protecting the low hanging fruit, they are the best of angels, chromium, Bharara the most honorable and most obedient, the most honorable, and most obedient. Now, this leads us into our discussion of, you know, similarities between Sudan and Sudan as yet, so if you look inside Sudan as yet, Allah subhanho wa Taala. He mentioned the concept of being purified for your own right so Allah subhanaw taala says Musa and I don't have around in hopes that around me want to be purified. And here Allah subhanho wa Taala describes Abdullah Al Maktoum as someone who wants to be purified. Now over here, Allah subhana wa Tada. He's talking about the angels describing them as killed.

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Rahman Bharara, that they are noble and obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the beginning of Sudan as yet, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the different types of angels, the angels that are racing to the obedience of Allah, those that are looking for gatherings of knowledge, those that are looking to fulfill the commands of Allah subhana wa Tada. So, these are some of the similarities, that you see between the two suitors, then Allah subhanaw taala, he starts talking about mankind. Now, he goes on to say kotula insulinoma akara, that how cursed is mankind, the disbelieving of men, and how grateful he is. So if you refer back to sort of Buddha which we will talk about how when

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Allah subhanaw taala uses the term kotula in the Quran. linguistically, this means that so and so was killed, but in the Quran in traditional and classical Arabic cotulla is a form of of a curse, that unless I know how cursed is mankind, and how curse word the people of the ditch, if you remember back in sort of the Budaj, so we are left behind without is talking about a particular portion of mankind in terms of how they are, that while Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to give them so much, they continue to deny the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now this is addressing the correlation over here, again, the Messenger of Allah setup is being reminded of why he should

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have given attention to Abdullah bin Omar and not to look into the Polish because the coalition constantly defied the laws of Allah subhana wa Tada. They've constantly rejected the verses that Allah's Messenger came with, and you know, the invitations that he came with, and this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala describes them as maqbara that you know, there's as if there's nothing more ungrateful to them. This is an expression of eloquence, that when you use it, that it means that there's nothing more of that than these very individuals. So how Allah subhanaw taala said ma Khurana, meaning that there will be no more and more generous than these people. But Allah subhanaw

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taala describes them as saying

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that there's no one who is more ungrateful than these people. That unless you're gonna give them these clear signs provided for them what they needed, he honored them by giving them the possession of the cabinet and taking care of it and taking care of the judge and even sending the messenger from amongst them even then they deny the signs of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now unless final data goes on to address again their faulty intellects. minegishi in Chanukah, that from what thing did Allah subhana wa tada created them that makes them so arrogant and boastful. Were they created a golden silver were they created out of something other than what we were created of? Allah subhanaw taala.

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He created us from such humble substances to remind us of how humble we need to be. So if you look at Adam alayhis salaam, Allah subhanaw taala created Adam from clay, a mixture of soil and water. You look at our own creation, what were we created out of? We were created out of two liquids that came out of the human beings, private parts. So an individual who wants to be arrogant, let him remember what was he created from? He wasn't created from this amazing substance that you know is extremely expensive and you know, has the right to be arrogant, but rather he came from the most humblest of substances. And that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us to be humble. And this is

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what Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say may not fit in Kanaka hufa Katara that it was from this liquid that came out of the man and the woman that Allah subhanaw taala created us from and fashion does so much Sabina Yes sir. And then Allah subhana wa tada Made Easy The path for guidance. And with this verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us that each and every individual, the vast majority of mankind, so not a minority, the vast majority of mankind, Allah subhanho wa Taala will send guidance their way, whether it is through themselves, realizing it, whether it is through an other individual coming to them and telling them about it, or whether it is through the internet,

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through the news, whatever it may be. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that for the vast majority of mankind, he will make the pathway to guidance, easy for them. And this is why it is when people deny guidance that Allah subhanho wa Taala threatens them with the Hellfire because it is a conscious decision that people are making. It's not as if Allah subhanaw taala deprives them from guidance, and they became disbelievers, no, but rather people choose disbelief for themselves, that Allah made it easy, and they deny that easy path and choose the other way. Then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say thumb at the hoof of Kabbalah. And then he causes him to die and puts him in his grave,

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reminding all of the creation that there's not a single one of us, except that we will die one day. And then when you see someone else die, let it be a lesson for you. And Subhanallah you know, relating to today's host by that we spoke about Nelson Mandela, all the great things that he achieved in his life, you know, from abolishing the apartheid from becoming president to granting rights to standing up for the Palestinians. All of these great things that he did. What did it benefit him at the end at the end of

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The day he got his recognition in this world, he got his fame in this world. He got the love in this world. But in the hereafter His judgment is with Allah subhana wa Tada. And what is apparent is that he died in the state of disbelief. And we know what is the fate of the disbelievers at that time. So here listen, I know what that is reminding us that take less than take a bra from the people that are dying. That bs while that is very state while they're in the state of regret, at the time of death and after death, make sure that is not your state, that the guidance that Allah subhanho wa Taala sends your way except it willingly and seek the path of guidance and Bismillahi Tada, then you

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will not have that regret that the disbelievers had when they pass away.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say, some Elijah and Shara and when it is His will, he will resurrect them again. So here let's find out Allah again, being consistent in the theme of Jews ama is talking about the day of judgment that the disbelievers denied the Day of Judgment. And here unless I know what that is reaffirming it, that regardless of how much you may want to avoid the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanho wa Taala will resurrect us off and there's no one escaping it. So make sure you're preparing yourself for that day, that you're not doing in justices because you'll have to pay for those in justices on that day, and that you're doing those good deeds, because it is

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those good deeds that will cause you to attain the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala on that day, Bismillah heeta Allah, Candela yakushima Amara ne but man has not done what he commanded him. So let's find what Allah gives us simple commandments, that if we were to fulfill these commandments, we would not only be successful in the agora will be successful in this world as well. But as being ignorant of the commandments, or consciously choosing not to follow those commandments, this is what leads to the destruction of man kind for Leon vooral, insano illa for me, so now unless I know what that is telling us that look, Allah subhanaw taala has sent you all of these signs, reflect over

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these signs. So let mankind look over his food, what is on this planet, and I mean that reflect over your food. Now one of the things that is a you know, I've addressed this previously, one of the problems of living in an urban society is that we're completely disconnected from nature. So when a child thinks about milk, he thinks about milk coming from a carton, or from a jug as opposed to coming from a cow. When you think about vegetables, you think about buying it from a grocery store, and you don't actually think about it coming out of the Earth was the individual that is typed in nature, he sees its cyclical nature, he will see on how the cow needs to eat. And then the cow will

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produce this milk on how the farmers need to take care of their vegetation. And make sure it's getting sunlight, make sure it's getting water, make sure it's getting its nutrients, and then one harvest to the next. This is when the crops will grow. And it is only by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala and sometimes it can take all the precautionary measures, and even then the crops won't grow. This is why let's find out what that is telling us to reflect over our food, that it is only through the mercy and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala that those crops continue to grow and those animals are continuously present. And the second Allah subhanho wa Taala wills for them not to

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be present. They're no longer going to be there for us. This is why last minute Allah tells us to reflect over our food and suburban Alma Saba, there it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who sends down the rain, that if Allah subhanaw taala wants to cut off the rain, is there anything that we can do to bring it back. And this is why you will see particularly when you live in the deserts how important it is to make a lot of this discard the Prayer For Rain. You're living in you know these continental climates where we have regular precipitation. We don't consider this concept of rain being a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala or snow coming down as a blessing from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. But perhaps for us, it's even an annoyance because it happens so naturally, we become ungrateful for it. When you go into the desert, you see how important that rain actually is. Because without that rain, the rivers completely dry up. Without that rain, their animals have nothing to drink. And that is when an individual sees his weak and pathetic and desperate state. And that is when he is reminded to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala with a prayer of rain and almost I know what are the sins down that rain for them so much Shaka cannon out of the shopko and we split the earth in cliffs. So here Allah subhanaw taala talks about how even through mountains, Allah subhanaw

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taala has made pathways in between for us that Imagine you have the solid mountains that you have to go real long journeys to go all around, but Allah subhanho wa Taala facilitated pathways to in between them, and Allah subhanaw taala split the ground so that it will be easy to plant in those places, as well as Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say unbutton Effie Hubba and because they're in the grains to grow, that Imagine if Allah subhanho wa Taala made the ground so solid that you're unable to penetrate that ground

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you're unable to plant those seeds that you need to grow. But Allah subhanho wa Taala was merciful and generous. And thus he made the soil soft so that we can plant those seeds that we need to survive.

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And now Allah subhanaw taala talks about particular types of food Weiner bone wakad and Allah subhanaw taala cause the grapes and the Gloop clover plants to grow the clover plants are the vegetation for the animals. So the types of grass the types of shrubs that the animals will eat. That is what Allah subhanaw taala is referring to was a tuna Wanaka and Allah subhanaw taala caused the olives and the date palm trees to grow wider eco gulaba and gardens dense with many trees, welfare ketone, and fruits and Herbes Allah subhanho wa Taala caused them to grow, Medan comb worthy Anamika, that this is an enjoyment for yourselves and for the animals. And again, this is a reminder

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of the similarities between this sutra as soon as the art Allah subhanaw taala says the exact same thing, Madonna comany Anamika, that Allah subhanaw taala sent all of these things as an enjoyment for us, Allah subhanaw taala facilitated all of these things for us for what purpose so that we can fulfill our purpose in worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that we can fulfill our purpose in worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is, well let's find that with Allah. He didn't put us in charge of sending down the rain. He didn't put us in charge of protecting the animals. He didn't put us in charge of growing the crops in vegetation. He made all of these things easy, so that we can

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focus on our primary purpose of worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. And now let's find what the other talks about the state of the Day of Judgment. This the fourth similarity with Surah nazjatar. So I'm not sure what Allah goes on to say for Elijah at this saw that the soccer is that the second blowing of the trumpet than when everyone is resurrected again. So the first trumpet knocks everyone out. The second trumpet brings everyone back to life. Now look at how Allah subhanho wa Taala describes people on that day. Yo Maja federal Moreau mean that on that day, people will run away from their own brothers will only he will be and even their fathers and their mothers will saw he

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bet he will bunnies and even his closest companions, and from his children, Nicola Murray men whom Yama is in Chattanooga, and every human being on that Day, will have such a concern of fear about their own selves, that they'll ignore everyone else. Now look at that panela the people that you care about the most in this world, the people that you strive to please and to take care of and provide them with the the comfort that they need. These are the very people that you will be running away from on that day. Now Allah subhana wa tada he makes an exception to this. All of these people you will flee from except for one group of people who are macoun that emoticon they will be

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supportive of one another, that align with Allah another verse in the Quran, he talks about a killer and the healer that the closest of companions, he says that these causes of companions even they will turn away from one another. lol matakohe, except for those people that had taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala meaning that the relationship was based for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And had that relationship been for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala then these people will be supportive of one another on that day.

00:38:30 --> 00:39:09

Would you who Yama is the most fella that some faces on that day, they will be bright, what will cause their faces to be bright. It is the good deeds that they committed, particularly the deed of Salah that two things will bring brightness to the individuals face that day. Number one, the widow he used to make so it will cause his skin to shine and to glow. And then number two is the such that he used to make that the area of such that he used to make the seven parts of the body that performs such that to Allah subhanho wa Taala then these parts they will be glowing on that day because they were obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala but he could almost assure that these people will be

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laughing and rejoicing at the good news of paradise. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions this in contrast to the disbelievers in this world, that the disbelievers in this world, that they're laughing and rejoicing and having a good time. And perhaps sometimes as a believer, you may feel left out or you may feel that you know, maybe I should be enjoying the same activities as them. But Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us that if you want that true enjoyment, then let's look for it in the Hereafter, that aim to be happy in the Hereafter, not just in this dunya because in this dunya you may try to find happiness for the amount of time that you live in. But at the end of the day in

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the hereafter you will have no happiness whatsoever. So strive to be happy in the ACA first, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant you to be content in this world. But if you aim to be happy in this world, not only will you find misery

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In this world, but you will find ultimate misery in the hereafter as well. And now this is when Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses the exact opposite. Would you agree oma is in LA Hazara and other faces on that day, they will be as if they've been stained with dust, meaning that they are very dark, very ugly to look at not happy at all, as if they're in a completely miserable state. And these are the people that realize the mistakes that they made in this life. That look we should have made more of this life. We should have strived harder, we should have accepted the guidance of Allah subhana wa Tada. We should have turned to the Quran, we should have accept accepted the way of the

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Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all of those regrets they will have on that day, and you will see it on their face, anxiety, fear, and just blackness and darkness on their faces due to the sins that they used to commit toward Haku have Katara that darkness will completely take them over una iica homolka forgotten Fujairah and they are the individuals that disbelieved and Allah subhanho wa Taala and used to transgress the boundaries of Allah subhana wa Tada. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala is addressing the Qureshi in particular, but reminding the believers at the same time, that the correlation or being reminded that look, if you don't accept this guidance, then this

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is going to be your fate. Turn away that except the guidance of Allah, if you're truly intellectually truly smart, accept the guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why even when you know dealing with non Muslims in our time, you'll find that most people, they're unsure about the concept of God existing, right? Most people in our day and age particularly go to universities, you speak to people, people are no longer practicing Christians are no longer practicing Jews, even the concept of practicing Muslims, you look at their identities, and everyone is in a crisis, and simple concepts that look throughout history of humanity. Most of mankind has

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believed in the God that even logically speaking, it makes more sense to believe in a God than it does to not believe in the God, there are more chances that Allah subhanaw taala created this world, then they'd have been completely accidentally, that if you actually look at the mathematical probability of this, the probability of it is so low, that even just defining the exponential rate of it is extremely high. It is in like the 10s of hundreds to the exponential number of how everything would have fallen into place just perfectly. So think about this, that if you were to just pick up, you know, dirt from the ground, and just throw it up into the air, what are the

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chances that it would land in a perfect castle? What are the chances of that happening? It's not completely impossible, it is possible, but it is something like to the 10th to the 17th degree mean, after 70 zeros, one over, you know, 10 to the 70 zeros behind it, though, what is the chances of that happening? Now that's just for the sake state of one castle, that how about the creation of the heavens and the earth, you know, the probability would be much, much more higher. And this is why I know what he uses such simple terminology, that look except the guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you will be saved. When you reject it, then on the Day of Judgment, you have no one to

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blame but yourself. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala, he made the path of guidance easy, that knowing the right path is extremely easy. What is difficult is fighting your desire to follow it. And that is where our struggle comes in. That we need to find our desires to follow the right path. And that struggle it will turn into a fruitful, you know transaction with Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment, when you are from the happy people and everyone else that chose not to struggle there from the humiliated and the disgraced from the anxious and fearful and there you are rejoicing over the paradise that Allah subhanaw taala has blessed you with. And we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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makes us from those people. I mean, with that we will conclude I want to take an opportunity here to thank all of you who have been attending over the past year as a communicator, I pray that Allah subhanaw taala makes this beneficial for all of us. And they said heavy on our skill of good deeds. And particularly, I want to give a special shout out to some of our brothers here at the ISC. They strive hard every Wednesday and every Friday to make sure that the tech is set up particularly for the online streaming as well. So when you're making blood for yourself today or tomorrow, sometime this week, please remember them in your prayers as well. Likewise, just the ice in general, you

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know, just being able to use it as a platform to spread the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala without any hindrances is a big blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala so I pray that Allah subhanaw taala granted the tofik to continue to teach his beautiful Deen to benefit from the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then starting in January within it Tada. We will continue with Imam and know his 40 Hadith, the narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that teach the absolute fundamentals of Islam that we'll be starting from January. Now just on a concluding note, you know, why was this such an important

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project for me.

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In all its final titles, messengers are certain, he tells us that there are three types of sadaqa jariya that a person can leave behind, they can leave behind knowledge, they can leave behind a charity that benefits the people. And then they can leave behind a righteous child that will make the call for them after they passed away. Now, particularly on this subject, I love this hadith because it brings so much hope that as an individual last minute, Allah has given you the capability that even though your lifespans may be so short, and a limited amount of time, maybe 40 years, maybe 70 years, who knows what it would be. But Allah subhanho wa Taala still gives us the opportunity to

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accumulate the same amount of adjured as the people who lived during normal asylums time that lived for 950 plus years long, that through the southern Nigeria, Allah so merciful to us. So I thought to myself, you know, what are the things that we can do as a community to leave the southern Nigeria behind? For two of them, Allah subhanaw taala has granted us in assurances for the other Allah subhanaw taala hasn't. So in your lifetime, you can give that charity to good causes, building wealth, building a madrasa building a Masjid, building, your platforms of education, all of these things will benefit you after you pass away. Likewise, leaving knowledge behind and hamdulillah just

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from the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that we live in a time where things are being recorded, and they're being put up online. So even if you pass away, people can benefit from it. We live in a time where I can do the speaking here in Calgary, and Alhamdulillah. We have people in Australia, Malaysia, in Singapore, even in China. So finally, we got an email sometime back assistant who was saying, look, YouTube is banned in China, can you please put up mp3 so that I can continue to listen to the lectures. So these are the people that are striving for knowledge, and I'm the Allah, and Allah has given us the ability to teach these people. So inshallah that's the second one that's

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fulfilled if we strive hard in doing so, the last one, and this is, you know, a very touchy subject for me, that the child that will make dryness default for you after you pass away. And this is the one that has no assurances. Because once you pass away, you can no longer monitor how your children are. And this for me is like the scariest of things than living in a day where there's so much fitna and so much facades. And you see, you know, so many children just going astray through the education systems through TV that they watch to the internet that they use. It's a very scary reality, you know, thinking about how our children are going to be in 1520 years time. So I thought to myself

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Sinaloa let us focus on perfecting the first two, and hopes that Allah subhanaw taala will rectify the last one for us. And this is just a reminder for myself and for you that again, we don't know when we're going to die. So we need to start working on these aspects of Southern Nigeria. So that let us just say we do die tomorrow, we die young, we still have an opportunity to continuously incur that reward. And this is why I'm so grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala first and then to the community here second, that you granted me this platform to be able to teach you and I pray that Allah subhana wa tada accepts it as other kajaria. Without having been said, I brought some like

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candies and chocolates for all of you, particularly the sisters, we have some good chocolate for you inshallah. So please take some before you go. And we'll conclude with that pentacle, lahoma behind the shadow law in the end as the Furukawa today. So if anyone has any questions, while the candy and chocolate has been cashed out, we can take them john, go ahead.

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00:48:37 --> 00:48:59

Thanks. Fantastic. So when it's referring to feminine is referring to the kalimat. When it's referring to the sorry, was referring to feminine? It's the Kelly my twin is referring to masculine, it's referring to the book itself. So the book as a whole, that's when it's going to be masculine. So particular verses or particular words that allow us to draw our attention to then it's used in the feminine Allahu Tanana. Go ahead.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:36

What is my food entail? Fantastic. So not only my food is like the ultimate treasure chest. And in that sense, it contains everything that is going to happen in the heavens and the earth, from the beginning of time, till the end of time. That is what law entails. And then other things as well that we don't know about. So God the Word is meant to you this is like the ultimate history book. That's what I'm trying to tell you that from the before the creation of Adam, to the beginning of the creation of this world, all the way till the Day of Judgment. It contains all of that history altogether. One law husana Go ahead.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:39

Anika Santa

00:49:40 --> 00:49:41

Monica Santa.

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00:49:50 --> 00:49:57

As he picked up a photo, yes. Yes. How can we use this

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So, first of all, what is the ruling on having to do and reciting the Quran, the scholars differed on this issue, the majority of scholars, they said that it is compulsory to have to do when you touch the Quran in Arabic. So you're touching the Muslim, you're not touching a translation or Tafseer book, but you're touching the most of itself that is pure Arabic, without any tafsir, the majority of scholars said that you need to have to do to touch that. And then the minority of scholars, they said that no, this is not a requirement, because there's no proof for it. So this is a bit of a bit of a tricky debate. So what I would suggest is that it is recommended that when you

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touch the Quran, in Arabic only, there's no Tafseer, no translation, then it is recommended that you have to do at that time. However, if you're going to touch a translation, or you're touching a book of Tafseer, or you're touching your phones, then Moodle is not a requirement at all, because it is only for the Quran in Arabic as a whole. And that is why a bigger problem for besides windows, can you even take your phone into the bathroom, and if it has an app with the Quran on it, that is a bigger concern, because we're not meant to take the Quran into the bathroom, right? So obviously, the Quran is primary focus is not to be used as

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a method of reading Quran, the primary focus is to you make phone calls to check your emails and to do other things, and then the app is secondary. So therefore, as long as you're not reading the Quran on your phone while you're in the bathroom, inshallah it's not a problem at all.

00:51:26 --> 00:51:41

No, it doesn't count as quote on it doesn't count as quota. This is a secondary purpose. It's a secondary purpose, or Allahu taala. Any last questions? The pastor said, I'm clearly said called Nakamura, I will call Luca Massoud that all of you are shepherds, and all you shall be questioned. You want to comment?

00:51:43 --> 00:52:13

No, I understand what he's saying. I understand. So the issue over here is that when you should, the major concept of the wrist behind is that you should not use terminology that is trying to degrade the Messenger of Allah says Allah. That's what the Quran is referring to, that they use to try to humiliate the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam by saying that there was a way of belittling the Messenger of Allah says Allah. So it wasn't the fact that you referred to him as a shepherd or anything like that. But it was the form of how they used to try to belittle the Messenger of Allah. And that is what is impermissible. Allahu talana.

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Even then, it's recommended that you have odo. And if you're going to do so without to try to have a barrier between it, so maybe put a cloth so put some gloves on. That is the better thing to do. We shouldn't try to touch the Koran without being in a state of mahana.

00:52:35 --> 00:52:35

I think good.

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So in terms of this goes back to the same concept of the person's intention. And then what is the better thing to do in terms of a person's intention, his intention should never be to belittle the Koran or to try to desegregate the Quran that will take a person outside the fold of Islam. However, doing with love itself, a person will not be sinful if they put it on their feet or they put it on the floor. This is not a sin that they will do. But what we will say is that it's not the etiquettes of a Muslim, right Allah subhanaw taala clearly tells us that revering the Shire of Allah subhanho wa Taala there is the signs of Allah subhanaw taala. They're meant to be magnified with a delicate

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mantequilla coup d'etat is from the taqwa of an individual. So we would say that rather than putting it on the floor, Alhamdulillah we have stands, you know, use the stand instead, don't put it on your feet, don't put it on the floor. That is the better thing to do. So when you see someone like that, it's you can advise them there's nothing wrong with that. But at the same time, we wouldn't say that they're sinful. We wouldn't say that they're sinful. It's just something better to do that they put it on the stand and they show more respect inshallah. Allah Juana Go ahead.

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This is something again, the scholars differ over we will say that it's highly recommended to have a sutra that in fact, if you look at the life of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I do not know of a single instance when he prayed without a sutra, that even if it was just as simple as drawing a line, there's actually love on that Hadith, he would always keep even drawing the line as a sutra. So that's the one so that people wouldn't walk in front. So we should try our best to have a sutra when we pray inshallah, go ahead.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:30

Is it okay if you let a non Muslim touch the Koran so we're talking about Arabic only?

00:54:31 --> 00:54:59

Yeah. So this is again, something that the scholars default over, they said, if this is for the sake of seeking guidance, then that's perfectly fine inshallah, that we're looking to the Quran to see guidance, then that's fine inshallah, but just for the sake of playing around with it, or give them a copy for an unknown reason. This is something that shouldn't be done, because it could lead them to we know putting the Koran in an impure place or disrespecting the Koran, and that is something that we want to avoid from happening. While law husana will conclude with that particular one, we'll be having Nick

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De La ilaha illa istockphoto Kotaku lake. In Sharla Sheikh Hasina will be taking over from next week. I had asked him what he's planning on doing. Does anyone know what he's planning on doing? If you tell you guys know, he's planning on doing thematic tafsir so he's finding on looking at particular suitors and then discussing the themes inside of that sorta so for example inside sort of bacala you know, what are the reoccurring themes that are mentioned in this so rather than looking at individual versus Hispanic looking at themes inside of the sutra, and is planning on continuing this for about six to seven weeks with the Knights on, so it should be a beneficial course in

00:55:34 --> 00:55:35

Sharla? So

00:55:37 --> 00:55:46

no, Sheikh Hasina will only be responsible for the Fridays and for Wednesdays will start up again in January inshallah. Once this was Yeah, nothing for the holidays. inshallah.

00:55:51 --> 00:56:09

That is a good question. And our I mean, we've done one three and five already. So we've done three Hadith that leaves 39 Hadith, so at least 39 more holocrons inshallah, possibly another year. Allahu taala. inshallah Jazakallah Fernando Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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