Naima B. Robert – Secrets of Successful Wives Welcome Message

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
The virtual men's conference will feature a growth group where participants will be part of a growth group and will be part of a growth group. Topics include finding a spouse, finding a partner, and finding a home. The guest will also be hosting a panel on finding a spouse and giving a live stream of the talks. The guest will also be sharing information about the program and its success. A representative from the Muslim community is hosting a virtual panel discussion on finding a spouse, finding a partner, and finding a home. Topics include finding a spouse, finding a partner, and finding a home. The guest will also be hosting a panel on showing up for marriage, which is a motivationalationalational proposition for Muslim women.
AI: Transcript ©
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You let me know.

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The whole session tonight will be on Zoom.

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Welcome. Welcome.

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to the secrets of successful wives conference

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live online

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this weekend, today, tomorrow,

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and the day after.

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If you are joining us right now I

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just want to wish you all an amazing

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welcome to what is inshallah going to be

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a fantastic

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weekend together.

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The first thing I would like to do

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is to

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take a moment

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to just express gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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And this is something that I do

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at every talk that I'm blessed to give

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which is to just take a moment

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to say Alhamdulillah.

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for the blessing

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of being in this space.

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Of being part of a gathering

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of people who are trying to worship Allah.

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For when we are blessed

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to be in the gatherings of knowledge. In

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the gatherings where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's name

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is mentioned.

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Where the believers have come together for the

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common good.

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To help each other upon bill and taqwa.

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This is a nirma from Allah subhanahu ta'ala.

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This is a blessing.

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Don't take it for granted.

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There are some people who intended to be

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and Qadar Allah, they're not here.

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And some of you maybe you'd never even

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intended to be here. Maybe 3 days ago,

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you knew nothing about any of this, but

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you are here allah

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has chosen you

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he's chosen me he's chosen every single one

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of our speakers who will turn up here

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be part of our growth.

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Be part of our purification.

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Be part of our reminders. Be part of

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our evolve evolution

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insha'allah ta'ala.

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am so grateful

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to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for his nidma,

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for his fuddle

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for opening up the doors to this event

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where subhanAllah almost 10,000 of you

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have claimed a ticket, have put your hand

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up and said, yes,

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I want to know how to be a

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successful wife in the eyes of allah subhanahu

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I want to

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know what that looks like, what that sounds

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like, what that feels like. I want to

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do better in this role. Whether I

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am on my way to that, or I'm

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hoping for that, whether I am already in

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that role or whether I played that role

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in the past and I'm anticipating it in

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the future,

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I want to do better.

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And I commend

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you because this

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this response,

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this attitude of

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eagerness to learn

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and eagerness to apply what you learn and

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eagerness to know what is the correct way?

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What is the best way? How can I

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do this better? This subhanAllah sisters and any

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brothers out there this is a beautiful characteristic.

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So every single one of you just take

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a moment to say alhamdulillah

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Allah chose me for this.

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Allah chose me to be here. Allah chose

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me to even have the desire to have

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the willing heart, to have the openness,

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right? To have the mindset that is wanting

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to be better, wanting to learn, wanting to,

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you know, raise my standard inshallah and raise

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my status in the eyes of Allah Subhanahu

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Ta'ala. This is an amazing barakah.

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So take a moment to say Alhamdulillah

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and you know, I salute you. I salute

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every single one of you for having made

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that decision to say no. No. No. This,

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I'm going to prioritize this this weekend.

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I'm going to learn about this. I'm going

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to sit. I'm going to study. I'm going

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to listen. I'm going to ask questions and

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I'm going to see how this can be

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applied in my life. And so I love

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every single one of you for the sake

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of Allah for that. And thank you so

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much for trusting us with this very special

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of wife,

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of explaining,

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of teaching, of showing

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how to be a successful wife inshallah.

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So with that being said, I am your

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host, Naima B Robert.

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May if you know me, then you know

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that I'm an award winning author of almost

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30 books for children, teens, and adults. But

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more importantly than that, I am,

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somebody who's been, alhamdulillah, in this, in the

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for coming on 23 years. Mashallah.

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I was married for 15 years, alhamdulillah, to

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the father of my children.

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And I've been through the seasons like so

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many of you. I've been a widow. I've

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been a divorcee.

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You know, I've been a stepmother.

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I've been through many of those of those

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journeys along the way.

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What I know

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is that

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we never stop growing.

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We never stop learning.

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And if we are blessed to be in

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a situation where we can

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help others with what we have learned, then

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this again is a blessing from Allah. So

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as your host this weekend

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and as you know part of the team

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that organized this, I welcome you and I

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hope that

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whatever it is that you need to hear,

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you hear it this weekend.

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Whatever it is that you need to take,

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you get it this weekend. And whatever change

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it is that you need to make you

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get to make it with us this weekend.

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Thank you so much all for being here

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and inshallah.

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The first talk

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is by yours truly and if you are

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about the program please check your email. All

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the programs are all the the the times

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and who's speaking when

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they are all there. So tonight, who we

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have is, you'll be with me inshallah

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until the next hour.

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And then we will have sister Mariam Lemu

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who is going to be talking to us

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about how to be an awesome Muslim wife.

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The next hour after that, which will be,

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trying to say hour because I know that

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we have so many different time zones, Masha'Allah.

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So for, for, for those of you in

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the UK at 7 o'clock, it will be

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sister Miriam.

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For those of you in the UK, 8

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o'clock will be sister halay banani talking about

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how to charm your husband.

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And then an hour after that we have

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a panel with the 2 of them talking

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about and giving tips on how to find

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a spouse in the first place and then

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we're trying to have a live stream on

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youtube to hear from you guys. Right? To

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hear from you

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what you liked about today's talks, which were

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the big moments for you, the moments, the

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what you are going to take on board

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and make part of your own routine, we

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would love to hear that from you at

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the end of each day inshallah. So you'll

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be able to just join me on YouTube.

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if all the tech works, you'll be able

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to join me then inshallah. Okay. So

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with that being said,

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we will record this.

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My dear brothers and sisters, because we have

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both here,

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it is a pleasure for me

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to speak with you today

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on a topic that is very very close

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to my heart.

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And that is the topic of showing up.

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Now, if you are familiar with me, my

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name is Naeema and I wrote a book

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called show up. You may be familiar with

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In the book show up,

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I talk about

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showing up as a woman because it's a

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motivational manifesto for Muslim women. But the message

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applies both to brothers and sisters.

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So in that book, I talked about showing

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up in a variety of different ways.

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But today, what I'd like to talk to

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you about specifically

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is showing up for your marriage.

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Showing up in your role as a wife.

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we know,

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from the deen

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every relationship that we have in our lives

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is a relationship that includes rights and responsibilities.

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And everybody who is in our lives more

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or less is some kind of a manner.

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If we're blessed with parents, they are a

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manner. If we're blessed with a spouse,

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he or she is a manor. If we're

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blessed with children, they are a manette.

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Right? Give me a yes in the comments,

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in the chat, if you understand where I'm

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coming from, if you understand what I'm saying.

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the reality of human beings, unfortunately,

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is that we often

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We so often

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take our relationships

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for granted, right?

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you know, once we have the husband,

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we have him right. Once we have the

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wife, we have her. Once we have the

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kids, we have him. And sometimes we forget

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how much we were hoping for and praying

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for the spouse and the children before they

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came along. Now sometimes the reason that we

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start to take for granted is because we

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realize that, oh, it's a lot more work

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than I thought. Okay. So we don't spend

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our days in gratitude for our spouses, in

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gratitude for our children. In fact, sometimes we

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actually complain and we feel a bit like,

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oh, you know, like, this is a lot

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of work. This is a lot of sacrifice.

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You know, is this really what it's all

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So unfortunately, what can happen is

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we take these relationships for granted. Right? And

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when we take these relationships for granted,

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we start

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to slack off.

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Maybe when we went before we were married

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or in the early days of marriage, we

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were full of

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