Nadim Bashir – Udhiya Wisdoms #08 – Method of Udhiya

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The importance of feeding the old animal properly during the process of feeding the younger one is discussed, including using stringent and easiest methods such as clean water and low voltage cuts. Different etiquette involves cutting the throat, sacrificing the animal, and removing the head. Different methods for AI, including slaughter processes, are also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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salam Wa alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Saudi Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jemaine. I'm Brad Walker, welcome to our eighth episode of older wisdom and q&a. And Inshallah, today I want to talk about the etiquettes and the Add of older here.

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So when we talk about the etiquettes, that either older here, the very first thing we want to keep in mind is that when we are about to conduct the order, making sure that you know, one of the things that we should do part of taking care of the animal is feeding the animal property, making sure that it is fed properly. At the same time, you know, before the old, hey, I tried to give him some water, you want to make sure that before the old here, the animal is not extremely hungry or not extremely thirsty. So the very first thing is, we have to prep the animal. Number two is that the place should be absolutely clean. That means that if there was an old here prior to our old HIA, making sure that

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the blood is not on the floor, making sure that you know you through water with the usage of water, making sure that you drain out all the blood, there is no blood in that place. You don't want to be bringing an animal and it sees that blood over there. This is not the right etiquette that our Dean has taught us. So keeping in mind is that taking the animal making sure that that place is absolutely clean. And not just regarding blood, even if there's any kind of filth in that area, making sure that that area is clean. The next thing is that part of the etiquettes and Adam is lying down the animal and laying you know, laying it down in the most humane way possible. And using the

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easiest methods. We don't want to be violent with the animal. Now, yes, there are situations and there are times, even I myself have seen that and I'm sure you have probably seen that at times, where animals can become really rowdy and they can become really violent and you know wild. So, in that kind of situation trying to use the best technique and the best methods to bring it down. And you know, there is by the way,

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a method that some people have used, I will say very clearly that this is not the best method to use. But if you need to, and you know in dire circumstances and dire situations, if you need to, you can give it a very low, you know, voltage shock, just to calm it down a little but you have to keep in mind is that this has to be extremely low. And there are some people who use this technique just to calm down the animal. Now, remember that if you give us such a shock, and it dies prior to you performing old here, then that animal is considered as a mater and Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in Namaha Rama Alikum will may data that a dead animal is impermissible for consumption. So

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therefore, making sure that we try to find the most humane way possible of bringing down the animal. The next one is the knife the knife should be should be very sharp. Before each OLED here, it should be sharpened several times to ensure that when you cut the animal, there is a clean slit and there's a clean cut. You know a lot of times what people have what we have seen people doing is that they start to sacrifice the animal and instead of the knife actually cutting the veins, then what's happening is that they're putting their weight on the animal that is not right. So therefore making sure that number one the knife should be at the knife should be extremely sharp. Number two is each

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time before you use it for an older higher purpose, making sure that it is clean, okay, you don't you want to make sure that there's no blood dripping from it, making sure there's absolutely clean use water to clean the blade and then you use it for the for the for the next year or for the next animal and making sure something very important is that while you do have the knife in your hand and you're about to sacrifice the animal, making sure that that knife is is you know not in plain sight making sure that it is hidden. So this is some of the etiquettes that are

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Dean has taught us finally when it comes to the sacrifice part, you know, number one is you want to cut the throat, not the neck. So that means you gotta go from here, you cut the animal from this side, you don't cut the animal from the back, when you cut the animal, and when you sacrifice the animal, making sure that the two jugular veins, which are the the windpipe, and the esophagus, these are the two important pipes or the jugular veins that should be cut. And making sure that you know, when you put the animal down, the best way that has been seen through experience is that you take the animal's head, and you try to twist it a little so that those to the esophagus and the windpipe

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comes all the way in their front end. So when you cut it, then, you know, right away, the animal can die without it going through pain. As I said earlier, making sure that when you're cutting the animal, try to make sure that the knife is so sharp that if one or two slits will be sufficient. A lot of times people you know, if you put the animal through even more pain, if the knife is blunt, and is not sharp, and you're trying to just keep on going at it over and over again. And you're then you're putting your weight on the animal, that is not the appropriate way of conducting the older here, also, we find part of the etiquettes in the adult is that the head should not be cut off

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initially. That means that when sacrificing the animal when conducting an older PA or Ghorbani, just making sure that those two jugular veins are the ones that are cut. And that is it, that's all you got to do initially, because as the blood is coming out the animal is going through a some some somewhat of a shock. So making sure that at that time, let the blood come out, let the you know, let it die in that state. And then you can proceed to cutting off the head a lot of times when people have what I've seen people doing, and what has been seen from other people is that they start cutting so much. So they cut, you know almost half of the throat, you know halfway through, and then

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they stopped. That's not the right way to do that. So making sure that, you know, you know, first of all is I would say that if you can get someone who's an expert doing this, try to get them. If you're not an expert completely stay away from it, you can stand there next to your shoulder here. And if you feel like you are ready to do that, making sure that these are the two jugular veins, that should only be cut off in the beginning, when it comes to skinning the animal, and so forth. For some reason, I don't know Allahu Allah, but some people feel very hasty, they want to get straight into the animals start cutting up the main start skinning the animal and so forth, you have

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to first ensure that the animal is absolutely dead, once the animal is dead, then in that case, you can then begin skinning the animal and you can begin cutting a cutting of the animal. And lastly, something that is also very important is that this should be done manually and not by machine. So you know, when it comes to old AI, making sure that the person who actually has the animal, making sure that they you know, they put the animal on the ground and they're doing it manually, not by putting it, you know, on on a conveyor belt and so forth and letting it go through a slaughter process. That is not the right way of conducting order here. So once again, that usually happens

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with chickens and so forth. Even though even when it comes to chickens, the best way to do that is manually but even especially when it comes to older here, when it comes to older here, making sure that you do it manually. So these are some of the etiquettes and the adage that we understand from our seed from the seat of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what our orlimar have taught us, I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give us the ability to conduct our own AI the proper way with the proper intention and may Allah subhanaw taala grant us this reward in this dunya and Africa, mula bandha Alameen za como la Hayat a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh what goes

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