Nadim Bashir – The Smiles and Tears of Prophet Muhammad #02 – Refusal of Leadership

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The story of thecentury is discussed, including the Mojtook wa Kariol and the Prophet's actions. The importance of trust and honesty in leadership is emphasized, along with the need for true respecting and respecting of oneself. The segment also touches on the difficulties of losing leadership and the importance of being true to oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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enough, he saw the how

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many mean animals need me.

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salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Bismillah Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge Marine, Bharat Welcome to our very first segment of the smiles and the tears of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now today I have chosen a story for the time of the Prophet sallallahu it he was sending them and this is regarding a hobby by the name of the cadet or the Ultra. And so the Prophet sal Allahu Allah he was sending what he does is that he appoints Megadeth or the Allah to and to be a leader for a certain responsibility and for an expedition when this expedition returns. It was the nature of the

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Prophet SAW Selim that he would always inquire exactly what happened. So the Prophet saw something he called metadata. He says that I had appointed you as a leader. How did you find this experience? He says Mikado, the Athan that when I went in, I joined them. I was known as Megadeth on the altar, and I am no one I'm just simply as a hobby of the Prophet SAW Salem. But because you made me the leader of this group, it was these people they begin to revere Me so much as if they became my slaves, to which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this is indeed the case mean that he's saying that, that most of the time when people are in the position of leadership, they can take

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advantage of this position. He says that except for the one whom ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada safeguards from the evils of this position. So the Prophet it is some saying that most of the time people are going to take advantage of this position. People are in this position going to mistreat others. They're gonna they're gonna play favoritism at times. They're gonna you know, they're gonna treat some people some certain way and some people another way, and then he says that except for the person that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala protects. At that time Mikado, the Athan, he says, Yeah, rasool Allah, I swear by Allah subhanho wa Taala I swear by the one who has sent you you as a as a prophet,

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I do not want to be a leader in the future. Now this is a hobby of the Prophet sallallahu Isom who is saying this, we find also another rewire found into Bharani and there is no Sahaba his name mentioned over there but many orlimar they mentioned that this is also in reference to Megadeth or the ALLAH that is a very similar story, that the province has some he appoints someone to be a leader. And when they come back, they said Yara so Allah, it was as if there whatever I did, if I was standing, they would stand if I was said that people will sit down, and he says that I did not enjoy this. And then he says to us, who also said and I do not want to be a leader in the future.

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And at that time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he smiled, and there always says that he smiled so much that his front molars and his front teeth had become exposed. This was the height of the happiness of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. As I said last time that the profiling some will not laugh out loud, they're probably some sometimes he was smile, and sometimes the extent and the height and the peak of his smile was that his front teeth will be exposed. And this is exactly what happened in this situation. Now the question is that, what do we learn from this and why is the property is some smiling. The reason why the property is I'm smiling is because he sees that his own

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Sahaba of the water and home, their Tobia has been done so much so that at the end of the day, the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Taala is more dear to them than anything in this dunya let it be even a position in leadership. See Subhanallah today we are living in such times that we are the complete opposite of the Sahara the Ultra and home. The Sahaba would not like to lead the salaat Do you know that the Sahaba would not like to leave the salon. Why? Because there's such a big burden upon the person who leaves a salad. Did you know that the Sahaba would refrain and they will not like to give fatawa why? Because there is so much burden upon the person who gives the fatwa and likewise the

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Sahaba or the alotta on whom they will not lie to take up leadership because they knew the burden that comes with leadership. Yes Subhanallah today what we find is that when it comes to all these three places when it comes to people leaving the salon, they crave to leave the salon when it comes to giving food

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To our people who they crave to give fatwa and when it comes to leadership, people the campaign for leadership, they they desire leadership. They crave leadership, brothers and sisters, don't you see the difference? Don't we see the difference between us and the Sahaba, the ultra high norm, or worker of the alotta and when he was a Minami Nene when he was I mean what we mean and people would come to him and ask him for advice. You know what kind of advice you would give, he would say, besides the fact that he will advise righteousness, besides the fact that he would advise to uphold your prayers and to give zakat and to perform your hij one key advice that he will always give is

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that do not ever take up the position of being an Emir. This was the advice of obika Ravi, Allah, Allah and then you have on the other hand, a Buddha refer to the alotta and a man about whom Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has said, the Earth has not carried nor has the sky covered any man who is more trustworthy and truthful than a Buddha revealed Ron. Now here the property is I'm saying that how truthful he is. Yet on the flip side, we also find that when a Buddha rather your water on he came, and he was demanding and he was requesting and one way leadership, he wants to be in charge. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Hadith says for

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bonobo BIA de Allah monkey Bay hit a monkey Bay he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he struck my shoulder he put his hand on my shoulder when I want to leadership and he says yeah about other oh a Buddha in Nicobar even you are weak. Think about this. There is the properly Sam first of all, he testifies how truthful he is, when on the other hand, he is saying you are weak, not today, how many times we feel that just because we may have one or two good characteristics. How many people feel today that I am worthy of leadership, brothers and sisters, you need to have almost an entire package. To be a leader having one or two get good characteristics does not necessarily

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mean that you may be fit for leadership. Now here he says Adi salaam, we're in the heart, Amanda tone. This is a trust. This is a trust. We're in her yarmulke Yamatai his young one Adama tone, and on the Day of Judgment, this will be a cause of disgrace and remorse on the Day of Judgment. In lemon ahava, we have the what the levy i Li fi hat, unless a person he takes upon themselves this leadership and they fulfill the hoc that what is required of them. That means that they fulfill the heart of people, they are true they are they are truthful, they are fair, they are just amongst the people, then that is what it means to take upon this mantle of leadership with its hop. So this is

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why brothers and sisters, we should always before we are ever put in this position of leadership. First of all, we should never crave it, never ever crave it. If it comes to us. First of all, we need to be very honest with ourselves that do I really deserve this? Do I can I really take upon myself this responsibility? And if I don't, if I don't have the capacity, if I am not competent enough to take up that leadership, the mantle of leadership, though it may be given to us then we should just simply refuse it as I said earlier. Lastly, I will share that there's a hadith Narrated by Abu Hora Leola tonight and that once Rasulullah saw some he was sitting in a gathering, and a man

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came to him and he says, he asked a simple question he says that matassa when is the day of judgment? And the Prophet SAW Allah Allah He was salam. He just continued his conversation. Now some of the people sitting over there they began to converse amongst themselves that did the province of some hear this man or not in some said that well, the probably some did hear what he's saying. But he did not like his question. And some said that perhaps the profile is some did not even hear this man to begin with. Later on there are we Abu Huraira he says, that when the province of Sun was done with his conversation he asked Aina Sir, in Anessa, where is the person who was asking about the Day

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of Judgment? So the HE SAYS HER and a year or so Allah so Allah why do you have some here I am, yeah, so Allah, then the Prophet Allah has some he says, he says for either do ya till Amana Fanta with DISA? He says that when the trust is lost, meaning that when a person is in a position of leadership, that people do not

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Trust Him, they have doubts about this person, or in general when honesty and trustworthiness is lost, then he says frontally DISA than wait for the Day of Judgment. This man he questioned again the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for gay football to a How can trust be lost? And then that is when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, either will see the Amaroo e la vie the alley he frontally this, when matters are given to people, that they are not eligible for that position when positions are given to those who are not eligible for those positions, then just simply wait for the day of judgment. So this is why brothers and sisters from this first of all, we

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find that the province is so happy he's smiling when he sees a person turning down leadership. Why? Because of the Amana the burden that comes with this kind of responsibility. I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give us the ability to do right in every single situation that we do in our life. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us ability that we take upon ourselves only those things that we are competent enough to do, and we have the ability to do so. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala that if we have done anything wrong in this dunya May Allah forgive us and may Allah subhanaw taala not hold this against us on the Day of Judgment. I mean, noble Allah me because I can Allah Hi salaam aleikum

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wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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In Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want meaning Mina dean will call on et now I looked on it that he was slowly being I was born in Poland he was saw the Rena was Slavia right the one before she you know wonderful she

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was before she I mean I want to follow she I think one downside the lino one downside the party was slow or any now was all in

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one heavy lean affordable gentleman one half year warranty was that good enough love I guess.

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Once again, or I don't

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genuine nauseam.

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