Nadim Bashir – The Inevitable Journey #13

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the seven types of people who will be saved on the Day of Judgment, including those known as the Olia Allah and theENTi of Allah. It also discusses ways in which Muslims engage with others, including using the word "we" to describe people who are "just," and the way in which they engage with others is not selfish. The importance of giving money and giving life to one's faith in the spiritual world is emphasized, as forgiveness is dependent on intentions and willingness. The episode also touches on the history of the Hadith and the importance of avoiding fear and being a person who gives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Hanrahan hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam ala Rasulillah Mohammed. While earlier he was so happy here's mine was sitting with esteem when it gets even better. Oh my god. So hi, Nicola. I'm Anna Ilana and I'm Tina in the current Halima chemo Bishop, so today we are silly Emily, one of the Melissa Ania Falcone I'm about So, last week we were talking about we began talking about those people who will be

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who will be beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment, the people who will not fear anything on the Day of Judgment, in fact, they will be in a very calm situation on the Day of Judgment. The very first one that we talked about was the people who are known as the Olia Allah and the OD of Allah are the odia are those first of all the word wali Olia is the plural of the word Willie, when he means someone who is a friend. In the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah refers to them as those who believed in Allah subhanho wa taala. And they feared Allah subhanho wa Taala and they were conscious of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah in the only Allah He now hopefully other human on

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says another place and Medina Avenue, what can we get the goon so that is the very first type of people who will be saved on the on the day judgment. The second group of people that we began talking about and we never got through was the seven people who are mentioned in the Hadith that was was a lot of it was setting them as those who will be shaded under the Throne of Allah subhanho wa taala. We talked about first of all, the person who was a just ruler, we talked about the person, the young man who grew up worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala and the third is the one who frequents the Masjid. So, this is the, this is the, this is the three that we have covered.

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One thing I forgot to mention last week, that the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions when it comes to frequenting the masjid, the exact words of the profile here some are what Raji known called boo more Allah Kamal Masjid. These are the exact words of the Prophet it is to know the man whose heart is connected. And what I love is similar to the word Allah, something that sticks. So when a loss about when the Prophet Allah is some says more or less humble masjid, meaning that he is stuck to the masjid. And the way the older mother explained this is that, you know, in some cases, we when we create our schedule, we create our schedule, and then we try to fit salad

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whenever we can. But a person whose heart is attached to the masjid is that person that they build a schedule around the timings of slot, so they know that I have to go to the budget for slot and this is the timing for slot and now let me build my

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schedule and create my schedule that is convenient for the timings of solid. And in such a way that I will not miss my cycle Jamara This is what the Prophet SAW long audio Psalm is referring to. The first the fourth group of people are those people is something that we have talked about many times here at the masjid, especially when it comes to the subject of a community when we talk about a growing community is that we all love each other for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and as a Prophet sallallahu it was something you mentioned in the Hadith in one narration, that two people they come together for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they depart for the sake of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala two people might come together for some personal need, or two people might come together and for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala but when they apart, there is something that they are talking about, or some some engagement, that they need each other for that purpose. Here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that to people who come together for the sake of Allah, and they depart for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. And you've heard me talking about this before to that when it comes to meeting others. Today, unfortunately, we meet people, when do we have a personal interest in that person? If I know that I need this person, I'm going to make

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more salaam to that person. And if I don't need that, brother, if this is just a general brother in the community, I may or may not make salaam to them. This is not this is not what we learned from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we treat each other because we treat each other with respect because this is a brother of mine who has said that you know in the law, there is nothing else I don't want nothing from this brother. And if this brother needs something from me, Most certainly I will help him but my intention is clear. This is how most says behave. Muslims are not selfish, unfortunate today we are living in a very selfish world. And this is why these people

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are going to be people since these kinds of people are very few in this dunya This is why these people are going to be under the shade of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa taala. The fifth type of person is that person who is shunned from the temptation of a woman meaning that as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in the Hadith, that someone who is invited to commit haram but he says that I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala because that is a very difficult situation for any person. And the orlimar the way they explain this is not is that the it should not be taken these words the prophets should not be taken literally that only in the situation that someone calls

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someone caused someone to haram a woman cause someone to commit haram and he says I feel Allah subhanaw taala but this, this applies to any situation we're in someone is called in to commit haram. And he says I fear Allah subhanho wa taala. So if a person is being called to see something that is haram, and he says I feel Allah subhanho wa Taala some of them are of the opinion that even these people are going to be under the shade of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment. Nonetheless, in any situation, when a person has the open ability to go and commit haram and they stay away from committing haram because they fear Allah subhanho wa Taala and they are

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mindful of Allah subhanho wa Taala than in this situation, these people are going to be under the shade of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala they are other person is the person who spends charity secretly, and they give charity secretly, only for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa taala. So when we talk about charity, first of all is that when it comes to charity, it is the best course of action is that someone gives money. And as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has mentioned in a hadith that the that one hand should not know what the other hand is giving. We've heard this hadith before. What this is mentioning is that even if someone who is so close to you now even they

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should know that you have donated some money, and this stays between you and Allah subhanho wa taala. So the best course of action is that number one, we give it anonymously. The second thing that some people we see in many fundraisers is that they mentioned their names and mentioning the name is not an indication that this person does not have sincerity, when people give money and they say that this is such and such person giving money then first of all is that shaytaan may come to us and say that look at this person. Look at this brother. Look at the sister they have no enlace we are not in a position to ever judge anyone else's class. I cannot look into someone else's heart. I

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have no idea what's in that person's heart. If that person is giving for the purposes, then they will not get that we

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Warren if that person is giving for class purposes, then they will get the full reward. On another note regarding sadaqa here I want to mention this

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sadaqa is a sign of one's faith sadaqa is a sign of one's faith in southern Bacara Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about Ibrahim alayhis salam. Ala begins the passage with Ibrahim Malik is that when he faced them rude, no mood said Ibrahim Malik Islam says, Robby Allah your Free Will you meet my rod? He gives life and he takes life. He said, I know he will mean I give life and I take away life too. Then what did he do? He called the person who was about to be executed and let them go. I gave him life. A person he was not to be executed. He executed him. I take life. It brought him on to your son. He was smarter than that. He says in the La Jolla de Bisham Simeon Masha fatti we have my

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mother, my Lord brings a son from the east and he said to in the West, you bring it from the west. The Quran says for boo Heaton latika for meaning that he was speechless. He had nothing to say. In the same passage Allah talks about or Zayn alayhi salam and at the end of the passage again Allah talks about Iranian mining Islam. He says that rugby and lovey are in the UK for Tolkien Mota all I would have done Oh Allah, how do you revive something that is dead? How do you revive it? How do you bring it back to life? Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I will I'm told man do you not believe in me? He says no, I believe in you when that can lead up on my inner kalbi from my peace from my

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contentment of heart. Ibrahim, never doubt in Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Subhana Allah gave him a certain instruction that takes certain amount of birds, chop them into pieces, distribute them, divide them and call them and from the permission of Allah subhana wa Taala with the permission of Allah, they will come back to Allah subhana wa taala. I mean, they will come back together with the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala Ibrahim Ali did some did exactly that. Immediately after that, Allah subhanho wa Taala brings a passage of sadaqa he reads a passage of what sadaqa what is the connection? On one side, it is about Iman, on one side, we're talking about sadaqa the ALMA they say

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that one of the best things that you as a person can do to really justify that they have in common is that they give their money for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. And something that we all need to do is especially when it comes to our children Alhamdulillah as adults we give sadaqa. But when it comes to our children, we should build within them the habit of giving something for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala first of all, is that if your child has a certain saving, tell them what is the importance of giving something for the sake of Allah, tell them teach them that what are the situations taking place with other children, here they have a phone, sometimes they have, you

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know, they have video games, they have a comfortable bed. On the other hand, you have kids who don't have anything, we need to first of all, show them the other side of the picture, and then encourage them to give something even $1 Even 50 cents for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala you start from there. And then not only that, but when you bring them to the masjid, in order to build this habit within them. Even if the adult even if the father, if you give your own son $5 Put it in his hand, go and drop it in the psutka box, drop in the box, I guarantee you, your kids are going to build up the habit of giving that because one thing is that children today, they love money, okay, you give

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children money, they'll keep it, they love to have it. They may not know the value of money as adults do, who make it who make it earning and who make a living. But at the same time when you put the money in their hand and they know that this is what this is for. And they drop it in slowly. And gradually after a while you will notice that your own kids will come to you and say give me something so I can drop it in this box. Today. They're going to come and ask you for your money. Then tomorrow when they know the importance of helping out then they will go and they will start giving their own money. But this is something that's extremely important. And not only that, but

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teach your kids also that when you give someone something for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala do not worry about name fame, do not worry about who's getting the credit, do everything for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala the next person is that person whose heart is filled with so much fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala that they cry at the time of the night when no one knows that they're even praying or they're crying. So when when a person stands up before Allah subhanho wa Taala and no one is meant is around as if I was a Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the Hadith, narrated by Abdullah bin Salam which is called the hadith of A salaam. The Prophet SAW Allah so He starts off with by

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saying of Shu salaam, what authority matam Worsley was little or harm

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was Sol Lubin Layli when NASA Oneonta the whole Janita be Salam prophesy was some says stand up and night and pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the people who shed tears, people who shed tears up shit when it comes to that kind of person and says, Look at what kind of person you are, people should know what kind of the person you are. So what a person does is that sometimes they slip it out other times, I pray a night, I fear Allah subhanaw taala I cry for Allah subhanho wa Taala once again, it comes down to sincerity, and something that we do only for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala now the next thing is that, as I mentioned last time, that the Hadith of the Prophet

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sallallahu ala he was setting the seven people under the shade of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala is a very famous Hadith however, there are other a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu ala you send them that mentioned that there will be other people who will also be under the shade of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa taala. And that person is the person who gives a debt to someone. And not only does he give a debt, but he does two things. Either he extends the period of giving back. So let's just say you loan some money to someone, that person comes back to you and says, I cannot give it or I need more time to give you I need more money. I need more time to pay you back. In that

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situation. If you have mercy upon that person. It's your right. You can say to that person that No, I'm not going to give you any additional time. But money is something that we all love. And when someone takes it, we have the right to say yes or no. But if in that situation, you open your heart and you say, Hey, let us know no problem inshallah you need another year, I'll give you another year you need six more months, I'll give you six more months. One is that person, or the second person, according to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who will be under the throne or the who will be in the shade of the Throne of Allah, on the day of judgment is that person who forgives who forgives

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the loan completely. Now, one thing I do want to make here very, very clear. You know, there are a lot of people who have come to me in the community and who have told me that such and such person took a loan from me, okay, such as this person took a loan from me, and they are not paying back. Now there's two things can either happen if a person one is that a person extended the time Alhamdulillah, he extends the time he's giving you more time, there's no problem with that. But the other person is that if a person is not planning to give back, first of all, is that if a person has taken a loan from someone, then they should try to find the they should try to find a way to give

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them back. If a person is not financially in that situation, then they should pray to Allah subhanaw taala because I have seen with my own eyes, and I've heard people saying this too, that will lie and we did not have the means I have met people will lie I know I'm not making this up who did not have the means to pay back such a hefty loan, but they made dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. And slowly and gradually, they start paying back and they paid back and they gave back the entire loan. If you ask Allah subhanaw taala for help, Allah will help you out in sha Allah. But on the other hand, one is that a person comes the one who has given the loan, he comes to the person and says, I forgive

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you for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. That's absolutely okay. That's also okay. But the problem occurs is when a person does not give back, and they have no intention of giving back, because there are people like this, they take a loan, and they don't show any indication that they will give it back, they crossed by that person, they walked by that person, they don't ever give any indication that I'll give that person back. In that situation. Sometimes a person was given the debt, they do either two things. Either they hold on to the debt, and they say no, I still want my debt back. Or they say that if this person is not going to give it to me, then you know what I've

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given up, I don't want it anymore. I don't want it anymore. And that situation and that situation, the person who's forgiving, it will be dependent on their intention. If they say that I forgive the person.

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I forgive the person because this person has no intention of giving to me back then this person is not part of this hadith. This is the person who says that this person whether he gives to me or he plans on not giving to me I open my heart and I say you know what? Height no problem mashallah ALLAH SubhanA will give me more inshallah. This is what this this is the person that is referred to this hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Let's go on. The other type of people who will be who will not be in any fear on the day of judgment are those people who help out one another? There's a wave of beautiful Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want to mention this hadith to you

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He the Prophet alayhi salam says whoever relieves a brother of distress in this dunya Allah will relieve him of some distress on the Day of Judgment. Whoever makes things easy for someone who's in difficulty, Allah will make things easy for him and this dunya and akhira whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim and this dunya, Allah will conceal his fault in this dunya and akhira. And whoever helps the save,

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Allah will always Allah will have the slave so long as a slave helps his brother, this is the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Allah is Allah. So first of all is that what are the prophet as I mentioned, he mentioned about helping someone in distress. Number two, when you see someone in difficulty making things easy for them, number three, hiding someone's faults. Now, here I want to say something, if there is a person, if there is a person in the community, that who has a lot of contact with people, and they do a lot of dealing with people, and they are they are such that people depend on them, or people work with them at a high level. And they are deceiving people, or they are misusing their

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power. There is nothing wrong your Allah ma have mentioned this very clearly that it is not backbiting, when you inform the community of their mischief when you inform the community of someone who is misusing their power, or is someone that many people are going to deal with and you inform the people about that person. This is not backbiting and there's nothing wrong with this. On the other hand, you know, someone else's faults, or someone has confided in you that I have committed such as such sin, and you go out and you share that sin with other people, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will share that person's sins with not only the community members, but with the entire

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creation and the entire mankind on the Day of Judgment, there is a difference. Because whenever there comes mischief, people always try and take this hadith. And it's not a black and white Hadith. This is not a black and white Hadith. If once again, there is a person who's misusing power, then there is no problem and letting people know what kind of this what kind of person this is. Know for false information should be created against that person. But at the same time, the truth should be laid out and it should be given to everyone else. However, if there's a person who comes to the community, he doesn't, he doesn't deal with people so much, not so many people deal with him, and

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you know his sin and then you expose his sin that Allah Subhana Allah will expose the sin of that person on the Day of Judgment, another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, the Muslim is a brother of his other Muslim brother, he should not mistreat him or let him down. Whoever meets the need of his brother, Allah will meet his needs, Allah and whoever relieves a Muslim from from this from some distress, Allah will relieve him of some distress on the Day of Judgment, whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim Allah will conceal his faults in the Day of Judgment. Now, next person, the person who shows leniency to those who are in difficulty, this is something that

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the Prophet sallallahu is somebody has also mentioned in the Hadith, Narrated by Abu Huraira, or the Allah Tala. And we, as I just talked about this, another person who will be in no fear on the Day of Judgment, who will be calm on the Day of Judgment, or those people who were just in their judgments mean that they were in a position, they had to make decisions, and they made decisions in the right way, not being unfair to anyone, and that situation, these people will also be, there will be a right next to Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of judgment, because Allah judges, and here Allah puts certain people in this dunya in a position where they need to make a judgment and if you make

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the right judgment, without any kind of biasness, making the right judgment, saying and standing up for what is right and standing up against wrong when it's wrong, that these people are going to be close to Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment, the other people that are mentioned in the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are the shahada, and those people who stand at the the Morabito and those who stand at the borders of the Muslim state, the other one that is really, really relevant to all of us, and I'll finish on here are those people who control their anger, those people who control their anger, when people get angry, you truly understand and you see

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people's true colors. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would get angry at times he did get he also got angry, but he knew how to control his anger. And you've heard me say this before, too. The problem is not that there are problems in this dunya The problem is that we don't know how to have

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overcome our problems when we don't know how to address our problems, usually we become emotionally compromised, compromised, we get angry, we lose control of our anger. And Allah subhanho wa taala. He says in the Quran, that he says that there are certain people for whom Allah has created Jana, and he has prepared agenda for them. And he mentioned the Who are those people? Number one, I love you that you're gonna fissa raw, what Barah those who spend in times of ease and in times of difficulty, when a person is in a state of ease, when things are going well for that person, a person usually wants to hoard a person wants to keep as much as they can. And not only that, but

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when a person is going through difficulty a person wants to keep keep it to themselves, those who give for the sake of Allah in times of ease in difficulty. This is the first group this is the first group of people, the second group of people as, as Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, while can remain alive, those who swallow their anger and alcohol them is not just a person who swallows the anger, but they show no signs of anger. You know, there are some people who get so angry, but yet their faces like A B cherry, okay, there's so red, they're so so red. And you can tell that they are fuming with anger inside. And they say, well, it calms me on the wave. This is not what caused me in

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the wave caused me in the values means that you suppress your anger, so much so that if someone sees you, they cannot even tell that you're you were just angry. That is what welcome innovative means. And these are the people who are very, very few. Because suppressing your anger this quickly, is not something that everyone can do very, very few people who are people who are very lenient, people who are very patient, they are usually ones who are who are willing to let go very quickly. But there are very few people who do this. And this is why the Prophet SAW Allah was some says that these are also the people who on the Day of Judgment will not have any kind of fear. And so when one last

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person I want to mention, is the person who gives the other than the Prophet sallallahu. It was something he mentioned in the Hadith, that those people who give the event, they will have long necks on the day of judgment. And because this concept of long necks are those people who will stand out from everyone else on the day of judgment. And not only that, but as the alumni have mentioned is that a long night a long neck is not a long neck does not mean like this long, it just means like from the standard size, your neck is probably like this is going to probably be a little more not like, you know, your head is going to be like wobbling around on the Day of Judgment is just that

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your neck is going to be a little more higher, you're going to be standing out these people are going to be recognize that these are the people who give you used to give you that. And as many of our alumni have mentioned that a long neck is a sign of beauty will Allahu Allah in some cultures is considered as a sign of beauty in some cultures is not. But nonetheless on the Day of Judgment, the people who used to give the event will be the ones who will not have any fear for them on the Day of Judgment. Now one thing one last thing I do want to mention

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is that this does not mean Please do not misunderstand any of these Hadith, that if you do one thing, then you are free and you can do whatever you want. These are things that we must do. In addition, there's these are things that very few people do but if we do this, in addition to our responsibilities that we owe to Allah subhanho wa Taala then only when this is the time when or only then will we receive these rewards or blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala a person cannot misunderstand these a hadith by saying that I will do this and I will neglect my other responsibilities No, this does not work like that. We have to take care of our responsibilities

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which is our A Baghdad our Eman our clock, we got to do these kinds of things. But if we do these things in addition to that, then inshallah these people will not face any kind of fear on the Day of Judgment. So I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us amongst those who will not have any fear on the day of judgment and ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala for this every single day well Llahi the scene of the day judgment is a very terrifying scene. So we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give us a man on the Day of Judgment May Allah subhanho wa Taala put us in a situation where there is no hope. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us amongst those who are dealing with the *, the Saudi Hoan on the Day of

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Judgment May Allah subhanho wa Taala raise us amongst him with tapping on the Day of Judgment. May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us close to those who also Allahu Allah He was on the Day of Judgment. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the ability to directly benefit from the wealth of code from the wealth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the Day of Judgment. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who will benefit from the shefa Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wasn't on the Day of Judgment. May Allah subhanho wa Taala finally I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to unite us along with our families or extended families, immediate families

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in Jannah, and may Allah subhanho wa Taala enter us into Jannah be doing his without any accountability. May Allah subhanaw taala give us ability to add what has been said and heard inshallah next week, we will now jump to the next subject, which is the Shiva Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which people are going to benefit which people are going to be deprived from the shofar Muhammad sallahu wa salam, we will talk about that next week. May Allah give us the ability to Zachman la haine Subhanak Allahu Hamdi Nesta, there were La ilaha illa, Anta and a selfie look, I want to retake exactly my faith. Somebody comes later.

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