Nadim Bashir – The Inevitable Journey #03

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of Islam and the rule of the throne in the coming years, as well as the fear of animals and privacy legislation. They emphasize the need for people to show up at events and avoid hesitation, as well as the importance of protecting people's identities and privacy. The importance of learning to handle details of the Prophet sallama's Hadith and avoiding confusion is emphasized, along with the need to educate children on the importance of washing one's feet before walking.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R. Rahman hamdulillah Habib Alameen was the was someone that was solely here Mohammed wala early he was big mine was somewhat the same when it cathedral cathedral ma Subhana clima Illa Allah antenna in Antalya Hakeem prohibition recently we are silly Emily one of them listening of Coco Leah My bad. So that so as we know as you all know that we're talking about the bursa the time of bursa and what happens exactly in this time. Last week we talked about the rule the nerves and so forth. Today we're talking about the who are the people who will receive the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the state of bursa and who will be punished in the state of Bursa. First of all, we all

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know one thing and as I have covered before, and we have heard before to that the part or this, this transition, or this time of bizarre is a very important time number one to begin with, and what we do in this life will dictate what happens in the bursa. And what happens in the bursa will dictate what happens in the in the in the path along the way. Because our throne or the Allah Tirana has made that very, very clear whenever you would have walked past the graveyard he would have cry. So the one thing I want you and I to understand brother and sisters, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given all of us an opportunity right now in this life to do as many Huseynov as we can. Why?

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Because in a hadith narrated by Abdullah Abdullah Abu Bakr, the Allah Tada and he says Samir to honestly be the Malik or the Allah Tada and he says, I heard nsmba Malik, or the Allahu anhu, saying that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there are three things, yes, by all major selesa that there are three things that accompany a person to the graveyard, Allahu wa man who were Amanu his family, his wealth, and his armor for your jewelry isn't any way of a call walking to things returned back and only one thing stays with him, his family returns, his wealth returns. And later on, of course, the the wealth that he has, as we know, in another beautiful Hadith, we'll see

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where the, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Your Kulu even Adam Malli Malli that the son of Adam says my wealth, my wealth, we look at our bank balance, and we say it's mine, we look at our house, it's mine, all my wealth I have it's mine, but what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and I can see that what the person or what he sent him, Adam does not know is whatever belongs to him is what he ate and it has gone whatever he has spent, and it is gone, whatever he has left, if a person dies with it, it does not belong to Him, it does not belong to Him. In fact, it belongs to the heirs to whom it will be distributed. So one thing brother and sister that you and I need to understand is that

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today just like you and I, we are so worried, we are so concerned, where our next paycheck will come from how I will pay the bills of my house and my family, we need to also be concerned that the currency of the Hereafter are only and only our man. And just like today in this dunya we have money we make bad choices. We make smart choices, we make bad investments, we make smart investments. Likewise in when it comes to our IML there are certain things that we do we hear the rewards of what what is the reward of praying Salaat what is the reward of praying slots in the gym? Ah, what is the reward of sadaqa what is the reward of Vic this thicker and that thicker? And we are so and we are

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so focused on accumulating that many times we don't realize that there are things that we do that burns our sins. There are things that we do while our brothers and sisters that we do that will destroy our sins. So just like when it comes to money, we are so focused and we are so in tune to making sure that we keep the money. We make smart choices when it comes to our man, the currency of the hereafter we have to make smart choices. Also, if there is something that we do that we can we can lose our or lose our good

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These that don't do that because this is something that will benefit you in the hereafter. Now, when we talk about the grave, you know, imagine you walking inside a very, very dark place. Forget about the animals, the first thing that Imagine you're walking in a dark place, the first fear that comes over you is what is there is something around me that I cannot see that can harm me. Okay, that's the first thing comes to your mind. But forget about anything that can possibly harm you. Even we knowing that there's probably nothing in our house, there's no harmful animals in our house. We will not be okay in sleeping in a pitch dark room, or we don't want to stay there for a very long time.

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We always put a nightlight there, right? Yes or no, we always do that. Why? Because we don't like places that are extremely dark.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, as we all know, there used to be a woman who used to come in magic number we and she used to clean up the house of Allah. And a time came that she did not show up. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he inquired, he said that where is that woman who used to come and the Sahaba jasola. She passed away. Now pause here for a second there's one thing I do want to mention. The fact that the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam inquired about someone who has not been able to come to the masjid. It this shows how much Rasulullah saw Salam cared for everyone in the community. Brothers and sisters, I say this, that there are so many people who are not able

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to show up at the masjid. People who are not able to come to the masjid and will lie if you go to their homes, and you ask them, why are you not able to come to the masjid, they will share with you problems that they are going through in their life, whether it's financial problems, family related problems, health related problems and challenges. And we don't realize that there are so many people who are not able to come to a budget for this reason. This is why it was was a lot he was saying he asked about this woman who was this woman this was a woman who was the janitor of the masjid

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the janitor of the budget today Imagine if there's a janitor of the budget forget about a cumbersome coming in a Muslim community member, a janitor.

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If he or she does not show up? What do we even care? We don't care. This exactly was the meaning of community in the life of Ross Ross alone while he was selling them. A janitor did not show up and the person was worried about her. So the problem he inquired Where is her grave, the person went to her grave. And then after that, he said in the head, the hill Caboose, Mum, Lou attune, Wilma, that these places are filled with darkness. And the reason why the Paul Simon he said this is because he wanted the Sahaba to understand that this place is no place of a joke. What we need to do in this dunya will whatever we doing this dunya will insha Allah help us in the grave, and later on

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inshallah it will help us in the Hereafter. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah illuminates them, for the inmates as a result of my supplication for them. So this is why it was Lhasa Allah Azza wa sallam, he will always go and supplicate for these people who were in their graves and this is why every single time what do I do we make for the people who pass away, oh Allah make their grave a garden of paradise made their grave a garden paradise. And as I shared with you before, that in the grave, if a person passes all his questions are will probably go through this later on, they have a person passes all their questions, then for them there is a gate of

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Jannah that is open and then they will keep on receiving the the blessings of jannah inshallah, in their graves. Now let's talk about some of the different people in the grave. First of all, the category of Prophets, what exactly happens to the prophets, first of all, we know in a hadith of suasana, Allahu Allah He was sent them

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that the bodies of the prophets are preserved, and they are not consumed by Earth. As you all know that as soon as a person passes away, four hours, four hours after a person passes away, he's probably not even buried yet. But the process of decomposition starts starts to take place. And then a person is put into the ground. Within probably few weeks, several weeks, the body is composed and then what is probably left is behind our bones. The bones take a little more time to decompose, but eventually a person completely because we come from the earth, we become like the earth we become completely we turn into dust. However, what we do know is that this will not happen with the Gambia

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Anakin was that there was salam, because there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in the sahaba. They asked they said yellow so law how well because the problem something he said that when I even pass Oh, no, he said that send your salaams upon me to wish the Sahaba Then said the yellow so law

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Like How will our Salah mean that how our blessings be presented to you, if you have decomposed after death to which was was Allahu Allah He was some he said that Allah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the prophets and the prophets, Gambia, the Gambia or the hymns there was salam. So this why the bodies of the Umbria are preserved. And not only that, by share with you also the incident of Israel in Mirage, the very famous incident where the Prophet salallahu it was something he went he was taken out by Jubilee era his Salam, and he met several prophets. Remember, he met several prophets. So the very what are some of the profits that first of all, we all know

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that he led all the profits in the salon. That's one thing we do know. And that is something that happened. Number two is that he came across some profits in particular, for example, he came across Adam, I know you said and then he came across Issa and yeah, it was salam. He came across the use of Allah Justina he came across Idris Ali Hassan, Hassan Ali Islam, Musa Islam. And finally, at the seventh heaven, who do you see Ibrahim Ali, you sit down. And at that time, so these were times when the Prophet saw him, he actually met with these people, and they made Salam, they greeted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we see that as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has

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mentioned that their bodies are not decomposed. Another thing that we also learned is that now once again, when I say this hadith understand that the what happens in the browser is based on the URL, right? Right. Yes or no, we all agree to that. The browser is the web. And what happens in the on the web and the dimensions of the underway cannot fit the physical laws of this dunya. So that's why Keeping this in mind, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, an MBA or higher on field Wudi him, you saloon that the Gambia they are alive in their graves, and they are praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala they are engaged in solid once again, how is that even possible? We don't know. We

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don't know how is that possible? But because it was so long it was sent him said it. And because as we all know, that 1 million people on in Hawaii in Hawaii, Allah, why don't you have anything that Robertson he would say it was a direct it was something from Allah subhanho wa taala. So it means that this is something that Allah approves. So that's why if Allah and His Prophet Salam, they say something, then we simply believe in it. And we don't ask any questions after that. Now, let's talk about the martyrs and the shahada in the graves. First of all, as we all know, that when it comes to the shahada, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has mentioned that they are spared from the

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grave. And then not only that, but they are not tested and they're not questioning the grave. Why? Because the fact that the problem because the problem he mentioned when the Sahaba asked the why will they not be questioned? The Prophet saw someone said, the fact that these people are in the battlefield. And the fact that they're that death is around the corner, anytime that the life can be taken away, and the sores are passing above them. That in itself is a trial for these people. So that's why in the grave, there is no more trials for them. As soon as in fact, what we do know is that before the blood drops and touches the ground, all his sins are forgiven. This is why a Shaheed

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you don't you don't give them a whistle. You bury them in the clothes, you put a coffin over them, but you don't give them any water. Why? Because the blood on their coffin is a witness before Allah on the Day of Judgment. So and not only that, but the Prophet saw some of y'all he's also mentioned that the martyr, the Shahid has six things which Allah subhanaw taala has in place for this person, number one, he has forgiven him from the first drop of blood that is shed. Number two, he has shown a place in Jannah and he is spirit of the the punishments of the grave. Number three, he is kept safe from a great fright. Number four, he is adorned with a garment of faith. Number five, he is

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married to will the wives amongst the the whole line. And finally he is admitted. He's permitted to intercede for 70 people amongst his relatives or amongst his family members. So this is something that we find regarding Rasulullah sallallahu Ariosa what he has mentioned regarding the shahada something else that we do learn about the shahada, and based on many other Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for example, one of them is a Hadith of jabot Ibn opted out of the Allah Tala on Jabara Liotta. And he mentions that when the battle of God came around, his father called him and he said to him, that I believe tomorrow, I will be one of the very first shahada and the

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Battle of a heart and he says that if that is the case, he says, I have a lot of debt. Please take care of my debt. And not only that, but you have a lot of sisters. Make sure you look after your sister

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So this is and then debate goes on. And you mentioned that my father, indeed, he was one of the very first people to be killed in the Battle of 100. And he was buried, and He says, some years later, for some reason,

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I had to go and dig up the grave. And when I did dig up the grave again, then in that said, when I saw my father's corpse at that time, it was as if, as I buried him just just today mean that His body did not decompose at all. Now, let me give you some more examples, first of all, is that when it comes to the shahada, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, but only in the rugby him us upon this is one thing that's very, very beautiful, that we find in the Quran, when talks about the shahada is that they are alive. Now one thing is that you find in Rasul Allah, so Allah someone's life, after the Battle of a hut, is that

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it was, so the Prophet saw him, he began to address the Sahaba know, the ultra unknown, and the Sahaba Rodon, who were in the grave, they were dead, they were in the grave, but the problem he is talking to them, he's addressing them. So that's why somebody automatically mentioned that when it comes to the shahada, they are not like the other people, they are differently treated in the grave. Not only that, but I also want to share with you that during the time, this is after the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in fact, that the place where he is, and that is, you know, this is a place where many of us have gone and we have seen during, later, much later, after the time of

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the Prophet saw a lot while you were setting them, there was a flood that took place in that area. And because there was a huge flood that took place, a lot of the corpses began to come out, they began to come out and they began to surface. So because of that, that people, the people of Medina, they thought that we need to make a proper arrangement for them. So the move them little in a slightly in a different area, where there is that area was not so much affected by the by the flood, some automatically say that, no, they were buried in the same place, because that was the place of the once again, if you go to HUD, there is a mountain and then right in front of the mountain here,

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like if this is the mountain little forward, there is a small hill where the Palestine he had posted those 50 Archers, so that reason once again, why did it fall some he camp here is because if he knows that the mountain is behind him, the only thing he has to focus on is the front. This is why the problem he

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he kept over there, but right there close there, there is of course, if you see clear, if you see through, they have locked it up, or you see the grave of Hamza or the ultra on and most often are made or the yellow tie and one of the two illustrious Sahaba who lost their lives in a battle of 100. And over there so the so what is mentioned the books of history is that there was a flood that took place. And when Subhanallah when the greys and their corpses did surface up, when the people of Medina saw these bodies, they had not decomposed at all completely fresh as if they were buried. That's just that same day. So this is what we do know about the Shahada. Something else that we do

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know is that if you remember, in the Quran, there was a very famous story known as us, hello, dude. The young boy and the king, you have the story, where there was a young boy who sort of opposed that King, he had a magician, the magician was about to die, he says I need to train someone who can live on my legacy, or who can continue my legacy. He taught a child but that child came across a rival and so forth. Well, we do know in that story is that that child, he told the king that if you want to take my life, then you have to take a

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spear or an arrow from my quiver, and you will have to shoot that and you will have to say in the name of the ROB of this child, and then you will shoot me and he said that when when the king did let go the arrow, the arrow actually just hit the child over here on the air. Not a not a significant, not a significant scratch or injury. But because of that the child he died, the child died and was mentioned in some books of history is that the child he held on to his ear and he died. He was buried in this way. later on during the era of Amara Mahatama. The Allah Tala on that area of us heaven, dude, that area had to be dug up again. When that place was dug up again, this person,

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this youngster who passed away, his corpse also became exposed. And when his corpse was exposed, it was as if his body was completely fresh. And not only that, but he was still holding on to his ear. He was still holding on to his ear. So what do we do know about the about the Shuhada is that their bodies do not decompose at all. Now the last thing I do want to mention is that who are there is two different types of Shaheed one is a che

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Heat, that who dies in the battlefield? And then what is the Shahid that you give a vessel to that person and then you're very, of course very that person, but who are those shahada, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has mentioned all of them in a hadith. Number one is the one who drowns is a Shaheed the one who dies of a stomach disease is also known as is known as the Shahid the one who is burned to death is a Shaheed the one who dies of a plague is also a Shaheed the one who the woman who dies in the process of giving birth, she also is a Shaheed and then the last one is as we find that hadith was was a Salah, the one who is crushed by a collapsing building is a

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Shaheed now, once again if you look at all these different categories, they might have also you know, they have put their own explanation on on on all these for example like when he talks about a collapsing building, as if a building collapses upon a person. So that means that person is crushed to death. So if a person is crushed to death in any other situation, then that person is then as is as if he Shaheed This is why for example, remember

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as as opposed somebody has mentioned that person who dies being burnt, they also Shaheed so you remember when, when Junaid Jamshed he passed away to a lot of the people there were saying that he is a Shaheed now of course only Allah subhanaw taala can decide that but there were saying that because you know he was because he was crushed because of a plane crash or he was burned because there was a plane crash will love Ireland but this is why you know use here these kinds of things and then people they say that they are shaheed once again only Allah said behind the sides who exactly is the Shaheed but we do know that this is what exactly the Prophet saw some he has

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mentioned now, let's go quickly move forward that who are the people who will be spared of the punishment in the grave. We talked about the Shaheed we also talked about the next one is the Morabito, the Morabito is someone who actually stand on the border line of the Islamic country to protect the land of Islam. So we find this in the in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we even find this, we find this more actually, after the death of the prophets of Allah Hardy he was sending them. The next one is a person who dies on Friday. This is a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, narrated by Abdullah Abdullah Ahmed Raja and that rouser Psalm says

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that there is no Muslim who dies on Friday, but Allah will save him from the trial of the grave. Now one thing I do want to mention is that if there is a person, because the question that generally people many, or many people ask is, what if there is a person who is like a murderer? Or like extreme criminal? And he dies on Friday, then what about that person? So for that person, I don't have the answer. Only Allah Subhan knows the answer and what Allah does to that person, I don't look, this is a place where you and I we cannot say anything, we cannot say that this person is going to be tested, we cannot say that this person is going to be yes, the hadith is very, very

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clear about this. But at the same time, we do know that Allah subhana wa taala, that he is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa taala. And then Allah deal with him. What we do know is this much is that when a person has done wrong to anyone, if there is a person who is truly a criminal, and he has violated anyone else's rights, then those rights are going to be given back this person will have to pay pay the price for the volume that he has committed. So this is why if this happens, just keep that in mind. As we as I as I just mentioned, also the one who dies of a stomach disease, he is also saved. Another person who's also saved is this is something that we find by Abdullah bin Masada, the

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Ultra, and he says, That's throttle milk, before you go to sleep, if you recite certain more like subtle molk will protect this person. There's a hadith there, this is narrated by Abdullah butter, Mr. Odo or the ALLAH and he says that the angels will come to a man in his grave and they will come to his feet and the feet will say you have no power over us, he used to resize certain milk, then they will come to the chest or the stomach area. And it will say again, you have no power over me. He used to resize certain mark and then they will come to his head and they will say you have no power over me. He used to resize so the mullet and then the protector that protects against the

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punishment of the grave that is referenced is that is referenced so the more whoever recites it at night has done a great deal and has done well. So this is why the Prophet SAW I mean this is why I'm blaming masala Viola and not only that, but there was many Sahaba who that they had a habit of reading certain molecules before they would go to sleep at night once again. Now you hear a lot of people who say that no you cannot recite you don't have to recite before you go to sleep at night. You can recite it anytime at night. Well Allah Allah is not mentioned by Eduardo Masuda the Ultron. Now the next thing is that who are we who will be the people who will be tortured in the grave?

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I want to cover this today. I will go ahead and stop right here because there is a very long

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In a very frightening story, I will say, a very frightening Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. In fact, let's just do this one thing. Let's just cover this one part inshallah and then we'll go into the the next one in sha Allah, the very just just we'll just cover just one type of people who will be tortured in the grave. And the reason I want to cover this today is because this is extremely important. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has mentioned that stanzi Who menial bone in NA Mehta or that will probably Minho. One thing that our, for example, at Hamdulillah. As adults, we are very particular about this. But at the same time, we have to

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understand that when it comes to our Tahara, when it comes to purification and being clean, there is so much emphasis by Islam on being clean, in fact that we have to be clean, our clothes have to be clean, our body has to be clean, in order for us to even praise the Lord in order for our salt to be accepted. Now what we do need to understand is that many cases we need to teach our children how to also be careful about urine. The Prophet saw some says in a hadith that avoid urine for the most of the punishment of the grave happens because of this happens because of this. Why? Because people are not very particular when it comes to urine. So that's why, whenever you know I remember, you know

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one thing is that when it comes to the hadith of rasa, Allahu Allah, he was setting them.

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This is why you've heard me saying this before, that every single time you come across a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you have to understand the explanation, this hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in order for us to even understand it. And in order for us to implement it unless it is something regarding manners or something how to treat other people that's a different case. But when it comes to Afghan when it comes to rulings when it comes to Tahara, when it comes to our salah, there are many Hadith are mentioned. But first of all, you need to understand the explanation and the context of the Hadith. First of all, is that there is a Hadith of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they Yes, one time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he stood up and he urinated okay, this is found in Makati. But one thing that we don't understand is that the what is the explanation what is the context of Hadith and this is why I keep on saying that you cannot I you know many orlimar will say the same thing to that it is not fitting that you can just pick up Bihari and Muslim and justice are reading Bukhari and Muslim without even understanding that what is behind every single Hadith because why Imam Bukhari and what Imam Muslim and all the other all the Hadith and what they did was that they went and they scouted and the search for all

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these Hadith. No book of hadith is actually

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there not in order based on what happened. What happened in time. These are just random a hottie that they found. They found them to be Sahai they did there, they inquired. And then they put them in different different abueva different different chapters. They're not in order of time. There are many things that we don't understand that something that the person he did, or he said, but there was a certain there was a certain circumstance behind that hadith that you know, we don't understand. But then we just start going we start following the Hadith. There are people who have I have come across and they said that is absolutely fine to urinate while standing. Let me tell you

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one thing when you urinate is standing while standing up. Most chances are that some drops of that urine will fall on your clothes. Most chances, though, urine will fall in your clothes. When you go to any restaurant when you go to a urinal, okay? And you're standing up and first urinating, you'll see that even the scientists have said to that there is more it is more better for a person for their health to sit down and urinate that is more better for them. Now I understand this, that if there is a certain place as the as some of the football how they mentioned that when the problem he stood up in he urinated it was because at that place, there were some reasons that they gave. And

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some of them had you think they gave some say that at that time the person he saw that there was a lot of nudges in that area. So he could not sit down and urinate and use the restroom. And some say that it was because Balsam was hurting probably in his knees. And he could not he could not probably at that time, he could not bend his knees at that time. Whatever the reason is, if you go to a place and yes, the place where if you want to sit down is dirty and is filthy, then yes, that is probably a reason. But at the same time we need to teach and while we do find most of the time from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Most of the times it's one of the problems as

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salaam 99% of the time is that you always sit down and urinate. So it does not make sense to me that when we hear one Hadith about salaam that he stood up and urinating, we just hold that. What about that 99.99% of the time when he actually sat down and urinated why do we neglect that? So whatever it is, whenever we go to the restroom is very important that because if

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In a lot of times, our children are so untrained, and so uneducated, even our youth and our youngsters, that time that you go to a you go to a restaurant, forget about any other place you go even to a masjid restaurant, and you will see your jobs on the seat, you'll see urine drops on the floor. And that's why I've said this before, too, that when you go to the grid, when you go to the restroom, when you go to the restroom, it is very important that you care about your thought, Ah, how many times have you heard me saying this, that you should not be walking inside, you should not be walking inside the bathroom area with your with your socks. But people still insist they go

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inside the bathroom without slippers with their socks, they come outside with those same socks. They do Mersa on the sides, and they're coming inside their main prayer hall. So think about this. I mean, this is something that probably something he has mentioned, he says extends the human bone. He says stay away from urine he not say whether you're here whether you are there, we have to be very, very careful when it comes to our taharah because once again, if we are not very particular about artha Hara, and there's always urine drops on our clothes, then we are headed towards the punishment of the grave. As Muslim says majority of the people will be punished because of this reason. So

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that's why we need to be very careful when it comes to our Tahara we need to educate our children very very well. And we need to educate our young teenagers too at the same time. And when it comes to our own self, be careful wherever you go. If you go to the masjid to remember the budget at the budget, everyone comes to the budget, the educated the uneducated, the knowing that they're annoying, everyone comes to use the restroom. So that's why if you know then you are very careful. The best thing I'll tell you to do is take off your socks go in take where the slippers go inside the restroom, come back outside and if you need to wash your feet compared to doing Messiah, how

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long more time you will you spend in washing your feet a minute more. That's it, you'll be the you you will make sure that your feet is clean before you walk into the main prayer hall where you and I we all pray a lot So when Allah subhanaw taala will stop right here. Of course there's there's a hadith of Hamas or something I want to cover we'll cover that next week Inshallah, we will also hang him over stability to add to I don't want to act upon who has been sending hurt me Allah subhana protect us from the from the trials of the grave and Allah subhanho wa Taala make our graves a garden of paradise. We ask Allah subhanaw taala all those who have passed away now Allah behind

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forgive their sins may Allah subhanho wa Taala make their graves a garden a paradise does not come to LA Hey, so how Nikola Honda Hyundai initially were in the antenna stuff look I want to break because they're gonna hate so I'm already comfortable to cancel

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