Nadim Bashir – Revival #14 – More Than the Five Daily Prayers

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The importance of praying and finding one's own map to pray is emphasized in Islam. Prepination is necessary for achieving goals, and mental preparation is necessary for real appointments. Representatives and individuals should focus on their own actions and pray to achieve their goals. Representatives and individuals should not be wasting their time while protecting their privacy and their identity.
AI: Transcript ©
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A woman

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saw the house

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nanny Nina Mussolini maybe

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someone a coma rahmatullahi wa barakato Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi aji marine my bar Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Brothers and sisters, all over the world where you may be I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to accept our PM, our CM, our do us our sadaqa our Quran Tilawat anything hired that we do in the month of Ramadan? May Allah subhana wa Taala magnify it. May Allah subhanaw taala accept it and may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the ability to do more and more Alhamdulillah we have got here to this midway almost midway point of Ramadan, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that just

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like He gave us the ability to witness this beautiful month of Ramadan, may Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us alive to witness the last 10 nights of Ramadan Amira, Bella Alameen brothers sisters, continuing with our series, which is the branches of faith, once again,

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you know, feeding off the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Narrated by Abu Huraira, or the Yolo that I'm wearing the Prophet alayhi salam said that there are 70 Odd branches and we are going through the ones one by one we're trying to get through all of them, the ones that are mentioned and compiled in the very famous book of Imam Allah by happy Rahmatullah Ali, and we have covered the ones that hamdulillah with the tongue now we are going through the ones that are done physically in action. So yesterday, we talked about will do we talked about cleanliness, internal cleanliness, external cleanliness, and we talked about we'll do the next thing that comes out for a

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widow journey is Salaat. Now one thing is solid for example, when jibber Italia Sam came to the Prophet sallallahu it was salam and he asked him that What is Islam? He asked him What is Islam? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Islam is that shahada to Allah illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, when you come to Salah, the Salah is Islam is that you give the testimony of faith. And then there is Salam there is Zakah there is cm and there is heart. These are the five pillars of Islam we all know that we have been learning them since we were children. So what the Prophet salallahu audio somebody is saying over here in this hadith or this part of the hadith is that Islam part of your

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Islam is that you believe that we believe that we have to pray salaam Salaam is an obligation upon us, and we must take care of it five times a day. But then there is a another aspect of sloth that is a sign and a manifestation of one's Iman. And what is that? That is all three things that I want to share with you today. All those three things are highlighted in Surah Al Menon, first of all in surah. Al we know Allah subhana wa Taala he talks about the characteristics of those people who have Iman, what's interesting to note is this passage begins with other after Hanuman on Indeed the believers are successful, or they have attained success. And then the very first characteristic that

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Allah mentioned is I live in a home fee Salah to him harsh your own, those who are able to concentrate in their prayers, those who are focused in their prayers, that is a sign of their Iman. And then Allah concludes the passage by saying when the Vienna whom Allah Salah wealthy him you have his own. Allah talks about those people who are protective of their prayers. And then he says Allah eco home and very soon, these are the people who have inherited what are the inherited and levena yedi tunel filled those, Humphrey Holly don't these are the people who have inherited gender for those who Allah and they will be injected for those. So the passage begins with Salaat it ends with

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Salah which means is, there is no other no other characteristic of iman that has been highlighted enough the way Salah is And subhanAllah we find a very similar concept, even within the life of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam if you say the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one thing that we learned is that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam first became a prophet, I needed the alotta and was of course when the very first people to accept Islam is actually mentioned some books of Sierra that

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The Prophet SAW Selim and a colleague of Yoda, and they would go to some place where they could actually go and pray Salaat where they could go and pray a lot. And it just so happened that one day

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Abu Talib he passes by, and he sees that the province of some is praying with Ali. And and once again Ali is his his, his son, because this is the cousin of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it is as if Abu Talib is as you know, Abu Talib is watching his son, praying with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he's not familiar with Salaat. But he sees that they are doing something and he knows that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is a man of character. He's a man of integrity. And even if he's making it do something, I'm he shared that he's making it earlier to undo something that is noble and something that is, you know, noteworthy. And so they were praying a

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lot. So is you know, looking at the sea of the prophets of salaam from day one. The Prophet saw La Jolla, some he's praying Salam Now what kind of sloths it is? We don't know exactly. But we know that it is a different or a form of salaat. Not only that, go back to the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was on his deathbed. What is that one thing that he emphasized on was Salaat? What is that one thing that we find that physically he showed how important something was, it was solid, no matter how many times he fell unconscious, as soon as he would regain his consciousness, the first thing that he would do is he would pray. So a lot. What did he do on the

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day that he passed away? He went to observe his own map praying salad. So brothers and sisters, the first of all, when it comes to salad salad in itself as part of our Islam, okay, we're not talking about, you know, salad in itself, we're talking about a different level of salad that where you have so much concentration in our salad. And so this is something that we truly need to focus on that when I am praying, who am I praying to? Number one, imagine if I went to a Imagine if I went to a an interview. And in this interview, I'm sitting there and I'm thinking about something else. So this potential employer of mine, he's asking me questions, but I am focused somewhere else he was the

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first thing that he will say is, he says, Sir, I don't think you're interested in this job. I believe you should leave or this meeting has been adjourned. And that meaning that interview is over, there's no way you will get the job. Now today, you and I were praying a lot, but our mind is somewhere else physically, we may be in one place, but mentally we're somewhere else we may be even across the globe. So what is what is important is and what this is what Allah Subhana Allah says in the very beginning is a Lavina homefree Salah to him harsh your own. These are the people who are able to concentrate in their prayers. Another you know, the one of the reasons why we're not able to

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concentrate also, in addition to thinking about dunya is that we don't know what we are praying in our salah. We don't know what we're reading in our Salaat so for so many years, we have been saying Alhamdulillah hero Beta Alanine yet I don't know what Alhamdulillah Beta Alanine mean means Rahmani Raheem SOTL Fatiha in general, we have no idea what it means. And then even the small sutras that we recite you know, the the famous sutras that everyone loves to recite, so the Goethe and so that class, even when it comes to those who does we have no idea what we're reciting. When I go into court Subhana rubeola Are we in what why Subhanallah without him. So 100 will be the only means that

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first of all, Subhana is glorifying Allah subhana wa Taala and I'll leave why in recording my reciting of him, because of him signifies and implies that Allah subhanho wa Taala is great. Allah subhanaw taala is powerful. Allah subhanaw taala has might allow them he is he's amazing. And not only that, but the fact that Allah Subhana Allah has power. We on the other hand, we are absolutely powerless. How so? Roku in itself, if you look at it is the most vulnerable position. Imagine you are in Roku and someone pushes you from behind, you can easily fall down. Imagine if you're standing up and someone pushes you from behind. The chances of you are falling may not be so much compared to

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you being a record. So in Roku we are in the most weakest position and we are glorifying Allah subhanaw taala and we are declaring how amazing and how mighty he is. When I go into superhigh when I go into sujood I say subhanallah BL Allah, why Allah Allah because I am putting my nose I am putting my forehead on the ground. I'm putting my nose and forehead on the ground.

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And then not only that, but that I'm declaring that while I'm the lowest of the low I'm rubbing my face on the floor. And you Oh Allah you are the highest, I'm the lowest you are the highest. This is what Subhanallah with all the Subhan Allah means adhere to the law is purely a, it is, you know, calling out to the amazing attributes the amazing power of Allah subhanho wa taala. In fact, Imam Shafi Rahmatullah Allah you mentioned that there is so much praise in in the yards, and he gives the example that imagine if a person is walking, or imagine a delegation that has come to a king, and when they walk in, they come in praising that King. And just like that, when we are coming to Allah

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subhanho wa taala, we are praising the King of all kings. So there is so much that we can learn from salad, and what are the meanings of everything that we recite in salon, but one of the key reasons why today you and I, we are not able to concentrate in our salon is because we have no clue what we are reciting. And it's very natural that if I have no idea what I'm reciting, then I may do it for some time, but then after a while, I'm going to lose interest in it. So this is why one of the key reasons why we're not able to concentrate is we don't know what we are reciting. Another key reason why we're not able to concentrate is that there is no mental preparation for Salaat. So we quickly

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make well who and then we go for salons and we pray us a lot and we're out. The Allah ma our self, what they will do is that they will first come to the masjid, they will sit down, mentally prepare themselves that they are about to engage with Allah subhanho wa Taala they're about to present something to Allah subhanho wa taala. And that's what sloth is. sloth is presenting something to Allah subhanho wa taala. Now if I'm praying myself quickly, no concentration, and I just present it to Allah subhanaw taala Do you really think Allah is going to accept that? Just imagine, just imagine as a parent, if you told your child to go do you something or do a favorite for you? And

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they put no concentration and they put no hard work into it? They just did it very sloppy in a very sloppy manner. And they just took care of it. Would you be happy? Absolutely not. You will call your child and you're telling your child that whatever you are giving them to do, make sure they complete the job, make sure they do a good job. Take your time and doing your job. How many times we tell our own children, that when it comes to your homework, do not go through it in a hasty way. Take your time, think why? Because if I'm not thinking I cannot do it correctly. Likewise, if we're doing something at work, making sure that we do it correctly. Imagine if you are a teacher and you have

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students and you you gave a project to your students. And they just did it in a very sloppy way. Your teachers they know their students very well they know that who has put in the hard work and who has not put in the hard work. So imagine if you had a student that they just came in, they just did something and they just turn in their project. You feel disgusted you feel like violated you feel disrespected. As a teacher, I give you a job to do and this is the way you turn it in to me. Think about Allah subhanaw taala we are presenting a gift to Allah subhanaw taala This is us presenting our work to Allah subhanho wa Taala How do you think Allah subhanaw taala wants to see that work? So

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it is very important that we mentally prepare ourselves for Salaat sit down this is why our own ama our salad. They will sit down to record of a title Majid they will pray the Sunnah before the Salah, they will start reading Quran so that when they are praying, they will already in the men they're mentally they already are they are already in the zone. So then when they are able to pray, they're concentrating throughout the entire slot. There has to be a mental preparation before before the actual slot. Something else that we find that can really take away from our concentration is that fact or the concept of stealing in our slot? Yes, I said stealing in our salon. Why? Because the

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Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he even talked about the who is the worst type of thief, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, very the worst thief amongst the people are those who steal in their prayers. How do you necessarily steal in your prayers? This is what this was a question that was asked to the Prophet SAW Salem by the Sahaba or the alotta at home. And the Prophet responded by saying they do not complete their report in their sujood. So we find so many times people they go into court and without even saying so you know, taking your time Subhan Allah will be the Alim Subhana Allah Allah Subhana Allah Allah him and then getting back up, people simply

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go in and then they get back up. That is stealing from yourself.

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thought that it will actually eliminate any concentration and devotion that we have in our salah, versus a person who goes into court and they're saying sebahagian are below him sebahagian are below him, so behind or below them, and when you do something like that, automatically more concentration will come into our slot. So it is very important the very first thing is that a sign of our iman is that we are able to concentrate in our prayers. The second thing that is a sign of our iman and this is also mentioned and so to me known, Allah says when Medina whom Allah Salah to him, you have alone, these are the people who protect their prayers. Now, one thing about when we talk about

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protecting prayers, something that we have to understand and realize is that if you see someone who has missed prayers, or someone who's in the habit of missing prayers, they just don't overnight, start missing prayers, you know how a person starts missing prayers. What happens is that first of all, when the title Salah comes, they become lazy, that's the first thing that happens. And Allah subhanho wa Taala interestingly, he talks about this in the Quran, and he says that this is the sign of the hypocrites, what either Paul mu either Salafi or Musala when they stand up for Salaat they stand in a very weak way

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that is complete like is as if they're dead. And then they're praying Salaat whereas if they were doing anything else, there will be so much concentration and they will be so fixated. But when they come for salad, they are they're slacking down. Allah subhanaw taala also also says in the Quran, what he then they don't eat a salad, the Hulu ha who's one one arriba something also we find the Quran is that there are people that when they are called for their appointment, yes, appointment with Allah subhanaw taala Because salah time is our appointment with Allah. So when they are called for that, then they take it into a job they treat it like a joke. So when you treat something like a

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joke that what do you do, you don't pay too much attention to it. You don't you don't put too much effort into that. Because for you it's a joke. So salad for some people becomes like that, that is a very first step when it comes to neglecting and not protecting our prayers. And that's what shaytaan does. Then, the next thing is that there are people who absolutely they miss their prayers, they waste their prayers. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says and sort of muddy them for hello from embody him holophone about salata, whatever Oshawott Allah says that there will come a generation or group of people afterwards that they will waste their Salaat the so yes, the Quran is saying wasting their

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sloth. And then he says what about SHA word and they will follow their desires. Now, you know, one of the biggest complaints I hear parents saying is my child does not have enough religiosity in their life. Or my son is leaning towards atheism, or my son, you know, the EMA and Allah subhanho wa Taala is not so strong. The crux to majority of our problems, especially when it comes to our deen the primary reason is what of all solid when you waste your Salah and what is wasting mean? It means that you have no value for it. Imagine if I gave $100 to a child, will he have value for that? Absolutely not. So that means that he will take that $100 Bill, he may even rip it he may even like

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you know, crunch it up and throw it within his toys. He has absolutely no value for it. So what that means is he's wasting it about oh salah, and then Allah says what about Shaohua then that neglecting Salam will eventually lead people to do what to follow in their desires. And that is where a person simply goes away from Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is also highlighted. This concept is also highlighted in in another surah in the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala he mentioned in the Slotta 10 Halal fascia you will conquer that very Salaat has the mechanism in the ability to protect a person from committing wrong and immorality. Now what that means is that if I am a person who is

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protecting my slot, I am punctual about my slot, that Allah will give me the ability to stay away from committing sins. But if I'm not in the habit of protecting my prayers, I'm not punctual, then what happens is that shaytaan this protection that Allah is willing to give us this protection is no longer there. And that means that ship on has a free ride and he can do whatever he wants with us, and he can deceive us and he can attack us. So this way if we want to protect ourselves from this battle in you know, we want to become Victor victorious in this battle against shaytaan Salaat is that defense mechanism is that

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You know the thing that will protect us from falling into the traps of che lon so this is why is very important that we protect our prayers. Now something else that we find also sort of what we known when it comes to prayers is Allah subhanho wa Taala he used the word salad in the form of a pearl word. So you never said Salah to him, he said Salah to him you have your own and what that Salah word him you have you don't implies is that we simply just don't do our basic bare minimum, but we do more than our basic that means that we are doing our pmla we are doing our tahajjud I will sooner salad before the salad, you know in southern Fajr there are Sunnah prayers, sotto voce

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sauteed mushrooms, with a salad, all these different prayers doing more than what Allah subhanaw taala has, has prescribed upon us. That is a sign of our iman, once again, in the hadith of Rasulullah saw salah I share with you a few days ago, a man came to the Prophet and said What is Islam? And the Prophet saw some said to pray five times a day. And this man said that if I don't do more than that when I go into Jannah, and like Will I be will I be saved? And the problem Someone says Yes, like this person is going to be saved. That means that a person may go into Jannah. But this whole idea of iman is that the higher the Eman the more the Eman the greater the Jana, the more

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amazing Jana will be given. And a sign of that Iman is that we don't stick to the basic bare minimum. We do more and more. And we also find out how the the Guzzi were in Allah subhanho wa taala. He mentioned that one is the philosophy that a person does. But when a person does more than that, then he's able to gain the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala even more. So ask Allah subhanho wa taala. Once again, Salah is what Emmanuel basically was mentioned, of course, we cannot go through every single aspect of salad. But today, in this lecture, I went through three important aspects of salad. One is to be concentrating in our salad. The next one is to be punctual about our salad. And

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number three is that do not just stick to the basic bare minimum five times daily prayers. Let's try to do more than that. Ask Allah subhana wa Tada to give all of us ability to add or to act upon what's been said and heard. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us into increase in our iman, we pass away on Iman and we are raised on the Day of Judgment with iman amiable Alameen Desikan Malachite, salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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shall hold on. Let me

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see you

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muda wonderful on

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Femi Shahida

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Gomez, Shahar fellow Hillsong woman again and Maddie one elewana sefardi

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done don't

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you read a lot more you

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read to be more low Serravalle to me low light that I wanted to get beyond long.

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The show too

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