Nadim Bashir – Khatira – What is Your Legacy

Nadim Bashir
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The importance of leaving behind a legacy for oneself and others is emphasized, along with the need to use one's talent and participate in other organizations to benefit others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a vision for oneself and participating in a larger group to benefit others, as well as the need to not give money to anyone without their knowledge of Islam. The difficulty of giving money to the wrong people is also highlighted, along with the importance of creating a vision for oneself and contributing to the cause of Islam.

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			saw the how
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			many Mina most Nene Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
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			Mr. Mohammed Mohammed hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. Here
Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jumari.
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			There's a very well known Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, a hadith that you and I have heard many
times that either matter even Adam in kata Amadeu, when the son of Adam passes away, his records and
his book of deeds come to an end, in loving Silloth, except for three different types of people.
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			One is that person, so that button jatiya as a priority, some says as someone who has created a sub
called giardia, and this is a southpaw that the psutka is called jatiya. Because people are
benefiting from it continuously. Or the property you sit on says, or Elmo new, tougher OBE, that
knowledge that people are benefiting from so there's this means that there is knowledge in the
world. But there is some types of knowledge that are beneficial. It brings transformation, it
changes a person. And there are different types of knowledge that brings absolutely no benefit to
the person whether it's related to dunya or the akhirah. Or the Prophet Allah you some says, oh,
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			what Adam saw your hanyalah or you leave behind a rightist child who will make dua for you. Now many
times we look at this hadith, and we try to understand a very simplistic form. But there is a very
deep meaning to this hadith. And the reason I shared this hadith with you today is because just in
this weekend, this past weekend, we had mashallah an amazing conference, and one of our speakers,
Dr. Hatem Bazian, he says something very interesting. And I'm not trying to I'm just paraphrasing,
paraphrasing what he said. But he said that the current educational system that we have in America,
it is not one that will create thinkers, it is not one that will create innovators, it is not one
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			that will create people who are willing to apply critical thinking and try to solve their problems.
But rather it is a system that has been created to keep the economic flow going on. Meaning that
when you have the IT sector, for example, the current education system is not such that it will
create thinkers, innovators, but rather it will create people to replace other people in the sector.
And that's all that he does. And this is actually true, what he was saying. There are many research
papers written on this subject matter. I have them myself, I read some of them myself, that our
current educational system is failing us. Now, the reason I shared this in the Hadith the Prophet
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			SAW Selim is because there is a very deep meaning in all this. And that is that this hadith of the
Prophet of Islam is not just about that, but he's talking about a legacy. The Prophet alayhi salam
is asking us and he's telling us that this is how you leave behind a legacy for yourself. Either you
have a child, that they will benefit you after you pass away and they'll benefit others, they will
make dua for their parents. That's called a legacy. When you have knowledge and you share that and
even after you pass away, people are benefiting from your knowledge. That's called a legacy. Just
like for example, we see the books written, the not the books written on the subject of fic and
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			Hadith and also and so forth, written by our great scholars such as Imam Malik, Imam, Ahmed, Imam,
Shafi Imam, Abu Hanifa. And there are so many other great scholars who contributed to the Ummah
through their knowledge. And not only that, but there's a suck, but God has something good that you
started, and you may leave, and people are still benefiting from that. Here's a question I have for
all of you. And I really want you to think about this. When we talk about leaving behind a legacy.
The Prophet SAW Selim, he left behind his Sahaba. His Sahaba then became governors and rulers to
countries, and they impacted the lives of so many 1000s of people. The question I have for all of
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			you and I have for myself is a what legacy Are we leaving behind? Now I know the very first thing
that you may say is that well, Imam is easy for you to say that because you're doing this work. This
is something that you do on a day to day basis. It's easy for you to talk about that. But no, that's
wrong. Because each one of us sitting over here we have a special talent. There is not anyone here
who can say that I don't have a talent, I cannot contribute to the ummah. I'm not telling you that
you have to solve
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			of the world's problems, I'm not telling you that we have to solve all the problems in the OMA, we
have so many holes to fill in our community, so many deficiencies within each community, I'm only
telling you that use your talent and be part of something that is good. Use your talent. And it does
not mean that you have to start something. But you can go and engage in another organization,
another endeavor, another project that is taking place, something that is bringing benefit to other
people, and you're part of that and you're contributing. And let me say this very clearly, and I
don't mean any kind of disrespect, and please do not misinterpret my words or misunderstand me. It's
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			very easy that you contribute money and funds to the masjid. You go one time you swipe your card,
it's done. You cut one check, it's done. But you know, what's more difficult than giving money? It's
time. That's why in America, what do we say? Time is money, it is so easy to go and give money. And
I'm not saying this in the wrong way. But compared to giving time, it is more easy. When I'm asking
you that you think about this for yourself. Every person has some time that you can you can
contribute to the OMA, I'm asking you that today or tomorrow when you pass away. Are you just one of
those kinds of people that people will pray solder janazah and you'll be buried? Or are you that
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			kind of person that when you leave you are leaving such such a gap, such a vacuum, that people are
going to say that you know what this person left such a void in the OMA that now we need 1015 20
people to fill up that void. That's the kind of person I want you to be. That's the kind of person
that we need to become like otherwise, what's the difference between another person who studies gets
married, have children pays bills at the end they they get the become seniors, they have
grandchildren and then they pass away and that is that what our life is? Is that what the life of a
Muslim is a Muslim is that person who contributes and who benefits the Ummah hate on US million
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			foreigners, this is a Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salam, the best of those are those who benefit
the ummah. So that's the question I'm asking all of you today. And once again, you all everyone here
has a certain talent, there's something good that you can do. There's something that you can
contribute to some organization and be part of our organization and do something that is good, but
please, please think about it. Today when I say the word beloved, or the hola Juan, or when I say
then the more than what's the first word that comes to our mind the first name is beloved with the
hola Juan that's his legacy. When I say the person who serves who served the province I sent him a
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			person who's a servant and a hadith of Deen, the first thing that comes to our our mind is
unassembled Malika the Allahu Allah and the person who did who was so filled with wisdom, that the
Prophet alayhi salam said that if there was any prophet to come after me, it would be him. Who is
that that's almost even photography Allah who is a person who was so dear to the Prophet alayhi
salam, that he says that I cannot give back what this person has contributed to then only Allah can
give that's Ubercart of the Allah one. Each of these people, when you think about something, there
was a legacy behind them. What's my legacy? And what's your legacy? That is what we have to think
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			about today. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us the ability to think about these things. And
one more last thing I do want to mention forgot to mention, in order to do this, there's two things
that you have to do. Number one is you have to create a vision for yourself. What do I want to do?
What are my talents and how can I contribute? What do I want to be? What do I want to be recognized?
I'm not saying that this is not about Islam, you're doing. Of course you do everything only for the
sake of Allah subhanaw taala you're doing everything to help the deen and the cause of Allah
subhanho wa Taala we're not doing this for our own namesake, to build up my name brand, or to create
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			a fan base for myself. That's why I'm not doing this for that reason. We're doing it only for the
cost of only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. But then after that you have to create a plan. I
understand in American life is very fast. You months and months go by we always say Ramadan is
already here, and Muslims are already here. Our life is going by fast. But if we don't take our time
and think and sit down and I've talked about this before Maha Sabha. I've given many talks about
Maha Sabha sitting down and just taking account for yourself but this is where you sit down, you
disconnect yourself from everything that's going on, and just rationally think, in my person that if
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			I pass away, I'm an afterthought. I just I pass away I'm very and that's it, or am I a person that
when I leave people and I have contributed enough to my Deen that when I stand before Allah subhanaw
taala I can say Oh Allah, there were so many issues that OMA but I have tried to solve one issue and
I contribute to that, that is who we need to become like I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us
feel amongst those May Allah Subhan Allah give us ability to think about these kinds of things and
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			Ask Allah subhana wa to make us free amongst those who leave behind a beneficial legacy for the
Muslim ummah Amira Bella Alameen desert como la jolla. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh