Nadim Bashir – Khatira – The Prophet Muhammad Appreciates YoungAliRA
![Nadim Bashir](
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The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet sall campaigns, including the public duna and the private duna. They emphasize the importance of learning from past mistakes and forgiveness, especially in avoiding sin. The speaker also emphasizes the need to boost children' confidence in public, especially when it comes to criticism and their understanding of their culture. They stress the importance of teaching children that their culture is the one they are.
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Hello quickly I want to share with you a very important lesson that we can take from the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
This incident actually happened in the very early days of Islam. So if you say the history of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Dawa of Rasulullah saw salaam went through many different stages. The very first stage was considered as a private Dawa. Basically, some books of history may refer to it as a secret Dawa many orlimar they say that it's not appropriate to call it a secret Dawa because when it comes to calling people to Allah subhanho wa Taala it cannot be kept as a secret. So it's considered more as a private Dawa mean that he will he said Allahu Allah was salam was only calling a handful of people to Allah subhanho wa Taala after that the next stage was the
public Dawa when he gathered everyone in Makkah and he asked them if you remember in the seat of the postgame that if I were to inform you of an army coming from around here, would you believe me, you know, I am saw the call Amin. Now I'm telling you that I am Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is when people like Abu Lahab he says the basilica yeah Muhammad Ali has a jamatkhana that you know bow to you. Oh Hamid. So salaam that is this why you have gathered gathered us here today. And in response to Ebola have sarcastic comment. Allah subhanho wa taala. He says that but yeah, the abena have been WhatsApp. So in the private Dawa of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was
the initial days of Dawa. And at that time was was some he felt that let me try to gather some of the people in the place just you know, the very key people who are close to my family, let me invite them to my home. And it has mentioned that when Rasulullah saw him when he received where he of course he was 40 years old, on either the Allahu Akbar was only 10 years old, okay, he was only 10 years old. So he asked Ali that I need your support, I need you to, you know, help make some food, you know, make an arrangement for food. I'm going to call some of these people and I'm going to present Islam to them. So it's wrenching that when he did call these people to his home,
and he gave them food after he gave them, you know, some he gave him some other food. And Rasulullah saw a sudden was just about to start his Dawa approach that Abdullah hub has sensed that something is going on here. Okay, something is going on here. Or you know, Muhammad is inviting all of us here. He is standing over there. It seems like he wants to say something. Before Rasulullah saw some craving began his Dawa approach, a Buddha have jumped in, he says something and he left. And the one thing about a Buddha was the Buddha was considered as a leader. So when he left, everyone decided to just leave also. And the key thing was that he wanted to get this point across to his uncle and
everyone else. But when people began to fizzle out and leave Roswell, some he lost his opportunity and his moment. So now the next time comes around, and he tells you know, few weeks, a few probably a few days, few weeks went by, of course, you know, there's always speculation in the CEDAW books, but nonetheless he said let me try to gather people again. And he told me I know you Allah Wanda, I need you to make a full array I need you make arrangements for food. I'm gonna call them again. Now this time Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam understanding the nature of his uncle. He gathered everyone he gave everyone food he served them, he entertained them. And he read he knew he was very
you know, this time the President was paying close attention before a Bula hub could say anything. Roswaal Sam, he started his Dawa approach. And he started giving Dawa to them. And he called them to Allah subhana wa Taala and told them that I am indeed the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I'm calling you to Allah subhanho wa taala. I'm calling you away from from idol worshipping and so forth. And at that time, you have to understand that Abu Lahab he was already he first time he remembered that this is why he called us now he's approaching us with this. The first thing that we'll have got up and he says that this is not something that I would believe in. This
goes against the tradition of our forefathers. And why would I believe in something like this? And he says something like this. And while he was talking the Prophet Allah you son was telling everyone that this is what I believe in who's with me, okay, he said, Who's with me? And at that time, I needed the Allahu and he says he's standing there right next to problems Salem, and think about it. You're talking about a 40 year old man and a 10 year old child, and he or you know, he alone. He raised his hand he says, Oh prophet of Allah, I'm with you. Okay, I'm with you. If then, if no one here is with you. Because when the property is someone said, Who's with me? No one raised her hands.
No one raised her hand. And the promise um, you know, he could have felt that I just told you about that I'm the Prophet of Allah and yet no one's willing to believe in me. You believe
In other cases, you know on you know, generally you believe in me, you call me Saudi pull Amin now I'm telling you this now you're not believing and Allah Allah in order to make Roswaal some feel better. He says, Oh prophet of Allah, I'm with you to which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he appreciated the Allahu ion. And he says, OK, Alhamdulillah I have one person with me. So who else is with me? And of course, as mentioned the books of Sita that no one else because this was the very first time that they heard something about Islam, they heard about Allah subhanho wa taala. And none of them actually he said at that time, that they're willing to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala
perhaps later on they did believe in Allah subhanho wa taala. So this is just you know, a key, you know, just one incident that happened in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu it was some it is mentioned also that when it came to the Allahu Allah He was always there with Ross wa salam in the early days of in the early days as prophethood the proper value some of you would go and pray Salat, not the Salat, the timings that we pray, but he would pray a salad and whenever he would go out he would take a you know the hola Juan with him, it is also mentioned that he took a little Yola one, you know, into his sort of under his guardianship. So when he came to when it came to the Prophet
salallahu it he was setting them when he was a child. First of all, he actually went under the care of Abu Talib. And the reason why he went under the care of Abu Talib, and not any other uncle, is because I've been Multilib has several wives. But the mother of Abu Polly was the same mother as Abdullah the father of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so hence, they felt that perhaps a Bucha olive would be a better fit for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. For him to take care of the Prophet SAW Salem, when the Prophet saw him he grew up, and now he you know, later on Obatala had a son, but Allah one, that he felt that in order for me, you know, in a way for me to, you know,
help my uncle because he had many children. Let me take Ali under my supervision and hence idle the hola Juan grew up in the household of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because think about this, if you do the simple math, if you do the simple math, when the property is so long while he was married, Khadija, okay, he was 25 years old Khadija was 40. At that time, rhodiola one was not even born. So you're talking about five years into the marriage of the province of Salem, to Hadiya, then that is when your loved one was born. Okay, because that makes him 30. When he's 40, then that is when he, you know, he's now 10 years old. So you got to understand that that time, this is why
the Prophet saw something, he took the alarm under his under his wing, and he was always there for him. So here's this this was a story now what do we learn from this few things we learned from this? Number one is the importance of always learning from your previous mistakes. So there are Suga Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he invited them the first time Abu Lahab took over the situation. Next time was who was salam he was well aware he was on his toes, meaning that he was ready before Abu Lahab could take over the conversation. He made sure that he presented his Dawa. So the very first thing that we learn from this is always learning from your past mistakes. Look, we're human beings.
There's nothing wrong in making a mistake. I've had a lot of people come to me and say, I made a mistake. What happens is fine is no problem. We're called inside for a reason we will make mistakes, we will make mistakes once we will make even mistakes twice, even 10 times and so forth. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you learn from your mistakes. You know there are mistakes in life that you can do general things, there are sins that people commit. Either way, when it comes to sins, Allah subhanho wa Taala door of repentance and Rama is fully open and he always will forgive and he will keep on forgiving as Allah subhanaw taala says in Bootsy in Nicoma de Ohtani were a
Giovanni refer to laka wala Valley, as long as you keep on coming back to me and you keep on remaining hopeful me I will keep on forgiving you and it does not bother me. So that is why we always when it comes to sinning, we might commit sins after since we always turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala but the most important thing is we learn from our mistakes. That is why there's a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we're in he says you'll the minnow min gehouden Why didn't maritime What are basically is in reference to is that one person is not stung by the same hole twice. What that means is long time ago, they would have holes in the ground where snakes would
live. So a lot of times people will sit over there not realizing that this is a place where a venomous animal can be living. So sometimes when those animals will come out, it could be a snake or anything else when they will come out and they will see that something is covering the hole.
They will stick them they will, they will get stung. So that is why Rasulullah Psalm is basically saying to us that just like a person cannot let a movement a believer cannot be stung with the same hole twice, meaning that a believer is always smart. They're always on their toes. They're always cognizant of their surrounding. This is the very first thing that we learned. The second thing that we learned is the importance of appreciating children. When are you the Allah one, let's understand this when it says, I am with you, oh, profitable, Allah saw Salam, the province of someone said earlier, I know you are with me, I know that you just sit down, he could have under appreciated him,
Moto su la sal, Allahu Allah, he was some in front of everyone. He appreciate it, though. Yo, la Juan. And the most important thing that we learned from this is often when our children, see children or children, they're going to do something to always get the attention of others, they're going to always try to do something to you know, they always want to please their adults and so forth. So that is why it's so important that when our children at home, you know, nowadays, martial art, children are so smart, they ask so difficult questions. And a lot of times parents get offended by those kinds of questions. Don't get offended by those kinds of questions. If they're asking you a
question they want to learn, then offer them the answer. If you don't have the answer, then take them to someone who can answer them the question their question, but don't get offended by it. When your child does something good in public, and you know that, okay, it's general, but do appreciate them in public. What it was was some do in public, right in public, he appreciate it Allah Allah. And although he knows that he was already on his side, he doesn't need Ali's support at that time. He wants their approval. That's what he wants. So second thing that we learned is, the important thing is always appreciating children, especially when it comes in the public. Do not ever humiliate
your child in public, even if your child has done something that is wrong, you can tell them very briefly. But you know, you can actually get a little upset with them when you get home. But the minute you criticize your child and you get difficult on your child in public, then it destroys their morale, it destroys their confidence, anything they want to do in the future, they will they're going to think not once, but twice, but they will think 10 times before they do something because they don't want to be humiliated again in public. So that is why it is so important when it comes to our children, that we always boost their morale, because this is going to be something that
will give them confidence into the future. Ideally, Allah on as a child throughout his entire life, Ross was
always did those things that will always keep his morale and his confidence boosted. That's why later on, he was able to become a Khalifa. This is why during his time, he was able to serve them with some OMA, think about a child whose confidence has been shot, his confidence has been destroyed and so forth. How will he become leaders into the future And subhanAllah I will say this, because the other day I was teaching this to the to the ladies halacha here in the masjid. They refuse even study the smartness of God Allah when you study his fatawa Wallahi will blow your mind. If you studied the fatawa via the hola Juan it will blow your mind that what smart individuals they were
when they when it came to giving fatawa and so forth. The third thing that we learned from this story is the importance of leaving behind culture when it clashes with religion. See, what did i What did Buddha have say? The second time he got up the second, the second gathering the second meeting, he got up he says this is something that I cannot believe in, because it contradicts the practices of our forefathers. How many of us here Subhanallah, you have no idea how many times I sit for counseling and so forth. The one thing I see over and over again is that many of us we come from different cultures we cover different backgrounds we come from different practices, and till today,
many of us don't we say that we want to hold on to our deen though we say that Islam takes precedence over our culture. Yet that does not exist in our life that does not exist in our families. Till today in many of our families, when it comes to relationships, when it comes to marriage, when it comes to family, we're still giving precedence and preference to cultural over religion. And this is destroying I'm once again I'm making this very clear. If culture does not clash with religion, no problem. But when culture does clash with religion, the preference will all be always be given to religion. And in many of our families. The reason why we're not able to give
up our culture is because it's my culture. It's no different brothers and sisters, it's no different when Abu Lahab said, this is the practice of our forefathers. How can I leave it? It's no different when we say this is my culture, and how can I leave it? It's no different. Honestly, if you think about it, it's no different. So that is why it is so important that we may say one thing, but we're not walking the talk at this point. We're not acting upon what we're saying when we say that Islam has deep
preference in my life, we're not living that right now we always actually believe. And we're practicing, that my culture comes before my religion, even if they clash. So this is something that's very important that when it comes to our children, we always teach our children that this is the culture that we come from. It's no problem to practice your culture. But when it comes to Islam, if we clashes with Islam, and Islam is teaching something different, I don't care what my family will say, I don't care what any other anyone else will say, I will practice what Allah and His Prophet SAW Allah who it was, some have taught me this is what we need to teach our children. And
not that this is the culture this is how your father did it. This is how your grandfather did it, and all your family members did it. And hence you have to do it this way. No, it will destroy their religion. And because of this, by the way, you have, you have no idea how many of our youth have gone away from Islam. How many of our youth have gone away from Islam because they think that this is religion? See, they don't understand the difference between culture and religion. They think that this is the religion because the parents have taught their children that this is the religion and they think that if this is the religion, I will no part and no piece of Islam, and hence they leave
Islam only later on when you sit down with the same youth and you tell them look, that's not what Islam is. That's culture, then that is when they begin to realize, so I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us the ability to learn from his stories. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to apply the teachings from these stories into our life. Does that come Allah? Hi, a Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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