Nadim Bashir – Kaleemullah #18 – Musa and Khidr Part 2 of 2

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The importance of learning from a credible source and pairing it with knowledge is emphasized in Islam. The speaker emphasizes the need for students to take permission from others to study and being methodical in learning. The importance of avoiding mistakes and practicing is also emphasized. The speaker also highlights the need for students to be mindful of their actions and not just by reading everything, and to ask questions when they ask them. The importance of learning from past events and being transparent with students is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa ala Earley was a big marine about. Once again we are continuing with our series. It is overall the Colombo last series, we talked about lessons reflections from the story of Musa alayhis salam. But today in particular, I want to continue where we left off from last week, which was a story of Musa and Heather. And this journey of knowledge that we saw the son takes upon himself at the recommendation of Allah subhanho wa Taala isla. And so here we are, of course, we all know the story, why it is that and I want to quickly just run through

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this because the point is not the story. The point is the lessons to be learned from this. So the the story tells us that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Musa alayhis salam, that there is someone who is more knowledgeable than him in some certain areas. And not only that, but he needs to go on this journey to go and find this man first. And then once you find this man that he should be with this man and, you know, be in his sofa, and learn from him. And the story tells us we wouldn't be covered this last week that how eventually moves out of Islam, he was told that putting take a fish with you and wherever the fish is lost, that is where you'll find this person that making the story short,

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they the the fish was able to escape and get out of the basket. They they went forward ahead in their journey, they came back they realize that the fish has been lost. They came back the they tracer steps back and they came back to a place and that is where they found a person sitting over there and this was her. And now the story goes on that this will be left off from last week that Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us a story. And he tells us that Musala Islam he first First of all, Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling Musa alayhis salam, and he's mentioning about Musa alayhis salam for Wajid the Ovid the ministry bernadina it now who Rama terminar Indira where I am now who

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Mila Dona in MA This is such a beautiful idea. And there's so much less than in so much reflection. And so many things that we can learn from this one idea, first of all, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala he's referring to either as his slave for wonder that I but does anybody know, they found a slave of one of my slaves. And what was beautiful about this, of this word slave is that many times because of our history that we live in and because of you know the history that we read in our countries and how they enslaved people and so forth. But when we hear the word slave, there's a usually a very bad taste that comes to our mouth. Whereas when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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we all understand that we are the slaves of Allah subhana wa Tala, that means that a slave does what his master wants from him. When we say that when we say that we are the slaves of Allah, Allah is the master. That means that we will do everything what ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala wants from us. And while this word slave or ARB has a bad connotation in our general society, when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala is it's probably the highest level of rank in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala, if not the highest one of the highest for sure. Because even when it comes to Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when Allah referred to the Prophet sallallahu, it was setting them on the night of

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Islam in Mirage, then Allah refer to the Prophet Allah He Islam as an ABD. And you have to understand the context over here. The Prophet SAW Salem, he lost his uncle, he lost his wife. He went to talk if to go look for support. He got he, he was disregarded over there. They were rude to him. They were disrespectful. They were hurtful to him. They harmed him. And now he comes back to Makkah, and he's looking for that support is one of the lowest moments in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and yet he's devoted to Allah subhanho wa taala. And that is when Allah subhanaw taala refer to him as an armed Subhana levy SRB IV D. Allah did not say his name by

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Mohammed, he says he took his slave. And you know, one thing just to give you an example to help us understand, why is it so amazing when Allah refer to someone as his slave, you know, if you go to you know, imagine going to a company or working for corporate America or working somewhere else. And imagine the boss gets all the employees together. And he says that and we all you know, every person standing standing there understands that they are an employee of that company or that business and so forth. But imagine the boss coming in saying that you know what?

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But there's really only one person here that I say that he is, you know, he is the true employee, he truly invoke bodies or he or she truly embodies what employment means and so forth. And they point towards one man or one woman on so forth. And they say that this is the ideal person. Now, does that take away from the fact that the others are not actually employees, they're all our employees. But the fact that the boss says or the supervisor says that this person is a true employee, he's a true worker here. That is a status. That's an honor given by the employer, to the employee and he's making everyone aware about it, that this person is a true person. Likewise when it comes to Allah

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subhana wa Tada we all are the slaves of Allah subhanho wa taala. But are we recognized as slaves in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala does Allah refer to us as the ideal slave? That's what we strive for every single day we want to be the ideal slave of Allah subhana wa Tada. But when it comes to the province of Salem, when it comes to people like him, my father, Allah subhanho, wa Taala is referring to them as slaves. So this is something that's very beautiful to understand. Now the next thing is that he says why lamb now are they now Ramadan are in Indiana. We gave him Rama, and we sent Rama upon him while alumna Camila, Dona Alma and we gave him knowledge. Now, what's interesting

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to note here is that when it comes to knowledge, true knowledge comes when you are connected with Allah subhanho wa taala. Knowledge is not I mean, let me be very clear, it's not only when you're connected to Allah subhanho wa taala. When you have learned, you have studied, you have been in the above somewhere else you have learned from a shift from a scholar, okay? Not just learn from a book from books, not learn from online, not learn just from any other person, you have to learn from a credible source. I mean, think about it, when it comes to getting a degree, do we just get a degree online? I know some people get degree online, and that's fine. But do you just go and get a degree

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from anywhere or any person? No, you have to go to a credible source. So here we're talking about learning from a credible source, but then pairing that up with Toccoa pairing that knowledge with you know, connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala this is when some Allamah they say the business idea we learned that a person learns from the right place and the knowing that buddy they pair that up with Dupois in hush Yeah. And you know, I look with Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah gives them such an amazing knowledge that you will not find books and Subhanallah This is why if you think about it, how many times we go and we find all across the world, and you sit in their sofa and you

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sit in their gathering, and they are just saying things are just that will just like open up your mind, it will help you understand a hadith that you probably you will have never understood that hadith or they will help you understand the eye of the Quran. And if you go to them, you know Subhanallah students of knowledge would go to these teachers and say that which books do you generally read because this what you were doing, you are dropping gems, you were just saying saying amazing things and we want to know what books you are you you you read on a daily basis, perhaps we can go to those books and we can find even more beneficial things there. And they will say that

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these are things are not found in books and Subhanallah it is true, you will not find these things in books. The question is that how do they have that knowledge, this knowledge comes from ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala This is knowledge that comes directly from Allah subhanho wa Taala you will not find in books you will not find in books. In fact, I will say that a lot of times what people they say scholars what they say and what they share with you is it is there in but this is mostly for the most part it is information, it is a knuckle it is taking for one book and presenting to you. This happens for the most part, but it is those righteous people are scattered across the earth, that who

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have studied who have learned and now they have such a beautiful connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah subhanho wa Taala he teaches them and he educates them and he gives them such knowledge that cannot be found in books. So this is something very important that we learn from this is that it's not just about rain, it's always about rain, and it's about a hammer and Toccoa and so forth. The next thing is that we learn from the story is that a Musa alayhis salam he is saying Allah Who Musa wa Oka Allah and to eliminate me Madelinetosh that can I follow you? Can I be with you? And what we learn from this is that a student of knowledge cannot just go and you know, go and

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start traveling with someone. See one is that a chef is having a lecture or Halaqaat and so you go and you sit in there gathering and so forth, that's one matter. But then to say that I want to travel with the chef or I want to travel with

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The scholar and so forth, and I want to be in the sahaba. That requires permission. And it should never be taken the wrong way. If Musa Allah, Islam is sitting here and taking permission from someone to be in there. But this means that in the fact that Allah mentioned, this shows us that there is nothing wrong, that if a person has to go and take permission from someone to be in there, Sahaba, and so forth. So this, the very first thing is that you have to take permission. Another thing that we learned from this ayah is that the humbleness and this thirst of knowledge that we should have musalla Islam, you know, he's a prophet doesn't date, this person is not necessarily a

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prophet. But here, he has a thirst of knowledge, he has that humbleness, he has a humility, and he has a great respect that he comes and he shows his humbleness. And he says, Can I Can May I be with you, and so forth. So this is something that's very important. Another thing that we learned something very beautiful, very important. I want everyone to understand this is that Subhan Allah when it comes to our youth, when it comes to other people, you know, one thing that we learn about our our lemma is that they will never be very big on lectures, they will never big on Hala cars. In fact, how their students will learn from them was in their Sabha. So when we find all these great

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scholars of our past, they were I one time students, right? Yes or no, of course they were. So if they were students, that means that they were around their teacher, did their teacher actually sit down and give lectures after lectures after lectures? No, this was not the way to teach them. In fact, what we find a long time ago, is that what these teachers would do is that they would have students, now sometimes the students want to go with them, they want to observe them, they want to travel with them, and so forth. Because you know, as you say, you get to learn a lot about a person when you travel with them. So when these students would go, and they would observe their teacher and

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how they will conduct themselves, and how they were trustworthy, and how they're honest, and how they will deal with people who are ignorant, and how they will deal, you know, and how they will conduct their affairs, in a personal on a personal level, this is how they will learn. Today Subhanallah many of us actually think that the best way to teach the youth is by giving them lecture after lecture after lecture. And I'll be honest with you, that's not Yes, perhaps lecture is one way. But if you truly want to appease the upcoming generation, you want to keep children and so forth. The best way is sarva The best way is Sahaba This is a proven method that we see in the life

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of the prophet saw Selim This is a proven method that we see in amongst our tabular in our type of tabular in and so forth, the inside the massage, they never had lectures for the youth and lectures for everyone else. There were not many lectures at that time. There was a lot of Sahaba at that time. So this is why even think about this answer the yellow line. When analysis when the problem ality some comes to Medina, unless his mother brings unasyn says, I want you to keep him around you. And unless he learns so much by just being around Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so this is this is why Serba is so important. Now, let's quickly just this let's run through some of the

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other things that happen. First of all, is that her that he says, In Nikola Tesla, Maya, you will not be able to be your patients, if you're going to be around me, this is the teacher being very transparent with their students and this is something that's very important, a teacher cannot say okay, go ahead and tag along with me and inshallah so forth. No, the teacher has to be very transparent upfront, because see, once again, the teacher is going to do certain things that the that the student can easily question question the the legitimacy of their action and so forth. That's why he's making a very transparent upfront that you will not be able to bear patients here

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again. Musa has some says that certainly Dhoni in sha Allah sobre most certainly inshallah you will find me as a patient and so forth. And then here what happens is that we know he says for that, he says all of the botany for lettuce and neon che in Hatha are the telekomunikasi crop. So he then he says that, if you're going to follow me you cannot ask me about anything. Now here there are several things to read learn from this also. Number one is that the This highlights the importance of the student have knowledge that you should not be hasty when it comes to seeking and acquiring knowledge. See, we learned that there were three things I could or did. And once again, mousseline,

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Samsung gain the knowledge all at once it has to be studied, this is how knowledge works. You cannot go and just be quick about it. It's not a it's not a drive thru process that you go You quickly learn and that's it. Now it's a process. You have to go through this process. You will learn knowledge and this

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is why our lemma goes through their lives, they will always refer to themselves as tolerable or in all their life, all their life, whenever you would ask them, they will say, I don't know. And I'm still seeking knowledge, I'm still seeking knowledge. So once so once again, we need to understand that knowledge cannot be a hasty matter, it has to be, you know, you have to be very methodical about it, you have to have a very calm approach about it. And it will come to you slowly and gradually, if you have the right intention. Because even when it comes to the Quran, we see also with the Quran, right, the Quran did not come down all at once on us, la salaam, it came in the span

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of 23 years, even when it came to the Prophet Salam changing and changing changing the landscape of Arabia, it took place within 23 years. So when it comes to knowledge, when it comes to change, it has to be slowly and gradually. And everything that we also learn is that the teacher is not importing all the knowledge upon them. So this is also very important that the teacher cannot, you know, just put a load of information on the students, that it will be unbearable for them to understand and so forth. And what we learned also from the, from the story of Heather, is that how he taught Musa was two examples, he wrecked the ship, he killed a child, he, he fixed the wall, all

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examples, there was less talking, and more action. So this is something else that we learn is that we learn this also from the seal of the prophets of Salaam, that whenever he would teach a Sahaba, most of the time, it was two examples. always teach even when it comes to our children when it comes to our youth and so forth. Use examples. Examples always work very much, even when it comes to just general things. If you want to learn anything in life, they give you examples so that we can learn examples are very, very powerful. It's a very powerful method of teaching and learning. So here, we also find that it was Hitler who also use examples, and this is something that a teacher should do.

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Often. Then what happens that we all know that he went he wrecked the ship. Firstly, Mussolini, some he saw this, he was like, How dare Can you do something like this? The lesson and once again, Heather's getting upset. He says, I told you, that you will not be able to be patient with me and so forth. And mousseline. Somebody apologizes, he says, that led to his knee B minor C to what I told him. I mean, he also he apologizes, and so forth. And you know, Heather does accept his apology, and so forth. But before that, when he did wreck the ship, first what we what we learned from this is that a lot of times, and this is the last lesson, inshallah share, but this is a very powerful

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lesson I want all of us to understand when it comes to scholars, and when it comes to us being around them. One is that they may do some certain things that we may view them as wrong. And they may be wrong. But before we label that scholar, before we say that guy, that person, that island, that share that scholar, this, he's not a good person, I was with him and he did this and that this is not allowed. This is not right. We see in the case of Musa he was with him, and at the end could the does give an explanation of all his actions. But it is not right to judge someone based on one just one thing that you have seen from them. Sometimes you see times that, you know, a student of

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knowledge will say, Oh, I heard my teacher giving such as such fatwa. I have no more belief in this scholar, and he's a deviant person, and so forth. First of all, is that this is just absolutely wrong. I have said this before many of the scholars I've said this before, when it comes to first of all, taking fatawa you don't rush to people across the world, and you try to get their fatawa about your situation. Always go to the scholars in your area and ask them about the fatawa that is that is pertaining to your land. It is simply not right. That if you are living in America, and you are going across the world in other countries and trying to get fatawa from there about our situation,

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they don't understand our situation, they will never understand your situation. Always ask the automa in your area. And just send us a say perhaps there is an island or chef who is in your area and he gives a very unusual fatwa. Okay about something, you can go and you can ask them that based on what did you do this, but to label that person to say that he or she is deviant and so forth. This is where we go wrong. And this is where he moves out at some he did question and he says no, you cannot ask me these kind of questions. And what we learn also from this is that a teacher can say that you cannot ask me questions. And that's not wrong. If a teacher says to their students,

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what I do, you cannot question me and so forth, then that is between them and Allah subhanho wa Taala but then they have a right to put that upon you to say that you cannot ask me questions. So these are things that we learn from the story of Mussolini, Osama herder, and of course we know that some of the other things that he did, but once again in each of them

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Musa would question and and Heather will say that you cannot ask me and then at the end when he said hi that fit Albania, Albania, that this is a separation now because I told you you cannot be you cannot be patient around me because I do things like this very unusually. And then he gave an explanation of everything and that is where the teacher in any situation they can or if they don't want to they don't have to give an explanation they should give an explanation just to put everything arrest that there is no misconceptions. No, you know, tarnishing a reputation or any rumors or any kind of, you know, baseless claims that are targeted against the scholar and so forth,

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the scholar, the art in the chef, that Imam should give an explanation and so forth. So, these are a few things that we learn inshallah next week, but I do want to do is, I also want to go a little more into the subject of knowledge based on the story is that what are some of the key important things that we need to remember when it comes to seeking knowledge, some of the etiquettes some, the Adam inshallah will cover more about this next week. The reason I want to cover about this is because knowledge today is, is knowledge has always been sacred. But today, the way knowledge has become many of us, we it's always about the seeking knowledge, it's not about, you know, correcting

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the inside, you know, being spiritual about it, there's usually a disconnect between our and omelette and so forth. And there's many things that we have to understand many orlimar of the past they will write so many books about the ins, the etiquettes and the Adapt of a polar bear. Eylem so we'll talk about some of those things shall our next week ask Allah subhanaw taala to give all of us ability to practice and learn and may Allah Subhana Allah give us real that is beneficial to us and benefit us from the knowledge from knowledge that we have, and may Allah Subhanallah increases in our knowledge I mean, overall, I mean, because like Malachite said I'm wanting to lahi or brachetto

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in Mussolini now, mostly man do you want meaning? Me 91 quantity now?

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I was longing for bond the one song DD no Slavia not the one for sharing you know one refashion

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one voice hearing I want to call she is the one downside btw now one downside the party was all II mean I was on

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wouldn't have you Lena photo gentlemen one half year warranty was good enough. Guess

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what's going on? I I've done law hula

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