Nadim Bashir – Etiquettes #05 The Masjid

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of dressing up and being presentable in public events, avoiding bad odor and smoking and drinking alcohol, and respecting privacy. They stress the need to avoid disrespect and avoid causing privacy issues, and emphasize the importance of not rushing to avoid privacy. The speakers also stress the need to observe silence during events and encourage men to use Pokemon cards. They emphasize the importance of fixing behavior and encourage parents to follow rules.
AI: Transcript ©
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So today in sha Allah we're talking about once again, we're continuing the series of dub. And once again, the point is that we understand the adab of the various aspects of our life. And more importantly, I always encourage all of you to please teach these same add up to your children. As I said at the beginning of this series, one of the biggest things that I see lacking in our children today is the lack of the lack of etiquettes and respect. Many of us hear the way we were raised overseas perhaps we were taught by our parents and but living here in America, not a lot of times is that usually the emphasis so that is why it is very important that we teach and we understand the

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idea of of our deen so today inshallah we're talking about the adverb of the masjid the very first thing is when we talk about the idea of the masjid, is that making sure that we're always dressed properly when we come to the masjid? Allah subhana wa Tada and the Quran says, Yeah, Bunny, the man who Xena tecoma in the Quran li masjid, that anytime you go to the masjid, then do adorn yourself mean that were something that is considered as appropriate. And they all you know if you somehow if you go into the books of the Pharisee or the why exactly was this idea revealed? It is mentioned that many times when it came to the police, they will go in they will go to perform tawaf they will

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not wear appropriate they will not wear appropriate clothing. So that is why this idea was revealed. However for us as Muslims, once again the ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is telling us something the Quran is telling us something, but at the same time they all are mad they expand on this and they say that the best way to understand this is that whatever you can wear in public, that is where there is what you should wear at the masjid. If there is something that you would be shy in wearing in public, then perhaps you should not be wearing that at the time of a word coming to the masjid or even wearing or praying salads. So for example, the alumni they say, if you are not comfortable in going

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outside such as in your pajamas, then you should not be praying salads in your pajamas also, once again is it allowed will your salad be complete? Yes, it may be complete. But that is not the way you present yourself before Allah subhanho wa taala. So where something that is appropriate. Number two is when it comes to the masjid, it is our responsibility to keep the masjid clean at all times Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, he respected the person who kept the masjid clean. And the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was a woman who would come and clean the masjid of the Prophet SAW sent him when he found out that she had passed away he made it his

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obligation to go to her grave and appraise a lot on her. So that is why it is important that whenever we see anything around, you know, journey, the sense that the understanding is if it's not my mess, why do I have to pick it up here and then that's usually what comes to our mind. I never made this mess, why do I have to clean it up. So that is why that is not the mindset that we need to have. If I'm outside and I see something on the ground, just pick it up and put it in the trash you're inside. That's the way to go clean your hands afterwards of course, but if you see something, try to pick it up in sha Allah. Now the next thing which is something very important part of

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dressing up and making yourself presentable in the masjid, is that when you come to the masjid, that making sure that there is no bad odor that is coming from your body Rasulullah sallallahu ani he was some he says in a hadith, Monica Thielmann Oba salon full Yatta Zilla the whoever has eaten garlic or an onion, he should stay away from us. And in when we wire he says fully, fully artisanal massage, Edina, he should stay away from our places of worship. I eat the Masjid. So one that what that means is that if you eat something such as an onion, a long time ago, they would eat sometimes a garlic they will eat onions, and there might be a very strong smell that might be coming from

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their mouth. And this could offend others when they were praying. That is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if you have eaten something that it is not only mean you've eaten a garlic or actually an onion, that you're not allowed to come to the masjid. But if you have eaten something that can offend others, then you should stay away from the masjid or even if you're coming to a budget, take some you know, some fresh mints and so forth so that you do not offend anyone. Now, based on this doors, some other important things to keep in mind. I'm not gonna go into this topic and subject right now, but there are many people unfortunately, they're smoking, their vaping

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and things of that type. First of all, it's wrong to begin with. But when you're doing this and then you come to the masjid, this can offend others and people can smell it from your clothes. So if this is the case,

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First of all, you should be staying away from these kinds of habits there are bad habits as it is. But if you're doing something like this, try to keep some kind of perfume, some water in your in your in your in your coat pocket in the masjid or somewhere inside the masjid or in your car and apply it before you come inside the Masjid. Also, it is very important that especially you know, when it comes to our youth, we have to teach our youth I sometimes I try to tell the youth but a lot of times they're coming in at the last second. So the gym may close five minutes before slot and they're all rushing inside and they're sweating yours and they're sweating. And there is a you know,

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a very strong smell that's coming from them of all the sweat and so forth. And a lot of times what they do is you know, a quick it's like a drive thru. We'll do you know,

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hands, and then massage. And then doesn't matter what kind of socks they just do a socks, and just a third on top, and they're sweating and they're coming inside the masjid that can offend others. So that is why my recommendation if there's anyone who's coming from the gym, or you're at the gym, and you're coming to the budget and so forth, apply some perfume before you come inside. Before you come inside. The Masjid. Also even same thing at home too. I would recommend if you have a backyard and the kids are playing in the backyard and they get dirty, do not just let them come inside and join the salaat know make them go clean up freshen up and then praise a lot. See what that does is that

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you teach you're teaching your kids what you're doing is you're teaching your kids that when it comes for salad, you did not just treat it as a burden come in praise a lot and get over with it. No, you have to make yourself presentable before Allah subhanho wa Taala so that is why it is something very important and even if you are around other people who are stinking and they are doing something or you've gone to a certain place where there's a very strong smell there and then you're coming to the masjid in that case you could be offending others. So that is why it is always very important. Even I will say this Ramadan is coming often in Ramadan, people are eating so much and if

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thought then they're coming for Thrall we're and while the Imam is you know reciting Surah Fatiha or Tara, and there's a Burb that comes and then they're spreading their butter caviar, okay. So even if that happens, okay, no one wants to smelled any hotter you are the samosa whatever you ate, okay? At that time, even if a bird comes up, you try to keep it some somehow some way to yourself, okay? You don't have to, you know, they say Sharing is caring. This is not sharing and caring, okay? So just want to make that very clear. Now, the next thing when it comes to the masjid, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he got upset at this is when he saw people running to the masjid. So one

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is to come to the masjid. But he saw people coming and running inside the machine. At that time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he heard like a huge noise. And when he asked what is a huge noise, he found that some people were running rushing inside the machine. He asked them why what you know, what's what's causing you to rush. And they said that we're trying to catch this a lot. That's why we're rushing. And that's why they made this huge noise outside the measure that the Prophet SAW along while he was telling him to which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he got really upset. And he says do not Hastin like this. But when you come come with, you know, come with

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some luck or to come with, you know, walk if you know, don't run, walk fast if you need to. But come in, do not come hasty in this way. So when it comes to the masjid, you know, people say that I'm running late for the Masjid. If you're running late for the masjid, or for salads, then you come and you leave home early, simple as that. Get ready in five minutes already 10 minutes early, and then come to the masjid. But what we see happening is that see if a person is walking fast, there's no problem in that they're trying to walk fast. They're trying to get to the masjid. But one is running. It's not I would not say It's haram. But the problem is I'm saying that it's not

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appropriate here isn't. So that's one. But a lot of times in that rush, we don't realize we're parking terribly wrong to Uranus. And there's times where people are parking in a way that you're taking up to two car spots. You understand why? Because I'm trying to rush to get to the salon. So this is something that is not appropriate. And also parking, you know, especially here around us, we have so many Muslims around us, people are parking in other people's driveways, that's not even allowed to begin with. That's not your property is not the budget property, you understand. It's not personal, it's a personal property. And you have to respect that people are coming for Joomla and

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parking right in front of the house, or I mean or parking on people's driveways and so forth. Even there's sometimes cases where they're blocking the driveway. That's not even allowed. That's why you're doing something that is causing harm to the person, the person living inside the house. So that is why things of that type in the name of rushing for Salah.

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When we do things to offend others, we're not doing something that is good. We're doing something which is completely wrong. Then when it comes to the masjid, when you enter inside the masjid you enter with your right foot. When you leave the masjid you enter with your you exit with your left foot. Now, a lot of times people ask, wait, what? You know, what is the ruling when it comes to a measure like this when you have an Islamic center, see overseas, you don't have many Islamic centers. You have a masjid, you walk inside the masjid, you're inside that much ignorance. And here like in America, many times you go and you will find an Islamic center. So what do you do that kind

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of situation, you don't have to be worried about walking through the main doors. But when you walk into this area, where we praise a lot, this is what you need to be worried about your inside. So when you come inside this area, where we praise a lot, that is when you enter with a right foot Allahumma inni Allah Medallia whoever Rama tech, you understand that you enter with the right foot and you read a DUA, and when you exit, when you exit, you exit with a left foot and you say Allahumma inni. As I look I'm unfolding. This is what we learn from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Subhanallah, there was a chef who was once to one time tested by one of

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their community members. Because as you all know that when the property is someone he would wear his shoes. What was the routine right or left first, right first and then left. So what a person did was that he took the shoes and he put it right outside the masjid,

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too, see what that check does? Because if he takes a left foot out first, that means that he's gonna put his left foot in the shoe first, which goes against the Sunnah of wearing shoes. So he was trying to test the shear. So what he did, what that check did was he was one step ahead. What he did was that when he's when he put his foot out of the budget, he put his foot not inside the shoe, but on the shoe. Okay, he put his foot foot left foot on the shoe. Then he took out his right foot and he slipped it in his his shoe. And then he slipped in his left foot into the shoe smart yards. And so once again, you enter the budget with the right you exit with the left also is important that

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some people have asked, Is it okay to lie down in the masjid? You know, sometimes you come you see someone lying down inside the Masjid. I've seen people coming and saying you're not supposed to be lying down inside the masjid is allowed to lie down inside the Masjid. Yes, it is. There were times when Sahaba came inside the masjid. And they saw Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lying down inside the machine. Now, there is one key tangent matter here. A lot of times people are maybe lying down. And are you allowed to face your feet towards the table or not? Or people are leaning against the wall and their feet are facing in the direction of the Qibla. Now, for those of us who come from

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indo Pak, okay, this is a very serious matter, you understand, it's considered as a disrespect. If you're facing your feet towards the table, I'm telling you, from an academic perspective, if you're sitting in the Haram, if you're sitting in the Haram and you are facing your feet towards the towards the Kaaba, in that case, it is considered a disrespect, you're inside. But if you're sitting inside the masjid, and your feet is facing in that direction, there is technically no problem you're gonna sign it's, you're not committing a sin, you're not committing necessarily a violation, you're innocent, because this is just a direction that's all you're doing. That's all it is, you

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understand. I'm not sitting here I'm not standing over here and telling you that tomorrow when I come I want all of you to be sitting in this way and facing your feet in this way. I'm just telling you that if someone is doing this, you're inside then you should not get upset with them. This some this is something I've seen often. Now. Next question, are you allowed to sleep inside the machine? Are you allowed to sleep inside the budget? There are so you're saying yes. Yes. Okay. Yes, you're allowed to see okay, you're allowed to see you're allowed to sleep inside the budget. Of course one thing is that you have to keep in mind that because the US harbor sofa was sleep in the back of the

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budget your son in the back of the machine, you had those have a sofa. So it is absolutely absolutely allowed. However the old man they do say that you should not be sleeping in any place or lying down in any place where people are generally praying so I try to do it on the side that is that is more appropriate. Also, can you talk about or okay talking out loud inside the masjid, talking out loud inside of magic. It is on journey recommended this is the house of Allah subhanaw taala where people need to observe silence and quietness and that is why it is not right. If people are making noise they should be told to lower their voice. The next thing is buying and selling

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inside the masjid Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he made dua against the person who does buying and selling inside the Masjid. Also you

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You're not allowed to make an announcement if you lose something. Okay, you're not allowed to make an announcement. People come to me and they said, I've lost my keys. Can you make an announcement from here? I cannot. And when I say I cannot they get really offended. This is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now usually I tell people just go to their front desk, you might you might find it And subhanAllah many times people they come to the front desk and they will they will find it a lot of times if people do find something, they may come and give it to me. For me it's a brand new car, okay, but you know, but I decided to give it back you know, it's on my card

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anyway. But you know, I may have something P will come they will find it Inshallah, but the point is that you cannot be making a lost and found announcement for their front of the Masjid. Also can you talk about duniya inside the Masjid? Can you talk about dunya inside the masjid, it is mentioned that some the Sahaba of the Allah one whom they will sometimes be sitting inside the masjid and they're talking about zemmel Jai Helia they're talking about the past times. So they are Allah ma they say that there are few conditions that you have to keep in mind. If the if you really want to talk about dunya inside the masjid first of all, it's not the right place. But if you're sitting

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inside the masjid talking about dunya a few things you have to keep in mind number one is you should not be talking in a way that you are disturbing anyone reading Quran or praying Salat number two is do not make it a habit. Okay? You want to talk about business or you're talking about dunya let's go to the masjid only like that know, if you need to be talking you'd make it make it short, concise. And first of all talking about dunya and talking about doing business and buying and selling. There are two different things you should not be buying and selling like that in the masjid but if you're talking about dunya try to keep it do not make a habit out of it. And also the discussion that

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you're having regarding duniya should not be about something that is considered haram okay to people things at the masjid what's going on? You know I hate that guy. Let's go do something to that guy. No, okay. Nothing that is considered as Haram is allowed to be discussed inside the Masjid. Another big issue. So in the time that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam it is mentioned that there was a group of people who came from Ethiopia. And they were conducting a an activity of there's a cultural activity inside the machine. Based on this based on this, there are many people that when it comes to the subject of for example, children playing inside the masjid, okay, there are a lot of times,

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children will come inside the main area of where we pray, and they're going to be sitting over here playing football playing, you know, soccer and so forth inside the machine. First of all, is that I'm, you know, you're gonna have different opinions and so forth. And because of this because of this hadith of the Prophet Salam or the fact that the Prophet it is some he approved of it. That is why you're gonna have some scholars who will say, if kids are playing inside the masjid is absolutely fine. Okay? For me, personally, I'm not okay with it. You're a son. I'm generally not okay with it. Because once again, there is a certain sanctity that the masjid has playing football

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playing, you know, soccer inside the Masjid. I'm never for it. And especially in our masjid, when you have so much more facility, you can go there and play. There's no need to be playing inside these kinds of areas now, but have I gone to some other places? Yes, I've been to other places where they're, they're playing right inside the masjid area. Once again, I'm generally not okay with it. Because for me, the budget is a very sacred place, and we have to respect that sacred place. So this is something that you know, subhanAllah is something that you're going to find with a budget, there are some budget management's there who are completely fine with it, and there are some budget

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management's who are very, very strict about it. The next thing, and I would say the last thing Inshallah, what about doing a Nikka inside the Masjid? What about doing a Nicca inside the machine? Let me tell you something about the cause of the machine.

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First of all, is that a majority of the knickers that will take place in the talent problems? Some were happening at the masjid. Okay, so there's nothing wrong in having a Nikka at the masjid. In fact, it is the best place to have the Nikka but here's the issue. Okay. See, a lot of times what was happening is that people want the best of both worlds. Okay, they want to do the Nikka at the masjid. Okay, and Dr. Saad was smiling. He knows where I'm going with this. Okay, because he's a board member. So

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you the people want to do the Nikka at the masjid, for simplicity and Sunnah purposes, but they want to bring the banquet hall experience to the masjid to Okay, so they want to have the banquet experience inside the masjid you're gonna sign and that is why Subhan Allah even here at Epic it happened several times where people were coming inside the budget for niqab purposes. And they're bringing that you know that that curtain that flower okay, you know, I'm talking about that that curtain which is like flower

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It's just you know it's like this big and they put it between the the groom and the bride first of all sight tangent here. I don't even understand the purpose of that okay husband a wife those two people have done so much more than looking at each other and then they put this thing in the middle which does not make any sense to me but Okay, let's move forward inshallah right now on that, okay, but they put this inside the budget. This is not something that goes inside the budget by the way, even here at Epic we banned it. Okay, we banned it because if you're going to come inside the masjid, to gain the Sunnah experience, then you do the proper sunnah Unison you do the proper

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sunnah. And bringing all these banquet hall experiences inside the masjid is just not appropriate. Now, there are a lot of massages, who still allow these kinds of things. Once again, for me, I don't have a big problem with it. You want to do that Nikka at a banquet hall and get all the banquet hall experience, you go to a banquet hall you're inside, but if you want to do it in the masjid, why for sunnah purposes, for simplicity purposes, then you do it the right way you're assigned. And that is why you will notice anytime I conducted Nikka here at the masjid, I always say after the nicaya is over, I always remind them that the masjid is still the house of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we

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have to maintain the depth and the respect to the budget. So ladies tried to say on your site, men tried to say on your site and do not raise your voices, there was a time even here in our budget, there was like a few times where the groom was being thrown into the air. Okay.

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They've been thrown into the air, and 100 He got caught otherwise he would have been he would have fought really hard, you're insane. But once again, these are not practices that we do inside the house of ALLAH SubhanA wa This is once again, a very sacred and sanctified area. And that's why we have to respect the sanctity of the masjid and the house of Allah subhanho wa taala. Once again, every single place has their own respect. I told the kids Subhanallah the other day I was sitting with our QC kids, I told him, when you go inside a library and you make noise, they will kick you out immediately. Why? Because that is a place to observe silence. When it comes to a budget, you

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have to also observe silence and I'll finish on this. Please, please, please parents, it's it's I'm not telling you that if you tell your child once, they're going to understand, especially if they're like above the age of five, or there's you know, six or seven years and they start to understand a little more, teach them that when you go to the masjid when you hear but the combat is Salah, you drop everything and you join the Salah, your son, this is something that we need to teach our kids, my father, he would take me my brother to the masjid and he would make sure that we don't make a single peep from our you know, a single noise from our from our mouth. When we were praying sloth he

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taught us when you go to the masjid, you are absolutely serious when the Imam is leaving the salon, you don't say a single word. Even if there were other kids who are trying to like you know, kids, they mess with other kids. And that's why if you notice my, my you know my behavior, I always put the kids between the adults and the son because when to come together when to shake hands come together a lot of times, it's going to be a big problem you understand, and she thought it's gonna be with them at all times. So that is why I always divide the kids you can come here and see it I always divide the kids why because shaitan is with them she thought I was gonna you know do

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something in there, you know, do something to them. So that is why even with kids when I was a kid when the kids would want to mess with me, you know and then I realized because my father was strict about this, you are not allowed to engage with anyone let them do whatever they want to do to you, but you're not allowed to engage with them. Backyard sand, and this is how I was taught this is how we need to teach our kids when it comes to solid there is no compromise when you hear called the karma this Salah you drop everything you drop everything I came here one time two images by the combat zone their two kids Pokemon cards Okay, exchanging Pokemon cards and so forth know when you

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hear the Komitas Salah you drop everything and you go for salad. This is something that we have to enforce not just keep on encouraging initially you can encourage but you have to enforce it upon the kids so that later on when they come to the masjid they know you can do whatever you want in the appropriate manner. But when you hear the kamati Salah you drop everything and you come for Salah this is something that we have to teach and encourage and enforce within our children mashallah I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the ability to respect the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala I mean, I mean, what does that mean? Like I said, I'm already gonna have to live with our cattle

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in Mussolini now almost Lima D one meaning me 19 one quantity now on it. The more slaw the dino slaw the Ponte Blondie one slob Ed no a slob your auntie one before she you know unrefined she

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wouldn't voice hearing our voice you

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I think one downside BP now one downside the importing was slow on me now was all in

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one heavy Lena photo gentleman one half of what he was good enough. I guess he wasn't good at all. I don't know who

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was Eileen

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