Nadim Bashir – Community Ethics Surah Hujurat Tafsir Verse 2-3

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The importance of showing respect and community in Islam is emphasized, especially in the second verse of the verse of Islam. The speaker emphasizes the need to show respect in front of prophet's words and during conversations. The importance of showing respect for Allah's actions and actions is also emphasized, even in the absence of clear messages. The speaker stresses the importance of showing respect for Allah's actions and actions, even when the message is not clearly stated.
AI: Transcript ©
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So right now in Fajr, we are just

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taking 1 or 2 ayahs of Surat Al

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and just trying to learn from the Quran

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and from this very beautiful Surah.

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And this entire Surah is primarily talking about

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and respect, and

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more than respect, I would say community affairs

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and how to be and how to socialize

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with each other in the best way possible.

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And everything begins with respect of Allah and

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his prophet

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Okay. That's where it all begins. Even before

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we have respect for each other, even before

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we respect each other's rights, first comes the

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rights of Allah and the rights of Rasulullah

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In the first aya of the surah, Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala talked about the rights of

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Allah and his prophet

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And the most important thing is that we

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never move forward.

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We never move forward

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of them. Meaning that we can never ever

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bring up what we think is right above

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thinks is right. When people would come and

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say that perhaps

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should give such and such

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You're not allowed to move forward in front

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of in terms of your opinions, in terms

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of how you think,

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everything, the as they say, the buck stops.

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Where? At

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Allah The next important aspect of showing respect

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to Rasulullah

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is in the second verse. Allah says,

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Again, Allah

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begins the verse by addressing you and I.

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Just like in the very first verse, Allah

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was addressing the believers.

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In the second verse, Allah is addressing now

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who? Again, the believers. And he says,

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Do not raise your voices

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above the voice of Rasulullah

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And do not raise your voices in front

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of the prophet alaihis salam, or don't talk

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to him

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loud, the way you talk to each other

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with a high with a high voice.

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Because if you do this,

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this could wipe out your deeds, and you're

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not even aware of the fact that your

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deeds have been wiped out. Then Allah says,

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Anyone who suppresses

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their voice

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in front of

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these are the people

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that Allah has tested their heart

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For them is ultimate forgiveness,

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and a great reward from Allah

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So these are the only 2 aya's we'll

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cover today. Let's talk about these 2 aya's.

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First thing is, that Let's go back to

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aya number 2. Do not raise your voices

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in front

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What does that mean? There was a a

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well known hadith, and a story that is

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mentioned, that there was a delegation that came

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to the prophet

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and the name of the delegation was Tamim.

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And Umar and

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they both got into a small discussion.

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And what happened was that Ubaka

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a certain person from that tribe to be

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their leader. Because the prophet alaihis salam, he

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sought out their opinion that who do you

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think should become the leader of this tribe.

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So Abu Bakr said, I believe this certain

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person should become the leader of their tribe.

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who said, I disagree.

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I think this person should become the the

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leader of the tribe. And

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he got upset, and he says, that you're

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just trying to contradict me and oppose me

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for no reason.

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You know that my opinion is right in

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this. And

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and began to go back and forth, and

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it got to the point where Rasulullah

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is sitting right there, and their voices

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were raised.

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And as soon as their voices were raised,

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this is why this aya was revealed.

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You are not allowed to raise your voices

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in front of Rasulahi

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alayhi wasallam.

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And this, by the way, put Ubaka radiAllahu

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an and Umar radiAllahu an in their place,

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and they had so much consciousness

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and awareness

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going forward.

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That later on it is mentioned that sometimes

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when Umar

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would talk to the prophet

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he would suppress his voice to the point

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that at times

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would have to ask Umar again that what

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did you say? Can you repeat your voice

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Can you repeat what you said? Because these

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people had so much fear,

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and so much of Allah

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that they wanted to make sure that they

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do not say anything

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in front of

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that is disrespectful,

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and they wanna make sure that their voices

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are not higher than the voice of Rasulullah

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Then there was a person by the name

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of Thabit ibn Akais. Thabit ibn Akais was

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a person who had, by default,

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he had a high pitched tone.

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And whenever he would talk, he would talk

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out loud.

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So one time there was a few days

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where he did not show up to the

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Said, that go and inquire about your brother,

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where he is Where is he? They went

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home, and they saw that he was sitting

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by himself, and he was like, you know,

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he was in a state of shock, and

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he has no idea what to do. They

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asked him, why are you sitting over here?

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He says that I, by default, I have

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a loud voice.

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And how do you want me to go

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in the company of the prophet alaihis salam,

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and talk, and my voice would out would,

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you know, would would supersede

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the voice of the prophet

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in terms of volume.

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And at that time, they came back to

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the masjid, they informed the prophet

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and the prophet said

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that tell him that don't worry about it.

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And not only that but even

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said, that I am perhaps from the people

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of Jahannam.

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And to which

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told him that, Tell

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that he's not from the people of Jahannam,

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but rather he is from the people of

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So go ahead and tell him to come

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back to the masjid, and be around everyone

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else. These are people who had so much

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consciousness and awareness of Allah

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And that is why

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it it is mentioned that going forward, they

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always had a very high level of respect

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for the prophet

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In fact, many ulema say that perhaps

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based on this aya,

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they were so conscious that even when Rasulullah

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would ask a question.

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In order to ensure the respect of the

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prophet alayhi wasallam is maintained,

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that is why a lot of times their

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response to any question of the prophet alayhi

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wasallam was what?

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That perhaps Allah and his prophet they

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know best. We don't know anything.

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Because they want to make sure that they

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don't cross any line of respect when it

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comes to Rasulullah

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So even

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it gets to the point that the prophet

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has passed away.

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He he has passed away.

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in the time of

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He sees 2 people inside the masjid of

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the prophet

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And they're talking to each other, and their

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voices are raised.

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And comes to

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them and he reminds them of this ayah,

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and says that keep in mind that Rasulullah

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salallahu alaihi wasalam is buried right here.

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You have to show respect,

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and not only that, you cannot raise your

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voices in front of

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Even the fact that the prophet has passed

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yet when they're sitting inside the masjid, they

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are that conscious and aware of the fact

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that the prophet is buried over here. And

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based on this, the olema they say, by

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the way, they say that even when people

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come to do their ziyarah

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of the prophet

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you you know, we all know that journey

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when people go to Majin Abu'i, they enter

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through Babu Salam, and they go, they enter,

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they exit through, Babu Jibreel. So usually they

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say that even at that time when you're

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going to send your peace and blessings

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there are a lot of people, subhanahu, they're

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making noise. They're making noise. The ulema, they

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say that you are in front of

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And at that time, you should keep your

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volume down. You should not be saying anything

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out loud because Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam

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is present there. So that is why, you

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know, this is just it shows you the

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the level of respect that we need to

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have for Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam. And

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just another tangent here, the they say, is

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if Allah is telling us

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not to raise our voices in front of

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also say based on this, and they do

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basically means that they would derive akham and

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based on certain verses of the Quran. So

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they say that based on this ayah, we

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also learn

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that whenever

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Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sams ahadith are being

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mentioned to show respect in front of the

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words of the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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This is why there's a very well known

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story of Imam Malik

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of how much respect by the way, if

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you say that life of Imam Malik

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he was known as imam

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He was known as the imam of the

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place where the prophet made injera, meaning, meaning

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And he has so much reverence and respect

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for Rasulullah

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that one day he was giving a daruss

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of hadith.

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And during that time, his students noticed

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that the color of his face

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had changed over and over again. Some books

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of history mentioned that his face The color

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of his face changed 15 to 17 times

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during the dares of hadith.

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The students, you know, they were very cautious

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of their teachers. And wallahi,

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you know, in America, I've said this many

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You don't really see respect

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here in America, to be honest. If you

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really want to see how people truly show

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respect to their and

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so forth, go overseas.

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Wallahi, you will see that students

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are sitting in front of their teacher, and

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a lot of times they don't even make

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eye contact to their teacher. This is how

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much respect they show. Anyway,

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Imam Malik

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while he's given the dares of hadith, this

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is this is what's, this is the situation

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he's going through. His stew the students noticed

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this, they came back to Imam Malik after

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the daras of hadith was over, and they

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said, you know, our teacher, we this is

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what we noticed. You know, if there is

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everything okay? He says, can you please, you

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know, go behind me and see what's going

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When they lifted up the shirt of Imam

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they saw that there was a scorpion that

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had got stuck in the shirt of Imam

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Malik. And it has stung him over and

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over again,

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while he was giving the Darce of hadith.

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Look at the respect

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he had for

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The the students said, you know, our teacher

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Our dear teacher, you should have just stopped,

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and we would have removed it, and you

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would have continued.

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He said Look at his response. He says,

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I don't wanna stop the of the hadith

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for my own inconvenience.

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we hear we see that sometimes the is

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going on,

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but people are sitting on their phones.

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People are just, you know, they're they're dazed

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When the Ulema did say that when you

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when we when we hear these words,

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first of all we show respect by listening.

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Number 2 is, when we hear Rasulullah's

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name, what do we say?

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We have to send our peace and blessings

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upon Rasulullah

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And that is why even Allah says in

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the Quran, And the Ullman, they say that

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this means that even when you refer to

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the prophet alaihis salam, you refer to him

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in the in the best way possible. Even

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has so much

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respect for that

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whenever Allah wanted to address the prophet

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he always addressed him

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as Go and study the Quran. Anytime Allah

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wanted to address the prophet

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salam, Yes. The name Muhammad is mentioned 4

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times in the Quran, but none of those

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times is a time when Allah is addressing

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if Allah

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has this much honor and respect for

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Then think about us, when the hadith is

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being mentioned, when we hear a

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and we hear

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need to have the highest level of respect.

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Then Allah

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says, Those people who suppress their voice in

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front of the prophet

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These are the people that Allah has tested

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their heart.

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Allah has tested their hearts for Taqwa.

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Meaning that Allah has put them through a

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and they have passed their test, and now

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as a result Allah

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will grant them

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Taqwa. Meaning, that first you show respect. First

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we show respect to Allah,

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and his prophet

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and then Allah will grant us.

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A person cannot really believe that I will

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not have respect for Allah and his prophet

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and I will have No. First you show

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respect to Allah and his prophet

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and as a result, Allah will grant us

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taqwa. And then Allah says,

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For them is a For them is forgiveness.

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Why forgiveness? Because the ultimate, the greatest One

00:14:41 --> 00:14:42

of the greatest blessings

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that Allah can give you and I, especially

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in the

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especially in

00:14:48 --> 00:14:50

the is the fact that Allah

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says, you are forgiven.

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If Allah

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tells us this on the day of judgment,

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we all are saved.

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If Allah says, I have forgiven you. That

00:15:02 --> 00:15:04

is why the the word of

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and this this honor, and this reward of

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forgiving is often mentioned in the Quran. Because

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there is no reward better than the forgiveness

00:15:13 --> 00:15:16

of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, especially in the

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And then Allah says, when Allah forgives,

00:15:19 --> 00:15:20

then after that comes what?

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Allah will forgive

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us, and they will come after that a

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great reward. So that is why all the

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time, these 2 aya they teach us that

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we always have respect for Allah and the

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Whenever we hear the Quran, if I come

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and I see someone reading Quran, I have

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to show respect to that Quran. When some

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you know, this is why I mean, we

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all are we all have flaws, and we've

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all made mistakes in these kind of things.

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But the ulema, they say that even when

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the adhan is going on, even when the

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adhan is going on, to stay

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quiet. Because that is showing respect to Allah.

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Most certainly Allah. And then after that we

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find in the adhan the name of Muhammad

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. So this is showing

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respect to Allah and Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa

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sallam. The adhan is this is the call

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to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And then right

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after that, we're making dua

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for Rasulullah alaihi wa sallam too when we

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So this is why we show respect to

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Allah and his prophet

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and Allah will grant us.

00:16:24 --> 00:16:25

Allah will grant us

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and as a result, Allah will great give

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us a great reward. May Allah

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make us from amongst those who are the

00:16:33 --> 00:16:36

recipients of Taqwa, who are the recipients of

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his and

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who are the recipients of his great reward.

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