Musleh Khan – Remaining Firm During Times of Uncertainty

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The Islamic Institute of Toronto is hosting a National Day ofuth and reconciliation on ending slavery and tackling racism against indigenous people. Visitors are encouraged to be aware of the causes of harm and take action to address them. The importance of the Prophet Alayhi wa Sallam's message for Muslims is also emphasized, along with the need for parents to have a bond with their children. Visitors are encouraged to be patient with oneself and not give out too many information. The agenda is focused on the fundamental issues of the deen and its impact on society, including respect and treatment for indigenous communities.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ultimately administrators on the regimes below her Rockman or him Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Showfield MBI you will mursaleen Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa Salam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam, my respect to to you, my beloved brothers and sisters and children. I greet you with the greetings of Peace greetings of the prophets. Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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wa barakato.

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And welcome to once again to Islamic Institute of Toronto and to this blessed day of Jamar May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept our prayers, our dramas and all our good deeds. Before I proceed, I would like to ask our volunteers to go through the lines for a line collection. As you know, we are slowly resuming our programs here at IIT. And there is a demand on our systems, our maintenance, the AC the heating and other operational costs. So please Insha Allah, make sure that you donate to it today through the line collection, or if you can't, now, you can do so online at Many of our programs are coming up and when you come in, you will see a number of really good posters and

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thinking we may have food here. But hamdulillah for Islamic history month, the team and the theme in Canada is food, multicultural cuisines of the of the world of the Muslim world. But we are expanding that theme not only to look at the concept of food, and the nice things about food, but we are expanding that to look about to look at issues of food, food production, overconsumption food as a weapon of war in many places of the world. And we are collaborating with some relief agencies who will be here insha Allah every Saturday from next week, and we will focus on some parts of the world where food is a challenge and a struggle. Our theme is food a blessing and a struggle and inshallah

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we will be doing a food drive during the month of October. So whenever you come to the masjid insha Allah

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Bring some new non perishable food that we can give to the relief agencies or to Muslim welfare center so that those who are in need would benefit from it. I want to remind you also that our courses have resumed for the fall semester. We have courses by Chef Muslim run by Dr. Abdullah Hakim quick Dr. Julie Lo and sister Rona and she caught me at some courses are online. A number of them are both here in person and streamed online check insha Allah.

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Also our Friday night classes are resuming tonight. This is for children six to 12 years old, and for youth 13. and above, we will expand the selection of for the adults at a later time. But the registration is open for children six to 12 years old, and for youth 13. and above.

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Our brothers and sisters today is the National Day of truth and reconciliation. This is a major issue in our country and in some other countries in the Western world. And it is a day of reflection.

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A day when we look re reflect. We become aware more aware of the major forms of abuse, cultural genocide, discrimination, and even killing of the indigenous peoples of Canada. I would encourage you as I encourage myself and others in the school, in our courses, all of you insha Allah to become more aware of these issues. There is a lot of resource online. And one of the good resources that I looked at yesterday was a documentary honoring Senator Murray Sinclair. You know, he was a senator and the indigenous senator in the Canadian Senate and a really excellent documentary that shows the scope of this major form of genocide against indigenous people. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us

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all and may Allah forgive us for our mistakes and shortcomings our fatigue today

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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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La ilaha illa Allahu Allahu Allah Cherie Keller.

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Why should everyone know Mohammed Abu horas solo sallallahu alayhi wa ala early he was heavy on Unseld, Arlen Do you wanna stand up soon at Hilo? Yo Medina I'm buried for duckula A yo la Bob Faqad Mr. Rana subhanho wa Taala Phaeton Ziri you Hello Dina Ermanno it Tapachula hello to Kati he wala termo tune in and to Muslim on some buried

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my brothers and sisters Let me begin by asking Allah subhanahu wa taala for His mercy and His protection. May Allah azza wa jal accept from us our efforts and forgive us of our mistakes or shortcomings Allah whom I mean. When we further ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give strength and patience to our brothers and sisters, amen, Ken, wherever they may be, however, they may struggle, as all of you know. So many of our friends and family are experiencing a severe amount of test and natural and natural disasters that are happening unexpectedly that are causing absolute pain and struggle for so many. And I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala for all of us and them that he blesses

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us with patience, with strength, and faith, that at the end of the day, despite all of the destruction and all the pain that we trust him subhanho wa Taala for indeed Allah azza wa jal is Allah disease will Hakeem is the all part of all powerful and all wise, and we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala keep our bond and trust with him always and forever. Allahumma Amin, as you heard of the importance of today, National Day of truth and reconciliation.

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Never think about children

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and losing a child, which of course, is every parent's worst nightmare.

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And I think about when a child is very young.

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Where does that child go? What happens to that child? Will the parent or parents ever be reunited with that same child again?

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And our prophets, Arlene salatu, Salam gave us a number of ahaadeeth There was a long list of many a hadith that give us an insight to what happens to children who pass away at a young age.

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And this first narration happened during the journey of Surah, Al Miraj.

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Our Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam had seen a man that was so tall,

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that his head was within the clouds, very large, tall men.

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And he asked the angels who is this person and they said that that is Ibrahim alayhis salam.

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And he saw that there were so many children as far as the eyes can see. And as he's narrating the story, he says, I have never seen that many children in one place ever. So when asked Who are these children?

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These are the children that passed away at a young age.

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And was the Companions heard this, one of them asked the autosomal Allah,

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even the children who weren't Muslim.

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And he said, None even the children who weren't Muslim.

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Which leads us to another Hadith. Now, why is this first one so important? What does it teach us? I mean, when you're close to Ibrahim alayhis salam in the Accra you know, you're in a good place.

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You know, you're in a place that is close to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that you are being honored.

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And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, Allah subhanaw taala to allow all of us to be in the company of not just Ibrahim alayhis salam,

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but all the prophets and messengers and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, can you imagine all of us together in Jannah, sitting with them, talking to them, interacting with them? Imagine the day in sha Allah Jota Allah. We see Ibrahim Ali who said, when you say to him, I read your story.

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And I committed myself and I believed in your story. And you say the same thing to all the Prophets and Messengers. May Allah subhanho wa Taala honor us Allah mean In another Hadith repertoire

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Off Italia salatu wa sallam told us that when a child pass, passes away, they're very young, before they reach the age or the stage of new qlf, that they're accountable. But that child is given Jenner period.

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So for those children

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that have been discovered, and continue to be discovered,

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that I asked Allah subhanho wa taala, to have mercy on all of them, and enter them in his Jana Allahumma. Him and all of the parents and families that have to cope and continue to narrate the stories, the memories of those moments May Allah azza wa jal give them and all of us patience and strength Allahumma mean, those are the things I think about on a day like this. I can't imagine how I would feel if I lost my own child. And perhaps maybe some of you sitting in here today has lost a child.

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It is one of those things that our Prophet alayhi salatu salam taught us and his companions, Allah gives special emphasis when it's a young child just because of the pain that is associated through that experience. Here's the third Hadith that I want you to remember.

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Our Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam describes

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that when the soul when his son, Ibrahim died, moments before his death,

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the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam enters the room where his son is now imagine when we're talking about burying your children, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam buried six of his own children.

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And now his son Ibrahim is there

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moments before his death

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and as the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam sat beside his son, and watched him take his last breath. He began to cry.

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And Abdul Rahman ignore elf for the Allah Who sees him and says, What? into your Rasulullah even you are a messenger of Allah, meaning, you know what Jana looks like?

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You have already been forgiven by Allah.

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You understand the F hero more than anyone else, and even you cry for your child.

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And that is when the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam narrated a hadith that many of us know

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that the eyes welled up in tears

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and that the heart is overwhelmed with emotion.

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See, this hadith is often quoted at funerals and agenesis.

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But just imagine that our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is expressing the kind of emotion that many Muslims till this day will judge and say, no, no, no, no, you need to wipe those tears or you need to just control that you gotta be patient.

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When it's your child, and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is crying that way. And he's telling other companions, I can control my eyes, I can control my tears. Can you imagine you and I may Allah subhanaw taala continue to bring us close to his Deen Allahumma mean? Are you enough Bob? My short reminder today is I want to take you back to Mecca.

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And it is around the fourth or the fifth year after the Dawa has began.

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There was a delegation that came to Mecca. And the these individuals they were powerful and elite individuals that were well known.

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And they came to Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And they said yeah, about Taalib

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go to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and organize with him, a private audience and a private meeting with us. And we're willing, we are willing to listen to him. We're willing to listen to this call of his

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but it has to be private.

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And they further say to Abu Talib, we have only one condition. The one condition is that we don't want to sit

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with the ones who serve us.

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Meaning beloved or the Allah one even

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No Massoud, what are the hola Han. At that time.

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In society, they were considered the lowest of the low.

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So they said, We don't want to be sitting beside them. So if the prophet can or Mohammed can do that will listen to what he has to say. Now, I want you to pause for a moment.

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And think about that.

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And think about this, anything like that exists today in the Muslim world.

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I don't want to sit with them.

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I don't want to go with them. They do things differently. Have you heard phrases like that before? And Muslims will will have a tendency, every so often to say this about one another. So just keep that thought in mind for a moment. So I will tell him now. He says this is perfect.

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He goes to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he tells them the delegation that's here. And he says to them, this is their one condition. And he says Mohammed we can we can meet with them. And you know, the Beloved's and all of them.

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We can just buy them some gifts or something later on and make them happy.

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Here's the second point to keep in mind.

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Does that sound familiar? Okay, we won't be as close to them.

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But we'll smile and be nice and say salaam Wa alaykum. But really our heart isn't saying that.

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Our heart isn't there.

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Polite, the smiles, the invites, but our heart isn't enjoying it isn't enjoying their company. Keep that thought in mind. The Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam says to Abu Talib. Let me think about it.

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And he goes to a group of senior companions.

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And he says to them, this was this is what's happening. What do you guys think we should do?

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And one of the companions stood up and said Ya rasool Allah, do it.

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Just just meet with them. It's a small price to pay like don't worry about the rest of them, will make them happy. We'll give them stuff and there'll be okay. No big deal.

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That moment is when Allah subhanaw taala revealed a verse that

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most Muslims recite on this day, the day of Jamar

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where Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us what to do it natca And how to reduce Xena tell HYAH to dunya wala to tournament of felner Kobelco Anzick Karina what to bhairahawa What can Amaroo Furuta

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that a you start off started off with will Spiro Neff second Marilena your own Rob Bell home Bill oddity well I assure you you redo the ledger so it will care if

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it started off where Allah sent this idea to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and told him to be patient.

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To be patient. And to be close, close. Now listen to the AYA was better Neff circa na.

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You be patient with yourself with Maria in Quran is literally used for companionship. It describes the people that you are with because you love them and appreciate them and you're close with them. So Allah is telling the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, I want you to be patient with yourself. What's better, Nuff said Be patient with yourself. What is the what is the A is saying?

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Before you say something that you know if he or she heard it, they'd be offended. Bite your tongue.

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That's poor ends way of saying Bite your tongue. Keep it in you don't say it. Don't allow it to become verbalized in any way over. It's just my children I'm talking to it's just my family. It's within the home, don't even say it. That's the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Then it continues, be patient with yourself with those who are in constant DUA and remembrance to Allah during the days and the nights that was beloved or the Allah Han. That was those companions, where society treated them literally like garbage, those people

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the outcast. So when this a now is revealed the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam went and sat with Bilal and ignoramus Rudan

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others are the Allahu Anhu. And he told them a phrase, Allah commanded me to be with you and not them. And he refused to accommodate the delegation.

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Once there was a time, when or immoral the Allahu Allah

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was in his tent, same thing happened. A group of elite companions during his Khalifa came to see him. Powerful people.

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When they came to the tent, they said, We are here to see your model.

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The response came out or a model is busy, he will be with you shortly.

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So they sat and they waited. As they waited, they saw three other individuals that their clothing looked torn apart, old and used. They didn't look tidy, they looked poor as if they had nowhere to live.

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And they also came to see your amount of the hola Han Omar came out, grab the three of them and walk them into his tent.

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So those who are waiting, asked what's going on?

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You told us to wait.

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But them as a matter of fact, the Hadith says that,

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that you took them before us. You know what they're immortal. The Allahu Anhu says

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these people

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were never welcomed, when they were owned by you. When you control them, now that those shackles are gone. Now they have the freedom to walk in and meet me and talk to me.

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Where's all of this going?

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See brothers and sisters? My topic today

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was for you and I to take a moment

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and assess

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if you're in Islam and you're in it 100%

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When it comes to the fundamentals, do you see the Prophet alayhi salatu salam never compromise the fundamentals?

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When it came to treating people with respect, loving and being kind, especially to those in need.

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He didn't settle for just the conveniences are luxury, because I mean, at the end of the day, who would appreciate that he didn't let that come between him and his commitment to the deen and such as the case with all the Companions when it came to the fundamentals, you know, when it comes to the other issues? Okay, where do I pray? Where do I put my hands? How much is you know, how should I bend when I go for ruku? What's the exact angle when it comes to these other issues? There are some differences in between, but when it comes to the basic fundamentals of our deen

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today, I want to ask myself in you to assess Are you in it? 100%

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Because narrations like this remind us that that is exactly what Allah subhanho wa Taala expects from us. Sure, you may not be versed in the fifth of NiCad, and the fifth of Salah and all of those things fine.

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But because you don't know or understand, are you going to doubt?

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Are you going to question what are these people doing? Because someone might be different, or have a different social status? Does that mean that they should be also treated differently?

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And that's one of the realities of today why today is so important.

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You know, over the years, I had the privilege of meeting a lot of members of the indigenous communities all across Canada.

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And when I sit and talk to them,

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the stories of horror and pain is beyond what I can hear in one sitting let alone these are people that experience and go through it all the time.

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So the next time in shout Allahu Taala you find yourself that you're with a people or a group or a person or a community that you know, has not received the respect or treatment that you and I enjoy. Our e man tells us to extend that respect

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To extend that relationship, that's what our Eman does that is the reminder that I want to leave you with these Nila heater Isla shaitan is powerful. Temptation is strong. But as long as we call ourselves the people of la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam that should manifest especially in the moments that are difficult for others that should manifest especially for a people like you and I may Allah subhanho wa Taala preserve us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala preserve the message of la ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah azza wa jal continue to inspire us and elevate us, Allah whom I mean, we send when I pass

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here in sha Allah hooter Allah for the first part of the hotbin and when we stand for the second part of the law, we will conclude well as it were, Darwin Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil Alameen lo

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hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah are they he of Talos Salah woman where the Ummah buried we send peace and blessings to our Rasul Salah Torabi, wa salam or Aleikum, Marana subhanho wa Taala Phaeton xili, in Allahu wa mela Iike tahu usaw Luna island be you Hello, Dina, ermine or saludar Lee he was suddenly more Taslima Allahumma Salli. Ala Muhammad wider early Muhammad came also later Allah Ibrahim Allah Allah early Ibrahima in the CAHA Lido Majeed Allahu McFeely Massimino well Muslim and well meaning minute Allah here even while I'm in Nikka karimun Semia emoji boo Dawa Allahumma Nana Anissa local Jana are not comparable la hum in Poland our ML one through the becoming

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another one Makarova, la Herrmann. Polar alignment Allahumma indena has a local Houda with two power alpha for Latina Allah whom in Santa Ana is a local Houda were to call for well Arthur for Latina Robina Tina dunya hacer una Orfila Filati Hassan Okinawa Durban Subhana Arabic Erbil Reza Tiana, Josefina was salam when I learn more Selena well Hamdulillah you are better than me

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Nina llama

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she had one murder was oh no more

Friday Khutbah

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