Muiz Bukhary – Welcome – O – Ramadan

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of fasting, remembering Allah's words and actions, and the importance of water and detoxification in achieving success in life. They stress the importance of spending time recalling the Bible and making various sgarers praising Allah for his universal presence. The negative impact of fasting on health and safety is highlighted, and the importance of addressing root causes ofadd and practicing healthy habits is emphasized. The call to action for the upcoming months is mentioned.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salli wa sallam Allah Ashraf al ambia evil mousseline. Nabina Wahhabi Bina karate ioannina Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah, Allahu Allah Allah He was happy he asked Berto salotti watamu tasleem Am I bad? For a stop Alhaji Nikita Bula for Clairol howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Bashar Al memoriam of death to her Baku Lamb of death MB de Vaca la vida to Bala Allah wakulla Hola, Latina wacana Allah sikita Hill Aziz by the EU Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim

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al hamdu lillahi

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wa have gone to for the while

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limbo in Wakanda Dinah Koshiba la como se

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for the Nico

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levena Maluku Chiba, la como se,

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hace la de la, la, la la.

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All praise and thanks to Almighty Allah subhanahu wa taala, who is our Creator sustainer nourish protector and cura We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to Sheva his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of karma

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Mashallah, my dear respected sisters in Islam. At the very outset of this talk, I wish to share with you all a beautiful Heidi, a hadith that I hope will inspire all of us. This Hadith is recorded in Muslim, Abu huraira de la vida who He states that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said Maggi tema aka mumfie Beatty mill booty la heeta Allah yet Luna kita Ba La waiata de rasuna who baina home in naza letta la hemos Sakina wa vashi at home or Rama will have at home while melodica was dakara Houma la houfy manner in the Allahu Akbar, but also to LA he said a long while he was saying lamb is reported to have said no gathering gathers together in a in any one of the

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houses of Allah subhanho wa Taala reciting the book of Allah subhana wa dialler, reading the book of Allah subhana wa Taala and studying it amongst themselves, except that Sakina tranquility descends upon them, and Rama envelops them and the melodica they shroud them, they surround them they shroud them with their wings, and Allah the Almighty mentions them amongst those who are with him.

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So May Allah subhanahu Island make this gathering a gathering where the melodica shroud us with their wings, the Sakina tranquility descends upon us the rough ma envelops upon us and May Allah the Almighty make high mention of us in the seven heavens.

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Firstly, it is incumbent upon us to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for the numerous bounties and the numerous favors that Allah the Almighty has blessed upon us numerous favors, indeed, that he has conferred upon us, even if we were to try and count these blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala these favors of Allah subhana wa Taala that have been bestowed upon us we would fail miserably as he the almighty rightfully states in the noble Koran, what is it that I would do the amatola he lot of suha if you were to try and enumerate the favours of Allah subhana wa Taala the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala you would not be able to encompass all of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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you would not be able to enumerate all of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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This Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is indeed a blessing, oma Allahu Akbar, as we the oma of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are constantly moving from one virtue to another virtue, from one mercy to another mercy from Rama terrafirma from one stage to another stage, Allah the Almighty are powerful maker, he created the Hulk he created the creation and then he the Almighty He gave virtue and superiority to some of his creations.

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over others in a manner that befits His glory gela gelato Azerbaijan, Allah the Almighty He states in Surah passes in the novel called en la boca La Palma

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Makana la Mola.

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So the law he would

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use Rico and your Lord, he creates what He wills and what he chooses what buka loco Maya.

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He creates what He wills and what he chooses mark and Allah who will Hara and they the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala did not have the luxury of that choice. Suba Han Allah Exalted is Allah Subhana Allah subhana wa Taala what you should recall, and he is high above whatever they associate with a lot of behind the hood, either whatever or whoever the partners they associate a lot of the high net worth Allah, Allah the Almighty is far above, high and free from all of that. So behind Allah, Allah the Almighty, He created the seven heavens, Allah subhanho wa Taala he created the seven heavens and virtue was given to the seventh heaven due to the proximity of that seventh heaven

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to the arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the very arch that Allah the Almighty ascended upon in a manner that befits His Majesty and His glory, Allah the Almighty, He created the melodica he created the angels and virtue was given to jabril alayhi salatu was Salam virtue was given to Mecca, el alayhi salatu was Salam virtue was given to Israel. Ophelia alayhi salatu was Salam gibril Allahu Salatu was Salam was made Ark Angel. He was the angel given the responsibility of bringing down walking to the messengers of Allah behind the hood, the IDA Mika L. Allahu Salatu was Salam was the angel who was given the responsibility of the provisions and the reins. He Seraphin. alayhi salatu

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was Salam. He was the angel, Allah the Almighty gave the responsibility of blowing the trumpet. He indeed he has placed the trumpet on his lips, and he is waiting for the command of a loss of the Hydra Hua dialer, to blow that trumpet to signal the commencement of the day of the AMA, may Allah subhanahu wa taala ease the questioning upon us on the day of the AMA, Allah the Almighty, He created the Jannat he created the he created paradise, and virtue was given to gender to fear doubt, because that gela that Paradise is known as the highest paradise, Allah, the Almighty, He created mankind. He created all of us, he created mankind, and he gave virtue to the prophets, Allah hemos

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Salatu was salam, O, Allah, the Almighty He gave virtue to the prophets and from those prophets, Allah subhana wa Taala gave virtue to the Rasul Allah hemos Salatu was Salam. And from the Rasul Allah the Almighty He gave virtue he gave superiority to the Ola azim from all of those prophets, Allah He was salat wa salam, and those are the eyes. They are none other than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they are five in number number one Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam new alayhi salatu salam Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. Musa alayhi salatu was Salam and Isa alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, five great prophets known as Allah azim, and from the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala gave

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virtue to to profits by titling them khaleel by titling them the friends of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they are none other than our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Ibrahim alayhi salatu was salam, and from the two great friends of the haisla, who are diala, from the two great colleagues of a loss of a high net worth either a lot of the Almighty gave virtue to our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by making him the greatest prophet ever and by making him the best of mankind, Allahu Akbar. And we My dear respected sisters in Islam, we have been blessed by Allah subhana wa Taala that we have been made the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam, the greatest prophet ever. We have to be so thankful to Allah subhana wa Taala. For all of these blessings that allowed the Almighty has blessed us with so many favors that he has conferred upon us. We are indeed swimming in an ocean of the moon.

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You have a lot of behind the hood either our entire lives are basically permeated saturated in the mercy of Allah Subhana Allah. Look at the statement of Mr. abdelkarim Rahim Allah where he states he, he quotes from one of our Salah funa soya.

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He says, If you wish to understand or recognize the value of the gifts of Allah subhanho wa Taala just close your eyes for a moment. Just close your eyes for a moment and what happens for if you close your eyes, everything around you become stuck, everything goes black, Allahu Akbar. The minute you close your eyes, you will understand how great the virtue of Allah subhana wa Taala is upon you how great the blessings of Allah Subhana Allah is upon you because the minute you close your eyes, you understand the value of the eyesight, that Allah the Almighty has blessed us with this beautiful eyesight that we see with so much of clarity. This is also from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. So it is upon us as the slaves of Allah, the Almighty to rejoice in the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is upon us to be happy to rejoice in the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala as he himself states in the noble cause will be fatherly law.

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He forbade failure from Franco

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say in the bounty of Allah subhana wa Taala and in His mercy in that let them rejoice, let the slaves of Allah rejoice for it is much better for it is much better than whatever they have accumulated Allahu Akbar. So let us rejoice in the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and mighty respected sisters in Islam, from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that all of time is not equal. Allah the Almighty did not create all of time as equal, Allah the Almighty gave superiority to some periods over other periods, as he the Almighty has all right to do so as he stated in the ayah that I decided at the beginning we're at Boca loco nyesha. So all of time is not equal. Some periods have been given preference and virtue over other periods. Hadith in Sahih Muslim Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said hi ru Yeoman, Allah Allah He shampoo Yama, Yama, that the best day upon which the sun has risen is Friday. fee Holika Adam, what fee Oh,

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the Hillel agenda was a fee of regimen Hmm. It was on that day that Adam Allah His salat wa salam was created and it was on that day. The other value Salatu was Salam was admitted entry into gender. And also it was on that day that our the mother who Salatu was Salam was taken out of gender and sent to this world Allah Akbar. So when you look at days the best of days is Friday, the best of days upon which the sun has risen is Friday in terms of nights the best of nights is lay that will

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lay little cars at home in alpha little corner is the best of lights because that night is equivalent to 1000 nights Allahu Akbar equalent to 83 years 83 years. This is the blessing of Allah, Allah Who are the island indeed. And Ramadan. From the months the most blessing of months is none other than the month of Ramadan.

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The month of Ramadan is known as the crown of the year Allahu Akbar, the month of Ramadan is known as the crown of the Year for it is the best of months. It is the best and the most virtuous of months. And we are indeed in that blessed month and it is upon us to welcome this blessed month and to make use of this blessed month to the best that we can, to put it to the best of us and to make it count as if it is our last month of Ramadan. This month of Ramadan is known as the month of the Quran. It is known as the month of the Quran. It is known as a month of rosmah. It is known as shadow tarawih. It is known as shadow Toba it is known as the month of Dharavi. It is known as the

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month of October. It is known as the month of the Quran. It is known as the month of reflecting and making a dashboard on the Quran. It is indeed a blessed month in which the gates of gender are wide open jahannam

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Have jahannam a shot close or close shot as the devils are locked up the share our team are all locked up in this month Allahu Akbar, such a blessed month. And let me ask you a question. What do we generally do? When a noble and a blessing guest comes to visit us? What do we generally do when a noble and blessed guest comes to visit us? Do we not make time? Do we not leave our usual shows? And tend to that guest? Do we not entertain that guest? Do we not show the best hospitality possible towards that guest? So if that is the case with a worldly guests, this blessed month of Ramadan is indeed a noble and a blessing. Guest. So what have we planned to do in terms of welcoming this

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blessed and noble guests? Let us let us welcome this guest and let us make use of this month from a bar to the best that we can secure in good deeds securing investments that will reap great rewards for us in the era.

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Mr. rahima hula is reported to have said that from amongst the guidance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that in the month of Ramadan, he used to engage in various forms of worship. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to engage in various forms of worship in different types of Iboga gibreel alayhi salatu salam used to teach him the Quran in this month, he was more generous than a guided breeze in the month of Ramadan. Those who why he said a long while he was sent them was more generous than a guided breeze in general Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was extremely generous, but during the month of Ramadan, that generosity went on to a different

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dimension to a completely different level. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be very generous in the month of Ramadan. He gave much charity and he used to engage in various acts of Riba. This was a this was the description of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam zareba by Imam Abraham Rahim Allah. Now to illustrate the value of this noble month. I wish to share with y'all a hadith of beautiful Hadith which has been recorded in urban America and I hope this hadith instills great hope in our hearts and also value for this blessed month of Ramadan. Tal ha even obey the law of the law one he is the one who narrates the Hades great Sahabi rhodiola once he narrates that

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under Roger Ladyman, Belgian Kadima, Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and tala Ebner obey the law the law of wine by the Hydra obey the law the law of wine. he narrates a narrow geranium in Belize, Belgian Kadima, Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that two men from Bali they went to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and wacana Islam Houma Jamia both of them they embraced Islam together. Both of them embraced Islam together. Wakanda Islam Houma Jamia, both of them embraced Islam together. But hybrid obey the law, the long run he narrates the Hadith and he goes on to say that both of these individuals after they're embraced Islam, both of them were

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involved in various acts of worship and adoration goes along the lines of these words. And after some time, one of them now two of them two friends embraced Islam, one of them he passed away in the path of Allah Subhana. Allah He passed away as a Shaheed as a matter Allahu Akbar, one of the two men, the other individual, he passed away one year later, a normal death, a normal death, and the first individual as was stated by third hybrida obey the law, the law one he passed away as a Shaheed as a matter, the second individual passed away after one year, but a normal death now even obey the law, the law one, he states in that Hadith that he saw a dream. And in that dream, he saw

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himself in front of the gates of Jenna Allahu Akbar, he saw himself in front of the gates of gender. And he also saw these two individuals, the two men who went to Rasulullah sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, and embraced Islam. He saw them also in front of the gates of Jenna.

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After some time, and angel comes, and he admits the person who had died a normal death one year later, first intergender Allahu Akbar, he admitted the person who died a normal death one year

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Later, first intergender and then he closed the gates and left. After some time he comes back the angel comes back and now admits the martyr the Shaheed who died as a Shaheed in the path of a loss of the Hydra who had died and he admits him second intergender and closes the gates and leaves. After some time the angel comes back again and then now looks at Alfaro the loved one and he says, Yeah, tell her go back. Your time has not yet come. The minute the angel said that call Hara the last one. He woke up, he woke up startled. He woke up amazed. So much to the extent that he went around, he went to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to the other Sahaba waterlight Allah

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Allah Himeji very informing them of this amazing dream, and also telling them how amazed he was about the dream. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then asks 12 rhodiola one year Taha, why are you so amazed about the dream now? tal hora de la Juan? Not that he wanted to question the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala or supervise a long while he will sell them for that matter, but he was eager to know what was that special deed. The second individual had done so much to the extent that he got to surpass the martyr, the Shaheed who passed away as a Shaheed as a martyr in the path of a loss of a healer who died because the Sahaba resolve is a modular and they knew of the reward of a

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Shaheed of a martyr. Look at this hadith which illustrates the value of a Shaheed the Hadith is in theory, Mecca damn even madikeri radi Allahu Allahu he states Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Lee shahidi in the law he says that for a Shahid by Allah subhanho wa Taala our six virtues traits are six virtues that are lost behind and what Allah has blessed a Shaheed number one EUFOR una houfy overly desde la de hoomin agenda before the first drop of blood falls to the ground, all of his sins will be forgiven Allah Akbar youfor Allahu Allah de la causa who filled gender and he will also see his place reserved in general just even before the first drop of blood falls to the

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ground. Number two, what do you mean either be recovered number two he will be saved from the either from the punishment of the cover, he will be saved completely from the punishment of the cover. Number three why my luminol says I'll bet on the day on the day of tehava when all of mankind when all of the creation of a loss of the height of water either will be running Helter Skelter. They will be petrified and running all over the place. The Shaheed his heart will be at peace he will not be petrified fear will not strike his heart and He will be at ease and peace on that day. The fourth special virtue when you go LRC he will record

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on the day of

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a special crown will be placed on his head Allahu Akbar, especial crown and that crown has been described as it will be encrusted with gems and jewels, with precious stones with emeralds and rubies. Each stone even if you take one stone, one stone would be would be more valuable than this world and all it contains Allahu Akbar. The next virtue that will be given to a Shaheed is that 72 celestial maidens from Jenna will be given in marriage to the Shaheed Allahu Akbar, and finally, he will be able to intercede on the behalf of 70 of his family members. This is the virtue of a Shaheed. So naturally 12 hybrid obeys the law, the law, one was amazed as to how a person who died a

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normal death one year later could surpass a Shahid and intergender because the daraja the rank of A Shahid is so great. So this is why he question or he asked Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for color Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then asks palheiro de la one LA for the mecca Sahaja Bader who center did this second individual did not the second individual remain a year after the martyr to reach 12 hora de la noir he replies in the affirmative. He says yes, of course they are rasulillah. Then the supervisor along while he was selling them, goes on to ask him call our other aka Ramadan for sama waffleh Cara waka means

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center. So did he not attain another one whole year? Did he not attain the month of Ramadan? Did he not fast? Did he not pray a prayer like this? And did he not pray a prayer like that? Did he not prostrate unto Allah the Highland who was the island like this? And did he not prostrate unto Allah subhanho wa Taala like that for that whole year to which can handle the loved one, once again, replies in the affirmative. And he says, Yes, of course you are a surah Allah. Then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes on to clarify for me, in Houma,

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Bayless, sama evil are Allahu Akbar. If that is the case, then the difference between the martyr and the difference between the person who died a year later a normal death is equivalent to the difference between the heavens and the earth. Allahu Akbar, many respected sisters in Islam. This Hadith fills us with hope that attaining the month of Ramadan is such a great virtue. And this is a season, a season of goodness, where we can reap as much as possible in terms of good deeds, securing a beautiful, eternal life for us in the Sahara. Now let's move on to discuss why is the loss of the high net worth eila prescribe fasting upon us or why was the month of Ramadan prescribed upon us?

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Why has Allah the Almighty prescribe ordained fasting upon us? Is it to starve from morning till evening? Is it to stay away from food only? What is the ultimate goal behind a loss behind a Horta Allah prescribing fasting upon us? Allah the Almighty He himself mentions the reason behind why he has prescribed fasting upon us. He says in the novel for the I recited at the beginning Yeah, you hella Xena Amano. coochie la cama cama. cama coochie ba Allah latinamerica, Polycom La La Quinta for Allah expert, or you will believe quotevalet camassia fasting has been prescribed upon your karma kuchibhotla lerida mean kobelco justice how it was prescribed for the nation's before your law. I'll

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echo that the food Allah Akbar. So that you will become or so that your adopt taqwa Allahu Akbar, the ultimate goal behind Allah behind and whether eila prescribing fasting upon us is nothing other than for us to adopt taqwa taqwa is the ultimate goal. And even if we look at the reason behind Allah subhana wa Tada. Allah created us, he states in the noble Koran. One mahalo Cartagena will insert olalia Buddha, Allah behind that word Allah He states that I have not created gene kind or mankind for any other purpose other than Ebola. And in another place he says yeah, are you handouts or go do Rob Bakula? The hollow cocoon one Latina mean cobbly con la la quinta Khun, O mankind,

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worship your Lord, worship your Lord Allah, Allah Coco, the one who created y'all and the ones before y'all. Once again the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal, even behind the lust behind the word Allah creating us is the eye local pool so that y'all adopt taco taco Taka is the ultimate goal is the pinnacle behind why Allah Subhana Allah created us it is why Allah subhanho wa Taala has prescribed fasting upon us. So before we move on, to the relationship behind fasting and taqwa let us look at what taqwa is.

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Taco is an Arabic term, which stems from the root Waka yfp require, which means to put up a prevention to put up a protection to put up a barrier to protect oneself from something. Some people translate taqwa as the fear of a loss behind that what Allah when some have translated it as the consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But in reality, it is both of those two meanings coupled together. It is the marriage of the two where we say taqwa is to fear a loss of the Heiner huhtala. And to be conscious of a loss of a heightened word Allah during every single second of our lives, because in terms of fear, fear is an attribute or a quality which cannot be practiced during every

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single second of our lives. But on the other hand, being conscious of something is possible during every single second of our lives. And also when we talk about the fear of a loss of the Highland

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To highlight the beautiful thing about the fear of loss of a high net worth Allah is that in general when you fear something, when you fear something, for example, if you were to fear a lion, if a lion were to come in now all of us would run away because why we fear that creation, but on the other hand, in terms of the fear of Allah subhanaw taala, the mo we feel a loss behind that word Allah, the mo we learn two words Allah Subhana Allah opposing, fearing other things, because when we fear other things, we run away from those things, but with the fear of Allah subhanahu wa taala The more we fear him the mo we run to words him Allahu Akbar. So Imam even a Hydra scholary Rahim Allah He

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brings about a beautiful definition in terms of taqwa, he says taqwa is to put up a barrier of protection to protect you from the word of Allah behind the hood Dinah from the anger of lots of behind the horadada from the eyes of Allah subhana wa tada by abiding and obeying to all the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala and staying away from all that which Allah the Almighty has prohibited us. This is taqwa in a nutshell. Now it has looked at the relationship between taqwa and fasting, as how would fasting bring about taqwa.

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Fasting is once again one of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala one of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon us, the fasting person is considered from amongst the closest people to Allah behind that word Allah because as he stabs from morning, and as his throat is parched, all of this is taking place while his heart is being purified. Fasting is a shield that protects him. It is a region that protects him from all that which is prohibited, he stays away from all that which is prohibited fasting, it narrows the food vessels in our bodies, it narrows the food arteries in our bodies, it also narrows the veins, the blood vessels, the arteries, all of which have been narrowed.

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And also what we need to understand is that these arteries these vessels are also known as the candidates of the devil. Because the supervisor Allahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said that the devil yejide if he Majora dump, he runs in our veins shaytaan he runs in our veins, and that is why we need to be intelligent believers. Because schezwan he runs in our veins and he studies us he studies us and he knows what we like what we dislike what we yearn for, and after studying us, based on what we like and what we dislike, he tailor makes claps in such a way pits that we fall into, so we need to be more intelligent than him to stay away from those traps. So

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nevertheless, fasting narrows these candidates of the devil where the devil runs around in our body. Fasting is also an institution, a school for the training of the soul. Fasting is an institution which trains our soul and it purifies our heart. It lowers our gaze, and it protects our limbs. It is a secret between the slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in an authentic hadith, every action of the son of the son of Adam belongs to him except fasting because fasting it is for me and I shall reward him for it Allahu Akbar. Fasting is such a great deed that it is reserved for a loss of a Highland water

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Island, our cellar full of soil there used to prepare six months ahead, they used to prepare six months ahead before the month of Ramadan. And at times, we we find ourselves that we are not ready for the month of Ramadan. Even though we are in the month of Ramadan, or at times even when we were close to the month of Ramadan. We felt that we were that we are not ready for the month of Ramadan and we are not geared for the month of Ramadan. But when we look at the lives of our Salah for lasala they used to prepare six months ahead. They used to eagerly wait for the month of Ramadan. They should look forward to the month of Ramadan and they used to wait for the month of Ramadan.

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They also used to pray to Allah Subhana Allah that Allah the Almighty blesses them and prolongs their lives so that they attain the

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month of Ramadan because they knew of the virtue of that season of goodness. They knew of the virtue of the month of Ramadan. They acknowledge the month of Ramadan as a sphere of competition as a sphere of healthy competition towards good deeds, and also as a season for goodness, a season to reap good deeds and rewards in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now in terms of a few of the physical benefits of the month of Ramadan, let's touch on a few before we move on to the spiritual benefits. The physical benefits are, for example it gets, it reads our bodies of contaminated matter. It cleanses our bodies, it purifies our bodies, our bodies go through a complete detox, our

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bodies go through a complete detoxification process. Now many of us before we start on a diet or if you're planning on losing some way, we all look forward or we plan on going through a detox. The month of Ramadan is a natural detoxification, where we have benefited physically and it is also a spiritual detoxification, where all of those evil elements, all of those evil feelings are purged from our hearts and our souls just as how contaminated matter is purged from our bodies, cleansing our bodies and purifying our bodies. And also fasting brings about something known as autolysis. the breaking down of fats toes in the body in order to produce energy. This is also a good factor that

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makes our bodies more healthier. And in terms of the physical benefits, it also purifies the blood vessels and the arteries. It purifies our blood, it purifies the arteries. Now these are the physical benefits of the month of Ramadan.

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Now let's move on to some of the spiritual benefits of the month of Ramadan. Fasting teaches us patience, Allahu Akbar, so that we would be able to bear any hardship, any difficulty during the month of Ramadan. and patience is of utmost importance to a believer so that he goes through the trials the difficulties, the calamities of Allah subhana wa Taala at times puts him through in such a way that he is successful in this world, resulting in him being successful in the Sahara. Look at the story of

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pollute and dilute where a lot of the Hydra what Allah mentions it in Surah Baqarah Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, phenom pasado Judo de cada in LA in La la, de

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la semi woman LA.

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me in

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the tertiary boomin who Polly Minh home, Allah subhanho wa Taala he talks about the story of pollute and dilute Allah subhanho wa Taala he states when taulupe went forth with the soldiers, he said Indeed Allah behind him who had Allah will be testing you with a river. Now the army of loot, they were crossing through, they had to pass by a river.

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So he the commander of the army, he had been informed, he said Allah subhanahu wa taala will be testing you with a river. So whoever drinks from that river is not of me. And whoever does not taste it is indeed of me. But then permission has been given to take just one scoop of water if you wish from the river. The story goes along the lines of these words. I'm giving you the gist of it from the ayah.

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So Carlos and his army, they were crossing a river. It was midday, they were extremely thirsty, and there was this river, but this river was put as a test by Allah subhana wa Taala and they were not given permission to drink from that river except for a scoop of one scoop on one hand full of water. So now this takes a lot of patience. As as it is midday. They are an army crossing over to fight the attire they are thirsty. So it takes a lot of patience to control yourself at that time. So the minute this was announced most of them, most of them fell over the water the minute they saw the water and started gulping down the water and drinking as much as water possible. There were only a

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few who abided the command of

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ollut only a few. And after they had crossed the river, what happens after they are cross the river because of them failing that test of a loss of a high net worth eila. And because of them, because of them drinking the water which Allah subhanahu wa taala had informed that they should not drink, they started saying things that there is no power, they started saying things, they lost hope they completely lost hope in fighting the opposing army. And they said there is no power for us today against dilute against Goliath and his soldiers. But those who are certain that they would meet Allah Subhana Allah, they said, Now those who are certain, in other words, those who's who, who

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abide at the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala and did not drink from the river except for a handful. They said, Come in, at in kalila teen avala but I think athira tambien Mila how many times a small company or a small group has overcome a large group by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in the law, Hamas sabeti, or one law whom I saw, I believe, and Allah subhanho wa Taala is with the ones with the ones who are patient. So this story teaches us of the importance of patience, of how important it is to inculcate or bring about patience in our lives. Because the mo we bring patients in our lives, the mo it is easy for us to go through the trials and the calamities

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that are lost behind and what Allah may put us through resulting in us being successful in this world, as well as the as well as the hereafter.

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And also as we said in the beginning, the month of Ramadan is also known as the month of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala he states Shahada, Ramadan and V zero fee Hill for the month of Ramadan is the month in which the Koran was descended in the entire Koran was sent down from Laos. Food was sent down from the preserve tablet to the heavens of the earth in the month of Ramadan. And that is why this month is known as the month of the Quran. This month is reserved for the Quran, and we should try and spend as much as time possible with the Koran during this special month. We should use this month to reflect on the Quran, to read the Koran and to reflect on the verses of the Quran

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and that is known as making pediped birth to make a number upon the verses of the Quran because Allah subhana wa Taala he said kita bone and Zelda who la caja MOBA Rocco Leah de baru, Aya t

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L, Bab Allahu Akbar. It is a book and Zelda who ilica Mubarak, we have sent it down to you Mubarak as a blessing or a blessing that book leaves the bedroom for what purpose? Allah subhanho wa Taala states that after bringing a Louboutin in, which means allow which brings about a reason as to why Allah subhana wa Taala had sent down the Koran, Leah baru it so that they may ponder on its verses on the verses of the Koran while yet as acara Al Bab and so that the ones who have intellect the people of intellect will be reminded by it Allahu Akbar, so that we will be reminded so that these reminders will benefit as well that care for in the secret mini and remind for reminders benefit the

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believers. So it is upon us to ponder on these verses of the Quran and not merely read the Quran like a parrot. We're not supposed to only pay lip service to the Koran, but rather it is upon us to ponder and reflect on the great verses of the noble Koran.

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in Ramadan, the houses of Asada full of soil it

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used to be filled with the recitation of the noble Koran. People used to say that it would be as if there were buzzing, they could hear the buzzing of bees in the houses of Salah filosofia because the whole family used to involve themselves in the recitation and the reading of the Noble Quran. Because Allah subhanahu wa diala also states in the novel for an FLR as adept berurah for Allah, Allah Allah kulu bin Abu Salah ha, do they not ponder on the verses of the noble for Allah subhanho wa Taala He did not say I felt is my older Koran. Do they not listen to the Koran of Allah Allah? Do they not read the Koran? Nay, the word used by Allah subhana wa Taala Is there a fella Rudolfo Do

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they not ponder on the verses of the Quran or on the words of Allah behind or what Allah Allah Allah kuruvilla cofilin

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have or have they got locks on their hearts are their hearts all sealed up that they cannot ponder on the on the on the verses of the noble court.

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Now before we go further, let us touch on the relationship between fasting and taqwa.

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How is taqwa related to fasting? Let me give you an example. Say,

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say for example, today we are fasting.

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in about an hour or two, it's going to become midday and it will be hot and you will be hungry, you will be thirsty.

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What is stopping us from going in indulging in perhaps consuming some food or some water without anybody knowing.

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We could go into the privacy of our rooms, into the privacy of our homes, and drink water is we wish to eat some food, if we wish, satiate our hunger, and then come out again and act as if we are fasting. We could do that. But then during the month of Ramadan, what happens is that even if we think of doing that, our heart in the middle, it tells us or it speaks to us, it commands our limbs not to do so it brings about the fear of a loss of behind and whether either, it is a training for us to bring about taqwa because after all, the heart is the seat of taqwa. The heart is the seat of taqwa, and justice how our heart commands us to stay away from food, to stay away from water, to

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stay away from drink. Our hearts need to command us to stay away from all that which is evil, to say it's to stay away from all sins, to stay away from prohibitions the philosophy behind a dialer,

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just as how our heart stops us from consuming food and drinking water, perhaps when we're walking down the street, and if there's something that we should not be looking at, our hearts should command us to lower our gaze. Our hearts should command us to keep our tongues away from talking that which is evil. Our hearts should keep our ears away from listening that which is evil. So this is how taqwa is brought about because taqwa is such an important aspect, that it controls and governs our limbs. It controls and governs our limbs. The minute we infuse our hearts with taqwa, the mid we set ablaze our hearts with taqwa, our hearts will control every single limb in our

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bodies, our hearts will not allow us to commit sins, or transgress the limits of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said, Allah, we're in the field just at the mandala, that indeed, in the body of a human being is a piece of flesh, Allah, we're in the field, just study Moldova is a solid, solid dokolo. If that piece of flesh is applied, if that piece of flesh is good, solid Ohio, Jessa Dooku, the whole body will be upright, the whole body will be good, but either faster that but on the other hand, if that piece of flesh goes bad, if that piece of flesh becomes perverted, if that piece of flesh becomes corrupt, the whole body goes

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corrupt, the whole body goes evil, and only evil would start emanating from that body. And what is that piece of flesh, and now what he'll call it is the heart of it is the heart that governs our whole body, just as how the last one was reported to have said, The heart is the king of the body. The heart is the king of the body. And the limbs of the body are the courtiers and the subjects of that King. Whatever the king commands, those limbs will follow, the subjects of the body will follow Allahu Akbar. And he's also reported to have said that the heart is like an army commander. And the limbs of the body are the troops and the army, all the troops and the forces of that army commander,

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whatever that Army Command that commands the troops and the forces are ready to listen. So if our heart is upright, our body will be upright and only good will come out of our bodies. So this month of Ramadan is a fantastic opportunity for us to work on our hearts for us to work on purifying our hearts and for us to work on purging all that which is evil from our hearts. Now coming back to the devil of the Quran. This is also closely related to our hearts and that's why a lot of the height and width either he states in the eye I decided earlier I felt like that Brunello Khurana Amalia kuruvilla casada Do they not ponder on the verses of the Hydra which are

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Am I allowed to follow her? Or are their hearts locked up? So making the double and our hearts are very closely linked, Allahu Akbar, because the more we make the double, the mo our hearts become pure. The more our hearts become soft, the more our hearts become ready to absorb all of that which allows the heart of what Allah commands us to do so, and that which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us in terms of the commandments of Allah subhana wa Tada. And look at the the sutra of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he pretty much wrote a long one he was once reading Surah Nisa, he was once reading Surah Nisa, and he comes to this ayah where Allah the Almighty He

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states for kafer either jitna min Cooley on my team B shahidul wodgina bica Allah, Allah shahida Allahu Akbar, the translation goes as so how will it be when we bring from every nation of witness and we bring you over Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam against these people as a witness Allahu Akbar. The benefits are over the last one the minute he recited this ayah he heard Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam weeping because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam was next to him listening to him. recite the surah The minute he saw supervisor Allahu alayhi wa sallam weeping he looked at the supervisor Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started

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crying profusely Allahu Akbar. This teaches us that it is important for us to make the Double of the Quran to make the Double of the verses of the Koran and V over the verses of the Quran. The verses of Allah subhanho wa Taala the speech of Allah subhana wa Tada. So let us make use of this month of Ramadan to spend some time to devote our time with the Quran in pondering upon the verses the meanings of the verses of the Quran.

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And also this month of Ramadan is a month that has been reserved for remembering Allah Subhana Allah in general, the people who fast the chance of those who fast and nothing other than Subhan Allah Al hamdu, lillah Allahu Akbar a stuff Pharaoh LA. These are the as God that we need to keep our tongues moist with we need to keep remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as possible.

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We need to glorify a loss of the Highland water either we need to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to make the will of Allah behind that word either. We need to seek the forgiveness of Allah behind the word either My beloved chief Mr. Karim Rahim Allah He says, you know he talks about the remembrance or the anchor of his teacher scheffel Islam even a Tamia Rahim Allah and he says, I heard scheffel Islam even the Tamia Rahim Allah him saying remembrance or making Vicar to the heart is like water to fish Allahu Akbar, making the vicar of Allah subhana wa Taala. Remember remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala it is to the heart just because how water is important for a fish to

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survive. Vicar is so important for a heart to survive. He says what will be the state of the fish if it becomes separated from the water. If we take a fish out of the water what will happen naturally it is going to struggle and it is going to die. Likewise a heart if it is taken out of the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala no doubt that heart is going to die. We need to keep our hearts and our tongues moist with the remembrance of Allah behind it with either Emmanuel, Abraham or hula. He goes on to say that I once attended Salatu fudger with scheffel Islam, Tamia hula hula, and after salata, scheffel Islam he sat down and he started remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala he

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started making a God of Allah subhanho wa Taala until it was nearly midday, Allahu Akbar, until it was almost noon.

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He then turned around, and he said to me, he said to me, this is my early morning meal. In other words, this is my breakfast. If I do not take this meal, my strength will drop Allahu Akbar, if I don't take this breakfast of mine. In other words, making the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala my strength will deplete my the levels of strength of my strength will drop and I will become weak. This is how important it is to spend some time remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is how our Salah full of soil is used.

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To spend their time remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah the Almighty He states in the noble for an first qurani as kokoon was cruelly rude, so remember me and I will remember you and be grateful unto me and do die do not deny me. Remember me, I will remember you lost behind what Alice says, Remember me and I will remember you and be grateful to me and do not deny me. So let us make use of this month of Ramadan to remember that behind the hood Allah by spending time pondering on the verses of the Quran, and also by spending time making various asgar praising Allah subhanho wa Taala glorify Allah subhana wa Taala making thick beard of Allah subhanho wa Taala and seeking

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forgiveness from Allah subhana wa tada Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in an authentic hadith example of the one who remembers the last behind that word Allah and the one who does not remember Allah subhanho wa Taala is like the living and the dead Allahu Akbar, the one who remembers Allah behind and what Allah is like the living and the one who does not remember Allah subhanho wa Taala is like the dead for our hearts are divided into two. If we remember Allah subhanho wa Taala our hearts become radiant, our hearts become bright, our hearts become soft and supple. Our hearts become like sponges ready to absorb all that which is good. But on the other

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hand, if we fail to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala if we fail to ponder on the verses of the Quran, on the speech of our powerful and beloved maker, our hearts become daft. Our hearts become stony, our hearts become hard, and our hearts begin to reject all that which is good Allahu Akbar, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is also reported to have said

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that to our other faiths and while kulu

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that in general what we think is that fitna is presented to the the limbs of our bodies. Say for example, we think that fitna is presented to our eyes, or fitna is presented to our ears, or that fittler is presented to our tongue. But on the other hand, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam teaches us that fitna is first presented to an individual's heart, and also lights along while SLM gives a beautiful parable, it is presented like a straw woven mat, tell how serious through the the ooda like a mat which has straw, one stick of straw after another stick of straw fitna is presented one after the other to that individuals heart. And innovation goes along the lines of these words,

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that if that individuals heart accepts the fitna, what happens is that heart becomes dark, that heart becomes hard, and that heart becomes like an overturned vessel. But on the other hand, if the heart rejects, if the heart rejects that fit, that heart becomes soft and supple, that heart becomes like a polished mirror, because it is also from the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that if a heart commits or if a heart accepts an evil or if a person commits a sin, a black dot emerges on that individual's heart, and if he persists and continues on that sin, the black dots keep increasing until the whole heart becomes riddled with black dots, resulting in that heart being

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plunged into darkness. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all. On the other hand, if the heart rejects that evil, and if the heart makes Toba if the heart makes it still far, that erased, and that heart becomes polished like a mirror, and that heart becomes bright and radiant, like a lab, Allahu Akbar. So let us work on our hearts. Because most of us, I say this often, including myself, most of us, our hearts are riddled with diseases, and it is upon us to work on those diseases. And when we say diseases, we don't mean cardiovascular diseases, we mean spiritual diseases, spiritual maladies, like hatred, envy, malaise, jealousy, pride. At times, we can't. We

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can't accept the fact that someone else is being better than us. We don't want that person to advance. We don't want that person to progress. We don't want that person to have a good life. Because the minute we hear it, we feel jealous. We feel anger, we want that person to be in hardship. It is as if we bought the cake. We don't want to eat the cake nor do we want to give any anybody else the cake. We want to hog it all to ourselves. These are all bad qualities that need to be purged from

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Our hearts all of these are spiritual melodies that need to be cleansed. And the month of Ramadan is the best opportunity to work on our hearts in cleansing our hearts towards the better resulting in our hearts become resulting in our hearts becoming light and resulting in our hearts becoming clean, resulting in our hearts attaining success in this world, as well as the Hereafter, we swiftly move on to also securing a good home in the month of Ramadan and this is known as a proper Islamic home in the month of Ramadan. Allah subhanho wa Taala he states and familiar assistant Bonita who Allah de comida la he worried whining hi Ron. I'm an assessor buana who Allah shefa Judo fin higher infant

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hora de nada Johanna will La la la la is de la coma barley me from an assessor banyana who Allah taqwa The one who laid the foundation of his house of his building on taqwa is, is he better is he better or the one who laid the foundation of his building or of his house on the edge of a bank which is about to collapse? So it collapsed with him into the fire of jahannam Allah and Allah the Almighty, He does not guide the wrongdoing nation, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide those who are the oppressors? Allah subhanho wa Taala also states Yeah, you have Latina, Emmylou and Casa como la liga, LA, or you who believe Save yourselves and also save your families from a fire Allahu

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Akbar. Baku Johannes Well, hey Tara, that fire it's fueled his people and stones put together la mala equitana Villa de Lucia de la Sol de la and upon that, upon that fire, angels, stern angels, she died soon Allah they do not disobey Allah behind towards Allah. They are stern and they are stevia, la Yasuda, la Amara whom they do not disobey Allah subhana wa Taala. In what He commands, what if I do an AMA, but they do what, what they have been commanded by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it is upon us to use this month of Ramadan, to secure our homes, to work on the hearts of our children, perhaps to work on the hearts of our spouses, to make some time to seeking knowledge to

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imparting knowledge where we gather together, we have these we should try and have halaqaat at home where we perhaps read a hadith where we read a book a good book and authentic book where we impart good knowledge to our children. And we teach our children the teachings of Islam so that they do not lose touch, and so that they do not go astray the husband he should take responsibility of teaching his family.

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And likewise the mother, the mother of the house, she should take responsibility of teaching her children of from the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The month of Ramadan is not just a month where we should spend the whole day in the kitchen, cooking and preparing for Easter and perhaps the hood, but rather it is a month where we should spend with the Quran. Spend with the Tafseer of the Koran spend in seeking knowledge and also disseminating knowledge towards our children, resulting in a securing a good home, a home that is praiseworthy, a home that will naturally attain the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So having said that, it is also important that just as how we start from morning to evening, this is how we start from Daybreak till dusk. It is important. This is how we stay away from food. We should also make it a habit or we should also make our hearts fast. We should make our eyes fast. We should also make our ears fast, and our limbs fast. We should make our hearts fast by keeping our hearts away from all that which is evil. This month of Ramadan is a month in which the Sheltie in the devil's have been locked up. All of the sheath on all of the themes have been locked up. So in this month of Ramadan if the devil's have been locked up, and if we still have evil desires lurking in

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our hearts and our minds, and if we still have evil things that keep coming in our hearts and our minds, you need to understand that an individual a human being is influenced by two evil forces. Number one is the devil is Shahzad and number two is his own knifes. His his own knifes. So naturally that

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Devil is locked up. So if you still have evil desires lurking in your hearts, if you have evil inclinations towards setting, then you have to blame your own self, you have to blame your own knifes and you need to understand that your left is rebellious and that you need to work on your enough's and that there is a lot of work that needs to be put in terms of working on your knifes, this is something that it is very easy for us to gauge ourselves in the month of Ramadan, because in the other ones, you know, a blame game can always be played, where we can blame shape or where it is shaytaan who is bringing all of these evil inclinations and all of these evil desires. But in the

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month of Ramadan, you cannot blame the devil because the devil is locked up. So we have to fast using our hearts in such a way that we purge all of those evil desires. And we only think of that which is good. And we instill in our hearts the taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala the fear and the consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and also we need to instill in our hearts the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the love of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because the minute we set ablaze our hearts with the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala that heart will immediately fall in sajida in frustration towards the loss behind that what Allah resulting in that heart abiding to all

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of the commandments of Allah subhana wa tada and staying away from all the prohibitions of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Our tongues also must fast. In other words, we should not talk things that are evil, we should not indulge in gossiping, we should not indulge in vain talk, we should not indulge in speech that will not benefit us in this world as well as the hereafter. Our tongues should only speak that which is good for the long run. He states that once he was with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says Yasuda, la Burnaby Amelie knew the colonial agenda. Please teach me have a good deed that will enter me into genda when you buy a new name in an hour, and that will

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distance me from the fire of jahannam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then says look at the Sultan of demon you have indeed asked about a great thing. We're in the Himalayan sea Luna Allah Maja Stella who loves la but nevertheless it will be easy upon those who are lost behind and what Allah has made it easy upon that boo La La to she could be a worship Allah and do not associate any partners unto him. What Okay, masala established Salah booty Sokka give out zeca what a sumo Ramadan and fast the month of Ramadan was the hurdle bait and perform pilgrimage to the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala so McCall.

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Allah do look a bit higher. And then asuma Allahu alayhi wa sallam goes on to teach more eyes rhodiola Why should I not inform you of the dose of goodness? So modula fasting is a shield that will protect you was further kowtow to the field of hottie Atacama eautiful ma Allah and charity puts out or extinguishes your evil deeds your sins, karma you defeat all Morrow and Nara just as how water extinguishes fire, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then goes on to say in that narration, the part that I wish to highlight where a supervisor Allahu alayhi wa sallam, then teachers model the long line by holding the license, he holds his tongue and then he teaches

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mohandro the long line, good for alayka hold or keep this in place. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he held his tongue and taught for the long run. Keep this in place. In other words, don't let this piece of flesh Don't let this limb go out of control. Too much more as the last one he asked Yeah, viola. Oh prophet of Allah. wa. Asadullah be magnetic Allah movie, will we be taken into account or will we be held accountable for that which we articulate for that which we speak? The sort of Lai sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they went on to say that Kayla mukaiyama May your mother grieve on behalf of you were highly Yakubu NASA scenario Allah boo him Illa hacer el see the team.

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Do you think? What other reason can there be for a person to be dragged with his face on the ground to the fire of jahannam other than because of what his tongue has reaped because of the deeds of his tongue. So it is upon us to keep our tongue at check. And to always think before we speak. Our cell phone Asana abayas, three distances. At times they used to place rocks in their mouth.

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They used to place tiny pebbles in their mouth so that they could keep their their tongues under control and so that they could keep their their speech under control where they would not indulge in any way talk. There was once a survey done, and it was recorded that an average adult, an average male, and average male for one day, he articulates or he speaks 10,000 words, an average adult speaks 10,000 words. On the other hand, the female, the average female, she speaks 20,000 words double the amount of domains.

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So naturally, what we need to think is 10,000 words or 20,000 words, how many of those words are pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala how many of those words are just vain speech how many of those words have hurt people, how many of those words are basically gossip or perhaps backbiting spreading tales, which will be considered evil sins. So let us gauge our speech. Let us keep our tongues under control in this month of Ramadan in such a way that it will be easy for us to control our tongues even in the remaining 11 months after Ramadan.

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It is also important that we fast with our eyes where we do not look at things that are Haram, where we do not look at things that have been prohibited by Allah subhanho wa Taala just as a last behind Nevada State Police mean in a boom in a bizarre him Oh Mohammed said a long while he will send them informed the believing men to lower their gazes and protect their private parts. The next ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala states inform the believing women to also lower their gaze and protect their private parts. So it is important that we lower our gaze and do not look at those things which are lost behind what Allah has prohibited us from looking because sadly, we live in a society where very

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evil culture of voyeurism and exhibitionism is what is being promoted, where men are being taught to look at whatever they wish, wherever they wish, however, they wish. And on the other hand, women are being taught that the more you expose, the more attention you get, the more you expose, the more flesh you expose, the more attention you get, resulting in a lot of evil being spread in the society, because men do not control their desires, nor do women control themselves by covering themselves. So it is important that we stick to the to the commandments of Allah Subhana who was Allah and stay away from all that which is evil, and this month of Ramadan is a fantastic training

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camp for that, so that we train ourselves for the for the remaining 11 months. And likewise, we should also fast with our ears in such a way that we do not listen to things that are evil things that are haram Say for example, music, movies, evil talk such as gossiping, we should nor should we talk, we should not gossip, nor should we even listen to gossip, we should stay away from all that which is evil. This is in totality the whole essence of the month of Ramadan, where we do as much as good possible and also that we train ourselves in such a way that we will be able to face the other remaining 11 months of Ramadan, where in those 11 months the devil will be on a rampage he will not

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he will not be locked up unlike the month of Ramadan he will be out there instilling evil things in our hearts but then if we train ourselves in this blessed month of Ramadan, it will be a lot easier for us to stay away from all that which is even outside the month of Ramadan. So having said that we conclude and I excused myself for this first lecture because I'm not feeling that well. And that's one of the reasons why I may sound a bit cranky and my voice is also a bit host I hope inshallah tada that Allah subhanho wa Taala kills me I pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala and I humbly request all of y'all to please pray for my good health. And then Allah subhana wa tada saves me from all

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types of harm and evil. And I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses this gathering and the gathering to come where Allah the Almighty makes high mention of us in the seven heavens. And with that we conclude we pray to Allah Subhana Allah to forgive our sins. We pray that he accept our good deeds. And we also pray that he unite us in the gods agenda just as how he united us here this morning with our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Baka Dawa in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen de como la so the Heidelberg will be humble he's the Hydra Columbia bionic eye shadow Illa Illa Illa just have to be like sort of hot water never you know me you either either. He was

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suffering he was lm whatever correct said was from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if there was anything wrong in what I say

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It is what it was for me and shaitan and I seek forgiveness. I seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala in regard to that desire

A talk delivered for the sister by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary on Thursday, the 3rd of July at Sakeenah Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka Ramadaan 1435.

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