Daood Butt – Friday Night Etiquettes Class – January 29, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of shaking hands during the pandemic and the need for comfort in small spaces is emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need to practice and practice every day to avoid embarrassment, establish connections, and be pleasant. The transmission of shaking hands is common in most Eastern Eastern states, and men and women should be approachable and respectful. The importance of being a good person and not feeling jealous is emphasized, and the need for safe practices and caution is discussed. The segment ends with a discussion of a green carpet campaign and upcoming class.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu alayhi wa sallam who are known to be healed Karim. Allah He often of salatu wa automata slim. Rubbish. rocklea Saudi way acidity MD. The 10 min Li Sonia Gabor Kohli. My brothers and my sister's a sin Mr Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

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It is Friday night, on the 29th of January

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we are here for our fic no for our etiquettes class right.

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And Hannah law

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I first off, you know, want to thank everyone who's working super hard, you know, trying to juggle between everything that's going on.

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It's not easy. So how do I know even for myself, like right now just just getting ready for the class, I actually noticed now that the chat is disabled for some reason, it's not working, hopefully people can hear me,

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I should probably just test that out as well just to be on the safe side.

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But I've had a lot like this

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current situation with how things are the stay at home order, with things going back and forth is sometimes very frustrating. So Pamela, you know, it's a constant run against the clock, constantly pushing yourself to another limit to to meet demand and expectation of, you know, community members and so on. Sorry, I'm just gonna double check that this is working. Can you hear me cuz? For some reason the chat is disabled there. So.

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So yeah, it's, it's easy.

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And I know, for myself some kind of like, trying to get a bit of peace of mind has been, has been has been challenging humbler. But nevertheless, we turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala. always asking him for his assistance and help in everything that we do. And you know, seeking that that decent pleasure with as diligent Allah some kind of way to ality

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importance of establishing our prayer, right? Yeah, you're Latina woman.

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Yeah, you have nurse

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Yeah, you're you're living at home and a staring you know this slavery wasana.

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Right. Yeah, you are living in a stair enormous savasana. And it's so important to

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find that comfort, that comfort in smaller. And earlier today. Some Hanalei know that I've been running around a lot, I was gonna go to the hospital, again, I'm trying to make hospital visits a daily thing now, if I can, as much as possible, because I know that many of the many of our community members that are in the hospital are not allowed to have any visitors. So family members are not allowed to visit currently, based on

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the, you know, regulations that have been put in place, but I handle as a chaplain at the hospital here in Milton, I'm able to go in so I have a list of, you know, Muslim patients that I go in and visit and it's very difficult for them. I'll say that, you know, before we get into our class, it's very, very difficult for many of our not only Muslim, but non Muslim, friends and relatives who are in the hospital with without having the opportunity to receive a visitor.

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Or even for family members have had a lot a lot of family members who are not in the hospital are having a very difficult time, you know, with their loved ones and relatives, being in the hospital and not able to actually go in and visit and spend time with them. Forget about visiting. I know for example, when my father was in the hospital earlier this year, we spent every single day in the hospital I drove back and forth 10 times in,

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in eight weeks, between Toronto and Montreal. And my mother was sleeping in the hospital my brothers were going in and out and you know, Subhanallah it's, it's a difficult time for for a lot of people so I told myself the other day considering I've made I visited what five people alone in the last week. I thought to myself, you know what if I have the opportunity and Allah subhana wa tada has given me that

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ability to go and visit people who are in the hospital when their families

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And then I'm going to try and make it a daily thing in sha Allah so I was trying to go earlier today but inshallah go tomorrow Fridays are a little bit back to back so

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shout Allahu Allah, you know, like I was saying, it's difficult for a lot of people please do remember your friends and your family in your drought. Settle down before a sell out sometimes for a few minutes and make dua to Allah subhana wa tada or, you know, sit where you are after you finish a prayer and do your

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right and then make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala Remember that?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us when a person finishes their prayer, and they remain seated where they are right busy in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala just sitting in the place where you are just sitting there right?

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humbling yourself to Allah subhana wa tada after you finish your prayer, the angels seek your forgiveness and blessings right? So they ask Allah subhana wa tada for us to be forgiven and for his blessings and mercy to be showered down upon us which you know, is

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a simple thing to do. But you'll notice that shape on attacks us in the places that are the easiest for us to do to get rewards he focuses a lot on those areas so what do we notice when we finish sada we finished prayer most people get up and walk away immediately right they're done and they leave

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and May Allah subhana wa tada make it easy for all of us.

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We should all be implementing this in our lives even if you could do an extra two and a half some somewhere throughout the day if you're someone who doesn't pray any similar try and do too and and start by making it your some fudge right it might be the hardest to do so then start with something else but there's some that fudge out is something that is important to do the reward for it as the Prophet sallallahu it usnm mentions is greater than this world and all that it contains right greater than this world and all that it contains. So

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why why miss out on those two subnets right, why miss out on to it. I got a son that has such a great reward with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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All right, so we'll get right into our topic inshallah.

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smilla salatu salam ala Sunni lower and early. He became a woman while I am a bird.

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Bub Debbie Laycock Bab Deb Ellicott. So today we are starting another chapter and this is a chapter on the etiquettes of meeting one another so last

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chapter that we took we were talking about the etiquettes of greeting so getting sent out saying something salutations. Now we're looking at coming together, actually meeting people, okay.

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We begin by looking at a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he mentions

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and this is

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or today Yeah, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, shake hands.

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And rancor will disappear as in bitterness, right? Or resentfulness, right being resentful towards others. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, tell us off who you are the Hebrew, right, the rancor will leave. Okay, bitterness that we have between us will disappear. And then he says what to do to have boo and give presence to each other. And build love for one another as in when you give presents and gifts to each other than love will come between each other.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says and enmity will disappear as well and enmity will disappear. And so we see, you know, a couple of things really important here. First of all the prophets on a lot of it us lm is telling us to, to Safa, how to shake hands, right to shake hand is considered by some of the scholars as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and some consider it a tradition, something that is more culturally linked.

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So it's important to shake hands. Now, when we talk about shaking hands. That's really what we're going to talk about for today. Like the whole beginning part of this chapter. We're talking about shaking hands. It's COVID time, right? And I know that's a weird statement. We never would say it's COVID time in the past, and I remember exactly a year ago, was maybe about 11 or 11 months and a few days right

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We were talking about shaking hands in our mustard on a Friday night class as well or during a Friday night class. And I remember mentioning that look, some of the scholars don't consider shaking hand as some know what some That is to say the setup like, say a sytem or alikum not just shaking hands. Okay.

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So we begin by shaking that by giving them before shaking hands, okay.

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And, like I was saying, I remember that we were discouraging people in our mustard from shaking hands. And this is prior to us even going into a major, you know, COVID situation and declaring it a pandemic. And so have a loved one, you know, you look back, it feels like such a long time ago, right? Where we've been able to shake hands with one another. And I know some people started doing the fist bumps at first, right, and then they shift to the elbow bump. And then people started kicking ankles, right, like, tapping each other's ankles. I was like, so how to law like, you know, if we have to go that distance, in you know, just making some sort of contact with another human

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being the first thing we should be focusing on is actually saying the sellout. And there's wisdom in our Deen supanova. So, you know, say set them to one another, greet each other.

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greet each other with Cena by saying send Mr. La Kumara, to Lahore wabarakatuh. And then when it comes to the handshake, of course, the handshake itself is special, you know, when you put your hand in someone else's hand. It's not only just the greeting of Selim. In fact, it's like a beta as we'll see very soon, inshallah. Tada, right. It's, you know, a physical contact, that means so much more. And

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for some people, it's just like, you know, shake, shake, shake and move on, but a handshake for nice, right, it should be something that the person who's shaking your hand feel some sort of, you know, love from you, for them as another human being, or they feel some sort of confidence or safety protection, they feel as though this is an important thing to them, right.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions that when we shake hands, you know, it helps to remove that bitterness that we have within us, it removes, you know, any sort of hatred that we have in our hearts towards another person

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to had do to have boo, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam mentions as well, you know, give each other gifts, give each other gifts.

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And you'll find that the love increases between you, and that enmity will disappear. Right? So when we look at this, first of all, that's shaking hands and giving Selim

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Of course, getting sent out and shaking the hand, as well as giving someone a gift. And this is why you'll notice the power law, some of the scholars, as well, as you know, traditionally, and amongst, you know,

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the Muslims in general, they'll have like a bottle of perfume in their hand or give someone some perfume, right? Or sorry, if I have a perfume in their pocket, they'll share some perfume with someone, or they'll give them something nice. Now, of course, we're talking about the norm. And currently, we're living the exception. Okay, so this is an exceptional time. And so during exceptional times, should we be putting perfume, you know, taking a bottle of perfume

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and, you know, rubbing some on someone's hand, and then going to another person's hand and rubbing it on their hand and another person's and another. No, we're not supposed to do that. And, you know, my brothers and sisters, this was something that we saw in our masajid

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this is actually some essential oil that I used to keep in my bag. This tackles jet lag,

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Panama, it's jet lag, travel remedy, essential oil, and you rub it on your wrists, then you rub it on your temples, and you don't feel jetlag

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and I keep on my desk now whenever I feel a bit tired, I just

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put it on and it wakes up right. So in that example, putting perfume on I'll drink COVID which makes sure that we wash our hands a lot, making sure that we sanitize our hands right with sanitizer, and we're avoiding shaking hands with one another because that's what contributes towards the spread of COVID-19. Now,

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these are exceptional times. Okay, so we put aside the handshaking, and we convey the selam verbally, okay, we convey the sentiment verbally.

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And even with the Salaam that's verbal people will say yeah, but wait a second. You know when we should

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Shake hands, then it removes, you know, that bitterness that's within us that people feel, you know, towards each other. Yes, that's true. That is true. But this is an exception. And there are different rules during exceptional times than there are in general times, okay? For example, you might find that it's islamically not permissible, you know, to wear certain things like soap, for example, but it could be permissible during specific times, or for someone who might have some health condition.

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You know, food, generally, it's hot, um, for a person to eat, you know, pork, but in an exception, if someone is starving to death, and they have no other food to eat, then it would be permissible for them to eat it. Now, don't take this and say, Oh, *, is this permissible to eat pork? No, it's not. It's hot. I'm to eat pork, right. But in an exceptional time, like the other day, I was looking at this documentary of can't remember the captain's name, it's a ship that went down to Antarctica,

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back in the early 1900s, and got stuck there. And in the ice, right.

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the, the people that that were on this ship, eventually they got they ran out of food. They were there for what 200 300 days, right? They ran out of food. And so they started to they had dogs that would pull their sleds right sleigh through the snow and they started to

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sacrifice their dogs

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one after the other in order to eat and have some meat to survive islamically during general times, there's a certain ruling and then during exceptional times, there are other rulings, right. And so we see here that we are during we're going through an exceptional Phase I don't want to take too much time on that inshallah I think I already have

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the profits on the longer I think usnm also says meme in Muslim remaini right, there aren't two Muslims. Okay? Yo, definitely any feta Safa honey, that meet each other to Muslims who come together and meet each other and they shake each other's hands. It Hofer Allahumma cobla Anita farmworker, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says there isn't a time when two Muslims come together and meet one another and shake each other's hand except that they are forgiven before the two of them even parked from one another. So they might even just be walking by each other say Salaam shake hands and move on. Right? And so in general times or with your family when you're home with your

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family, you know, shake, shake their hands, okay? shake their hands, send them when they come shake their hand and move on to child law. Okay.

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that of course, is the rewards and the benefits for shaking hands. And of course, like we mentioned, this is

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something that is general within Islam. Okay, now we're in exceptional time. So try and shake the hands of the people you live with at home after you come home and wash your hands. It's common practice to wash your hands when you get home. Right That should be common practice in everyone's home. Before you enter you know, as you enter your home, go straight to the bathroom without touching anything, wash your hands, right and move on then have the least you're entering your home and your hands are clean and you're not bringing any germs from outside into your home.

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Now from the etiquettes of meeting and greeting each other

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is the hubbub Alma Safa. So the fact that it is encouraged within Islam to shake hands, okay. We saw the example already in the first idea that we took that you know, it removes that bitterness that we have in our hearts towards each other. We also noticed that it removes our sins, right? It it releases our sins. Some of the scholars explained it like as you're shaking hands, his sins are coming off, they're dropping off your hands. We see that in a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu anytime but making widow and you make with all the water that drops off. You know, it's like forgiving your sins.

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And it was something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would do as well, right? He was one to shake hands when greeting others. Carla Qatada cortada said,

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quote Julie NSN, I said to us,

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he says,

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A Canada must offer her few us haben there be some Allahu Allahu wa sallam. He asks.

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unece even nomadic in the long run, was it common practice for the Sahaba of the long run home to shake hands with each other? For us having NaVi right before the Sahaba of the llama and home of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to shake hands with each other on an errand, and he said, Yes. Okay.

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So it was common practice amongst us a habit of the alarm and home to do that as well. We see another Hadeeth and so what are the alarm said, when the people of Yemen came to the prophets of Allah? He said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Okay, so when the people of Yemen came and they met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the people of Yemen have arrived, and they have gentler hearts than you.

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They are the first to offer the handshake. Allahu Akbar, you know, for any one of us, who has friends who are Yemeni, or you might be getting yourself in a loss of Hannah without a bless you the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, spoke about the people of Yemen. And of course, when we say Yemen, we're not talking about just the country of Yemen, but the people in that area, the region of Yemen. So this could even be like the people of, of Jesus, right?

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Because they're from that region. So people down south.

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So the and what's interesting is Yemen,

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a book Nadia Moroni writes you have the Yemeni corner on the Kava, as well. And the word for right is yameen. In Arabic, right. And when do we use to shake you shake with the right hand? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as innocent nomadic and not on the lower end tells us when the people of Yemen came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, the people of Yemen have arrived and they have their hearts, you

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they are first to offer a handshake, right? So they come and greet, they don't wait for people to come to them to greet them, they go and the others, showing that they have a soft kind heart and they are, you know, approachable. And remember, we learnt in the previous chapter that the one who gives the Selim first is the one who takes more of the reward. And so the people of Yemen were taking more of the reward, right? Because they were shaking the hands first. So that's important. So Pamela, you know, to to have that sort of approachable, you know, welcoming, calm,

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you know, comforting

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manner, or

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what's the word of looking for characteristic, right? Or

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behavior, right? Where you're approachable and people feel that they can come and talk to you, they can speak to you, they can sit with you, they can ask you questions, they can have a conversation with you, you know, that's important in our Deen and we should be people that make ourselves approachable, okay.

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And that we take that step as well. Sometimes people will see us and start to judge us. And we know we're human beings. What's wrong with me? Nothing wrong with me, am I different than others? I mean, other than my Eamon or our EMA, and and so on, you know, we're human beings, human being to another human being. And so sometimes people judge us, and that's because of their lack of knowledge.

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Maybe ignorance, maybe misunderstanding of certain things. And this is where we, as Muslims need to take the first step sometimes, in fact, a lot of the time, right, take that first step, you know, approach others say, set out and say, Hello, say, how are you? And I've noticed this common law

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in two examples that I'll give, right? And many of you know that I go to the prison, right? One of the brothers who, you know, I work very closely with in the prison,

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who trained me honestly, such a humble brother Subhana. Allah, you know, he trained me one of the things that he taught me on the very first day that I went in with him was to say hello to every single one of the guards, right to say hello to every single one of the guards, even the ones that you can't see. So when you pass by certain areas, you know, there might be a tower or a room or the guards are inside watching the, you know, watching the TV screens and they're the ones that are opening the doors for you as you walk through the hallway to come to a door. It's closed, you wait there, there's a camera and they see that you're there. They push a button, the door opens you go

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closes behind you, you go through, you know, you walk down the hall, so even those guards that you don't see, but they can see you

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Right, you wave at them.

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They're watching you through Kenny wave at them. Right? And you pass by them. They're behind a, you know, one way type of glass where they can see out and you can't see in what you wave at them, even though we're considered like staff inside there, right. And the point there is that and the brother was saying he's like, Look, you want to give a good example, are coming in as Muslims were dressed, you know, in traditional clothing a lot of the time. And even if we're not, the point is, as a Muslim, you want to show to everyone here, that we are good people, right? We are good people, and you want to uphold those values. And so that's one thing that I learned from him. And you'll notice

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that a lot of the time people who work in, in such environments, you know, where it's negative, constant negativity all day long.

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They need a little bit of uplifting. And so when you come in and you see them, say, Hey, how's it going? Oh, Long time, no, see, Hey, what's up, man? How you doing? Right? You talk to people in that way, somehow a lot, they feel good, it makes them feel good. And they look forward to seeing you once again. That's from the way of the believer, right? That we are the first to greet others. And even if we're not greeting the Muslim, we're gonna greet others in a nice way. Right and be the first one to greet them.

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And the other example I was going to give is, and I noticed this yesterday, you know, I was walking through the hospital and I was with the chaplain of the hospitals on the Muslim chaplain on call. And then there's a

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a staffed, you know, full time chaplain there, who's not Muslim, okay, he's a Reverend, very, very nice, humble man. lb Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala, guide him to Islam.

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says hello to every single nurse or doctor or orderly or staff that we walk by.

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And I realized that this is important for people of religious people of Deen. Right? people, especially as Muslims, right? who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's important for us to greet people when we see them, don't ignore them. Don't brush them off, don't.

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And it's not like it's being done in a rude way. It's just sometimes you walk by people and like, I don't know that person not going to say hello to them. No, just say hello to them. Smile. Remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, at best some sadaqa at Tabasco masataka. Smiling is a set of how is it a sadaqa sadaqa. Usually we think of wealth, we put in our hands in our pocket, take out some money and give it to someone else. But really, smiling is a son of God in the sense that it makes someone feel happy, right? uplifting people's morals, their spirit, right, making them feel motivated and good about themselves. And so

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people have religion, but more particularly Muslims should be people who greet others.

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People who greet others. And sometimes we learned this from our own children. I know.

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Our youngest daughter, sometimes when we're walking outside, or you know, we pass by people and I say hello to them. She would ask me at times, this was going back some time, maybe a year or two.

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Why do you say hello to some people like us? It's good. We're supposed to say hello to them, you know, explain it to her. And then somehow the law she says

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Can I say hello to anybody?

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That was like he Yeah, but just make sure you just say hello, right? Because, you know, we were taught when we were kids in school is say no to strangers. So you meet strangers? No, no, no, no, no, no, don't talk to me. No, right putting up this barrier. But when we say hello, you have to also teach your children say hello. But don't go with the stranger. Don't tell the stranger any information about you. You know, don't don't reveal anything that's private, make sure your parents are aware of your whereabouts and so on. We have to teach our children these things. However, you know, we're talking to our children about this and we explained it to them. And when we go places,

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sometimes, you know you're walking by before I can even say it or my wife can even say hello to people we walk by, you know, the little one. She just she used to be super shy. But now when we're walking by people, she just goes Hi.

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Hi. Hi.

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And it's so cute. So Pamela and it just reminds me of how you know first of all, a parent feels satisfied when their children are doing something good that they taught them. It also is a good sign for a teacher if your children sorry if your students right if a teacher sees that their students are doing things before they are

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That means that you were a good teacher you taught them well. Right? You shouldn't feel jealous. You shouldn't feel as though you know, I should be the one doing it, not them. No, it's they're doing it 100 Allah means you taught them well and they're taking that knowledge and you're benefiting from that knowledge that they're sharing or implementing in their lives, right. You're benefiting from it because you taught them to do good and they're doing good. So you benefit from that. And so you know, it's part of our Deen to be people that greet each others and say that setup, okay, as we learned here, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions the people of Yemen, they have

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gentler hearts, they are much more kind. So how the lights making me Miss Mara sube for those of you who don't know what Marisol is in early la he were in LA here on your own. Okay, if you don't know Marisol because you're missing out on one of the tastiest things that you will ever put on your tongue. And some people will counter that and say how can that be the tastiest thing? Well, if you know what Marisol is and you cherish what it's made of, you will crave it and I'm craving masala. You know, I only I usually only get it when I'm in Makkah and Medina and I didn't go for Hajj last year and we didn't go for Ramadan last year. So I haven't gotten Massoud since 2019.

00:31:17 --> 00:31:18

With a lovely

00:31:19 --> 00:31:27

Alright, how many brothers and sisters are probably like saying oh you are so from this place in that place. Right? I haven't found muscle in Toronto.

00:31:33 --> 00:31:42

Some of the scholars consider as we mentioned earlier, the most often you shaking hands as a Sunnah. When you meet someone,

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others say that it is encouraged

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and it is Tokido Assam it is a confirmation of the Selim that you give to someone. And so sometimes you might meet someone, you'll notice that people will have a grudge against each other, they see something inside.

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They walk by sorry.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:08

They go on their way. Well, you know, if you're just gonna be like,

00:32:09 --> 00:32:12

oh, here, here comes that brother, who's always annoying,

00:32:13 --> 00:32:16

always asks me a million questions when it comes to Sony

00:32:18 --> 00:32:47

is very different when you give that kind of a set em or you say, Sam or LA come How are you? Mashallah you stick your hand out, you shake that? A lot of color Everything okay? hamdulillah give them a hug. Again, non COVID time we're talking about right? We're talking about when things go back to normal inshallah, or if you live in Australia in New Zealand, then May Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, bless you with with protection and safety because so I've had a lot of talk to some of my friends in Australia and they're like, COVID Bass something from last year.

00:32:48 --> 00:32:52

So had a lot. So, you know, it is a

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reassurance you could say or a confirmation of your sell em

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when you shake someone's hand, okay. And that's that's important for us as Muslims to make people around us feel comfortable for in this leme either and in bill mn.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:20

Colin, what does offer what saw offer

00:33:25 --> 00:33:28

that will be so the Selim

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when we give them right, it is something that we say verbally, and we are placing that security and safety upon that person, that person feel safe around us because we're making a doula a supplication to God to bless this person with safety and protection and blessings and, and mercy and forgiveness, right.

00:33:54 --> 00:34:46

And that's something that's done verbally, and the handshake that follows it or that accompanies It is similar to that pledge of allegiance, right? It's like, pledging allegiance to, you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the leader or Abubakar of the Alola. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, so shaking someone's hand is like a it's like a confirmation of my Selim, that I'm making this doable for you. A seller more Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and I guarantee is like a seal of guarantee. Yes, this is real and genuine. Right? So that's important to try and understand. Now what about those who give Cena sorry, who will shake

00:34:46 --> 00:34:55

hands? Okay, we're talking about the handshake. So what about those who shake hands? We'll look at before sada and after Salah. Okay, we'll start with before Sunnah.

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

Now this is not so much a common thing.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:17

You know pre COVID to come to Sala and shake the hands of the people who are next to you and stuff people will start there. However I've been to countries where is part of their culture to be respectful of each other

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or to each other and

00:35:21 --> 00:35:57

they come to swallow and they stand in Allah when the economy is called the essential there to shoulder next to whoever they're praying Of course pre COVID again all of this guys and girls brothers and sisters is you know pre COVID right so they'll come resemble in Malaysia be in must rely on the comments being called beautiful echoing everywhere and people come up to the self understanding you know, side by side and someone next to you will just like tap you on the shoulder yoke to them their hand is sticking out there waiting to shake your hands and insight on why they come and as you're getting sent up to this guy, boom, that guy nudges you Okay, so they come right?

00:35:58 --> 00:36:32

They greet each other it's like how can we stand next to each other in salah and not say Selim to one another. So the Selim is upon Lika Lika upon meeting one another game now to make it a habit, though, in certain ways, can be dangerous and this is where it could fall into that category of being a bit of something that's an innovation in our Deen It was not something that was done by the Sahaba de la mer and him to do this whole right left right left every single person before SATA.

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But when you do meet someone, it is okay. So if you're coming and you meet someone, you know, before the SATA, you say send them that's fine, right. But to make it a habit, like I just gave you some we were sitting down together for five minutes talking to one another, they have comments called we stand up and we're giving them to each other again, that's something that is now indicating that an additional thing is happening that's being made, sort of the norm. And that's where you need to be careful of it. Okay, so as priests, Allah posts, Allah, okay, we're talking about the congregational prayers. There are some people again, I've traveled many countries where you'll find and this is not

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only in foreign countries or other countries right here in Canada, I remember growing up with, you know, people who came from other countries and other regions of the world. And this was like common practice for them. So I remember as a kid, we'd be sitting down and sometimes the Imam says send Mr. Kumar to Law Center, Mr. Na Kumara. Mattoon law and you're like, you know, he finished the same sentiment yours. Thanks and Mr. ecomark laws and when they come around, and this brother is like already waiting to shake your hand. And the interesting thing there is, sometimes you'll notice that this culture is not actually a culture of giving Selim. It's a culture of saying the Kabbalah

00:37:53 --> 00:37:55

Kabbalah, Kabbalah, right?

00:37:56 --> 00:38:14

Yes, the Kabbalah May Allah accept our prayer, our Salah that we just did, but what they're doing is they're making it a habit to shake the hand of the person to the right, shake the hand of the person to the left. And if you don't do it, it's like disrespectful. And that's where again, this is something that was not part of the,

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the life of the Sahaba of the alohar, unknown, right? So they didn't learn this from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, therefore, we shouldn't do it ourselves. Okay, we shouldn't implement something that

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we shouldn't implement something that was not part of the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, some people might say, well, what's wrong with that doubt, there's nothing wrong with giving senem before before getting up after Sadat or saying a door out to the person before getting up. Yeah, there's nothing wrong generally. And if we do it occasionally, and stuff like that, there's nothing wrong with it. But what happens is, if you make it a practice, then it becomes the norm. And the children who grow up feel this is the way it's supposed to be. And so they do it thinking that this was the way it's supposed to be done. This is what our parents did, and our

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grandparents did, and everyone did. And so we do it. And it ends up being thought of as something that is part of the deen when it isn't. Okay.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:28

And it's little things like this, that over years change

00:39:31 --> 00:39:45

things for the Muslims who are living in that region. And so we need to be very careful of that my brothers and sisters, you know, yeah, there's no issue doing certain things generally, but we should be cautious and careful of that as well. Okay.

00:39:51 --> 00:39:56

Let's move on to the last part that will take is to heading Rusafa head to

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edge nebia. So

00:40:00 --> 00:40:08

It is how long not permissible to shake hands with a woman who is not

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halal for you. What we mean by that is you are not mocking them, the man is not my home for her right and not supposed to be shaking her head. So islamically the majority of the scholars are of the opinion that it is not permissible based on the fact well, based on the number of Hadees. And I don't want to get into too many Hadees

00:40:32 --> 00:41:05

I personally follow the opinion of the scholars who quote Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like the one we're going to see where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refuses to shake hands with all the other women. And he showed the lover and her, you know, teaches us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not shake hands with any other woman, other than those who were highlighted for him, right, his wives and children and family and so on.

00:41:09 --> 00:41:15

And, you know, I remember, I remember a brother who was in the corporate world

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and started to become more religious. This was quite a few years ago. He was, you know, banker and you know, doing some, you know,

00:41:30 --> 00:41:49

really decent job making a very good salary. And the law started to get more religious and thought, you know, what, I need to stop doing this. He thought to himself, you know, his wife doesn't shake hands with men. Why is it that when he goes to work, he shakes hands with the other women that are there. And so he decided, you know what, I'm not going to do that.

00:41:51 --> 00:42:08

And he realized when he stopped doing that, and I remember him telling me this, and this is, again, one person's statement, one person's opinion, okay, but we don't base it off what he said. But it was just something that really stuck with me. He said, you know, what, there actually is something

00:42:09 --> 00:42:59

when a man shakes another woman's head, especially for someone who's, you know, someone who's practicing Islam, and you know, trying to come closer to a law, and you know, that's something that they do that they know that is not part of what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do. You feel it, right, you feel it that this is not right. Okay, something just isn't right. So when we look at the example of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, when he, you know, the, when he made his law, and they were making bait of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? They were pledging allegiance to him, some Allah, Allah, us and them, he shook the hands of the men, but he

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didn't shake the hands of the women. And he verbally accepted their pledge, right? And he told them verbally

00:43:08 --> 00:43:13

cut by two. Okay, so he said it verbally kelemen.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:30

And that's the way of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Now, as Muslims, we find, you know, people might say, oh, but this is disrespectful. And we're learning the book and chapters of etiquettes. And how to be respectful.

00:43:32 --> 00:43:51

Most respect is not always First of all, given sometimes respect is taken. Okay, that's one thing. Secondly, a person who understands why you are not shaking, their hand feels honored. For the most part, it's only been people who,

00:43:53 --> 00:44:31

in my experience, people who have something against Islam already in their hearts, when you explain it to them, that they're just like, whatever, you know, like, you see the nose go up in the air, like arrogance, and it's just like, whatever, you know, it's usually that but for the most part, anytime, you know, a woman sticks their hand out to shake my hand and I tell him, I'm sorry, you know, for the sake of my religion, out of respect, you know, I'm not able to shake your head. And usually what I'll say is out of respect or out of respect for you, I'm not able to shake your hand and like out of respect for me, how is that respectful and then you explain it to them? That you

00:44:31 --> 00:44:31


00:44:32 --> 00:44:59

we as Muslims, we look after our family, we take care of our wife, we look after our daughters, and we try to make sure that we are in a, you know, a holy sort of sanctuary where we are only bringing people around us there halaal for us, and you know, we're only going to mix with people who are you know, we're supposed to be around and stuff like that. And then they think to themselves Wow, this is amazing. Like this is good like you actually you're wholesome people you think of the family

00:45:00 --> 00:45:07

You think of each other, and, you know, you're respectful towards others. And I remember, you know, this one lady. She was a head of

00:45:09 --> 00:45:14

not a department, she was actually the head of a hospital, right? She was the head of a hospital.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:46

And when I explained this to her once, she was like, that's actually pretty amazing. She says, My husband would have so much respect for you. And I was like, Well, why would your husband have so much respect for me? She's like, Well, you know, it's not just my husband, but I think my husband would appreciate that. And that's something nice, it's honorable. You know, you're respecting the fact that I am my husband's wife. Right. And I was like, exactly.

00:45:47 --> 00:46:35

So So Pamela, you know, this is the way of the Muslim and, you know, we try our best, we try our best to implement what we can have our Dean, and we are all trying to improve, right? There's never going to be an ideal scenario, you're always going to be faced with, you know, challenges and that's what this world is like, right. Tabatha keleti via the animal koala coalition in Cody, a little fella called moto will hayata the Beluga comm au s and where am Allah? Right Allah subhana wa atanas testing to see who's who from amongst us is going to be really good and the best in our actions. So, yeah, it's part of our Deen to try our best and there's gonna be hiccups here and there. May Allah

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subhanho wa Taala make it easy for everyone.

00:46:38 --> 00:46:52

So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I don't, you know, shake hands with women. And so we take that as the advice for us as men, not to shake hands with women. That's all that we're going to take for today in sha Allah, Allah, Allah

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will suffice with that, and we'll open it up for some questions if anyone has.

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And before we get into the questions, remember it's greensquare day, right greensquare campaign.

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For those who were not in our Juma hookah, this represents the a piece of the green carpet that

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the brothers and sisters in the Quebec City mosque, were standing on and praying. When the shooting happened. I know people say look, sisters, sisters were in the sisters area.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:37

Brothers were in the main prayer hall. And of course it was at night. So there were majority, you know, of the people that were there were word brothers.

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So it represents a carpet of the mosque where the six brothers were,

00:47:45 --> 00:47:57

you know, shot and left this world. And there were other brothers that were shot as well, my brothers and sisters, so don't forget them in your drought as well. Okay. There was a brother say there's brother Muhammad, there's brother.

00:47:58 --> 00:48:11

Amen. And others who were injured in that and those who didn't get shot, don't think that they're doing perfectly fine as well. There's a lot of trauma and a lot of difficulty that happened in that event took place

00:48:12 --> 00:48:14

almost to the minute,

00:48:16 --> 00:48:19

a year ago, four years ago from today.

00:48:20 --> 00:48:26

Okay, so Britta sumeet is asking, no, it was on January 29 2017.

00:48:27 --> 00:48:35

Today, almost to the minute right now, because it was after salata, that Russia, and I think it was I was at 830 marks

00:48:36 --> 00:48:37

the time,

00:48:38 --> 00:48:50

or it was at 830 at Maya, that the shooting took place. So exactly four years ago, right now there was chaos in Quebec City. And we asked Allah subhana wa tada to have mercy on all of those

00:48:51 --> 00:49:10

brothers and all the brothers and sisters who were there and went through that hardship. And that's why, you know, some kind of law, the nccm started out this campaign, the green carpet campaign, or the green square campaign, which is, like I said, symbolizes the carpet that those lives were taken on.

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And you know, my brothers and sisters, we should always remember our position on Earth. Remember our position on Earth, who we are, where we came from, and where we're going? Because we belong to Allah, we say in that Allah He went in, he laid it around we belong to Allah subhana wa which island to him, we shall return.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:55

And with that in Sharla, Tiana and like I said, I'll open it up for some questions. If anyone has any questions, feel free to type them in NA, and really sorry, those of you who are on Facebook and YouTube. I for some reason cannot see the questions coming in because it is disabled on my end for some reason, okay, this happens sometimes and I'm not too sure why

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00:50:00 --> 00:50:11

Forgive me for that. So anyone who's on Instagram who wants to ask a question, please feel free to type it in. If there are none, we'll go because it's getting late.

00:50:21 --> 00:50:21

I know a brother.

00:50:23 --> 00:50:24

It's been four years already.

00:50:27 --> 00:50:46

I see that brother outift just joined he must have had some questions. He's usually on Facebook alive actually, on the law. So YouTube is going well I know it's broadcasting well, but the thing is, I'm not able to see what's written in the comments section, you know, so I'm not able to see any of the questions.

00:50:53 --> 00:51:02

Rosa, don't worry insha Allah, Ramadan is coming and we will have those to see in classes once again. sha Allah Tad okay.

00:51:06 --> 00:51:14

Sharma so let me just see if there's any questions. No questions on Facebook? Yeah, no questions on Facebook. It's just not working.

00:51:18 --> 00:52:09

All right. It seems like that's, that's it. No questions there does not come along Faden. I'll see all of you on Sunday night at 8pm for our essential class and shot a lot of data. Remember, we're going through the ending of actually finishing the chapter on marriage and we're talking about hula and we're going to be talking sorry, we finished how are we talking about Ida? Right. We're gonna be talking about the IDA. What is Ida? How long is that the who's in Ida what is direct, right? So join us on Thursday, on Sunday night at 8pm in sha Allah, Allah barakallahu li comes from Hannukah Marham will be handig wanna shadow Allah Illa Illa internist of Pharaoh Kelvin a tube like was sent her

00:52:09 --> 00:52:09

more i'd econ

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