Muiz Bukhary – The Most Blessed Of All Months

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The importance of gratitude for the creation of the Hol Anything God and the success of Islam's bounties and favors is discussed in a series of segments covering the cultural and political bases of the United States. The importance of intentions and actions in shaping behavior is emphasized, along with advice on planting, fasting, and eating healthy. The segment also emphasizes the need to manage one's time properly, planting, fasting, and learning about one's weak points and intelligence label tactics. The importance of staying away from negative media and social media, as well as avoiding major sins, is emphasized. The importance of planning one's day properly, planting, fasting, and learning about one's weak points and intelligence label tactics is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah ashrafi Gambia you will move slowly in the * of vena cava Tru Nina Mohammed Ebony Abdullah is early he was happy he after the sarathi bottom of the sleep bank

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for the fall in love with about a quarter Allah for analyzes data to be let him in a chef Anya rajim

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Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Rafi

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Yeah, yo, hella. Deena. Man otaku la ha ha Pato party.

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limo lemo

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the phones and now the

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praise and thanks for the Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala who is our Creator, sustain, nourish, protect and cure, we ask Eliza Gertie Sharma is traces of blessings and salutations upon our beloved apostle Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of Tiana.

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First and foremost, I thank Allah subhanho wa Taala, for blessing me with this beautiful opportunity to be with all of you.

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I pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala that he blesses this gathering, and he makes this gathering and gathering where the angels shroud us with the rings that athma Sakina tranquility of Allah subhanho wa Taala descends upon us, and may hear Azerbaijan make high mention of us in the seven heavens, I mean, and in accordance of the words of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam.

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My name is Karina slemish karela he said Allahu alayhi wa sallam his report said the one who does not thank the people has not thanked Allah subhanho wa Taala. So I thank the organizers of this event for coming together in making this event with the help of Allah a reality May Allah azza wa jal bless them with the very best in this world as well as the hereafter. I mean,

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secondly, Madeira is in Islam.

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It is incumbent it is obligatory upon all of us to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for the numerous bounties and favors that he as a Virgil has conferred upon us, if we were to try and enumerate the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We would fail miserably as he rightfully states in the number for an entire hour due to law he left of souhan if you were to count the blessings of Allah, if you were to count if you were to enumerate the favors of Allah Subhana hoods Allah Allah suha you will not be able to encompass all of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. At times we take certain blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed us very nicely. And we have a chef Mr. Rahim

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Allah in the beautiful states that if you win once, he reports from another

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one of our cellphone asylee are pious predecessors, that if you were to try and understand the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you just close your eyes for a few moments, what happens when you close your eyes? for a few moments, everything around you goes pitch black darkness, that's when you realize the value of the two eyes the eyesight that Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed you and I

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and then we thank Allah Subhana Medina. So it is upon us to thank Allah azza wa jal for the numerous bounties and failures and from these favors is the fact that Allah Subhana Allah Medina, out of his infinite wisdom is hikma His Divine Wisdom is that he did not create all of time equal, or for that matter, it is out of his wisdom that he chose certain of his creation over certain of his creation, as he states in a novel called an buka. loco nyesha. Why after the YOLO he creates what He wills and he also chooses, gives priority gives preference to what He wills from his creation. Say for example, if you were to take the Jenna, if you were to take the gardens of Jenna, you have many

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gardens of gender and from the gardens of Jenna

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Behind him Medina chose genital for those to be the highest of all guns.

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The highest of all guns

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above which is the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala as he stated the number one who will lead the Holocaust somehow it will arkoma Bina Houma. pctv a yarmulke mastaba on the throne that he has ascended upon in Tibet in a manner that befits his majesty and glory como la cabeza and he would you know,

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if you were to take the angels the melodica, the angels of Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, Allah subhanho wa Taala created all of them. And then Allah azza wa jal gave preference Allah subhanho wa Taala chose gibril Allah azza wa jal chose Mecca in

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Allah as the Virgil chose is Rafi AlLahi wa Salatu was Salam jabril salatu salam was given the responsibility of washing, he was given the responsibility of what he to bring down to the embryology masala to set up Mika in Alisha to Sam was given the responsibility of the reins and provisions is rafeal. On the other hand, I was given the responsibility of blowing the trumpet. And according to the words of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has already placed the trumpet on his lips, and he is waiting for the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala to blow the trumpet, which indicates how close we are to the day of the proximity how close we are to the date of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala protect us all I mean,

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if you were to take the creation of Allah Subhana Medina in general mankind the children of Adam alayhis salatu salam, O Allah azza wa jal created all of them and then chose the prophets AlLahi wa Salatu was Salam Alaikum wa jal chose, give priority give preference to the Prophet alayhi wa salatu salam, and from the profits from the MBR Allah Hema salatu salam, Allah azza wa jal gave priority gave preference to the Rasul Allah wa Salatu was salam to the messengers, as you all know, I think you're aware of the difference between an abbey and

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an abbey and Aerosmith a good Can someone give me an example of an ibnr also living at the same time

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is that Musa and Harun AlLahi wa Salatu was salam, Moosa and Hello. So who was the Rasul? musala. His Salatu was Salam was Harun AlLahi salatu salam was the Nabi Musa alayhis salaam was given the testament, he was given the testament, he was given the the divine revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he was no fool. That's for the Navy, the Navy follows the earlier Rasulullah wasallam he was following the revelation of Musa alayhi salatu salam. Anyway, from the prophets, Allah Subhana Medina chose the Rasul Allah He Masato sinner, and from there Rasul Allah subhanho wa Taala gave priority gave preference to the oral acid, five of them Alico Salatu. Salam, can someone named them

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start off with the first one no highlighting salatu salam. And then Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, and then Musa alayhis salatu salam, Isa alayhi salatu salam, and then Mohammed sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam please don't forget, whenever I mentioned his beautiful name, son de la liga, and he was in

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and from the oralism Allah azza wa jal, choo choo chose to friends honey lane,

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Ibrahim and Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam two of his friends and from the two friends, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam to be the best of all prophets, the best of creation Mohammed Salah Bhavani

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look at the omen. Look at the nation's Allah subhana wa Jalla created so many nations.

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Let's put it like this.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala created the nations, the nations and then Allah subhanho wa Taala gave priority give preference to the nation of Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was none other than us, Allahu Akbar.

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And then if you were to take other creations

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Have a lost behind and say for example the months and this is the point that I wish to highlight. Allah azza wa jal did not create all of the months equal. Ramadan is the best of all months.

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Ramadan is the best of all months if you were to take the days of the week, which is the best day hydrometeorology Shang Zhou Yama Juma

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salatu salam, according to the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the best of days upon which the sun has risen his writing fee for the MFI agenda of jemena. It was on a Friday that our father, Adam alayhis salam was created. It was on a Friday that he was entered into agenda and it was on a Friday that he was taken out of gender.

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So coming back to the month that best of all months, the month of Ramadan.

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Medea brothers in Islam, and this month, this noble month is just around the corner is just around the corner. So the question that we need to ask ourselves, are we ready to welcome this noble month of Ramadan? Are we ready? Have you prepared ourselves physically, spiritually and mentally to welcome this noble month of Ramadan to make the best out of the month of Ramadan? Our Salah finissage Rahim Allah, Allah they used to make dua to Allah Subhana who is Allah, Allah bless us all to attain the month of Ramadan to attain the month of Ramadan they used to make so much of dua to attain the month of Ramadan so that they could make the best out of the month of Ramadan is such a

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noble such a word choice month. It is like a season you know seasons. I mean you have a saint for example, a seasonal sale where everybody rushes to make the best out of that sale. So likewise Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed us with a season was the season for to do as many good deeds as possible. This is the time that you need to plant and then in the answer you will have asked insha Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said and how it goes along the lines of these words, attack home chef Ramadan.

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The month of Ramadan has come to you shadow Mubarak it is a blessing man for the Allahu Allah and Allah azza wa jal has made obligatory fasting in it. Yeah, you Hello Xena Amano cuccia la cama cama. cama kuchibhotla de la comme la la quinta de Haan, all you have brought in a man fasting has been prescribed upon you all. Coming back to the Hadith to the houfy agenda in the blood segment. The dose of genda will be wide open with all our fi available to him and that those of jahannam will be slammed shut

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up Morocco Shelton and the devils will be shackled during that month there will be chained up during that month. fee later. in that month. There is a night Hiram in our efficient, it is better than 1000 months ago Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses all to attain this night. I mean madhurima Pharaoh as for the individual who is deprived of the good of that night or the month of Ramadan, for

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the individual who is deprived of the goodness of that night, he is an individual who is utterly deprived May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. He is an individual who is utterly deprived.

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So from this narration, we understand the noble virtues of this month of Ramadan, so we need to prepare ourselves to make the best out of the coming month of Ramadan. So inshallah Tada. I have three pieces of advice to share with you all, very swiftly. Number one is in regard to our intention.

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Are we truly looking forward to the month of Ramadan? Or do we feel Oh is the month of Ramadan? In summer? I don't get to sleep. I've got to go to work. It's going to be a long day. Why couldn't it be in some other season? Perhaps I'll be dreading the thought of Ramadan or sincerely are we looking forward to the month of Ramadan? Are we looking forward to this season? Are we looking forward to making the best out of it? It boils down to our intention.

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Because after all, Dean is an intention based Dean has also realized that Allahu alayhi wa sallam his report rep said we are Amaro de la Han when I studied in MLR Malou Binya that actions are backed by your intentions. We're in Mr. liquidly, Marie MANOVA. And every individual shall get what he intends.

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shall get what he intends. When you look at the true heart of this hadith the explanations of this Hadith, in normal Amal actions in its entirety, in other words, your verbal statements, your your actions, your physical actions, and even the beliefs in your heart. They are all governed

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By your intentions, Allahu Akbar. And when you look at intent, when you look at actions, you have certain actions that are categorized as ibadah. As Riba like say for example serasa that we just prayed, if we intended that I'm doing this for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. We don't verbalize it. The intention is supposed to be placed in the heart. You intend that you're doing it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala then you have done it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala say How about eating dinner? or eating lunch? Is that considered in Nevada? It is not. It is a daily task, routine a part of our routine. So do you think you can make that in a way and act where you

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can earn the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala or earn good deeds? Yes, you can through your intention. Say for example, if you intend your life eating this food, to gain strength to worship You, I'm eating this halaal Pure Food to gain strength to worship you inshallah, inshallah, you will be rewarded for that because of your intention.

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Say for example, the quality time that you spend with your wife, with your children, if you're intending it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To follow the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you will be rewarded for it. But on the other hand, say if you didn't have any intention, if you didn't have any intention, you were just spending some time with your wife. You may be rewarded, you may not be rewarded depending on your intention, but if you have the intention that you're doing it to follow the sun of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no doubt you will be rewarded in sha Allah.

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So my dear brothers in Islam, it is of utmost importance that we rectify our intentions, we keep gauging and rectifying our intentions that I am looking forward to the month of Ramadan to make the best out of the coming month of Ramadan. So this is number one in regard to your intentions. Number two, is that we need to

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manage our time well. We need to start planning right now to manage our time well during the month of Ramadan, because every single second in the month of Ramadan is extremely valuable. And when we look at time in general, it is such a valuable commodity that an intelligence labor for lion intelligent believer understands the value that every single second of his he needs to make the best out of it pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah azza wa jal highlights the importance of time by swearing upon it in so many places while as well fudger was the HA when lady Eva wanna hurry that agenda.

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By the daybreak by the phone by the time by the night, as it enveloped by the day Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala is promising upon different periods of time to highlight the importance of time, and especially when you look at it in the month of Ramadan, we need to make the best out of it. So we need to plan our day properly. Where we spend time with the Quran with the words of our maker allies, the region, we spend time in Dharavi. We spend time in siyam. In fasting, we spend time in Korea in praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala we divide our day in such a way that it becomes an extremely productive day in terms of earning as many good deeds as possible in a long time. So we

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need to plan our day well, because this component this commodity of time, shavon tries his level best to steal this from us. This was something I spoke about yesterday. But let me briefly mention it shaytan is our sworn enemy, sworn enemy.

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And he can someone tell me who is the oldest individual living on the face of this earth.

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Not Adam and his daughter Sarah. Our father he passed away. And shaytan was existing even before Adam alehissalaam was Sarah wasn't he? He was there before Adam Malaysia that was seven and he is still living. Why? Because he asked Allah subhanho wa Taala Robbie and didn't lie to me.

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Give me respect give me time until the day of karma and Allah Subhana Allah granted him that time obviously is going to die. He is not going to live for ever he is going to die, but he is still present. So from this, what do we understand that he is an extremely experienced individual?

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Why? Because he has seen so many generations of mankind is a cunning, sly, artful enemy, who is very patient who knows. He studies you. He studies you a lot about he studies you and he throws traps according to different individuals just as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam his report to have said he measured them here.

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in your blood. So what does he do running in your blood? He studies you, he studies your weak points, he studies what you like. And then he makes traps accordingly. So what is the intelligence name of allah Subhana Medina do the intelligence labor for lizer region studies about his enemy studies about the traps of his enemy and move away from those traps. This is what an intelligence label philosopher hiding with and it is.

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Mr. Murthy m Rahim Allah mentions in his book but that you will provide that in regard to the traps of Chevron According to him, he categorizes the traps of shavonne as six in number six in number traps are shaytan. Number one is that he'll try to push you into Kufa or ship. I'm not going into too much detail as we move to the traps Cofer or ship gopher is to reject Allah Subhana which Allah ship is to associate partners and to Allah subhanho wa Taala and when we talk about should ship there are many categories of ship you have ship Akbar ship reservoir ship rubia Shifu here should fill a smile so if you have so many types of ship, one is you associate a partner to Allah Subhana

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medalla say for example, you worship an idol

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with Allah subhanho wa Taala This is shipped in La

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shirakami he

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he can Imani.

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Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala Leo Pharaoh Are you sure Kirby de la youfor Are you in Ohio feel unusual? Kirby Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala will not forgive What should we do?

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Other than that Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive what He wills.

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So shift is a great sin May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all.

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One is to ship Yoruba bi is to associate a partner directly and Allah subhana wa jal share filoblu here is to say an act of worship that you are supposed to render unto Allah subhanho wa Taala you render it and to some other object or some other individual

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like say for example, the ones who worship graves, they are committing ship, because worship at a bar that says that is for Allah alone. You can't worship sticks, stones graves, you can't do that. It's shift

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or to claim divinity like what's around it for color Anna urato qumola Anna Sure.

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Unable to believe in such a statement shirk because you have associated associated the Parthenon to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then you have surefit a smaller Seyfarth in the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is the

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is the one who knows about the unseen world in His entirety. If someone were to say that so and so, when he so and so. Alia of Allah subhanho wa Taala knows matters of the unseen world. Sure.

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Why, let alone and let alone a valley, let alone a valley from the alley of Allah subhanho wa Taala even our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not know the unseen world in its entirety he did not. Whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala taught him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he knows but other than that, we're in the Houma 34 la vida de la ilaha illa who the keys of the unseen world are with Allah subhanho wa Taala none knows about it except Allah subhanho Medina except Eliza budget what matters enough Sumatra taxi bovada Mamata did enough to me I didn't know so knows what that soul is going to earn tomorrow and also knows where their soul is going to die. All of this is

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hidden in the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So if someone want to claim that so and so individual knows the future, so and so fortune teller knows the future, or if you want to believe in a fortune teller, if you want to believe in a soothsayer if you want to believe in a magician, you have committed ship,

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chick fil a smart you assume that attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala these attributes belong solely to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So trap number one, he will try to push you into shape or Kufa.

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If he fails to do so, if he finds it difficult, perhaps you're stronger you might need strong Masha Allah, then what he will do is trap number two, he will try to push you into beta into innovations.

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See beta is a very sticky trap.

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shaitaan is cunning.

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Many a time he will make an individual fall into the trap of beta

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in a way that that individual thinks that you know what I'm doing this out of the love for the messengers of the law while I'm doing this to prove my love for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam I am doing this

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To prove my love for Islam, I'm doing this to prove my love for Allah as a virgin, but in reality he does not understand that he is doing committing an innovation what could be the act in Bala wakulla philosophy not according to the words of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam every innovation is a misguidance every misguidance is the blazing fire of jahannam May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. I mean,

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if he fails to push you into the trap of innovation, then he moves on to the third trap.

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About your major sins, he'll try to push you into major sins but other major sins like Xena fornication, adultery, murder arklow Riba eating of interest consuming interest consuming intoxicants should will come.

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These are all major sins, scholars, Rahim. omala have gone on to list the major sins almost 7200 in number. He tried to push you into one of the major sins.

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And if he fails to push you into the major sins, he'll move on to trap number four. He tried to push you into the pit of my innocence. So hi, my innocence. Why? Because if you're consistent in a minor sin that is equivalent to a major sin. What are the minor sins like gossiping, backbiting,

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jealousy, harboring jealousy. Or you hibou hydrocone I call Allah Murthy he may

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carry tomo on Would you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother for courage to move you will dislike it.

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At times we take pleasure in sitting around and talking bad about others. talking bad about others because we're jealous of that individual. We want to talk bad about him. Back bite that individual but in reality we are eating the flesh of that individual according to the words of the prophets of Allah Islam and according to the words of our maker in the Koran. Allah subhanho wa Taala protect as well I mean,

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so he'll try to push you into these two kabaya or survive fourth track. And this is where taco comes in.

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And this is how important is tacos should govern our lives it should permeate into every aspect of our lives taqwa it should control our lives. And taco is the purpose is the goal behind us fasting.

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You have levena amanu quotevalet Kumasi kuchibhotla Latina Min kobelco for what purpose? Are you who believe fasting has been prescribed upon you and upon justice how it was prescribed upon the nation's before you for what purpose? Now I'll let him

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so that you may attain taco so that you may become people of taqwa May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all people a tough one. I mean

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taqwa will make an individual move away from these major sins and minor sins Allah.

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Once an individual goes to Abu huraira, the Allahu anhu and asked him about Herrera define taqwa for me. Define taqwa for me, Abu huraira the Allahu anhu as an individual. Have you ever walked down a Tony path atone effect, you know, full of brambles and thorns?

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The man says, Yes, I have why. Then he went on to ask him so what did you do once you were walking down the stony path? He said, I gathered my clothes together. I gathered my clothes together, and I made my way carefully down the path. I gathered my clothes together and I made my way carefully down the path. Why?

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Because I did not want to snag my clothes onto the thorns and brambles.

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So abou hora de la Juan, who and don't you say that is taco. Now let us interpret that analogy the example. The path is the life this life the short and transitory life that Allah subhana wa Taala has blessed us all with a levy fala palma de Waal. Hyah. Talia Bella can

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accent Who

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is He Who created death and life what purpose Leah Balu akun au comb accelerometer

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to test you to test you all in other words to test which one of you is best in deeds.

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This short and transitory life that allows behind them what Allah has blessed us all with a life that we need to live like strangers config, juniac, and recovery according to the words of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam be in this world be in this life, as if you are a stranger or a passerby or a traveler are Abu Sabine.

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That's the path. And as you're making your way down the path, what's your destination?

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Where is your destination? Wimbledon is it

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Sarah? Your destination is Sarah and what are the tones? What are the

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brambles al Maha Brahma, the prohibitions of Allah Subhana.

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The mojarra man's Why do you have to move away from the Muhammad? Because the devil uses those who have Rama to snag you to make you stumble and fall in the park. Allahu Akbar.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala states, what's up on bozhena? In huka?

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don't even think of getting close to Xena. Eliza Virgil did not directly say, Well as you know, do not commit adultery instead don't even think of getting close to adultery.

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Don't even think of getting close to adultery. In other words, the avenues that even even the avenues that reach that result in Zener, stay away from those avenues. Say for example, if you think that if I go for this particular meeting for this particular event, it might result in me falling into the pit of Xena then you're supposed to stay away from that event. If say you are an individual who fears that if I am on social media, look, social media can be used for many good purposes. But if you think that I am an Indian individual, that if I'm going to be on social media, I'm Sasa susceptible to the fact that I might fall into the pit of Xena that you know, all kinds of friend

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requests can come in all kinds of messages are going to come in and I won't be able to control myself, then you being on social media is not advisable

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is not advisable.

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The avenues to Xena while at Saqqara bozena don't even think of getting close to Xena de Muhammad don't even think of getting close to them hieromartyr of Allah subhanho wa jal and our in Nicola Malik in Hema Allah in the Himalaya Hema had him everything every king has a sanctuary according to the words of the prophet Elijah, what is a sanctuary? You have something valuable here. You put a sanctuary around that offense.

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Like you have the Queen's palace here, she's in the middle what he got around her huge fortress yoga guards standing why because according to them, the queen is valuable right? Is something

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so this that's why you put a sanctuary if the king has a sanctuary, every king you can you just think of waltzing into the Queen's palace, just like that you can't, because there is a sanctuary. Allow in the Himalaya Hema harima the sanctuary of Allah subhanho wa Taala his prohibitions so if you fear or think twice or thrice to waltz into the Queen's palace, then what about the sanctuary of Allah subhana wa jal What about the sanctuary of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So taqwa is something that will control us will control every single limb of us to stay away from the Mahara motto of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And to do as many good deeds to please Allah subhana wa Taala. So coming back to the traps are shared on fourth trap will try to push you into survive. If he fails to do that fifth trap, he This is the point that I wish to highlight in regard to time management, he will keep you busy in permissible things,

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permissible things, things that if you indulge in you will neither be rewarded, nor will you be considered a sinner. You won't be rewarded, nor will you be considered a sinner Say for example, recreational activities permissible or not as long as it is within the guidelines of Sharia permissible, permissible.

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But what if you were to make your whole life a recreational activity then what will you be known as you'll be known as a *? If your whole life becomes a recreational activity, you've got no focus, you've got no vision. You can make your whole life a recreational activity by sheer fun. If he fails to push you into the trap of survivor minus ends, he will try to make you busy make you wile away your time the valuable time that you have in permissible things and say if he finds it difficult to do that, he moves on to the final trap the sixth trap according to amount of time, Rahim Allah. So keep you busy, in good deeds,

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in good deeds for what type of good deeds, good deeds with lesser rewards. In other words, you have the potential to do greater deeds, but he'll keep you busy with smaller deeds. Or you might want to shave I will never call me towards good deeds. This is not shaitan This is not shaitan but like I said, shaytan My dear brother is a cunning individual is an artful individual. He studies you He knows, oh, this individual has the potential to bring about a huge change perhaps in the society in the community. I must keep him busy with little little things so that he does not understand or realize his true potential and starts to work towards it.

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To keep you busy with small deeds

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This is the type of an enemy that you and I were dealing with my dear brothers in Islam. So, we need to study about this enemy. We need to study about him and we must take care not to be deceived by him.

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to dunia

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in nice shape

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his van Huni I

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mean as

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yeah you harness all mankind in the law he has indeed the promise of Allah subhanho wa Taala is true.

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ferrata hora nakoma hyah to dunya Do not let this worldly life deceive you while I run a comb villa.

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And do not let the deceiver ie the devil Do not let the deceiver deceive you about Allah subhanho wa Taala in a shaitana la kumada who is saying this, Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed the devil indeed shavon is your enemy woman has the formula he Athena ominous dokumen Allah hanifa who is more truthful than Allah subhanho wa Taala he is informing us in a shaitana coma I do forget that they do what I do. Take him as your enemy. In his the holy tsunami as harborside he only invites his party his clicked his group, to be of the people of the fire. I mean, Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all.

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So we need to study about this enemy of ours and move away from his traps. Finally, I leave you all with the final piece of advice from the three pieces of advisors. That was firm intention number two time management. And number three, is to prepare ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually to welcome this month of Ramadan.

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So how do we do this? We start off by turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what do I mean by turning to what do I mean when I say to turn lost behind on with either? I mean Toba, we need to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and Toba is not something that we need to wait for the 27th night or the 21st night of Ramadan to do it is not something even reserved for the month of Ramadan. It is something that has to be integrated into a believers day to day life. As Allah subhanho wa Taala states.

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Yeah, you're hella Vina. Ooh, la la la.

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La su Ha.

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Yeah, you have Latina men who look at who Allah subhanho wa Taala is addressing Allah Subhana Allah does not say oh, you criminals or you sinners are the ones who have transgressed themselves, or the ones who are transgress transgress the limits of Allah Now,

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what is the last one that I say? Yeah, even Idina Aslam? No. Yeah, you Hello. Vina Amano. Oh you the people of man. Are you more me known? Yeah, absolutely, man.

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You might wonder why do we have to turn to online Toba on the moon on a higher darker than the Muslim moon? They're just before the masino Why do they have to make Toba? Yeah, you alladhina amanu to boo in Allah. Turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in doba what type of a tobacco button suha a perfect and complete Toba? A perfect and a complete toda in regard to this word na suha

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scholars Rahim Allah explained that it should be a Toba. It should be a Toba

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just as how in the sense you must intend so firmly coming out of your sins.

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And you must intend never to go back to it just as how milk when it comes out of the others of the animal, just as how it cannot go back and the milk go back into the others of the animal it cannot just as how the milk cannot go back. You must not go back to those sins. You must

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intend a Toba of that nature to be in a law Hito button so turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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In a sincere and complete total.

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And this is how we prepare ourselves spiritually and mentally. As for physically, let us start cutting down on the food. Because if you were to suddenly, I mean in other words, if Ramadan were to suddenly dawn upon us and if you if you were to try too fast suddenly all of a sudden, except for the llama, Rahim Allah the brothers who fast on a continuous basis, you might find it a little difficult. I mean adapting to it but instead if you start now and start cutting down your food and anyway in general it's good, because according to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the worst of vessels to be filled, is your stomach is your stomach. along the lines of these words, the Hadith of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what was the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in terms of

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eating, he would divide his stomach into three portions, one third for solids, one third for liquids and one third for air that we measure.

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All three portions are full, and we can't even breathe.

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That has followed the sooner Mohammed said Allahu Allah evaluates and this is how we prove our love for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like I said earlier with that I wrap off inshallah, Dinah doc talking about Buddha.

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Shelton makes us think that we are doing the Buddha In the name of Allah in the name of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam but in reality, if we want to prove the pure love that we have for Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam we should do that by following him said Allahu Allah He will send them good in consume to him boon Allah have at IB o ne, se O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, tell them tell the Sahaba tell your oma

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in quantum to a boon Allah if you love Allah, but to be only then follow me and what will you get in return? You obey the common law, a love and love you were very lucky to know Him and He will forgive you of your sins will law hold off for him? Allah is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. So with that, I conclude, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive all of our sins, to accept our good deeds to bless us all to attain the noble month of Ramadan, and may He help us to make the best out of the coming month of Ramadan. And just as how he united us here May He grant us more opportunities to unite in the future. Insha Allah Medina and may He just says how the United States in this

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beautiful message may unite us in the gardens of genda with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa komaba

A pre Ramadhan talk delivered by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary at the Edmonton Islamic Centre during his June 2015 UK tour.

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