Muiz Bukhary – The Hadith Of Jibreel Explained – Ramadan 2014

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The Hadith statement highlights the need for individuals to pursue worship and pursue the message, as well as the importance of shaping society and setting goals and milestones for one's day. The speakers also emphasize the Day of Judgment, where the grave will be replaced with a new one, and the importance of belief and forgiveness for avoiding negative consequences. They stress the need for individuals to pursue worship and seek out the message.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salli wa sallim wa ala ashrafi nambia. Evil Musa Deen Nabina Habib in our karate our union Mohammed bin Abdullah Allahu Allah Allah. He was Harvey of Lalu sala de Botton with a slim

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but in the fall Hadith Akita long maharal howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Bashar Al ohmori

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wakulla 13 VEDA wakulla Bidadi in Walla Walla Walla,

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Walla, Walla Fie kita de la Z's by the erhu Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rafi

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de la mano, who

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said he

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use left lacunae ama como la Coombs. Oh, no back on one may

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soula hufa

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phones and now the

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we always begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who is our Creator, sustain, nourish, protect, and cure? We ask Allah subhana wa tada to Chava his choices, the blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, upon the Prophet Moses musala his salatu salam Jesus, Isa alayhi salatu salam, Abraham Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, and all the profits until our father are the Molyneux Salatu was Salam.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless this gathering of us and may He the almighty make the angels shroud us with their wings, may the Sakina tranquility of Allah subhanho wa Taala descend upon us and May Allah the Almighty envelop all of us with his Rama and may God Almighty make high mention of us in the seven heavens, in sha Allah Allah for today's talk, we will be touching on an amazing Hadith, a beautiful and an amazing Hadith and this hadith is known as the hadith of gibreel alayhi salatu was Salam.

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Many brothers and sisters in Islam, this hadith like I said, is a famous Hadith is a well known had Hadith it is an authentic hadith and it has been recorded by Imam Al Bukhari, Imam Muslim Imam Muhammad, Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama Mama Hepburn and so many other imams in many, many books of Hadith it is an authentic hadith and it is a famous Hadith a very beautiful Heidi, Heidi from which pearls can be derived so many lessons can be derived Allahu Akbar, so inshallah Allah for today's talk, we will be grazing in this beautiful garden, in this beautiful garden of this Hadith, where we shall derive many blessings and many benefits and many lessons in sha Allah hota Allah.

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So like I said, there are many narrations in regard to this hadith there are many narrations the Hadith has come about in many books of Hadith. But for today's talk, we will be sticking to the narration of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah because the narration of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah is the longer version of this particular Hadith. Unlike the other versions of the ad, the other versions of the Hadith start off from main Amman do Lucena in the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and as we go, I will explain in regard to that. Nevertheless, we will be sticking to the narration of Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah for today's talk inshallah Allah so now we start off by reading the Hadith. And

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please follow with me. Reflect and concentrate you will understand the beauty and the wisdom of the words of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and please remember Salawat whenever I mentioned his beautiful name, called Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah. Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah states, follow her destiny. Avoid drama, Suhail, even her call her death, Anna waqia and Camus and Abdullah barreda and yahia. Winnie I'ma call. Now all of these names are the narratives of the Hadith they are all from the chain of the chain of the narratives of the Hadith, Abou hyphema zohaib ebonheart, Joaquin and cosmos and Abdullah Breda and FEMA Yama, Yama, Yama is the last person at the

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link at the chain of the Hadith and he states now he starts narrating the Hadith and he states karna outwell among Carla Phil, Qatari Martin in Japan, Giovanni. He says that the first person to start talking or in other words disputing about codder Allahu Akbar.

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And further as we will discuss when we go in the Hadith in sha Allah Allah. Cada is the Divine Decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala the destiny which Allah behind that what Allah has written. So he Yama, Yama, Yama, he states that the first person to start disputing or to start talking about the quarter in a wrong way was marred by the new journey this individual who went by the name murdered, murdered in Germany, he was the first person to start talking about the father of Allah Subhana Allah so now you have any Ahmed he states front Allah to earn our homemade even Abdur Rahman and he married now he says homemade ramen and he marry another the name of another person homemade even

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Abdullah man and him Yuri and i i in the sense Yemeni amor we both of us we went to either Mecca or Medina as Hi Jane Omar Tammy rain we went with the intention of hij or the intention of aroma for Khulna and we said lo Latina, a Haida menos Javi Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if we meet, if we meet any of the companions from the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first I don't know who am I akula Allah if you look at them, we will ask that particular companion in regard to what these people are talking about the father of Allah subhanho wa Taala in regard to what they dispute dispute or argue in regard to the color of Alaska behind the island, and then he

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goes on to say, for wolfelt Alana Abdullah hibben, aeromar ebenen hottub radi Allahu Allahu Akbar. And it was he says that we were blessed with the opportunity or the chance to meet even Omar radi Allahu Allah Abdullah, even aroma radi Allahu anhu ma and we saw him the Helen l mustard he was entering domestic Allahu Akbar. So the narration afterwards goes along the lines of these words, they are rushed to him, both of them who are they FEMA amor and homemade abdominal memory because they said the first Sahabi we meet we will go and ask him about these individuals talking about the father of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they rushed to even Amaro, the Allahu anhu as he was entering

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the masjid, and, and the narration goes along the lines of these words, where he states that both of us we took two sides of eminent Amaro the Allahu anhu, one took to his right side and the other to his left side, and we stopped him to ask him about it. And then they asked him and they informed him about the people who have who have started disputing and arguing about the quarter of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To which even aroma radi Allahu anhu ma He states that he goes on to very severely as very strongly and severely he stated that inform those people, inform the people who are disputing about the culture of Allah subhanho wa Taala, about the people who are talking about the father of Allah

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behind them who are the Allah that I even

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I am free of them, and they are free of me. In other words, I have nothing to do with them, nor do they have anything to do with me. And then even an omen radi Allahu Allahu Allah. He.

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He now goes on to narrate the amazing Hadith otherwise known as the hadith of gibreel because he goes on to say I am free of them, and they are free of me. And then he says, All hi Desteni Avi Omar, Abdullah Javi rhodiola Allahu anhu call. He says, indeed my father Omar, the long one he is reported to have said and now begins the amazing hadith of gibreel in other words, the Hadith that we are familiar with my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, let me read the Hadith. I'll read the complete Hadith follow with me and afterwards inshallah Allah, we shall break down the statements we will translate and explain the Hadith as much as possible in sha Allah to Allah. So remember the

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long line who he states

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very nama national Judo sooner. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam adata, Yeoman itala Elena Raja loon Shadi Dubai odysea Shadi to Saba de Sha, la, la casa Lucifer while IRA for whom in utter janessa ada Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for us netherrack but at Naropa a cafe here I love coffee they will call Ya Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a bit me and in Islam for Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Islam and Tasha and La Ilaha Illa long wonder Muhammad Rasulullah what's up masala tea is zeca what asuma Ramadan what the hood gel beta in Easter Tata la Sevilla

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Call us up. Caller for ajibade Allah is Allah hawaiiusa Depo biryani man, Allah and took me Nabila wa t wakatobi. He will surely he will Yeoman are here with me Nabeel Qadri hiree. He was also the

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sun, Allah Antara Budo la haka naka de la for inlanta punto wrong for inner who Europe call for us Bernie Anissa coil amendments Ooh la la mina sir in color of beanie and Mr. Raja Paula Anthony the AMA to have better ha Antara de la la la tarea de Luna filburn yan Paul Tanaka Pahlavi to Malaya su Macaulay Yama attari, Manisha el cual to Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah, all for inaho gibreel attack calm you I limo boom de la ko Allahu Akbar, an amazing Hadith media brothers and sisters in Islam, a hadith full of so many lessons and so much of wisdom to derive from. So we will start off with the beginning of the Hadith, where Rasulullah he said a long while he was in other words, or Marathi

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Allahu anhu. He states Bane ama national Jew loosen in the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, adata Yeoman. One fine day, we were seated with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Before I go further media, brothers and sisters in Islam, it is important that we understand that many of the scholars rahima, whom Allah have spoken about this Hadith, they have spoken about this hadith and in books of Hadith in the books of the explanations of a Hadith, they have mentioned that this is an amazing Hadees Hadees comprehensive, but with so much of wisdom in it, a hadith in which many rulings have been derived from a hadith upon which Islam upon which he man upon which a sign is

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based on Allahu Akbar, a very famous, a very beautiful and a very authentic hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So Omar of the long line whom he states, they never not know Judo sooner in the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that a Yeoman, one fine day we were seated with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now before we go further, let us derive wisdom from this first statement. From this My dear brothers and sisters in Islam scholars highlight that it is very important that we participate in circles of knowledge in halaqaat, just as how the Sahaba read one light Allah, Allah Benjamin used to spend time with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as a matter of the Allahu states, we were seated with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So it is of utmost

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importance that we give a lot of importance we attach importance to number one seeking knowledge, and how do we seek knowledge we try as much as possible to seek knowledge, even though our times have evolved so much to the extent that now we have online conferences, we have webinars, we aren't saying that those are blameworthy, Nay, rather, contemporary scholars have stated that even those kinds of gatherings get the same reward in Sharla huhtala, in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But nevertheless, in whatever way possible, whether it be online, whether it be in the real world, we try and seek as much as knowledge possible because after all, we know that our religion is

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knowledge based, the more we seek knowledge, the more we will understand in regard to our religion, and the more we will enjoy worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala and knowing about Islam, so this is what can be derived from the first statement of the Hadith, that one fine day we were seated with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then what happens is Tada, Elena Raji Lucia de Dubai odysea shadiness, Awad sawada. Suddenly, a man approaches the gathering, Allahu Akbar, we were seated with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and suddenly a man approaches the gathering, a man wearing sparkling white clothes shado by all this year, he was wearing sparkling white clothes,

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Shadow, silver, the shadow, and he had jet black hair. Allahu Akbar, la la de esta Lucifer. Lumina had no signs of fatigue, no signs of Germany could be seen on him, while I RFO who mean and none of us knew about this individual. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam. You see the amazing thing about the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is at times when we just skim over the Hadith. When we just read the Hadith we think perhaps there is nothing at times we think there is not much to the to the Hadith, but Allahu Akbar when real scholars the scholars of Islam, when they

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Look at an ad a hadith and the way they bring out pearls and wisdom from that Hadith. It's just amazing Allah scholars dykema mojari Rahim Allah uma Muslim Rahim Allah Mama hydrolysed Kalani Rahim Allah Mama tirmidhi Rahim Allah and the other scholars rahima whom Allah they are brought out so many lessons Allahu Akbar. Now look at this statement. For example, a man suddenly appeared or he approached the gathering, he was wearing sparkling white clothes, he had jet black hair, no signs of travel or fatigue could be seen on him. And none of us knew him, Allahu Akbar. Now scholar state, the number one like I said, we should be eager to seek knowledge and take part in various halaqaat

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and number two, look at the the way the Sahaba revoir Allahu taala Allah Himeji Marine, we're observing these individuals so perfectely Allahu Akbar, and look at their description where they describe this man, the way he came, how he was dressed, even in regard to his hair. And also they mentioned an amazing thing that no signs of fatigue or journey could be seen on him. Now the reason they mentioned this many brothers and sisters in Islam, because unlike today, unlike today, where we travel in expensive motor vehicles, we traveling luxury, we travel in comfort,

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we we fly in,

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in planes, you know, our the way of traveling today or the modes of transport today is different, a lot different from how it was those days. Now those days. In general, if you take Medina for example, if a person enters Medina, if a person enters Medina, a person who is new to Medina, the people of Medina would know that he has come in as a traveler because naturally the minute he comes in, there will be a lot of signs of fatigue on him. And his clothes can never be sparkling white, his clothes would have to be full of dust because he has to cross deserts and come and likewise he cannot have jet black, smooth, crisp hair. He will be having disheveled hair after coming from the

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journey. But now the Sahaba at monolight Allah Allah imaginary they observed something very amazing. We don't know this individual. We haven't seen him. But then he comes in as if he has come in a few days back had a nice shower had a good rest. And he's coming because in general if a new travel about to enter Medina, news would go around quickly and people would know Oh, so and so has come and he's a new person to the city. But this particular individual who comes and approaches the gathering, he comes with sparkling white clothes It is as if he has stopped halfway in the journey, taken a shower got dressed and everything and he's coming in smart looking smart, clean and crisp,

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Allahu Akbar. So the Sahaba Allah Allah Jemaine at the very inception or for that matter, Omar of the long line, who is narrating the Hadith knew that there was something surprising, or something that you know, you could not really place your finger on in regard to this individual, because he's coming in with sparkling white clouds. He's coming in with jet black hair, and no signs of vertigo journey can be seen on him, and none of us know him. So if that's the case, then you must have taken some other mode of transport to get here. So crisp and so clean, Allahu Akbar. Look at this observance. In other words, look at this shop or keen eyes of the Sahaba last night Allah Allah

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Himeji Marine, which highlights their observant attitude Allahu Akbar. And this is very important for a student of knowledge. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, a student of knowledge must not be in a lost law. He should not be negligent, you should be very sharp, very keen and very observant. And we see many incidents in the lives of the Sahaba one litre Allah Allah Germany, where they asked very keen questions from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not because they want to question why he said Allahu alayhi wa sallam Nay, rather because they're so sincere and that they so urgently want to seek knowledge. They want to know more about the deen of Allah Heiner who are the

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ILO and also other wisdoms that can be derived from this particular statement, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, that if a student if a student wishes to enter a gathering of knowledge, it is upon him to dress the best clothes available, Allahu Akbar, and preferably, he should wear white. Preferably, he should wear white, and he should comb his hair, he should wear the best clothes possible when he goes to enter or when he goes to seek knowledge in a particular circle of knowledge. This is also another wisdom or another lesson that can be derived from this amazing hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because we see this individual who is now going to

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go sit by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and ask us what is wrong while he was alive about Islam, about Mr. About f7 so he goes to the supervisor a lot while he was lm as a student. So from this we understand OBD live many requests for a tabular in a student of knowledge

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In regard to how he should behave with his teacher in regard to how he should acquire knowledge in regard to adapt in regard to etiquettes and in regard to the manners he should follow, he should adopt when he is in a particular circle of knowledge Allahu Akbar,

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Mr. Malik rahima hula, the great Mr. Malik. He used to teach Hadith in the masjid of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam because after all we know Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah was from Medina.

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His students used to say that whenever whenever Mr. Malik Rahim Allah used to attend his gathering where he used to teach howdy he used to wear the best clothes available with him. He used to wear the best clothes or the cleanest of clothes that he used to have with him. And he used to adorn himself with the best perfume available, because he used to say, I am going to articulate or I am going to teach the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Likewise My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we are seated here today we are discussing we are we are discussing something about dunia ne we are talking about Allah Subhana Hua dialer and we are talking about his beloved

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prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We are talking about the words of our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah the Almighty accept us, and may He the almighty Grant has high stations in Jannah. And may He the almighty opened the doors of goodness and opened the doors of beneficial knowledge for all of us, I mean,

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now we move on to the next sentence in the Hadith, where Amaro de la Han, who states had jealous Elena v Sol, Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Before we go further, a tiny disclaimer. Like I said, even in the previous session, whilst I was prepping for today's talk, it's just amazing. I mean, I really, it's very difficult to encompass those, there's a lot more to touch on even in the previous sentences, which we just covered. Some scholars, some scholars rahima, whom in law, you know, in terms of even my teachers, we used to actually have around 10 or 15 sessions, or perhaps a week or two to cover an amazing Hadith like this, because there are so many lessons Allahu Akbar, just as

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how a diver when he dives into the ocean, and each time he comes out with a beautiful pearl. Each time you open up this amazing hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you can come out with a new Pearl, because after all, we know that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was blessed by Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah the Almighty blessed him where he was known as the awami ocalan. In other words, very concise, in words of Allah, while he was lm would say a word or two, but then Allahu Akbar, you would have a an ocean of meanings in an ocean of wisdom that you could derive from those few words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we should thank Allah

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Subhana Allah that Allah the Almighty has blessed us to be from the blessing of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So moving to the next next sentence, heterogenous Island Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam now this man, the Sahaba in one light, Allah, Allah will observing him. He comes with sparkling white clouds. He comes with jet black hair, and what does he do have jealousy in another use? Allahu alayhi wa sallam. He goes through the gathering and goes and sits by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allahu Akbar, he goes and sits by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for us neither, but he, but a lot.

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He goes, and he places his knees by the knees of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. From this, we understand many brothers and sisters in Islam that he used the posture of the Sham hood. Because if you were to sit cross legged, you can't touch your knees with the knees of your teacher. But on the other hand, if you go sit in Tushar hood, in the manner in the posture of the childhood, then yes, your knees are right in front of you. And this also shows that even Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the same posture. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not seated cross legged, but rather there is a high possibility that he would have been seated in the posture

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of the Shahada, making it easy for this new comma, this man who came in to go and sit by him in a manner where his knees were touching the knees of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Now, once again, this highlights the respect a student must have towards his teacher. It highlights it highlights respect, it highlights manners, it highlights equites, in other words, how a student of knowledge must sit in a gathering of knowledge in a gathering of seeking knowledge, and likewise, how he should sit in front of his teacher, Allahu Akbar. These are lessons that can be derived from this amazing Hadith. And what does this man do now? Wah wah cafe here I love fucky de la cabeza de he places his his hands, he places his hands with a cafe in the sense he places

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His pants. I love hockey, they in the sense on his ties. Now this is a direct translation on Africa today. He places his bonds on his ties. Now the question could arise whose ties now there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars, some of whom state that he placed his palms on the ties of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because now if he were to sit in the posture of the Sherwood, we would understand that if Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this further establishes the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was seated in the posture of the childhood. And this newcomer, this individual, he went and sat by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam, placing his knees in other words, his knees were touching the knees of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and some scholars state that he placed his palms on the ties of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Allahu Akbar, what a beautiful and what a blessed opportunity, how I envy that I could not place my hands and the ties of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah the Almighty opened the doors of goodness for us. But then there are other scholars who stayed that no other day he in the sense that that pronoun for the day that balmy his work, Roger is Illa has a role in the sense that pronoun indicates to this individual himself. He sat by Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he placed his palms on his own ties, in other words, humbling himself in front of his teacher, Allahu Akbar, once again, highlighting, highlighting manners highlighting respect in how you should sit in front of your teacher, you don't go sitting in front of your teacher, like a proud student, where even even some of my teachers may Allah subhanahu wa taala bless them, they were very strict. They were very strict when we used to seek knowledge where they wouldn't allow us to sit cross legged they wouldn't allow us to lean by the walls saying that this is not something it this is not respect you show towards knowledge number one, nor is it

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respect that you show towards your teacher. At that time we used to get annoyed, we used to get annoyed immediately. Why is he such a time series student say why is he being such a pain in the neck but Allahu Akbar, now we realize the value because the more respect you show towards knowledge, the more respect you show towards your teachers, the more Allah subhana wa tada opens the dose of beneficial knowledge for you. And also your heart is humbled you are filled with Avada and these are lessons derived from the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and by you sitting in such a way you are enlightening or you are living the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and

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Allahu Akbar, as we go further, we will understand we will come to know that this student was not any ordinary man, but rather archangel gabriel salat wa salam. And if jabril alayhi salatu salam, Allahu Akbar Amina huashi, Archangel the greatest Angel, the one who has been given the responsibility of delivering ye to the Prophet sallahu wa Salatu was salam, if he can come and sit in such a humble posture, what is stopping us from sitting in that posture? Allahu Akbar, may Allah subhanahu Allah bless all of us and many forgive our sins.

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So scholars, Rahim Allah will, after all, you You see, it's not a hard and fast rule, perhaps some find it difficult. Some may have some may have back problems and some also, you know, even I find it difficult to sit for a long time in the posture of the shadow. So this is a manner that you can adopt. Rather you start off you start off, when you at the very inception of the gathering, perhaps or at the very inception of the lesson, you start off by sitting in the posture of the Shahada, and gradually you can switch in accordance to you know, facilitate itself for you because now you can live long enough Sinhala was aha because after Allah subhana wa Taala does not burden the soul more

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than that it can India so Allah the Almighty knows what is best in sha Allah Allah. Nevertheless, now coming back to the Hadith, even this statement that we just covered, like I said, highlights the etiquettes of a seeker of knowledge. This is a beautiful statement of a very great Imam Allahu Akbar, Abdullah Mubarak Rahim Allah He states. This is just amazing. And when you think of this, you understand that you know we are nothing, we are nothing we number one, we don't even consider ourselves scholars. We consider ourselves students of knowledge. But even in comparison to this great student of knowledge. Obama, Barack Obama, who loves nothing, he says, I spent 30 years Allahu

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Akbar I spent 30 years learning manners Allahu Akbar, I spent 30 years learning adapt. I spent 30 years learning the etiquettes of seeking knowledge and I spent 20 years seeking knowledge about because through the journey of seeking knowledge My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, it is of utmost importance that we learn or we adopt the manners of a volleyball or in the manners of a student of knowledge, resulting

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Like I said in the last word Allah opening amazing those of beneficial knowledge for all of us.

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Coming back to the Heidi, now the student of knowledge is seated in front of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then he says,

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yo Mohammed said Allahu Allah He was alone with me and he ne Islam. Now something that needs to be highlighted here is in general, the Sahaba Ivanova hit Allah Allah Himeji Marine, the ones who are close to the supervisor along while usnm generally used to address Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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as Yana Viola or prophet of Allah or Yara sudama messenger of Allah, they would never address Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam using his name. But on the other hand, Bedouins and Arabs who used to come from out who were not close to the civilized love Allah, Who SLM especially Bedouins, because Bedouins at times, can be very rough natured. They can be a bit harsh, so they used to come in and they used to address Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam using his name. Yeah, Mohammed. So likewise, this individual as he wasn't a person who was with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was a newcomer who had come in. He says, Yeah, Mohamed, please don't forget to say sorry

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about when I mentioned the name of Allah Islam, it is upon us to say Salawat so the law while he was lm, because we know the hadith of three means that one of the doors that jabril rollin salat wa salam himself made was that let destruction the destruction be upon the one who hears your name Yasser Allah and does not make Salawat and the sort of law he said a long while he was lm kept off the DA he sees that you are with me Allah Akbar gibril. Allah salat wa salam, the greatest Angel making dua and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying amen to it. So let us not be from that group upon whom destruction has been decreed. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us. So let us

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remember Salawat whenever I mentioned the beautiful name of our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, a bit neon in Islam, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, tell me about Islam, Allah Akbar, and now Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam states for Bala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now he states and Islam. Islam is unterscheiden Allah ilaha illa Allah, Islam is to testify is to bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah behind them who are there I wonder Mohammad Rasool Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah but to ki masala and to

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establish sala de aza to give out the Pura to give out the saga with asuma Ramadan and to fast the month of Ramadan what the hood gel beta in esta la de Sevilla and to also perform pilgrimage to the house of Allah subhanahu wa taala if you have the means to do so Allah Akbar. Now, this My dear brothers and sisters in Islam highlights the fundamentals of Islam. In other words, the Pillars of Islam. Islam is founded on these five pillars Allahu Akbar, and this is highlighted to us in this amazing and famous hadith of gibreel alayhi salatu salam, where a supervisor Allahu Allah Salim starts off by saying pillar number one is to bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship

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other than the last behind Medina and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah. Now in the previous session, in that the fear of the greatest worse I could see we discussed, we discussed on how the kalama is, in other words, we broke down the kalama into two parts where we have negation and then confirmation. This is to establish an emphasis that there is no deity worthy of worship at all, other than Allah Subhana Allah. And also it is important this part of our testimony, it is part of us bearing witness that we have to also state that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah, many brothers and sisters in Islam. You see, our

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religion is so powerful, Allahu Akbar. For example, if you look at, say any other agent, for that matter, if you take Buddhism, you don't have a specific mantra or a specific

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statement that you have to utter to enter Buddhism. Buddhism is rather a way of life, you know,

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in reality, you know, a person can be a Christian and he can even follow the code of Buddhism, there is no need that he has to embrace Buddhism as a religion, for that matter. If you take Hinduism Hinduism also is similar. I mean, there is no particular testimony of faith that you have to utter to enter the fold of Hinduism. any religion you take, for that matter, Christianity, Judaism, any religion. Unlike our beautiful religion, our powerful religion. Islam is such a powerful religion that you can just think, okay, I want to become a Muslim and then you won't become a Muslim. You have to utter you have to

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articulate the testimony of faith. And from this we understand my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the power that are lost behind and what Allah has given us in regard to our faculty of speech above algebra. With this tiny tongue of ours, we can make ourselves worthy of gender. And likewise, we can throw ourselves out of the fold of Islam by uttering things that do not befit a Muslim Allahu Akbar. So it is upon us to be very careful in regard to what we speak. And eration Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reputed to have said along the lines of these words, that the individual who looks after what is between his jaws, ie his tongue, and he looks after what is

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between his legs, ie his private parts, I Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is stating I shall guarantee him a place in general Allah Akbar, Allahu Akbar. And I've said this before too, that our Salah for a solid, a pious predecessors, they used to be so careful. They used to be so careful that in terms of their speech, that at times they used to fill their mouths with tiny pebbles so that they don't indulge in vain speech. They don't indulge in vain talk Allahu Akbar. Because just as how am I beloved chef, Mr. rahima, who law states, he is also known as a specialist of the heart, he states that one of the things that hardens an individual's heart is vain speech, Allahu Akbar,

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unnecessary talking unnecessary speech that do not benefit us either. In this world of the hereafter results in our hearts becoming heart, Allahu Akbar. Psychology psychologists did a survey, and they came up to a conclusion that an average adult he articulates 10,000 words per day, he articulates 10,000 words per day. I may have said this before, but I'm mentioning again to to highlight on how careful we must be and they go on to say that women on the other hand, they articulate double the amount they articulate 20,000 words. So, it is upon us, it is upon us to gauge these 10,000 words or 20,000 words and see whether how many of these words Allahu Akbar are pleasing to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala or at least benefiting us in this world or the hereafter because most of the time what we speak a llama Rahim Allah except those whom Allah behind them what Allah has bestowed His mercy upon a time what we speak do not benefit us in this world nor the hereafter. At times what we speak in dangers another person's honor, at times we waste good speech on backbiting and gossiping and caring tales about people may Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all. So it is from the Pillars of Islam, the first pillar of Islam to be a witness that there is no deity worthy of worship, other than Allah subhana wa tada and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah.

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Now, when we look at the definition of Islam, before we go on to the next pillar of Islam, the definition of Islam is that if you refer to most of the dictionaries, the Arabic language dictionaries, you will find out that the meaning of the word Islam means submission. In other words, submission to the will of your Creator, your maker, this is what Islam means. It also stems from the root that gives the meaning peace but the primary meaning is submission, ie submission to the will of your Creator, the will of your maker, this is what Islam means, in other words, humbling oneself, establishing udia establishing that you are a slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala, obeying the

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commandments of Allah Subhana Allah, heeding the prohibition, staying away from all those things that transgress the limits of philosophy behind that word Allah and sincerely worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala, believing in all what Allah behind and what Allah has sent to us through the MBR alayhi wa salatu wa salam, and having faith in all of that this is Islam in a nutshell, Allahu Akbar.

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So, now, after the Shahada, after the Shahada, and yes, before we move on to Salah Shahada is something so powerful, this testimony of faith that there was once an incident during the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that Oussama rhodiola one once the battlefield, he was about to kill a person. He was about to kill a person. And just as perhaps when he was raising his Ward, to kill him, that man utters the testimony of faith. He has witnessed that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah Subhana what Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah subhanahu wa dialler. But ignoring the testimony of faith, some of the long line

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who killed that individual Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very perturbed and very disturbed about it. He asks Are Samarra de la Juan Yama? along the lines of these words? You killed him even after he bow witness or after he uttered the testimony of faith.

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Samadhi Allahu anhu tried to explain Yasuda he just did it merely out of fear of death. He just did it to get out of that situation he was in. But Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so upset that he kept on repeating it was Amaro de la one who says he kept on repeating. It's so much that I felt so bad luck with something along the lines of these words. But nevertheless, the Long Island was Selim was so upset in regard to it, many brothers and sisters in Islam. So like I said, Shahada is of two parts, negation and confirmation and likewise two paths where we established that Allah subhana wa Taala is the only one worthy of worship and it is also upon us to establish the

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prophethood of our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now we move on to the next pillar of Islam. And that is to pee masala to establish salla Allahu Akbar that is a second pillar of Islam. And many brothers and sisters in Islam, there is no excuse whatsoever for a believer for a Muslim to live Salah. There's no excuse, unless, unless he is not in a state of his mind that he can perhaps if He's unconscious, or he has gone mad, or he is in a state of coma, that is similar to being unconscious, or he has really forgotten amnesia in the sense he has actually forgotten. You can't say no, say if someone reminded you say about 510 minutes before and you ignore that reminder,

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then you are held accountable but say no one reminder it completely slipped out of your mind, which is highly unlikely in terms of a Bible believer whose day completely evolves around Allah, Allah Akbar, because you might notice that we believers, look at how we measure our day. We don't say I'll meet you at four o'clock but if it's something around four o'clock we will say I will meet you after serasa will say I'll meet you before serasa and meet you after I meet you before Serato or we'll do this after so after modeling our day we measure our day using the Sarawak because we are always mindful of us on a lot of our five times prayers. And also because a believer is supposed to say

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he's finished Serato Bahar, he needs to start planning and getting ready for Serato after he's done with Roger, he needs to get ready for Serato Muslim, he's done a lot of Muslim he needs to get ready for Serato Aisha This is how the day of a believer revolts Allahu Akbar. So how does Allah come about? We know of the narration where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went up on mirage. He went up a mirage and Allah subhanho wa Taala initially prescribed 50 Salat for a day, which is a lot for a day 50 prayers for a day.

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Sam comes back on the way he meets musala salatu salam who advises Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to go back to Allah Subhana Allah because he said, I know that your nation along the lines of these words may not be able to shoulder the burden of 50 prayers for a day. So vitalizing them goes back and it reduces by 10. So Allah subhanaw taala prescribes 40 and this back and forth happens a few times until I was behind and what Allah brought it down to five times a day, and then the supervisor along wizened up on the way back again, who's Allahu salatu salam says go back. Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he asked Allah subhana wa tada to reduce it further. But

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, our beloved master sallallahu alayhi wa sallam states that I'm ashamed that even though after it has been reduced to five, to go back and reduce it further Allahu Akbar, in reality we must consider our five times Allah was a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is a programming that we go through we need, Allah does not need us Allah on the other hand, we need this surah this blessing Salah, where this divine link with Allah subhana wa Tada. But sadly, we have individuals today who stayed that you know what? In vain, or Allah that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam should have gone back and reduced it to another perhaps two or three,

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maybe if he could have knocked off certain fraudulence ratio which is the most stuff and just Bahar and Asada and Margarita made things so easy may have lost behind that what Allah forgive us and May Allah Subhana Allah open the dose of goodness for us.

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So the second pillar of Islam is Salah, and the next one the brothers and sisters in Islam is aka famous Allah. Jessica it is upon us to give Zakat It is one of the obligatory pillars of zakka Allahu Akbar. In today's time, we know scholars mentioned that if the whole Muslim Ummah, if the whole Muslim Ummah were to give out their Zakah perfectly, we would be able to eradicate poverty amongst the Muslims Allahu Akbar, but sadly, we know of how many people suffering out of hunger, the inshallah to Allah I hope to take part in a very beautiful and blessed initiative, otherwise known as the night of power. I think the poster is put up upstairs and this is with a noble intention of

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or collecting funds to eradicate or feed the it will eradicate poverty and to also feed the ones who are hungry to feed families who are suffering from hunger and poverty mothers behind them who Allah bless that initiative and bless the organizers and make it an outstanding success. inshallah Allah it will be from the 24th to the 26th of this month, and the details will be uploaded very soon. inshallah Allah is the first ever global online conference where our speakers from all around the world are taking part where speakers from all around the world will be all around the world we'll be touching on a theme which is the spiritual journey with the Koran, there will be amazing talks held

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in sha Allah Allah almost around 20 to 25 speakers, out of which are lost behind the hood Allah has also blessed me with an opportunity to participate in so inshallah Allah if possible, go through the details and try and participate in it and try and donate for this worthy cause. And likewise, try and pass the message around friends and family whether they be locally or abroad so that all of them can be a part of this blessing initiative. Nevertheless, coming back to America, if you look at the words of Allah Subhana Allah Allah in the Quran, that many plays a lot behind and what Allah has joined salah and sakar together to highlight the importance of Zakah and sola

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even above for the Allahu anhu he states in regard to there are three ayah in the Quran that are linked together number one being Aki masala aka masala to Sokka you should establish your Salah and give out your Sokka the second being an H koulibaly validator in terms of your

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in terms of the good treatment towards your parents, you're supposed to tank Allah subhanho wa Taala and likewise thank your parents even above for the last one He states that in regard to these is the speciality or the important thing that needs to be highlighted is that both of these two things go hand in hand. In other words, if someone were to say, you know I'm good to establish Salah but I'm not going to pay soccer, then Salah is not accepted from that individual. Or if he were to say I'm going to pay soccer but I'm not praying my Salah then the soccer is not accepted accepted from that individual. It has to go hand in hand where he has to establish salah and likewise he has to pay out

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soccer. Both of these two things have to go hand in hand and both of utmost importance Allahu Akbar.

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The next pillar My dear brothers and sisters in Islam is some Ramadan is fasting, Allahu Akbar, and the first fasting that was made obligatory upon the oma Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the fasting of the day of Ashura. Afterwards, the obligation of the fasting of the month of Ramadan came about and 100 Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala we are in the blessed month of Ramadan, and this month of Ramadan IE fasting the month of Ramadan is an obligation is from the fundamentals and the Pillars of Islam. The next pillar My dear brothers and sisters in Islam is high performing pilgrimage the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala. For for those who have the means to do so, for those who have the

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means to do to do so. Sadly, today we have individuals running around inexpensive motor vehicles. Women folk having decking decking themselves with expensive jewelry, but then when you ask them about height, they say, you know what, we're still collecting money or we still trying to you know, arrange our funds to make it for hydralic about priority must be given for hedge where the obligation falls off from US media brothers and sisters in Islam as it is from the fundamentals of Islam. And it is best that we do it when we have strength and not wait till old age and senility overtakes us and we expect our children to perhaps send us on Hajj rather we try to do it when we

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are young. And we fulfill this pillar of Islam in such a way that we have the strength to fulfill the pillar of Islam in beauty and excellence.

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Now swiftly moving on to the next statement, this individual now, what he does is after after a foodwise Allahu alayhi wa sallam explained the Pillars of Islam, now he went as a student, and he was the one who asked us to devise Allahu alayhi wa sallam about Islam. But then he says something a statement that amazed the Sahaba Riba Allah Allah Himeji Marine, he said after I

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explained about the five pillars of Islam, he states so he says, sewed up, you have spoken the truth, Allahu Akbar. He looks at his alarm while he was alive and confirms what was what lies Allahu Allahu wa sallam just said. So the Sahaba Allah Allah Imagine if they stayed for ajibade Allah who is unaware, so therefore, we were surprised. We were surprised in regard to this individual. He comes and he asks, from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as if he does not know about this, and then he himself confirms, he says,

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You have spoken the truth, because in general, if you say you have spoken the truth that means he already knows the answer. So why is he doing this? Why is they were wondering about this? He asks the next question from your supervisor Allahu alayhi wa sallam for us, Burnie and he informed me about a man Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then answers that question by stating and took me in a biLlahi Ramallah equity he will go to the Hebrew school he will Yeoman.

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EMA is to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. To believe in the angels of Allah subhana wa Taala. To believe in the books of philosophy behind the word Allah, the messengers of Allah behind them who are the Allah to believe in the last day and to believe in further that good and evil is from it.

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Buddy brothers and sisters in Islam before we delve into this particular statement, it is important that we touch on the difference between Islam and EMA. So we already defined what Islam is. Now in terms of eemaan. Before we go into the definition of Eman, what we need to understand is an Islam when a man is a Jew, Tamara, if tarraco

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taraka is Dharma, that Islam and a man when you join them together, they are two different things. When you join them together, they are two different things. But if they are separate, then they are one and the same thing. I will explain

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the matoke about Islam, what we mean is the exterior actions of an individual because look at the pillars. Shahada you articulated it's an action.

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Sala is an action Zakah you pay out your soccer, these are all zeca, Ramadan, Hajj, all of this, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam is in terms of your exterior actions. But if you look at a man, a man is nothing exterior, but rather it deals with your beliefs from within Allahu Akbar. It deals with your beliefs from within. So when you look at EMA in general, you would say that EMA is much more a general term than Islam. EMA is a much more general term than Islam, because every movement is a Muslim, but not every Muslim is a movement. I hope I'm not confusing anybody. Every movement is a Muslim, but not every Muslim is a movement, just as how we would say every crow is black in color,

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but not every black color is a crow.

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Every crow is black in color, but not every black color is a crow. Likewise, every movement is a Muslim, but not every Muslim is a movement. I hope I have made it clear. Now let me try to elaborate further. Just draw a hypothetical huge circle in your minds. Okay, huge circle. I don't have a whiteboard to explain to you all no presentation. So let me just try and do it verbally. draw a big circle a huge circle. Now that circle is the man now draw a smaller circle within that big circle and that is Islam. That is Islam. Yeah. So now you understand that Islam is within Iman so every movement has Islam but not every Muslim has a man because Allah behind them who has taken the Nobel

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for odd color tell

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me no

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clue as long as some Arabs Bedouin Arabs, they said I'm gonna be abroad any man. So Allah subhanho wa Taala commands. Allahu alayhi wa sallam told me no say that you haven't brought in Mr. Wallach. In kulu Aslam, Nevada, you also say that you have embraced Islam, because the minute you embrace Islam, you have to bring in all of these articles of faith to become a min so to elaborate further the first daraja the first rank is Muslim, and then you become a woman. And then you become a saint, which is the pinnacle which I hope time will permit to touch in sha Allah Allah. So like I said, if you talk about Islam and eemaan together, then they are two different things. But then if they are

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separate, they are one and the same thing. Islam and he man, because within a man is Islam, within EMA is Islam. But if you take within Islam, Eman does not come into it because the minute a person becomes a Muslim, he does not become a man, but a movement is already a Muslim. Now in terms of the definition of a man, what is a man a man is to believe in all of these six articles of faith and it also entails three important factors. three important factors. Number one, you can't just say okay, before we go into the three important

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factors you just can't say, I believe in Allah I believe in the angels, the books and all the six articles of faith that does not make you a myth about three important factors need to be established. And this many people are not aware of sadly, because of the lack of aqeedah being taught, many people are not aware of their own creed, Allahu Akbar, this is a very sad thing and we asked Allah Subhana Allah Allah to alleviate that ignorance from the Ummah currently.

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So number one, from these three important factors in regard to a man is a Koran we'll call it Corrado will call is that you have to establish the belief in your heart. You have to,

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there is no point in just articulating, articulating it using your tongue say, I believe in Allah. But when your heart does not believe in Allah, when your heart is questioning your faith, when your heart things, is there really a creator? Is there really a creator? Or you know, what, shall we just stick to Darwin's theory perhaps? Or shall we just you know, stick to what that scientist said or the scientist said, if your heart is like a stick in the mud, Allahu Akbar, your Eman is weak. And you need to work on your Eman. Number one, if your arm will call, your heart has to fully accept the six articles of faith. Number two, note upon bill Listen, it wouldn't suffice only that your heart

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accepts it and you don't articulate it. Your tongue also has to articulate it. You have to accept it with your heart, your tongue has to articulate it number three, and then your limbs have to start emitting all kinds of good deeds. In other words, you have to establish Salah you have to give out the car you have to pass the month of Ramadan, you have to go on Hajj, all of these good deeds have to start coming out from the limbs avalonbay jawara. So the three factors number one for the ones who are making notes, let me let me

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repeat it number one is for our own bill calm. Number one a Corrado will call you believe firmly with your heart. Number two, not a phone bill, a son you articulated with your tongue number 3am allume Bill jawara number 3am Hello, Bill jawara that you must you can't just say, You know what? I have articulated it with my tongue. I believe in Allah but I'm not going to play. I'm not going to pray then you don't become a movement. You have to articulate with your tongue. You have to believe it firmly with your heart. And likewise you have to involve in all of the actions that has been prescribed upon a believer Allahu Akbar May Allah subhana wa Taala make us all from the believers.

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To touch on it further. Scholars mentioned this is a little more easier way to remember these things. Scholars mentioned that the EMR consists of five new EMR consists of five new not new what is new not new not is not some kind of thing that you would eat for breaking fast. No not is the plural of noon, the letter noon in Arabic you have the letter noon, if you want to say a plural of noon, noon, so basically we are saying five Nunes five Nunes English five Nunes Yeah. So to to to easily perhaps memorize these five factors you have five new not so let us touch on these five new law. The first known is called room bill Lisa Can you see the noon at the end column bill is

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the first noon is called when Bill isn't where you articulate using your tongue. The second known is dusty comb bill Gina again another noon at the end does the Farm Bill Gina in other words you confer with your heart gentle gentle gentle means your heart does the phone bill called or Gina is another word you use for heart so to stay calm bill Gina Can you confirm with your heart that is a second note. The third note is avelumab bill or can again another note you have to do all of the actions that have been prescribed upon a believer all of those actions have to come from his limbs or can means limbs broken or can means limbs. So far number one column bill isn't number two on bill Gina

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number 3am I alone bill or can number four yes he do before it rush man. Now in terms of he man, he man increases and decreases. He man increases and decreases. If you take the email of the angels its table is our email is like an equalizer. It goes up and down. It goes up and down the angel the the email of the angels is stable. It's just in one fixed locked position. It does not go up it does not go down the Polish or lost behind what Allah has has set for it. It remains there and that is why la yasunaga Hama Amara home with Mr. Yu Maru and that is why they do not disobey

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Allah subhanho wa Taala they do what they are commanded to do Allah Akbar.

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But the man of the Gambia the Prophet sallahu wa salatu wa salam keeps on increasing, it never ever comes down. It just keeps increasing, increasing, increasing Allahu Akbar, but we, we the slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala are Eman increases and decreases and that is why suddenly we feel the urge to do good deeds. We suddenly feel, you know, we feel very pious and very righteous, we want to do good deeds, and sometimes we feel as if we are spiritually punctured, and we feel empty we feel down below because of that he has EDM costs because of the EMR increasing and decreasing. So the fourth noon is yes, he will be a rough man. If you obey a rough man, if you obey a rough man the Most

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Merciful that is Allah your Eman will keep increasing. The more you do good deeds, the more you obey Allah subhanho wa Taala your good your EMR will increase and the final the fifth note is while young poo be thought it shaped on you see number one Hello Melissa noon at the end. Does day number two does the phone bill Gina noon at the end Amazon bill or can noon at the end? Yeah z to be taught the rough man Luna the end and the final one young kasubi ta t shirt on and your Eman decreases when you obey shaytaan when you obey

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his evil inclinations, his urges his evil whisperings when you give into shaitan your email starts to deplete and starts to dwindle. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all i mean Allah the Almighty strengthen and fortify our man I mean. So now also to establish the fact that Eman consists of actions and articulations and also confirmation with your heart. This is Heidi's lingo salon where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said and he mano bitter over several owner shorba for Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah wa Arjuna Emma total da and eatery.

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EMA is what 70 odd branches EMA is of 70 odd branches so don't worry about EMA here. The top most of the pinnacle of it is what how do La Ilaha Illa ko articulating La la la so from that we understand no token bill is it is your articulating it use your tongue. What are the law and the lowest branch of Eman is what Mr. Total

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taking something harmful away from the path taking something harmful that might harm another person from the past. Now during that is there an action or not? Is there an action so then available our card so we understand. So Mr. entails I'm a luminol fan. I'm an American nosocomial Hassan and thirsty for Musina three important factors. If all of these factors are met, if all of these conditions are met, only then will an individual's a man become perfect become complete in his heart, malice behind and what Allah blesses with perfect and complete a man.

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So article number one and took me Nabila that you are supposed to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I will not delve into this many brothers and sisters in Islam because in the previous session, the Tafseer of advocacy we discussed, we touched on the greatness of Allah subhana wa Taala. It is upon us to believe in the grandeur and the greatness of our powerful creator, woman it and then we are supposed to the second article, we're supposed to believe in the angels of philosophy behind it with an island in regard to the angels many brothers and sisters in Islam. You can't just say I believe in the angels and then cap it off. No, you have to believe in the angels.

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You have to believe in the angels that are lost behind them what Allah has mentioned their names such as jabril, such as Mika IL, such as his Rafi, such as Malakal mouth and the other angels that Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned their names or perhaps a supervisor in Long Island was lm has mentioned their names perhaps Moncure and Nikita. So it is upon us to believe in all of these angels and we are also supposed to believe in their responsibilities if we have been taught those responsibilities by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for example, that gibreel alayhi salatu salam has been entrusted the responsibility of working Mika L. RM salatu salam has been entrusted

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with the responsibility of the reigns in the provisions. His Rafi arranged salat wa salam has been entrusted the responsibility of blowing the trumpet, he has already placed the trumpet on his lips, waiting for the signal or the order of Allah subhanho wa Taala to blow the trumpet to signal the commencement of the day of the AMA May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us oil and likewise molecule note that he has been given the responsibility of taking souls Allahu Akbar. Now you see molecule mode. Some people say that his name is Israel in Israel or Israel but this has not been established in

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In any way from any authentic hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam or from the Koran berada, what has been established is that he is known as molekule mode. So we stick to what is authentic and what has been taught to us from the Koran. So we say that his name or he is known as molekule mouth, the angel of death and that particular name is wrong, it has not been established.

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And then in terms of the books and took me to believe that you have to be in terms of the books, the revelations of Allah behind them, what Allah we are supposed to believe in all the revelations that came down the established revelations such as the Torah, such as the angel, such as Sophie Ibrahim Musa, the books of Musa Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam and musala salat wa salam, we believe in all of those books. But the current conclusion that we have to bring about is that all of those books have been tampered with, but we have to initially believe those books are from Allah subhanho wa Taala, they are the revelations of Allah subhana wa Taala. But currently they have been tampered and

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they have been distorted. And currently no book is safe from distortion or tampering. Other than the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the noble Koran, the noble,

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there is a mention in the books of history, about one particular Jewish rabbi, he used to work as a

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he used to work in a in a press in a class where, you know, in those days, we didn't, they didn't have modern technology where they used to, you know, public, they, they didn't have big publications and stuff that they used to basically write books, you know, manuscripts and copies, etc. So, he was working in this particular press, where they used to write, you know, the books of different religions, such as the Bible perhaps and in the books of Judaism, etc. So he says many a time you know, we face we because it Come on, it's not, it's not technology, in the sense they didn't have advanced technology as how we have today, where you have autocorrect, and etc. and all these things,

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they had to write so many a time there would be printing errors. But then the followers or Judaism never came back complaining of errors, nor did the Christians ever come back complaining of errors in terms of the Bible. Then he says one day, we sold a Koran. We sold a Koran, and the very next day, that Muslim he comes back saying, You know what, I don't want this Quran because the page is missing. You have missed out a page. This man the minute he heard it, he asked him how do you know that? To which he says that most of us most of us are hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. Most of us are from the fogal Quran, we have memorized the Quran, Allah the Almighty has made it so easy because

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this is the only book that allows us to highlight what Allah Himself took the responsibility of protecting it in an international zakharova in Allah Who would have known we are the ones who reveal this book, and we will protect it.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala has protected and he will protect it. And the minute this that Jewish rabbi witnessed that he immediately after the kalama and he embraced Islam, Allahu Akbar books of history mentioned this particular incident. Nevertheless, it is upon us to believe in the books of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Likewise, we are supposed to believe in the Russell and the ambia, the Russell and the ambia. Now, let me This is a thing that we have touched on a bit and took me in a bit ly ETS opposed to believe in the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Now when we talk about the messengers of Allah behind it,

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we have

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the Russell and the ambia. We have the nabee and we have the Russell, we are supposed to believe in all of them. But what is the difference between an abbey and between Russell and I would say the best explanation in regard to this is the explanation of scheffel Islam, even taymiyah Rahim Allah, He states that the difference between a raw soul and an abbey is that

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an abbey was inspired by a loss behind and what Allah with revelation, but he was not commanded to do a blaze of that.

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He was not commanded to do what establish the blaze means to convey the message in other words to make that work. He was not commanded to make the hour and Abby was given, was inspired was, was blessed with what he but was not commanded to make dour to call people but on the other hand are rhassoul and that is why we translate nabee as proper and rhassoul as messenger. Rasool is a person who Allah subhanho wa Taala inspired and blessed with what he and also commanded who upon him. He was commanded to make the our to call people

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Words the message of Allah subhana wa dialler. Once again, Rasool is a person may Allah subhana wa Taala inspire and blessed him with what he but he was. And he was commanded to make doubly to convey the message and call people towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Debbie is an individual who was inspired, was blessed with wahi but was not commanded to make the blaze or call people towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he furthermore states a more comprehensive conclusion is that, and this is the statement of the majority of this corners, they state that both both Nabil and Russell both were inspired, both were given washi and both work Amanda with the Blair both were commanded to make

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Dawa. But the differentiating factor between both of them is that a Nabi is generally sent to a nation that agrees with him. And Abby is sent to a nation that generally agrees with him, and rasulillah is sent to a nation who is against him who he has to work on. For example, look at musala who salatu salam and Harun Alex Ross was salam, Musashi salatu salam was a Rasool he was a Rasul Haruna salat wa salam. O. Zina B. Now the explanation fits perfectly because musala hisako salam was sent to call by Nusra he was the last behind and with that, and afterwards after they had embraced or turn towards the last behind and what Allah after that accepted the message to some extent, how

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wassalam was made a Nabhi so now, things were made easier for him, he did not have to work a lot because the nation was already in accordance to the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is the slide differentiating factors between rhassoul and nebby.

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Now the other thing about the belief in terms of Russell, is that we have to believe in all of the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala from Adam, Allah, his salat wa salam, our Father, Malini serrato salam until our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for example, another example just as Musa la salatu salam and how knowledge la Salaam is that amalinks la casilla was a NaVi. He was an abbey, he was a Darrow suit. He was an abbey, he did not come and make strong public and strong dour, who was the next Who do you think was the next great prophet who was who was titled as our

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new allies? rossana Exactly. No. alayhi salatu salam was the next great prophet, messenger Rasool who came and called people towards Islam because they had diverted and they had gone astray. They had been misguided. No. La salatu salam was sent as a Rasool and he called the people towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we believe in all of the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala there are many narrations and opinions to state the number of the prophets, but most of them have not been established. So we stick to the statement that there is there was a great number of prophets, some scholars said 124,000 125,000 and so many other figures, but still majority of the scholars state

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that they are exact or precise number has not been mentioned anywhere. It's just that we know that a huge number, a great gela of profits were sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we believe in all of them, and we believe that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the final messenger and he is the seed of all of the profits, the greatest of all of the profits, Allahu Akbar.

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Okay, we move on to the next and took me Nabila hamanaka, he will put up he was really he will, you will hear that we have to believe in the last day in the Day of Judgment. Now, it is upon us to believe that the day of judgment will inevitably occur. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to resurrect us and there is going to be a questioning that will take place. So in terms of believing in the Day of Judgment, Mario brothers and sisters in Islam, we have to believe in terms of the first marhaba In other words, the first station that we have to cross in terms of our journey towards an era and that is a cover, we have to believe in the cover. There are some people who don't

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believe in what happens in the cover. We have to believe of all that will take place in the cover that has been taught to us by our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, after all, all of that was taught to him by Allah subhanho wa Taala. However, he does not speak out of his own desires in Hoyle our view you have whatever he speaks his divine inspiration from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we have to believe in regard to the cover where Islam is reported to have said that there will be angels who will question us in the grave, and there will be questions that will be put forward to us and we have to answer those questions. And if we are successful if we successfully

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answer those question

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And that will be only that will be the case only if we have strong Eman.

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What will happen is the grave. Another erosion of supplies of our Islam states along the lines of these words that the grave the minute a slave, the minute the son of Adam is put into a grave, the grave will hug him.

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The grave will hug him.

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If he is a believer, if he is successful, that hug will be like a friend, warmly hugging him just imagine the grave hugging you will have about what a spectacle the grave will hug you a warm hug. But on the other hand, if you are a sinner, I mean Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all and forgive our sins, the grave will crush us with that hug in such a way our ribs will entangle itself with the other ribs Allahu Akbar, me Allah behind it, what data save us all. And likewise if we are successful after the questioning in the grave, a window will be open about October, if he is a righteous person, a window will be open to the fire of jahannam Allah Akbar, if he is a righteous

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person, a window will be open to the fire of jahannam Allah Akbar and it will be said to him, if you if you had rejected the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala this would be your abort, but you are successful, this is not your abort. And then a window towards gender will be open to Him and He will start enjoying the beautiful glimpses of Jenna the beautiful fragrances of gender and then he will cry out Allah Allah make the Day of Judgment happened now make it happen now I want to go into agenda Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allah subhanho wa Taala because all from the people of Jenna

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but the minute a sinner,

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the made he failed is those questioning or window towards the agenda will be open to him Look at that remotes and the guilt he will feel my dear brothers and sisters in Islam and it will be said to him If only you had believed in Allah. If only you had brought any man if you only had acted upon the commandment of Allah subhanho wa Taala ventilation goes along the lines of these words, this would have been your aboard but on the other hand you are the exact opposite to that that when the opposite gender will be shot and then a window towards jahannam will be opened and he will be said this is your abort stay in it and then the fumes and the heat and the scary things of jahannam he

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will have to face it until the day of the AMA and he will cry out he Allah Do not let the day of the AMA take place. Do not let the day of the AMA take place. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all from from becoming the people of Ghana, Allah May Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all. So to believe in the Day of Judgment is to believe in all of this, to believe in the cover to believe in the questioning and Allahu Akbar to believe in the house to believe in the house will cause her to believe in that blesser Fountain where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will give all of us sweet water to quench our thirst from Allahu Akbar and the description in regard to that found in

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many brothers and sisters in Islam, that even one sick from the fountain and we will never ever feel thirst ever again. It's such a quenching fountain and we will be given to drink through the blesser the hands of our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is just amazing. That is just out of this world. Allahu Akbar. In reality, it is out of this world. It is in the era of of algebra, and there will be a group of people. There'll be a group of people who will not be able to drink from the house and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam will cry out Yala, they are my Amati they are from my own math, they are from my own math, and then it will be said to Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the narration goes along the lines of these words are a pseudo law. You do not know what they did after you. In other words, what they innovated after you they innovated so many things after you they do not deserve to drink from the house will Casa Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being so merciful and being so kind he will ask Allah they are my nation, they are my nation, but then it will be said to him, you do not know after you they committed so much of innovations. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all from becoming people of innovations and people have been May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us it is an it is extremely an evil thing. There is

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nothing known as a good innovation and a bad innovation according to the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam innovations are innovations could be the atom bara wakulla galati Pina Colada.

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Every newly invented matter is a visa. Every visa every innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance you see there is no exemption. There is no good and bad innovation. All innovations are bad all innovations are misguidance and every misguidance is in the fire of Johanna May Allah subhanahu wa taala help us to stay away from innovations, media brothers and sisters in this

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Islam as I thought as much we were not able to complete the Hadith and I will stop here inshallah Allah because the next the very next statement is about color and color requires time there's a lot of there is a few points that I wish to touch and time does not suffice to touch inshallah to Allah. So the coming session the coming Thursday the topic is fleet wellness behind that what Allah what we will do is inshallah, we will complete the Hadith, the beautiful hadith of gibreel and then we will touch on fleeing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is in regard to Toba. May Allah subhana wa Taala forgive all of our sins, and may He the almighty accept our good deeds. May He the almighty

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bless us and may He opened the doors of goodness for us, and may He the almighty alleviate the sufferings the Muslim Ummah is going through Allah Akbar. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive all of our sins, may he the almighty alleviate the sufferings of the Muslims in Gaza, and may He forgive their sins. May He grant them high stations in gender because of the sufferings they are going through. May he feel all of our hearts the hearts of every Amati of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with positivity because of the things that we witness happening. Our hearts are going negative and are many people are questioning their Eman. May Allah subhanahu wa taala bless us with

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strong man unwavering Eman because after all, we have to go through these trials and calamities. These are all tests from Allah subhanho wa Taala. These are tests to test our Eman and this is the time my dear brothers and sisters in Islam we are also vice versa is reported to have said holding on to your Iman will be as if holding onto a piece of coal. Today many brothers and sisters they question he man they question their faith by stating if there is a maker or if there is such a Merciful Creator, why is he allowing all of these things to happen? in Palestine? And in Gaza? My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, even the people of Gaza even the people of Palestine don't

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question Allah subhanho wa Taala like that they are going through the trials but they are bravely and strongly facing those trials. Because they know that this the life of this dunya is short and by them going through that trial they are they are securing high stations in Jannah. But we on the other hand, living in luxury running around in expensive vehicles eating food and perhaps at times wasting food living in mansions we question Allah subhanho wa Taala we question our maker, we question our faith Allahu Akbar, we need to be worried about ourselves. We need to work on our Eman And we need to pray to Allah Subhana Allah that Allah blesses us with strong unwavering Eman And

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses the people of Gaza and he blesses them with strong patience and blesses them with even more courage to go through the trials of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And mainly the almighty unite all of us in the gardens of Jenna just as how he united us here this morning with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and May He grant all of us the opportunity to drink from the beautiful fountain of closer to the blessed hands of our Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen I mean, yo Bella, I mean, whatever said whatever correct said was from Allah subhanho wa Taala and if there was anything wrong

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in what I said it was from me and shaytaan I seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the devil. And I also ask Allah Subhana Allah is forgiveness Jessa como la hi

A talk delivered for the sisters by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary on Thursday, the 17th of July at Sakeenah Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka Ramadaan 2014-1435.

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