Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables – Parable #7 – The Five Prayers Wiping out Sins

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The importance of praying five times a day and doing the five daily prayers in Islam is emphasized, as it is meant to activate the body and act as a purification of actions. Visits to avoid wasting time and avoid wasting one's life are also emphasized. Prayer for others is also emphasized, as it is crucial for individuals to be aware of their limitations and avoid wasting their time. The importance of serene and not praying on time is emphasized, as it is crucial for individuals to be worshipped. The benefits of setting a salon for worship and providing risk to individuals and their families are highlighted, and the importance of humility and the desire to be worshipped is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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After that, we move on to the next heartbeat.

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And the next parable

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and this is also referred to it is agreed upon in Bukhari Muslim.

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And this parable is regarding

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a solo Atul hubbs.

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The five daily prayers

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and ebihara era

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are the Allahu Allahu Allahu semirara Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yaku

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are a to know and Nana Aurangabad the deacon, he has a taste in women who couldn't lie to me. laomi come summer rot, Helier, becomming, Durrani shank,

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cannula. layup comander ohnishi coil a federally canneto Salatin homes, em hilang b hymnal hapa. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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asking the companions,

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he said, let's say there was a river,

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at the door.

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at the door of one of you, meaning outside your house, you open the door and there's a river

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in which you bathe five times a day.

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Five times a day you bathe in this river. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked them, would there remain any dirt on him?

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So they said no, of course not. There will not remain any dirt on him if he was to do that. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, that is the example

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of the son of Martin hums the five daily prayers.

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Allah wipes out the scenes with them.

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Allah wipes out the sins through these five daily prayers.

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And so in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explains the significance and the importance of

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our solo act,

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the obligatory five daily prayers in the life of the Muslim and how

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these prayers, they act as a purification,

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cleaning our sins from us, that we commit every day, that taint our hearts and our souls.

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And so he saw who it was and starts by drawing a picture for them.

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He draws this picture in their minds

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of a river.

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And he specifically mentioned a river and not for example, an ocean or a sea.

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Because that won't really help in

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cleaning the person as as much as a river would do. That is giving you fresh water that is flowing.

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And he says, This is right outside your house.

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And so you jump into it not just once a day,

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or five times in the day.

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And not just one day,

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every day.

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Every day you go into this river,

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and five times throughout the day you

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you wash yourself and you beat.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asks this question, would there remain any dirt or any filth

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on this person who does this?

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And so when they answer in the negative,

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he tells them that this is how the five daily prayers are in the life of the Muslim. And so just like you need water,

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to wash yourself of dirt. And the more you use it, the more clean you remain. Likewise,

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these prayers, likewise, these prayers you need them in your daily life

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in order to wash yourself of sin,

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in order to wash yourself of sin.

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And so, sins,

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sins, they affect our hearts and they cause our hearts to become tainted to become dirty.

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about this in the hadith of halifa, Erbil, Yemen, Robby along and he said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Phaeton

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trials tribulations temptations

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are presented to the heart, one by one.

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Any heart that absorbs these trials these temptations

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that heart will be left with a black stain.

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But any heart that rejects it,

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then a mark of purity will be left on the heart.

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And then he says that the hearts become two kinds. After this, the hearts become two kinds, a dark heart that has turned away and become like an overturned vessel and a pure heart that will never be harmed by any fitna. For as long as the earth and the heavens exist, the dark heart only recognizes good and denounces evil when this suits his desires and wins.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also referred to

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the dirt of sins

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someone came to him,

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and told him that I have committed sin.

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And so he told the companions to bring him a whip.

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he gave him the punishment for fornication for Xena.

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And then afterwards, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam turned to the companions and said,

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All people

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The time has come for you to observe the limits of a law.

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Whoever has become tainted by these dirty things.

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Or saw the

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mean heavy Hill call to rot be shy.

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A call to rot

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means dirty things. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam referred to as Xena as being something dirty, something filthy.

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So he said, Whoever has been tainted by these dirty things, he should cover himself conceal it with the with the cover of Allah, Allah subhanahu wa tada covered your sin, don't go around, telling people about it.

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And then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, For whoever reveals to us his wrongdoing. And we have to implement what is in the book of a law against him.

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So basically, if that person had concealed it, left it between him and a lot, the profits are lower, and he would not have punished him. But because he has now come forward, now he has to get the punishment. But the point here was how sins are referred to as something dirty, something filthy. And so our hearts become tainted

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and dirty

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with the sins that we commit.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained to us in this Hadith, how our five daily Salawat

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they benefit us in wiping out

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in wiping out those sins, in cleaning our heart of those sins, making us clean.

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And this is something that Allah Subhana who was added in the Quran also mentioned with his alarm engineer, regarding Salah

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10 ha I didn't fashioner you wouldn't want

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that Salah

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deters it deters you from

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immorality in decency, fascia

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and Moncure evil and wickedness. So it wasn't her who attacked it tells us how.

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So why should deter you from

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from Xena from anything else related to Xena and evil? How does Allah do that?

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And so there are people who pray and they say,

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you know, I'm still attracted to Xena

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even tanea he says

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that if a person performs Salah as he was commanded to then it will deter him from

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that fat shot

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from morality from indecency and wickedness.

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If it does not deter him, then this proves that he is neglectful with regards to the rights of Salah

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even if he may be obedience

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and then he says on losses. for holidays. I'm inviting him home full of ball salata turbo sherawat if it's over, you know, yeah. What says at the end of

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with Maria, but they were succeeded by generations who neglected the salah and follow their lusts and they will soon face an evil consequence. Even taking assess and neglecting the Salah

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is to be neglectful of

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it. It's widely that it's obligatory aspects, even if one prayers

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and so some people they think that

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being neglectful of Salah only means not praying.

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They think

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that being neglectful of Salah means only those who don't pray, they're neglectful of it. They don't pray they don't care about it. Not being neglectful of Salah also includes those who don't pray as in the manner in which allies please when they don't pray, fulfilling the conditions of fulfilling the obligatory aspects of Salah.

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They don't pray with a focus mind.

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They allow

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they allow their mind to wander off. There's absolutely zero focus and concentration in their Salah. And then they come to you and ask you

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How come a loss of Hannah who Tara says that? So why detours should deter one from evil and sins and Xena

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so even 10 year he answers this question.

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Also here on loss of Hannah who data sets for Sophie and Kona Yeah.

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Those who were neglectful of their salon they will

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they will meet

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and ally here in this verse. It could mean one of two things either either an evil consequence

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they will meet their evil and an evil consequence, punishment in the afterlife, etc. Or as even Mr. Rude our beloved Mr Luthor of Yahoo and he interprets and as a

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here to mean a very deep valley in the hellfire.

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There it is a very deep valley in the hellfire.

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So based on this, look at the difference between the two.

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Look at the difference.

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You have two people who may pray next to each other, the same solo

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one leaves

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having all his sins forgiven, becoming cleaned as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described in this hadith

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and the other

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and then up in this valley in the hellfire.

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Look at the contrast between the two.

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And so being neglectful of Salah is not just not praying.

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But being heedless of your slot not caring how you pray.

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not fulfilling the conditions, not fulfilling the obligatory aspects, the pillars of Salah rushing through your soul, not having any serene serenity, tranquility,

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whether physically or inwardly in your heart.

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Also not praying on time.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Why you little mousseline and that you know whom Ancelotti him, so who woe to those who pray? Those who are neglectful of their soul, even our bass, pro Juan Houma, he interprets this to mean those who

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they don't pray in the time for the soul.

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They delay their salon until the time finishes, meaning intentional, without any excuse.

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So Allah says water.

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And in the Quran, wherever Allah says while it means a punishment in the afra.

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Until this heavy, it teaches us

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It teaches us the importance of the five daily prayers and the significance of these five daily prayers and what it does to the one who prays it and performs. His Salah establishes his Salah, in the manner in which Allah Subhana Allah has commanded, among other lessons that we learn from this parable

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is firstly, the importance and significance of Salah.

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That how it is the second pillar of Islam

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and that the one who abandons it.

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He becomes a carrier.

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As a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us

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and the scholars

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Different. What does it mean to abandon the Salah

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but they are unanimously agreed on the fact that the one who completely abandons it, not praying any Salah

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that he has left Islam

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and is based on many evidences

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the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu they would not consider any act

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that a person abandons to be covered, except someone.

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They unanimously agreed on that.

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And many, many scholars, they say that the one who

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abandons most of his solo art he comes in this category.

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And so, the importance of Salah is of utmost importance.

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It is a difference between a man and Kufa.

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It is a second pillar after the Shahada.

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What shows us also the importance and significance of sola is how it was legislated.

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How was it legislated from above the heavens was a parent who waited for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, to come up to the heavens, to legislate solar for his own.

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it will be the very first thing that we will be questioned about on the Day of Judgment by Allah as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said

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and he said, Those who you know they pass that first questioning that first test successfully, then all their deeds will be accepted. And those who feel that first test when Allah asked you bought your salon, how did you perform it?

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And you feel then what comes after that though there are the questions are going to be difficult.

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it was the very last we'll have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was on his deathbed

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when he said Asana to Asana, when a man can take care of your salon,

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and what your hands possess.

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Also, what shows us the importance of Uppsala

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among compared to all the other legislations of the sun, is that this is one of those things that

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no one is excused for.

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No one is excused for missing his solar.

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even if you're traveling, you still have to pray.

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Even if you're in a state of war, you are on the battlefield, fighting the enemy, even then, salaam is not waived.

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If it would have been waived, it would have been at this very difficult situation. But even then, a lot legislated a particular way of praying on the battlefield Surah Nisa, Allah describes how we should pray.

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The only exception

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The only exception is the menstruating woman.

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That is the only exception

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of house a lot is wait. But otherwise, it is not we from anyone, no matter what circumstance they are in, even if you are ill, even if you cannot get up, still have to pray in whatever condition you are in. So all of this all of these things show us importance of Salah the significance of it in the life of the Muslim

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Salah it has benefits

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there are many benefits to salah

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and here in this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlighted one of those benefits

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What is that?

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That praying five times a day. It is a means of having our seems to be erased.

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But what kinds of sales

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the minor ones.

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And so sins are of two kinds, the major sins and the minor sins.

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Only the minor sins are erased.

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As for the major sins, they require a special tober for each set.

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And so the major sins

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First of all, what are major sins? What classifies something as being a major sin?

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What defines a major sin? How do we know this is a major sin and it's a minor.

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That's that's a major sin means about it. But how do we know

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what is the major sin what is what is the way to distinguish distinguishing between it

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Yeah, basically a major sin, a specific punishment has been mentioned for that sin

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whether it be a punishment in this dunya or in the orange

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like Xena.

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Like Riba

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or the Prophet salaallah, or a lot or his messenger have cursed that individual.

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Such as

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someone Yeah. But someone also has specific punishment, what makes which makes it a major sin.

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There are many examples of how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam cursed certain individuals, like those women who

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pluck their eyebrows.

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The prophet SAW Selim cursed those who do it and those who it is done to.

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And there are many such examples. So the point is that this is the definition of a major sin.

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Minor sins are everything else.

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Minor sins are everything else.

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And so the only way for a major sin to be forgiven

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is by turning to Allah insincere Toba repentance. As for the minor sins, there are different ways for us to have our minor seems to be forgiven.

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One of those ways is Toba.

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So you ask Allah to forgive you for all your sales.

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But also the prophets are seldom taught us different ways. And this is one of the ways the five daily Salawat erase all the minuses.

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Other examples

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making to our Yes, on the day of out of the world who fasts the prophet SAW, Selim said that the one who fasts on the day of our offer, all of his sins are forgiven.

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For one year.

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Hajj, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the one who performs Hajj he comes back

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as if he was a newborn, meaning all of his sins are forgiven. What else?

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Yes, the prophet SAW Selim said one Juma to the next.

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expiate all the sins in between one Ramadan to the next. expiate all the sins in between

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what else?

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So Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that sort of extinguishes sins, like

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like water extinguishes fire

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What else

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do we have?

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What else fasting the month of Ramadan?

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You mean doing a good deed with the intention of having sins forgiven?

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Yeah, yeah, so you're you're talking about No, that's different. That's

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good deed to ask a lot for something.

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But that has nothing to do with erasing since

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Ramadan, fasting Ramadan, Ramadan, Al Salam said, well, sama, Ramadan, Ilana, what has happened who fear Allah, whomever.

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Whoever fast the month of Ramadan with a man and hoping for a large reward all of his previous sins are forgiven. Whoever stands in Ramadan, Laila to

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pray in Korea, Malaysia,

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inanimate 37 all of his previous sins are forgiven. Yes.

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Yes, in the Senate, you have been sad at the good deeds erase

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evil deeds. Yes, that's true. So you do a good deed with that intention that you want. You know, so you committed a sin. do a good deed and you will erase that sin. Just like sort of

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also calamities that befall a believer. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that no calamity befalls a believer,

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no hardship, no affliction no misfortune, no matter how small it is. He said even a prick of a thorn that bothers you.

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In that is expiation for your sins.

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When we fall ill our sins are being forgiven. So all of these examples are of the minor sins, or of the minor seeds, not two major sins. Finally,

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The last point I wanted to mention is that

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establishing our salon

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establishing our salon the way a lot is pleased with the way our wants us to establish our salon

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is for our own good.

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And we are the ones who benefit from it not Allah subhana wa tada

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Allah subhanho wa Taala

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wants us to worship Him, not because he gains anything out of it.

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He is an honey, the self sufficient, who doesn't need any of his creation.

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also heard of Buddha is not in need of us. He is not in need of our, of our Salah of our sacrifices.

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None of that benefits a law.

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But rather, It is we who are the ones who benefit It is we who are the ones who are in need.

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And even though Allah subhanahu wa tada deserves our worship,

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without any strings attached.

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I want to I want this to sink in a loss of Hannah who attended deserves our worship.

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Even if we are not going to get anything back?

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Do we understand this?

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That is the very essence of toe hate.

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the very essence of our Shahada. When we say a shadow Allah, Allah Illallah

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that I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, what does that mean? You are testifying that there is none who deserves to be worshipped besides Allah.

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A lot deserves worship because of who he is.

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And Allah Subhana Allah deserves our worship

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without any strings attached. And so even if Allah subhana wa tada was not to command us to worship Him.

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He would still deserve our worship.

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Even if Allah subhanho wa Taala did not promise to give us something back in return for our worship.

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He would still deserve our worship.

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even though that is the case, Allah subhana wa Tada.

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He promised to give us in return

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for those who are obedient to Him, for those who worship him for those who pray, and so on and so forth.

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And not a loss of Hello, who did not only mention one benefit that we that we attained from, from worshiping Allah,

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numerous countless

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that he gives to as to our worship of him.

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And so through establishing our Salah, what do we gain?

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Even though what did we say?

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The Lord deserves that, that he better

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even if he was not to command us to do it, and even if

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he was not going to give us anything in return,

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because of who he is,

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because He is the Creator, because he gave us life. Because

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he maintains us giving to us, constantly maintaining us, because of all of that, because of a loss of rubia because of his lordship. He therefore deserves to be worshipped only because of who he is. He deserves to be worshipped. Not because he commanded us not because he's going to give us something in return.

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But yet,

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because of his attributes, because of his other attributes of aroma of mercy.

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And Wahab The one who gives gifts

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and Jawad the generous and caring the generous because of all of these other attributes.

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Allah subhanahu wa tada in return he gives

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and so what do we gain from our

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establishing our daily Salawat

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through our daily Salawat, we gain peace, we gain serenity, we gain tranquility.

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We gain happiness, this inner happiness. It comes through the order of a law.

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We gain risk.

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Your risk is brought through Salah what more liquid is solid it was purely a command your family to pray to establish

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sola and remain firm and patient in that. Lana's anchor is

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not a joke. Allah says we are not asking you for risk, but rather it is we will provide the risk. What's the relationship between risk and Salah, the scholar see that through a solid comes risk.

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Meaning that a person who's worried about his his, if he prays the way Allah commanded him to pray, focusing on his salaat

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there is will come to him.

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He shouldn't worry about it.

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Ally's telling us here in this area, don't worry about risk. If you establish your salon, I will take care of it for you.

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Through our silhouettes and humps, our sins are forgiven. So this is another advantage. There's another benefit as we learned through this, Heidi

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